Nas dirve for windows and mac

I am part of a film propduction crew and we use a mix of macs and pcs. We want to copy our tapes over to a central location in the field using multiple laptops to speed up the process. We currently have a two pcs copying data from the mini dv tapes from three cameras and a mac starting the rough editing at the same time. An upgradable unit would be nice.
What nas unit would work on a small budget.

Performance of NAS, in the scenario that you describe, will be impacted by drive speed and IO. A Gigabit switch, combined with a NAS solution with Gigabit ethernet port, and 7200 RPM drives should give you fairly good performance. Take a look at the following vendor:
You may have to experiment with the various Raid configurations to determine how much of the Raid related overhead you can put up with.

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    Put the seagate drive onto the Mac and format it Mac OS extended journaled. (HFS+ for short) and you will also need to change the partition over to GUID from MBR.
    TC has very limited formats it can recognise.. FAT32 and HFS+ (well FAT16 but that doesn't count). exfat no, ntfs no, Really with FAT32 being hopeless.. you have one choice .. HFS+.
    The Windows machines can handle files to the drive just fine.. because it is a network drive.. it is offered to the network as SMB protocol.. in windows it will look like NT server. The precise format of the drive is irrelevant and is handled by the firmware of the TC.
    But do reset the partition scheme to GUID.. not MBR.
    You can even put 2 or more partitions on it.. but only one is fine.

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