Need Firmware Password Utility

Why was Firmware Password Utility removed from the Leopard installation DVD? I need to have it on the computers I am setting up and not just the DVD. The current way I'd need to boot all 300 computers I need to set up with it off of the DVD to set up Firmware protection, the old way it was available as an app I could just have in my utilities folders that I could run from my admin account. Ideas? suggestions?, help?...

Hi Longtime, the file is on the DVD just hidden.You can get to it for copying back to your hard drive this way:
Mount the leopard install disk (in my case it's name was "Mac OS X Install Disc 1")
Then in the Go menu, select " Go to Folder... " and Type /Volumes/Mac OS X Install Disc 1/Applications/
That will open up the applications folder on the DVD and then you can navigate into the Utilities folder and there is your file.
Hope this helps,

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    Everything you need to know is here:
    EDIT: Oops, it looks like that document has not yet been updated for Leopard.
    You need to boot from your 10.5 DVD, select English, and then select Firmware Password Utility from the Utilities menu.

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    It's not a folder, it's an item in the menu. Boot the distribution DVD, select the language, and (on the second screen of the installation, and immediately before you begin the install) you should now have a Utilities item listed in the menu. Look around under that. This is the same menu that is used for creating a restorable backup of your disk, repairing permissions, etc., so it's one you'll see from time to time.

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    Power Mac G5    

    Bah Humbug! You solved it. Would still rather have the old utility from 10.3 days in my utilities folder.
    Thanks and Merry Xmas/Chanukah/Kwanza...

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    Some special characters may be used for some passwords but not for all passwords. Firmware password does not support characters requiring the OPTION key.

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    Run Firmware Password Utility in Recovery mode.

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    Reboot holding down the CMD+R keys. It should be part of Recovery HD.

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    Did you try resetting the PRAM immediately after changing the RAM configuration, Omidsmac?
    Do you know if the keyboard itself is now operating normally? If it is not then you may wish to also try using an external keyboard.

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    Have a look here.

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    Regards Andy

    If you can remember the firmware password you set:
    Boot the computer with the install DVD in the drive (I'm assuming you have the external optical drive, based on your previous post) and hold down the OPTION key. You will see a screen with an input field. Enter your firmware password here, then press enter. The boot manager will load, showing you the internal HD as well as the DVD. Boot from the DVD, and go back into the firmware password utility. Enter the password in the old password field, and leave the new password fields blank. This will remove the firmware password.
    If you *can not* remember the firmware password you set:
    Open up the computer and remove only 1 of the 2 installed RAM sticks. Boot the computer holding COMMAND + OPTION + P +R and wait for 3 startup chimes. This will remove the firmware password.
    Once you have removed the password and are booted to the DVD:
    See this article:
    You want the section labeled "Resetting the original administrator account password."
    Message was edited by: John.Kitzmiller to fix spelling mistakes.

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    ddougYo, I have the Orbicule software on 5 MAcs (it nearly got one that was stolen back for me too) and also had its predecessor, Lapcop which also used the Open Firmware Password utility.
    You are not going to be able to boot up until you can get through the Firmware Password Utility and there are only two ways: the password itself, or the method that Baltwo has suggested. If the password is not working then you have possibly not entered it correctly.
    If, for some strange (unidentified) reason that is not the case, then Baltwo's solution is all you have left. Have a look at the manual: getting the iMac's RAM out should not be hard. Do you have one or two modules? If one, try putting it in the other slot.

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    For Mac OS X, setting an firmware password will lock out all commands. While Single user mode is useful for troubleshooting, it can also be used wrong by the wrong people which is why it is disabled along with the rest of the 'startup commands'
    So a few thoughts here:
    - I'm asking in this case: does holding down the option show network drives in server situations such as yours? If so, you could have a network server (network startup disk) to start the computer from to do the trouble shooting you need and still be able to keep the firmware password in place
    - I've been reading up on Unix commands lately and found a nice gem: nvram. Being a unix admin, you may already be familiar with it. It's the unix command for working with open firmware variables.
    When you use the firmware utility to set the password the 'security-mode' variable is set to 'command' by default. I know there are two other options: 'none' (no password set) and 'full' (don't know what else this blocks). Is it possible that there is some way to selectively block the commands you want to stop (startup from other drive, zap pram, etc) but still allow Single User Mode?
    Not sure myself, just putting something out there. Maybe it'll spark something for ya.

  • How can you set a Firmware Password for Intel Macs?

    PPC macs can use the Open Firmware Password utility to protect the computer from someone booting of another drive to access your data
    How can this same protection be accomplished with Intel-Macs? Intel Macs use a different fireware/boot process, so OFP above doesn't work. according to the apple article above, it can be done - but it doesn't explain how:
    "Intel-based Macintosh computers can be protected by firmware passwords as well. The firmware in an Intel-based computer uses Extended Firmware Interface (EFI) technology"

    all I get is...
    Your Firmware is too old.
    The firmware on your machine is too old for Open Firmware Password to function. You will need 4.1.7 or later to use this application. Please visit the Apple website to get the latest firmware update for your system.

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