Need a QUIET   (SHHHHHH!!!!!) interface

Hi All,
I've searched the forum for ideas for an interface for my guitar and bass. I think it's HangTime that suggests a few, namely the M-Audio Fast Track (my apologies to HangTime if it's someone else). I've seen some reviews on,, etc. I've used the line input on my G5 with an adapter to the guitar cable. For $5 for the RadioShack mod, I was able to get right in. However, I believe I'm getting some sort of electro-magnetic interference as there's a constant peep or other extraneous sound on my track. I've discovered the beauty of using quality loops that are clean and wish to get that with the guitar tracks as well. I'll be recording electric guitar clean and adding effects maybe later and possibly a line out from the amp for some dirty sounds to. The bass can probably go straight in. And the acoustic, may be miked.
Can anyone recommend a solution?

I probably neglected to say that I also have an Mbox. It was the first version and I had bought it when I was running a B&W G3. That machine was too slow, even after installing a Sonnet G4 upgrade. After getting the G5, I decided to go back to it and got the 7.5 LE ver. from Digidesign. I wasn't sure that I could use the mbox as an interface since these products tend to be exclusive and problematic at best. But since searching the forums and finding people actually use the mbox as their interface, I was encouraged. I tried using a instrument in just to see if there was signal. Success! So, at this point, I think I'll try this interface out for mics and see how it goes. At some point, I'll get around to using ProTools. I just don't have the time right now to familiarize myself with it. GB has suited my needs thus far and will continue with the projects I have going in it. Of course, if someone has and thoughts about this I'd like to hear them.
Thanks for the advice,

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  • DO i need some extra hardware interface for receving both Audio and video

    hi i m doing e-learning project. i have to capture video from webcam and voice from headphone and send to client.
    but my code is working fine for either one at a time.
    DO i need some extra hardware interface for receving both Audio and video. im using code AVTransmit and AVReceive found from this site only
    After running TX
    i give Dsound:// & vfw://0 in Media Locater only sound is received and no vedio
    and when i give vfw://0 in Media Locater only live video is transmited.
    im using JMF1.1.2e.
    if any one know the method to run or cause of it plz reply me soon. i will be very thankfull
    transmiter/server side code .first run TX on server
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    public class Tx extends JFrame implements ActionListener, KeyListener,
    MouseListener, WindowListener {
    Vector targets;
    JList list;
    JButton startXmit;
    JButton rtcp;
    JButton update;
    JButton expiration;
    JButton statistics;
    JButton addTarget;
    JButton removeTarget;
    JTextField tf_remote_address;
    JTextField tf_remote_data_port;
    JTextField tf_media_file;
    JTextField tf_data_port;
    TargetListModel listModel;
    AVTransmitter avTransmitter;
    RTCPViewer rtcpViewer;
    JCheckBox cb_loop;
    Config config;
    public Tx() {
    setTitle( "JMF/RTP Transmitter");
         config= new Config();
         GridBagLayout gridBagLayout= new GridBagLayout();
         GridBagConstraints gbc;
         JPanel p= new JPanel();
         p.setLayout( gridBagLayout);
         JPanel localPanel= createLocalPanel();
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx= 0;
         gbc.gridy= 0;
         gbc.gridwidth= 2;
         gbc.anchor= GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
         gbc.fill= GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
         gbc.insets= new Insets( 10, 5, 0, 0);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( localPanel, gbc);
         p.add( localPanel);
         JPanel targetPanel= createTargetPanel();
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx= 1;
         gbc.gridy= 1;
         gbc.weightx= 1.0;
         gbc.weighty= 1.0;
         gbc.anchor= GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
         gbc.fill= GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
         gbc.insets= new Insets( 10, 5, 0, 0);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( targetPanel, gbc);
    p.add( targetPanel);
         JPanel mediaPanel= createMediaPanel();
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx= 1;
         gbc.gridy= 2;
         gbc.weightx= 1.0;
         gbc.weighty= 1.0;
         gbc.anchor= GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
         gbc.fill= GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
         gbc.insets= new Insets( 10, 5, 0, 0);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( mediaPanel, gbc);
    p.add( mediaPanel);
    JPanel buttonPanel= new JPanel();
    rtcp= new JButton( "RTCP Monitor");
    update= new JButton( "Transmission Status");
         update.setEnabled( false);
         rtcp.addActionListener( this);
         update.addActionListener( this);
         buttonPanel.add( rtcp);
         buttonPanel.add( update);
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 0;
         gbc.gridy = 3;
    gbc.gridwidth= 2;
         gbc.weightx = 1.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,10,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( buttonPanel, gbc);
         p.add( buttonPanel);
    getContentPane().add( p);
         list.addMouseListener( this);
         addWindowListener( this);
    setVisible( true);
    private JPanel createMediaPanel() {
    JPanel p= new JPanel();
         GridBagLayout gridBagLayout= new GridBagLayout();
    GridBagConstraints gbc;
         p.setLayout( gridBagLayout);
         JLabel label= new JLabel( "Media Locator:");
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 0;
         gbc.gridy = 0;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,10,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( label, gbc);
         p.add( label);
         tf_media_file= new JTextField( 35);
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 1;
         gbc.gridy = 0;
         gbc.weightx = 1.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,10,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( tf_media_file, gbc);
         p.add( tf_media_file);
         tf_media_file.setText( config.media_locator);
         cb_loop= new JCheckBox( "loop");
         startXmit= new JButton( "Start Transmission");
         startXmit.setEnabled( true);
         startXmit.addActionListener( this);
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 2;
         gbc.gridy = 0;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,10,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( cb_loop, gbc);
         p.add( cb_loop);
         cb_loop.setSelected( true);
         cb_loop.addActionListener( this);
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 1;
         gbc.gridy = 1;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,10,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( startXmit, gbc);
         p.add( startXmit);
         TitledBorder titledBorder= new TitledBorder( new EtchedBorder(), "Source");
         p.setBorder( titledBorder);
         return p;
    private JPanel createTargetPanel() {
    JPanel p= new JPanel();
         GridBagLayout gridBagLayout= new GridBagLayout();
    GridBagConstraints gbc;
         p.setLayout( gridBagLayout);
         targets= new Vector();
         for( int i= 0; i < config.targets.size(); i++) {
         targets.addElement( config.targets.elementAt( i));
    listModel= new TargetListModel( targets);
    list= new JList( listModel);
         list.addKeyListener( this);
         list.setPrototypeCellValue( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
    JScrollPane scrollPane= new JScrollPane( list,
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx= 0;
         gbc.gridy= 0;
         gbc.weightx= 1.0;
         gbc.weighty= 1.0;
         gbc.anchor= GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
         gbc.fill= GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
         gbc.insets= new Insets( 10, 5, 0, 0);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( scrollPane, gbc);
         p.add( scrollPane);
    JPanel p1= new JPanel();
         p1.setLayout( gridBagLayout);
         JLabel label= new JLabel( "IP Address:");
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 0;
         gbc.gridy = 0;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,0,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p1.getLayout()).setConstraints( label, gbc);
         p1.add( label);
         tf_remote_address= new JTextField( 15);
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 1;
         gbc.gridy = 0;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,0,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p1.getLayout()).setConstraints( tf_remote_address, gbc);
         p1.add( tf_remote_address);
         label= new JLabel( "Data Port:");
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 0;
         gbc.gridy = 1;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,0,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p1.getLayout()).setConstraints( label, gbc);
         p1.add( label);
         tf_remote_data_port= new JTextField( 15);
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 1;
         gbc.gridy = 1;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,0,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p1.getLayout()).setConstraints( tf_remote_data_port, gbc);
         p1.add( tf_remote_data_port);     
    JPanel p2= new JPanel();
    addTarget= new JButton( "Add Target");     
    removeTarget= new JButton( "Remove Target");
         p2.add( addTarget);
         p2.add( removeTarget);
         addTarget.addActionListener( this);
         removeTarget.addActionListener( this);
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 0;
         gbc.gridy = 2;
         gbc.weightx = 1.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.gridwidth= 2;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 20,5,0,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p1.getLayout()).setConstraints( p2, gbc);
         p1.add( p2);
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx= 1;
         gbc.gridy= 0;
         gbc.weightx= 1.0;
         gbc.weighty= 1.0;
         gbc.anchor= GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
         gbc.fill= GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
         gbc.insets= new Insets( 10, 5, 0, 0);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( p1, gbc);
         p.add( p1);
         TitledBorder titledBorder= new TitledBorder( new EtchedBorder(), "Targets");
         p.setBorder( titledBorder);
         return p;
    private JPanel createLocalPanel() {
    JPanel p= new JPanel();
         GridBagLayout gridBagLayout= new GridBagLayout();
    GridBagConstraints gbc;
         p.setLayout( gridBagLayout);
         JLabel label= new JLabel( "IP Address:");
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 0;
         gbc.gridy = 0;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,0,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( label, gbc);
         p.add( label);
         JTextField tf_local_host= new JTextField( 15);
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 1;
         gbc.gridy = 0;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,0,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( tf_local_host, gbc);
         p.add( tf_local_host);
         try {
    String host= InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();     
         tf_local_host.setText( host);
         } catch( UnknownHostException e) {
         label= new JLabel( "Data Port:");
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 0;
         gbc.gridy = 1;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,0,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( label, gbc);
         p.add( label);
         tf_data_port= new JTextField( 15);
         gbc= new GridBagConstraints();
         gbc.gridx = 1;
         gbc.gridy = 1;
         gbc.weightx = 0.0;
         gbc.weighty = 0.0;
         gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
         gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
         gbc.insets = new Insets( 5,5,10,5);
         ((GridBagLayout)p.getLayout()).setConstraints( tf_data_port, gbc);
         p.add( tf_data_port);
         tf_data_port.setText( config.local_data_port);
         TitledBorder titledBorder= new TitledBorder( new EtchedBorder(), "Local Host");
         p.setBorder( titledBorder);
         return p;
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event) {
    Object source= event.getSource();
         if( source == addTarget) {
         String ip= tf_remote_address.getText().trim();
         String port= tf_remote_data_port.getText().trim();
         String localPort= tf_data_port.getText().trim();
         addTargetToList( localPort, ip, port);
         if( avTransmitter != null) {
         avTransmitter.addTarget( ip, port);
         } else if( source == removeTarget) {
         int index= list.getSelectedIndex();
         if( index != -1) {
              Target target= (Target) targets.elementAt( index);
              if( avTransmitter != null) {
         avTransmitter.removeTarget( target.ip, target.port);
              targets.removeElement( target);
              listModel.setData( targets);          
         } else if( source == startXmit) {
         if( startXmit.getLabel().equals( "Start Transmission")) {          
         int data_port= new Integer( tf_data_port.getText()).intValue();
              avTransmitter= new AVTransmitter( this, data_port);
         avTransmitter.start( tf_media_file.getText().trim(), targets);          
              avTransmitter.setLooping( cb_loop.isSelected());
         startXmit.setLabel( "Stop Transmission");
         } else if( startXmit.getLabel().equals( "Stop Transmission")) {
              avTransmitter= null;
              listModel.setData( targets);
         startXmit.setLabel( "Start Transmission");          
         } else if( source == rtcp) {
         if( rtcpViewer == null) {
         rtcpViewer= new RTCPViewer();
         } else {
              rtcpViewer.setVisible( true);
         } else if( source == cb_loop) {
         if( avTransmitter != null) {
              avTransmitter.setLooping( cb_loop.isSelected());
    private void removeNonBaseTargets() {
         String localPort= tf_data_port.getText().trim();
         for( int i= targets.size(); i > 0;) {
         Target target= (Target) targets.elementAt( i - 1);
         if( !target.localPort.equals( localPort)) {
    targets.removeElement( target);
    public void addTargetToList( String localPort,
                             String ip, String port) {     
    ListUpdater listUpdater= new ListUpdater( localPort, ip,
                                  port, listModel, targets);
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater( listUpdater);           
    public void rtcpReport( String report) {
         if( rtcpViewer != null) { report);
    public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event) {
         config.local_data_port= tf_data_port.getText().trim();
         config.targets= new Vector();
         for( int i= 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
         Target target= (Target) targets.elementAt( i);
         if( target.localPort.equals( config.local_data_port)) {
              config.addTarget( target.ip, target.port);
         config.media_locator= tf_media_file.getText().trim();
    System.exit( 0);
    public void windowClosed( WindowEvent event) {
    public void windowDeiconified( WindowEvent event) {
    public void windowIconified( WindowEvent event) {
    public void windowActivated( WindowEvent event) {
    public void windowDeactivated( WindowEvent event) {
    public void windowOpened( WindowEvent event) {
    public void keyPressed( KeyEvent event) {
    public void keyReleased( KeyEvent event) {
    Object source= event.getSource();
         if( source == list) {
         int index= list.getSelectedIndex();
    public void keyTyped( KeyEvent event) {
    public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e) {
    Object source= e.getSource();
         if( source == list) {
         int index= list.getSelectedIndex();
         if( index != -1) {
              Target target= (Target) targets.elementAt( index);
              tf_remote_address.setText( target.ip);
              tf_remote_data_port.setText( target.port);
         int index= list.locationToIndex( e.getPoint());
    public static void main( String[] args) {
    new Tx();
    class TargetListModel extends AbstractListModel {
    private Vector options;
    public TargetListModel( Vector options) {
         this.options= options;
    public int getSize() {
         int size;
         if( options == null) {
         size= 0;
         } else {
         size= options.size();
         return size;
    public Object getElementAt( int index) {
    String name;
    if( index < getSize()) {
         Target o= (Target)options.elementAt( index);
    name= o.localPort + " ---> " + o.ip + ":" + o.port;
         } else {
         name= null;
         return name;
    public void setData( Vector data) {
         options= data;
         fireContentsChanged( this, 0, data.size());
    class ListUpdater implements Runnable {
    String localPort, ip, port;
    TargetListModel listModel;
    Vector targets;
    public ListUpdater( String localPort, String ip, String port,
                   TargetListModel listModel, Vector targets) {
         this.localPort= localPort;
         this.ip= ip;
         this.port= port;
         this.listModel= listModel;
         this.targets= targets;
    public void run() {
    Target target= new Target( localPort, ip, port);
         if( !targetExists( localPort, ip, port)) {
         targets.addElement( target);
    listModel.setData( targets);
    public boolean targetExists( String localPort, String ip, String port) {
         boolean exists= false;
         for( int i= 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
         Target target= (Target) targets.elementAt( i);
         if( target.localPort.equals( localPort)
         && target.ip.equals( ip)
              && target.port.equals( port)) {          
              exists= true;
         return exists;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class AVTransmitter implements ReceiveStreamListener, RemoteListener,
    ControllerListener {
    // Input MediaLocator
    // Can be a file or http or capture source
    private MediaLocator locator;
    private String ipAddress;
    private int portBase;
    private Processor processor = null;
    private RTPManager rtpMgrs[];
    private int localPorts[];
    private DataSource dataOutput = null;
    private int local_data_port;
    private Tx tx;
    public AVTransmitter( Tx tx, int data_port) {
         this.tx= tx;
         local_data_port= data_port;
    * Starts the transmission. Returns null if transmission started ok.
    * Otherwise it returns a string with the reason why the setup failed.
    public synchronized String start( String filename, Vector targets) {
         String result;
         locator= new MediaLocator( filename);
         // Create a processor for the specified media locator
         // and program it to output JPEG/RTP
         result = createProcessor();
         if (result != null) {
         return result;
         // Create an RTP session to transmit the output of the
         // processor to the specified IP address and port no.
         result = createTransmitter( targets);
         if (result != null) {
         processor = null;
         return result;
         // Start the transmission
         return null;
    * Use the RTPManager API to create sessions for each media
    * track of the processor.
    private String createTransmitter( Vector targets) {
         // Cheated. Should have checked the type.
         PushBufferDataSource pbds = (PushBufferDataSource)dataOutput;
         PushBufferStream pbss[] = pbds.getStreams();
         rtpMgrs = new RTPManager[pbss.length];
         localPorts = new int[ pbss.length];
         SessionAddress localAddr, destAddr;
         InetAddress ipAddr;
         SendStream sendStream;
         int port;
         SourceDescription srcDesList[];
         for (int i = 0; i < pbss.length; i++) {
         // for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
         try {
              rtpMgrs[i] = RTPManager.newInstance();     
              port = local_data_port + 2*i;
              localPorts[ i]= port;
              localAddr = new SessionAddress( InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
              rtpMgrs.initialize( localAddr);          
         for( int k= 0; k < targets.size(); k++) {
              Target target= (Target) targets.elementAt( k);
              int targetPort= new Integer( target.port).intValue();
              addTarget( localPorts[ i], rtpMgrs[ i], target.ip, targetPort + 2*i);
              sendStream = rtpMgrs[i].createSendStream(dataOutput, i);          
         } catch (Exception e) {
              return e.getMessage();
         return null;
    public void addTarget( String ip, String port) {
         for (int i= 0; i < rtpMgrs.length; i++) {
         int targetPort= new Integer( port).intValue();
         addTarget( localPorts[ i], rtpMgrs[ i], ip, targetPort + 2*i);
    public void addTarget( int localPort, RTPManager mgr, String ip, int port) {
         try {
         SessionAddress addr= new SessionAddress( InetAddress.getByName( ip),
                                  new Integer( port).intValue());
         mgr.addTarget( addr);
         tx.addTargetToList( localPort + "", ip, port + "");
         } catch( Exception e) {
    public void removeTarget( String ip, String port) {
         try {     
         SessionAddress addr= new SessionAddress( InetAddress.getByName( ip),
                                  new Integer( port).intValue());
         for (int i= 0; i < rtpMgrs.length; i++) {
         rtpMgrs[ i].removeTarget( addr, "target removed from transmitter.");
         } catch( Exception e) {
    boolean looping= true;
    public void controllerUpdate( ControllerEvent ce) {
         System.out.println( ce);
         if( ce instanceof DurationUpdateEvent) {
         Time duration= ((DurationUpdateEvent) ce).getDuration();
         System.out.println( "duration: " + duration.getSeconds());
         } else if( ce instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
         System.out.println( "END OF MEDIA - looping=" + looping);
         if( looping) {
         processor.setMediaTime( new Time( 0));
    public void setLooping( boolean flag) {
         looping= flag;
    public void update( ReceiveStreamEvent event) {
         String timestamp= getTimestamp();
         StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer();
         if( event instanceof InactiveReceiveStreamEvent) {
         sb.append( timestamp + " Inactive Receive Stream");
         } else if( event instanceof ByeEvent) {
         sb.append( timestamp + " Bye");
         } else {
         System.out.println( "ReceiveStreamEvent: "+ event);
         tx.rtcpReport( sb.toString());     
    public void update( RemoteEvent event) {     
         String timestamp= getTimestamp();
         if( event instanceof ReceiverReportEvent) {
         ReceiverReport rr= ((ReceiverReportEvent) event).getReport();
         StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer();
         sb.append( timestamp + " RR");
         if( rr != null) {
              Participant participant= rr.getParticipant();
              if( participant != null) {
              sb.append( " from " + participant.getCNAME());
              sb.append( " ssrc=" + rr.getSSRC());
              } else {
              sb.append( " ssrc=" + rr.getSSRC());
              tx.rtcpReport( sb.toString());
         } else {
         System.out.println( "RemoteEvent: " + event);
    private String getTimestamp() {
         String timestamp;
         Calendar calendar= Calendar.getInstance();
         int hour= calendar.get( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
         String hourStr= formatTime( hour);
         int minute= calendar.get( Calendar.MINUTE);
         String minuteStr= formatTime( minute);
         int second= calendar.get( Calendar.SECOND);
         String secondStr= formatTime( second);
         timestamp= hourStr + ":" + minuteStr + ":" + secondStr;     
         return timestamp;
    private String formatTime( int time) {     
         String timeStr;
         if( time < 10) {
         timeStr= "0" + time;
         } else {
         timeStr= "" + time;
         return timeStr;
    * Stops the transmission if already started
    public void stop() {
         synchronized (this) {
         if (processor != null) {
              processor = null;
         for (int i= 0; i < rtpMgrs.length; i++) {
         rtpMgrs[ i].removeTargets( "Session ended.");
              rtpMgrs[ i].dispose();
    public String createProcessor() {
         if (locator == null) {
         return "Locator is null";
         DataSource ds;
         DataSource clone;
         try {
         ds =;
         } catch (Exception e) {
         return "Couldn't create DataSource";
         // Try to create a processor to handle the input media locator
         try {
         processor =;
         processor.addControllerListener( this);     
         } catch (NoProcessorException npe) {
         return "Couldn't create processor";
         } catch (IOException ioe) {
         return "IOException creating processor";
         // Wait for it to configure
         boolean result = waitForState(processor, Processor.Configured);
         if (result == false)
         return "Couldn't configure processor";
         // Get the tracks from the processor
         TrackControl [] tracks = processor.getTrackControls();
         // Do we have atleast one track?
         if (tracks == null || tracks.length < 1)
         return "Couldn't find tracks in processor";
         // Set the output content descriptor to RAW_RTP
         // This will limit the supported formats reported from
         // Track.getSupportedFormats to only valid RTP formats.
         ContentDescriptor cd = new ContentDescriptor(ContentDescriptor.RAW_RTP);
         Format supported[];
         Format chosen;
         boolean atLeastOneTrack = false;
         // Program the tracks.
         for (int i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
         Format format = tracks[i].getFormat();
         if (tracks[i].isEnabled()) {
              supported = tracks[i].getSupportedFormats();
              // We've set the output content to the RAW_RTP.
              // So all the supported formats should work with RTP.
              // We'll just pick the first one.
              if (supported.length > 0) {
              if (supported[0] instanceof VideoFormat) {
                   // For video formats, we should double check the
                   // sizes since not all formats work in all sizes.
                   chosen = checkForVideoSizes(tracks[i].getFormat(),
              } else
                   chosen = supported[0];
              System.err.println("Track " + i + " is set to transmit as:");
              System.err.println(" " + chosen);
              atLeastOneTrack = true;
              } else
         } else
         if (!atLeastOneTrack)
         return "Couldn't set any of the tracks to a valid RTP format";
         // Realize the processor. This will internally create a flow
         // graph and attempt to create an output datasource for JPEG/RTP
         // audio frames.
         result = waitForState(processor, Controller.Realized);
         if (result == false)
         return "Couldn't realize processor";
         // Set the JPEG quality to .5.
         setJPEGQuality(processor, 0.5f);
         // Get the output data source of the processor
         dataOutput = processor.getDataOutput();
         return null;
    static SessionAddress destAddr1, destAddr2;
    * For JPEG and H263, we know that they only work for particular
    * sizes. So we'll perform extra checking here to make sure they
    * are of the right sizes.
    Format checkForVideoSizes(Format original, Format supported) {
         int width, height;
         Dimension size = ((VideoFormat)original).getSize();
         Format jpegFmt = new Format(VideoFormat.JPEG_RTP);
         Format h263Fmt = new Format(VideoFormat.H263_RTP);
         if (supported.matches(jpegFmt)) {
         // For JPEG, make sure width and height are divisible by 8.
         width = (size.width % 8 == 0 ? size.width :
                        (int)(size.width / 8) * 8);
         height = (size.height % 8 == 0 ? size.height :
                        (int)(size.height / 8) * 8);
         } else if (supported.matches(h263Fmt)) {
         // For H.263, we only support some specific sizes.
         if (size.width < 128) {
              width = 128;
              height = 96;
         } else if (size.width < 176) {
              width = 176;
              height = 144;
         } else {
              width = 352;
              height = 288;
         } else {
         // We don't know this particular format. We'll just
         // leave it alone then.
         return supported;
         return (new VideoFormat(null,
                        new Dimension(width, height),
    * Setting the encoding quality to the specified value on the JPEG encoder.
    * 0.5 is a good default.
    void setJPEGQuality(Player p, float val) {
         Control cs[] = p.getControls();
         QualityControl qc = null;
         VideoFormat jpegFmt = new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.JPEG);
         // Loop through the controls to find the Quality control for
         // the JPEG encoder.
         for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
         if (cs[i] instanceof QualityControl &&
              cs[i] instanceof Owned) {
              Object owner = ((Owned)cs[i]).getOwner();
              // Check to see if the owner is a Codec.
              // Then check for the output format.
              if (owner instanceof Codec) {
              Format fmts[] = ((Codec)owner).getSupportedOutputFormats(null);
              for (int j = 0; j < fmts.length; j++) {
                   if (fmts[j].matches(jpegFmt)) {
                   qc = (QualityControl)cs[i];
                   System.err.println("- Setting quality to " +
                             val + " on " + qc);
              if (qc != null)
    * Convenience methods to handle processor's state changes.
    private Integer stateLock = new Integer(0);
    private boolean failed = false;
    Integer getStateLock() {
         return stateLock;
    void setFailed() {
         failed = true;
    private synchronized boolean waitForState(Processor p, int state) {
         p.addControllerListener(new StateListener());
         failed = false;
         // Call the required method on the processor
         if (state == Processor.Configured) {
         } else if (state == Processor.Realized) {
         // Wait until we get an event that confirms the
         // success of the method, or a failure event.
         // See StateListener inner class
         while (p.getState() < state && !failed) {
         synchronized (getStateLock()) {
              try {
              } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
              return false;
         if (failed)
         return false;
         return true;
    * Inner Classes
    class StateListener implements ControllerListener {
         public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent ce) {
         // If there was an error during configure or
         // realiz

    I do this all the time, I put my MBP to a 60 inch Sharp. If you have the video working do the simple thing first. Check to make sure your sound is on your TV and Mac. Then if that doesn't work go to System Prefrences and under sound go to a tab called Output and see if your TV is listed and if it is change it to that setting
    Hope It Works

  • I am considering buying a new MAC laptop to run LOGIC for composition and band live/recording, but which one is best as I do not want to spend too much money? Does it have a line in and how do you monitor sound? Will I need adaptors and a interface?

    Can anybody help?
    I am considering buying a new MAC laptop to run LOGIC for composition and band live/recording, but which one is best as I do not want to spend too much money?
    Does it have a line in and how do you monitor sound?
    Will I need adaptors and an interface?
    Also, I am guessing as Logic only runs on MAC surely then they would not the best spec to recommend to run it?
    I see all the upgrades as additional memory or a faster process?
    Is a retina screen necessary, and why flash based storage against a 1TB hard drive, and a i5 instead of an i7
    The main reason for this purchase is to play live and use backing tracks and record found sounds and make creative songs.
    I hope you can provide some valuable feedback, as I am a longtime MAC user and see upgrades and changes happen regularly but the most important thing is the songs not the equipment.
    I have £500 already and willing to add another 500 to 700 pounds, then software extra.

    Can anybody help?
    I am considering buying a new MAC laptop to run LOGIC for composition and band live/recording, but which one is best as I do not want to spend too much money?
    Does it have a line in and how do you monitor sound?
    Will I need adaptors and an interface?
    Also, I am guessing as Logic only runs on MAC surely then they would not the best spec to recommend to run it?
    I see all the upgrades as additional memory or a faster process?
    Is a retina screen necessary, and why flash based storage against a 1TB hard drive, and a i5 instead of an i7
    The main reason for this purchase is to play live and use backing tracks and record found sounds and make creative songs.
    I hope you can provide some valuable feedback, as I am a longtime MAC user and see upgrades and changes happen regularly but the most important thing is the songs not the equipment.
    I have £500 already and willing to add another 500 to 700 pounds, then software extra.

  • Do we need to create message interfaces for idocs and rfcs thatare imported

    do we need to create message interfaces for idocs and rfcs thatare imported
    from sap server
    in scenarios from sap system to file or vice versa
    i knew that we need not create message types
    do we also skip creating message interfaces

    you create an abstract message interface for IDOC only if you want to use
    them in a BPM (integration process)
    for more about IDOCs have a look at my book:
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2006/10/11/xi-new-book-mastering-idoc-business-scenarios-with-sap-xi"><b>Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP XI</b></a>
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

  • Newbie needs advice on audio interface

    just purchased iMac 27" with Lion...have nice sounding Taylor 810 accoustic...want to record guitar and vocals, strictly a hobby. need advice on audio interfaces...willing to spend $600 on the Duet 2.0 if it's as good as the web reviews say it is but???... will I hear a difference with a $250 interface like a presonus firestudio mobile (vs. $600 Duet 2)?... want something that sounds great and works well with GB/Lion....thanks

    To be honest, if using mics, you will get more out of picking up the FireStudio Mobile and spending the difference (or more) on treating the room you will be recording and mixing in.
    As far as Lion is concerned, just check with Presonus about compatibility.
    If you pick up the FireStudioMobile, it ships with Studio One Artist. It has a better comping feature than GB does...
    TBH, if this is strictly hobby stuff, by the time you treat your recording environment, pick up decent mics, a second hard drive, stands, cables, monitors, headphones, a handful of plugins, another DAW or two, furniture etc, etc, you will not be too concerned about ownng the FireStudio... Its a great little unit that is very reliable and has a solid build.

  • Do I need a router to interface with my wireless laptop and printer, or can booth tooth.

    Im having a problem interfacing the HP B210 all in one wireless printer to my ASUS wireless Laptop. Do I need a router or can I some hoe make the wireless connection using my blue tooth on my laptop. Please help.

    Well, the printer does not have bluetooth so that will not work.
    However, you can connect to it directly via wi-fi on your laptop.  From the front of the printer go to: Setup > Network > Restore Network Defaults.
    Now, on your PC, look for a wireless network beginning with "HP".  Join it.  There is no password.
    Now, go to Control Panel > Printers and Add a Printer.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

  • Need Help with AP Interface and Lockbox

    Been 2 years in SAP and new to US. My company is changing banks . check and ACH transfer to bank.
    I am facing many issues at the place. Really need to understand IDOCS, EDI What format banks accept.How should I go about it?
    All about AP interface. Config and technical design.
    ALso about Lockbox  - BDI, BDI2 formats, other  details config and design.
    Can someone please send me some good material on these two topics. I will really appreciate. My email is
    [email protected]
    Thanks in advance. Points will be awarded.

    Been 2 years in SAP and new to US. My company is changing banks . check and ACH transfer to bank.
    I am facing many issues at the place. Really need to understand IDOCS, EDI What format banks accept.How should I go about it?
    All about AP interface. Config and technical design.
    ALso about Lockbox  - BDI, BDI2 formats, other  details config and design.
    Can someone please send me some good material on these two topics. I will really appreciate. My email is
    [email protected]
    Thanks in advance. Points will be awarded.

  • Help - I need a new audio interface!

    I need an audio interface - PCI, Firewire or USB-2 - with a bunch of inputs and outputs (min. 6 in, 4 out), a couple of universal XLR/minijack input jacks with good pre-amps and, here's the clincher, separate level controls for headphones and monitor output.
    Does anyone know of anything that suits my needs?

    you might shop around for an M-audio Firewire 1814, which meets all of your requirements (225£). Or if you're looking for more of a mixer, check out the Tascam US-122; it's a mixer with USB connectivity to your mac.
    As for functionality as reliability, i've only heard good things about the firebox and firepod, but they do seem a little outpriced per feature compared to the m-audio line. The thing that i admire (i don't own any yet - can't make up my mind) about the firewire 1814 is the dual headphones. couple that with it's inputs/outputs (go on and bus that mix directly to 2" tape, why don't you?) and you've got a powerful little box. That said, if the Presonus had dual headphones (their hoping you buy their headphone mixer, maybe), I'd put it on the top of my list.
    Since there are a few (really good) options out there, it might be helpful to have people weigh in about why they chose the models that they chose to drop their cash on. How well do the devices work with GB2? Any driver instalbilities? that sort of thing.

  • Need verification of management interface usage on 5510

    I seem to get conflicting information on using the Management port as a regular routed interface on the ASA5510
    This is the text in question:
    The management interface can be used for the traffic that passes through the firewall as well. The Security Plus License for the ASA 5510 is required in order to use the management0/0 port as a regular interface. With a base license on the 5510, the management0/0 port cannot be used as a regular interface.
    I believe that I saw another post that mentioned it was part of the standard IOS if you had a later version.
    Can anybody validate this, one way or the other?

    No, you dont need a license for it,just follow this doc, it was introduced in version 7.0.1:
    Varun Rao
    Security Team,
    Cisco TAC

  • Do gatekeepers need a dedicated physical interface

    I recently took control of a network that has several h323 vtc endpoints registered to a gatekeeper.
    The 3700 router that is the gatekeeper has a physical interface that appears to only exist to be the IP address of the gatekeeper. The 3700 router has other physical interfaces such as the serial interface to the WAN plus the gateway interface for the LAN.
    The 10/100 interface with the gatekeeper IP address has no other configuration besides the "ip address" command. It is also physically connected to the switch.
    All the gatekeeper unique configs are in the gatekeeper config on the 3700.
    Do I really need to dedicate a physical interface so be the gatekeeper? Can I usa loopback interface or use my gateway ip address?
    Thank you.

    We've redeployed out gatekeeper using /32 loop back interfaces.  We have 2 routers each with a /32 loop back.  Then we have 1 gatekeeper on each router configred in a cluster with each other.  It works great.   Now we can use that physical interface for something else and we have redundancy.
    Thanks for the input.

  • Need some correct vocabulary - interfaces

    Helo again world.
    If an interface cannot be instantiated with the new keyword, what is it about interfaces that allows one to use an interface name as a data type when declaring an object?
    Thank you one and all.
    Ciao for now.

    Imagine a class like this one:
    class A
    implements StartValue
    implements EndValue
    int start, end;
    Then you have the interfaces:
    interface StartTime
    void setStart(int);
    interface EndTime
    void setEnd(int);
    Theese interfaces define different ways to interact with an object.
    Then consider another class:
    class B
    StartValue start;
    void Initialize()
    start = (StartValue) new A();
    Now class B declares a variable with the datatype StartValue. The variable is able to hold a reference to any object that can be interacted with using the StartValue interface.
    B.Initialize() will instantiate class A, and put a reference to the new object into the 'start' variable.
    This way, any code that follows in class B does not need to know what kind of object that is put into the
    'start' variable, as long as that object does implement StartValue.
    Now, if you try to compile the above code, you get errors saying that you cannot instantiate class A.
    This is because the class definition states that class A implements two interfaces, but I have not yet written
    the implementation of those interfaces. I need to add the two methods to class A:
    class A
    implements StartValue
    implements EndValue
    int start, end;
    void setStart(int newValue) { start = newValue);
    void setEnd(int newValue) { start = newValue);
    I hopes that you can get something out of this 'tour'.
    If you have been coded a lot of C++, you might think of this as multiple class inheritance, having StartValue
    and EndValue as abstract classes and setStart and setEnd as pure virtual functions.
    If you have been coded COM under winodws, then you should really have no problem with the concepts
    INTERFACE and OBJECT, as they work the same way as in java.
    Best regards,
    Ivar Svendsen

  • I Need some info about interfacing the PC or laptop to Spectrum analyzer using Labview

    we need to control  the spectrum analyzer using an interface   that will    be   developed  using  Labview  .
    Spectrum analyzer will be connected to tha PC using RS 232C and the waveform observed will be seen in the PC interface of spectrum analyzer.
    Pls send some info regarding dis.

    Using a spectrum analyzer with LabVIEW is a pretty common application, my first program 15 years ago did this. What we need to know to help you though is what model spectrum analyzer are you planning on using? Most of the ones I'm familiar with use the GPIB interface rather than RS232, but that isn't a major issue, the spectrum analyzers command set is the important one. There are a lot of LabVIEW drivers available for a larger number of analyzers, here on the National Instruments' site. Although most use the GPIB interface (or ethernet), they can be used as a starting point to develop an RS232 driver if one isn't available, assuming that there is a driver for the model that you have, or a closely related one (manufacturers frequently use similar command sets within a model type).
    So, what type analyzer are you using, and what types of things are you planning on doing with it?
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Senior Test Engineer
    Currently using LV 6.1-LabVIEW 2012, RT8.5
    LabVIEW Champion

  • Why do I need a class or interface?

    Why am I getting this error?
    "": Error #: 202 : 'class' or 'interface' expected at line 484, column 12
    This line is causing the error...what am I missing?
    public Connection openCon(String sUid, String sPwd) throws ReportQueryBuilderException
            Connection dbCon = "";

    "throws ReportQueryBuilderException"
    You probably throw an uncaught exception from the parent class ... in whatever ReportQueryBuilderException is, change it to 'throws Exception' and debug it yourself if an Exception is ever created with a System.out.println or two

  • Need Help With Krono Interface

    If you have exp with Krono Interface Please reply.

    If you have exp with Krono Interface Please reply.

  • Need Clarification reg Runnable interface

    I want to know how can we create a instance of the interface Runnable. I have seen the code running with " new Runnable" in swings. How can we can instantiate the interface. pls clarify if any of you know.

    Thanks you very much Hacker.

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  • Out of range message from PC signal strength good...

    my son's dell (xp sp3) sees my new airport extreme with 4 of 5 bars but gives up after a few seconds with a "out of range" message. My daughter's dell laptop works fine. any suggestions? Rich