Navigation from pcui screen to bsp application

Hi All,
          What is the procedure for calling a bsp application from a pcui screen?Please help I need it immediately.
Ruby Chacko.

Hi Ravi,
            I have done the same thing what is given in that blog but it is not working.
Please help.
Warm Regards,
Ruby Chacko.

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    Well, since no one has any ideas, here is my two cents worth:
    Can you turn off compression and see if the problem goes away? If not, I suggest creating a small separate project with the same functionality as that part of the program that causes problems and see if you can duplicate it. Use System.out.println() in the java code and out.write() in the JSP pages throughout the java and JSP code to write to the log file or console as each section is run to see what section is causing problems. You can also consider commenting out sections of code in your JSP page to see if you can isolate the problem.
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    you must only identify in which variable the javascript function stores the values. So you can enrich
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    On the other side, check out, if ther is a getter function in this library.
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    Cost Center Plan Upload
    Company Code
    File Name
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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Ganesh,
    Please double check your FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain name), because this will enable you to run the web interface properly.
    More over, please have a look at the following procedure/link to crosscheck the procedure and for your reference.
    Momentive Group.

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    Thank U
    Ravi Aswani

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select xmltype('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2  <m:report xmlns:m="">
      3     <m:startTime>2013-06-04T14:02:08.168+04:00</m:startTime>
      4     <m:endTime>2013-06-04T14:02:23.417+04:00</m:endTime>
      5     <m:duration>PT15.249S</m:duration>
      6     <m:queryId>dummy</m:queryId>
      7  </m:report>') as xml from dual)
      8  --
      9  -- end of test data (in XMLTYPE datatype)
    10  --
    11  select x.*
    12  from   t
    13        ,xmltable(xmlnamespaces('' as "m"),
    14                  '/m:report'
    15                  passing t.xml
    16                  columns startTime varchar2(30) path './m:startTime'
    17                         ,endTime   varchar2(30) path './m:endTime'
    18                         ,duration  varchar2(30) path './m:duration'
    19                         ,queryId   varchar2(30) path './m:queryId'
    20*                ) x
    SQL> /
    STARTTIME                      ENDTIME                        DURATION                       QUERYID
    2013-06-04T14:02:08.168+04:00  2013-06-04T14:02:23.417+04:00  PT15.249S                      dummyNote, this is based on XMLTYPE input (you'll have to convert your data to that type)
    As for your timestamps etc. if you require those in TIMESTAMP or DATE datatypes you can convert those in the query

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    HI Nicola
       This is very Much Possible....
    This is a demo code whic you can use at any event...
    * read excel file using function module
               I_BEGIN_COL = 1
               I_BEGIN_ROW = 2
               I_END_COL = 3
               I_END_ROW = 2500
    UPLOAD_OLE = 2
    OTHERS = 3.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    * fill internal table from file
    * loop on the internal table
    WHEN 1.
    WHEN 2.
    WHEN 3.
    * One row is finished ……………
    Now the data is in your internal table ...You can use this any where you want...
    Hope it solve your Problem....Otherwise do revert back...
    Do Reward points..if found helpful...

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    Could anybody please guide to create a simple BSP application in ICWebclient.
    or it will be helpful if you can send me any links to work on hands on in ICWebclient.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Sarah,
    the following thread adresses the same problem, within the BSP folder:
    [How to change & manage different ports in a mixed web environment (BSP/WAD)|How to change & manage different ports in a mixed web environment (BSP/WAD);
    I think its better to use that category instead of BI General.
    Best regards,

  • Passing paramters and calling a PCUI screen from a BSP Application

    We have developed a custom BSP application which displays a list of Opportunities in a HTMLB table view based on a search criteria.
    When I click on a particular opportunity no., I should call a PCUI screen which should display that particular opportunity details.
    Any help is greatly apperciated.

    You are going to have to be more specific in what you want.
    First I would read the following pieces of info.  They will help you with general problems, also with creating an Iterator and read the select rows of a table.
    BSP Element - Dynamic tableView with Internal Table
    <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2003/10/31/bsp-programming-htmlb-tableview-iterator">BSP Programming: HTMLB TableView Iterator</a>
    Just shooting from the hip I am assuming you are clicking on a selected ROW in the tableView where you defined the tableView with <i>selectionMode="SINGLESELECT"</i> and <i>onRowSelection="MySelectEvent"</i> then on the OnInputProcessing Event Handler you read the selected row (see <a href="TableView and selected row)
    So and of course once you read the selected row in the OnInputProcessing event handler you can do further porocessing.
    However if you are wanting to provide the user with the ability to click an icon or text link in the row then please refer to the Iterator for that.

  • Passing data from PCUI application to BSP page

    From CRM PCUI application, a BSP page is called for displaying a report. The behaviour of the report has to be different based on a data (field value) in the PCUI application.
    How can I pass the data from PCUI application to the BSP page?
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Gregor,
    The weblog was very useful. Thank you.
    In the current scenario, in the PCUI application there is a button, on clicking which a bsp page is displayed. This is implemented via the Navigation (URL generation) in CRMC_BLUEPRINT table. In the BSP page, on entering the details and clicking on a button, different APIs have to be called based on a flag. The flag is set in PCUI application but I couldn't pass the information from there to the BSP page. Can you please let me know how I can achieve this.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Calling custom BSP application from CRM PCUI

    We are using the CRM PCUI for channel partner management. Since PCUI framework has some limitations as to how the data is formatted in the layout such as no multiple value selection ( Being a generic framework using blueprint tables we have to use the predefined layout settings and positions) we want to call a standalone BSP application to maintain some of the data such as marketing attributes. We want to do this by providing a link to the standalone BSP application where the data can be maintained. Since we will be calling this application in the create mode of a new BP, is it possible to integrate the whole application as one logical unit ? I mean we want to commit the marketing attributes within the same 'save' methods of the pcui framework. Is this possible to do ? Any ideas or input is greatly appreciated.

    we've already done a rework of the marketing attributes screen by using the technique I've described in my Weblog <a href="/people/gregor.wolf3/blog/2005/05/27/use-crm-pcui-html-viewer-to-call-a-custom-url">Use CRM PCUI HTML viewer to call a custom URL</a>. But it has one drawback: You can't use the Save button of the PC-UI applicaiton. You have to provide your own. But the usability enhanchement is rearly great.

  • Calling BSP application from CRM PCUI framework

    Hi All,
    We are using the CRM PCUI for channel partner management. Since CRM PCUI framework has some limitations as to how the data is formatted in the layout such as no multiple value selection ( since it is a generic framework using the blueprint tables we have to use the predefined layout settings) we want to call a standalone BSP application to maintain some of the data such as marketing attributes. We want to do this by providing a link to the standalone BSP application where the data can be maintained. Since we will be calling this application in the create mode of a new BP, is it possible to integrate the whole application as one logical unit ? I mean we want to commit the marketing attributes within the same 'save' methods of the pcui framework. Is this possible to do ? Any ideas or input is greatly appreciated.

    we've already done a rework of the marketing attributes screen by using the technique I've described in my Weblog <a href="/people/gregor.wolf3/blog/2005/05/27/use-crm-pcui-html-viewer-to-call-a-custom-url">Use CRM PCUI HTML viewer to call a custom URL</a>. But it has one drawback: You can't use the Save button of the PC-UI applicaiton. You have to provide your own. But the usability enhanchement is rearly great.

  • Getting value from portal or bsp application to selection screen parameter

    Daer SDNer's.
                           Is there any possibility of getting value from bsp application and that value to be passed to selection paramater of bw query varaiable.
    concept as follows.
                                    report is based on vendor related information. particular vendor having user id in bsp or portal for accessing reports. if he selects bw query in portal or bsp dash board. that same vendor name or id shoukd be pass to default vendor selection entry in bi... so only that particular vendor details should display.....

    Dear Arun,
                      thanks for the reply. can i dynamically get the values to selection parmaters from bsp or else i need to mantain those user ids(vendor name) in bw. could you explain on it. if possible provide some sample code on it.
    Harikrishna N

  • Cookie handling & navigation across multiple BSP applications

    Hi All,
    This is my scenario...
    I have a main BSP application (say YYYY) which is the user login application.  The application class is ZCL_YYYY.  This application will enable the users to login.  This application will show up the list of other applications say (application AAA - class ZCL_AAA, appln BBB-class ZCL_BBB,  etc).  User can click on the application and navigate. 
    I am storing the password in server side cookie and during navigation to other application from my main application I am passing the user id in the URL (like http://....htm&user=mmmm).  The other application will validate the user id against the server side cookie and then proceeds further.  
    I tried using client side cookie but it is working only with in single application but not across applications (I used response->set_cookie in initialization event of main bsp appln and request->get_cookie in the called application in request event). 
    Is there a better way in handling this navigation??.
    My issue is sometimes(very rare cases but still an issue) when the traffic is more, one user is gets the other user's screen, that is when two users click application AAA at the same time, both the users are getting the same information (which is different for different users). 
    Kindly suggest.

    Thanks Raja & Raja...
    In my scenario, the user logging in is the customer (KNA1-KUNNR).  All the BSP application are going to come in with the same SAP user id which is set in SICF.  For SAP transaction user id is going to be SAP-WEB user. 
    The user logs in with the customer number as user id (we have web users for KNA1 created using SU05).  The first will be the login screen where the customer enters his number and password.  The user id and pwd is validated and then the list of applications page will get displayed (as far as SAP is concerned, the transaction is going to come in with SAP-WEB user id).  Once the application is clicked, the password is stored in server side cookie like.. (since SAP user id is going to be same across it was passed as NONE)
      call method cl_bsp_server_side_cookie=>set_server_cookie
          name                  = v_customer
          application_name      = 'NONE'
          application_namespace = 'NONE'
          username              = 'NONE'
          session_id            = 'NONE'
          data_value            = v_pwd
          data_name             = 'NONE'
          expiry_time_rel       = 300.
    In the called application, the cookie is retrieved (it should be with in 5 minutes) and validated again with customer id from the URL.  If there is an issue in validation, navigation will go to login page again.

  • Regarding T Raja weblog Navigation between BSP Applications part I

    Hi sdns,
    This question is regarding weblog T.Raja Navigation between BSP Applications part I.My doubt is i have done it its  working but i am not able to get the o/p data in the table here. I have revised the code twice & thrice not able to find the table which he used. In this code is there any table he used.Or else he provided data directly from the program.
    I am getting the table but no data in it .I have checked p0006 it is an internal table.
    If there is no data in the table how to enter data and in which table we have to enter the data.
    And other thing i have noticed is .In the blog there are only few fields in tthe o/p.But in my program i got a lot of o/p fields.Please help me in this regard.
    Thanks & Regards,

    I hope you are talking about the table:model_id->I_detail. This table is declared in Model Class-ZCL_MVC_PERNR_DETAIL in Class attributes. Look at the screen shots in the blog. it will solve the issue.
    @ Viji:
    Lokesh mentioned abt blog /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2006/12/26/bsphow-to-navigation-between-bsp-applications-part-i
    Raja T
    Message was edited by:
            Raja Thangamani

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