Navigation Modification

Hi all,
I'm trying to accomplish two tasks for navigation modification. One will be to split out the Communities into two drop down tabs. I believe this would extend the Horz Dropdown Navigation scheme. I would need to create a second drop down box and populate each with specific communities. The second task is to remove the 'Inside this Community' bar from all Communities. The coding will be in .NET using C#. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Adding a dropdown menu is fairly simple. It requires two step. First you need to add the menu tab. Add your new tab in NavigationJSPortalMenuDropDownView.CreateDDTabsArray. Use the existing tabs as templates. Next you need to populate your new menu. You mentioned that you want specific communities in it. It would be a good idea to put the community IDs and names in NavigationSettings.xml. This is better than hardcoding them since you can edit the list of communities without having to recompile and redeploy. Look in the UI customization guide for instructions on how to get data from NavigationSettings.xml. Once you have read in the community IDs and names, create a new ASCompoundList class and call AddCommPageURL method for each of your communities. Pass the list to NavigationISCHelpers.MadeDDMenu. Make sure to use the same string identifier in the tab and menu. Take a look at the other CreateXXXMenu methods for examples.
Regarding the removal of the "In this Community" tab, see the "How to hide the page links of a community on the 5.0.2 portal" thread on this board.

Similar Messages

  • Display only Subcommunities tab

    Is it possible to only display the Subcommunities tab for the Community page navigation?

    Take a look in the How to hide the page links of a community on the 5.0.2 portal and Navigation modification message threads.

  • JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation Error

    I am trying to use a standard page with some navigation modification. Here is what i did.
    Created a custom menu of type sub tab. It has three section
    1.Create Offer
    2.Offer Workbench
    Here Create Offer and Offer Workbench are like Search page.
    Attached this custom menu to a custom responsibility.
    The custom responsibility is working fine.
    Suppose i open this menu, the first display page in Create Offer page.
    Now Consider the scenario. I Open the menu. Create Offer opens. Now i navigate to Offer Workbench tab. I query and it returns some result. Now i navigate back to the Create Offer tab.When i try to navigate back to the Offer Worknbench tab. i get the JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation Error. This happens only when i do search operation in the 2nd tab and then go back to the 1st and again I try to come back to the 2nd tab.When i try the same with the 2nd and 3rd tab it is working fine. No error comes. What could have possibly gone wrong. Share your knowledge on this.
    Please find the error stack attached below.
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: oracle.jbo.SQLStmtException: JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. Statement: SELECT Offer.OFFER_ID,        Offer.OFFER_VERSION,        Offer.LAST_UPDATE_DATE,        Offer.CREATION_DATE,        Vac.VACANCY_ID,        Vac.NAME,        Job.JOB_ID,        Recruiter.FULL_NAME,        Recruiter.PERSON_ID,        Recruiter.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,        Recruiter.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE,        Recruiter.EMAIL_ADDRESS,        Status.LOOKUP_TYPE,        Status.LOOKUP_CODE,        Manager.EMAIL_ADDRESS AS EMAIL_ADDRESS1, Manager.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER, Manager.PERSON_ID AS PERSON_ID1, Manager.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE AS EFFECTIVE_START_DATE1,         Manager.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE AS EFFECTIVE_END_DATE1,        Manager.FULL_NAME AS FULL_NAME1,        Job.NAME AS JOB_NAME,        Offer.OFFER_STATUS,        Offer.LATEST_OFFER,        (SELECT max (status_change_date) FROM irc_offer_status_history StatusHistory1 WHERE StatusHistory1.offer_id = Offer.offer_id and StatusHistory1.offer_status ='APPROVED') AS OFFER_APPROVED_DATE, Offer.EXPIRY_DATE, Applicant.FULL_NAME AS FULL_NAME2, Applicant.PERSON_ID AS PERSON_ID2, Applicant.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE AS EFFECTIVE_START_DATE2,         Applicant.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE AS EFFECTIVE_END_DATE2, decode(Offer.offer_status,'PENDING','T','CORRECTION','T','APPROVED',nvl((select          update_allowed from irc_rec_team_members rec where rec.vacancy_id          = vac.vacancy_id and rec.person_id = :1 and irc_utilities_pkg.is_function_allowed          ('IRC_UPDATE_APPROVED_OFFER') = 'TRUE'),'T'),'F') AS PREVIEW_ENABLED, Status.MEANING, ASG.ASSIGNMENT_ID, ASG.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE AS ASG_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,         ASG.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE AS ASG_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE, to_char(RowNum) AS RowNumber, Applicant.APPLICANT_NUMBER, Reason.MEANING AS MEANING1, Offer.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER, Reason.LOOKUP_TYPE AS LOOKUP_TYPE1,        Reason.LOOKUP_CODE AS LOOKUP_CODE1,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE1,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE2,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE3,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE4,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE5,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE6,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE7,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE8,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE9,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE10,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE11,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE12,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE13,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE14,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE15,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE16,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE17,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE18,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE19,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE20,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE21,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE22,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE23,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE24,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE25,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE26,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE27,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE28,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE29,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE30,        Vac.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER AS OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER1, AST.USER_STATUS, Recruiter.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER AS OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER2,         ASG.CHANGE_REASON,        Manager.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER AS OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER3,         (SELECT meaning   FROM   hr_lookups hl     WHERE hl.lookup_type = 'APL_ASSIGN_REASON' AND hl.lookup_code = IAS.STATUS_CHANGE_REASON  ) AS APPL_STATUS_CHANGE_REASON,        AST.ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID,        Offer.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY,        ASG.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER AS OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER4, Vac.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID, Applicant.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER AS OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER5,         Bg.NAME AS NAME1,        Bg.ORGANIZATION_ID,        (select Meaning     from hr_lookups     where lookup_type = 'IRC_CANDIDATE_TYPE'     and lookup_code =  NVL( (SELECT 'EMP'      FROM DUAL   WHERE EXISTS            (SELECT NULL             FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PPF11,                   PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PPF12,       PER_PERSON_TYPES PPT             WHERE PPF11.PERSON_ID = ASG.PERSON_ID               AND PPF11.PARTY_ID = PPF12.PARTY_ID AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN PPF12.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE AND PPF12.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE AND PPF12.PERSON_TYPE_ID = PPT.PERSON_TYPE_ID               AND PPT.SYSTEM_PERSON_TYPE IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL')           )   ), NVL(     (SELECT 'EX_EMP'        FROM DUAL       WHERE EXISTS               (SELECT NULL                 FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PPF21,      PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PPF22,                      PER_PERSON_TYPES PPT    WHERE PPF21.PERSON_ID = ASG.PERSON_ID              AND PPF21.PARTY_ID = PPF22.PARTY_ID      AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN PPF22.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE AND PPF22.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE                  AND PPF22.PERSON_TYPE_ID = PPT.PERSON_TYPE_ID                  AND PPT.SYSTEM_PERSON_TYPE IN ('EX_EMP', 'EX_EMP_APL')              )     ), 'EXT' ))) AS CANDIDATE_TYPE, (select hl5.Meaning     from hr_lookups hl5   where lookup_type   = 'YES_NO'     and lookup_code           = decode(        ( SELECT 1                     FROM per_all_assignments_f paf2, per_all_people_f ppf2, per_all_people_f ppf21 WHERE ppf2.person_id = asg.person_id                     and ppf2.party_id = ppf21.party_id                     and trunc(sysdate) between ppf21.effective_start_date  and ppf21.effective_end_date and ppf21.person_id = paf2.supervisor_id                 and trunc(sysdate) between paf2.effective_start_date and paf2.effective_end_date              and  paf2.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE IN ('E','C')            AND rownum = 1   ), 1, 'Y', 'N'             ) and irc_utilities_pkg.is_internal_person(asg.person_id ,trunc(sysdate)) = 'TRUE') AS DIRECT_REPORTS, Applicant.PARTY_ID,        (select lookup_code from hr_lookups where lookup_type = 'IRC_REHIRE_RECOMMENDATION' and lookup_code = 'NOT_APPLICABLE') AS VIEW_ATTR,        PROPOSED_START_DATE AS PROPOSED_START_DATE FROM IRC_OFFERS Offer, PER_ALL_VACANCIES Vac, PER_JOBS_VL Job, PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F Recruiter, PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F Manager, HR_LOOKUPS Status, PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F ASG, PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F Applicant, HR_LOOKUPS Reason, IRC_OFFER_STATUS_HISTORY ioh, IRC_ASSIGNMENT_STATUSES IAS, PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES_V AST, HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_VL Bg, PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F asg4 WHERE Offer.vacancy_id = Vac.vacancy_id  and Vac.Recruiter_id = Recruiter.PERSON_ID(+) and :2 between nvl(Recruiter.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,:3) and nvl(Recruiter.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE, :4) and Vac.Manager_id = Manager.PERSON_ID(+) and   :5 between nvl(Manager.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,:6) and nvl(Manager.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE,:7) and Status.LOOKUP_TYPE(+) = 'IRC_OFFER_STATUSES' and Offer.Offer_Status = Status.LOOKUP_CODE(+) And Offer.LATEST_OFFER = 'Y' and offer.applicant_assignment_id = asg.assignment_id and asg.person_id = applicant.person_id and :8 between nvl(applicant.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,:9) and nvl(applicant.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE, :10) and asg.effective_start_date=(select max(effective_start_date)  from per_all_assignments_f asg2  where asg.assignment_id=asg2.assignment_id  and asg2.effective_start_date<=:11) AND EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM PER_PEOPLE_F ppfs WHERE ppfs.person_id = applicant.person_id) AND exists (select null from per_vacancies pvacs where pvacs.vacancy_id = vac.vacancy_id) and reason.LOOKUP_TYPE(+) = 'IRC_OFFER_STATUS_CHANGE_REASON' and Offer.Offer_Status = Status.LOOKUP_CODE(+)   and ioh.change_reason = reason.lookup_code(+) and ioh.offer_id =offer.offer_id AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM irc_offer_status_history iosh1 WHERE iosh1.offer_id = ioh.offer_id AND iosh1.status_change_date > ioh.status_change_date) AND ioh.offer_status_history_id = (SELECT MAX(iosh2.offer_status_history_id) FROM irc_offer_status_history iosh2 WHERE iosh2.offer_id = ioh.offer_id AND iosh2.status_change_date = ioh.status_change_date) AND ASG.ASSIGNMENT_ID =IAS.ASSIGNMENT_ID       AND IAS.ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID = AST.ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID(+)       AND NOT EXISTS          (SELECT 1                                    FROM    irc_assignment_statuses ias2                                    WHERE   ias2.assignment_id             = asg.assignment_id                                        AND TRUNC(ias2.status_change_date) > TRUNC(ias.status_change_date))       AND ias.last_update_date =          (SELECT MAX(ias3.last_update_date) FROM    irc_assignment_statuses ias3 WHERE   ias3.assignment_id             = asg.assignment_id                                                    AND TRUNC(ias3.status_change_date) = TRUNC(ias.status_change_date)) and Vac.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = Bg.ORGANIZATION_ID AND EXISTS ( SELECT  NULL FROM per_assignments_f asg3 WHERE asg.assignment_id = asg3.assignment_id ) AND     offer.offer_assignment_id = asg4.assignment_id AND     asg4.person_id = applicant.person_id AND     asg4.job_id = job.job_id AND asg4.effective_start_date = (         SELECT  max (effective_start_date)         FROM per_all_assignments_f asg5 WHERE   asg4.assignment_id = asg5.assignment_id         AND     asg5.effective_start_date <= :12         ) AND (( UPPER(Vac.NAME)  like UPPER(:1) AND (Vac.NAME  like :2 OR Vac.NAME  like  :3 OR Vac.NAME  like :4 OR Vac.NAME  like  :5))) ORDER BY Applicant.FULL_NAME ASC
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageErrorHandler.prepareException(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageErrorHandler.processErrors(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
                    at _OA._jspService(
                    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
                    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.unprivileged_forward(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.access$100(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher$2.oc4jRun(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindPageContext.forward(
                    at _OA._jspService(
                    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
                    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
                    at oracle.apps.jtf.base.session.ReleaseResFilter.doFilter(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
                    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    ## Detail 0 ##
    java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 6
                    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.processCompletedBindRow(
                    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
                    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.buildResultSet(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.OAJboViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection(Unknown Source)
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.execute(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQueryForMasters(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQueryForMode(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.apps.irc.offers.server.IrcOfferSearchVOImpl.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanBaseTableHelper.queryDataInternal(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanBaseTableHelper.queryData(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.table.OAAdvancedTableBean.queryData(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAQueryHelper.executeQueryFromSearchCache(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAQueryHelper.processRequestAfterController(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAQueryHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAStackLayoutBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAStackLayoutBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageLayoutHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAPageLayoutBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OAFormBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OABodyBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
                    at _OA._jspService(
                    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
                    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.unprivileged_forward(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.access$100(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher$2.oc4jRun(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindPageContext.forward(
                    at _OA._jspService(
                    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
                    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
                    at oracle.apps.jtf.base.session.ReleaseResFilter.doFilter(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
                    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 6
                    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.processCompletedBindRow(
                    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
                    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.buildResultSet(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.OAJboViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection(Unknown Source)
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.execute(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQueryForMasters(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQueryForMode(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.apps.irc.offers.server.IrcOfferSearchVOImpl.executeQuery(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanBaseTableHelper.queryDataInternal(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanBaseTableHelper.queryData(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.table.OAAdvancedTableBean.queryData(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAQueryHelper.executeQueryFromSearchCache(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAQueryHelper.processRequestAfterController(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAQueryHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAStackLayoutBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAStackLayoutBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageLayoutHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAPageLayoutBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OAFormBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequestChildren(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OABodyBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.processRequest(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
                    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
                    at _OA._jspService(
                    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
                    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.unprivileged_forward(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.access$100(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher$2.oc4jRun(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindPageContext.forward(
                    at _OA._jspService(
                    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
                    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
                    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
                    at oracle.apps.jtf.base.session.ReleaseResFilter.doFilter(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
                    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
                    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$

    Hi Dilip,
    Thanks for your reply. But that does not seem to be the problem. It was due to the Search query region. I was able to complete it.
    This is the piece of code i added in processRequest of my extended controller to fix it.
    OAQueryBean queryBean = (OAQueryBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("QueryRN");

  • Modification of a KM navigation iView display

    I have a KM navigation iView which shows the first 5 files from a certain folder and below that has links to the rest of the files at the folder at this format:
    1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 ... > >>
    Is it possible to set the iView to display one link, an archive link, instead of this line which will open new browser which will redirect to the rest of the folder content?

    Hi Roy,
    it was a good idea to post this into "development"
    This is not possible by standard means. The pager element which creates the links is configurable, so you can say "display 10 instead of 5" files (and with that, 1-10, 11-20 etc are displayed). But only within this logic, not that the first part is 1-5 and the second is 6-inf.
    You could implement your own component, somewhat similar to the Pager element, and add it instead of the Pager into the corresponding Collection Renderer (the setting is <i>not</i> done at iView level but within the FlexUI framework).
    This component then could for instance be a link to a new navigation iView with a different layout set, where all resources are rendered.
    Hope it helps

  • View modification in ODS after transport to production

    It's possible to see all modification in ODS after transport?
    I would like to see the modification that was done in Navigation Attributes of ODS.
    Cesar G. Batista

    When you double click on ODS you see a info button(i) click on it it will pop up save and activate button these yo can see the last log.
    Hope this helps!!
    Santosh RC

  • Adding a Left Navigation in the place of Current navigation in SharePoint 2013 Site.

    Hi All,
    I have successfully converted an HTML Page to a SharePoint 2013 Master Page. I also created a Custom Page Layout. Using both them I have created my SharePoint Site with 30+ pages. Each page is consisted with the Top Header Navigation as it is inheriting
    from the Master Page I have used. Now I need the left navigation inherit from the master page also. It gives me the advantage of updating it from the master page and affects it through the entire SharePoint Site. 
    But at the moment I am inserting the Left Nav using a web part as an HTMl code snippet individually for each and every page. If needs a modification I have to go through all the pages and do the modification. This is not convenient also. I want to this left
    nav like the SharePoint Current Navigation alternative but within my Page Layout.
    Is there an option to chat within these forums?
    Could someone help me to solve this problem?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Chiranthaka,
    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    this forum is to discuss: Visual
    Studio WPF/SL Designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System, and Visual Studio Editor.
    Based on your issue,
    it is more related to the sharepoint, so I’m afraid that
    it is not the correct forum for this issue.
    In addition, I find that you have been posted this issue in this SharePoint forum: ,
    so we will merge this case to the above case, I think that the SharePoint expert will follow up your issue.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Z10 Product Improvement Ideas: Peak, Flow and Navigation

    Note sure what the best way to get some ideas across to Blackberry but since I've been using my Z10, there are a few ways that I think that navigation and application access can be improved. Sometimes I feel that you need to perform one too many swipes to get to something, often used features are hidden, navigation techniques are inconsistent (i.e. Accessing the hub, calendar and phone) or you have to make one more button press than necessary.
    I've been a BB fan for years and have had many models. Want to see Blackberry succeed. Own stock. Got the Z10 first day. Got 4 coworkers to get the Z10. Big promoter.
    Here are my suggestions and maybe with enough support, we can get a few adjustments made that improve the overall user experience and make us way more efficient. I also think that Blackberry can retain its innovation in peek and flow while still giving us alternative access that we are used across different devices such as our Ipads, playbooks, Desktops, etc. A couple items will be repeated depending on the suggestion type.  
    1. Calendar needs to be a core feature and should always be open and accessible instantly at a click or a swipe. Access to the calendar is not easy as I think it should be. Four ways that Calendar could be more accessible:
    a) Have a calendar button next to phone, search and camera buttons
    b) Support a swipe action of some sort (perhaps upwards and to the left (opposite of the hub))
    c) Add calendar button to the mini-swipe/scroller menu that is available in the active apps or application screen
    d) It should be clickable and launchable on the hub either on the bottom menu or as a hub filter item. Having upcoming events appear by scrolling to the top of my hub items is convenient but not what I am talking about.
    e) Directly from the lock screen. I should be able to click and hold on the calendar event to launch my calendar.
    2. Phone calling is a core feature and needs to be launchable from the hub, the mini-swipe/scroller bar, the applications pages (as an icon) and also from the lock screen similar to the calendar (ie hold the button down). In the hub you can filter on missed/all calls but it only acts to give you a call log and not any other phone feature. Launching through the hub should provide full features.
    3. Phone and Hub should both be accessible from the applications pages as an application icon. This allows me to access hub and phone in a similar manner to my other applications and also reduces the learning curve for those used to the iphone (easier adoption). I can create logical visual organization of my applications and I can essentially put the calendar, phone and hub next to each other. I really like consistent access and behaviour and this would help.
    4.  Hub should be available in the active applications like everything else is. It is the only feature that isn't.
    5. I dislike the fact that the Hub filter opens and closes after I make a selection. I would like to be able to click on the BBM icon and see my BBM messages, then quickly click on my Texts, then my mails. I think the filters should always stay open in the mini mode unless I shrink it. i.e. Click to open filter mode with icons only, drag again to stretch and see the icons with names (I think most of us know what the icons represent anyway) and click or swipe to close the filters menu. With the menu always open, I can view all content types by themselves very quickly.
    6. Hiding the delete button  in the extended menu is not efficient. If I'm looking at a photo, reading and email, reading a text just let me delete immediately. It is an action that I do enough that it should be as available as the back, forward, reply to all buttons. Save me the additional clicks.
    7. When I launch the phone, I want the number keypad open. I don't want to launch the phone and then have to click again to get to the phone pad. The speed dial screen should not be shared with the missed calls. There should be a new screen with a dedicated button.
    8. I've found that once you set up your speed dial or world clocks, you can't edit the order. This means you are stuck with the order that you added the items and have to start from scratch if you want to re-order. This is frustrating. I don't have the ability to think about order that early. Anyone notice that when you add a phone number to speed dial, it might use a different contact than you selected if that other contact has the same number?
    8. We should be able to shortcut phone numbers to the application pages the same way we can shortcut web pages. This gives me the ability to create folders, organize phone numbers and make calls quickly. Again, learning curve for iphone converts and consistency.  
    9. Alarm needs to be accessible easier. It can be an application icon accessible in the applications menu. Clicking on the alarm clock icon on the top should open the alarm clock, similarly, clicking on the wifi should open wifi menu, battery should give me percentage, and maybe a quick Bluetooth on and off. Potentially support a notifications quick menu too.
    10. We should be able to put the phone to sleep with a long swipe from the top. I don't get why you need to get to sleep mode by first locking with the top button, getting to the lock mode and then swiping down the curtain. Is there a way to do this that I'm missing?
    11. When searching in the hub, I have to clear the search to get back to an unfiltered view. Why not a quick swipe to the right? Why when I'm searching in the hub does the bottom menu disappear? I should be able to interact with those items the same way without opening the items.
    12. On the lock screen, I want quicker access to different things through three swipe actions. A swipe up opens my applications page, a swipe left opens the hub, a swipe right opens my applications page. I need to be able to open the calendar from the lock page (long press on the calendar event) and I need to be able to launch the phone (add an icon for the phone (like the camera)). Long press of the voicemail, notifications, emails, bbm or texts opens those screens.
    13. Why iis there no email or missed calls preview from the lock screen like the good old days of the torch. I want to know if I should even need to unlock the phone for the new events (is this a security issue?).
    14. The mini-swipe/scroller bar should appear in the hub, active applications and application pages (currently it is only on the latter two). It is a cool features. As per above, it should include calendar and phone.
    15. Active applications should allow pinning and re-ordering. i.e. I lock an open application in place and then I can re-order through drag and drop. Pinning isn't my idea but I like it a lot.
    16. Cool idea. If we allow users to save the layout of an active applications page, they can essentially launch 8 applications in one go in the future. i.e. You save a layout with a name and then you close the entire layout and reactivate it when you want through a list. Very powerful.
    That's it for now. Would be super happy to see these adopted and interested in seeing who else has ideas, likes these ideas and hopefully with enough support maybe BB will look at these seriously. Hope they look at them.

    Hi Meredith,
    Thought we had everything solved, however the failure to merge to HDR is solved. But the fix causes many problems. Now you can get to the final HDR picture however making small modifications will slow the computer to a crawl. The hourglass blinked for 5 minutes just to make a small highlight change.
    What were the preferences restored by deleting the preference file and having Photoshop reload the defaults. These are the ones I am sure about.
    my settings                           default
    memory usage was 80-85%   now 49%  (834 -838 mb)
    animated zoom was off            now on
    save in background off             now on
    graphic processor on basic      now off
    cursors others precise            now standard
    transparency grid size small    now medium
    By turning up memory to 50% or higher increase (1% or more) the merge to HDR screen opens as a black picture. Progress bar disappears and reappears as loading but Merge to HDR finishes with exception of black picture to start with. Click on 32 bit and.the picture appears. Local Adaption doesn't work !
    Turned ON graphics card on NORMAL ,..memory back to 49% .  Merge to HDR works and local adaption works. Appears not to be slow (graphics card helping now) Process bar turns on and off during Merging to HDR
    Resetting all my preferences except memory (at 49%  838 MB) Merge to HDR works with the exception of a progress bar that disappears and reappears.
    In conclusion with Windows XP 32bit and 4g installed (windows seeing 3g):
    Memory over 49%+ GPU on =fail and progress bars turns on and off
    Memory 49% + GPU off= black window and Local Adaption fails
    Memory 49% + GPU on = Everything works but process bar turns on and off
    GPU On= process bar failure
    GPU off= process bar works but slow
    Memory over 49%=Merge to HDR failure
    Interesting note is that at a 40% memory setting Merge to HDR failed too

  • Customized Top Level Navigation iView

    Hello to all
    We are using a customized TLN iview. Its source code was modified to admit different URLs, and do the filtering depending of the default framework page which is using the TNL iview,
    I mean, the TLN would be copied inside a proyect folder on the Portal Content, where would be a DFPage that contains a copy of TNL iview, and this copy would have a different roleFilter attribute.
    Then, the TLN was modified again in order to merge roles that had the same name.
    Those changes doesn't seem really important, they have just declared some vars, and each of them added one code line. The first one extended the first part of an IF condition, and the second one extended it with another condition, using OR.
    The problem is that after the modifications, our TLN doesn't highlight correctly the first node when accessing or refreshing the Portal, instead of it shows a default start page that doesn't belong to any of our roles
    The TLN iview has a procedure named PrintNavNodes, which is called on the event OnClick (I assume), and when we accessrefresh the page too.
    The iview works well when clicking its buttons, it's just the first time it is used when the wrong page is shown, that's the problem we need to correct.
    This procedure (PrintNavNodes) lodges the code changes. The only var modified is String prefix, so maybe anyone could tell me a default value to it, o a way to catch that mistake in order to show another page when the default page is to appear.
    Also, I would appreciate if anyone knows about an API, andor a How to... manual, or any kind of documentation about this subject.
    We have no possibility of reject the changes, so we need to find an alternative solution. Here is the code...
    Thanks in advance, and regards
        private void PrintNavNodes(IPortalComponentRequest request, IPortalComponentResponse response)
         ILogger loggerArquitectura = request.getLogger(portal_logger);
             String strDataToPrint=;
         NavigationEventsHelperService navHelperService = (NavigationEventsHelperService)PortalRuntime.getRuntimeResources().getService(;
         NavigationNodes initialNodes = navHelperService.getRealInitialNodes(request);       
    !-- Change Heiko Broker for SiteNavigation          
              IPortalComponentContext componentContext = request.getComponentContext();
              IPortalComponentProfile profile = componentContext.getProfile();
              String roleFilter = profile.getProperty(RoleFilter);
            if(initialNodes != null)
         INavigationNode firstChild = null;
         INavigationNode firstContent = null;          
         String prefix=ROLESportal_content;
    !-- Change Marta Alberto
         PROBLEM In the new TLN, when using the merge roles feature, the
         url of the merge roles is different (start with the word merge.....).
         This is a wrong implementation because it filters all the nodes that do
         not start with ROLES.
         SOLUTION Compare with the other prefix too.
         String newPrefixThatFixesTheProblem=MERGESportal_content;          
         String newPrefixThatFixesTheProblem=merge(;
                if(initialNodes.size()  0)      
                for(Iterator it = initialNodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                    INavigationNode initialNode = (INavigationNode);
    !-- Change Heiko Broker for SiteNavigation          
         if (initialNode.getName().startsWith(prefix+roleFilter)
    !-- Change Marta Alberto
         PROBLEM In the new TLN, when using the merge roles feature, the
         url of the merge roles is different (start with the word merge.....).
         This is a wrong implementation because it filters all the nodes that do
         not start with ROLES.
         SOLUTION Compare with the other prefix too.
          initialNode.getName().startsWith(newPrefixThatFixesTheProblem + prefix + roleFilter))                    
                         firstContent = PrintNode(initialNode, request, response, 0);
                         if(firstChild == initialNode)
                             if(firstChild.getLaunchURL() != null && !firstChild.getLaunchURL().equals())
                                 firstContent = firstChild;
                             if(firstContent == null)
                   firstContent = firstChild.getFirstChild();
                                 catch(NamingException e)
                   ILogger logger = request.getLogger(navigation_logger);
                   if(logger != null && logger.isActive())
                        logger.severe(this, e, Exception in Top Level Navigation);
                             HttpSession httpSession = request.getServletRequest().getSession();
                             httpSession.setAttribute(NavFirstContentNode, firstContent);
                }  end FOR

    Check authentication related properties of iView. Make sure all of them are set to lowest level or none

  • OBIEE 11g - Navigation in Parent Child Hiearchy not working

    Hi All,
    I have a employee parent child hierarchy and I want to show revenue for each employee in the report. I have modeled my revenue as a measure like case 4 shown in the following link
    So for example this is my report ,
    --David (30)
    ---Sandra (15)
    -----Joe (10)
    Joe'e revenue is 10, Sandra's is 5 (showing her 5 Joe's revenue) and David's is 5 (showing his 5 Sandra's revenue)
    Issue :
    Now what I want is to provide action link on the revenue column so that when user would click on revenue for any employee it would direct them to a detail report showing the bifurcation.
    For ex, I want that when user click on 15 which is Sandra's revenue, he would be redirected to a detailed report for Sandra and similary for Joe and David
    MY ISSUE IS that the navigation is NOT working for sandra and Joe. It is only working for David (who is the ancestor of sandra and Joe). When I click on 15 to see sandra's detail report, it doesn't do anything and in the bottom left corner of the browser status bar below I see an ERROR saying
    (same for Joe but David work's fine)
    Message: 'getLevelInfo(...)' is null or not an object
    Line: 1
    Char: 11142
    Code: 0
    URI: http://localhost:7001/analytics/res/b_mozilla/answers/selectionsmodel.js
    Why is that happening? Is that because I have modeled the revenue as an measure and not attribute. Is navigation not possible in this case?
    Anybody has any solution or workaround for this, it will be highly appreciated.

    Ok, so let me explain this in detail and give the structure of my tables and the data,
    There are three tables.
    1.Parent Child relationship table - pctable
    2.Closure table which OBIEE creates through a script - reltable
    3.Fact table which contains the revenue - facttable
    This is the data
    personid | managerid
    David | NULL
    Sandra| David
    memberkey | ancestorkey |distance |is_leaf
    and my joins conditions are, I join pctable to reltable and then reltable is joined to facttable like this.
    pctable.personid = reltable.ancestorkey
    reltable.memberkey = facttable.personid
    and then in the report, when I pull up the pchierarchy build from pctable and revenue , I get as below and like I said, when I click on Sandra to see the revenue she contributes, I am not able to navigate. Can you let me know what modifications needs to be done?

  • Dashboard prompt filter navigating to different tabular reports

    I was able to implement this halfway.
    My Dashboard prompt has 4 filters, the fourth filter has three drop down values.
    "Report with Sales Amount"
    "Report with Purchase Amount"
    "Report with both Purchase and Sales"
    when the user selects the first choice, it should navigate to my "SALES-REPORT" which is section2 of the dashboard page.
    when the user selects the second choice, it should navigate to my "PURCHASE-REPORT" which is section3 of the dashboard page.
    when the user selects the third choice, it should navigate to my "COMBINED-REPORT" which is section4 of the dashboard page.
    All three are three entirely different report, so far with previous advice, i have created the Dashboard prompt and the presentation variable, but unable to proceed further.
    Thanks for your time and help.

    I will show you how to do it with one. Repeat for the other two reports.
    1) Build a small report with any two CHAR columns. For the first column, click on the fx, copy the column name and then delete it. Type this: CASE WHEN 1=0 THEN (paste the column name you copied here) ELSE 'Report with Sales Amount' END. The second column leave as is. The reason for the second column is because OBIEE requires every report to have at least one column. Since we "dummied out" the first column, if you don't have another column, OBIEE will error.
    2) Put a filter on the first column and set it to the Presentation Variable you had for the fourth column prompt (the one the users can select "Report with Sales Amount" from).
    3) On your dashboard, drag the "SALES-REPORT" report to a section.
    4) On this section, click on the Section Properties button (NOT the report Properties button!) and select Guided Navigation.
    5) Browse to the small report you created in step 1) and click on the "when the report returns rows" radio button.
    So what this does is this: When the user selects "Report with Sales Amount" from the dashboard prompt, it will produce a row on your small report. And because of this, the Guided Navigation of the section will display this report. When the user selects anything else, the small report will return no rows and this section will not display.
    Repeat the above for the other two reports making the proper modifications.

  • Replace vertical navigation in custom master page from snippet gallery

    I'm creating a new master page from seattle.master and I'm trying to implement a customized snippet from the snippet gallery into the master page code without success.  The following line is straight from a seattle.master page:
    <div id="sideNavBox" class="ms-dialogHidden ms-forceWrap ms-noList">
    From here, I see where I think the replacement snippet should go; however, there are discrepancies between the structure of the snippet and the code I'm replacing.  Also, the snippet from the gallery is calling some ASP registrations that I
    don't see in the original master page code.
    How can I insert my custom vertical navigation snippet into this master page? 

    You want to replace the entire <div id="sideNavBox" /> found in your custom HTML Master Page. Your custom vertical navigation will need to replace the entire container and all of its child controls.
    Your custom vertical navigation snippet should start similar to:
    <div data-name="QuickLaunch">
    <!--CS: Start Vertical Navigation Snippet-->
    <!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>-->
    <!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="PublishingNavigation" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Navigation" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>-->
    <div id="sideNavBox" class="ms-dialogHidden ms-forceWrap ms-noList">
    Design Manager's snippet manager adds the Register tags into the snippet so that the snippet is self-contained. Your HTML Master Page likely contains these Register tags already but you can leave them as Design Manager will handle any duplicates for you.
    The structure of the snippet itself appears different because the seattle.html HTML Master Page includes modifications.
    Eric Overfield - PixelMill - -

  • Change the navigation menu in iweb

    I have buy an iweb template that has the navigation menu always fixed. No matter is you move the mouse over the links to the pages, if you are in the welcome page or blog, the text is always the same.
    I have ask to author of the template to make the active page text grayed out but he wants again money because this is customizing request of the template...
    Is there a way to change the color of the text of the navigation menu? It is enough that the active page is highlighted.
    Thank you

    Thank you for the answers.
    If it is possible I don't want create nothing because it complicates the stuffs (I'm a very beginner in this things). I have tried the javascript way but it don't modifies the behavior of the menu.
    Excavating in the iWeb application folder I have reach this file that seems the responsable of the navigation bar:\ Info\ orange.webtheme/Italian.lproj/Welcome.webtemplate/ Welcome.plist
    I have open it with Pref Setter:
    .navbar {
    font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: .8em;
    color: #666666;
    line-height: 30px;
    border-bottom: 3px solid #ccc;
    .navbar-bg {
    text-align: right;}
    .navbar-bg ul {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    li {
    list-style-type: none;
    display: inline;
    padding: 0px 5px 0px 0px;
    li a {
    text-decoration: none;
    padding: 10px;
    color: #666666;
    font-weight: bold;
    li a:visited {
    text-decoration: none;
    padding: 10px;
    color: #666666;
    font-weight: bold;
    li a:hover
    color: #999999;
    text-decoration: none;
    li.current-page a
    color: #66ABC5;
    text-decoration: none;
    I have change the color value but nothing happens. Have you any suggestion?
    Thank you
    PS: maybe in 10 days Apple publishes iWeb 10 that permits these modifies...

  • How to change an characteristic to an navigation attribute?

    Hello everyone!!
    Does anybody knows how to change a characteristic that is on a POS to an attribute navigation of another characteristic that is in the same POS without deactivating it?
    An infocube has the same POS characteristics. So, if I do this modification, the infocube will be automatically chaged? I think not, but I want to avoid manually changing almost everything.
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hello Heidi
    Sorry if I took so long to answer.
    Unfortunately you will have do deactivate the POS and of course change all the infocubes, infosources, etc, that are involved with this change. If you deactivate your POS, all the CVC´s are eliminated, so it will be better if you backup all the data in your live cache in an backup infocube.
    When you change the characteristic to an navigation attribute and also change the infocube, the data in the infocube will adjust automatically. You will have to create the CVC´s again with the new "format". But in the infocube, it won´t be necessary.
    I hope it helps.
    Best Regards

  • Regarding the first level navigation par file customization

    i require the help on the first level navigation par file customization.
    i downloaded the rthe required par file from the server for changes.
    the name of the par file is <b></b>.
    my requirement on this par file is i want to add an image file (.gif) to the first level navigaton at the end of the header.
    can u guide me how to do the chages to add an image in the top level navigation
    header file for this in the par file.
    reply ASAP

    Hi Sunil,
    Do you really want to place the image at the right side of the TLN - or at the header (which is different)?
    In the first case, there is a mixture of JavaScript and JSPs (containing JS) which build up the TLN, and this is quite complicated to understand (at least too complicate for a SDN thread). You would have to work through the code and try to modify it carefully.
    In the secondd case, you are touching the wrong PAR, but you would know the right one (as you opened a different thread about such a modification).
    Alternatively, you could try to use the light framework page, using the navigation tag library. This way, it is more easy to design your own UI, including the nav functionality.
    Hope it helps

  • JSF 2.0 Ajax navigation problem

    I have some problem with new AJAX functionality of JSF 2.0.
    I want to do the navigation between two pages via AJAX because it looks more smooth and I have the possibility to show a wait screen during the server request.
    Here is a short example. I have two facelet page (page1.xhtml and page2.xhtml)
            <h:commandLink value="Go to page 2" action="page2">
                <f:ajax render="@all" execute="@all"/>
                <h:commandLink value="Go to page 1" action="page1">
                    <f:ajax render="@all" execute="@all"/>
    ....The example is very simple. Two pages and on each page is a link to navigate to the other page. I open the page1.xhtml in my browser and I click on the link. The first request is processed as expected. The second pages is displayed successfully. Now I want to go back to the other page. If I click on the link ("Go to page 1") nothing happens. If I click a second time on the link the navigation is working agian. Why I have to click twice? Is this a bug or feature of jsf? Do I use the <f:ajax> feature wrong?
    I did some investigations with firebug and what I can see is that after the second click on page2.xhtml a hidden field is available.
    <input type="hidden" name="javax.faces.ViewState" value="-6158142916843935211:2501145469136072012">
    If I add this hidden field via firebug into the page the navigaiton back to the first page is working after the first click. Why is this hidden field only after the second click available?
    Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance

    I found the problem and a solution :-) The missing piece of the puzzle was the id attribute for the form tag. After some debugging of the JSF JavaScript I found the solution.
    The JavaScript function response(request, context) is invoked to handle the server response. Inside this function the doUpdate(element, context) is invoked.
    The doUpdate() function is doing the modification of the DOM. The function doUpdate() is two times invoked for a response. The first time the html elements are updated.
    The second time the view state hidden field is updated or created but only under the following condition:
    Comment in the JavaScript source code of the jsf.js
    //Now set the view state from the server into the DOM
    //but only for the form that submitted the request.If the forms of the both side haven't the same id the form can't be found on the second page.
    In the following way it is working:
    <h:form id="myform">
            <h:commandLink value="Go to page 2" action="page2">
                <f:ajax render="@all" execute="@all"/>
    <h:form id="myform">
                <h:commandLink value="Go to page 1" action="page1">
                    <f:ajax render="@all" execute="@all"/>
    </h:form>So always set an explicit id for each JSF tag.

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