Need help creating a cursor effect.

I'm working on a little project that's like a text-based adventure, but played on a tumblr, so the readers submit their siggestions for actions.
I'm looking to create animations for each post, so that it looks like the reader is typing in the text on the "game."
I have the text-generation effect down using this code:
var myString:String = "text data goes here.";
var myArray:Array = myString.split("");
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameLooper);
function frameLooper(event:Event):void
          if(myArray.length > 0)
                    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameLooper);
//code sporked from Adam Khoury's Flash Typing Text Effect Tutorial video
So that runs okay, but after that is done, I want there to be a final > prompt followed by a flashing cursor,as if asking for input.
If anyone has a suggestion, that would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

There's not much need to show anymore.  I already provided the code you can try to get a blinking cursor, but also said how it is iffy as far as it actually working. 
The only difference I would offer for the code I provided earlier based on the image you show would be to add a new line before the ">", as in...
     removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameLooper);
     stage.focus = tf;
     tf.setSelection(tf.text.length,tf.text.length);  // in an ideal world this line, in league with the focus line preceding it will add the cursor... it just doesn't always work as advertised... especially for me

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    Please click -->
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    Please click -->
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            g2d.fillOval(MARGIN + i * 100, MARGIN + j * 100, 80, 80);
    This is to draw piece
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    Edited by: inspiredone on Feb 13, 2008 12:06 AM
    Edited by: inspiredone on Feb 13, 2008 12:06 AM

    Here's an example of what Darryl suggested:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class CompositeBoardTest extends JFrame {
         private static int size = 400;
         private static int offset = 10;
         private static int ovalSize = size/4 - offset*2;
         private static int pos = offset/2;
         private static int incr = size/4;
         public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() {
                   public void run() { new CompositeBoardTest(); }
         public CompositeBoardTest() {
              super( "CompositeBoardTest" );
              setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
            Board board = new Board();
            add( board );
            setSize( size, size+34 );
              setVisible( true );
         static class Board extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
              private int[][] pieces = new int[4][4];
              private Piece addingPiece = null;
              private Timer pieceDropped = null;
              public Board() {
                   setPreferredSize( new Dimension( size, size ) );
                   setBounds( 0, 0, size, size );
                   pieceDropped = new Timer( 10, this );
                   addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() {
                        public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) {
                             int column = ( e.getPoint().x-pos )/incr;
                             addPiece( column );
              protected void paintComponent( Graphics g ) {
                   super.paintComponent( g );
                   Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
                   Composite comp = g2d.getComposite();
                   Dimension d = getSize();
                   int w = d.width;
                   int h = d.height;
                 BufferedImage buffImg = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
                 Graphics2D gbi = buffImg.createGraphics();
                 // Clear area
                   g2d.setColor( Color.WHITE );
                   g2d.fillRect( 0, 0, w, h );
                   // Draw screen
                   gbi.setColor( Color.YELLOW );
                   gbi.fillRect( 0, 0, w, h );
                   // Draw pieces or holes
                   gbi.setColor( Color.RED );
                   for ( int row = 0 ; row < 4 ; row++ ) {
                        for ( int column = 0 ; column < 4 ; column++ ) {
                             if ( pieces[row][column] == 1 ) {
                                  gbi.setComposite( AlphaComposite.getInstance( AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f ) );
                             } else {
                                  gbi.setComposite( AlphaComposite.getInstance( AlphaComposite.CLEAR, 1.0f ) );
                             gbi.fillOval( incr*column+pos, incr*row+pos, ovalSize, ovalSize );
                   // Draw adding piece if we have it
                   if ( addingPiece != null ) {
                        gbi.setComposite( AlphaComposite.getInstance( AlphaComposite.DST_OVER, 1.0f ) );
                        gbi.fillOval( addingPiece.x, addingPiece.y, ovalSize, ovalSize );
                   // Draws the buffered image.
                   g2d.drawImage(buffImg, null, 0, 0);
                   g2d.setComposite( comp );
              public void addPiece( int column ) {
                   if ( addingPiece == null ) {
                        if ( pieces[0][column] == 0 ) {
                             addingPiece = new Piece();
                             addingPiece.row = 0;
                             addingPiece.column = column;
                             addingPiece.x = incr*column+pos;
                             addingPiece.y = 0;
                        } else {
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
                   if ( addingPiece != null ) {
                        addingPiece.y += 5;
                        int row = ( addingPiece.y - pos )/incr + 1;
                        if ( row > 3 || pieces[row][addingPiece.column] == 1 ) {
                             pieces[row-1][addingPiece.column] = 1;
                             addingPiece = null;
         private static class Piece {
              public int row, column, x, y;

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    I assume the application is connecting to Oracle using an application ID/password. If so, check to see if that user has a private synonyn to the table. If so drop it since you have a public synonym.
    Verify that the public synonym is in fact correct. Drop and recreate the public synonym if you cannot select against the synonym name using an ID that can perform select * from inhouse.icltm where rownum = 1. That is if this other user cannot issue select * from icltm where rownum = 1 without an error.
    Check that the application ID has the necessary object privileges on the table.
    Queries you need
    select * from dba_synonyms
    where table_owner = 'INHOUSE'
    and table_name = 'ICLTM'
    You may find both public and private synonms. Either fix or delete. (Some may reference someelses.icltm table if one exists)
    select * from dba_tab_privs
    where table_name = 'ICLTM'
    and owner = 'INHOUSE'
    Note - it is possible to create mixed case or lower case object names in Oracle by using double quotes around the name. Do not do this, but do look to see that this was not done.
    You could also query dba_objects for all object types that have the object_name = 'ICLTM'
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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    So its gonna be a two-color-job?
    Because with the extreme depths adding Black at least might be beneficial.
    You could make a Selection of a black&white-version-of-the-photographs luminance, inverse it and, in the Channels-Panels PopUp-menu, choose Add New Spot Channel for the Foreground color and select the Pantone color.
    Then Add New Spot Channel for the background-color and fill that solid black and hide the layers that contain the composite of the photograph.
    This should leave You with blank composite channels and the two Spot Channels visible.
    Indesign can handle either psd- or DCS2-files containing Spot Channels.
    The problem I perceive here is that depending on the print-process and the background color selected it might proof necessary to knock out the foreground elements if the company is very strict on their CI colors. Unfortunately simply inversing the foreground selection would probably not work as this might leave the mixed-color-areas greyish.
    Are the prints gonna be offset or silkscreen?

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    First of all, it would be very helpful to post an example of the kind of look you're going for or a similar shot you're trying to recreate.  In animation there are limitless ways of making things so it really helps to be very specific.  For now I can advise this much...
    1.  Render your hills out of your 3D application as an image sequence that supports transperancy if you want to layer them or you want the sky to show up behind them.
    2.  If you want the train to go around the hills, it really depends on how you make the train.  Are you also rendering that in a 3D app?
    3.  I don't know what you mean by getting the camera to reflect, but when you make a layer 3D, After Effects shows the Material Options settings that allow you to control how your layers react to different lighting setups.

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    jnap818 wrote:
    1) Should I separate the RAW and JPEGs in Aperture (two libraries)? One library for finished photos and one for negatives? I am interested to hear how others do this...especially if you use both point & shoot and SLR cameras.
    No, use a single Library. Aperture will have no problems with the various formats or with various different cameras.
    2) What folder structure should I use? Since I am not a professional photographer, I won't be shooting projects. I think something date or event driven would be best (preferably both).
    Actually those date or event driven batches of images are very logically "Projects" in Aperture. Simply name each group of images as you import into AP as a new Project.
    IMO it is not good to import camera-to-Aperture (or direct to any app other than the Finder). Best is to use a card reader and use the Finder to copy images from the camera card to a folder on the computer hard drive.
    Below is my Referenced-Masters workflow:
    • Remove the CF card from the camera and insert it into a CF card reader. Faster readers and cards are preferable.
    • Finder-copy images from CF to a labeled folder on the intended permanent Masters location hard drive. I label that folder with the Project name suffixed with _masters, that way I can always find the Masters if Aperture forgets where they are.
    • Eject CF.
    • Burn backup copies of the original images to DVDs or to hard drives (optional backup step).
    • Eject backup DVDs/hard drives (optional backup step).
    • From within Aperture, import images from the hard drive folder into Aperture selecting "Store files in their current location."
    • Review pix for completeness (e.g. a 500-pic shoot has 500 valid images showing).
    • Reformat CF in camera, and archive DVDs of originals off site.
    Note that the "eject" steps above are important in order to avoid mistakenly working on removable media.
    I strongly recommend that every Aperture user spend $35 and work through the tutorial CD Apple Pro Training Series: Aperture 2 (Apple Pro Training Series) by Ben Long, Richard Harrington, and Orlando Luna (Paperback - May 8, 2008), Note that the value is in working the tutorial, not in using the book as a manual.
    Good luck!
    -Allen Wicks

  • Need Help Making This Text Effect

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    I have the font already and I'm using Illustrator CS 1.0 for Mac OS X.
    Thanks in advance for the help!

    Yes I guess that is the way it is done:
    <br />
    <br />
    <a href="" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="" border="0" />
    <br />
    <br />
    <a href="" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="" border="0" />
    <br />
    <br />That is you make three copies of the text but this time I composed the text as one unit using baseline shift and different type sizes and spacing.
    <br />
    <br />Once I had text they way I wanted it and the three copies I kept one as is, in this case the black version.
    <br />
    <br />I then gave a color to the bottom most and gave it a sufficient Offset path setting to look solid.
    <br />
    <br />So there is now black text and a solid colored background in and expanded shape of the text.
    <br />
    <br />I then outlined the text for the text that had been offset and then used the pathfinder to merge the different paths within that art. That would be the first icon on the top left of the pathfinder panel.
    <br />
    <br />I then gave the text in between and outline twice the weight I wanted the gap to be and no fill and flattened the transparency choosing to outline the strokes.
    <br />
    <br />Then I selected the outlined I just created and the background I created before leaving the
    <br />the outline on top of the background and went back to the pathfinder and chose to minus the front. The second icon on the top left of the panel.
    <br />
    <br />And there you are.
    <br />
    <br />Now I can do a Video or perhaps someone like Mordy will stop by and clean up my explanation as I understand i am often not easy to follow as far as my writing is concerned.
    <br />
    <br />I hope this helps.

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    I'm teaching my middle school students web design and flash to create an interactive school map. I want to add 360 qtvr's but I need help - I can't seem to get information on how to create them. Any Los Angeles help possible?

    QuickTime Pro doesn't create VR files. It only presents them.
    A pretty good list of tools at that link.

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    I am devloping package function And i need help about cursor
    One of my function return sys_refcursor. And the return cursor need to be
    join another table in database . I don't have to fetch all rows in cursor
    All i need to join ref cursor and another table in sql clause
    like below
    select a.aa , form ( ref_cursor ) A, table B
    where A.dd = B.dd
    I appeciate it in advance

    My understanding is that you have a function that returns a refcursor and is called by a java app.
    Because this is a commonly used bit of code, you also want to reuse this cursor in other bits of sql and so you want to include it like table in a bit of sql and join that refcursor to other tables.
    It's not as easy as you might hope but you can probably achieve this with pipelined functions.
    Is it a direction that code should be going down? yes, eventually. I like the idea of pulling commonly used bits of code into a SQL statement especially into the WITH section, provided it could be used efficiently by the CBO.
    Is it worth the effort given what you have to do currently to implement it? possibly not.
    what else could you do? construct the sql statement independently of the thing that used it and reuse that sql statement rather than the refcursor it returns?
    Message was edited by:

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    There are vector maps available for many areas.
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    We are using a GUI to enter the data for the different regions.
    We have the GUI created and the hierchy competed. I need some help creating the arraylist to run the program.
    The user will enter a new region by selecting:
    surface type
    then you will be able to add or insert to include this region in the list.
    You will also be able modify, delete, or navigate to existing regions in the list by selecting the appropriate navigigation buttons below:
    ( |< or < or > or >| )
    Classes include:
    PainEstimator Model
    And the Approriate Listners
    Each region will have its own height and width which are set when the region is created
    Each region will compute and return its area and the walls and gables will contribute to the surface; windows and doors will reduce the surface.
    each region will calculate its area.
    We need to include a View and Model
    The view will manage the interface and the model will provide the necessary processing.
    responsibilities of the view:
    Instantiate and arrange the windowobjects
    instantiate and initialize the model
    handle user generated events such as button clicks and menu selections by sending message to the model
    represent the model to the user.
    Define and manage the applications data(coordinating the activities of several programmer defined classes)
    respond to messages from the view
    We have the GUI completed I just need some help getting the arraylist started to run the program.
    We will need to keep a count and index of all the regions created by the user and you need to be able to shuffle throught them if you need to delete or modify them. You also need to insert windows and doors which will subtract from the total surface area but you have to go back to which ever wall or gable and create the window or door before or after that region.
    If anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in adavnce

    Sorry, I forgot to add my code last night.
    This is what we have so far.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class TestSwingCommonFeatures extends JFrame {
    private JRadioButton wall, window, gable, door;
    private JButton computegal;
    public TestSwingCommonFeatures() {
    // Create a panel to group three buttons
    JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 2, 5, 5));
    JTextField sqftpergal = new JTextField(8);
         JTextField coats = new JTextField(8);
         JTextField gallonsneeded = new JTextField(8);
         p1.add(new JLabel("SQ ft / gallon"));
    p1.add(new JLabel("Number of gallons:"));
    p1.add(new JLabel("Gallons needed:"));
         p1.add(computegal = new JButton("Compute gallons needed"));
    p1.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Select gallons & coats"));
    // Create a font and a line border
    Font largeFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 20);
    Border lineBorder = new LineBorder(Color.BLACK, 2);
    // Create a panel to group two labels
    // panel 2
         JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 2, 5, 5));
    p2.add(wall = new JRadioButton("wall"));
    p2.add(gable = new JRadioButton("gable"));
         p2.add(new JButton("ADD"));
              p2.add(window = new JRadioButton("window"));
              p2.add(door = new JRadioButton("door"));
                   p2.add(new JButton("Remove"));
    p2.add(new JLabel("Width"));
    p2.add(new JTextField(12));
         p2.add(new JButton("Insert"));
         p2.add(new JLabel("Height"));
    p2.add(new JTextField(12));
         p2.add(new JButton("Delete"));
    p2.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Controls"));
    ButtonGroup radiogroup = new ButtonGroup();
    //panel 3     
         JPanel p3 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 1, 5, 5));
    p3.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Section Selection"));
         p3.add(new JButton("<|"));
              p3.add(new JButton("<"));
                   p3.add(new JButton(">"));
                        p3.add(new JButton("|>"));
    p3.add(new JLabel("Count"));
    p3.add(new JTextField(4));
         p3.add(new JLabel("Index"));
    p3.add(new JTextField(4));
    // Add two panels to the frame
    setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1, 5, 5));
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create a frame and set its properties
    JFrame frame = new TestSwingCommonFeatures();
    frame.setSize(600, 400);
    frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Center the frame
    private class UpdateListener implements ActionListener {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    System.out.println("Update button was clicked");
    private class NavListener implements ActionListener {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    System.out.println("Nav button was clicked");
    // Create a list to store data
    java.util.ArrayList paintList = new java.util.ArrayList();
    This is the GUI for the project that we have come up with. I have to write the arraylist for inside the model.
    I have tried a couple different things but have been unsuccessful getting it to work. All I am looking for is a start of the arraylist I will try to figure out the rest myself.

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    in function: buildform
    buildform has these two inputs, firstname and lastname
    the action of the form is also in iscript1 function getinputs
    iscript getinputs will just print out the firstname and lastname
    Could I get some help with this?
    Thanks, Allen Cunningham

    Your site is running on an Apache server, so it definitely doesn't support ASP. Apache frequently supports PHP, but I couldn't tell from the headers sent by your server whether it's supported on your site.
    I suggest that you contact BT Business support to see if they offer a formmail script. Most hosting companies do. The support pages should describe how to set it up.

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    Paul, we have not tested creating that many users in iFS, so we don't know if you will run into any issues. And I don't have any timed stats for creating users through XML.
    But we believe that using the Java API is the fastest way to create users.
    You will want to create the users in batch, and disconnect between batches, as the JVM memory will increase during the create.
    So you may want to create the users 10,000 at a time, and then disconnect and reconnect to create the next 10,000. Set your java MX setting for the JVM as high as you can (say, 768M), and then measure your memory usage for the first 10,000 users to see close to the MX setting the JVM gets.

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