Need greek letters in applet

How do I use greek letters in java?

java uses unicode letters. just find the greek letters.
String greek = "\u1234"

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    Does anyone know how to access a palette of characters that has Greek letters or symbols for Greek Fraternities and Sororities? I am working on a project and I need to have their letters on the screen.
    Delta looks like a triangle
    Omega looks like a horseshoe
    Phi looks like a O with a line in the middle of it.

    Here's another way.
    Go to System Preferences > International > Input Menu.
    Activate the checkboxes for Character Palette and Keyboard Viewer.
    Close System Preferences. You will notice that a flag has appeared in your menu bar.
    Click the flag and choose Character Palette. Click on Greek in the left column.
    In FCP, activate the text input field by clicking in it once.
    Double clicking the symbols in the Character Palette will insert them in the text input field.

  • Very dissapointed! no rendereing of Greek letters very problematic

    The main reason I bought the ipad was to have a convenient way to study the many economics academic journal articles I read for grad school. I was loving the ipad (and iAnnotate pdf) until I got to a point in one article where there should have been a Greek letter and it just was not there! I tried several pdf viewers and none seems to render Greek charachters. I was shocked since Greek letters are so common in any article with equations. This means I can't really read about %90 of the articles I need to read! Is there anything I can do? If not I seriously am considering returning this and buying a laptop instead

    David M Brewer wrote:
    There was only one PDF reader at the time I when I made PDFs and that was Adobe Acrobat. It wasn't because there was no standard it was because as I state above. If the font was missing on a computer the font was read from the PDF. If the font is missing and not embed the reader will substitute a font. And you can't have font substituting in printing , mess things up really bad. One of the other reasons that a lot of these programs don't embed fonts is fonts are copyright. Netscape a few years back tried to come up with a way to embed fonts on a webpage. Didn't last long until the copyright laws suits started to come in for copyright infringements over the fonts being used.
    As for web pages... A good web developer list more than one font in a CCS, in descending order. If a font is missing the next font in the list will be used. If there isn't a declare font for a web page the browser will use the computers default font.
    Fonts In a PDF is a iffy thing if they aren't embedded.
    It is almost always a good idea to embed fonts, but Tom is absolutely correct that it is not necessary to embed fonts to display Greek. A well formatted PDF using standard fonts with Greek glyphs should display fine without anything embedded. At least, it does so on Mac.
    I tried some experiments with different fonts, but there are a lot of variables to juggle around. Anyhow: A Greek PDF with the font Minion pro font only displays well on the iPad if the font is embedded. A Western PDF with the same font always displays fine, even though the iPad does not have Minion Pro.
    I failed to find any iPad font with Greek that I could unembed from PDF files. There seems to be some peculiar technical limitation in Adobe Acrobat for Helvetica, Times and Arial, where it always keeps part of the font embedded, no matter how much you tell Adobe Acrobat to unembed them.
    Anyhow, you are right that embedding fonts solves a lot of problems, but it is not the only way to solve them.

  • Bolding Greek letters in Framemaker equations

    Is there a way to bold Greek letters within equations in Frame?  Thanks.

    Thanks - I do have the latest version and the character map, but the greek letters I'm finding in bold don't copy into equation setups.? I'm just needing the bold for earmarking purposes and not to be part of the final document.?
    Bold is (over) used in Mathematics. It appears everywhere even with Greek
    letters. The lack of bold Greek was due to the bold font in the Symbol font.
    Many fonts are available that provide bold Greek letters. They are available in
    various different mathematical fonts as well as Greek fonts. In fact, with the
    advent of Unicode there are more fonts that provide bold Greek letters. Of
    course you need a modern version of Frame to access the Greek Alphabet available
    in some Unicode fonts.

  • Hello there! i am using Adobe acrobat pro DC and using windows 8.1. Recently I was trying to convert a web page (includes greek letters) into pdf. I noticed that the conversion is not accurate, some words are missing, some are misplaced. Especially greek

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    Hey quantum info,
    Thank you for posting at Adobe forums. We would love to help you out.
    Could you please let me know if you have tried converting other web pages to PDF and checked if the same issue persists.
    How have you been trying to convert the web page to PDF?
    Are you trying to convert to PDF directly via browsers or using "File > Create > PDF from Web Page"  option in Acrobat.
    Let me know more so that I can analyze where actually the issue persists.
    Hope to hear from you.

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    try tapping holding on the key that would be most similar to the letter you want to enter, that will bring up a menu of other characters similar to that character and maybe the greek letter will be included in that menu

  • How to make greek letters copiable in pdf files?

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    Bill@VT wrote:
    For normal windows fonts you right click on the font file and there should be an option to install it. I am not sure if it copies the font to the font folder or it is best to move it there first. As far as embedding so it can be copied, that will not help. The MTMI font is embedded in your PDF. The Times New Roman fonts are not. I embed all fonts used as subsets. However, to copy the font to WORD or such and make it useful, you have to have the font on your system, not just embedded.
    From the instructions I read, you have to have more than the tfm file. I think the vf file is the font file. That is not the actual font file. There are some instructions at the site I already pointed to. I would check at the site where you are getting the font. I would just have to search to find the instructions for the file. They would help you for working with the font on your system, but would not do the other aspect you wanted of helping others. As I indicated, the font has to be installed locally to enable proper copying. The fonts files are not copied from the PDF.
    Since my original question can not be solved unless I get the font installed in my system (but I can't). Let me change my question a bit.
    How to search for such a greek letter \Lambda in this pdf file? Is there a walkaround? Is there a tool can help replace the font of \Lambda by something available in my system?

  • Greek letters in dwm status bar? How?

    Is there a change in config.h that I could do to show Greek letters normally?
    Thank you

    The problem exists when I open a Greek web page in a browser. In dwm status bar the Greek characters of the title of the web page are not displayd correctly.
    Here is my config.h:
    /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
    /* appearance */
    static const char font[] = "-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*";
    static const char normbordercolor[] = "#444444";
    static const char normbgcolor[] = "#222222";
    static const char normfgcolor[] = "#bbbbbb";
    static const char selbordercolor[] = "#005577";
    static const char selbgcolor[] = "#005577";
    static const char selfgcolor[] = "#eeeeee";
    static const unsigned int borderpx = 1; /* border pixel of windows */
    static const unsigned int snap = 32; /* snap pixel */
    static const Bool showbar = True; /* False means no bar */
    static const Bool topbar = True; /* False means bottom bar */
    /* tagging */
    static const char *tags[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };
    static const Rule rules[] = {
    /* class instance title tags mask isfloating monitor */
    { "Gimp", NULL, NULL, 0, True, -1 },
    /* { "Firefox", NULL, NULL, 1 << 8, False, -1 },*/
    /* layout(s) */
    static const float mfact = 0.55; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
    static const int nmaster = 1; /* number of clients in master area */
    static const Bool resizehints = True; /* True means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
    static const Layout layouts[] = {
    /* symbol arrange function */
    { "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */
    { "><>", NULL }, /* no layout function means floating behavior */
    { "[M]", monocle },
    /* key definitions */
    #define MODKEY Mod4Mask
    #define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
    { MODKEY, KEY, view, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask, KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, KEY, tag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY, toggletag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} },
    /* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
    #define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
    /* commands */
    static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-fn", font, "-nb", normbgcolor, "-nf", normfgcolor, "-sb", selbgcolor, "-sf", selfgcolor, NULL };
    static const char *termcmd[] = { "st", NULL };
    static const char *rebcmd[] = { "systemctl", "reboot", NULL };
    static const char *shutcmd[] = { "systemctl", "poweroff", NULL };
    static const char *dwbcmd[] = { "dwb", NULL };
    static Key keys[] = {
    /* modifier key function argument */
    { MODKEY, XK_p, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Return, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_d, spawn, {.v = dwbcmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_b, togglebar, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_j, focusstack, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_k, focusstack, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_i, incnmaster, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_d, incnmaster, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_h, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_l, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Return, zoom, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Tab, view, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_c, killclient, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_t, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[0]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_f, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_m, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_space, setlayout, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_space, togglefloating, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_0, view, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_0, tag, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_comma, focusmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_period, focusmon, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, tagmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, tagmon, {.i = +1 } },
    TAGKEYS( XK_1, 0)
    TAGKEYS( XK_2, 1)
    TAGKEYS( XK_3, 2)
    TAGKEYS( XK_4, 3)
    TAGKEYS( XK_5, 4)
    TAGKEYS( XK_6, 5)
    TAGKEYS( XK_7, 6)
    TAGKEYS( XK_8, 7)
    TAGKEYS( XK_9, 8)
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, quit, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_r, spawn, {.v = rebcmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_s, spawn, {.v = shutcmd } },
    /* button definitions */
    /* click can be ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
    static Button buttons[] = {
    /* click event mask button function argument */
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button1, setlayout, {0} },
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button3, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { ClkWinTitle, 0, Button2, zoom, {0} },
    { ClkStatusText, 0, Button2, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button1, movemouse, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button2, togglefloating, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button3, resizemouse, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button1, view, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button3, toggleview, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button1, tag, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button3, toggletag, {0} },
    Last edited by hariskar (2013-10-02 13:46:57)

  • Greek Letters on JLabel(Epsolon, sigma, etc)

    I am writing a gui application where i have to display some greek letters as Epsolon, sigma, alpha .... HOw will I be able to code that into JLabel?
    JLabel jl = new JLabel(" ? ")
    I searched online before posting, and found some codes, but its not working... :(
    Have any ideas or done anything before?
    Thanks Alot

    Oh, forgot to mention... Besides putting a picture of the character on the label.

  • Greek letters

    In a file about heat transmission, I can't view Greek letters. I can only see empty spaces on my samsung galaxy xcover 2 running Android 4.1.2 and Adobe 11.1.3 build 86198. What do I do?

    Hi capkoenig,
    Could you please send the test file at DL-adobereader-android <[email protected]> for helping us invetsigate the issue?
    - Reader Mobile team

  • Greek Letters and Superscript

    Is it possible to insert a greek character into pages on the ipad? When I import an office doc containing a greek character, the greek character is present. Also, is it possible to superscript and subscript in pages on the ipad?

    I know this is an old thread but it's still the top result in google for this problem so I'm posting here.
    I had been copy/pasting greek letters & other symbols for a long time before I realised this trick today.
    Use the iPad's shortcuts feature in keyboard settings for any symbols you use regularly, eg I use "ss2" as a shortcut for 2 and "/-" for ±, still a work around but alot smoother than what I've been doing for over a year with the added bonus of working in any app.
    Combined with the greek intl keyboard this is barely a problem, even if it is a glaring omission by apple.

  • How to add greek letters to illustrator file?

    Hi all,
    I am trying to add some greek letters to my plot in Illustrator cs3. But I really do not know how to do that. Someone help me please.
    Thinks in advance.

    >...use your character map utility to copy&paste them into AI.
    Assuming you have the necessary font(s), you can also use the Glyph palette/panel in Illustrator.

  • I want to use some Greek letters.  I found the font "Symbols" which  shows what I want but I cannot print in it.  I can print in all the other fonts.

    I want to use some Greek letters.  I found the font "Symbols" which  shows what I want but I cannot print in it.  I can print in all the other fonts.  What can I do?

    To type Greek, go to system preferences/language & text/input sources and check the box for Greek, plus the box for Show Input Menu in Menu Bar, plus the box for Keyboard Viewer.  The select Greek from the "flag" menu at the top right of the screen and type.  Select Keyboard Viewer from the same menu to see which key does what.  Do not worry about the font, that is taken care of automatically.

  • I really need a good help - Applets

    Well, i4m posting again, because i4ve got no answers, and i really need to run an applet.
    My environment is an NT Server with the database ( and OAS (4.0.8) and i4m trying to run an applet in another NT machine (the same where i have JDev 3.0 installed).
    I don4t know if i4ve set all the needed to run an simple applet with database access, so i really need to know, step-by-step, what4s to do.
    My applet don4t run and in the java console i4ve read some errors, posted below :
    in IE 5.0 ->
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/dacf/dataset/AppModuleInfo
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(
    at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(
    at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(
    in Netscape 4.7 ->
    load: class package10.Applet1.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: \Brasil\C\Web\Alessandro\package10\Applet1\class.class (The system cannot find the path specified)
    I4m trying real hard to run an applet and i4m becoming desperated !!! I know and hope that4s only something real easy was forgotten.
    Can u help me ? Thanks !

    Ok, i4ve put my bussines.jar (the file where my Bussiness Components are) in the java_ARCHIVE tag and now the error changed :
    load: class package10.Applet1.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Connection refused: no further information
    at Method)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$1(
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$
    at Method)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(
    at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(
    at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(
    at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(
    What4s wrong now ? My html and jar files are all in the same directory on the Web Server.
    Can u help ?
    Thanks !

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