Need Help: Dynamically displaying parameter values for a procedure.

Problem Statement: Generic Code should display the parameter values dynamically by taking "package name" and "procedure name" as inputs and the values needs to be obtained from the parameters of the wrapper procedure.
a) Let us assume that there is an application package called customer.
create or replace package spec customer
TYPE cust_in_rec_type IS RECORD
cust_id NUMBER,
,cust_name VARCHAR2(25) );
TYPE cust_role_rec_type IS RECORD
(cust_id NUMBER,
role_type VARCHAR2(20)
TYPE role_tbl_type IS TABLE OF cust_role_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
Procedure create_customer
p_code in varchar2
,p_cust_rec cust_in_rec_type
,p_cust_roles role_tbl_type
b) Let us assume that we need to test the create customer procedure in the package.For that various test cases needs to be executed.
c) We have created a testing package as mentioned below.
create or replace package body customer_test
-- signature of this wrapper is exactly same as create_customer procedure.
procedure create_customer_wrapper
p_code in varchar2
,p_cust_rec customer.cust_in_rec_type
,p_cust_roles customer.role_tbl_type
//<<<<<---Need to display parameter values dynamically for each test case-->>>>>
Since the signature of this wrapper procedure is similar to actual app procedure, we can get all the parameter definition for this procedure using ALL_ARGUMENTS table as mentioned below.
select * from ALL_ARGUMENTS where package_name = CUSTOMER' and object_name = 'CREATE_CUSTOMER'
but the problem is there are other procedures exists inside customer package like update_customer, add_address so need to have generalized code that is independent of each procedure inside the package.
Is there any way to achieve this.
Any help is appreciated.
// >>>>
p_code => p_code
,p_cust_rec => p_cust_rec
,p_cust_roles => p_cust_roles
procedure testcase1
l_cust_rec customer.cust_in_rec_type ;
l_cust_roles customer.role_tbl_type;
l_cust_rec.cust_id := 1;
l_cust_rec.cust_name := 'ABC';
l_cust_roles(1).cust_id := 1;
l_cust_roles(1).role_type := 'Role1';
p_code => 'code1'
,p_cust_rec => l_cust_rec
,p_cust_roles => l_cust_role
procedure testcase2
l_cust_rec customer.cust_in_rec_type ;
l_cust_roles customer.role_tbl_type;
l_cust_rec.cust_id := 2;
l_cust_rec.cust_name := 'DEF';
l_cust_roles(1).cust_id := 2;
l_cust_roles(1).role_type := 'Role2';
p_code => 'code2'
,p_cust_rec => l_cust_rec
,p_cust_roles => l_cust_role

Not possible to dynamically in a procedure, deal with the parameter values passed by a caller. There is no struct or interface that a procedure can use to ask the run-time to give it the value of the 1st or 2nd or n parameter.
There could perhaps be some undocumented/unsupported method - as debugging code (<i>DBMS_DEBUG</i>) is able to dynamically reference a variable (see Get_Value() function). But debugging requires a primary session (the debug session) and the target session (session being debugged).
So easy answer is no - the complex answer is.. well, complex as the basic functionality for this do exists in Oracle in its DBMS_DEBUG feature, but only from a special debug session.
The easiest way would be to generate the wrapper itself, dynamically. This allows your to generate code that displays the parameter values and add whatever other code needed into the wrapper. The following example demonstrates the basics of this approach:
SQL> -- // our application proc called FooProc
SQL> create or replace procedure FooProc( d date, n number, s varchar2 ) is
  2  begin
  3          -- // do some stuff
  4          null;
  5  end;
  6  /
Procedure created.
SQL> create or replace type TArgument is object(
  2          name            varchar2(30),
  3          datatype        varchar2(30)
  4  );
  5  /
Type created.
SQL> create or replace type TArgumentList is table of TArgument;
  2  /
Type created.
SQL> -- // create a proc that creates wrappers dynamically
SQL> create or replace procedure GenerateWrapper( procName varchar2 ) is
  2          procCode        varchar2(32767);
  3          argList         TArgumentList;
  4  begin
  5          select
  6                  TArgument( argument_name, data_type )
  7                          bulk collect into
  8                  argList
  9          from    user_arguments
10          where   object_name = upper(procName)
11          order by position;
13          procCode := 'create or replace procedure Test'||procName||'( ';
14          for i in 1..argList.Count
15          loop
16                  procCode := procCode||argList(i).name||' '||argList(i).datatype;
17                  if i < argList.Count then
18                          procCode := procCode||', ';
19                  end if;
20          end loop;
22          procCode := procCode||') as begin ';
23          procCode := procCode||'DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( '''||procName||''' ); ';
25          for i in 1..argList.Count
26          loop
27                  procCode := procCode||'DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( '''||argList(i).name||'=''||'||argList(i).name||' ); ';
28          end loop;
30          -- // similarly, a call to the real proc can be added into the test wrapper
31          procCode := procCode||'end;';
33          execute immediate procCode;
34  end;
35  /
Procedure created.
SQL> -- // generate a wrapper for a FooProc
SQL> exec GenerateWrapper( 'FooProc' );
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> -- // call the FooProc wrapper
SQL> exec TestFooProc( sysdate, 100, 'Hello World' )
D=2011-01-07 13:11:32
S=Hello World
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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                                    and  m.organization_id = p1.organization_id)
                        group by m.inventory_item_id) moq,
                        (select msi.segment1,
                        from   bom.bom_bill_of_materials bom,
                                bom.bom_inventory_components bic,
                                mtl_system_items msi,
                                plant_codes pc
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                          and  bom.organization_id = 102) comp
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                and  jot.bsid(+) = comp.bill_sequence_id
              group by comp.segment1,

    Ok, so how does it perform if you use the bom info as an in-line query outer join to job detail lines?
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           SUM (jdl.job_qty) job_qty
      FROM (
    SELECT pc.plant_code,
      FROM bom.bom_bill_of_materials bom,
           bom.bom_inventory_components bic,
           mtl_system_items msi,
           plant_codes pc
    WHERE pc.plant_code = p_in_plantcode
       AND msi.organization_id = pc.organization_id
       AND msi.item_type || '' IN ('PSSRM', 'PSRM')
       AND bic.component_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
       AND bic.effectivity_date <= SYSDATE
       AND (   bic.disable_date IS NULL
            OR bic.disable_date >= SYSDATE)
       AND bom.bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id
       AND bom.organization_id = 102
           )  v,
           job_detail_lines  jdl
    WHERE jdl.prod_plant_id(+) = v.plant_code
       AND jdl.bsid(+) = v.bill_sequence_id
       AND jdl.job_stat(+) = p_in_statusnum

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    <Acc ac_no = "1111111111" cn_nr = "US" eflag = "Y" />
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    v_sql := '';
         for v_count in 1..v_int
         if v_sql is null then
              v_sql := 'select extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count ||'/@ac_no'')||extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count
    ||'/@cn_nr'')||extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count ||'/@eflag'') string from sample1';
         elsif v_sql is not null then
                   v_sql := v_sql || ' union all select extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count ||'/@ac_no'')||extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count
    ||'/@cn_nr'')||extractvalue(empdetails, ''/ACC/Acc' || v_count ||'/@eflag'') string from sample1';
              end if;
         end loop;
    end if;
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    user11176969 wrote:
    i changed the code, now its working fine.
    direct assigning the dynamic query to a Clob variable raised error.
    for dynamic query building i used another variable and assigned this variable value to actual query variable.Nice!

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    OS: Windows XP Professional
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    Changes before problem appeared: None--new installation
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    e-mail me at [email protected]

    brazzmonkey wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    I noticed the following message when network starts on my gateway
    Warning: This functionality is deprecated.
    Please refer to /etc/rc.conf on how to define a single wired
    connection, or use a utility such as netcfg.
    Then I realized the way network settings should be written in rc.conf has changed. But I can't figure out how this should be done.
    Currently, my set up is the following (old way):
    INTERFACES=(eth0 eth1)
    eth1="eth1 netmask broadcast"
    eth0 is on DHCP because the IP is dynamically assigned my ISP.
    eth1 has a fix IP because it's on the LAN side.
    No problem to use DHCP on eth0 with the new settings.
    But for eth1, I don't know what I am supposed to write for gateway.
    Wiki isn't clear on that one either, and it looks like many articles still refer to the old way.
    Any guidance appreciated, thanks.
    you can't define 2 interfaces the old way (even though I saw some tricky workaround somewhere in the forums).
    Use, f.e., netcfg:
    Comment your old lines.
    In /etc/rc.conf insert:
    NETWORKS=(Eth0-dhcp Eth1-static)
    DAEMONS=(..... !network @net-profiles ....)
    In /etc/network.d create 2 files:
    First one is named  Eth0-dhcp.
    DESCRIPTION="Whatever text"
    HOSTNAME="your hostname"
    Second one is named Eth1-static.
    GATEWAY='' # your gateway IP
    DNS=('') # your DNS server
    The names Eth0-dhcp and Eth1-static are not magic. They just must be the same in rc.conf and in /etc/network.d.
    Hope it helps.
    PS: netcfg must be installed.
    Last edited by Mektub (2011-07-20 14:07:05)

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    Ok.. I assume your talking about the actual test result value.  These do not roll up into the QM LIS structures used in transactions MCXA or MCXD.
    You might be able to create your own structures and have them updated but you would have develop that.
    You can create run charts for various MIC's and utilize the SPC functionality if you need monthly averages and trends.
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    Input parameter (default values):
    start_date = first day of current Month
    end_date = till date
    Input parameter (default values):
    start_date = first day of current Quarter
    end_date = till date
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    Hi sppdba,
    As per my understanding, there is a report with two parameter: start_date and end_date, you want to configure subscription for the report, and set different default values for start date and end date. And you want to know if it is possible to achieve you
    goal by using a single report definition file.
    Since you are using SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition, we need to achieve your goal by configuring two subscriptions for the report. For detail information, please refer to the following steps:
      1. In design surface, right click start_date and open Parameter Properties dialog box.
      2. In General pane, type Name and Prompt, set Data Type to Date/Time.
      3. Click Available Values in left pane, select Specify Values.
      4. Click Add button, in Label text box, type “First day of Current Month”, click (fx) button in Value section, then type the expression like below:
    =DateSerial(Year(Now()), Month(Now()), 1)
      5. Click Add button, in Label text box, type “First day of Current Quarter”, click (fx) button in Value section, then type the expression like below, then click OK.
    =DateSerial(Year(Now()), (3*DatePart("q",Now()))-2, 1)
      6. Right click end_date and open Parameter Properties dialog box.
      7. In Available Values pane, select Specify Values.
      8. Click Add button, in Label text box, type “Today”, click (fx) button in Value section, then type the expression =Today(), then click OK.
    Now that the parameters are created, we need to configure subscription for the report. For detail information, please follow these steps:
      1. Open Report Manager, and locate the report for which you want to create a new subscription.
      2. Hover over the report, and click the drop-down arrow.
      3. In the drop-down menu, click Manage. This opens the General properties page for the report.
      4. Select the Subscriptions tab, and then click New Subscription.
      5. Select the delivery extension and data source for the subscription.
      6. Select a method of delivery, then choose report delivery options.
      7. Specify conditions that cause the subscription to process and delivery to occur.
      8. Set start_date to First day of Current Month, end_date to Today, then click OK.
      9. Create a new subscription as step4 to 7, set start_date to First day of Current Quarter, end_date to Today, then click OK.
    The following screenshots are for your reference:
    For detail information about Creating Standard Subscriptions, please refer to the following document:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

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    You are not getting it in IH08, but you are getting it in IE07. See this.
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