Need basic instructions to enable XP machine to share Vista iTunes

iTunes is running fine on my new Vista desktop. However, my XP laptop cannot see the iTunes on Vista so I cannot play my music in other rooms using my wireless network. Is there a basic tutorial for setting up my Vista and XP machines to enable this?

Simply enable the SMB server in workgroup manager. Unless you customized your share points, they will automatically be available via the SMB protocol as well as the AFP protocol. With the service active, test from your Mac with:
1: in Finder, go to the Go menu and choose Connect to Server
2: in the address box type: smb://<ipor_host_name_ofserver>
3: press connect
Can you connect to your shares from the Mac? If so, then do this on Windows.
1: Open the My Computer window
2: From the Tools menu select Map Network Drive
3: You can try to hit the browse button to find the server and the share or you can
a: select a drive letter
b: define the network path like
\\<ipor_host_name_ofserver>\share name
c: click the connect as different user link and put in the users credentials
d: leave the box checked for connect at login
That should get you want you want with little extra work. If you are running an Open Directory Master on your OS X Server, you can go further and join the Windows system to the domain for centralized user management. Not sure if that is a priority for you. You may only care about the share point access.
Hope this helps

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    If I misunderstand your concern, please do not hesitate to let me know.
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    3 Year In-Place ... S-1-5-21-2495351... True                NotStarted
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        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (Microsoft.Excha...DiscoverySea
       rch:MailboxDiscoverySearch) [], MailboxSearchTaskException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=BLUPR06MB097,RequestId=e8df9b95-2e00-428
       d-813f-da05ea8d09d4,TimeStamp=11/5/2013 9:38:05 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdle
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