Namespace specifcation in XML Element

I need to create an xml file whith namespace specifications on the first XML Element.(sample below) Is there any function provided by the Oracle XML Java Utility that supports this?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Submission xmlns:xsi=""

Never mind. I got it in the meanwhile.

Similar Messages

  • Namespace in xml element

    I have an xml file tagged with namespaces:
    for example, ce:section, ce:para
    i just trying to collect the 'ce:floats' xml nodes by using the following code:
    //Defining the Namespace in the array of arrays of 2 strings
    Dim NmSpArr(,) As String = {{"sb", ""}, {"cl", ""}, {"ce", ""}, {"aid", ""}, {"aid5", ""}, {"xmlns:xsi", ""}, {"xmlns:mml", ""}, {"xmlns:xlink", ""}}
    //Trying to collect the 'ce:floats'
    Dim obj As InDesign.Objects = IndDoc.XMLElements(1).EvaluateXPathExpression("//ce:floats", NmSpArr)
    ID CS4
    Above code always returning 0 as count. It seems there is problem with the xml namespaces definition.
    Any help would be greately appreciated.

    Is there anyone know any alternative methods to collect the xml nodes with namespaces?
    Again, I wrote:
    But it shouldn't be too much work to just traverse the tree.
    Here's an example in JavaScript. It should be easy to translate it into VB. Of course all you need is the traverse() function -- the rest is just examples and test cases:
    (function() {
        x = app.activeDocument.xmlElements[0],
        star, all, floats, cefloats, anyfloats;
        function traverse(t, p) {
            var r = [], i;
            if (p(t)) {
                r = r.concat(t);
            for (i=0; i<t.xmlElements.length; i++) {
                r = r.concat (traverse(t.xmlElements[i], p));
            return r;
        function dumplist(l) {
            var i,
                rv = [];
            rv.push("has "+l.length+" elements:");
            for (i=0; i<l.length; i++) {
                rv.push("  "+i+"\t"+l[i].toSpecifier()+
            return rv.join("\n");
      star = x.evaluateXPathExpression("*");
      all = traverse(x,
          function() { return true; }
      floats = traverse(x,
           function(n) { return"float"; }
      cefloats = traverse(x,
          function(n) { return"ce:float"; }
      anyfloats = traverse(x,
          function(n) { return$/); }
      $.writeln("star: "+dumplist(star));
      $.writeln("all "+dumplist(all));
      $.writeln("floats "+dumplist(floats));
      $.writeln("cefloats "+dumplist(cefloats));
      $.writeln("anyfloats "+dumplist(anyfloats));
    So, if you run this on a document with an XML schema like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    It gives you this output:
    star: has 3 elements:
      0     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[@id=2]/XML-element[@id=5]     float
      1     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[@id=2]/XML-element[@id=6]     float
      2     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[@id=2]/XML-element[@id=11]     div
    all has 9 elements:
      0     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]     Root
      1     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[0]     ce:float
      2     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[1]     ce:float
      3     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[2]     float
      4     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[3]     float
      5     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[4]     ce:float
      6     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[5]     div
      7     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[5]/XML-element[0]     ce:float
      8     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[5]/XML-element[1]     float
    floats has 3 elements:
      0     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[2]     float
      1     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[3]     float
      2     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[5]/XML-element[1]     float
    cefloats has 4 elements:
      0     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[0]     ce:float
      1     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[1]     ce:float
      2     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[4]     ce:float
      3     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[5]/XML-element[0]     ce:float
    anyfloats has 7 elements:
      0     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[0]     ce:float
      1     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[1]     ce:float
      2     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[2]     float
      3     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[3]     float
      4     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[4]     ce:float
      5     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[5]/XML-element[0]     ce:float
      6     /document[@id=1]/XML-element[0]/XML-element[5]/XML-element[1]     float

  • Add dynamic namespace declaration into xml root element

    Hello all,
    i've have two scenarios (mail to mail and file to file) with the same issue : no namespace in my XML file and i have to create one 'dynamically' from XML values.
    Example :
    Now I want to add infos into the root element for namespace declaration and so on, without expansion of the xsd. I've must use the value from the field schemaID.
    <root xmlns:xsi="" xmlns: namespace="">
    I've already done it before through XSLT but it wasn't dynamic !! I don't know how to do it in XSL and i am not a java expert.
    Someone got an idea ?

      If you want to add name space at mapping level two options
    1)Using XSLT Mapping ,its very easy,google it to get sample XSLT code ,it will solve your problem.
    2)Using java mapping,in java mapping use regular expression code ,using regex(Regulkar expresion)we can add any content in message at any level.

  • What is the best way to change a namespace in an xml document

    I need to change an xml namespaces. The xml has about 200 elements and every element may have a namespace attribute (namespaces are all the same).
    Is there any better solution then the following function?
    SQL> create or replace function change_namespace(p_xml xmltype, p_namespace varchar2) return xmltype is
      2    l_doc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
      3    l_nodes dbms_xmldom.DOMNodelist;
      4    l_node dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
      5  begin
      6    l_doc:=dbms_xmldom.NewDOMDocument(p_xml);
      7    l_nodes:=dbms_xmldom.getElementsByTagName(l_doc,'*');
      8    for i in 0..dbms_xmldom.getlength(l_nodes)-1 loop
      9      l_node:=dbms_xmldom.item(l_nodes,i);
    10      if i=0 then
    11        --set namespace only for the root node
    12        dbms_xmldom.setattribute(dbms_xmldom.makeElement(l_node),'xmlns',p_namespace);
    13      else
    14        --remove all the other namespaces
    15        dbms_xmldom.removeattribute(dbms_xmldom.makeElement(l_node),'xmlns');
    16      end if;
    17    end loop;
    19    return dbms_xmldom.getxmltype(l_doc);
    20  end;
    21  /
    Function created.
    SQL> select change_namespace(xmltype('<a xmlns="aaa"><b xmlns="aaa">4</b><c>44</c></a>'),'newnamespace')
      2  from dual;
    <a xmlns="newnamespace">                                                       
    </a> Ants

    I found a better and almost 10x faster way to remove the namespaces, using xsl.
    here's the original xsl with a little modifications
    SQL> with t as (select xmltype('<a xmlns="aaa"><b xmlns="aaa">4</b><c>44</c></a>') xcol from dual)
      2  select xmltransform(xcol
      3    ,xmltype('<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" >
      4               <xsl:template match="*">
      5                <xsl:element name="{local-name()}" namespace="">
      6                 <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()" />
      7                </xsl:element>
      8               </xsl:template>
      9              </xsl:stylesheet>'))
    10  from t;
    <a><b>4</b><c>44</c></a>+but check Laurents Schneider's blog website+
    I didn't find any posts about namespace on Schneider's blog.

  • Avoid repeating namespace declaration in xml output

    Hi all,
    I'm trying an IDoc -> XML File (specifically UBL-format) scenario, and it is working fine. But the resulting XML contains repeating namespace declarations for each element, instead of a "common" declaration at the root element.
    How can I avoid this, so the message contains the namespace declarations in root node, and only uses the namespace prefix for each element?
    The target format, external definition, is an XSD with several import statements, and all external references have been set up, meaning all referenced XSD's are imported too, and have the "Source"-field set according to the import statement.
    Sample result file (top of file only):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:Invoice xmlns:ns0="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">
    <ns2:UBLVersionID xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2">2.0</ns2:UBLVersionID>
    <ns2:CustomizationID xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"></ns2:CustomizationID>
    <ns2:ProfileID xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"></ns2:ProfileID>
    <ns2:ID xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2">9010045446</ns2:ID>
    <ns2:IssueDate xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2">2011-04-19</ns2:IssueDate>
    PI version 7.11.
    Thanks for all help.

    Hi Mon,
    You can use below xslt 1.0 mappings.
    The first one will copy all namespaces (declared) to a newly created root element.
    The seconde one will delete the 'old' root element.
    => The result will look like an xml where the namespacesare moved to the root element.
    First xslt:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <Invoice xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns:ns1="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2" xmlns:ns3="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2" xmlns:ns4="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2">
    <xsl:copy-of select="." />
    Second xslt:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>
    <xsl:template match="@* | node()">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
    <xsl:template match="Invoice" >
    Kind regards,

  • Namespace prefix in SOAP Elements causes problems in XI

    Hi guys,
    I'm using code generated by NW Developer Studio for use inside Portal components acting as a web service consumer. The problem is that the code generated includes a namespace prefix for each element in the body of the message, but XI doesn't like the namespace prefixes and throws back a DeliveryException.
    The SOAP message created by the generated NWDS code is:
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:wn3="" xmlns:wn2="" xmlns:wn1="" xmlns:wn0="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wn4="" xmlns:tns="">
    The problem is the "wn4" prefixes on the CustomerIdentifier, SalesOrganization, and SystemIdentifier tags. When we send the soap request from XML Spy without the prefixes, the response comes back OK with the expected data.
    I've had a very good look around the generated code - the serializers for creating the soap request - but could not find what exactly might be changed to leave off the prefixes.
    Alternatively, is there something I could ask our XI consultant to do, to make his component accept the request with the redundant prefixes in the tags?
    Many thanks for any advice/help,

    Hi Laura,
    you have to realize that the two documents
    <ns:CustomerRecord xmlns:ns="">
    <ns:CustomerNumber> </ns:CustomerNumber>
    <ns:CustomerDetails> </ns:CustomerDetails>
    <ns:CustomerRecord xmlns:ns="">
    <CustomerNumber> </CustomerNumber>
    <CustomerDetails> </CustomerDetails>
    from an XMl point of view have totally fifferent structure. Thus, a mapping which is able to deal with the first structure will fail for the second and vice versa.
    Surely, both structures somehow can carry the same information, but they do this with different languages (Maybe you can compare this to the fact, that you may deliver the same information in English or in German language).
    When you model the structure in Integration Repository using datatypes and message types (what I think you did), you will always get a structure that looks like the second one. This is just a convention (like the convention that all information in this forum should be presented in English). When defining a message mapping for this structure it also relies on this fact and thus will not understand the other kind of document.
    External Definitions are more flexible. They are also able to understand structures that are modelled the other way. This greater flexibility is due to the fact that External Definitions were designed to understand structures that come from an external world where different conventionts might be used.
    To come to a conclusion: If the structure you have to deal with has been defined externally then it is not intended that you model it inside the Integration Builder using datatypes and message types. In this case the external source should provide a description of the message as XSD, WSDL, or DTD. You upload this as External Definition, and everything works fine.
    If you have designed the structure yourself, you can model it with datatypes and message types. But then you will always get a structure which looks like the second one. In this case you should make sure that all other participants in the game also stick to that structure. Then everything will be fine, too.
    Greetings Stephan

  • Multiple namespaces in an XML document

    I have an XML document that I am trying to use within a data flow (XML Source)--the problem is that I keep getting an error message stating that the XML document has multiple namespaces and therefore, SSIS will not create the XSD for me.  If I take out the second namespace, I am able to successfully get the task to execute, but this XML is created with 2 namespaces and there is no way to get around this (I cannot get the report server to change these parameters)--my question is: does anyone know of a way to get SSIS to handle multiple namespaces so that I can process this XML document and extract the necessary data elements from it.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you!!!!

    I am replying too much late..........thinking might be useful for someone !!!!
    SSIS does not handle multiple namespaces in the XML source file. You can find examples where you see the format
    The first step to avoid multiple namespaces is to transform your source file to a format that doesn’t refer to the namespaces.
    SSIS has an XML task that can do the transformation. Add the XML task to an SSIS Control Flow and edit it.
    Change the OperationType property value to XSLT, the SourceType to File connection and the Source to your source file that has the problem.
    Set the SaveOperationResult property to True.
    Expand the OperationResult branch and Set DestinationType to File Connection and the Destination to a new XML file.
    Add the following to a new file and save it with an xslt file extension.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"         xmlns:xsl=""> 
      <xsl:output method="xml" indent="no" /> 
      <xsl:template match="/|comment()|processing-instruction()"> 
          <xsl:apply-templates /> 
      <xsl:template match="*"> 
        <xsl:element name="{local-name()}"> 
          <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" /> 
      <xsl:template match="@*"> 
        <xsl:attribute name="{local-name()}"> 
          <xsl:value-of select="." /> 
    Back in the XML task, set the SecondOperandType to File connection and the Second Operand to your new XSLT file.
    When you run the XML task, it will take your original file and apply the transformation rules defined in the XSLT file. The results will be saved in your new XML file.
    This task only needs to be run once for the original XML file. When you look at the new file, you’ll see the same data as in the original, but without namespace references.
    Now you can return to your data flow and alter the XML Source to reference the new XML file.
    Click on the Generate XSD and you should be able to avoid your error.
    When you click on the Columns tab in your XML Source, you will probably see a warning. This is because the data types may not be fully defined (for example there’s no mention of string lengths). This shouldn’t be a problem as long as the default data type
    (255-character Unicode string) meets your needs.
    =================life is !!===========
           Rahul Vairagi
    =================================== Rahul Vairagi =================================== My Blogs:

  • Deleting XML element in ABAP mapping

    hi All
    I Have I huge xml filen that has to go to an Idoc , but I only want to use the header data.
    is there a way of deleting the unwanted xml elements and their children elements in ABAP mapping.

    Hi Ravi and all
    Actually I did as you said, but I get this error.
    <Trace level="1" type="T"> Fatal Error:
    XMLParser: Prefix 'ns1' is not mapped to a namespace(:main:, row:177, col:25)
    This position 177 , is the element that is not needed , so I thought if I can delete it , I can get rid of this error and move forward.
    May be you have antoher suggestion to get rid of this error.
    Thank you.

  • Option to remove the namespace from generated XML

    What option can I use to NOT have the namespace name in my generated XML from XMLBean library?
    In the XML output given below I do not want to have bean: namespace in my XML, but i'll still like to continue to use the namespace in my schema as that organizes my my beans in a proper package
    Is there some solution
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="">
    <xs:element name="Organization">
    OrganizationDocument orgDoc = OrganizationDocument.Factory.newInstance();
    OrganizationDocument.Organization org = orgDoc.addNewOrganization();     
         populateOrgBean(rs, org,syncBean);
    // more code...
    Document doc = (Document) orgDoc.newDomNode();
    Generated XML
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <bean:Organization ActiveDate="2003-09-16-08:00" xmlns:bean="">
                   <!-- more contents -->

    XmlOptions.setUseDefaultNamespace() is designed for this.
    XmlOptions op1 = new XmlOptions();
    Hope this helps.
    Kind Regards,

  • How to access XML elements by name in Extendscript??

    I'm almost done the script that I've been working on, but something has been nagging me since I started. When I did start, I looked at the JS Tools Guide CS5 that comes with the extendscript ide to check how to access XML elements, children, attributes etc. It says this:
    The XML object represents an XML element node in an XML tree. The topmost XML object for an XML file
    represents the root node. It acts as a list, which contains additional XML objects for each element. These in
    turn contain XML objects for their own member elements, and so on.
    The child elements of an element tree are available as properties of the XML object for the parent. The
    name of the property corresponds to the name of the element. Each property contains an array of XML
    objects, each of which represents one element of the named type.
    So basically it converts the XML into JSON. And you can access the properties like so:
    <book category="COOKING">
         <title lang="en">The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook</title>
         <author>Fannie Merrit Farmer</author>
    The Javascript statement; returns the entire list of books.
    The statement[0]; returns the XML object for the first book.
    The statement[0].author; returns all authors of the first book.
    A couple pages down it talks about Retrieving contained elements using children(), elements(), descendants().
    So now I look through the XML Object properties and I see that I can use:
    xmlObj.child (which) which A String, the element name, or a Number, a 0-based index into this node’s child array.
    xmlObj.descendants ([name])
    name Optional. A String, the element name to match. If not provided, matches all
    xmlObj.elements (name);
    name Optional. A String, the element name to match. If not provided, matches all
    This is an excerpt of an XML I was working with:
    <ROW xmlns=""
       <fm:Location xmlns:fm="" xmlns="">5-5024</fm:Location>
    Patient Rooms
    R532 - R436 even
    Patient Rooms
    R522 - R446 even
    Xavier Elevators
    Patient Rooms
    R537 - 5757 odd
    Main Elevators
    Extendscript will not give me an anything when I try to access elements by name. Instead I have to access by index, which works, but I'd rather search for names!
    Actually the console log returns: <![CDATA[]]>
    What am I doing wrong!?

    First, those E4X XML objects are definitely no JSON (plain data) - they have a multitude of methods, even for tasks that would easily be implemented as property (e.g. the length() function), and they also bind xml element and attribute names onto the objects, allowing to target a multitude of XML nodes with a single statement. Or did you mean your script with that "it"?
    Anyway, as you found out the ExtendScript XML object handles namespaces mostly by hiding them from you.
    You could play around with global namespace settings, see the JavaScript tools guide.
    You could also explicitly specify a namespace. This works for me:
    For simple use I had most success with a brute force approach that just strips the namespaces.
    function removeAllNamespace(xml)
              var ns =new Namespace();
              var d=xml.descendants();
              for (var i=0;i<d.length();i++)

  • XML tag markers moved: Find and Replace causing problem in xml elements

    Hi All,
    I am doing find and replace using GREP. While using the expression like $1, $2 (Found Items) in the change to field it changes the placement of tag marker. If the found item is a part of two of more xml elements, I am getting a serious problem while replacing it. (ie. The xml tag markers are moved.)
    See the screen shot below, then you may get better idea. And help me to overcome this issue.
    This is just an example to show you what i'm trying to say, there are so many cases like this.
    Original text/ Before doing find replace
    After replacing

    Hi Peter and John,
    but it seems to me that the example is looking for any space that
    follows a semi-colon and has two word characters following it, and
    repalce that with an em space. I think you could do the same using look
    behind and look ahead and not need to replace the found text.
    Yes you are right about the look behind and look ahead. I'd like to show some more examples to show what the actual problem is,
    Original/Before Replacing,
    (Consider there is another case here, instead of em-space some times normal word space will also be there)
    Using the Grep:
    Find What---------> ^(\d+\.(?:\d+)?)~m
    Change To------------->$1\t
    After Replace:
    Did I make any sense? Eventhough this will not make any changes in the layout, my requirement is to insert the tab out-side the tag marker not indise.

  • How can we get the reference of XML element on frame as soon as frame is created in Document?

    When ever we copy any text/table cells from any frame, and paste it directly on page, A new Frame is created and the pasted text is placed inside that frame.
    Now to capture this frame creation, We have two possible solutions:
    1) Attach Observer on Document 'kDocBoss' on IID_IHIERARCHY_DOCUMENT and it will notify on frame creation in update function.
    2) Notification event on new story creation.
    Now, I need to perform some changes in the newly created table, for example:
    a)  Need to delete XML tags from newly created frame
    b)  Need to perform action on table cells if any in the created frame.
    But the problem is, when the event comes, I can access basic properties of frame like it's name, type etc, but it does not give me the
    XML element on frame or tables in frame until the event is com pleat.
    I know it's quite a specif requirement, but I guess many of you might have faced these kind of challenges, while processing the event.
    Does any one has any idea how I can get the reference of XML element on frame as soon as it is created?

    Hi Kapoor,
    please give also others a chance, and excuse that I get up late on vacation ;-)
    Anyway, I'd keep the story creation responder to recognize the copy, then combine it with an observer on the backing xml story to catch the associated XML element which is created there. Something like below:
    UIDRef xmlStoryRef = Utils<IXMLUtils>()->GetBackingStore(doc);
    InterfacePtr<ISubject> subject ( xmlStoryRef,IID_ISUBJECT );

  • Hiding XML elements in the structure view – scripting influence to the structure view?

    Is there a way to hide specific XML elements (really the elements and not the attributes) in the structure view?
    I am asking this question to know if it is possible to influence the structure view by scripting.
    Many elements are indeed used as a kind of help for constructions which have nothing to do with the actual contents especially in the case of tables.
    You inflate the the structure view unnecessarily and the author will lose track of the real contents. It would be nice if there was a possibility to hide those help construction elements.
    Thank you for any hints.

    Hello Apollo,
    There is a way to hide elements from the Structure View (one such method is offered by the free AXCM plug-in). What happens when you use AXCM (or other methods to hide elements) is that the elements get wrapped into hidden content. This might make the structure view less complex for your authors, but has a number of disadvantages and dangers.
    1. The structure is normally invalidated, as the helper elements are usually required.
    2. Accidentally deleting hidden content may make the invalidation permanent and render your documents useless.
    It is NOT good practice to hide elements from authors in the structure view. Instead, you should either teach authors about the structure, or let them work in the Author View while adding sufficiently clear formatting to show them the underlying structure. In some cases, it might be better to create an authoring structure which is automatically transformed into the required full structure using an XSLT or other processing step. I have created a couple of such environments and they work fine. It just depends on the difference between the structure required for further processing and the structure that would be optimal for your authors (which in turn depends on the level at which your authors are experienced in working with structured content).
    I hope this helps you solve your problem without having to tweak the structure view.
    Kind regards

  • Error While trying to Get XML element(tag) Values

    We are trying to get XML element (TAG) value from the XML pay load.
    Getting XML String from a web service and then converting into XML payload.
    From this XML payload we are trying to get an element (Tag) value.
    We are getting following error
    Error in evaluate <from> expression at line "130". The result is empty for the XPath expression : "/client:TririgaProcessResponse/client:User/client:LastName".
    {}selectionFailure" has been thrown.
    - <selectionFailure xmlns="">
    - <part name="summary">
    empty variable/expression result.
    xpath variable/expression expression "/client:TririgaProcessResponse/client:User/client:LastName" is empty at line 130, when attempting reading/copying it.
    Please make sure the variable/expression result "/client:TririgaProcessResponse/client:User/client:LastName" is not empty.
    Here are signOnReturn and XML Payload XSD's
    <schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
         <element name="Web1ProcessRequest">
                        <element name="userName" type="string"/>
    <element name="password" type="string"/>
         <element name="Web1ProcessResponse">
                        <element name="result" type="string"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
         <element name="TProcessResponse">
                        <element name="result" type="string"/>
    <element name="User">
                        <element name="Id" type="string"/>
    <element name="CompanyId" type="string"/>
    <element name="SecurityToken" type="string"/>
    <element name="FirstName" type="string"/>
    <element name="LastName" type="string"/>

    I am sure and can see the data in audit trail.
    [2006/12/12 09:17:36]
    Updated variable "signOn_Output"
    - <signOn_Output>
    - <part xmlns:xsi="" name="payload">
    - <WebMethodsProcessResponse xmlns="">
    <Result xmlns="">
    - <User xmlns="">
    Copy details to clipboard
    [2006/12/12 09:17:36]
    Updated variable "tririga"
    - <tririga>
    - <TririgaProcessResponse xmlns="">
    <Result xmlns="">
    - <User xmlns="">
    Copy details to clipboard
    [2006/12/12 09:17:36]
    Updated variable "Variable_2"
    - <Variable_2>
    - <part xmlns:xsi="" name="payload">
    - <TririgaProcessResponse xmlns="">
    <Result xmlns="">
    - <User xmlns="">
    Copy details to clipboard
    [2006/12/12 09:17:36]
    Error in evaluate <from> expression at line "130". The result is empty for the XPath expression : "/client:TririgaProcessResponse/client:User/client:LastName".
    Copy details to clipboard
    [2006/12/12 09:17:36]
    "{}selectionFailure" has been thrown.
    - <selectionFailure xmlns="">
    - <part name="summary">
    empty variable/expression result.
    xpath variable/expression expression "/client:TririgaProcessResponse/client:User/client:LastName" is empty at line 130, when attempting reading/copying it.
    Please make sure the variable/expression result "/client:TririgaProcessResponse/client:User/client:LastName" is not empty.
    Copy details to clipboard

  • How to find out the page number of an xml element

    Hi everybody, sorry for my very bad english (french guy! logical). I hope you see what I'm looking for.
    I'm scripting (javascript) an exporting script of every articles from a multi-pages indesign script.
    In fact I could have one or more article in one file, every one of them is on an separate xml element. for each I have to export an xml file named with, first, the page number where appears the xml element, second, the number of exported article.
    I'm success the second purpose, but not the first.
    Someone have an idea ?

    Try this,
    var myDoc=app.activeDocument;
    var root = myDoc.xmlElements[0];
    var docTag = root.evaluateXPathExpression('//doc');
    for(i=0; i<docTag.length; i++)
        var docPos = docTag[i].insertionPoints.lastItem();
        var docFrame = docPos.parentTextFrames[0];
        var docPage;
             docPage = docFrame.parentPage;
            docPage =;

Maybe you are looking for