Navigiation through the Time Tunnel of Time Machine impossible :-(

I recognised a strange behavior when using Apple Remote Desktop with a Time Tunnel within Time Machine.
When I enter over VPN-Connection to a Server of a client and I am able to Enter Time Machine without any problem. Also to Navigation through all the saving in the left bar are possible but as soon as I go to the middle of the screen to copy file, "I lose the cursor". I see only the Cursor in the left Bar and in the Button Bar (cancel, today, restore).
I tested it with 2 server (Intel xerve 2.66 with 12 Gb Ram and an PowerMac G5 with 8Gb RAM). When I test it with my lokal server over 100mb ethernet it works fine.
I would suggest the simulation of the time tunnel background takes to many resource to send them over the VPN. We working with VPN Tunnels with fast Internet (VDSL 20000/1000 kps)
Any Idea how I can solve this problem?

Wifi is the same.. all wifi networks are just that.. networks. There is no direct control of the hard disk.. it must have a smart OS (firmware) built into the unit that shares the hard disk over the network using AFP or SMB (mostly those two but there are other protocols, like FTP, HTTP, etc but Apple doesn't believe in anything else) Time Machine is only able to backup local drives.. that is a drive that is totally controlled by the computer. It matters not a wit, which interface you use, sata, esata, usb, fw400, fw800 or thunderbolt.. all of them are directly controlled by the computer.
Carbon copy cloner can copy files from one network drive to another. Finder can of course copy files.

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    Try this instead:
    Drive Partition and Format
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    2. Select the backup volume from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    3. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.)
    4. Click on the Erase button.
    You will need to reconfigure Time Machine preferences for the backup.
    FYI: Never remove Time Machine backup data except through the Time Machine application. If you aren't sure about using Time Machine then visit Pondini's Time Machine FAQ for help with all things related to Time Machine.

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    Unfortunately, the USB port on the AirPort Express, AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule will only support the print function. Advanced features like copy, scan, maintenance are not supported.
    Until the printer manufacturers provide a network USB driver with advanced functions, there really is no solution other than to connect using wireless to the Time Capsule, or connect the device directly to your Mac.
    You might want to contact Epson support to ask them if they plan to provide network USB drivers for advanced features on their multifunction devices.

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    Thank you in advance for any help or advice that you might have.

    Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, this older "g" device is really going to drag down the performance of your Time Capsule.
    You'll need to use a WDS type configuration, which is an older "g" technology. The setup for this type of configuration is complex and difficult for most users. If you get the configuration right, there are still unfortunately going to be two big negatives with this type of setup.
    1) Since WDS is an older "g" technology, everything on your faster "n" Time Capsule will drop down to "g" level speeds. That's a huge loss.
    2) When you add the Express to the network, the bandwidth will drop by 50%
    Bottom would wind up with an older "g" wireless network throughout that would be operating at one half of it's capability.
    If your budget allows, a new AirPort Express 802.11"n" would provide far better performance and would be much easier to configure for your network.
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

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    Hi, many thanks Bob, what you say is not unthinkable at all, although it does answer the question
    "what could I do *instead* of ..." rather than the one I actually asked, but seriously ...
    Shutting down might be an answer, although it would clear out my tmp directory - which I might not want to have to sort through looking for things I want to save every time I go to work, and also, now that nvram doesn't seem to work for disabling the boot chime, it can get a bit embarassing booting up in a busy meeting if I have forgotten to mute before I shut down. There are all sorts of other issues, such as editing documents, loading web pages and so on that I would have to set up again.
    Your suggestion of letting Apple know is a good one - thank you for the link.
    Take care,

  • I want to set up the Time Machine and I would love to use the Time  Capsule but since I already have a wireless router I need suggestions on  what other external disks Apple could recommend to use with the Time Machine and  how to configure that disk

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    Capsule but since I already have a wireless router I need suggestions on
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    Fusion to be able to use Windows on my Mac. Now it seems that Time
    Machine is not backing up my files
    on that virtual Windows without additional configuration and my question
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    the Fusion virtual machine.

    If you want to use Time Capsule you can.. you simply bridge it and plug it into the existing router.. wireless can be either turned off or used to reinforce the existing wireless.. eg use 5ghz in the TC which is much faster than your 2.4ghz.
    You can also use a NAS.. many brands available but the top brands are synology, qnap and netgear readynas  series. These will all do Time Machine backups although how well always depends on Apple sticking to a standard. There are cheaper ones.. I bought a single disk zyxel which was rebadged and sold through my local supermarket. It actually works very well for TM at least on Snow Leopard. Major changes were made in Lion and again ML so do not instantly think it will work on later versions. I haven't tried it yet with those versions.
    Any external drive can be plugged into the mac. Use the one with the fastest connection or cheapest price according to your budget. USB2 drives are cheap and plentiful. But no where near as fast as USB3 or FW800. So just pick whichever suits the ports on your Mac. Interesting Apple finally moved to USB3 on their latest computers.
    TM should exclude the VM partition file.. it is useless backing it up from Mac OS side.. and will slow TM as it needs to backup that partition everyday for no purpose.. TM cannot see the files inside it to backup just the changes.
    You need to backup windows from windows. Use MSbackup to external drive.. if you have pro or ultimate versions you can backup to network drive. But MSbackup is a dog.. at least until the latest version it cannot restore the partition without first loading windows. There are about a zillion backup software versions for windows.. look up reviews and buy one which works for you. I use a free one Macrium Reflect which does full disk backups and is easy to restore.. to do incremental backups though you have to pay for it.

  • How can I use the Time Machine Backups from my Old Computer?

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    Thanks Kevin for the suggestion posted on MacOSXHints how to "Repair Time Machine after logic board changes".
    It seems as though I am not alone with my frustration with the way Time Machine uses the MAC address of a computer to tell one system from another. This means that if you have your Mac repaired with a new logic board, or replace your system with a new one, you can't resume backups where you left off. Reading through the readers who used the fix using Terminal, it appears that the fix does not always work. I contacted Apple again, but they were no help. Surely Apple should come out with a solution as more and more people use Time Machine/Time Capsule.
    It is CRAZY that after a change computers or a switch in the computer logic board that you cannot resume your Time Machine back ups.

  • I bought an iMac last year and now have a flashing folder on start up. I tried to reboot but am unclear about whether or not the time machine has backed up everything I have on there or how I can do it so I don't loose important data.  Thanks in advance!

    My iMac which I bought in May 2011, (yes the warranty for one year just ran out) but I have 3 years through Best Buy, was making a really loud humming noise yesterday so I shut it down and restarted and now I have the flashing folder on a grey screen.  I don't know if I have lost everything on that computer as I am not sure if I set up or needed to set up the time machine when I bought it.  I am not super mac savvy (yet) and would love some help to try and not only fix this issue but to find out how I can check and see if what I have on there is automatically backed up or not.  I need help! Thanks in advance!!!

    Do you have an Install Disc?
    If so...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    If perchance you can't find your install Disc, at least try it from the Safe Boot part onward.
    If 10.7.0 or later...
    Bootup holding CMD+r, or the Option/alt key to boot from the Restore partitirion & use Disk Utility from there.

  • I have a 500 gb hard drive partitioned for files and time machine but when i connect it to my mac only the time machine one shows up

    well as the title says i have a 500gb hard drive with 2 partitions one with time machine and one for files it worked perefectly until yesterday only the time machine partition appeared in finder, i checked disk utility and both partitions appeared but the one for files appeared in grey and when i press mount an error comes up.

    The repair shop likely replaced a major circuit board on your MacBook Pro, so Time Machine thinks that you have a "new" computer and it wants to make a new complete backup of your Mac.
    You are going to have to make a decision to either add another new Time Capsule....or USB drive to your existing Time Capsule....and in effect start over with a new backup of your Mac and then move forward again.
    For "most" users, I think this is probably the best plan because you preserve all your old backups in case you need them at some point, and you start over again with a new Time Capsule so you have plenty of room for years of new backups.
    Or, as you have mentioned, you have the option of erasing the Time Capsule drive and starting all over again. The upside is that you start over and have plenty of room for new backups. The downside is that you lose years of backups.
    Another option....trying to manually delete old backups tricky business....and very time consuming. To get an idea of what is involved here, study this FAQ by Pondini, our resident Time Capsule and Time Machine expert on the Community Support area. In particular, study the pink box.
    Once you look through this, I think you may agree that this type of surgery is not for the faint of heart.  I would suggest that you consider this only if one of the other options just cannot work for you.

  • HT201250 How do you set what the Time Machine window shows?

    I just bought a Time Capsule and started using Time Machine.  The window that appears when selecting "Enter Time Machine" shows the desktop, but not the Hard Drive.  I want to see the contents of the HD, not the desktop.

    erickfrombloomfield wrote:
    I thought Time Machine made a clone of my boot drive.
    TimeMachine copies your entire boot drive, but it's not a clone. Clones are near 100% exact copies of your boot partition.
    TM every so often updates with a "state" representing a day, it only saves the changes between states so this way it's not making your external drive full in a couple of days.
    You go through the "states" to pick the copy of the file you want to restore with or the entire drive.
    So that is not true?
    TimeMachine is not a clone.
    Aclone is a exact image of your boot partition, just like you picked up all your software and placed it on another drive.
    Clones can be updated, and now even save the "states" between clones, but then it's not a clone anymore as it's not a 100% copy, but a bootable clone + backup.
    How can I make the Time Machine copy on the Time Capsule bootable?
    You can't, a TimeMachine can only restore, not bootable although I hear it's possible to boot to restore only.
    Or how can I make a clone on Time Capsule?
    You don't. The softwre and technology is not compatbile.
    If you want a clone be able to boot from it, and see everything on  the drive like any other, then you need to use a new blank drive and Carbon Copy Cloner, then it's a option key bootable clone drive.
    TM or TimeCapsule can't do this, it's a backup system, not a clone.
    If you want to learn more about TM you can visit this site
    I don't use TM at all, it's for newbies mostly. It takes a long time to restore with as it has to go through all the states to grab files.
    Power and seasoned users use clones so they also can boot from them, make more clones or run the computer if the drive dies etc.etc.

  • I have a 5.4 tb external hard (1.87 tb used) drive, which seems to take a very long time when the Time Machine is in the cleaning up phase, why?

    I am wondering why the Time Machine gets stuck during the Cleaning Up phase of Backing Up???

    Hallo  Kieth ,
    I am not quite ready to restore the full iphoto library , as I have days of work re - imputting titles,descriptions and enhancement . I hope that your suggestion works , as I use my Macbook basically to work with digital photography. Through time , I will need to delete my library to recover more disc space and I would hate to have to spend more time re - imputting titles and descriptions all over again .
    Thanks for your interest and advice.
    regards  - Alan

  • The window that opens when I click on the Time Machine icon is Finder (devices) and when I close this Time Machine also closes.

    The window that opens when I click on the Time Machine icon is Finder (devices) and when I close this Time Machine also closes.

    You will need to be much more specific about what you problem is. That is how TM works. That is how you find things to restore from TM, by using a Finder window so that you can browse through the Mac's hierarchy of folders and files.
    Why are you double posting this?

  • I have been using time machine to back up my Mac Book Pro 3.1 to my Time Capsule. Now the Time machine hangs up on "calculating time remaining".

    I have been using time machine to back up my Mac Book Pro 3.1 to my Time Capsule. Now the Time machine hangs up on "calculating time remaining".
    Mac Book Pro - 3.1-15-inch  2.4/2.2GHz), Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Operating system : OS X 10.10.1
    Time Machine Version 1.3, Copyright 2007-2014 Apple Inc., Modified Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 6:03 PM
    Time Capsule: 500 GB C 2007
    This Time Machine software worked satisfactory until Monday Nov, 10 2014 and I have backups until that time. For several years, the software deleted the oldest back up to save the latest one. This is acceptable to me as I have off site storage that is updated every 3 months. How do I get Time machine working again?

    I have spent a couple of days trying to respond to Linc Davis. Finally I figured it out . The following is a copy of data from my console from the initiation of a time machine backup until it gets stuck trying to calculate the time remaining. There is no indication that anything starts saving.  I copied about 3 minutes of data. This is probably way too much data, but I do not know what is relevant.
    Thanks for the help,
    12/22/14 3:16:54.655 PM[551]: Starting manual backup
    12/22/14 3:16:55.057 PM[551]: Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://”name”%20”lastname”@Home%20Network%20Time%20Capsule._afpovertcp._tcp.loca l./Time%20Capsule
    12/22/14 3:16:57.262 PM mds[33]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7fed5ab54000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Time Capsule
    12/22/14 3:16:57.565 PM[551]: Mounted network destination at mount point: /Volumes/Time Capsule using URL: afp://”name”%20”lastname”@Home%20Network%20Time%20Capsule._afpovertcp._tcp.loca l./Time%20Capsule
    12/22/14 3:17:08.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Backup of “name” “lastname”’s MacBook Pro on device disk3s2
    12/22/14 3:17:09.625 PM[551]: Disk image /Volumes/Time Capsule/”name” “lastname”’s MacBook Pro (2).sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of “name” “lastname”’s MacBook Pro
    12/22/14 3:17:11.112 PM[551]: Backing up to /dev/disk3s2: /Volumes/Backup of “name” “lastname”’s MacBook Pro/Backups.backupdb
    12/22/14 3:17:24.931 PM “name”[593]: audit warning: soft /var/audit
    12/22/14 3:17:24.944 PM “name”[594]: audit warning: allsoft
    12/22/14 3:17:24.958 PM “name”[596]: audit warning: closefile /var/audit/20141222201654.20141222201724
    12/22/14 3:17:26.544 PM[551]: Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
    12/22/14 3:17:34.767 PM[551]: Deep event scan at path:/ reason:must scan subdirs|new event db|
    12/22/14 3:17:34.768 PM[551]: Reading cached event database from: /Volumes/Backup of “name” “lastname”’s MacBook Pro/Backups.backupdb/”name” “lastname”’s MacBook Pro (2)/2014-12-22-151726.inProgress/F85FEA51-E137-471A-84DA-A2C00E4ECB42/.1BEF88C6 -20C3-3DDC-AE30-05EAB2AFCC15.eventdb
    12/22/14 3:17:38.115 PM[551]: Using cached disk scan
    12/22/14 3:17:39.114 PM[551]: Saved event cache at /Volumes/Backup of “name” “lastname”’s MacBook Pro/Backups.backupdb/”name” “lastname”’s MacBook Pro (2)/2014-12-22-151726.inProgress/5BC46A53-25E8-4C4A-8947-AFB221D1FA0C/.1BEF88C6 -20C3-3DDC-AE30-05EAB2AFCC15.eventdb
    12/22/14 3:17:39.355 PM[551]: Not using file event preflight for Macintosh HD
    12/22/14 3:19:14.782 PM CoreServicesUIAgent[294]: unexpected message <OS_xpc_error: <error: 0x7fff77befc60> { count = 1, contents =
                "XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x7fff77beff70> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }
    12/22/14 3:20:15.207 PM locationd[182]: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
    12/22/14 3:20:17.267 PM locationd[182]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
    12/22/14 3:20:17.884 PM locationd[182]: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
    12/22/14 3:20:18.483 PM sandboxd[296]: ([310]) deny mach-lookup
    12/22/14 3:20:21.646 PM[310]: [SLSUGGESTIONS] Location managed failed with error Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 0.)"
    12/22/14 3:20:23.892 PM WindowServer[143]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Spotlight" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    12/22/14 3:20:26.526 PM WindowServer[143]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Spotlight" after 3.63 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    12/22/14 3:20:28.298 PM sandboxd[296]: ([310]) deny mach-lookup
    12/22/14 3:20:29.094 PM[1]: ([599]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in():
    12/22/14 3:20:30.670 PM bird[263]: Assertion failed: ![_xpcClients containsObject:client]
    12/22/14 3:20:30.670 PM bird[263]: Assertion failed: ![_xpcClients containsObject:client]
    12/22/14 3:20:32.294 PM[600]: -[PFUbiquitySwitchboardEntryMetadata setUseLocalStorage:](808): CoreData: Ubiquity:  “name”~00000000-0000-1000-8000-001B63947FCF:UserDictionary
    Using local storage: 1
    12/22/14 3:20:32.317 PM bird[263]: Assertion failed: ![_xpcClients containsObject:client]
    12/22/14 3:20:32.769 PM locationd[182]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
    12/22/14 3:20:34.580 PM Console[601]: Failed to connect (_consoleX) outlet from (NSApplication) to (ConsoleX): missing setter or instance variable
    12/22/14 3:20:35.540 PM[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    12/22/14 3:20:36.388 PM[1]: ([604]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in():
    12/22/14 3:20:36.693 PM “name”[608]: audit warning: soft /var/audit
    12/22/14 3:20:36.718 PM “name”[607]: audit warning: allsoft
    12/22/14 3:20:37.045 PM “name”[610]: audit warning: closefile /var/audit/20141222201724.20141222202036
    12/22/14 3:20:37.438 PM bird[263]: Assertion failed: ![_xpcClients containsObject:client]
    12/22/14 3:20:42.437 PM QuickLookSatellite[611]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
    12/22/14 3:20:42.437 PM QuickLookSatellite[611]: Invalid Connection ID 0
    12/22/14 3:20:42.477 PM QuickLookSatellite[611]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
    12/22/14 3:20:42.477 PM QuickLookSatellite[611]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
    12/22/14 3:20:42.612 PM QuickLookSatellite[611]: [QL] No sandbox token for request <QLThumbnailRequest stackshot.log>, it will probably fail
    12/22/14 3:20:42.613 PM QuickLookSatellite[611]: [QL] No sandbox token for thumbnail request file:///Library/Logs/stackshot.log, it will probably fail
    12/22/14 3:20:42.615 PM QuickLookSatellite[611]: [QL] No sandbox token for request <QLThumbnailRequest stackshot-syms.log>, it will probably fail
    12/22/14 3:20:42.615 PM QuickLookSatellite[611]: [QL] No sandbox token for thumbnail request file:///Library/Logs/stackshot-syms.log, it will probably fail

Maybe you are looking for