Need a recommended image editor

Can someone recommend an image editor that doesn't cost zillions or is free
95% of the time, all I need is:
- image resizing and cropping
- adding shadows
- saving as optimised jpg
- or saving as a png with transparent background
I've rarely ever done anything else not mentioned above 
I've done some googling, and pixelmator looks pretty good
I just looked in the Mac App store... seems pretty good at $14.99!
Should I consider anything else?
I'd love Photoshop - but way too expensive

omar.m wrote:
- image resizing and cropping
- adding shadows
- saving as optimised jpg
- or saving as a png with transparent background
Preview can do all that but add shadows.
GIMP is free photoshop equivalant
There is a plugin for iPhoto that can do borders and shadows.

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    All depends on what the end product is; a slide show on a laptop or projected  20 feet wide in a theatre. For best performance, images should be created to match the document size in;  Inspector > Document > Slide size.
    The slide size should as a minimum match the screen resolution of the  Mac in;
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    Takes about 9 seconds till it's ready to do from the moment I click the dock icon, but from that point onwards it's as fast as anything else I've used.
    I love both the app and the price.
    Hmm, I will try again. Which native Mac OS X port do you recommend? I see a bunch now compared what I saw one in the past.
    You can download the source and compile, but there are also Leopard binaries available for slightly less new versions.
    Actually 2.6.1 has just been released
    but the most recent binary for OS-X is here
    Mine runs with the version of X11 that comes with Leopard.
    And BTW, the latest version of fink for Leopard is great. Much better interface and much easier to install, update and maintain.
    Thanks. I am surprised there are no native ports still.

  • Saving JPEG from External Image Editor (CS2)?

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    Fast is a relative term. However, I will say this: I shoot primarily RAWs, and my largest megapixel count is the 11 megapixels of my Canon 1Ds. On my PowerBook I felt Aperture was fast enough for image sorting and metadata editing, but was a bit jerky and slow for image adjustments. Also, the PowerBook video card was not up to the task of switching views because it would regularly get scrambled and then settle down when switching views. I bought a MacBook Pro C2D w/2GB RAM and I'm very happy with the performance of Aperture on this machine. Adjustments are smooth. Even loading the Masters from 7200 RPM external drive seems much snappier on the MBP.
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    I keep Activity Monitor running on my machine and have set it to load on boot. I set the icon to show the memory usage pie chart. I keep an eye on it as I run my programs. I only keep essential programs open when I am working in Aperture.
    I have found that smaller projects are quicker. Like you, I originally had multiple thousands of images in projects. Then I changed my structure to have many projects under blue folders. My projects are all under 1,000 images now.
    BTW, have you seen this post?

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    i am used nokia e6
    but some days i have face one problem
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    Welcome to the forum!
    If you want to get the image editor and the option to set for wallpaper, you can re-install the software using the Nokia Suite. Before updating, you need to back up your data to avoid deletion.
    Use this link to download the Nokia Suite:
    Follow the steps below to back up your files:
    Connect the phone you want to back up to your computer with a USB cable. On your phone, select Nokia Suite (or PC Suite) and then select OK.
    In Nokia Suite, click Tools then Backup. Nokia Suite shows you a list of the content types that you can back up and prepares a list of information that can be backed up.
    Select the information that you want to back up. If you want to change where the backup file is saved, click Browse and choose another location. If you have a lot of music, photos or videos on your phone, including them in the backup will cause the backup process to be slower.
    Click Start to begin backing up. Do not disconnect or switch off your phone during the backup. If you need to stop the backup, click Stop. Nokia Suite will reach a safe stop point and will then stop the backup.
    Click Finish to close the window after the backup is complete.
    To re-install your phone software, select Tools then Software updates and select the word Re-install. If an update is available for your phone, you can see it here along with any other updates that are available. 
    If the above steps didn't work, can you tell us if you updated the software? There are some cases that, once you've updated the software, other features will be deleted on the next update but it'll be added a new feature and/or functionality.
    Hope this helps. 

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    This is incorrect. There are in fact more filters in FCE4 than in earlier versions. I notice that you have a G4. If this is the computer you're using many of the newer filter will not work with that machine unless you have an upgraded graphics card, though I'm not sure you can get one that will do it for that. That might be one reason you appear to see fewer filters, but all the old filters should be there are well, except for a one or maybe two that were removed because they never worked properly.

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    well, the HEADACHE was posted so long ago. i was in search of the same solution and i can finally reveal.
    Here is the solution:
    to open the image in your desired editor from adobe illustrator, first u need to go to the folder of the respective image and change the "open with" format of that image to adobe photoshop cs5, if you wish to open the image directly to photoshop from illustrator.
    relink the file from illustrator. Its done. you can export the image directly to photoshop. You can do the same process for other desired editor also.

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    You need to tell us what app is saving and using the .dbf files - is it dBase -- or Access?
    In theory, Excel can import .dbf files. Have you gotten that far?
    One alternative is to get Open Office for Mac (it's free). It can open and save in .dbf and Excel formats.
    Or, what Kappy said

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    Link to PS forum article

    The Photoshop 13.0.1 Update fixes this issue.  Excellent.

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    What script version is your target? AS2 or AS3

  • External Image Editor bug?

    Trial version 10.1.3 I think...
    Preferences, touch up, chagne external editor to Paint.NET.
    Try to edit image. says it cant load the image.
    So I wrote a quick program to see what parameters were being passed. Insetad of passing a pathname to an image, Acrobat is passing the name to the selected exe.... so Paint.NET is getting:
    c:\program files\paintdotnet.exe c:\program files\paintdotnet.exe
    instead of expected:
    c:\program files\paintdotnet.exe c:\some temp path\someimage.jpg
    Has anyone successfully used the external edit function with anyting other than photoshop?

    Ok, I figured it out.
    I have to click on the various image extensions column and
    associate them
    with Fireworks.
    "Ricardo" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:f92qhf$4an$[email protected]..
    > Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.10
    > Dreamweaver CS3
    > I have an annoying bug, where when I change the primary
    External Editor to
    > FireworksCS3 as my primary image editor under
    Dreamweaver preferences, the
    > Properties panel still displays and opens images with
    PhotoshopCS3. Tried
    > deleting Photoshop in the the list of apps but no luck.
    > Is there a fix to this problem?
    > Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
    > Thanks,
    > Ricardo

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    MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9), Aperture 3.5.1

    Any monitor will work. Decide what specs work best for your needs and get that monitor.

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