Navigate to additional Edge animations

I'm just getting started in Edge, and have a very basic question.  I'm hoping to store multiple animations within a folder that can be accessed from a common menu, and also allow the user to navigate back and forth across the html files.  I'm just not sure how to apply the proper actions to the buttons.  Do I use Play, Open URL, Play From???? and how would this coding appear in the action for my button?  I don't have a designated URL at this time, just wishing to test the navigation features in browser.

I appreciate you taking the time to respond.  Unfortunately, I'm still at a  loss.  If I'm building animations in Edge Animate and I want to navigate to a label along the timeline, I would apply an action to my button by selecting "play" and adding the script"label_name_here");
However, I am building a series of edge animations (html files) that will be stored within the same folder, and must allow the user to navigate back and forth between the related html files. As a  result, how would I approach the scripting process when i apply actions to these buttons?  If I'm in "movie_A" and hope for my button to navigate me to open "movie_B.html", do I select "play", "openURL", "play from"???? (when applying actions) and what would this code look like?
I fear my animations will be too complex to try and compile several into a single animation and must find a solution which allows me to navigate back and forth between resulting html files.  I'm sure this is a simple solution, I'm just not hip to the software and completely clueless with the scripting.  I've consulted several tutorial type examples which are helpful explaining how you can navigate wihtin a single edge file, but no one states an obvious solution to navigating between edge animations.

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    Thank you
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    Never mind.  I figured it out myself.  I changed the"scenefour"); to myComp.getStage().play("scenefour"); and it worked fine. 

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    Hi there, the first thing that comes to mind is to use session storage. Set a variable "isFirstTime", and check it on Stage.compositionReady in Edge. You can then jump to the end of your timeline, effectively skipping the animation. Alternately, you could set and check session storage outside of Edge, and swap out the div's contents to either contain Edge content, or a static image, etc.
    Here is a good example:
    Session storage stores data until the user closes the browser, so they would see the animation again if they closed the browser and visited your site they next day, but they wouldn't see it again on the same visit.

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    Hello Elaine or Adobe Staff, elainefinnell
    We are having a problem with an animation in Edge Animate involving transform and clipping.
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    Chrome: Clipping may occur in browser when a transformed element has a filter applied. (3494343)
    Would it be possible for you to have a look to the project and tell us if we are doing something wrong.
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    Thank you for your time and answer,
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    unless you feel like hacking the exported edge code, no..
    if you do.
    open [you comp name]preloader.js in an editor look for "aloader" and remove the paths from edge.*.min.js and the jquery1-7...
    open [your comp name]-edge.js  and edit " var im='images/';  " to var im=''";
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    Hi ColleenSyron,
    Can you check out this video: ess-site-with-edge-animate/

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    Provide the name of the program you are using so a Moderator may move this message to the correct program forum
    This Cloud forum is not about help with program problems... a program would be Photoshop or Lighroom or Muse or ???

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    Hi resdesign.
    Thanks for your comment, this helped. Would be nice if there was a more direct way though, but this has done exactly what I need. Thanks again

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    <div class="container">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="span12">
          <div class=“content-static”><p>Test content</p></div>

    Hi... put a trasparent gif image, with the same animations's width/height, in the first div after the edge code container.
    If you want responsive layout, remember to remove width/height values.
    <div id=“box-animation”><div id="Stage" class=“animation1…”>[edge animation]</div></div>
    <div class="container">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="span12"><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt=""/>
          <div class=“content-static”><p>Test content</p></div>

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    Is it... very likely..., javascript is javascript...Has anyone yet? Maybe i haven't looked.
    You only need 3 files... not including "Edge Includes" and "External Art Assets"
    The advantage of Edge being that u have the "power" to do whatever you like, but as with new things it takes awhile to figure it all out.

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    Hey Ross,
    Another user had the same problem and came up with this workaround:
    With regards to using it in DPS, it's not an ideal solution but I imported it as a web overlay rather than an html article and made it smaller than full page so there is a border around the edge on which the user can swipe to turn the page and tap to see menu options.
    This was taken from this thread:
    Here are some other threads that might help you out:
    Looks like you asked the same Q on this thread:

  • How to integrate an Edge animation in a website by hand

    I created an Edge animation and published it as an .oam file.  But i need to work on the website on someone elses computer who does not have creative cloud or even Dreamweaver.   I am working there in a text editor. 
    What are the requirements - what do I have to do - to integrate the .oam file into that site?    All the references I've found bring in Dreamweaver to do it.   I don't have access to Dreamweaver in that environment, only to a text editor to edit the html. 
    I actually was able to publish the project as a Web site and integrated it that way without the .oam file, but I would like to know how to use the .oam file because it might be simpler.

    Hi, Ken-
    The OAM file is actually a compressed file to be used for import into another product, like Dreamweaver or InDesign.  We don't recommend you package in OAM; instead, simply ZIP up your files and hand-integrate the unpacked HTML as an iframe on your friend's machine.
    Hope that helps!

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