Stored DB Procedure - Need help

Hi. I have a stored database package containing 2 functions. I need help with the function named ret_columns.
If you look at the code below you will see this function has two different FOR loops. The Select statement in FOR loop that is commented out works just fine, but when I try to use the uncommented select statement in it's place the Function returns NULL (or no records). However, if I run the Select statement in plain old SQL Plus it returns the rows I need. I don't get it.
Can anyone help me? I'm really stuck on this one.
CREATE OR REPLACE package body audit_table_info
function ret_tables return table_type is
t_t table_type;
i integer;
i := 1;
for rec in (select distinct table_name
from all_triggers
               where substr(trigger_name,1,9) = upper('tr_audit#')) loop
t_t(i).tableA := rec.table_name;
i := i+1;
end loop;
return t_t;
function ret_columns return column_type is
c_t column_type;
i integer;
i := 1;
-- for rec in (select distinct table_name column_name
-- from all_triggers
--               where substr(trigger_name,1,9) = upper('tr_audit#')) loop
for rec in (select distinct b.column_name column_name
from all_triggers a, all_tab_columns b
               where a.table_owner = b.owner
                    and a.table_name = b.table_name
                         and substr(a.trigger_name,1,9) = upper('tr_audit#') and rownum < 5) loop                    
c_t(i).tableB := rec.column_name;
i := i+1;
end loop;
return c_t;
end audit_table_info;
CREATE OR REPLACE package Audit_Table_Info as
type table_rec is record( tableA all_tab_columns.TABLE_NAME%type);
type table_type is table of table_rec index by binary_integer;
function ret_tables return table_type;
type column_rec is record( tableB all_tables.TABLE_NAME%type);
type column_type is table of column_rec index by binary_integer;
function ret_columns return column_type;
end Audit_Table_Info;

It works when I do this!!! I'm so confused. I did this:
1 create table test_columns as
2 (select b.column_name
3 from all_triggers a,
4 all_tab_columns b
5 where a.table_owner = b.owner
6 and a.table_name = b.table_name
7 and substr(a.trigger_name,1,9) = upper('tr_audit#')
8* and rownum < 5)
SQL> /
Table created.
Then altered the Function so the Select statement refers to this table:
function ret_columns return column_type is
c_t column_type;
i integer;
i := 1;
for rec in (select distinct column_name
from test_columns) loop
c_t(i).tableB := rec.column_name;
i := i+1;
end loop;
return c_t;
Again, any help would be greatly greatly appreciated!

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    CALL is not valid PL/SQL. (In fact, it's only valid in OLAP).
    You want either...
    /...or (in SQL*Plus)....
    EXEC test_record2.get_info(1)I commend the documentation to you.
    Cheers, APC

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    Hi whatsthe77,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    You may want to follow the steps in this article to reinstall iTunes:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Have a great day,

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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane.*;
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            //declare class variables
            private JPanel jpApplicant, jpEverything,jpWEST, jpCENTRE, jpEAST, jpAddEditDelete,
                                       jpCentreTOP, jpCentreBOT, jpEastTOP, jpEastCENTRE, jpEastBOT,
                                       jpBlank1, panel1, panel2, panel3, panel4,jpBottomArea,
            private JLabel jlblApplicantForm, jlblAppList, jlblName, jlblPhone,
                                       jlblCurrentSalary, jlblPassword, jlblDesiredSalary,
                                       jlblNotes, jlblApplicantSkills, jlblIndustrySkills,
                                       jlblBlank1, jlblBlank2, ApplicantListLabel,
                                       NotesListLabel, ApplicantSkillsLabel,
            private JButton jbtnAdd1, jbtnEdit, jbtnDelete, jbtnSave, jbtnCancel,
                                            jbtnAdd2, jbtnRemove;
            private JTextField jtfName, jtfPhone, jtfCurrentSalary, jtfPassword,
              private JTabbedPane tabbedPane;
            private DefaultListModel /*listModel,*/listModel2;
              String name,password,phone,currentsalary,desiredsalary,textareastuff,NotesText;
              String selectedname;
            final JTextArea Noteslist= new JTextArea();;
            DefaultListModel listModel = new DefaultListModel();
            JList ApplicantSkillsList = new JList(listModel);
           private ListSelectionModel listSelectionModel;
            JList ApplicantList, /*ApplicantSkillsList,*/ IndustrySkillsList;
            //protected JTextArea NotesList;    
                    //Vector details = new Vector();
                  Vector<StoringData> details = new Vector<StoringData>();             
                public static void main(String []args)
                    Employment f = new Employment();
                }//end of main
                    public Employment()
                            setTitle("E-commerce Placement Agency");
                                  Font listfonts = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 12);
                            JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
                            topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
                            getContentPane().add( topPanel );
                            tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Applicant", panel1 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Job Order", panel2 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Skill", panel3 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Company", panel4 );
                            topPanel.add( tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
            public void createPage1()//PAGE 1
                 /*******************TOP PART********************/
                            panel1 = new JPanel();
                            panel1.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                                  jpBottomArea = new JPanel();
                                  jpBottomArea.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                            jpApplicant= new JPanel();
                            jpApplicant.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                            Font bigFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,24);
                            jlblApplicantForm = new JLabel("\t\t\t\tAPPLICANT FORM  ");
           /********************************EMPTY PANEL FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES*************************/
                               jpEmptyPanelForDisplayPurposes = new JPanel();
                               jlblEmptyLabelForDisplayPurposes = new JLabel(" ");
                            jpWEST = new JPanel();                 
                            jpWEST.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            //Applicant List
                                  listModel2=new DefaultListModel();
                                  ApplicantList = new JList(listModel2);
                                listSelectionModel = ApplicantList.getSelectionModel();
                                listSelectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new SharedListSelectionHandler());
                                JScrollPane scrollPane3 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantList);
                                  ApplicantList.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(20,40));
                            ApplicantListLabel = new JLabel( "Applicant List:");
                            jpCENTRE = new JPanel();
                            jpCENTRE.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));
                            jpCentreTOP = new JPanel();
                            jpCentreTOP.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,2));
                              //Creating labels and textfields
                            jlblName = new JLabel( "Name:");
                            jlblBlank1 = new JLabel ("");
                            jtfName = new JTextField(18);
                            jlblBlank2 = new JLabel("");
                            jlblPhone = new JLabel("Phone:");
                            jlblCurrentSalary = new JLabel("Current Salary:");
                            jtfPhone = new JTextField(13);
                            jtfCurrentSalary = new JTextField(7);
                            jlblPassword = new JLabel("Password:");
                            jlblDesiredSalary = new JLabel("Desired Salary:");
                            jtfPassword = new JTextField(13);
                            jtfDesiredSalary = new JTextField(6);
                              //Add labels and textfields to panel
                            jpCentreBOT = new JPanel();
                            jpCentreBOT.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            jpBlank1 = new JPanel();
                             //     Noteslist = new JTextArea(/*Document doc*/);
                            JScrollPane scroll3=new JScrollPane(Noteslist);
                            NotesListLabel = new JLabel( "Notes:");
                            //Applicant Skills Panel
                            //EAST ==> TOP
                            jpEAST = new JPanel();
                            jpEAST.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            jpEastTOP = new JPanel();
                            jpEastTOP.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            ApplicantSkillsLabel = new JLabel( "Applicant Skills");
                            JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantSkillsList);
                            //Add & Remove Buttons
                            //EAST ==> CENTRE
                            jpEastCENTRE = new JPanel();
                            jbtnAdd2 = new JButton("Add");
                            jbtnRemove = new JButton("Remove");
                            //add buttons to panel
                            //add listener to button
                           jbtnAdd2.addActionListener(new Add2Listener());
                           jbtnRemove.addActionListener(new RemoveListener());
                            //Industry Skills Panel
                            //EAST ==> BOTTOM
                            jpEastBOT = new JPanel();
                            jpEastBOT.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                           String[] data = {"Access97", "Basic Programming",
                           "C++ Programming", "COBOL Programming",
                           "DB Design", "Fortran programming"};
                           IndustrySkillsList = new JList(data);
                           JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(IndustrySkillsList);
                           IndustrySkillsLabel = new JLabel( "Industry Skills:");
                            jpAddEditDelete= new JPanel();
                            jbtnAdd1=       new JButton("Add");
                            jbtnEdit=       new JButton("Edit");
                            jbtnDelete=     new JButton("Delete");
                            jbtnSave=       new JButton("Save");
                            jbtnCancel=     new JButton("Cancel");
                               jbtnEdit.addActionListener(new EditListener());
                               jbtnDelete.addActionListener(new DeleteListener());
                                jbtnEdit.addActionListener(new EditListener());
                            jbtnAdd1.addActionListener(new Add1Listener());
                            jbtnCancel.addActionListener(new CancelListener());
            public void createPage2()//PAGE 2
                    panel2 = new JPanel();
                    panel2.setLayout( new GridLayout(1,1) );
                    panel2.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public void createPage3()//PAGE 3
                    panel3 = new JPanel();
                    panel3.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
                    panel3.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public void createPage4()//PAGE 4
                    panel4 = new JPanel();
                    panel4.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
                    panel4.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public class Add1Listener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    name = jtfName.getText();
                    password = jtfPassword.getText();
                    phone = jtfPhone.getText();
                    currentsalary = jtfCurrentSalary.getText();
                    int i= Integer.parseInt(currentsalary);
                    desiredsalary = jtfDesiredSalary.getText();
                    int j= Integer.parseInt(desiredsalary);
                       StoringData person = new StoringData(name,password,phone,i,j);
                   //     StoringData AppSkillsList = new StoringData(listModel);
                 //     details.add(AppSkillsList);
    //                NotesList.setText("");
            public class Add2Listener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                           String temp1;
                           temp1 = (String)IndustrySkillsList.getSelectedValue();
            public class RemoveListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                            int index = ApplicantSkillsList.getSelectedIndex();
            public class EditListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class DeleteListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        int index1 = ApplicantList.getSelectedIndex();
            public class SaveListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class CancelListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class SharedListSelectionHandler implements ListSelectionListener
            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
             selectedname =ApplicantList.getSelectedValue().toString();
             StoringData selectedPerson = null;
                   for (StoringData person : details)
                          if (person.getName1().equals(selectedname))
                                 selectedPerson = person;
                              //String sal1 = Integer.parseString(currentsalary);
                             // String sal2 = Integer.parseString(desiredsalary);
                             // jtfCurrentSalary.setText(sal1);
                             // jtfDesiredSalary.setText(sal2);
                   //     if (selectedPerson != null)

    Quit posting 300 line programs to ask a question. We don't care about your entire application. We only care about code that demonstrates your current problem. We don't want to read through 300 lines to try and find the line of code that is causing the problem.
    If you need further help then you need to create a [url]Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program (SSCCE) that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour, because I can't guess exactly what you are doing based on the information provided.
    And don't forget to use the [url]Code Formatting Tags so the code retains its original formatting.
    Here is a simple SSCCE. Now make your changes and if you still have problems you have something simple to post. If it works then you add it to your real application.
    Learn to simplify your problem by simplifying the code.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ListTest2 extends JFrame
         JList list;
         public ListTest2()
              String[] numbers = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven" };
              list = new JList( numbers );
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( list );
              getContentPane().add( scrollPane );
         public static void main(String[] args)
              ListTest2 frame = new ListTest2();
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              frame.setSize(200, 200);
              frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );
              frame.setVisible( true );

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    Access Denied: Claims stored in the credentials did not match with the group claim for a group app.
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    I have one reporting file which is generated by DBA with database connection. i want to upload that file under document library and i want whenever user open it through document library, it gets updated through database connection 
    This is my first time, so pls guide me
    Reporting file has authentication set to --> None 
    Do i require any specific settings for authentication? like unattended account ? which username should i use
    Connection String -->
    Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=ExcelServices;Initial Catalog=SurveyData;Data Source=jdb1;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=RSTKW7W-06709;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag
    with column collation when possible=False
    Trusted File Location - is this place do i need to upload that reporting file? 
    Trusted Data Connection Libraries - is this place do i need to save connection file .odc ?
    If i am not wrong, should i put
    Trusted File Location = http://../training/sptestsite/Medication_Audit_Report
    Trusted Data Connection Libraries = http://../training/sptestsite/Medication_Audit_Data_Connection_Library/
    http://../training/sptestsite/Medication_Audit_Report -- Here only reporting file will be uploaded right?
    http://../training/sptestsite/Medication_Audit_Data_Connection_Library/ -- Here only database connection .odc file will be uploaded?
    what other settings are required. please correct me
    my email address - [email protected]

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    Hi All,
    I have a flat file containing numberic data, CLOB data, and also date columns data. I have to load this flat file data into staging server table using External tables. I have to write a stored procedure in such way creating exteranl tables dynamically. My question or need help from you people is that how to define the external table to load the CLOB data from flat file.

    The LOCATION clause of an external table specifies the file or files to be read when the table is queried. You can change it to refer to different files without dropping and recreating the table and invalidating all dependent code.
    Regarding DBMS_SQL, yes you can do it the hard way if you prefer.
    Good point about CLOB columns in external tables. Quite possibly they are not supported, but I would have to check the manuals and try some examples.

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    Got an error when extracting data with extractor 2lis_04_matnr.
    System says (short dump):
    Runtime error:    CONNE_IMPORT_WRONG_COMP_TYPE
    Error when attempting to import object "MC04P_0MAT_TAB".
    The current ABAP program "SAPLMCEX" had to be terminated because one of the statements could not be executed. This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program. When attempting to import data, it was discovered that the data type of the stored data was not the same as that specified in the program.
    An exception occurred. This exception is dealt with in more detail below. The exception, which is assigned to the class 'CX_SY_IMPORT_MISMATCH_ERROR', was neither caught nor passed along using a RAISING clause, in the procedure  "MCEX_BW_LO_API" "(FUNCTION)".                                                                             
    Since the caller of the procedure could not have expected this exception      
    to occur, the running program was terminated.                                
    The reason for the exception is:  When importing the object "MC04P_0MAT_TAB", the component no. 5 in the dataset has a different type from the corresponding component of the target object in the program "SAPLMCEX". <b>The data type is "D" in the dataset, but "C" in the program.</b>
    Please, can someone explain me how to solve it? 
    Really need help ASAP!
    Thanks in advance,
    Message was edited by:
            Jaume Saumell
    Message was edited by:
            Jaume Saumell

    Check this note: 328181
    So you need to delete entries in SM13/LBWQ for application and also detup table content.
    And then refill teh set up table.
    If you are in production clear the entries by running collective run no of times for this application 04.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

  • Need help in Logic to Concat

    Hello everyone,
    This is the requirement,
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    Actual table: Item_Seller
    Pro Team
    Pro Team
    Pro Team
    Pro Team
    Pro Team
    The requirement is to concatenate seller_name in the table like below output, this should not be performed using a stored procedure. I need help in writing a select query to display the below output.
    Pro Team,
    12310452,Pro Team
    Pro Team
    12310691,Pro Team
    12310692,Pro Team
    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Just this would be enough 
    SELECT item_id,
    STUFF((SELECT ',' + seller_name
    FROM Item_Seller
    WHERE item_id = t.Item_id
    FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)'),1,1,'') AS SellerName_Concat
    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT item_id FROM Item_Seller)t
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    Msg 3616, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
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    My E-mail: -join ('6F6C646B61726C406F75746C6F6F6B2E636F6D'-split'(?<=\G.{2})'|%{if($_){[char][int]"0x$_"}})

  • Need help using dbms_scheduler to submit an immediate job on the database

    Hi. I need help using dbms_scheduler to submit an immediate job on the database. Essentially I want to issue a one-time call to an Oracle Stored Procedure - this procedure will then send an email. I've never used dbms_scheduler before, but here's what I have so far.
    So my Program is a stored database procedure named 'TTMS.dropperVacationConflict_Notify', but my problem is that I need to pass 3 parameter values to this job each time I run it. This is what I can't figure out. The procedure expects an 'Id' as number(5), begin_dt as a date, and end_dt as a date.
    How do I pass these values when I run my job? Can anyone help?
        dbms_scheduler.create_program(program_name=> 'PROG_DROPVACCONFLICTS_NOTIFY',
         program_type=> 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
         program_action=> 'TTMS.dropperVacationConflict_Notify',
         number_of_arguments => 3,
         comments=> 'Procedure to notify PCM of a Dropper Vacation Conflict. Pass in Dropper Id, Begin_dt, and End_dt');
        (schedule_name=> 'INTERVAL_EVERY5_MINUTES',
         start_date=> trunc(sysdate)+18/24,
         repeat_interval => 'freq=MINUTELY;interval=5',
         end_date => null
         comments=> 'Runtime: Every day all 5 minutes, forever'
        (job_name => 'JOB_DROPVACCONFLICTS_NOTIFY',
         program_name => 'PROG_DROPVACCONFLICTS_NOTIFY',
         schedule_name => 'INTERVAL_EVERY5_MINUTES',
         enabled => true,
         auto_drop => true,
         comments => 'Job to notify PCM of Dropper Vacation Conflicts'
    /And I use this to execute the job as needed...

    Duplicate Post
    Need help using dbms_scheduler to submit an immediate job on the database

  • Weird error message need help..

    SO.. i havent updated my itunes in a while because i keep getting this weird message.. it comes up when im almost done installing the newest/newer versions of itunes. it says
    "the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" "click ok to try again or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'iTunes.msi' in the box below"
    now when ever i choose a file from the browse box it replies with this message "the file 'xxx' is not a valid installation package for the product iTunes. try to find the installation package iTunes.msi in a folder from which you can install iTunes."
    no idea need help thanks
    Message was edited by: DarkxFlamexCaster
    Message was edited by: DarkxFlamexCaster

    +it comes up when im almost done installing the newest/newer versions of itunes. it says+ +"the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" "click ok to try again or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'iTunes.msi' in the box below"+
    With that one, let's try the following procedure.
    First, head into your Add/Remove programs and uninstall your QuickTime. If it goes, good. If it doesn't, we'll just attend to it when we attend to iTunes.
    Next, download and install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility:
    Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
    Now launch Windows Installer CleanUp ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"), find any iTunes and/or QuickTime entries in the list of programs in CleanUp, select those entries, and click “remove”.
    Next, we'll manually remove any leftover iTunes or QuickTime program files:
    (1) Open Local Disk (C:) in Computer or whichever disk programs are installed on.
    (2) Open the Program Files folder.
    (3) Right-click the iTunes folder and select Delete and choose Yes when asked to confirm the deletion.
    (4) Right-click the QuickTime folder and select Delete and choose Yes when asked to confirm the deletion. (Note: This folder may have already been deleted if QuickTime was successfully removed using Add/Remove Programs earlier.)
    (5) Delete the QuickTime and QuicktimeVR files located in the C:\Windows\system32\ folder. Click Continue if Windows needs confirmation or permission to continue. (Note: These files may have already been deleted if QuickTime was successfully removed using Add/Remove Programs earlier.)
    (6) Right-click on the Recycle Bin and on the shortcut menu, click Empty Recycle Bin.
    (7) Restart your computer.
    Now try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly now?

  • Need Help to create new screen for RF Sapconsole

    Hi Guru's
    I'm new on RF (but some years in ABAP) since last week.
    I need help to create new screens for RF (SAPLLMOB).
    Can someone explain me the procedure to create screen (with ABAP code after) or perhaps someone have an exemple (simple or not) ?
    I have to develop 2 new screens with really few time.
    And, another subsidiary question :
    how SAP can transfert information between the flash gun and the screen i have developped.
    Is there some code to add to enable this functionality or it is include in SAPLLMOB on standard fields ????
    It's a new strange world for me today...
    Many thanks to everyone who can explain me

    I am facing this problem as well. Is there any reference to create the new screen?
    Hope someone can help! Thanks!

  • Stored Proc's/Packages Help

    Ok all, again, being new to Oracle and trying to do a humble favor for a friend, I've come up with a problem that I'll need help on. Running these steps individually gets me pretty much the result that I'm looking for, minus some basic retooling with TSQL. However, I've tried to format this in the form of either a package/procedure and I just don't believe I'm doing it right. I've been reading the PL-SQL for Dummies, in addition to the latest Oracle 10G PDFs, but as much as I try, I just can't format the package right, even using v_ types and declaring. Below is the code, and even though I've listed tables, this has to be done dynamically and/or processed in memory. I know this may seem simple at best to those of you who understand Oracle, but to me, it's like a square peg in a round hole.
    Would appreciate any and all comments and assistance. Thank you kindly for your perusal of this post (code below):
    --STEP 1:
    create table tbl1 as
    SELECT ps.id1
    ,NVL(ps.udate, SYSDATE + 1 )
    ,decode (y.nmtext,
    'name1', 'nm1',
    'name2', 'nm2',
    ,(SELECT COUNT(ps2.id1)
    FROM tblhere ps2
    WHERE ps2.id1 = ps.id1
    AND ps2.id2 = ps.id2
    AND ps2.tdate <= TO_DATE('03/01/2007 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    AND NVL(ps2.udate, SYSDATE + 1) >= TO_DATE('02/01/2007 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    GROUP BY ps2.id2) AS o_cnt
    ,(SELECT COUNT(ps3.id1)
    FROM tblhere ps3
    WHERE ps3.id1 = ps.id1
    AND ps3.tcode = ps.tcode
    AND ps3.tdate <= TO_DATE('03/01/2007 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    AND NVL(ps3.udate, SYSDATE + 1) >= TO_DATE('02/01/2007 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    GROUP BY ps3.tcode) AS a_cnt
    ,y.ntype as ntype
    FROM tblhere ps
    INNER JOIN tblz y
    ON ps.id2 = y.thisid
    WHERE ps.tdate <= TO_DATE('03/01/2007 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    AND NVL(ps.udate, SYSDATE + 1 ) >= TO_DATE('02/01/2007 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    AND tcode = 'placedhere'
    AND y.ntype='testing'
    order by id1, tdate
    --STEP 2:
    create table overages (
    Mynum number,
    MyID number)
    --STEP 3:
    insert into overages
    select count(*) as Mynum, id1
    from tbl1
    group by id1
    having count(id1) > 1
    order by id1 desc
    --STEP 4:
    create table tbl2 (
    nums number,
    cid number,
    ogid number,
    adate date,
    rdate date,
    timer number,
    mymode varchar2(10 Byte),
    place varchar2(50 Byte),
    og_cnt number,
    mymode_cnt number,
    namer varchar2(1 Byte))
    --STEP 5:
    insert into tbl2
    select b.mynum, a.id1, a.id2,
    a.tdate, NVL(a.udate, SYSDATE + 1),
    a.tcode, a.nmtext, a.o_cnt,
    a.a_cnt, a.ntype
    from tbl1 a
    inner join overages b
    on a.id1 = b.myid
    order by cid, adate
    --STEP 6:
    merge into tbl2 a
    using (select rwd,
    min(rwd) over (partition by cid, adate, rdate) rwd_min,
    mymode, place,
    from (select cid, rowid rwd,
    last_value(d1 ignore nulls) over (partition by cid order by rdate range between unbounded preceding and current row) as adate,
    first_value(d2 ignore nulls) over (partition by cid order by rdate range between current row and unbounded following) as rdate
    from (select cid,
    case when abs(adate-lag(rdate) over (partition by cid order by rdate))<=1
    then null else adate end d1,
    case when abs(rdate-lead(adate) over (partition by cid order by rdate))<=1
    then null else rdate end d2
    from tbl2))) b
    on (a.rowid=b.rwd)
    when matched then update set a.adate=b.adate, a.rdate=b.rdate
    delete where b.rwd!=b.rwd_min;

    In general you should create the empty tables first as an installation step. Then in your PL/SQL code you would just do inserts, updates etc.
    Also, a package is defined in two parts:
        PROCEDURE p
            ( p_someparam INTEGER );
        FUNCTION q
            RETURN BOOLEAN;
    END whatever;
        PROCEDURE p
            ( p_someparam INTEGER )
            dbms_output.put_line('Hello, World');
        END p;
        FUNCTION q
            RETURN BOOLEAN
            RETURN dbms_random.value(0,10) < 5;
        END q;
    END whatever;

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