Need help !!! Hurry !

I can not install creative cloud and I has no wireless internet. Downloading stopped to indicate 'error 201' to finally stop in the middle of the download bar at each testing. I can not even cancel it. I need the trial version as soon as possible for my course designer who starts in a few days. Help me please !! I have a Macbook Pro for less then a month , it is new and all update .

Hi labondas,
Please refer to the following thread as the issue stands resolved in there:
Re: Error 201
In case you face any difficulties, please contact the support:
Contact Customer Care

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    my problem is that i have made a calendar by using jtable and i can't highlight or put any sign to keep track on date, but the biggest problem is that i have to submit this project after two days, so i will appreciate any help or tips from you. Here is my code:
    /*Contents of CalendarProgran.class */
    //Import packages
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class CalendarProgram{
    static JLabel lblMonth, lblYear;
    static JButton btnPrev, btnNext;
    static JTable tblCalendar;
    static JComboBox cmbYear;
    static JFrame frmMain;
    static Container pane;
    static DefaultTableModel mtblCalendar; //Table model
    static JScrollPane stblCalendar; //The scrollpane
    static JPanel pnlCalendar;
    static int realYear, realMonth, currentYear, currentMonth;
    public static void main (String args[]){
    //Look and feel
    try {UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());}
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {}
    catch (InstantiationException e) {}
    catch (IllegalAccessException e) {}
    catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {}
    //Prepare frame
    frmMain = new JFrame ("Gestionnaire de clients"); //Create frame
    frmMain.setSize(330, 375); //Set size to 400x400 pixels
    pane = frmMain.getContentPane(); //Get content pane
    pane.setLayout(null); //Apply null layout
    frmMain.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Close when X is clicked
    //Create controls
    lblMonth = new JLabel ("January");
    lblYear = new JLabel ("Change year:");
    cmbYear = new JComboBox();
    btnPrev = new JButton ("<<");
    btnNext = new JButton (">>");
    mtblCalendar = new DefaultTableModel(){public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int mColIndex){return false;}};
    tblCalendar = new JTable(mtblCalendar);
    stblCalendar = new JScrollPane(tblCalendar);
    pnlCalendar = new JPanel(null);
    //Set border
    //Register action listeners
    btnPrev.addActionListener(new btnPrev_Action());
    btnNext.addActionListener(new btnNext_Action());
    cmbYear.addActionListener(new cmbYear_Action());
    //Add controls to pane
    //Set bounds
    pnlCalendar.setBounds(0, 0, 320, 335);
    lblMonth.setBounds(160-lblMonth.getPreferredSize().width/2, 25, 100, 25);
    lblYear.setBounds(10, 305, 80, 20);
    cmbYear.setBounds(230, 305, 80, 20);
    btnPrev.setBounds(10, 25, 50, 25);
    btnNext.setBounds(260, 25, 50, 25);
    stblCalendar.setBounds(10, 50, 300, 250);
    //Make frame visible
    //Get real month/year
    GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); //Create calendar
    realMonth = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH); //Get month
    realYear = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR); //Get year
    currentMonth = realMonth; //Match month and year
    currentYear = realYear;
    //Add headers
    String[] headers = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; //All headers
    for (int i=0; i<7; i++){
    tblCalendar.getParent().setBackground(tblCalendar.getBackground()); //Set background
    //No resize/reorder
    //Single cell selection
    //Set row/column count
    //Populate table
    for (int i=realYear-100; i<=realYear+100; i++){
    //Refresh calendar
    refreshCalendar (realMonth, realYear); //Refresh calendar
    public static void refreshCalendar(int month, int year){
    String[] months = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};
    int nod, som; //Number Of Days, Start Of Month
    //Allow/disallow buttons
    if (month == 0 && year <= realYear-10){btnPrev.setEnabled(false);} //Too early
    if (month == 11 && year >= realYear+100){btnNext.setEnabled(false);} //Too late
    lblMonth.setText(months[month]); //Refresh the month label (at the top)
    lblMonth.setBounds(160-lblMonth.getPreferredSize().width/2, 25, 180, 25); //Re-align label with calendar
    cmbYear.setSelectedItem(String.valueOf(year)); //Select the correct year in the combo box
    //Clear table
    for (int i=0; i<6; i++){
    for (int j=0; j<7; j++){
    mtblCalendar.setValueAt(null, i, j);
    //Get first day of month and number of days
    GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, month, 1);
    nod = cal.getActualMaximum(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    som = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    //Draw calendar
    for (int i=1; i<=nod; i++){
    int row = new Integer((i+som-2)/7);
    int column = (i+som-2)%7;
    mtblCalendar.setValueAt(i, row, column);
    //Apply renderers
    tblCalendar.setDefaultRenderer(tblCalendar.getColumnClass(0), new tblCalendarRenderer());
    static class tblCalendarRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer{
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent (JTable table, Object value, boolean selected, boolean focused, int row, int column){
    if (column == 0 || column == 6){
    setBackground(new Color(255, 220, 220));
    setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 255));
    super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, selected, focused, row, column);
    return this;
    static class btnPrev_Action implements ActionListener{
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e){
    if (currentMonth == 0){ //Back one year
    currentMonth = 11;
    currentYear -= 1;
    else{ //Back one month
    currentMonth -= 1;
    refreshCalendar(currentMonth, currentYear);
    static class btnNext_Action implements ActionListener{
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e){
    if (currentMonth == 11){ //Foward one year
    currentMonth = 0;
    currentYear += 1;
    else{ //Foward one month
    currentMonth += 1;
    refreshCalendar(currentMonth, currentYear);
    static class cmbYear_Action implements ActionListener{
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e){
    if (cmbYear.getSelectedItem() != null){
    String b = cmbYear.getSelectedItem().toString();
    currentYear = Integer.parseInt(b);
    refreshCalendar(currentMonth, currentYear);

    Welcome to the forum. You will need to learn a couple things if you want to receive help and not get flamed to death:
    1) All code needs to be posted within code tags. You can read up on them here:
    You want to make it as easy as possible for the volunteers here to help you. That means making your code readable.
    2) Do not put "urgent" "need help" "hurry please" in your posts if you are smart. Definitely don't put them in the header of the post. The urgency is yours, not ours. Putting that stuff in there only turns people off. If you have a problem deemed worthwhile by the volunteers here, if you have put thought into your post so you make it easy as possible for others to help you, and if you show some effort on your own, you are almost guaranteed to get timely help.
    3) List all error messages completely.
    4) Keep all necessary code, get rid of all unnecessary code. Your code should be compilable on its own, but it should not contain anything that isn't necessary for demonstrating your problem.
    5) Specifics:
    Why are you throwing out all those exceptions?
    Why is everything in one big huge GUI class? Break your code down into functional units. Make sure the logic works in a non-GUI way, THEN add a GUI class.
    Why the huge main method? The main should be short and sweet.
    Why the static inner classes? Do you know what is the difference between static inner classes and non-static inner classes?
    Why all the static variables anyway? You are doing procedural programming with an OOP language. You should use OOP if you can with an OOP language.
    Sorry, but this code looks like it was thrown together in a big hurry. I think that you have a lot of work to do. Good luck!

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    }(please note that Cindy is public :))

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    In my experience, the code created by graphics apps is less than satisfactory. And image based menus are very awkward for several reasons. 
    #1 If you decide to change your menu later, you must go back to your graphics app and re-craft the whole thing.  After 2-3 times of this, it gets old in a hurry.
    #2 Image based menus cannot be "seen" by search engines, screen readers and language translators.
    #3 CSS styled text menus are better for your site's visibility, accessibility and they are a snap to edit in Dreamweaver.
    That said, if you're still married to image based menus, use Fireworks to create images only. Use Dreamweaver's Image Rollover Behaviors to create your rollover scripts.
    Nancy O.

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    of pythagoras theorems in java as demonstrations
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    the site is the following
    then double click on the screen to make it start

    Pardon my ASCII art, but I've always liked the following, simple, geometric proof:
         a                   b
    |       |                                |
    a|   I   |              II                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    b|  IV   |              III               |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    ---------------------------------------+It almost goes without saying that I+II+III+IV == (a+b)^2, and II == IV == a*b,
    I == a*a and III == b*b, showing that (a+b)^2 == a^2+a*b+a*b+b^2.
    I hope the following sketch makes sense, stand back, ASCII art alert again:     a                   b
    |               .             VI         |
    |     .                 .                |a
    | V                               .      |
    |                                        +
    |                                        |
    |   .                                    |
    b|                                     .  |
    |                                        |
    |                  IX                    |
    | .                                      |
    |                                    .   |b
    |                                        |
    +                                        |
    |      .                                 |
    a|               .                  . VII |
    |  VIII                   .              |
                     a                    bThe total area equals (a+b)^2 again and equals the sum of the smaller areas:
    (a+b)^2 == V+VI+VII+VIII+IX. Let area IX be c^2 for whatever c may be.
    V+VII == VI+VIII == a*b, so a^2+b^2+2*ab= c^2+2*a*b; IOW a^2+b^2 == c^2
    Given this fundamental result, the others can easily be derived from this one,
    or did I answer a question you didn't ask?
    kind regards,

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    What file format did you export it to?

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    I want to listen to audios with scripts or texts on them so i can listen to them when i am on the go. I was also informed that these files should work in any device. How come the audios doesnt work on my ipad.
    Please help me on what to do.

    Audio and video are not currently support on Adobe Reader. :-<
    You need to buy a PDF reader that supports them. My suggestion is PDF Expert from Readdle ($US 9.99)

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            Im needing help to open a folder and look for a file (.txt) on this directory by his name ... The user ll type the partial name of file , and i need look for this file on the folder , and delete it ....
    How can i look for the file by his name ?
    Thx =)

    Hi ,
        Sry ,, let me explain again ... I ll set the name of the files in the follow order ... Name_Serial_date_chanel.sxc ..
    The user ll type the serial that he wants delete ...
    I already figured out what i need guys .. thx for the help ^^
    I used List Directory on advanced IO , to list all .. the Name is the same for all ... then i used Name_ concateneted with Serial(typed)* .. this command serial* ll list all serials equal the typed , in my case , ll exist only one , cuz its a count this serial .Then i pass the path to the delete , and its done !
    Thx ^^

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    i need help, my ipod touch is not recognized by windows like a memory card or a harddisk.
    i would like to transfer the files from pc to my ipod touch without useing itunes.
    as i see theres some people here that theires ipod touch are recongnzed as a digitl camra, mine is reconzied as nothing, some help plz.
    Message was edited by: B0Om

    B0Om wrote:
    ok but i still dont understed, only my itnes recongnize my ipod, when i go to " my cumputer, it dosent show up there, not even as a digital camra
    Your Touch is working correctly. Currently, without unsupported third party hacks, the Touch has NO disc mode. It will only show up in iTunes.
    how do i put programes and games in my ipod touch
    Right now, you don't. The SDK is scheduled to be released in Feburary. Then developers will be able to write programs that will be loadable.

  • Weird error message need help..

    SO.. i havent updated my itunes in a while because i keep getting this weird message.. it comes up when im almost done installing the newest/newer versions of itunes. it says
    "the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" "click ok to try again or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'iTunes.msi' in the box below"
    now when ever i choose a file from the browse box it replies with this message "the file 'xxx' is not a valid installation package for the product iTunes. try to find the installation package iTunes.msi in a folder from which you can install iTunes."
    no idea need help thanks
    Message was edited by: DarkxFlamexCaster
    Message was edited by: DarkxFlamexCaster

    +it comes up when im almost done installing the newest/newer versions of itunes. it says+ +"the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" "click ok to try again or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'iTunes.msi' in the box below"+
    With that one, let's try the following procedure.
    First, head into your Add/Remove programs and uninstall your QuickTime. If it goes, good. If it doesn't, we'll just attend to it when we attend to iTunes.
    Next, download and install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility:
    Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
    Now launch Windows Installer CleanUp ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"), find any iTunes and/or QuickTime entries in the list of programs in CleanUp, select those entries, and click “remove”.
    Next, we'll manually remove any leftover iTunes or QuickTime program files:
    (1) Open Local Disk (C:) in Computer or whichever disk programs are installed on.
    (2) Open the Program Files folder.
    (3) Right-click the iTunes folder and select Delete and choose Yes when asked to confirm the deletion.
    (4) Right-click the QuickTime folder and select Delete and choose Yes when asked to confirm the deletion. (Note: This folder may have already been deleted if QuickTime was successfully removed using Add/Remove Programs earlier.)
    (5) Delete the QuickTime and QuicktimeVR files located in the C:\Windows\system32\ folder. Click Continue if Windows needs confirmation or permission to continue. (Note: These files may have already been deleted if QuickTime was successfully removed using Add/Remove Programs earlier.)
    (6) Right-click on the Recycle Bin and on the shortcut menu, click Empty Recycle Bin.
    (7) Restart your computer.
    Now try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly now?

  • I got new hard driver for my MacBook I don't have the cd but I do have flash drive that has the software I need help because when I turn on my laptop it shows me a file with question mark how can I install the software from the flash driver?

    I got new hard driver for my MacBook I don't have the cd but I do have flash drive that has the software I need help because when I turn on my laptop it shows me a file with question mark how can I install the software from the flash driver?

    Hold down the Option key while you boot your Mac. Then, it should show you a selection of devices. Click your flash drive and it will boot from that.

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    oh,my system is windows 8.1. sorry, lol.

  • Trying to create a Invoice based on Order need help Error -5002

    the dreaded -5002 error is haunting me too! and I could not find a matching solution for this in the forum....
    I need help quickly on this. I am trying to create invoices for some orders so the Base - Target relationship is retained. The orders I pick are all Open (DocStatus   = O and the lines are all Open LineStatus = O)
    here is my code
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseEntry = 48
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseLine = 0
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseType = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemCode = "A00001"
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemDescription = "IBM Infoprint 1312"
    'adding Line
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseEntry = 48
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseLine = 1
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseType = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemCode = "A00002"
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemDescription = "IBM Inforprint 1222"
    'adding Line
    lRetCode = oInvoice.Add
    If lRetCode <> 0 Then
        gObjCompany.GetLastError lErrCode, sErrMsg
        MsgBox (lErrCode & " " & sErrMsg)
    End If

    Only set your base types...
    (not items & description)
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseEntry = 48
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseLine = 0
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseType = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemCode = "A00001"
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemDescription = "IBM Infoprint 1312"
    'adding Line (to fill the second item line)
    ' the 1st line item is there by default
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseEntry = 48
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseLine = 1
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseType = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemCode = "A00002"
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemDescription = "IBM Inforprint 1222"
    'DO NOT Add THIS line
    ' (only if you want to add a 3rd line item)
    '''oInvoice.Lines.Add -> Don't add this
    lRetCode = oInvoice.Add
    If lRetCode <> 0 Then
        gObjCompany.GetLastError lErrCode, sErrMsg
        MsgBox (lErrCode & " " & sErrMsg)
    End If
    remember to add :
    oInvoice.CardCode = "your BP"
    oInvoice.DocDueDate = Now
    oInvoiceDoc.CardCode = txtDOCBPCode.Text

  • Installation of Photoshop update 13.1.2 for creative cloud fails with error code U44M1P7 I need help

    I need help installing update 13.1.2 for Photoshop creative cloud, installation fails with error code: U44M1P7. Could someone please help?

    Sorry to bother you.
    I could find the answer after searching previous posts about this language problem.
    Had to change my language in AAM profile and then download PS CS6 again ( english version ).
    Then open the actual Photoshop and in preferences > interface you can besides the Dutch also option for English.
    restart application and Voila.
    Greetz, Jeroen

  • Stored DB Procedure - Need help

    Hi. I have a stored database package containing 2 functions. I need help with the function named ret_columns.
    If you look at the code below you will see this function has two different FOR loops. The Select statement in FOR loop that is commented out works just fine, but when I try to use the uncommented select statement in it's place the Function returns NULL (or no records). However, if I run the Select statement in plain old SQL Plus it returns the rows I need. I don't get it.
    Can anyone help me? I'm really stuck on this one.
    CREATE OR REPLACE package body audit_table_info
    function ret_tables return table_type is
    t_t table_type;
    i integer;
    i := 1;
    for rec in (select distinct table_name
    from all_triggers
                   where substr(trigger_name,1,9) = upper('tr_audit#')) loop
    t_t(i).tableA := rec.table_name;
    i := i+1;
    end loop;
    return t_t;
    function ret_columns return column_type is
    c_t column_type;
    i integer;
    i := 1;
    -- for rec in (select distinct table_name column_name
    -- from all_triggers
    --               where substr(trigger_name,1,9) = upper('tr_audit#')) loop
    for rec in (select distinct b.column_name column_name
    from all_triggers a, all_tab_columns b
                   where a.table_owner = b.owner
                        and a.table_name = b.table_name
                             and substr(a.trigger_name,1,9) = upper('tr_audit#') and rownum < 5) loop                    
    c_t(i).tableB := rec.column_name;
    i := i+1;
    end loop;
    return c_t;
    end audit_table_info;
    CREATE OR REPLACE package Audit_Table_Info as
    type table_rec is record( tableA all_tab_columns.TABLE_NAME%type);
    type table_type is table of table_rec index by binary_integer;
    function ret_tables return table_type;
    type column_rec is record( tableB all_tables.TABLE_NAME%type);
    type column_type is table of column_rec index by binary_integer;
    function ret_columns return column_type;
    end Audit_Table_Info;

    It works when I do this!!! I'm so confused. I did this:
    1 create table test_columns as
    2 (select b.column_name
    3 from all_triggers a,
    4 all_tab_columns b
    5 where a.table_owner = b.owner
    6 and a.table_name = b.table_name
    7 and substr(a.trigger_name,1,9) = upper('tr_audit#')
    8* and rownum < 5)
    SQL> /
    Table created.
    Then altered the Function so the Select statement refers to this table:
    function ret_columns return column_type is
    c_t column_type;
    i integer;
    i := 1;
    for rec in (select distinct column_name
    from test_columns) loop
    c_t(i).tableB := rec.column_name;
    i := i+1;
    end loop;
    return c_t;
    Again, any help would be greatly greatly appreciated!

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