Need help in creating logic

Hi all,
I need suggestion of all of you guys in approaching my goal. What i want to do is... I have a bow still at one place but can rotate at its pivot point and there is an arrow that is used to pull the thread of the bow, as i drag back the arrow then thread of the bow should pull and when drag furthur, bow's thread should lose.
Can anyone help me how can i approach this.. I have attached an image as a refrence here.

create a movieclip.  on its timeline create 3 layers.
the3 shapes (the arrow, the bow and the draw string) should each be placed on their own layer
shape tween the bowstring and shape tween the bow and classic tween the arrow.
position that movieclip's reg point and transform point where ever you want.

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    The first 'loss' you encounter (300MB) is due to megabyte counting/rounding.  A 500GB disk contains about 500.000.000 bytes. This quite a bit less than if counted properly using binary. you loose about 24288000 bytes per disk this way! |
    the second loss is due to how raid raid 5 data is written to multiple disks to improve reliability. the simplies t form uses 3 disks: a write will cause half of the data to be written to disk 1, half to disk 2 and the XOR of both datahalfs to disk
    3. In this scenario you will loose 33% of storage space and you can loose up to one of 3 disks.
    By adding more disks, data can be spread more and the ratio available/raw will increase, or you can write aditionnal crc data and increase resliency for failures.
    To check the exact algoritmes using on you RAID adapter, I would recommend contacting the vendor (or checking their support site) From your numbres, I do not think you will be able to configure RAID 5 on the same disks and having more available
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    could anyone help me in using union all with the below
     WITH a AS (
    DATEPART(year, row_date) AS 'Year',
    DATEPART(month, row_date) AS 'Month',
        value ,
        CASE metricid WHEN 16 THEN 'FCR' ELSE 'Cases' END AS metric
    WHERE metricid IN (16, 11)
    AND row_date BETWEEN '2012-01-01' AND '2014-10-01'
    AND value IS NOT NULL)
    , b AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'Cases',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'cases')
    , c AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'FCR',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'FCR')
    , d AS (
    SELECT b.YEAR, b.MONTH, c.FCR, b.Cases 
    ON c.clientid = b.clientid
    AND c.[YEAR] = b.[year] 
    AND c.[month] = b.[month]
    WHERE c.fcr <> 0 AND b.cases <> 0
    ,E AS (
    SELECT [Year], [Month], SUM(FCR) AS FCR, SUM(Cases) AS Cases
    FROM d
    GROUP BY [Year], [Month])
    select YEAR, MONTH, 
    WHEN 1 THEN 'Jan'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'Feb'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'Mar'
    WHEN 4 THEN 'Apr'
    WHEN 5 THEN 'May'
    WHEN 6 THEN 'Jun'
    WHEN 7 THEN 'Jul'
    WHEN 8 THEN 'Aug'
    WHEN 9 THEN 'Sep'
    WHEN 10 THEN 'Oct'
    WHEN 11 THEN 'Nov'
    WHEN 12 THEN 'Dec'
    END AS MonthName
    ,e.FCR AS FCRCases
    ,e.Cases AS TotalCases
    WHEN [month] IN (11, 12, 1) THEN 1
    WHEN [month] IN (2, 3, 4) THEN 2
    WHEN [month] IN (5, 6, 7) THEN 3
    WHEN [month] IN (8, 9, 10) THEN 4
    END AS 'Quarter'
    --,CONVERT(DECIMAL(18, 2),(e.FCR/e.Cases)*100) AS FCRRaw
    from e
    order by YEAR, MONTH
    **************2nd query*************
    WITH a AS (
    DATEPART(year, row_date) AS 'Year',
    DATEPART(month, row_date) AS 'Month',
        CASE metricid WHEN 56 THEN 'numerator' ELSE 'denominator' END AS metric
    FROM XXXXXXX.[Values] AS V
    WHERE metricid IN (56, 10)
    --WHERE metricid IN (11,16)
    AND row_date BETWEEN '2013-10-01' AND '2014-02-01'
    AND value IS NOT NULL)
    , b AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'numerator',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'numerator')
    , c AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'denominator',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'denominator')
    , d AS (
    SELECT b.YEAR, b.MONTH, c.denominator, b.numerator 
    ON c.clientid = b.clientid
    AND c.[YEAR] = b.[year] 
    AND c.[month] = b.[month]
    WHERE c.denominator <> 0 AND b.numerator <> 0
    , e AS (
    SELECT [Year], [Month], SUM(numerator) AS numerator, SUM(denominator) AS denominator
    FROM d
    GROUP BY [Year], [Month]
    SELECT *, 
    WHEN [month] IN (11, 12, 1) THEN 1
    WHEN [month] IN (2, 3, 4) THEN 2
    WHEN [month] IN (5, 6, 7) THEN 3
    WHEN [month] IN (8, 9, 10) THEN 4
    END AS 'Quarter'
    FROM e
    ORDER BY 1,2
    ******************3rd query**************
    WITH a AS (
    SELECT --L.[LocationGroupId],
    -- T.locationid,
    -- T.AccountId,
    /*Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(year, TR.datestamp)) + '-' + Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(month, TR.datestamp)) + '-01'*/ 
    TR.Period AS ValueDate,
    CASE WHEN TR.TargetResultState = 0 THEN 0 WHEN TR.TargetResultState = 1 THEN 1 WHEN TR.TargetResultState = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Met,
    CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATE, Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(year, TR.datestamp)) + '-' + Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(month, TR.datestamp)) + '-01') > T.Startdate AND CONVERT(DATE, Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(year, TR.datestamp))
    + '-' + Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(month, TR.datestamp)) + '-01') < T.Enddate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS ActiveTarget
    INNER JOIN dbo.Target T ON TR.TargetID = T.ID
    --INNER JOIN dbo.Location L ON T.Locationid = L.Id
    WHERE --locationid <> - 1 AND 
    TR.Period IN ('201306', '201307', '201308', '201309', '201310', '201311', '201312', '201401'))
    select ValueDate, SUM(Met) AS Met, Count(ActiveTarget) AS ActiveTargets,
    right(ValueDate,2) as Month
    ,left(ValueDate,4) as Year
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (11, 12, 1) THEN 1
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (2, 3, 4) THEN 2
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (5, 6, 7) THEN 3
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (8, 9, 10) THEN 4
    END AS 'Quarter'
    from a
    group by ValueDate
    order by ValueDate

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    I need help with Creating Key Pairs, I generate key pais with aba provider, but the keys generated are not base 64.
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    import java.math.BigInteger;
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.*;
    class CreateKeyPairs {
    private static KeyPair keyPair;
    private static KeyPairGenerator pairGenerator;
    private static PrivateKey privateKey;
    private static PublicKey publicKey;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    if (args.length != 2) {
    System.out.println("Usage: java CreateKeyParis public_key_file_name privete_key_file_name");
    private static void createKeys() throws Exception {
    Security.addProvider(new ABAProvider());
    pairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA","ABA");
    pairGenerator.initialize(1024, new SecureRandom());
    keyPair = pairGenerator.generateKeyPair();
    privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
    publicKey = keyPair.getPublic();
    private synchronized static void saveKey(String filename,PrivateKey key) throws Exception {
    ObjectOutputStream out= new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));
    private synchronized static void saveKey(String filename,PublicKey key) throws Exception {
    ObjectOutputStream out= new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(filename));
    the public key is:
    �� sr com.sun.rsajca.JSA_RSAPublicKeyrC��� xr com.sun.rsajca.JS_PublicKey~5< ~��% L thePublicKeyt Lcom/sun/rsasign/p;xpsr com.sun.rsasign.anm����9�[ [ at [B[ bq ~ xr com.sun.rsasign.p��(!g�� L at Ljava/lang/String;[ bt [Ljava/lang/String;xr com.sun.rsasign.c�"dyU�|  xpt Javaur [Ljava.lang.String;��V��{G  xp   q ~ ur [B���T�  xp   ��ccR}o���[!#I����lo������
    d ����"B��
    ^5���a����jw9�����D���D�)�*3/h��7�|��I�d�$�4f�8_�|���yuq ~
    How i can generated the key pairs in base 64 or binary????
    Thanxs for help me
    Luis Navarro Nu�ez
    South America.

    I don't use ABA but BouncyCastle
    this could help you :
    try org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider()); kg ="RSA","BC"); kp = kg.generateKeyPair(); pub = kp.getPublic(); pri = kp.getPrivate();
    System.out.println("pub: " + pub);
    System.out.println("pri: " + pri);
    byte[] pub_e = pub.getEncoded();
    byte[] pri_e = pri.getEncoded(); o; i; f;
    o = new"d:/pub64"));
    o.println(new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(pub_e));
    o = new"d:/pri64"));
    o.println(new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(pri_e));
    o.close(); br = new"d:/pub64"));
    StringBuffer keyBase64 = new StringBuffer();
    String line = br.readLine ();
    while(line != null)
    keyBase64.append (line);
    line = br.readLine ();
    byte [] pubBytes = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(keyBase64.toString ());
    br = new"d:/pri64"));
    keyBase64 = new StringBuffer();
    line = br.readLine ();
    while(line != null)
    keyBase64.append (line);
    line = br.readLine ();
    byte [] priBytes = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(keyBase64.toString ()); kf ="RSA","BC"); pubKey = kf.generatePublic(new;
    System.out.println("pub: " + pubKey); priKey = kf.generatePrivate(new;
    System.out.println("pri: " + priKey);
    catch(Exception e)
    e.printStackTrace ();

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    the Easy Tabs could be useful for your requirement
    twttr @esjord

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    Automator gets a bit unweildy when trying to vary things outside of what the actions provide.  Since you are already using an AppeScript in your workflow, might as well do the whole thing:
    set baseFolder to (path to desktop) -- the location to create the folder
    display dialog "Please provide a new folder name:" default answer "test"
    set folderName to text returned of the result
    repeat -- keep repeating until a number is returned
      display dialog "How many subfolders?" default answer "5"
      set theNumber to text returned of the result
        try -- test the result
          set theNumber to theNumber as integer
          exit repeat -- success
        end try
    end repeat
    tell application "Finder"
      try -- make new folder
        set newFolder to (make new folder at baseFolder with properties {name:folderName})
      on error number -48 -- skip errors if the folder is already there
        set newFolder to ((baseFolder as text) & folderName) as alias
      end try
      repeat with X from 1 to theNumber
        try -- make new subfolder
          make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:folderName & X}
        on error number -48 -- skip errors if the folder is already there
        end try
      end repeat
    end tell

  • Need help in creating tabbed webpart in sharepoint + no of tabs in webpart should be dynamic.

    Need help in creating tabbed webpart in sharepoint and no of tabs in webpart should be dynamic.
    under each tab i should be able to add multiple webparts(each tab will have webpart zone)
    programatically i need to generate tabs and insert webpart zones under each tab.
    Let me  know how can i achieve this.
    i followed below article.
    but in this article the tabs and webparts are static and we need to close each webpart .
    Kindly let me know the approach.thanks in advance

    the Easy Tabs could be useful for your requirement
    twttr @esjord

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    need help for creat apple id in iphone 5s

    See this support document for instructions.

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    I can't find it.  I went into advanced and then document processing but no batch sequence is there and everything is grayed out.
    EDIT: I realized that you cant do batch sequences in standard.  Any other ideas?

  • I need help to create  idoc from scrach.

    i need help to create  idoc from scrach.

    Swamy Katta,
    Please read "[the rules|]" before you post any further, and confirm that you have read them?
    => Search first, ask questions later please!

  • Need help in creating process codes

    Hi All,
    I need to create some message type and assign it to some idoc type , and i need to create process code and inbound function module for this.
    Can some one please help me in this regard.
    Thanks ,

    For this scenario Client 800 of application server SAPADM is the Sender and client 800 of application server SAP-REMOTE is the Receiver
    1. Creating Logical Systems
    o       Login using 800 client
    o       Go to T. Code SALE
    o       Expand Sending and Receiving Systems
    o       Expand Logical Systems
    o       Click on Define Logical System
    o       Click on New Entries
    o       Create CATSSENDER, ECC Logical Systems
    o       Save and come back
    o       Assign the CATSSENDER Logical System to client 800 of Application Server SAPADMAssign the ECC Logical System to client 800 of Application Server SAP-REMOTE
    2. Creating the RFCs
    o       Go to T. Code SM59
    o       Expand R/3 Connections
    o       Enter RFC Name as CATSSENDER
    o       Connection Type as 3
    o       Language as EN
    o       Client as 800
    o       User as SAPUSER
    o       Password as YESV13
    o       Target host as SAPADM
    o       Click on Remote logon button to test the RFC
    o       Enter RFC Name as ECC
    o       Connection Type as 3
    o       Language as EN
    o       Client as 800
    o       User as SAPUSER               
    o       Password as YESV123
    o       Target host as SAPADM                                                                               
    o       Click on Remote logon button to test the RFC
    3. Creating the Message Type
    o       Go to T. Code WE81
    o       Click on change, continue
    o       Click on New Entries button
    o       Give message type as ZCATSTIME and description
    o       Save and back
    4. Creating the Segment
    o       Go to T. Code WE31
    o       Give segment name as ZSEGMENTTIME
    o       Enter Short Text
    o       Enter the Field Name and Data Element in the text boxes
    o       Save, continue,
    o       Click on Edit -> Set Release
    5. Creating the Basic IDOC Object
    o       Go to T. code WE30
    o       Give obj. name as ZTIMEIDOC
    o       Click on create
    o       Select create new radio button, give description and continue
    o       Select the IDOC obj name and click on create button
    o       Enter the segment name which is create earlier
    o       Select the check box if you want to make the segment mandatory
    o       Enter 1 in minimum number 99999 in maximum number, continue
    o       Save and backo       Click on Edit -> Set Release
    6. Creating Customer Distribution Model
    o       Go to T. Code BD64
    o       Click on change and Create model view button
    o       Enter the short text and Technical name as CATSSENDER
    o       Select the model and click on Add Message Type Button
    o       Give the Sender as CATSSENDER,
    o       Receiver as ECC,
    o       Message Type as ZCATSTIME
    o       Select the model view & click on Environment -> Generate Partner Profiles
    o       Select Transfer IDOC Immediately and Trigger Immediately radio buttons
    o       Click on Execute
    o       You should get a list in green color which means it executed successfully.
    o       Back to main screen, select the model view
    o       Click Edit->Model view->Distribute
    o       Click on continueo     
    You should get a list saying model view is distributed successfully.
    7. Checking the Port
    o       Go to T. Code WE21
    o       Expand Transactional RFC
    o       Find the port from the list which is created using BD64 for ECC (Receiving system) RFC Destination.
    8. Checking the Partner Profiles.
    o       Go to T. Code WE20
    o       Expand Partner Type LS
    o       Select the Partner profile ECC
    o       Double click on Message Type ZCATSTIME in Outbound parmtrs.
    o       Check Receiver Port is assigned correctlyo     
    Check the Basic type as your Basic IDOC object.
    9. Assigning the Message Type to Basic IDOC Object
    o       Go to T. Code WE82
    o       Click on Change & continue, New Entries button
    o       Give the Message type as ZCATSTIME
    o       Give Basic Type as ZTIMEIDOC
    o       Release as 4.6C
    o       Save and back10. Creating Inbound Function Module (Posting Program)
    o       Go to T. Code SE37
    o       Create a function Module ZCATSDB_TIMESHEET_SURESH
    o       Set the Processing type as Remote Enabled Module and mode as start immed, in Attributes Tab.   
    o       Import Parameters
              P_WORKDATE                    LIKE               CATSDB-WORKDATE
              P_COUNTER                        LIKE               CATSDB-COUNTER
              P_LSTAR                               LIKE               CATSDB-LSTAR
    o       Export Parameters
    o       Tables 
                 S_PERNR                      LIKE           ZCATSPERNR
    [PERNR is select option parameters in ZCUSTOMIDOC report program so that it should be passed to function module ZCATSDB_TIMESHEET_SURESH in tables section. And also in tables section we used ZCATSPERNR, which is a global structure, which contains four fields as
    Ø     SIGN
    Ø     OPTION
    Ø     LOW
    Ø     HIGH]
    o       Exceptions
    o       Source Code
    FUNCTION zcatsdb_timesheet_suresh.
    ""Local interface:
    *"  TABLES
      TABLES: catsdb, edidc, edidd. " using structures of catsdb, edidc, edidd
      CONSTANTS: c_doctyp TYPE edidc-idoctp VALUE 'ZTIMEIDOC',  " idoc type
                 c_segnam TYPE edidd-segnam VALUE 'ZSEGMENTTIME',   "segment type
                 c_mestyp TYPE edidc-mestyp VALUE 'ZCATSTIME'.   " message type
    *001 comment begin
         creating internal tables with out header lines for catsdb, edidc, edidd and also
    -           work areas
    *001 comment end
      DATA: it_edidc  TYPE edidc OCCURS 0,    "  control internal table with out header line
            it_edidd  TYPE edidd OCCURS 0, " data internal table with out header line
            wa_catsdb TYPE it_catsdb1,  " work area for it_catsdb internal table
            wa_edidc  TYPE edidc,  " work area for it_edidc internal table
            wa_edidd  TYPE edidd,  " work area for it_edidd internal table
            wa_zsegmenttime TYPE zsegmenttime, " work area for zsegment internal table
            v_occmax  TYPE idocsyn-occmax,
            v_nbseg   TYPE i.
      CLEAR wa_catsdb. " clears work area of catsdb
      CLEAR wa_edidc.  " clears edidc work area
    *002  comment begin
    Save the message type and the basic IDoc type in the control segment.
    *002 comment end
      MOVE c_mestyp TO wa_edidc-mestyp. " assigning custom message type to edidc workarea
      MOVE c_doctyp TO wa_edidc-idoctp. " assigning custom idoc type to edidc workarea
    *003 comment begin
    Retrieve the maximum number of segments in the basic IDoc type.
    *003 comment end
      SELECT MIN( occmax ) FROM idocsyn INTO v_occmax WHERE idoctyp EQ c_doctyp AND segtyp EQ c_segnam.
    *004 comment begin
    Save the whole CATSDB table content in the IT_ZCATSDB internal table.
    *004 comment end
      SELECT pernr workdate lstar counter FROM catsdb INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_catsdb WHERE pernr IN s_pernr AND workdate EQ p_workdate.
    *005 comment begin
    Create a data segment for each line of IT_ZCATSDB.
    *005 comment end
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        LOOP AT it_catsdb INTO wa_catsdb WHERE pernr IN s_pernr.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_catsdb TO wa_zsegmenttime.
          CLEAR wa_edidd.
          MOVE c_segnam TO wa_edidd-segnam.
          MOVE wa_zsegmenttime TO wa_edidd-sdata.
          APPEND wa_edidd TO it_edidd.
          CLEAR wa_catsdb.
          CLEAR wa_zsegmenttime.
    *006 comment begin
    Count the number of data segments.
    *006 comment end
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_edidd LINES v_nbseg.
    *007 comment begin
    If the number of data segments exceeds the maximum allowed number,then display an error message.
    *007 comment end
      IF v_nbseg GT v_occmax.
        MESSAGE  'IDOC ERROR Message' TYPE 'E000'.
      CALL FUNCTION 'MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE' " for creating an catsdb idoc
      master_idoc_control = wa_edidc
    OBJ_TYPE = ''
    CHNUM = ''
      communication_idoc_control = it_edidc
      master_idoc_data = it_edidd
      error_in_idoc_control = 1
      error_writing_idoc_status = 2
      error_in_idoc_data = 3
      sending_logical_system_unknown = 4
      OTHERS = 5
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
         WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Save, check and activate
    111. Assigning the Inbound Function Module to Basic Type & Message Type
    o       Go to T. Code WE57
    o       Click on change, continue, continue and New Entries Button
    o       Enter the Module as ZCATSDB_TIMESHEET_SURESH Type as "F"
    o       Basic Type as ZTIMEIDOC
    o       Message Type as ZCATSTIME
    o       Direction as 2
    o       Save and back
    Now Login in 800 client of Application Server SAP-REMOTE
    12. Assigning the Inbound Function Module in ALE Table
    o       Go to T. Code BD51
    o       Click on continue, New Entries button
    o       Give the Inbound Function Module ZCATSDB_TIMESHEET_SURESH
    o       Give Input t. as 0 (zero)
    o       Save and back13. Creating Process Code
    o       Go to T. Code WE42
    o       Click on Change, New Entries Button
    o       Give Process Code name as ZCATSDB, give Description & Save
    o       Select Processing with ALE Services Radio button
    o       Select Processing by Function Module Radio button
    o       Click the ALE Table (arrow Icon) in Identification
    o       Give the Function Module Name ZIDOC_INPUT_ZBAPI_STUD_MAS
    o       Give maximum number of repeats 0
    o       Save and back, back
    o       Select the process code from the list & click on Logical Messages Icon
    o       Give the Message Type as ZCATSTIME
    o       Save & Back, Save & Back, Save & Back
    14. Changing the Customer Distribution model in receiving system
    o       Go to T. Code BD64
    o       Click on change and Create model view button
    o       Enter the short text and Technical name as CATSECC
    o       Select the model view & click on Environment -> Generate Partner Profiles
    o       Select Transfer IDOC Immediately and Trigger Immediately radio buttonso       Click on Execute You should get a list in green color which means it executed successfully.15. Assigning the Process Code to Message Type in Receiving System
    o       Go to T. Code WE20
    o       Expand Partner Type LS
    o       Select the Partner Profile CATSSENDER
    o       Double click on Message Type ZCATSTIME in Inbound parmtrs.
    o       Give the Process Code as ZCATSDB
    o       Click on Trigger Immediately Radio button
    o       Save & Back
    Save & Back
    16. Creating the Selection Program (Outbound Program)
    -         Login in client 800.
    -         Go to T. Code SE38
    -         Create a Report Program as ZCUSTOMIDOC with the following code
    TABLES:catsdb. " using structure of cats db table
    *000 comment begin
         this selection screen contains one select option and one parameter
    *000 comment end
    SELECT-OPTIONS pernr FOR catsdb-pernr.
    PARAMETER: workdate LIKE catsdb-workdate,
              LSTAR like catsdb-LSTAR,
              COUNTER like catsdb-counter.
    DATA: wa_val TYPE i.
    wa_val = pernr-high - pernr-low.
    *001 comment begin
          calling custom function module
    *001 comment end
        p_workdate = workdate " passing workdate parameter
        p_LSTAR = LSTAR
        p_counter = counter
        s_pernr    = pernr. " passing pernr select option
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      MESSAGE i000(zaluri) WITH 'IDOCS CREATED FOR EMPLOYEES BETWEEN' pernr-low ' AND ' pernr-high .
    gives information message if idocs are created for given  employees
      MESSAGE e000(zaluri) WITH 'NO IDOCS CREATED FOR EMPLOYEES' pernr-low  'TO' pernr-high. " gives error message
    " if idoc is not created
    17. Transferring the CATSDB records from sender Application Server SAPADM   to  receiver Application Server SAP-REMOTE
    -         Execute Report Program ZCUSTOMIDOC
    -         Give the Range of PERSONNEL NO'S, Date, Activity Type, Counter to Transfer
    -         Give Message Type as ZCATSTIME
    -         Give Receiver Logical system as ECC
    -         Execute
    -         You should get the IDOC Number
    -         Take the IDOC Number and go to T. Code WE05 & Execute
    -         In Outbox you can see the IDOC Status
    -         Select the status record in left side window
    -         Double click on the Status record in right side window-         You can see the Control Record, Data Record and Status Records for that IDOC
    If the ICON is green and the status code is 3, it means the IDOC is passed to PORT Successfully
    -         Go to T. Code WEDI & execute or T. Code WE19
    -         Give idoc number it is generated recently
    -         Continue & double click on segment to view data in segment
    -         Click on EDIDC to give port, partner no, message type, partner
    type of receiver. [For sender no need to give any port no leave it as
    -         Click on Standard Outbound Processing button and click continue
    -         You will get a message as idocs successfully transferred
    Now Login in Receiver 800 client
    -         Go to T. Code WE05 & Execute
    -         You can see the status record in left side window
    -         If the status no is 53 and color is green, it means the IDOC is posted to Application successfully.
    -         You can see the Log Information by double clicking on the status record in right side window.
    -         Now in left side window, you can see the Control Record, Data Record & Status Record of the IDOC
    -         Now go to T. Code SE16
    -         Give the table name CATSDB & press F7
    -         See the contents of the table
    -         The table is updated with the catsdb records transferred from 800 client with our selection program.

  • Need help in creating webas abap system

    new to create jco and techinical system need help
    experts  i have few faqs on creating techinical system plz help me
    i have 4.7ee r/3  and portal 2004s  sp9
    wer can i find these values plz give me navigation
    SID ==  ?
    to add application server
    application host name ==?
    application instance number ==?
    client number ==?
    logical client name ==?
    it is asking to select a software component wat we have to select to finish
    wen i gave some dummy values
    i get an error
    CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS: Instance already exists: SAP_BCApplicationServer.CreationClassName="SAP_BCApplicationServer",Name="C11.Number.00.HostName.rama"
    is it necessary to have WAS in r/3 to connect to portal plz explain

    i want to use jco
    but for that we need to create a techinical system
    i followed these steps for techinical system
    1 Step
    selected web as abap
    2nd step
    sid = PRD
    installation number== INITIAL
    database host name== super
    3rd step
    message server name = 3600+instance
    i took system number from sap gui(21)
    so i gave 3600+21=3621
    central application sever
    instance number ==21
    next pressed button -->add new logon group
    entered longon group == entered value
    which i found in t-code -smlg
    4th Step
    Add application server
    host == gave r/3 ip
    client number = 800
    logical client = left it empty
    5 th step
    selected one componenet and finished
    after this i created the jco
    1st Step general data
    name =test1
    2nd step  j2ee cluster
    checked the box
    use local j2ee engine
    3rd step
    selected dictionary meta data
    4 th
    selected the techinical system
    user name -->sapuser
    pressed finish
    now i found the jco in green color
    but i pinged it 
    i got mesg
    ping failed

  • Need help in Creating a sequence

    I need to create a sequence which starts with the value one more than max value of one of the columns in a table. Can anyone help me in this regard?
    Eg: I have a table 'User_Details' with one of the columns as 'ID', I need to create a sequence for this table which starts with one more the 'max(ID)' if there are any records already existing.

    Assuming that you have some way to identify which columns of which tables will be populated by sequences in the new release, the you could write PL/SQL code to automatically generate this. In this example I have assumed that you need a sequence created forthe (single) numeric PK column of each table in a particular schema, and that the sequence name will always be table_pk_seq.
       l_max NUMBER;
       FOR r IN (SELECT c.table_name, cc.column_name
                 FROM user_constraints c, user_cons_columns cc
                 WHERE c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name and
                       c.constraint_type = 'P') LOOP
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '||r.table_name INTO l_max;
          l_max := l_max + 100; --just to be safe
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE SEQUENCE 'r.table_name||'_pk_seq '||
                            'START WITH '||l_max||' INCREMENT BY 1';
       END LOOP;

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