Need Help With File Matching Records

I need help with my file matching program.
Here is how it suppose to work: FileMatch class should contain methods to read oldmast.txt and trans.txt. When a match occurs (i.e., records with the same account number appear in both the master file and the transaction file), add the dollar amount in the transaction record to the current balance in the master record, and write the "newmast.txt" record. (Assume that purchases are indicated by positive amounts in the transaction file and payments by negative amounts.)
When there is a master record for a particular account, but no corresponding transaction record, merely write the master record to "newmast.txt". When there is a transaction record, but no corresponding master record, print to a log file the message "Unmatched transaction record for account number ..." (fill in the account number from the transaction record). The log file should be a text file named "log.txt".
Here is my following program code:
// Exercise 14.8:
// creates a text file
import java.lang.SecurityException;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.FormatterClosedException;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import org.egan.AccountRecord;
import org.egan.TransactionRecord;
public class CreateTextFile
  private Formatter output1;  // object used to output text to file
  private Formatter output2;  // object used to output text to file
  // enable user to open file
  public void openTransFile()
      output1 = new Formatter("trans.txt");
    catch (SecurityException securityException)
      System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
    } // end catch
    catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
      System.err.println("Error creating file.");
  } // end method openTransFile
  // enable user to open file
  public void openOldMastFile()
      output2 = new Formatter("oldmast.txt");
    catch (SecurityException securityException)
      System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
    } // end catch
    catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
      System.err.println("Error creating file.");
  } // end method openOldMastFile
  // add transaction records to file
  public void addTransactionRecords()
    // object to be written to file
    TransactionRecord record1 = new TransactionRecord();
    Scanner input1 = new Scanner(;
      "To terminate input, type the end-of-file indicator",   
      "when you are prompted to enter input.",
      "On UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X type <ctrl> d then press Enter",
      "On Windows type <ctrl> z then press Enter");
       "Enter account number (> 0) and amount.","? ");
    while (input1.hasNext())  // loop until end-of-file indicator
      try // output values to file
        // retrieve data to be output
        record1.setAccount(input1.nextInt());    // read account number
        record1.setAmount(input1.nextDouble());  // read amount
        if (record1.getAccount() > 0)
          // write new record
          output1.format("%d %.2f\n", record1.getAccount(), record1.getAmount());
        } // end if
          System.out.println("Account number must be greater than 0.");
        } // end else
      } // end try
      catch (FormatterClosedException formatterClosedException)
        System.err.println("Error writing to file.");
      } // end catch
      catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
        System.err.println("Invalid input. Please try again.");
        input1.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
      } // end catch
      System.out.printf("%s %s\n%s", "Enter account number (> 0) ",
        "and amount.","? ");
    } // end while
  } // end method addTransactionRecords
  // add account records to file
  public void addAccountRecords()
    // object to be written to file
    AccountRecord record2 = new AccountRecord();
    Scanner input2 = new Scanner(;
      "To terminate input, type the end-of-file indicator",   
      "when you are prompted to enter input.",
      "On UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X type <ctrl> d then press Enter",
      "On Windows type <ctrl> z then press Enter");
       "Enter account number (> 0), first name, last name and balance.","? ");
    while (input2.hasNext())  // loop until end-of-file indicator
      try // output values to file
        // retrieve data to be output
        record2.setAccount(input2.nextInt());    // read account number
        record2.setFirstName(;      // read first name
        record2.setLastName(;       // read last name
        record2.setBalance(input2.nextDouble());  // read balance
        if (record2.getAccount() > 0)
          // write new record
          output2.format("%d %s %s %.2f\n", record2.getAccount(), record2.getFirstName(),
            record2.getLastName(), record2.getBalance());
        } // end if
          System.out.println("Account number must be greater than 0.");
        } // end else
      } // end try
      catch (FormatterClosedException formatterClosedException)
        System.err.println("Error writing to file.");
      } // end catch
      catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
        System.err.println("Invalid input. Please try again.");
        input2.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
      } // end catch
      System.out.printf("%s %s\n%s", "Enter account number (> 0),",
        "first name, last name and balance.","? ");
    } // end while
  } // end method addAccountRecords
  // close file
  public void closeTransFile()
    if (output1 != null)
  } // end method closeTransFile
  // close file
  public void closeOldMastFile()
    if (output2 != null)
  } // end method closeOldMastFile
} // end class CreateTextFile--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exercise 14.8:
// Testing class CreateTextFile
public class CreateTextFileTest
   // main method begins program execution
   public static void main( String args[] )
     CreateTextFile application = new CreateTextFile();
   } // end main
} // end class CreateTextFileTest-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exercise 14.8:
// A class that represents on record of information
package org.egan; // packaged for reuse
public class TransactionRecord
  private int account;
  private double amount;
  // no-argument constructor calls other constructor with default values
  public TransactionRecord()
    this(0,0.0); // call two-argument constructor
  } // end no-argument AccountRecord constructor
  // initialize a record
  public TransactionRecord(int acct, double amt)
  } // end two-argument TransactionRecord constructor
  // set account number
  public void setAccount(int acct)
    account = acct;
  } // end method setAccount
  // get account number
  public int getAccount()
    return account;
  } // end method getAccount
  // set amount
  public void setAmount(double amt)
    amount = amt;
  } // end method setAmount
  // get amount
  public double getAmount()
    return amount;
  } // end method getAmount
} // end class TransactionRecord -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exercise 14.8:
// A class that represents on record of information
package org.egan; // packaged for reuse
import org.egan.TransactionRecord;
public class AccountRecord
  private int account;
  private String firstName;
  private String lastName;
  private double balance;
  // no-argument constructor calls other constructor with default values
  public AccountRecord()
    this(0,"","",0.0); // call four-argument constructor
  } // end no-argument AccountRecord constructor
  // initialize a record
  public AccountRecord(int acct, String first, String last, double bal)
  } // end four-argument AccountRecord constructor
  // set account number
  public void setAccount(int acct)
    account = acct;
  } // end method setAccount
  // get account number
  public int getAccount()
    return account;
  } // end method getAccount
  // set first name
  public void setFirstName(String first)
    firstName = first;
  } // end method setFirstName
  // get first name
  public String getFirstName()
    return firstName;
  } // end method getFirstName
  // set last name
  public void setLastName(String last)
    lastName = last;
  } // end method setLastName
  // get last name
  public String getLastName()
    return lastName;
  } // end method getLastName
  // set balance
  public void setBalance(double bal)
    balance = bal;
  } // end method setBalance
  // get balance
  public double getBalance()
    return balance;
  } // end method getBalance
  // combine balance and amount
  public void combine(TransactionRecord record)
    balance = (getBalance() + record.getAmount()); 
  } // end method combine
} // end class AccountRecord -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exercise 14.8:
import java.lang.IllegalStateException;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.FormatterClosedException;
import org.egan.AccountRecord;
import org.egan.TransactionRecord;
public class FileMatch
  private Scanner inTransaction;
  private Scanner inOldMaster;
  private Formatter outNewMaster;
  private Formatter theLog;
  // enable user to open file
  public void openTransFile()
      inTransaction = new Scanner(new File("trans.txt"));
    } // end try
    catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException)
      System.err.println("Error opening file.");
    } // end catch
  } // end method openTransFile
  // enable user to open file
  public void openOldMastFile()
      inOldMaster = new Scanner(new File("oldmast.txt"));
    } // end try
    catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException)
      System.err.println("Error opening file.");
    } // end catch
  } // end method openOldMastFile
  // enable user to open file
  public void openNewMastFile()
      outNewMaster = new Formatter("newmast.txt");
    catch (SecurityException securityException)
      System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
    } // end catch
    catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
      System.err.println("Error creating file.");
  } // end method openNewMastFile
  // enable user to open file
  public void openLogFile()
      theLog = new Formatter("log.txt");
    catch (SecurityException securityException)
      System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
    } // end catch
    catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
      System.err.println("Error creating file.");
  } // end method openLogFile
  // update records
  public void updateRecords()
    TransactionRecord transaction = new TransactionRecord();
    AccountRecord account = new AccountRecord();
    try // read records from file using Scanner object
      System.out.println("Start file matching.");
      while (inTransaction.hasNext() && inOldMaster.hasNext())
        transaction.setAccount(inTransaction.nextInt());     // read account number
        transaction.setAmount(inTransaction.nextDouble());   // read amount
        account.setAccount(inOldMaster.nextInt());     // read account number
        account.setFirstName(;      // read first name 
        account.setLastName(;       // read last name
        account.setBalance(inOldMaster.nextDouble());  // read balance
        if (transaction.getAccount() == account.getAccount())
          while (inTransaction.hasNext() && transaction.getAccount() == account.getAccount())
            outNewMaster.format("%d %s %s %.2f\n",
            account.getAccount(), account.getFirstName(), account.getLastName(),
            transaction.setAccount(inTransaction.nextInt());     // read account number
            transaction.setAmount(inTransaction.nextDouble());   // read amount
        else if (transaction.getAccount() != account.getAccount())
          outNewMaster.format("%d %s %s %.2f\n",
          account.getAccount(), account.getFirstName(), account.getLastName(),
          theLog.format("%s%d","Unmatched transaction record for account number ",transaction.getAccount());
      } // end while
      System.out.println("Finish file matching.");
    } // end try
    catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
      System.err.println("File improperly formed.");
    } // end catch
    catch (IllegalStateException stateException)
      System.err.println("Error reading from file.");
    } // end catch   
  } // end method updateRecords
  // close file and terminate application
  public void closeTransFile()
    if (inTransaction != null)
  } // end method closeTransFile
  // close file and terminate application
  public void closeOldMastFile()
    if (inOldMaster != null)
  } // end method closeOldMastFile
  // close file
  public void closeNewMastFile()
    if (outNewMaster != null)
  } // end method closeNewMastFile
  // close file
  public void closeLogFile()
    if (theLog != null)
  } // end method closeLogFile
} // end class FileMatch-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exercise 14.8:
// Testing class FileMatch
public class FileMatchTest
   // main method begins program execution
   public static void main( String args[] )
     FileMatch application = new FileMatch();
   } // end main
} // end class FileMatchTest-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sample data for master file:
Master file                         
Account Number            Name                     Balance
100                            Alan Jones                   348.17
300                            Mary Smith                    27.19
500                            Sam Sharp                   0.00
700                            Suzy Green                   -14.22Sample data for transaction file:
Transaction file                    Transaction
Account Number                  Amount
100                                         27.14
300                                         62.11
300                                         83.89
400                                         100.56
700                                         80.78
700                                         1.53
900                                         82.17  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My FileMatch class program above has bugs in it.
The correct results for the newmast.txt:
100  Alan  Jones  375.31
300  Mary  Smith  173.19
500  Sam  Sharp  0.00
700  Suzy Green  68.09The correct results for the log.txt:
Unmatched transaction record for account number 400Unmatched transaction record for account number 900------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My results for the newmast.txt:
100 Alan Jones 375.31
300 Mary Smith 111.08
500 Sam Sharp 0.00
700 Suzy Green -12.69My results for the log.txt
Unmatched transaction record for account number 700-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am not sure what is wrong with my code above to make my results different from the correct results.
Much help is appreciated. Please help.

From the output, it looks like one problem is just formatting -- apparently you're including a newline in log entries and not using tabs for the newmast output file.
As to why the numbers are off -- just from glancing over it, it appears that the problem is when you add multiple transaction values. Since account.combine() is so simple, I suspect that you're either adding creating transaction objects incorrectly or not creating them when you should be.
Create test input data that isolates a single case of this (e.g., just the Mary Smith case), and then running your program in a debugger or adding debugging code to the add/combine method, so you can see what's happening in detail.
Also I'd recommend reconsidering your design. It's a red flag if a class has a name with "Create" in it. Classes represent bundles of independant state and transformations on that state, not things to do.

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    Looks like this problem has occured before. There are SAP Notes recommended. Below are some helpful links.

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    Here is the rough idea for HA from my experience.
    The important thing is that the binaries required to run SAP
    are to be accessible before and after switchover.
    In terms of this file system doesn't matter.
    But SAP may recommend certain filesystem on linux
    please refer to SAP installation guide.
    I always use reiserfs or ext3fs.
    For soft link I recommend you to refer SAP installation guide.
    In your configuration the files related to SCS and DB is the key.
    Again those files are to be accessible both from hostA and from hostB.
    Easiest way is to use share these files like NFS or other shared file system
    so that both nodes can access to these files.
    And let the clustering software do mount and unmount those directory.
    DB binaries, data and log are to be placed in shared storage subsystem.
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    You may want to place the binaries into local disk to make sure the binaries
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    Furthermore you can use sapcpe function to sync necessary binaries
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              DataOutputStream data_output = new DataOutputStream (output);
         catch (IOException e)
    System.out.println("The following error occurred: "+e.toString());
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    public static void main(String[] args)
              FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream ("c:/iqyy.log");
              DataInputStream data_input = new DataInputStream(input);     
         catch (IOException e)
    System.out.println("The following error occurred: "+e.toString());
         System.out.println("Transfer Complete");

    Hi! Have you considered using FTP? I believe that if you run a search for FTP on these fora, you will find several matches. I think you can also download the necessary code from the O'reilly site (, although I am not absolutely positive.
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        FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("test.txt");
        fileOut.write("Test file".getBytes());

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    Hi Mtiwari,
    Generally, we cannot create such an irregular execution time schedule. However, we can insert the execution time into a table and customize the steps on the job as a workaround. I have tested it on my local environment, the steps below are for your
    Create a table and add the execution time to it using the query below.
    Use TestDB
    Create table [CustomeSchedule]([ExecuteTime]    Date)
    Insert into [CustomeSchedule]
    Create a subscription to execute erery Minute.
    Connect to SSMS>expand SQL Server Agent>expand Jobs, double-click the Jop.
    Select Steps on the left pane on the Job Properties window.
    Click Edit button and then use the query for on the command.
    IF exists(SELECT [ExecuteTime]FROM [TestDB].[dbo].[CustomeSchedule3] WHERE
    LEFT([ExecuteTime],5)=LEFT(CONVERT (time, SYSDATETIME()),5))
    exec [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', @EventData='9be28f07-3784-4070-802a-b7ca0aec4c7c'
    Change the @EventType and @EventData to the values in your Job.
    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
    Charlie Liao
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Need help with File Sharing and iPHOTO Library sharing........

    I recently upgraded my imac and my macbook pro to Mavericks.
    I have some problems now.
    Previously using iPHOTO when running I was able to see the other computers iphoto library on the left side bar.  I was able then to access the other computers iphoto library.  This is no longer showing the other computers library from either computer.
    When I try to access the other computers files using file sharing I get a message that permisions are missing.
    It then asks if I want to fix permisions ,  I say will run for an hour and do nothing...I need to force quit.
    I really dont want to use the cloud to do this sharing....why should I upload into the internet when I have the computers on same network.
    Is there any place I can go to find how this is now done?  Before I didnt need to look up a thing....was just intuitive .  Now Im running into walls every way I try to share the iphoto libraries across computers.

    The iPhoto sharing that was in the previous version doesn't seem to exist. There is now iCloud Photo Sharing.
    I don't know about the file sharing issue.

  • Need Help with file manipulation

    I need to read a file, insert data dynamically based on a user input in this file. How do I do it?

    First of all, don't cross-post

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    since purchasing my iPhone 6, i'm no longer able to play my music via iTunes match. i had no problems before playing off all my devices.

    Try posting in the iTunes Match forum, you'll probably find more knowledgeable folks there.

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    How do you reduce pdf size file when it's save? I can have a excel spreadsheet that is 67KB and when I save it as pdf file increases to 289KB?

    I agree that the file size is not a big issue at 289kB. However, a lot of the size depends on the content and the job settings that have been used. It is a good practice in PDFs to embed the fonts and that may be what is causing the size increased in your PDF. You can use PDF Optimize (under the Save As menu in AAX) to access the audit function and find out what is causing the size issue. As mentioned, for the file at hand it is not much of an issue, but may be for future projects.

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