NEED HELP!illustrator file damaged.

Any body pls help how to repair if file damaged while saving

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    Yes à Cannot open file.  There is no mini-save version   8009:20484
    No à Cannot complete action.  Closing publication, some work may be lost. Open the previously saved publication.    8026:20551
    If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it.  Thank you.

    Lets see if I remember this.
    Try making a copy and moving it to a new folder. Try renaming the copy with .p65 or .pm6 extensions. If you have access to pagemaker on a mac try opening it there.
    You probably know this now, but always make incremental copies of your pagemaker files, rename the file as you go along 01file.pmd, 02file.pmd, etc. Pagemaker files will corrupt, even without a power outage, and it is nice to have a previous version available.
    Battery Backups and external backup drives are a good things too.

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    The way that Dropbox works is that it keeps a copy of all your files in your local Dropbox folder on your hard drive (which is, by default, directly under your home folder). Adding files to that folder will sync them to the Dropbox server.
    You do of course have to download the Dropbox application to enable this (download link at the top right of ).

  • Need Help With File Matching Records

    I need help with my file matching program.
    Here is how it suppose to work: FileMatch class should contain methods to read oldmast.txt and trans.txt. When a match occurs (i.e., records with the same account number appear in both the master file and the transaction file), add the dollar amount in the transaction record to the current balance in the master record, and write the "newmast.txt" record. (Assume that purchases are indicated by positive amounts in the transaction file and payments by negative amounts.)
    When there is a master record for a particular account, but no corresponding transaction record, merely write the master record to "newmast.txt". When there is a transaction record, but no corresponding master record, print to a log file the message "Unmatched transaction record for account number ..." (fill in the account number from the transaction record). The log file should be a text file named "log.txt".
    Here is my following program code:
    // Exercise 14.8:
    // creates a text file
    import java.lang.SecurityException;
    import java.util.Formatter;
    import java.util.FormatterClosedException;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import org.egan.AccountRecord;
    import org.egan.TransactionRecord;
    public class CreateTextFile
      private Formatter output1;  // object used to output text to file
      private Formatter output2;  // object used to output text to file
      // enable user to open file
      public void openTransFile()
          output1 = new Formatter("trans.txt");
        catch (SecurityException securityException)
          System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
        } // end catch
        catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error creating file.");
      } // end method openTransFile
      // enable user to open file
      public void openOldMastFile()
          output2 = new Formatter("oldmast.txt");
        catch (SecurityException securityException)
          System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
        } // end catch
        catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error creating file.");
      } // end method openOldMastFile
      // add transaction records to file
      public void addTransactionRecords()
        // object to be written to file
        TransactionRecord record1 = new TransactionRecord();
        Scanner input1 = new Scanner(;
          "To terminate input, type the end-of-file indicator",   
          "when you are prompted to enter input.",
          "On UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X type <ctrl> d then press Enter",
          "On Windows type <ctrl> z then press Enter");
           "Enter account number (> 0) and amount.","? ");
        while (input1.hasNext())  // loop until end-of-file indicator
          try // output values to file
            // retrieve data to be output
            record1.setAccount(input1.nextInt());    // read account number
            record1.setAmount(input1.nextDouble());  // read amount
            if (record1.getAccount() > 0)
              // write new record
              output1.format("%d %.2f\n", record1.getAccount(), record1.getAmount());
            } // end if
              System.out.println("Account number must be greater than 0.");
            } // end else
          } // end try
          catch (FormatterClosedException formatterClosedException)
            System.err.println("Error writing to file.");
          } // end catch
          catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
            System.err.println("Invalid input. Please try again.");
            input1.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
          } // end catch
          System.out.printf("%s %s\n%s", "Enter account number (> 0) ",
            "and amount.","? ");
        } // end while
      } // end method addTransactionRecords
      // add account records to file
      public void addAccountRecords()
        // object to be written to file
        AccountRecord record2 = new AccountRecord();
        Scanner input2 = new Scanner(;
          "To terminate input, type the end-of-file indicator",   
          "when you are prompted to enter input.",
          "On UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X type <ctrl> d then press Enter",
          "On Windows type <ctrl> z then press Enter");
           "Enter account number (> 0), first name, last name and balance.","? ");
        while (input2.hasNext())  // loop until end-of-file indicator
          try // output values to file
            // retrieve data to be output
            record2.setAccount(input2.nextInt());    // read account number
            record2.setFirstName(;      // read first name
            record2.setLastName(;       // read last name
            record2.setBalance(input2.nextDouble());  // read balance
            if (record2.getAccount() > 0)
              // write new record
              output2.format("%d %s %s %.2f\n", record2.getAccount(), record2.getFirstName(),
                record2.getLastName(), record2.getBalance());
            } // end if
              System.out.println("Account number must be greater than 0.");
            } // end else
          } // end try
          catch (FormatterClosedException formatterClosedException)
            System.err.println("Error writing to file.");
          } // end catch
          catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
            System.err.println("Invalid input. Please try again.");
            input2.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
          } // end catch
          System.out.printf("%s %s\n%s", "Enter account number (> 0),",
            "first name, last name and balance.","? ");
        } // end while
      } // end method addAccountRecords
      // close file
      public void closeTransFile()
        if (output1 != null)
      } // end method closeTransFile
      // close file
      public void closeOldMastFile()
        if (output2 != null)
      } // end method closeOldMastFile
    } // end class CreateTextFile--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exercise 14.8:
    // Testing class CreateTextFile
    public class CreateTextFileTest
       // main method begins program execution
       public static void main( String args[] )
         CreateTextFile application = new CreateTextFile();
       } // end main
    } // end class CreateTextFileTest-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exercise 14.8:
    // A class that represents on record of information
    package org.egan; // packaged for reuse
    public class TransactionRecord
      private int account;
      private double amount;
      // no-argument constructor calls other constructor with default values
      public TransactionRecord()
        this(0,0.0); // call two-argument constructor
      } // end no-argument AccountRecord constructor
      // initialize a record
      public TransactionRecord(int acct, double amt)
      } // end two-argument TransactionRecord constructor
      // set account number
      public void setAccount(int acct)
        account = acct;
      } // end method setAccount
      // get account number
      public int getAccount()
        return account;
      } // end method getAccount
      // set amount
      public void setAmount(double amt)
        amount = amt;
      } // end method setAmount
      // get amount
      public double getAmount()
        return amount;
      } // end method getAmount
    } // end class TransactionRecord -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exercise 14.8:
    // A class that represents on record of information
    package org.egan; // packaged for reuse
    import org.egan.TransactionRecord;
    public class AccountRecord
      private int account;
      private String firstName;
      private String lastName;
      private double balance;
      // no-argument constructor calls other constructor with default values
      public AccountRecord()
        this(0,"","",0.0); // call four-argument constructor
      } // end no-argument AccountRecord constructor
      // initialize a record
      public AccountRecord(int acct, String first, String last, double bal)
      } // end four-argument AccountRecord constructor
      // set account number
      public void setAccount(int acct)
        account = acct;
      } // end method setAccount
      // get account number
      public int getAccount()
        return account;
      } // end method getAccount
      // set first name
      public void setFirstName(String first)
        firstName = first;
      } // end method setFirstName
      // get first name
      public String getFirstName()
        return firstName;
      } // end method getFirstName
      // set last name
      public void setLastName(String last)
        lastName = last;
      } // end method setLastName
      // get last name
      public String getLastName()
        return lastName;
      } // end method getLastName
      // set balance
      public void setBalance(double bal)
        balance = bal;
      } // end method setBalance
      // get balance
      public double getBalance()
        return balance;
      } // end method getBalance
      // combine balance and amount
      public void combine(TransactionRecord record)
        balance = (getBalance() + record.getAmount()); 
      } // end method combine
    } // end class AccountRecord -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exercise 14.8:
    import java.lang.IllegalStateException;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.Formatter;
    import java.util.FormatterClosedException;
    import org.egan.AccountRecord;
    import org.egan.TransactionRecord;
    public class FileMatch
      private Scanner inTransaction;
      private Scanner inOldMaster;
      private Formatter outNewMaster;
      private Formatter theLog;
      // enable user to open file
      public void openTransFile()
          inTransaction = new Scanner(new File("trans.txt"));
        } // end try
        catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error opening file.");
        } // end catch
      } // end method openTransFile
      // enable user to open file
      public void openOldMastFile()
          inOldMaster = new Scanner(new File("oldmast.txt"));
        } // end try
        catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error opening file.");
        } // end catch
      } // end method openOldMastFile
      // enable user to open file
      public void openNewMastFile()
          outNewMaster = new Formatter("newmast.txt");
        catch (SecurityException securityException)
          System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
        } // end catch
        catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error creating file.");
      } // end method openNewMastFile
      // enable user to open file
      public void openLogFile()
          theLog = new Formatter("log.txt");
        catch (SecurityException securityException)
          System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
        } // end catch
        catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error creating file.");
      } // end method openLogFile
      // update records
      public void updateRecords()
        TransactionRecord transaction = new TransactionRecord();
        AccountRecord account = new AccountRecord();
        try // read records from file using Scanner object
          System.out.println("Start file matching.");
          while (inTransaction.hasNext() && inOldMaster.hasNext())
            transaction.setAccount(inTransaction.nextInt());     // read account number
            transaction.setAmount(inTransaction.nextDouble());   // read amount
            account.setAccount(inOldMaster.nextInt());     // read account number
            account.setFirstName(;      // read first name 
            account.setLastName(;       // read last name
            account.setBalance(inOldMaster.nextDouble());  // read balance
            if (transaction.getAccount() == account.getAccount())
              while (inTransaction.hasNext() && transaction.getAccount() == account.getAccount())
                outNewMaster.format("%d %s %s %.2f\n",
                account.getAccount(), account.getFirstName(), account.getLastName(),
                transaction.setAccount(inTransaction.nextInt());     // read account number
                transaction.setAmount(inTransaction.nextDouble());   // read amount
            else if (transaction.getAccount() != account.getAccount())
              outNewMaster.format("%d %s %s %.2f\n",
              account.getAccount(), account.getFirstName(), account.getLastName(),
              theLog.format("%s%d","Unmatched transaction record for account number ",transaction.getAccount());
          } // end while
          System.out.println("Finish file matching.");
        } // end try
        catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
          System.err.println("File improperly formed.");
        } // end catch
        catch (IllegalStateException stateException)
          System.err.println("Error reading from file.");
        } // end catch   
      } // end method updateRecords
      // close file and terminate application
      public void closeTransFile()
        if (inTransaction != null)
      } // end method closeTransFile
      // close file and terminate application
      public void closeOldMastFile()
        if (inOldMaster != null)
      } // end method closeOldMastFile
      // close file
      public void closeNewMastFile()
        if (outNewMaster != null)
      } // end method closeNewMastFile
      // close file
      public void closeLogFile()
        if (theLog != null)
      } // end method closeLogFile
    } // end class FileMatch-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exercise 14.8:
    // Testing class FileMatch
    public class FileMatchTest
       // main method begins program execution
       public static void main( String args[] )
         FileMatch application = new FileMatch();
       } // end main
    } // end class FileMatchTest-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Sample data for master file:
    Master file                         
    Account Number            Name                     Balance
    100                            Alan Jones                   348.17
    300                            Mary Smith                    27.19
    500                            Sam Sharp                   0.00
    700                            Suzy Green                   -14.22Sample data for transaction file:
    Transaction file                    Transaction
    Account Number                  Amount
    100                                         27.14
    300                                         62.11
    300                                         83.89
    400                                         100.56
    700                                         80.78
    700                                         1.53
    900                                         82.17  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    My FileMatch class program above has bugs in it.
    The correct results for the newmast.txt:
    100  Alan  Jones  375.31
    300  Mary  Smith  173.19
    500  Sam  Sharp  0.00
    700  Suzy Green  68.09The correct results for the log.txt:
    Unmatched transaction record for account number 400Unmatched transaction record for account number 900------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    My results for the newmast.txt:
    100 Alan Jones 375.31
    300 Mary Smith 111.08
    500 Sam Sharp 0.00
    700 Suzy Green -12.69My results for the log.txt
    Unmatched transaction record for account number 700-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I am not sure what is wrong with my code above to make my results different from the correct results.
    Much help is appreciated. Please help.

    From the output, it looks like one problem is just formatting -- apparently you're including a newline in log entries and not using tabs for the newmast output file.
    As to why the numbers are off -- just from glancing over it, it appears that the problem is when you add multiple transaction values. Since account.combine() is so simple, I suspect that you're either adding creating transaction objects incorrectly or not creating them when you should be.
    Create test input data that isolates a single case of this (e.g., just the Mary Smith case), and then running your program in a debugger or adding debugging code to the add/combine method, so you can see what's happening in detail.
    Also I'd recommend reconsidering your design. It's a red flag if a class has a name with "Create" in it. Classes represent bundles of independant state and transformations on that state, not things to do.

  • Need help sorting fil

    i have a brand new MuVo n200
    i need help, i put my cd's in and everyhting and i filled it with songs ans i can play them and everything, but i hate thats itssorted in ABC order. i cannot figure how to put them so it is in order by the CD or the bandname.
    please help.
    message me on aim if you want [email][email protected]][email protected][/url]

    To group the songs into albums or artist groups, I would definitely suggest putting all the tracks from each album/group in its own folder on your PC and put the folder on the muvo in just the same way as you would put a single mp3. The player (in normal play mode) will then play each folder all the way through before moving on to the next one alphabetically (or numerically, if you put numbers at the start of the folder names) and you can then use 'skip folder' to skip through to find the particular album or artist you're looking for. Play around with the shuffle modes too - you can shuffle within folders or just shuffle everything if you want.
    Tracks will normally be played alphabetically. To get them to play in order of track number, put numbers at the beginning of each file name. E.g.: file 'examplesong.mp3' would become '0_ examplesong.mp3' If you've got tonnes of songs and you're worried about it taking ages, the computer will do it for you! Click on 'my computer', then click on 'Muvo N200 media explorer'.. This shows the contents of your player. Choose a folder to reorder the songs in and click on it to display the songs. In the pictures along the top of the window, 4th from the right is an icon with a downward facing arrow and an A above a Z. Click on this, it's called 'custom sort'. You can then use the arrows at the bottom to change the order of your tracks to how you want them. Click OK, and they'll all be numbered in that order!
    For instructions on how to create folders in mediasource, read the thread in this link:
    I don't think you can put folders within folders in the muvo, but just the one layer really helps organisation.
    Hope that helps!
    x Flaneur
    PS- scroll down in the thread in the link: Jeremy CL was nice enough to give pictures in his instructions! If you'd like more help, type 'create folders' or something into the forum search as there's probably quite a lot of advice kicking about here!Message Edited by flaneur on 03-27-2005 :8 PM


    So I was using a PC to backup my iphone 5 to itunes; however, i just bought a macbook pro and it wont let me transfer the files from one computer to the other and i need help!

    Click here and pick the option which best fits your situation.

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    Migrating from PPC Macs to Intel Macs:
    and this article:

  • New mac user needs help transfering files from Dell...

    I have a Dell running Windows XP and need help transfering the files from the dell to the mac.
    Also I have no idea what OP system I have, how do you tell which one you have???

    Go to the blue Apple menu and scroll down to "About this Mac"
    In the summary window that opens you will find the following information:
    Mac OS X version (assuming you are running OS X)
    Processor speed.
    Startup disk
    The More Info button will take you to an in-depth overview of hardware, network set-up and installed software.
    As far as transference is concerned, you can either transfer files via CD, DVD, external hard drive... or by networking the two computers.
    Here's a link for an overview concerning Mac to PC connectivity:
    I hope the above helps.
    G5 iMac, G4PB, iMac DVD 450Mhz   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

  • [JS] Need Help Removing File extension (in CS2 and CS3)

    Hello All.
    I have a menu in a dialog that needs to list some file names, but without their file extensions (which will always be .txt in my case). The following is some code that successfully does this in CS3, but I also need it to work in CS2. Do you have any other ways to do this? One code that works in both versions (CS2 and CS3) is ideal.
    myNameWithoutExtensionFunction = function( myNameWithExtention ) {
    myNameWithoutExtension = myNameWithExtention
    myEndOfFileName = myNameWithoutExtension.lastIndexOf( "." )   // get the last period (.) in the filename
    if ( myEndOfFileName > -1 ) {
      myNameWithoutExtension = myNameWithoutExtension.substr( 0, myEndOfFileName )
    return myNameWithoutExtension
    Thanks in advance.

    I realized my mistake. The above code works just fine in CS2. My mistake was elsewhere. The name I was sending to this function wasn't being recognized by CS2. Once I corrected that and sent a valid name to this function it worked. So in case someone needs to remove file extensions, feel free to use the above function!

  • Need help placing files into Illustrator, Indesign and opening in Photoshop

    For some reason Illustrator and Indesign CS2 won't go further than the iPhoto Library icon in my "place files" window and Photoshop won't go further than that either when opening files. This was not a problem with the previous version of iPhoto. Exporting singular photos is a pain in the rear, as I use hundreds of photos for my website and advertising. Is there something simple I'm missing?

    This may be of some help:
    Using Photoshop (or Photoshop Elements) as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop. When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done.
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window that indicates that PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file. You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    NOTE: With Photoshop Elements 6 the Saving File preferences should be configured: "On First Save: Save Over Current File". Also I suggest the Maximize PSD File Compatabilty be set to Always.
    If you want to use both iPhoto's editing mode and PS without having to go back and forth to the Preference pane, once you've selected PS as your editor of choice, reset the Preferences back to "Open in main window". That will let you either edit in iPhoto (double click on the thumbnail) or in PS (Control-click on the thumbnail and seledt "Edit in external editor" in the Contextual menu). This way you get the best of both worlds
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop. When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done.
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window that indicates that PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file. You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..

  • Need help (The files seems unsupported or damaged in LR 3.4.1

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    My pictures are being shot by nikon D90 in nef and then they are converted to dng format in LR. I delete my raw files after LR finish converting them to dng.
    How could I recover them?

    If the files are truly damaged and you have no backups and you've written to the card since you reformatted it, I don't like your odds for recovering them.
    Corrupt DNGs point to some sort of hardware problem on your computer. The failing hardware could be anything along the input chain: card, card reader (or camera), usb cable, memory, or disk drive.
    If the DNGs were fine and editable for a while and then became corrupt, the problem will most likely be in RAM or hard drive.

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    many thanks
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    No offense to anyone, but I'm beginning to wish auto-tracing had never been invented. ;-)
    This particular project is obviously decidely and explicitly
    geometric in nature. It is three very simple paths. It is line art. It could almost be done entirely from the keyboard.

  • Need help, illustrator won't even start

    All I get is this, everytime since I installed Lion. Please help, I need this for work.
    Process:         Adobe Illustrator [6263]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe Illustrator
    Identifier:      com.adobe.illustrator
    Version:         39 (15.1.0)
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [204]
    Date/Time:       2011-08-01 14:20:37.459 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7 (11A511)
    Report Version:  9
    Interval Since Last Report:          20246 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           1
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1
    Anonymous UUID:                      4788DC30-F614-4202-89CC-45387F5B9287
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000034
    VM Regions Near 0x34:
    --> __PAGEZERO             0000000000000000-0000000000001000 [    4K] ---/--- SM=NUL  /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe Illustrator
        __TEXT                 0000000000001000-00000000010de000 [ 16.9M] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe Illustrator
    Application Specific Information:
    objc[6263]: garbage collection is OFF
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
    0   dyld                          0x8fec5025 dyld::registerAddCallback(void (*)(mach_header const*, long)) + 61
    1   libdyld.dylib                 0x94469078 _dyld_register_func_for_add_image + 74
    2   libignitor.dylib              0x013fee76 initializer + 27
    3   dyld                          0x8fed315b ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 251
    4   dyld                          0x8fed2cc0 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 64
    5   dyld                          0x8fed0220 ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 256
    6   dyld                          0x8fed11c0 ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 62
    7   dyld                          0x8fec5626 dyld::initializeMainExecutable() + 166
    8   dyld                          0x8fec9ef2 dyld::_main(macho_header const*, unsigned long, int, char const**, char const**, char const**) + 2238
    9   dyld                          0x8fec32ef dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*) + 637
    10  dyld                          0x8fec3063 _dyld_start + 51
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
      eax: 0x8fec4ff6  ebx: 0x0733a000  ecx: 0x013fee7c  edx: 0x00000000
      edi: 0x8fef8d50  esi: 0x00000000  ebp: 0xbfffe9f8  esp: 0xbfffe9d0
       ss: 0x0000001f  efl: 0x00010292  eip: 0x8fec5025   cs: 0x00000017
       ds: 0x0000001f   es: 0x0000001f   fs: 0x00000000   gs: 0x00000037
      cr2: 0x00000034
    Logical CPU: 1
    Binary Images:
        0x1000 -  0x10ddfe7 +com.adobe.illustrator (39 - 15.1.0) <A59087EC-3C72-CC25-4C18-47FAB3D91DFE> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe Illustrator
    0x13fe000 -  0x13feffc  libignitor.dylib (??? - ???) <D44794BF-7C8D-3E25-917F-94F8696BD79E> /usr/lib/libignitor.dylib
    0x1401000 -  0x14cefe7 +AdobeAXEDOMCore (??? - ???) <F76D74DC-FD5A-9783-C447-2E58773DA7E1> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1540000 -  0x1550fff (1.0 - 1.0) <02AB017F-BF6A-B96F-9D39-5F23B36EF2E5> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1557000 -  0x1572ff9 +AdobePDFSettings (??? - ???) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe s
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    0x1636000 -  0x1636fff +SPBasic (??? - ???) <00D26E34-33A4-31BF-3516-87513A07D019> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x163b000 -  0x1641ffb +com.adobe.coretech.adobesplashkit (AdobeSplashKit version 1.0 - 1.0) <5B4C881B-6885-96F2-BD05-BE9C44A7546C> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x164a000 -  0x175ffff +AdobeACE (??? - ???) <BFF50B9A-8BCA-08D1-0260-FF251DA05EC7> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1785000 -  0x1cabfff +AdobeAGM (??? - ???) <72363979-F9A0-0EA2-3E16-AB8D6EA0F12E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1df5000 -  0x1e31fff +AdobeARE (??? - ???) <B2DBDCF9-944F-7C5A-43CF-A5E207BEE94B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1e3b000 -  0x1e61ff6 +AdobeAXE8SharedExpat (??? - ???) <5848BBCE-3A3E-66EE-5527-97A96F0CA4CC> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe aredExpat
    0x1e74000 -  0x1e8ffff +AdobeBIB (??? - ???) <5AA925B7-D30E-B230-1B81-7CB6E3B4F2DB> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1e9a000 -  0x1ebbff7 +AdobeBIBUtils (??? - ???) <1B33B3A5-2460-EDE8-C54F-16C0335C613D> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1ec8000 -  0x21baff7 +AdobeCoolType (??? - ???) <90757246-5467-2606-4095-19B63B255F2F> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x2247000 -  0x22dffff +com.adobe.AdobeExtendScript (ExtendScript 4.1.28 - <A9394CC7-8E48-FE0F-FDB5-37D0FE77435B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe ipt
    0x2340000 -  0x2423fef +AdobePDFPort (??? - ???) <26DE29E1-7799-DBE8-47AE-A95FEA7DE1EB> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x245b000 -  0x2a90feb +AdobePDFL (??? - ???) <B295BDBD-65E8-CE6D-865B-79276D0507B2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x2bc6000 -  0x2c53ff7 +com.adobe.AdobeScCore (ScCore 4.1.28 - <68FB7168-645E-BD55-5EAA-007315B53997> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x2c9a000 -  0x2d3afef +AdobeSVGExport (??? - ???) <9B8AE7D4-C7C8-B594-9E31-BEDC07A98A56> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x2d66000 -  0x3004ff2 +AdobeSVGRE (??? - ???) <95F2CE86-4B2D-C3DE-A783-8E0A0B24F74C> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x30e2000 -  0x313aff7 +AdobeXMP (??? - ???) <73329999-C364-2451-6574-4D0277057D19> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x314a000 -  0x31d6fef +AdobeXMPFiles (??? - ???) <A72BD678-CAD0-0C2A-0989-11E87B154AB5> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x320f000 -  0x32dcff3 +libicui18n.dylib.36.0 (36.0.0 - compatibility 36.0.0) <08F15219-7F35-574E-7725-1ACAA1B18A00> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe i18n.dylib.36.0
    0x333f000 -  0x3419fef +libicuuc.dylib.36.0 (36.0.0 - compatibility 36.0.0) <5EE72009-40B3-7FB7-3A49-576AEDE0D400> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x3459000 -  0x3e09fff +libicudata.dylib.36.0 (36.0.0 - compatibility 36.0.0) <02108DEA-3DD2-14BE-DAEB-BE522B619C1D> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x3e0c000 -  0x41e4ff7 +AdobeMPS (??? - ???) <272DAEDE-FC7E-B412-7C97-CF47FF6BF242> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x431b000 -  0x4389ffb +com.adobe.amtlib (amtlib - <3090D254-587A-A820-DBCD-729C27532FC8> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x43a0000 -  0x4431ff7 +libicucnv.dylib.36.0 (36.0.0 - compatibility 36.0.0) <581475CC-C039-1B42-49BA-71811D8B4E15> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe 6.0
    0x4450000 -  0x4636ff7 +com.adobe.linguistic.LinguisticManager (5.0.0 - 11696) <AF804353-8B13-7180-F2C8-832361EB2D5A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x46c8000 -  0x4733fe7 (AMTServices [BuildVersion: 4.0; BuildDate: Mon Jan 24 2011 21:49:00] - <018F21DE-7E2E-C850-4C32-D4A2131ABF74> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x474f000 -  0x47ccfff +AdobeOwlCanvas (??? - ???) <6718BCAA-AAF5-07C2-B2F5-D7CD3BF5B924> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x47ea000 -  0x4922fe7 +WRServices (??? - ???) <87183F9D-17F4-6BDC-66A9-8FD34F320118> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x4967000 -  0x496bffc +com.adobe.AdobeCrashReporter (3.0 - 5.5.20101001) <EA9B7B55-7FE5-14D2-FBAE-817121F94086> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe orter
    0x4972000 -  0x49c8ffb +com.adobe.headlights.LogSessionFramework (??? - <5B594BC9-5222-651B-6B70-7AD067035B1A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x4a11000 -  0x4a46fef +com.adobe.pip (??? - <4AD1ED99-8BB9-B49E-16E5-B7E7A97AAA99> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x4a51000 -  0x57a3feb +com.adobe.psl (AdobePSL - <ED38DE4D-2205-917F-EACE-6421DDE56A5B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x5afa000 -  0x5c77fef +com.adobe.dvacore.framework (dvacore version 5.0.0 - <49B04BBB-7249-AF03-A7B2-770443BA4AFB> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x5df4000 -  0x60e4fef +com.adobe.dvaui.framework (dvaui version 5.0.0 - <DDA3FFE0-C30C-9863-BD85-114636A448CE> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6411000 -  0x6757ff3 +com.adobe.dvaadameve.framework (dvaadameve version 5.0.0 - <B7CF0778-96A1-0864-1BBA-63622803E3A3> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6c6b000 -  0x6c7dfef +com.adobe.dvaai.framework (dvaai version 5.0.0 - <A25DFA28-3208-0C10-BDC4-F164755BCDC6> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6ca1000 -  0x6ca7fef +com.adobe.boost_date_time.framework (boost_date_time version 5.0.0 - <2CFE7AA3-09A8-EB42-AFEA-F7FB4D7DBC6F> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6cb9000 -  0x6cc4ff3 +com.adobe.boost_filesystem.framework (boost_filesystem version 5.0.0 - <90073BD0-99ED-2715-64B8-2BB79D6F619F> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe m
    0x6cd9000 -  0x6d57fe2 +com.adobe.boost_regex.framework (boost_regex version 5.0.0 - <BCC13CF6-F0A5-1C84-422B-7B11E5BB061A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6dbd000 -  0x6dc7fff +com.adobe.boost_signals.framework (boost_signals version 5.0.0 - <88FE6D06-B15C-787D-C69C-F522CD8D3F3E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6ddb000 -  0x6dddffb +com.adobe.boost_system.framework (boost_system version 5.0.0 - <4E80B05E-DF55-2776-C886-02DFE2F104CD> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6de6000 -  0x6dedff2 +com.adobe.boost_threads.framework (boost_threads version 5.0.0 - <79C1A64C-42C7-26D1-E005-D6CB753F9B2B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6dfe000 -  0x6e5cfe2 +com.adobe.boost_serialization.framework (boost_serialization version 5.0.0 - <8CAB6FC6-5F13-A5C5-DF9C-41EE813A0833> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe ization
    0x6f34000 -  0x70d3fe7 +com.adobe.owl (AdobeOwl version 3.0.89 - 3.0.89) <04CA525C-D4E0-DE62-BF07-D9EF6386AA58> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x7140000 -  0x71adfef +FileInfo (??? - ???) <4A4C74F9-CA83-B174-F56D-F7671DC61389> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x71ca000 -  0x7277ff7  libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib (0.9.7 - compatibility 0.9.7) <7B6DB792-C9E5-3772-8734-8D0052757B8C> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
    0x72bc000 -  0x72f9fff (4.2 - 106) <E16C6BE7-C3B2-3836-85CF-989364FBE163> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/vmutils.framework/Versions/A/vmutils
    0x7313000 -  0x7316ffc +com.adobe.ape.shim (adbeape version - <FE2ABE8A-1D3F-7AF5-297C-D22FC3E0FBDA> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x733a000 -  0x733bffd  libenter.dylib (??? - ???) <4082C283-0428-3CF2-8F62-8C6D904C93E6> /usr/lib/libenter.dylib
    0x40000000 - 0x400d1fe7 +AdobeJP2K (??? - ???) <EF392886-5A95-6A96-C95D-43DA0322925C> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x8fec2000 - 0x8fef49c7  dyld (195.5 - ???) <134323A7-49DC-3A9D-ACFD-32FAD0FD6BA2> /usr/lib/dyld
    0x90011000 - 0x90109ff7  libFontParser.dylib (??? - ???) <C428D41A-8635-3423-A2F0-8BA9819F212B> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framew ork/Versions/A/Resources/libFontParser.dylib
    0x90302000 - 0x90463ffb (1.7 - 269.0) <221FF6A0-9C2C-3977-BC2A-A84C392BA49B> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
    0x90464000 - 0x9048ffff (2.1 - 2.0) <129F4AB0-41AC-3713-A7BC-921769B0E12D> /System/Library/Frameworks/GSS.framework/Versions/A/GSS
    0x90494000 - 0x904dbfff (1.11 - 1.11) <A7769080-2A4F-36AF-9484-08A936690307> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfiguration
    0x904dc000 - 0x90543fff  libc++.1.dylib (19.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <3AFF3CE8-14AE-300F-8F63-8B7FB9D4DA96> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
    0x90582000 - 0x90582fff (1.7 - 1.7) <75E38B34-1DE2-337A-A09F-0F7E91C02ABB> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit
    0x9058e000 - 0x905a3ff7 (7.0 - 7.0) <116BC0CA-428E-396F-85DF-52793034D2A0> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageCapture.framework/ Versions/A/ImageCapture
    0x905a4000 - 0x90758ff3  libicucore.A.dylib (46.1.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <6270318A-CA9A-376C-AD6D-64A9B4B4A26E> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
    0x90759000 - 0x907b1fff (1.9 - ???) <058E00E0-F1B4-395F-813E-C49C0C5F3BA9> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices .framework/Versions/A/HIServices
    0x909f3000 - 0x909f7ffa  libcache.dylib (47.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <98A82BC5-0DD9-3212-9CAE-35A77278EEB6> /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib
    0x90c41000 - 0x90c41fff  libdnsinfo.dylib (395.6.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <959E5139-EB23-3529-8881-2BCB5724D1A9> /usr/lib/system/libdnsinfo.dylib
    0x90c42000 - 0x90c43fff (2.0 - 1) <EABDA7EE-A98F-35B8-9E3E-7075BA651C68> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TrustEvaluationAgent.framework/Versions/A/TrustEvaluati onAgent
    0x913ef000 - 0x913f5ffb (7.0 - 247) <1140BB03-0720-308F-8D92-F71B347D63D6> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Print.framework/Version s/A/Print
    0x91404000 - 0x91407ff7  libcompiler_rt.dylib (6.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <7F6C14CC-0169-3F1B-B89C-372F67F1F3B5> /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
    0x91408000 - 0x91468ffb (4.0.0 - 4.0.0) <6026C895-3DC6-3785-A7BB-2F2B9E292D95> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio
    0x9146f000 - 0x91470ff0  libunc.dylib (24.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <BCD277D0-4271-3E96-A4A2-85669DBEE2E2> /usr/lib/system/libunc.dylib
    0x91471000 - 0x914ecffb (5.0 - ???) <8DF22F1E-7600-3ADA-BFC1-F6FA79914171> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framew ork/Versions/A/ATS
    0x914ed000 - 0x91530ffd  libcommonCrypto.dylib (55010.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <4BA1F5F1-F0A2-3FEB-BB62-F514DCBB3725> /usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib
    0x9155c000 - 0x9155dfff  liblangid.dylib (??? - ???) <C8C204E9-1785-3785-BBD7-22D59493B98B> /usr/lib/liblangid.dylib
    0x9155e000 - 0x9158cfe7  libSystem.B.dylib (159.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <FA9B75F7-B989-3DD3-97FD-373EB95C5BA8> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    0x9158d000 - 0x9158dfff (3.7 - vecLib 3.7) <A01CD788-26FB-320F-8617-5A7DF0F9031E> /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x9158e000 - 0x915eaff3 (1.2 - 83.1) <E651A2F1-CC13-3DDD-9B0A-09180014966B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Symbolication.framework/Versions/A/Symbolication
    0x915eb000 - 0x91c5065b (1.600.0 - ???) <DD3B7ADA-0F19-371E-BB87-F3C08464134A> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphi cs.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics
    0x91e2a000 - 0x91e2aff0 (41 - 41) <BED33E1D-C95C-3654-9A3A-0CB3607F9F10> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/ApplicationServices
    0x91e2b000 - 0x91e2effc  libpam.2.dylib (3.0.0 - compatibility 3.0.0) <6FFDBD60-5EC6-3EFA-996B-EE030443C16C> /usr/lib/libpam.2.dylib
    0x920e1000 - 0x92131ff9 (3.0 - 489.1) <46E053F5-E7CC-3358-93AF-635837E4ECCA> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/QuickLook
    0x92132000 - 0x92133ffd  libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib (??? - ???) <8057030D-B290-3A8B-9828-3A1BD123B124> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCVMSPluginSupport.dyl ib
    0x92440000 - 0x9245ffff (1.0 - 1) <D9810485-6A62-3758-96F5-48950AF250F1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RemoteViewServices.framework/Versions/A/RemoteViewServi ces
    0x92494000 - 0x92498fff (1.2.5 - 94) <3A988595-DE53-34ED-9367-C9A737E2AF38> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommonPanels.framework/ Versions/A/CommonPanels
    0x932b6000 - 0x93527ffb (7.77 - 1.0.1) <DF1D9EB7-5879-3EA2-8CF5-80004DAC18BC> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreImage.framework /Versions/A/CoreImage
    0x9366f000 - 0x93684fff (4.0.74 - 4.0.74) <92AADDB0-BADF-3B00-8941-B8390EDC931B> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechSynt hesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis
    0x93696000 - 0x937bfff9 (520.0.13 - 520.0.13) <B21DE9ED-1D99-39C0-9E24-77D2A48FBFEF> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framewo rk/Versions/A/CFNetwork
    0x937c0000 - 0x937d4ff7 (10.7 - 144) <665CDF77-F0C9-3AFF-8CF8-64257268B7DD> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFOpenDirectory. framework/Versions/A/CFOpenDirectory
    0x937d5000 - 0x937defff  libc++abi.dylib (14.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <FEB5330E-AD5D-37A0-8AB2-0820F311A2C8> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
    0x9380b000 - 0x938a6ff3 (1.3.2 - 110) <9F6F37F9-999E-30C5-93D0-E48D4B5E20CD> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework/Versions/ A/Ink
    0x938a7000 - 0x938a7fff (6.6 - ???) <650273EF-1ABC-334E-B745-B75AF028F9F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
    0x93ce2000 - 0x93ce9ff5  libsystem_dnssd.dylib (??? - ???) <B3217FA8-A7D6-3C90-ABFC-2E54AEF33547> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_dnssd.dylib
    0x93d21000 - 0x93d27ffd (1.0 - 17) <71641C17-1CA7-3AC9-974E-AAC9EB641035> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommerceCor e.framework/Versions/A/CommerceCore
    0x93df4000 - 0x93e45ff9 (1.0 - 1) <C3FA7E40-0213-3ABC-A006-2CB00B6A7EAB> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ScalableUserInterfa ce.framework/Versions/A/ScalableUserInterface
    0x93e46000 - 0x93f51ffb (1.6.0 - 1.6.0) <66E2BD3A-958A-3F46-8DA0-C0F2358013B0> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/DesktopService sPriv
    0x93f54000 - 0x93f55ff5  libremovefile.dylib (21.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <9A1E12B7-F822-3544-8E1D-A6DC81E1F2E6> /usr/lib/system/libremovefile.dylib
    0x9442b000 - 0x94467ffa  libGLImage.dylib (??? - ???) <7A150184-E3F7-3773-917A-A5E24B9241FA> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dylib
    0x94468000 - 0x9446aff7  libdyld.dylib (195.5.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <637660EA-8D12-3B79-B644-041FEADC9C33> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
    0x9446b000 - 0x944b4ff7  libGLU.dylib (??? - ???) <3524C956-C8B2-3E8B-805D-9E25E5481A58> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib
    0x94814000 - 0x94ac5ff7 (7.0 - 55010) <28168576-1B8C-3FE8-9356-DE79390A480A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
    0x94c12000 - 0x94c62ff4  libTIFF.dylib (??? - ???) <25796A90-ABD2-3A3A-800C-1056D343A71F> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
    0x94c63000 - 0x94c93ff7  libsystem_info.dylib (??? - ???) <C385F5A9-458A-3B49-9CC7-EA81DC5F9141> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_info.dylib
    0x94c94000 - 0x94d20ff7 (4.0.0 - ???) <2ADB0C1E-FE27-371C-8EC3-69D5CFEA2BE7> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreText.f ramework/Versions/A/CoreText
    0x94d3b000 - 0x94d3fff3  libsystem_network.dylib (??? - ???) <E1455F3E-549B-3D50-A38B-17B394F3C7F6> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_network.dylib
    0x94d40000 - 0x94e92ffb (1.7 - 1.7) <5767C518-343D-36DB-8D59-C72986161AEC> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
    0x94e93000 - 0x94e94ff7  libsystem_sandbox.dylib (??? - ???) <BC0A04E9-4F28-3BC8-AA7B-63C3451E9212> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_sandbox.dylib
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    0x94eac000 - 0x94eacfff (3.7 - vecLib 3.7) <CB952B04-595A-332B-992B-7671815750FD> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Ve rsions/A/vecLib
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    0x94f51000 - 0x94f58fff  libnotify.dylib (80.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <B3B3875D-311D-31A7-A09F-D1BC56795E00> /usr/lib/system/libnotify.dylib
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    0x955ec000 - 0x955f0fff  libGIF.dylib (??? - ???) <F6094267-AB0E-38FC-8201-510AA4BDC974> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib
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    0x961d0000 - 0x96274fff (3.12 - ???) <68CBE425-43BA-3E6D-8668-A4A67396E20D> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QD.framewo rk/Versions/A/QD
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    0x968a6000 - 0x9692dfff (7.0 - 366) <D037D344-7463-3620-AE8F-8D0D3EA5CE8E> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/PrintCore. framework/Versions/A/PrintCore
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    0x96a85000 - 0x96a95ff7  libCRFSuite.dylib (??? - ???) <CE616EF3-756A-355A-95AD-3472A876BEB9> /usr/lib/libCRFSuite.dylib
    0x96a96000 - 0x96b61fff  libsystem_c.dylib (763.11.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <44AA09FD-3A8F-3DCF-AD98-BC9071CA7376> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
    0x96bc1000 - 0x96c23ff3  libstdc++.6.dylib (52.0.0 - compatibility 7.0.0) <266CE9B3-526A-3C41-BA58-7AE66A3B15FD> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
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    0x96c2e000 - 0x96c2ffff  libsystem_blocks.dylib (53.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <B04592B1-0924-3422-82FF-976B339DF567> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
    0x96c30000 - 0x96ca5fff (10.7.0 - 627.9) <1EF7D615-3DF4-3F5D-88CE-6BDFA120FE32> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framewor k/Versions/A/Metadata
    0x96cf8000 - 0x96d5dff7  libvDSP.dylib (325.3.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <1C4B66EB-3186-31BE-B93F-878E49334C49> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Ve rsions/A/libvDSP.dylib
    0x96d60000 - 0x96d96ff7 (527.6 - 527.6) <77999151-94E3-37CD-A49E-7A9F9084F886> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.framework/Vers ions/A/AE
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    0x972c3000 - 0x972d4fff  libbsm.0.dylib (??? - ???) <54ACF696-87C6-3652-808A-17BE7275C230> /usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib
    0x972da000 - 0x972ddffd  libCoreVMClient.dylib (??? - ???) <1438A7D5-A622-3623-A49F-45F881B1D947> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreVMClient.dylib
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    0x98991000 - 0x98992fff  libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib (??? - ???) <DB3889C2-2FC2-3087-A2A2-4C319455E35C> /usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib
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    0x9939c000 - 0x993beff1 (1.10 - 10) <45B10D4C-9B3B-37A6-982D-687A6F9EEA28> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PerformanceAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/PerformanceAna lysis
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    0x9942e000 - 0x99439fff  libkxld.dylib (??? - ???) <088640F2-429D-3368-AEDA-3C308C4EB80C> /usr/lib/system/libkxld.dylib
    0x9943a000 - 0x994c4ffb (1.4.0 - 1.4.0) <C8567435-9CD1-35EE-AE05-304D28858C42> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchKit.framewo rk/Versions/A/SearchKit
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    0x99510000 - 0x99518ff3  liblaunch.dylib (392.18.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <CD470A1E-0147-3CB1-B44D-0B61F9061826> /usr/lib/system/liblaunch.dylib
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    0x996d7000 - 0x996d9ffb  libRadiance.dylib (??? - ???) <5112B7CE-BAAF-3E98-94E4-676BCB92867F> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.dylib
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    0x99710000 - 0x99720fff (1.7.0 - 1.7.0) <6D6F0C9D-2EEA-3578-AF3D-E2A09BCECAF3> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LangAnalys is.framework/Versions/A/LangAnalysis
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    0x99bd6000 - 0x99bd9ffb (1.3.2 - 42) <DDCEBA10-5CDE-3ED2-A52F-5CD5A0632CA2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Help.framework/Versions /A/Help
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    0x99e48000 - 0x99e65ff3 (1.3.3 - ???) <31A51238-0CA1-38C7-9F0E-8A6676EE3241> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting.framework /Versions/A/OpenScripting
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    0x9b366000 - 0x9b768ff6  libLAPACK.dylib (??? - ???) <00BE0221-8564-3F87-9F6B-8A910CF2F141> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Ve rsions/A/libLAPACK.dylib
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    0x9b924000 - 0x9b924ffe  libkeymgr.dylib (23.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <7F0E8EE2-9E8F-366F-9988-E2F119DB9A82> /usr/lib/system/libkeymgr.dylib
    0x9b925000 - 0x9bd7afff  FaceCoreLight (1.4.2 - compatibility 1.0.0) <53AC5DCE-D04B-3DC3-808D-AA1CAD4D0924> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FaceCoreLight.framework/Versions/A/FaceCoreLight
    0x9bd7b000 - 0x9bdd8ffb (76 - 1.1.4) <743C2943-40BC-36FB-A45C-3421A394F081> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HTMLRendering.framework /Versions/A/HTMLRendering
    0x9c2d1000 - 0x9c30ffff (3.6 - 192) <CB7AE807-9292-3EBA-A5F5-D7DCEE28A5B7> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/NavigationServices.fram ework/Versions/A/NavigationServices
    0x9c389000 - 0x9c689fff (960.13 - 960.13) <E098AC3A-E795-3C28-BA92-EED51C461A6F> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framew ork/Versions/A/CarbonCore
    0x9c68a000 - 0x9c698fff  libz.1.dylib (1.2.5 - compatibility 1.0.0) <E73A4025-835C-3F73-9853-B08606E892DB> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
    0xb0000000 - 0xb0011ff8 +com.adobe.ahclientframework ( - <6FB288F2-45FD-E54A-C9A4-A0D0C374FE37> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    External Modification Summary:
      Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
        task_for_pid: 1
        thread_create: 0
        thread_set_state: 0
      Calls made by this process:
        task_for_pid: 0
        thread_create: 0
        thread_set_state: 0
      Calls made by all processes on this machine:
        task_for_pid: 7519
        thread_create: 0
        thread_set_state: 0
    VM Region Summary:
    ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=233.5M resident=194.4M(83%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=39.2M(17%)
    Writable regions: Total=19.7M written=636K(3%) resident=1124K(6%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=18.6M(94%)
    REGION TYPE                      VIRTUAL
    ===========                      =======
    MALLOC                             9316K
    MALLOC guard page                    16K
    Stack                              64.0M
    VM_ALLOCATE                           4K
    __CI_BITMAP                          80K
    __DATA                             19.1M
    __DATA/__OBJC                       176K
    __IMAGE                            1256K
    __IMPORT                            284K
    __LINKEDIT                         58.3M
    __OBJC                             1472K
    __OBJC/__DATA                        36K
    __PAGEZERO                            4K
    __TEXT                            175.3M
    __UNICODE                           544K
    mapped file                       111.1M
    shared memory                        12K
    shared pmap                        10.1M
    ===========                      =======
    TOTAL                             450.7M
    Model: MacBookPro2,2, BootROM MBP22.00A5.B07, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.16 GHz, 2 GB, SMC 1.12f5
    Graphics: ATI Radeon X1600, ATY,RadeonX1600, PCIe, 128 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz, 0xCE00000000000000, 0x4D342037305432393533435A332D43453620
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM1, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz, 0x0000000000000000, 0x37442D32334B4E354D324250502020202020
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x87), Atheros 5416:
    Bluetooth: Version 2.5.0f17, 2 service, 12 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Built-in Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
    Serial ATA Device: FUJITSU MHW2120BH, 120.03 GB
    Parallel ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW GWA4080MA
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, apple_vendor_id, 0x8501, 0xfd400000 / 2
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x8205, 0x7d100000 / 2
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, apple_vendor_id, 0x021a, 0x1d200000 / 2
    USB Device: IR Receiver, apple_vendor_id, 0x8240, 0x5d200000 / 2

    You may find it easiest to just wipe your HD from the Disk Utility on the Install Disk and then do a clean install of Lion followed by a reinstall of all your other software.

  • Need help on File uploading in JSF

    Hi All,
    i have to upload some document into IBM DB2 Content Management using JSF Portlet.
    Is it possible to upload a document( in my case it is an image) using JSF Portlet into IBM DB2 Content Management? and also i need to keep the reference of the uploaded document in DB2 database.
    i need some sample code to do this.
    the tools i am using are
    RAD 6.0 as IDE
    IBM DB2 Content Managener 8.3
    IBM DB2 8.2
    its an urgent requirement please help me out in this regard

    If it's possible in Portlets i don't know, but in JSF is possible with the Tomahawk component to upload files.
    Try it.

  • Need help opening files created on Mac in PC

    Please help!  Our old Mac is down and I need to access some files on our network that were created in PM 5.  I'm now using a PC that I downloaded the trial of PM 7 onto in hopes of being able to access these files and convert them to InDesign CS4.
    Here's my problem:
    When I try to open a PM 5 (or even a PM 6.5) file created on the Mac using the PM 7 on the PC I get this message:  "File cannot be translated to PC and converted to new version at the same time."  Does anyone know how to get around this?  Is there another program that will translate the Mac file to PC?

    miz_nrg wrote:
    I've read on here that people running Windows XP with SP3 have also had issues with PageMaker files.  Could that be the root of my issues?
    this only applies to CS2 and PM files.
    A co-worker has a MacBook that they're going to bring in next week so I can transfer the files.  Is this just going to be a matter of me opening the files on the Mac and saving them as a pmd file on our network drive, then going into my PC and opening them in either PM7 or InDesign (which is where I'll be doing all the updates)?
    This will not work. Pagemaker needs to run in Classic on a Mac running OSX. A MacBook is an Intel chip and does not support Classic. You either need an old Mac that boots OS9 or a PowerPC Mac that will run Classic. As long as they are PM6 or better they should open no problem in IDCS3 and 4.
    My offer still stands if you need to get started.

Maybe you are looking for

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