Need combobox with a Jtable to view client & server files

Hellow Everybody,
I am quite new to Java, although I have experience with other
programming languages.
I have searched for tutorials, code, examples etc. but have not found
much that can help me so far. I am a BCA student & I am appearing for my last year exams. I studied about various Java programs in my course and I decided to make a Swing based FTP Server. Although I not expert in Java , but I have learnt the network programming very much clearly, and that�s why by the help these I wrote a program but it not complete. I have given the program below.
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JPasswordField;
import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
public class Client extends JFrame {
public static int BUFFER_SIZE = 10240;
protected JTextField userNameTextField = new JTextField("anonymous");
protected JPasswordField passwordTextField = new JPasswordField(10);
protected JTextField urlTextField = new JTextField(20);
protected JTextField fileTextField = new JTextField(10);
protected JTextArea monitorTextArea = new JTextArea(5, 20);
protected JProgressBar m_progress = new JProgressBar();
protected JButton putButton = new JButton("Upload <<");
protected JButton getButton;
protected JButton fileButton = new JButton("File");
protected JButton closeButton = new JButton("Close");
protected JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
protected FtpClient ftpClient;
protected String localFileName;
protected String remoteFileName;
public Client() {
super("FTP Client");
JPanel p = new JPanel();
p.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
p.add(new JLabel("User name:"));
p.add(new JLabel("Password:"));
p.add(new JLabel("URL:"));
p.add(new JLabel("File:"));
JScrollPane ps = new JScrollPane(monitorTextArea);
m_progress.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED, Color.white,
JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
p1.add(m_progress, BorderLayout.CENTER);
ActionListener lst = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (connect()) {
Thread uploader = new Thread() {
public void run() {
getButton = new JButton("Download >>");
lst = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (connect()) {
Thread downloader = new Thread() {
public void run() {
lst = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (fileChooser.showSaveDialog(Client.this) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
File f = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
lst = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (ftpClient != null)
getContentPane().add(p, BorderLayout.CENTER);
fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("."));
.setApproveButtonToolTipText("Select file for upload/download");
WindowListener wndCloser = new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
setSize(720, 240);
public void setButtonStates(boolean state) {
protected boolean connect() {
String user = userNameTextField.getText();
if (user.length() == 0) {
setMessage("Please enter user name");
return false;
String password = new String(passwordTextField.getPassword());
String sUrl = urlTextField.getText();
if (sUrl.length() == 0) {
setMessage("Please enter URL");
return false;
localFileName = fileTextField.getText();
// Parse URL
int index = sUrl.indexOf("//");
if (index >= 0)
sUrl = sUrl.substring(index + 2);
index = sUrl.indexOf("/");
String host = sUrl.substring(0, index);
sUrl = sUrl.substring(index + 1);
String sDir = "";
index = sUrl.lastIndexOf("/");
if (index >= 0) {
sDir = sUrl.substring(0, index);
sUrl = sUrl.substring(index + 1);
remoteFileName = sUrl;
try {
setMessage("Connecting to host " + host);
ftpClient = new FtpClient(host);
ftpClient.login(user, password);
setMessage("User " + user + " login OK");
setMessage("Directory: " + sDir);
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
setMessage("Error: " + ex.toString());
return false;
protected void disconnect() {
if (ftpClient != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
ftpClient = null;
Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
protected void getFile() {
if (localFileName.length() == 0) {
localFileName = remoteFileName;
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
try {
int size = getFileSize(ftpClient, remoteFileName);
if (size > 0) {
setMessage("File " + remoteFileName + ": " + size + " bytes");
} else
setMessage("File " + remoteFileName + ": size unknown");
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(localFileName);
InputStream in = ftpClient.get(remoteFileName);
int counter = 0;
while (true) {
int bytes =;
if (bytes < 0)
out.write(buffer, 0, bytes);
counter += bytes;
if (size > 0) {
int proc = (int) Math
.round(m_progress.getPercentComplete() * 100);
setProgressString(proc + " %");
} else {
int kb = counter / 1024;
setProgressString(kb + " KB");
} catch (Exception ex) {
setMessage("Error: " + ex.toString());
protected void putFile() {
if (localFileName.length() == 0) {
setMessage("Please enter file name");
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
try {
File f = new File(localFileName);
int size = (int) f.length();
setMessage("File " + localFileName + ": " + size + " bytes");
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(localFileName);
OutputStream out = ftpClient.put(remoteFileName);
int counter = 0;
while (true) {
int bytes =;
if (bytes < 0)
out.write(buffer, 0, bytes);
counter += bytes;
int proc = (int) Math
.round(m_progress.getPercentComplete() * 100);
setProgressString(proc + " %");
} catch (Exception ex) {
setMessage("Error: " + ex.toString());
protected void setMessage(final String str) {
if (str != null) {
Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
monitorTextArea.append(str + '\n');
protected void setProgressValue(final int value) {
Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
protected void setProgressMaximum(final int value) {
Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
protected void setProgressString(final String string) {
Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public static int getFileSize(FtpClient client, String fileName)
throws IOException {
TelnetInputStream lst = client.list();
String str = "";
fileName = fileName.toLowerCase();
while (true) {
int c =;
char ch = (char) c;
if (c < 0 || ch == '\n') {
str = str.toLowerCase();
if (str.indexOf(fileName) >= 0) {
StringTokenizer tk = new StringTokenizer(str);
int index = 0;
while (tk.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = tk.nextToken();
if (index == 4)
try {
return Integer.parseInt(token);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
return -1;
str = "";
if (c <= 0)
str += ch;
return -1;
public static void main(String argv[]) {
new Client();
The above given code is not yet complete. I want some specific features to be implemented in this code that is given below.
1.     A login Gridlayout or Borderlayout & within it the username & password textfield.
2.     When the username and password will request to server and if it will success then the textfields of the username & password have to be disable.
3 . Two Combobox. One will give client directories and files and another
will give the server directories and files.
4 . Below the Combobox two JTable will be given & the tables wll show the
client and server directories and files.
Could anybody give me the codes that I want. If anybody check this code please help me????
With Regards,

Well Mr Michael_Dunn,
Thanks for responding my query. First of all I would like to tell that
this FTP server is going to be my project and that's why I am submmiting my question. I told in my points that I want a Jcombobox & a JTable for displaying that files & directories. whenever I set the directories in the combobox the files will be displayed in the JTable
I hope you understand my point

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    i managed to do this for my app. (think i referred to viewTransitions sample code and modified quite a bit)
    i can't remember this well cos i did this quite a while back, but i will try to help as much as possible
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    4) we also need viewA and viewB files(view class)
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    5) inside the view class of both views, i.e. viewA.m and viewB.m, you need to create a button, that will call the toggleMenu function inside the respective controller class.
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    so the flow is really button (in view)-> toggleMenu(viewController) -> toggleMenu(rootController)
    i'm sorry it sounds pretty hazy, i did this part weeks before and can't really remember. i hope it helps.

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    thanks for choosing sun web server 7
    it is simpler if you just edit the configuration files manually
    cd <ws7-install-root>/https-<hostname>/config/
    edit obj.conf or <hostname>-obj.conf (if there is one for you depending on your configuration so that it look something like)
    <Object name="default">
    #add the folllowing line here
    <If defined $query>
    <If $urlhost =~ "/" and
    $uri =~ "/store/store.html" and
    $query =~ "store_id=2154" >
    NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/"
    </If> of the existing obj.conf. continues
    now, you can either do <ws7-install-root>/https-<hostname>/bin/reconfig -> to reload your configuration without any server downtime or <ws7-install-root>/https-<hostname>/bin/restart -> to restart the server
    if it did work out for your, you will need to run the following so that admin server is aware of what you just did
    <ws7-install-root>/bin/wadm pull-config user=admin config=<hostname> <hostname.domainname>
    hope this helps

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    Hi Angela
    Thanks for your message
    To answer your questions, please note the following
    a) My account is set up in Cache Mode( not online mode)
    b) I am the only other user on the account
    c) When the connection to the exchange server is broken, I see upon clicking connection tab that there is no information in the box, and when I press reconnect it starts showing "connecting"
    d) When the connection to the server is there, it shows  connection as "established"
    e) Sorry I dont understand th meaning of CAS array in your environment?  Can you pls explain
    Since yday I have been using Outlook 2010 on desktop and Outlook 2013 on my laptop using Exchange 2013 account.  So far all emails are syncing, and I can send emails from both computers. However, I am concerned that the connection can break-off anytime,
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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class A3ClientClass_1 extends A4 {
         CheckboxGroup z;
         Checkbox tpizza, mpizza, ppizza, prpizza;
         Checkbox tomato, pepper, cheese, pepperoni, mushroom;
         String a = "";
         String b = "";
         TextField size, toppings, cost;
         double c;
    Scrollbar xAxis, yAxis;
    ScrollablePanel p;
    public void init() {
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              Panel north = new Panel();
              north.add(new Label("SELECT THE PIZZA YOU WANT"));
              add(north, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              Panel outside = new Panel();
              z = new CheckboxGroup();
              tpizza = new Checkbox("Tomato Pizza", z, false);
              mpizza = new Checkbox("Mushroom Pizza", z, false);
              ppizza = new Checkbox("Pepper Pizza", z, false);
              prpizza = new Checkbox("Pepperoni Pizza", z, false);
              tomato = new Checkbox(" Tomatoes ");
              pepper = new Checkbox(" Peppers ");
              cheese = new Checkbox(" Cheese ");
              pepperoni = new Checkbox(" Pepperoni ");
              mushroom = new Checkbox(" Mushrooms");
              size = new TextField(40);
              toppings = new TextField(40);
              cost = new TextField(40);
    p = new ScrollablePanel(outside);
    xAxis = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 50, 0, 100);
    yAxis = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL, 0, 50, 0, 100);
    add("Center", p);
    add("East", yAxis);
    add("South", xAxis);
    public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {
    if ( instanceof Scrollbar) {
    p.transxy(xAxis.getValue(), yAxis.getValue());
    return true;
    return super.handleEvent(e);
         public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
              b = "";
              c = 0;
              if (tpizza.getState() == true) {
                   a = tpizza.getLabel();
                   c = c + 3.00;
              else if (mpizza.getState() == true) {
                   a = mpizza.getLabel();
                   c = c + 3.50;
              else if (ppizza.getState() == true) {
                   a = ppizza.getLabel();
                   c = c + 4.00;
              else if (prpizza.getState() == true) {
                   a = prpizza.getLabel();
                   c = c + 5.00;
              if (tomato.getState() == true) {
                   b = b + tomato.getLabel() + " ";
                   c = c + 0.25;
              if (pepper.getState() == true) {
                   b = b + pepper.getLabel() + " ";
                   c = c + 0.5;
              if (cheese.getState() == true) {
                   b = b + cheese.getLabel() + " ";
                   c = c + 0.5;
              if (pepperoni.getState() == true) {
                   b = b + pepperoni.getLabel() + " ";
                   c = c + 1.0;
              if (mushroom.getState() == true) {
                   b = b + mushroom.getLabel() + " ";
                   c = c + 0.5;
              size.setText("Pizza Type: " + a);
              toppings.setText("Toppings: " + b);
              cost.setText("Total: �" + c);
                   Socket cts = new Socket(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 6000);
                   DataInputStream isfs = new DataInputStream(cts.getInputStream());
                   DataOutputStream osts = new DataOutputStream(cts.getOutputStream());
                   while(true) {
                        //code here
              catch (IOException e) {
    class ScrollablePanel extends Panel {
    int transx = 0;
    int transy = 0;
    Panel outside;
    public ScrollablePanel(Panel p) {
         setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         outside = p;
    public void transxy(int x, int y) {
    transx = -x;
    transy = -y;
         outside.move(transx, transy);
    public class A3ServerClass_1 {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
                   ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(6000);
                   Socket ssconnect = ss.accept();
                   DataInputStream isfc = new DataInputStream(ctc.getInputStream());
                   DataOutputStream ostc = new DataOutputStream(ctc.getOutputStream());
                   while(true) {
    //code here
              catch (IOException e) {

    Can't help ya there, I've never done socket programming. However, it comes up on these forums all the time. Try searching for some keywords about your problem.

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    Is this at all possible in Java? If not, can I make the header respond to mouse events and show a popup menu for each column? If so how?
    Please help!

    I have made an attempt as follows (to show where I am stuck).
    I have two TableModels that contain rows and data;
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    b) the filter settings (a String[] with initially empty strings) which show what filter is used for each column.
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    The filter table shows it's header and the row of empty cells. The Table Model I've used for it is ripped from the Sorted Table example from Sun, so that I can capture mouse events, set the sort order for each column and notify the grid table that it needs to update accordingly.
    I attempted to use the filter table as a header view in a JScrollPane, which would keep it in place all the time while the user would be able to scroll and resize the grid table.
    This is where I fail - I can't even get it to show up in the header. And if I only put the two tables on a JPanel it seems impossible to get them to stick together when the pane is resized (aside from the fact that I no longer can capture the mouse events).
    I'd be happy to send someone the code fragments if you think you have a solution to this - that will allow users to resize, edit and move columns in a table where you initially have no clue as to how many columns it will contain.
    Please please continue to help me :)

  • Hi, i need help with a jtable

    hi, iam new here, i try to read an excel file, and put the rows and columns in a jtable, i dont have the code exactly but maybe someone can help me.

    You can use this
    //String myDB ="myExcel";
    String myDB =  "jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=c:/book.xls;"
        + "DriverID=22;READONLY=false";
    rs=stat.executeQuery("Select * from `Sheet1$`");//[Sheet1$]
    ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
    int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount();
    while ( {
    for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) {
    if (i > 1) System.out.print(", ");
    String columnValue = rs.getString(i);
    for (int j = 1; j <= numberOfColumns; j++)
    while (
    //String tableCatalog = rsTable.getString(1);
    //String tableSchema = rsTable.getString(2);
    System.out.println("Table Name "+rsTable.getString(3)+" Table catalog "+rsTable.getString(1)+" Table Schema "+rsTable.getString(2));
    rsTable.close();You can store Column Names,data in the String Array.
    To generate a JTable with this check this
    There at method createBlankElement()
    put values from the data array or if you want, from the database.
    For the Columns, pass columnNames array to addColumns method.

  • Need help with pushview for multiple view files

    Does anyone know how to create a pushview function or changeHandler function that would allow each item on a list when selected to change to a different view?
    Example is that if like has 1, 2, 3 on it selecting 1 would take user to view1.mxml, selecting 2 would send user to view2.mxml, etc.  I do not want to send all list items to the same view and just load different information.

    I will check that out thanks! 
    In the mean time I did get the answer - see here: in-flex

  • Need help with network user accounts on Mac server App on Yosemite, any tips?

    I've been trying to set up a small network with the Server app on Yosemite. I don't want to do anything crazy with the server, I'd just like to know how I can set up network user accounts so that they can login from other Mac computers on the same network. I already have Open directory set up, the Macs that will be used on the network with the server have already been joined to the server under login options. I have created the network user account, I have also joined the user account to a group that I created. When I try to login to the network account from one of the Macs, it doesn't work. I'm pretty rookie with Mac server, can anyway give me any pointers of what I should be doing? Or if I am doing something wrong. Thanks guys.

    The most important step, once you've got Open Directory and DNS set up, with Local Network Users set up in, is to make sure that all client Macs are using the server's IP address as the primary DNS server in System Preferences > Network, and that they have joined the Network server in System Preferences > Users and Groups > Login Options.
    Having said all that, I have just spent hours setting this all up only to find out that Mail doesn't currently work with Network Homes in 10.10.3 / 4.1.
    I will be hoping that Apple recognise the bug, and put out a fix soon.

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    I have a form application which has two plls libraries attached to it - d2kwutil.pll and d2kcomn.pll and one dll - d2kwutil.dll. All these libraries are necssary for the app to work. The issue come when I am trying to deploy them in different environments like dev,test,qa,prod. The users access the forms applications from a shared drive and all the users have forms runtime client installed on their local machines.
    If I just post my fmx in the shared drive it doesn't work as its unable to find the plls and the dll. I will really appreciate if someone can provide some feedback on this. How this should be done so that we can place these plls and dll in central location without chaning the paths etc.

    Oracle Application Server Release 3 can not be used to deploy forms and reports.
    If you want forms and reports you need to stay on Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2

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    Thanks for your thorough reply. Is there a way to have one MASTER computer that could create the keywords and have the other computers access the master computer's catlogues - or something of that sort. We are small graphics dept. with three people so even that would suffice.
    Lightroom is not a networked application, and cannot be set up so that multiple computers can access LR via a network.
    The only real workaround with LR is to put the catalog and photos on an external HD and then physically connect the external HD to the computer of the person wanting to use it. So only one person can use the catalog at one time.
    You can look up Digital Asset Management (DAM) software on Google if you really need to have multi-user access and networked.

  • Need help with an automator workflow to convert AAC files to MP3

    I am trying to work out a way to automatically convert voice memos which I dictate on my iPhone to MP3 files when they are added to my iTunes library during a sync. Then I need the converted files to be in a specific folder so that they will trigger an auto-transcription program that I have running.
    From my limited knowledge of automating processes on my Mac it would seem that I need to design a workflow or a folder action in Automator. Probably a folder action would be best, as I could attach it to the 'Voice Memos' folder in my iTunes Music Folder. The converted MP3 files would be saved in the same folder and would then be recognised by the transcription program. I have tried to design a workflow/folder action using Doug's iTunes automator actions as follows, but it is not working as I would like. The workflow is as follows:
    Folder Action/Get Folder Contents/Choose encoder (MP3)/Convert Tracks/Choose encoder (apple lossless)/Restore Encoder.
    The folder action is triggered when I add AAC files to the folder I have attached the action to, but then I get an error message stating that 'no tracks have been sent to this action'.
    i would be grateful for any help to get this working using the automator method or another method

    Start with and Introduction to Automator tutorial at

  • Need help with an AU instrument install w/Key File

    hey guys, i have a problem. i bought a new AU called Filterbank3 from Tone2. It uses a "Key File" which i have but i don't know where to "put" it. i don't think i have ever purchased and AU that has one. most are serial number type you know, when you open the plugin for the first time the screen pops up you type in the number and you are good to go. i have downloaded the plugin and it shows up in the availible list but when i try to open it it says "key file missing copy (the key file) to Library/audio units/plug ins. i have the key file as sent to me by the publisher and have done this but it doesn't seem to work. i really need some "hand holding" with this one. could anyone give me a walk through of what i should do? thanx-gospel

    Yeah Sampleconstruct thats the FIRST thing i did. The plug-in is there and i put the keyfile in as well. Maybe i wasn't really clear in earlier posts the problem i am having is with the Key File copy protection. In addition to the plug in Componenet File there is a .cfg file (which i don't know what that is) and the t2k. file (which is the key file). I have put all of them in the what i think is the correct place. Since it ran off an installer it is in Program HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins and thats where i put the .cfg and t2k.files. I tried to create a sub folder for just Filterbank in the Components folder and put all the stuff in there but it didn't help. i even tried to set up Application Support Folder in Program HD/Library/Application Supportfor FilterBank this did not help either. I do not know what to do the keyfile at all. maybe Tone2 will get back to me. but as always any help from true Mac heads is appreciated.-gos
    (to clarify i have 2 HDs one for programs and one for recording, also i have two plugin folders one manual one under users and one general where installers put stuff, i try not to move the individual plug-ins around )

  • I need help with the processes running a media server.

    Hi there!   I need some help with the following log please.  The processes listed I am assuming are the current processes being used from my MacBook Pro to the media server?  Is that correct?  Are these common processes?
    Incident Identifier: EC931B64-E141-4C64-B428-427DF014C7E8
    CrashReporter Key:   b16be41bf16206d8f231e7e71676ab2a9c4dd25e
    Hardware Model:      iPhone4,1
    OS Version:          iPhone OS 5.0.1 (9A405)
    Kernel Version:      Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: Tue Nov  1 20:34:16 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1878.4.46~1/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8940X
    Date:                2012-08-24 16:06:18 -0400
    Time since snapshot: 152 ms
    Free pages:        1195
    Wired pages:       88383
    Purgeable pages:   0
    Largest process:   mediaserverd
             Name                 UUID                    Count resident pages
                 atc <2271ed33ec773eeb9f381bf1baac9dee>     390
           securityd <e31a714c227a3d1c98ef8aacd44d91ee>     243
             assetsd <281396d3e7d831fbb6a5374157663dbc>    1370
          MobileMail <7064f2baf3f23db987bc8ec99855fe53>    1438 (jettisoned)
            mstreamd <cbe9881735043a389e7cdad3b5bcf5ce>    1099 (jettisoned)
              Camera <88291709452932ac9cbd0f1c06902214>    3105 (active)
         dataaccessd <b4f61f117ee635c48329af8572733d30>    1760
         MobilePhone <fe38c6944a053c9187b41ee50aa151b0>    5549
            networkd <6ee7a78e56073f6e8db4c2cc3265fdb4>     170
          aosnotifyd <58089d732ab43bbea0aec4a6f812f446>     320
            BTServer <e03baab8e0103188979ce54b87591065>     261
          aggregated <68a25a1690cb372096543a46abed14d7>     337
                apsd <e4b6e6e4f31e36f79815747ecbf52907>     291
       fairplayd.N94 <2c0105776e393b39ba95edffaf3bdd17>     294
           fseventsd <78af02202422321885dfc85c24534b0e>     170
                iapd <3ee7f82879033b4fb93b9cf1f4ecae29>     366
             imagent <8e2042f2ec9e3af9ba400f031f1bbfa7>     416
       mDNSResponder <b75f43f012ad3d9ea172d37491994e22>     265
        mediaremoted <b9fa7d1381013c2fa90ea134ff905f59>     258
        mediaserverd <478e5e8345c83be5ba1868906813bb75>    6774
                 ubd <7eaf0b0ca5b83afabecb0dfaa38c7a19>     389
               wifid <e176ab123beb3000bdb89e020612c1d6>     284
           locationd <91c84ab19dd03e4ab1b4cc30178ab1c0>     831
              powerd <25ddef6b52e4385b819e777dd2eeed3c>     167
           lockdownd <a68aa1526ef13a9bb4426bb71ffc1e3c>     250
          CommCenter <51922c9a50e73fe3badccaa4b1b1123b>     781
             syslogd <dd3766bcb1213e91b66283635db09773>     107
         SpringBoard <7506c20d86da3f1dbe9bf38f8bda253d>    5673 (active)
             configd <3430c0025ed13f56800a329b7254d2ae>     418
             notifyd <3793fabace3a385687b3c29c1fa1fcac>     252
      UserEventAgent <6e1cabc1ec6d372c90a6bdeaa7b258fa>     433
             launchd <cc35dd7a872334319ed028e6bbeae081>     133
    Thanks a bunch!!!


  • I need help with Compressor 4 settings to convert .mp4 files to .m4v for iBooks Author

    I'm a curriculum design guy with no video background. I have Compressor 4, but don't really know much about how to best use it.  I'd appreciate some help with getting the right setting for my project. Screen shots of settings would be much appreciated, since I don't know much video terminology.
    I'm making an free iBook for students on WWII propaganda using old videos from the Internet archive.
    I'd plan to use Compressor to:
    1. Convert the .mp4 files to a .m4v that iBooks Author will accept. (I know I can use QT for that, but it increases file size)
    2. Use Compressor to reduce file size so my iBook doesn't get too big
    3. Get videos that look & sound the best, given the poor quality of the original source videos.
    Here's some sample videos that I'll use:
    PS - I will also be editing some of the original videos in iMovie - if I use different settings to prep those videos for iBook Author, let me know.
    Much thanks in advance for any help

    Compressor is half the size compared to QtX encoding, 17 MBs...
    File Format... H.264 for Apple Devices...
    Device: iPhone Local/WiFi
    Aspect Ratio: 4:3 480x368
    Data Rate: 700
    Uncheck Multi-pass

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