Nach upgrade Lion.problem with intrnet

Since i have install Lion i have problems,photoshop,internet ,Ebay etc.I want to delate **** lion but I dont know how.Please help me

Hi - its an O2 wifi device - 'hotshot' dongle. No idea what config etc. I plug it in, it connects... usually! I had no issue with Snow Leopard, problem started only when I upgraded to Lion. Any help appreciated.

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    Hope there are some help to find!

    1. Jeg brugte det indbyggede audio interface i mixeren, altså USB udgangen. Ja, det er den eneste mulighed, hvis du vil køre mixeren direkte ind i computeren.
    2. Hvis du mener med hensyn til hvor meget lyd man sender ind i mixeren fra de forskellige 4 tracks, er det aux 1, aux 2, mon 1 og mon 2 som er input 1,2,3 og 4 inde i Logic. På hver kanal sidder der knapper til at sende lyd til aux 1, aux 2, mon 1 og mon 2.
    Et eksempel: Hvis tommerne er på track 5,6 og 7 vælger man hvilken en af de fire "master-output" kanaler, man vil sende dem til. Hvis man så vælger aux 1, sender man på hver af de enkelte tomtracks, det lyd man vil have ind i mixeren, ved at dreje på aux 1 knappen. Et tip, stil de fire "master-outputs", altså aux 1,2 og mon 1,2 på det samme, og instil på hver enkelt track, hvor meget lyd du vil have ind i pc'en, det må bare ikke peake.
    De kanaler som hedder USB 1-2 og USB 3-4, virkede for mig som monitor kanaler, altså hvor man lyd man vil have ud i de højtalere man ny tilkobler mixeren.
    3. Når man skal indspille skal man blot bruge USB-kablet. Hvis du tænker på hver kanal, er det lige fedt, om du bruger jack eller mic stik. Jeg bruger kun mic stik, da alle mine trommemikrofoner er med XLR-stik. Men jeg har også indspillet en guitar, der bruger jack-stik. Man gør så følgende: Når man har indstillet gain, og eq sender man lyden til f.eks. aux 1. Man skruger godt op for aux 1 kanalen, og justerer på selve guitarkanalen, hvor meget lyd som skal ind. Derefter vælger man inputtet i Logic, det kan være 1,2,3 eller 4. Slår record til i Logic, og indspiller.
    4. Der har du så vidt jeg kan forstå misforstået det. Man kan i menuen vælge om det skal være live eller studio. Hvis du vælger live, er dine "master-outputs" kanaler aux 1,2 og selve masteroutput-kanalerne til speakere. Du skal vælge studio, for så bliver dine masteroutputs aux 1,2 og mon 1,2 og så kan du sende lyd fra hver kanal til dem. Det kan man ikke ved live, så vidt jeg ved.
    Grunden til at det hedder live og studio er følgende:
    Når man indspiller live, til f.eks. en koncert, bruger man masteroutputtet til højtalerne, og så bliver det optaget i pc'en også, samtidig med at det kommer ud i speakerne.
    Studio giver bedre kontrol, da man har mon 1,2 og aux 1,2 og kan sende lyd fra hver enkelt kanal til outputsne.
    Håber det hjalp, det var alt hvad jeg ved, kan ikke svare på mere
    Det skal lige siges, at jeg kun er 15 år gammel.
    Og hey, gå ind på youtube og søg Mads Skov Hansen. Der kommer to videoer frem, trommerne er optaget med en Dynacord Powermate mixer. Del gerne mit drum cover, der har jeg dog brugt et lydkort, som giver meget mere kontrol over hver kanal, da man har mulighed for eq, compressore og effekter inde Logic. Hvor man på Dynacorded kun har 4 tracks, med eksempelvis alle tommerne på samme kanal f.eks. aux 1, og så kan man ikke nørde på hver tom, der skal man lave fed lyd, inden man indspiller.
    Venlig hilsen

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    I would try a PRAM reset.
    Shut down the computer.
    Restart it holding down Apple/CMD ( or ⌘)+ALT( ⌥)+P+R Keys until you have heard three Start Up Bongs.
    8:33 PM      Friday; September 14, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    ATI Radeon HD 5750 1024 MB
    The serial number CK1160PBDNR
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    Inadvertently create a new system, inadvertently waste the data. What do I do?

    Thank you - I followed your directions
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              -can't delete some files without password;
              -can't move some files or folders, only copy;
              -opening a program by clicking a data file also opens other data files from previous uses (not necessarily the most recent use);
              -rebooting opens several programs, always the same ones with the same data files (not necessarily from the most recent uses);
              -opening Safari opens several tabs always with the same sites;
              -Safari's History is gone, except for 2011 items, and new items are not being recorded;
              -Keychain issues, often needing repair;
              -MobileMe syncing issues.
    Why and how do all of these things happen? How are they related to each other? Why should I have to tinker like this? And what would happen if I weren't geeky? (I've left my iMac on Snow Leopard, which is wonderful.)
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    Should I just have re-installed Lion on the laptops?
    A lot of these problems seem related to obscure permissions.
    Here is a Terminal command which clears all ACLs, at least in the "Home" folder.
              chmod -R -N ./*
    (But it generated this message on the MBPro:
    chmod: Failed to clear ACL on file abc.numbers: Operation not permitted
    chmod: Failed to clear ACL on file Commands: Invalid argument
    chmod: Failed to clear ACL on file Notification: Invalid argument
    chmod: Failed to clear ACL on file ubiquity.socket: Invalid argument
    chmod: Failed to clear ACL on file Saved Application State: Operation not permitted
    … partly perhaps because I had "locked" the abc.numbers file and the Saved Application State folder. I doubt if these things matter.)
    Reboot while holding Cmd-R: this is something like "re-install" mode; when it opens, instead of choosing one of the options presented, open Terminal from the Utilities menu, and type "resetpassword". A program opens but don't reset the passwords, but rather reset all of the permissions, including ACLs, using the button at the lower right. Close it, close Terminal, and the reboot normally.
    File menu, Empty Cache and Reset Safari
    Library (from Home folder, requires special steps to get to it in Lion, e.g. hold the Option key when at the Finder "Go" menu):
              Library/Preferences: moved then later deleted several plist files for offending programs, which I then had to reconfigure (e.g. Safari: reconfigure Toolbar, go through Safari Preferences …) -(they will all reappear instantly in some "default" state) -trying to delete the plist.lockfile as well caused problems - Trash wouldn't "empty" it ("in use"), but doesn't seem to matter.
              Library/Preferences, ByHost: see below
              Library/Saved States: see below
    Some users opine to go to ByHost, close all apps, then "lock" (using the "Get Info" feature) the file{…}.plist. See this "discussion:
    Saved States:
    Some users say to delete "Library/Saved Application State" files (folders) before doing the above ( and Then "lock" the "Saved Application State" folder. There may be some problems getting it to stay locked(?).
    But I moved several  of the "Saved Application State" folders and I forget just what, but one computer seemed unhappy afterwards, the other fine. On the unhappy one, I replaced them (but not yet having locked the overall folder), and deleted some of the files inside the individual folders, like (I suspect this paragraph is unimportant, but cannot be sure.)
    Sharing: remember that the settings under System Preferences, Sharing, also matter. (So do the settings under "Accounts and Users", Guests.)
    The "resume open applications feature" on reboot seems weird. If I say "no", I wonder if it wasn't bringing back all of the programs from some distant previous reboot.
    Make sure that under System Preference, General, the option to restore on restart is unchecked.
    I have learned that Disk Utility's "Repair Permissions" works for quite specific files and doesn't work for the Home folder.
    Make sure that there aren't numerous "Login" items under System Preference, Users/Accounts.
    Changing permissions via the "Get Info" windows, and "applying to enclosed folders" can be a bad idea, especially if applied to something like the Home folder. Apparently it propagates ACLs too(?), although not visible there, and the effects can be undesirable.
    Some permissions on "Get Info" panes have two "everyone"s, and the one with "Custom" settings can not be changed nor deleted.
    Make sure all systems updates have been done (as usual).
    MobileMe sync issues are another story - seems to be settling - perhaps related to "Permissions" issues above …
    And what about Preferences, Caches? Anything there that would help with the above problems? What about the "root"(?) Library?
    Some of the above tasks can be accomplished by 3rd-party software, but I'm getting there without using anything other than native Mac OS X Lion tools.
    Anyway, as said, it's all settling down.
    Comments/corrections most welcome.

    Boot from your recovery partition by holding down the key combination command-R at startup. Release the keys when you see a gray screen with a spinning dial.
    When the recovery desktop appears, select Utilities ▹ Terminal from the menu bar.
    In the Terminal window, enter “resetpassword” (without the quotes) and press return. A Reset Password window opens.
    Select your boot volume if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
    Select  ▹ Restart from the menu bar.

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    Any ideas how this can be resolved?
    Sorry I don't have more info right now, but perhaps this is enough for someone for some general advice

    It is not really possible to give help second hand. Your friend needs to post the question directly.
    What happens if the screen resolution setting is corrected?
    If there are persistent problems check the manufacturer's download site for driver updates.
    On a different tack, Sony Viaos come with software that is not compatible with iTunes and this can lead to problems with the library.

  • Lion problem with printers

    I have upgraded to Lion and did all the software update.
    I use different printers in different locations (home,work, office) and I had to add any printer using System preferences.
    However, everytime I connect my MacBook to a printer I had been using few days in advance, that printer is missing and Lion does not recognize it anymore.
    Most of the time I have to re-install the driver, but many times it does not solve the problem and I can not use the printer.
    do you have any suggestion?
    pls email at [email protected]
    thank you

    For those with the same problem, Primera says they will have new drivers up 7/31/12:
    I decided to check a day early (7/30/12) and the driver for my LX400 is up and I was able to install and use it successfully.

  • Mountain Lion problems with Mail Signatures, Pages, Numbers, Keynote - This quick fix solved all my problems with these. Pages etc wouldn't launch and needed to be force quitted. Mail signature changes wouldn't save.

    The solution was simple in my case. I don't know why it worked and it may have been entirely coincidental but its worth a try.
    Close all applications and restart Mountain Lion.
    Log in as Guest. I opened Pages at this point but I don't know if that's required.
    Log out and then back in as your normal user.
    Pages, Numbers and Keynote now were fine for me and Mail signature changes were saved and available for later use.
    For those trying to edit the signatures to get their old ones back - I just found an old sent mail and copied the signature there into the newly created one via the normal preferences. No need for opening .mailsignature files and editing them. This included various colours, sizes, an image and a link with no problems.
    I hope this helps anyone having some of these problems.

    The solution was simple in my case. I don't know why it worked and it may have been entirely coincidental but its worth a try.
    Close all applications and restart Mountain Lion.
    Log in as Guest. I opened Pages at this point but I don't know if that's required.
    Log out and then back in as your normal user.
    Pages, Numbers and Keynote now were fine for me and Mail signature changes were saved and available for later use.
    For those trying to edit the signatures to get their old ones back - I just found an old sent mail and copied the signature there into the newly created one via the normal preferences. No need for opening .mailsignature files and editing them. This included various colours, sizes, an image and a link with no problems.
    I hope this helps anyone having some of these problems.

  • Upgrading Iphone problem with sim care problem

    I bought my iphone in the U.S. from at&t. Now I am traveling in france. Yesterday I tried to upgrade the iphone to the new ios 6 version and in the end the phone asked me to insert the compatible sim card that came with the phone. I have been using a gevey iphone unlock card with my french sim card so i have never tried to jailbreak my iphone. So I tried to jailbreak the phone so my foreign sim card can activate it, but it just did not work out. Now I am trying to have my original at&t sim card sent to me. I want to know if it will still work to insert my old at&t card to activate my iphone after failing to jailbreak the phone. In addition, because I am traveling abroad, I suspended my at&t service for now, will that affect its ability to activate the phone?
    I would really appreciate if anyone can give me a response to my length problem. Thank you so much.

    and it's a iphone 4

  • Mountain Lion: problem with Time Machine directories and spotlight indexing

    I'm using a fresh install of 10.8 Mountain Lion on a 2011 MBP.  It's a work laptop with many ASCII files containing numerical data (floating point numbers), with varying file extensions.  Some of the files are multi-gig, some are only a few hundred K, and there are tens of thousands of them.  Roughly 500G of numerical data.
    I can disable spotlight from indexing certain subdirectories of my home directory on the local drive.  However, when using Time Machine to backup, I seem to be entirely unable to prevent spotlight from attemping to fully index the external drive (Time Machine volume).   I actually let spotlight run for over 36 hours this weekend in a futile attempt for it to finish indexing the TM volume.   The /.Spotlight-V100 index on the external drive is roughly 100G and continuously written and overwritten.  /var/log/system.log had various "Merging failed" messages for temp spotlight files.  I deleted the index, let spotlight run again overnight, but it did not finish indexing.  "sudo fs_usage -f filesys mds mdworker mdimport mdworker32 | grep open" showed spotlight slowly chugging through the thousands of numerical files.
    I believe the problem is related to this old report from someone who noticed a leopard -> snow leopard change: -and-disk-usage/
    However, I don't see an easy solution.  In ML, if you drag the TM volume to the spotlight privacy list it gives you a message about how you can't disable indexing of TM volumes because it's essential for TM.  I have not yet tried to manually put in some kind of .metadata_never_index file in the relevant TM volume directories (I am not sure if that will do anything, or perhaps break TM backups), but that's one possible next step.
    Anyone have ideas on how I can have my TM backups work but the spotlight indexing of all these data files (their subdirectories) disabled?   I'm not specifically TRYING to back up those data files with TM (they're duplicated elsewhere), they're just on the same machine as a bunch of other stuff I need backed up via TM.  Apple has a disaster on their hands for anyone trying to backup a machine which also has large data sets.

    I'm not aware of any avenue to tell spotlight to not index all or part of a backup.
    However, the indexing should work, even if takes a long time.
    I don't think this is a new issue and has been part of TM from the start.
    Realistically, it may be time to consider whether TM is the best choice for these data files?
    Are they very volatile do they change frequently both as to content of individual files and total set of files?
    If not, then a clone or syncing type of backup might be better suited for these files.
    I do not back up all my files via time machine. I keep photographs and music outside of Time Machine. to be sure they are backed up but via clones.
    To show why  this might the best take photographs. My photographs are basically immutable once they enter the system, but I may come back with 5000 images from a trip and whittle that down to a few hundred eventually. This would cause a lot of files to be saved in TM that are no longer wanted, - but are not easy to remove formthe backup. while the ones I want haven't changed. TM is not geared to make handling that easily.
    As a further aside, ideally one should back everything of value up twice via 2 different means.
    I've had backup drives fail.I've had TM logically fail (disk is fine -TM internal data structures bad).

  • Downloading Mountain Lion - problems with slow DSL

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    Provided they use their account this will work. The download will finish and present a button to install, just quit at this point. Go to Applications and you will find the installer, copy it to a removable drive and then your friends can install it on their machine.
    It looks like this, and it is 4.37GB in size.

Maybe you are looking for