Need explanation of this error

When I try to send a message using Transport.send(message) in this class:
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Slanje {
     static String test;//THIS STRING WAS USED FOR TESTING
     Properties props = System.getProperties();
     Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
     public void infos(String host,String from,String to,String subject,String messagetext) throws Exception {
//here I test all information and everything is OK
props.put("", host);
message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
new InternetAddress(to));
// Send message
public void posalji()throws Exception{
     System.out.println("I'm in");
     test="Success";//static String belongs class Slanje for test
But I get following message:
javax.mail.SendFailedException:Sending failed
nested exception is:
class javax.mail.MessagingException:
Could not connect to SMTP host:
local host,port 25;
nested exception is refused:connect
Please help me!

The message is self explanatory. The SMTP server that you tried to send the message through refused the connection.
This could mean several things:
1) You are using the wrong address/hostname
2) There is no SMTP service running on the machine you are pointing at.
3) You are behind a firewall and port 25 is turned off outbound.

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    Hello azain
    Welcome to the Community
    Please check the Article below to help you solve the issue.
    "Unable to login to your BlackBerry ID account" or "Unable to update your BlackBerry ID account info...
    Goodluck and please let us know if it helps you
    Click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved. To give thanks, click thumbs up Blackberry Battery Saving Tips | Follow me on Twitter

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    v_stmt_id := 3515118;
    v_seq_no := pk_log.f_log_stmt_ins(v_exec_id,v_stmt_id);
    v_return := pk_ai.f_seq_upld(v_exec_id);
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    872435 wrote:
    could anyone explain the above code, specially the lines pk_log.f_log_stmt_ins and pk_ai.f_seq_upld It looks like pk_ai.f_seq_upld is a call to a function in the package named PK_AI and pk_log.f_log_stmt_ins is a call to another function in the package named PK_LOG. These packages are either in the schema that is owned by the enclosing code, or there are synonyms that point to a different schema where this package resides.
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    This could be caused by a problem with a file in Firefox's cache. To clear cached files:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' Tools menu > Options > Advanced
    On the Network mini-tab > Offline Storage : "Clear Now"
    Then reload the page. If the message is gone, try a few additional pages to confirm that the problem is resolved before posting back.
    Any luck?

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    The services are available also. What am I missing?
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    Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    SQL> @start_service
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> @service_doctor
    All PL/SQL packages and functions are valid
    Platform properties have been loaded correctly
    Platform location has been seeded correctly
    NLS messages have been loaded correctly
    The platform service is available
    Service script is accessible to the database server
    Connection information stored within the repository is correct
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Thanks and your help is greatly appreciated.

    Please provide detailed information on
    1) what you want to do
    2) how do you do it (code examples)
    3) the error message
    After that we can try to help you,

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    Shut down your Mac... Unplug any external midi  keyboards and/or controllers...  and then restart your Mac
    Now test with Logic Pro and a new project and see if this behavior continues.. If not you know what the cause is... and you will need to check the settings for your external devices..
    You may need to delete Logic's CS prefs and re-add your external devices once more if you cannot solve the issue with your midi devices on the devices themselves...
    Quit Logic Pro
    In the Finder, choose Go to Folder from the Go menu.
    Type ~/Library/Preferences in the "Go to the folder" field.
    Press the Go button.
    Remove the file from the preferences folder.
    Restart the computer.
    Note: If you cannot find this file you did not follow the steps exactly as described!
    Failing that, power down (not just put to sleep) any iOS devices you have and test with a new project in LPX again. If that resolves the issue then you have/had one or more midi/controller/remote apps running in the background of your iOS device.. Make sure you quit the apps, not just close them when you are finished using them....

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    Use Windows Explorer to open the folder containing your catalog. The normal location is Pictures\Lightroom. Locate a folder with the extension .lrdata and delete that folder. Then you should be able to start Lightroom again, and Lightroom will begin building and new previews folder. Do not delete anything else.

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