Need help in Parsing XML Document in Oracle

Hello Experts,
I urgently need your help. We have xml document on the Web but not on the File System. How can I parse the xml document on the web in Oracle.
Any link, blog or sample code would be appreciated.
Your help would be appreciated.
Kind Regards,
London, UK

This breaks down to two issues
1) Getting the XML into Oracle
2) Parsing the XML inside Oracle
For #1, the first two options that come to my mind are httpuirtype and utl_http. Both can be used to get information from a URL that understands HTTP requests.
For #2, you can treat the XML as a DOMDocument or XMLType to parse it. You also could parse it via a SQL statement using XQuery or XMLTable as well.
Many of those examples can be found on the {forum:id=34} forum or [Marco's blog|]. A few parsing examples that I've done can be seen at {message:id=3610259}, make sure to also follow the link I put in there to a previous example before that.

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    Hi ,
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    I am using UTL_DBWS Package to call a Sharepoint WebService " and was sucessfull , Now the xml has to be parsed and stored into a Table. I am facing the issue as the XML has a different namesoace and normal XPATH query is not working
    Below is the XML and need help in parsing it
    responsexml sys.XMLTYPE;
    testparsexml sys.XMLTYPE;
    responsexml := sys.XMLTYPE('<GetListItemsResponse xmlns="">
    <listitems xmlns:s="uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882" xmlns:dt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset" xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema">
    <rs:data ItemCount="2">
    <z:row ows_MetaInfo="1;#" ows__ModerationStatus="0" ows__Level="1" ows_Title="Test Title 1" ows_ID="1" ows_owshiddenversion="1" ows_UniqueId="1;#{9C45D54E-150E-4509-B59A-DB5A1B97E034}" ows_FSObjType="1;#0" ows_Created="2009-09-12 17:13:16" ows_FileRef="1;#Lists/Tasks/1_.000"/>
    <z:row ows_MetaInfo="2;#" ows__ModerationStatus="0" ows__Level="1" ows_Title="Testing Tasks" ows_ID="2" ows_owshiddenversion="1" ows_UniqueId="2;#{8942E211-460B-422A-B1AD-1347F062114A}" ows_FSObjType="2;#0" ows_Created="2010-02-14 16:44:40" ows_FileRef="2;#Lists/Tasks/2_.000"/>
    testparsexml := responsexml.extract('/GetListItemsResponse/GetListItemsResult/listitems/rs:data/z:row/@ows_Title');
    The issue is with rs:data , z:row nodes.... please suggest how to handle these kind of namespaces in Oracle
    I need the parse the attribute "ows_Title" and save it into a DB
    this script would generate "Error occured in XML Parsing"
    Help is appriciated, thanks for looking

              xmlnamespaces ('' as "soap",
                             '#RowsetSchema' AS "z"
              'for $i in //soap:*//z:row return $i'
              PASSING xmltype (
                         '<GetListItemsResponse xmlns="">
    <listitems xmlns:s="uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882" xmlns:dt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset" xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema">
    <rs:data ItemCount="2">
    <z:row ows_MetaInfo="1;#" ows__ModerationStatus="0" ows__Level="1" ows_Title="Test Title 1" ows_ID="1" ows_owshiddenversion="1" ows_UniqueId="1;#{9C45D54E-150E-4509-B59A-DB5A1B97E034}" ows_FSObjType="1;#0" ows_Created="2009-09-12 17:13:16" ows_FileRef="1;#Lists/Tasks/1_.000"/>
    <z:row ows_MetaInfo="2;#" ows__ModerationStatus="0" ows__Level="1" ows_Title="Testing Tasks" ows_ID="2" ows_owshiddenversion="1" ows_UniqueId="2;#{8942E211-460B-422A-B1AD-1347F062114A}" ows_FSObjType="2;#0" ows_Created="2010-02-14 16:44:40" ows_FileRef="2;#Lists/Tasks/2_.000"/>
    columns ows_MetaInfo varchar2(20) path '@ows_MetaInfo',
             ows_Title varchar2(20) path '@ows_Title',
             ows__ModerationStatus varchar2(20) path '@ows__ModerationStatus'
    1;#                  Test Title 1         0                   
    2;#                  Testing Tasks        0                   
    2 rows selected.

  • Very urgent help needed- Error while passing XML document to Oracle stored

    Hi !
    I have been struggling a lot to call Oracle 9i stored procedure passing Stringbuilder object type from ASP.NET
    I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional, OS: Windows XP and Oracle:
    Following is the procedure:
    CREATE or REPLACE PROCEDURE loadCompanyInfo (clobxml IN clob) IS
    -- Declare a CLOB variable
    ciXML clob;
    -- Store the Purchase Order XML in the CLOB variable
    ciXML := clobxml;
    -- Insert the Purchase Order XML into an XMLType column
    INSERT INTO companyinfotbl (companyinfo) VALUES (XMLTYPE(ciXML));
    --Handle the exceptions
    raise_application_error(-20101, 'Exception occurred in loadCompanyInfo procedure :'||SQLERRM);
    END loadCompanyInfo ;
    And following is the code:
    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
    b.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>");
    b.Append("<description>some item</description>");
    //Here you'll have the Xml as a string
    string myXmlString1 = b.ToString();
    //string result;
    using (OracleConnection objConn = new OracleConnection("Data Source=testdb; User ID=testuser; Password=pwd1"))
    OracleCommand objCmd = new OracleCommand();
    objCmd.Connection = objConn;
    objCmd.CommandText = "loadCompanyInfo";
    objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    //OracleParameter pmyXmlString1 = new OracleParameter("pmyXmlString1", new OracleString(myXmlString1));
    objCmd.Parameters.Add("myXmlString1", OracleType.clob);
    objCmd.Parameters.Add(myXmlString1).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
    //objCmd.Parameters.Add("result", OracleType.VarChar).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    catch (Exception ex)
    Label1.Text = "Exception: {0}" + ex.ToString();
    When I am trying to execute it, I am getting the following error:
    Exception: {0}System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'LOADCOMPANYINFO' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection.CheckError(OciErrorHandle errorHandle, Int32 rc) at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.Execute(OciStatementHandle statementHandle, CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean needRowid, OciRowidDescriptor& rowidDescriptor, ArrayList& resultParameterOrdinals) at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQueryInternal(Boolean needRowid, OciRowidDescriptor& rowidDescriptor) at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at Default.Button1Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    I understand from this that the .net type is not the correct one, but I am not sure how to correct it. I could not find any proper example in any documentation that I came across. Most of the examples give information on how to read but not how to insert XML into Oracle table by calling Stored Procedure.
    Can you please help me to solve this problem? I hope that you can help solve this.
    Also, can you please give me an example of passing XML document XMLdocument to Oracle Stored procedure.
    In both the cases, if you can provide the working code then it would be of great help.

    Hi ,
    Additional to the Above error details my BPEL code looks like this:
    <process name="BPELProcess1"
    <partnerLink name="bpelprocess1_client" partnerLinkType="client:BPELProcess1" myRole="BPELProcess1Provider" partnerRole="BPELProcess1Requester"/>
    <variable name="inputVariable" messageType="client:BPELProcess1RequestMessage"/>
    <variable name="outputVariable" messageType="client:BPELProcess1ResponseMessage"/>
    <sequence name="main">
    <receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="bpelprocess1_client" portType="client:BPELProcess1" operation="process" variable="inputVariable" createInstance="yes"/>
    <invoke name="callbackClient" partnerLink="bpelprocess1_client" portType="client:BPELProcess1Callback" operation="processResponse" inputVariable="outputVariable"/>
    Kindly help if anyone has faced this Issue before.

  • Need help on parsing xml file...

    Hi all,
    I need to collect some data from an Xml file using java. I have the following code with me but I am unable to get the required result. I am unable to get the data from the tags belonging to the header and footer elements. Please find the code and the sample xml file below.
    Program to parse XML:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    public class JobLogDetails3{
         //No generics
         List myJobs;
         Document dom;
         public JobLogDetails3(){
              //create a list to hold the job objects
              myJobs = new ArrayList();
         public void runJobDetails() {
              //parse the xml file and get the dom object
              //get each joblog element and create a job object
              //Iterate through the list and print the data
         private void parseXmlFile(){
              //get the factory
              DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              try {
                   //Using factory get an instance of document builder
                   DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
                   //parse using builder to get DOM representation of the XML file
                   dom = db.parse("test.xml");
              }catch(ParserConfigurationException pce) {
              }catch(SAXException se) {
              }catch(IOException ioe) {
         private void parseDocument(){
              //get the root elememt
              Element docEle = dom.getDocumentElement();
              //get a nodelist of <joblog> elements
              NodeList nl = dom.getElementsByTagName("*");
              if(nl != null && nl.getLength() > 0) {
                   for(int i = 0 ; i < nl.getLength();i++) {
                        //get the joblog element
                        Element el = (Element)nl.item(i);
                        //get the joblog object
                        Job J = getJob(el);
                        //add it to list
         * I take an joblog element and read the values in, create
         * an joblog object and return it
         * @param JobEl
         * @return
         private Job getJob(Element JobEl) {
              //for each <joblog> element get text or int values of
              //name ,id, age and name
              String jobServer = getTextValue(JobEl,"server");
              String jobName = getTextValue(JobEl,"name");
              String jobClient = getTextValue(JobEl,"machine_name");
              String jobStart = getTextValue(JobEl,"start_time");
              String jobType = getTextValue(JobEl,"type");
              String jobEnd = getTextValue(JobEl,"end_time");
              String jobSize = getTextValue(JobEl,"new_processed_bytes");
              //Create a new Job with the value read from the xml nodes
              Job J = new Job(jobServer,jobName,jobClient,jobStart,jobType,jobEnd,jobSize);
              return J;
         * I take a xml element and the tag name, look for the tag and get
         * the text content
         * i.e for <employee><name>John</name></employee> xml snippet if
         * the Element points to employee node and tagName is name I will return John
         * @param ele
         * @param tagName
         * @return
         private String getTextValue(Element ele, String tagName) {
              String textVal = null;
              NodeList nl = ele.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
              if(nl != null && nl.getLength() > 0) {
                   Element el = (Element)nl.item(0);
                   textVal = el.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
              return textVal;
         * Calls getTextValue and returns a int value
         * @param ele
         * @param tagName
         * @return
         private int getIntValue(Element ele, String tagName) {
              //in production application you would catch the exception
              return Integer.parseInt(getTextValue(ele,tagName));
         * Iterate through the list and print the
         * content to console
         private void printData(){
              System.out.println("No of Jobs '" + myJobs.size() + "'.");
              Iterator it = myJobs.iterator();
              while(it.hasNext()) {
         public static void main(String[] args){
              //create an instance
              JobLogDetails JLD = new JobLogDetails();
              //call run example
    Job Class
    public class Job {
         private String jobServer;
    private String jobName;
    private String jobClient;
    private String jobStart;
    private String jobType;
    private String jobEnd;
    private String jobSize;
         public Job(){
         public Job(String jobServer,String jobName,String jobClient,String jobStart,String jobType,String jobEnd,String jobSize ) {
              this.jobServer = jobServer;
              this.jobName = jobName;
              this.jobClient = jobClient;
    this.jobStart = jobStart;
              this.jobType = jobType;
    this.jobEnd = jobEnd;
    this.jobSize = jobSize;
         public String getjobServer() {
              return jobServer;
         public void setjobServer(String jobServer) {
              this.jobServer = jobServer;
         public String getjobName() {
              return jobName;
         public void setjobname(String jobName) {
              this.jobName = jobName;
         public String getjobClient() {
              return jobClient;
         public void setjobClient(String jobClient) {
              this.jobClient = jobClient;
    public String getjobStart() {
              return jobStart;
         public void setjobStart(String jobStart) {
              this.jobStart = jobStart;
    public String getjobType() {
              return jobType;
         public void setjobType(String jobType) {
              this.jobType = jobType;
    public String getjobEnd() {
              return jobEnd;
         public void setjobEnd(String jobEnd) {
              this.jobEnd = jobEnd;
    public String getjobSize() {
              return jobSize;
         public void setjobSize(String jobSize) {
              this.jobSize = jobSize;
         public String toString() {
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              return sb.toString();
    Sample XML File:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
    - <joblog>
    <job_log_version version="2.0" />
    - <header>
    <server>Job server: TGBBAK</server>
    <name>Job name: TGBSAP4-SQL-SQL DB Servers S2T - High-Weekly Full Backup</name>
    <start_time>Job started: 26 September 2011 at 01:00:04</start_time>
    <type>Job type: Backup</type>
    <log_name>Job Log: GFD_TGBBAK_71887.xml</log_name>
    <media_mount_date>Drive and media mount requested: 26/09/2011 01:00:04</media_mount_date>
    - <media_drive_and_media_info>
    <media_mount_date>Drive and media information from media mount: 26/09/2011 01:00:39</media_mount_date>
    <robotic_library_name>Robotic Library Name: HP 1</robotic_library_name>
    <drive_name>Drive Name: LTO4_2</drive_name>
    <slot>Slot: 43</slot>
    <media_label>Media Label: 000059L</media_label>
    <media_guid>Media GUID: {a6ca0062-7a6f-4b4b-8144-732ca25f2f9d}</media_guid>
    <media_overwrite_date>Overwrite Protected Until: 25/10/2011 19:24:58</media_overwrite_date>
    <media_append_date>Appendable Until: 02/10/2011 14:00:30</media_append_date>
    <media_set_target>Targeted Media Set Name: Weekly Tape</media_set_target>
    - <backup>
    <title>Job Operation - Backup</title>
    <append_or_overwrite>Media operation - append.</append_or_overwrite>
    <compression>Compression Type: Hardware [if available, otherwise none]</compression>
    <verify_option>WARNING: The option 'Verify after backup completes' was not selected. Performing a verify operation to make sure that media can be read after the backup has completed is recommended.</verify_option>
    - <machine>
    <info>Network control connection is established between <--></info>
    <info>Network data connection is established between <--></info>
    - <set>
    <tape_name>Family Name: "Media created 25/09/2011 13:59:55"</tape_name>
    - <volume>
    <display_volume>Backup of "TGBSAP4.Tetley.Grp "</display_volume>
    <description>Backup set #45 on storage media #1 Backup set description: "Weekly Full Backup"</description>
    <backup_type>Backup Method: Full - Back up entire database or filegroup</backup_type>
    <agent_started>Microsoft SQL Server Agent: Started</agent_started>
    <start_time>Backup started on 26/09/2011 at 01:01:45.</start_time>
    - <database>
    <database>Database PRD</database>
    - <database>
    <database>Database master</database>
    - <database>
    <database>Database model</database>
    - <database>
    <database>Database msdb</database>
    <end_time>Backup completed on 26/09/2011 at 02:42:25.</end_time>
    - <summary>
    <backed_up_database>Backed up 4 databases</backed_up_database>
    <new_processed_bytes>Processed 573363576542 bytes in 1 hour, 40 minutes, and 40 seconds.</new_processed_bytes>
    <vlm_hist_rateformat2>Throughput rate: 5432 MB/min</vlm_hist_rateformat2>
    - <footer>
    <end_time>Job ended: 26 September 2011 at 02:43:12</end_time>
    <engine_completion_status>Job completion status: Successful</engine_completion_status>

    1. your code does not compile (in your main method you try to create an instance of a class which does not exist).
    2. your XML document is not well formed.
    +[Fatal Error] test.xml:34:74: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.+
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
    Maybe there are other problems but you can start by fixing these.

  • Need help in inserting XML Documents as XMLType

    I am using an XMLType column in one of my tables to store XML messages that come from a B2B application. My insert takes the form of:
    insert into mytable values(
    'The XML Message
    This has been working fine for the last several weeks. Over the weekend I was working with a new message type and getting ready to enter some test messages for some new validation functions. When I try to insert the row, I get a
    ERROR at line 6:
    ORA-01704: string literal too long
    error message.
    In looking it up, the book says that the string literal is over 4000 characters long, which the message is.
    I can't find anything in the docs on how to insert an XML doc with over 4000 characters into an XMLType column. I'm OK on record size which is supposed to be 2 GB - my string is just too long.
    Please help - I need to be testing this today.
    Rick Price

    Hi Rick,
    For a very large string , i am using following proc.
    See if it can be of any help.
    str clob ;
    str := '<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    insert into stylesheet values (1, 'style_name' ,XMLTYPE(str)) ;

  • Parse XML document which have xlink/xpointer inside

    dear friends,
    There are lots of topic talking about parse xml, validating xml with schema and so on, but no one or any book talking about parsing xml document which can parse document with link inside.
    According to Mr Meggison at
    we can do it, but he is not expert with this thing.
    For example I have 3 XML document. My main XML document, let named it A.XML have XPointer inside and this element pointing to B.XML and C.XML using xpointer. how to parse A.XML and in the same time my SAX recognized this XPointer and parse also element inside B.XML and C.XML.
    I am really grateull for any helpful information from you.
    best regards

    I think you need to look for a SAX or DOM parser that undestands XPointers and knows how to follow them to additional content.
    I have used XSLT and specified external documents to it. It knows how to read a document and in effect make a nodeset which can be searched with the XPath capabilities of XSLT.
    It sounds like you wnat an <include file="xxx"/> capability and have the parser stop reading the current file, and start reading the second file.
    That works in Schemas, but I'm unaware of any way to do it with SAX or DOM in one pass.
    It would not be too hard to process the first file, say with DOM.
    After the Document is built, go find the <include> elements, read get the attribute needed, build a new Document and merge it into the original Document in place of the <include> element.
    Is this more what you want to do?
    Dave Patterson

  • Need help on processing XML doc using Java store procedure

    I am currently working on project to read, parse XML document and store data in XML document into database columns. I use JAVA API-OracleXMLSave in my java store procedure to do it, which use URL of XML doc to read, parse doc and store the data to database columns. My java store procedure works fine when XML doc is saved in server, but got "ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception:
    oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: No such file or directory" if XML doc is in client's PC instead of in server. I think the problem comes from the URL that created using OracleXMLSave
    --createURL(fileName) based on the filename. what will be the filename if XML document located in Client PC like C:\myprojects\xmldoc.xml?
    Thank you in advance if anyone can give some hints.

    I am currently working on project to read, parse XML document and store data in XML document into database columns. I use JAVA API-OracleXMLSave in my java store procedure to do it, which use URL of XML doc to read, parse doc and store the data to database columns. My java store procedure works fine when XML doc is saved in server, but got "ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception:
    oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: No such file or directory" if XML doc is in client's PC instead of in server. I think the problem comes from the URL that created using OracleXMLSave
    --createURL(fileName) based on the filename. what will be the filename if XML document located in Client PC like C:\myprojects\xmldoc.xml?
    Thank you in advance if anyone can give some hints.

  • Trying to store XML documents in Oracle XML repository using Java

    I am trying to store XML documents in Oracle XML Repository using a Java program. i just need a functionality to be able to store XML files and retrieve them.
    Can anybody PLEASE provide me some sample code.
    Thanks in Advance

    Did you ever get any samples on doing this and if so could you pass it on to me.

  • Xml document to oracle tables - data is not fatching

    I am new to xml and trying to extract some fields from xml document to oracle tables to use them further in application. I have written following to extract values but nothing is fatching from document:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <dmsgo:DMS_GO_Interface xmlns:dmsgo="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" DMS_GO_Interface_v1.xsd">
    <dmsgo:identity context="CONFGOFR_OUT" datetimecreated="01/03/2011 10:51" source="go" sourceversion="1.410.1" />
    - <dmsgo:prospect>
    <dmsgo:requestresponse code="0" />
    <dmsgo:references />
    - <dmsgo:configurationcontext dataversion="2163" languageiso="en" orderingmarket="867" saleslevel="R">
    - <dmsgo:vehicle>
    <dmsgo:variant baumuster="2120482" manufacturercode="2120482" />
    <dmsgo:desc>E 200 CGI BlueEFFICIENCY Sedan RHD</dmsgo:desc>
    - <dmsgo:colorcombination>
    <dmsgo:interiorcolor codeowner="C" manufacturercode="4201" ppmtype="AU">Leather black</dmsgo:interiorcolor>
    <dmsgo:exteriorcolor codeowner="C" manufacturercode="2497" ppmtype="LU">Cuprite brown metallic</dmsgo:exteriorcolor>
    <dmsgo:paintzone manufacturercode="" preference="2" />
    INSERT INTO p1 (flux_name, elment_1, elment_2, elment_3)
    SELECT flux_name, elment_1, elment_2, elment_3
    FROM XMLTable(
    XMLNamespaces ('' as "dmsgo"),
    passing xmltype(bfilename('DMLDIR','prospect.xml'), nls_charset_id('CHAR_CS'))
    flux_name varchar2(20) path 'dmsgo:variant/@baumuster',
    elment_1 varchar2(20) path 'dmsgo:desc',
    elment_2 varchar2(20) path 'dmsgo:colorcombination/interiorcolor',
    elment_3 varchar2(20) path 'dmsgo:colorcombination/interiorcolor/@manufacturercode'
    Please help.
    Looking forward to early response.

    You're missing the namespace prefix on some elements.
    This should work :
    SQL> SELECT flux_name, elment_1, elment_2, elment_3
      2  FROM XMLTable(
      3    XMLNamespaces ('' as "dmsgo"),
      4    'dmsgo:DMS_GO_Interface/dmsgo:prospect/dmsgo:vehicle'
      5    passing xmltype(bfilename('DMLDIR','prospect.xml'), nls_charset_id('CHAR_CS'))
      6    columns
      7      flux_name varchar2(20) path 'dmsgo:variant/@baumuster',
      8      elment_1  varchar2(40) path 'dmsgo:desc',
      9      elment_2  varchar2(20) path 'dmsgo:colorcombination/dmsgo:interiorcolor',
    10      elment_3  varchar2(20) path 'dmsgo:colorcombination/dmsgo:interiorcolor/@manufacturercode'
    11  );
    FLUX_NAME            ELMENT_1                                 ELMENT_2             ELMENT_3
    2120482              E 200 CGI BlueEFFICIENCY Sedan RHD       Leather black        4201

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    Hi, could anyone tell which class I should use to parsing the IP header of a packet?
    Thanks many many times!

    > Hi, could anyone tell which class I should use to
    parsing the IP header of a packet?
    > Urgently need help for parsing IP header
    Don't flag your question as urgent, even if it is for you.
    * We all answer questions here voluntarily, in our leisure time. We do that because doing so is fun for us, because we enjoy helping people and having interesting discussions. Guess what, it is much less fun if it gets stressful. So the last thing you want to do to get us to answer your question is to pass your stress over to us.
    * People who are stressed and want a fast answer often don't even find the time to do the necessary research or to formulate their question in an easy to comprehend way. That's even less fun to work with. So you really don't want us to feel your stress. Instead you want to take your time to write a well formulated post that is fun to answer. The less likely it is for us to know that your question is urgent, the more likely you are to get a fast answer!
    * The simple notion that you want your post to be answered faster than those of the other members might feel rather unfair to some of us. Doubly so because often "urgent" questions actually are homework questions. Yours might be different, but someone who had bad experiences with this type of question might not read far enough to notice.

  • Need help with error: XML parser failed: Error An exception occurred! Type:......

    <p>Need help with the following error.....what does it mean....</p><p>28943 3086739136 XML-240304 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM |SessionNew_Job1<br /><font color="#ff0000">28943 3086739136 XML-240304 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM XML parser failed: Error <An exception occurred! Type:UnexpectedEOFException, Message:The end of input was not expected> at</font><br />28943 3086739136 XML-240304 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM line <7>, char <8> in <<?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252" ?><br />28943 3086739136 XML-240304 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM <DSConfigurations><br />28943 3086739136 XML-240304 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM <DSConfiguration default="true" name="Configuration1"><br />28943 3086739136 XML-240304 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM <case_sensitive>no</case_sensitive><br />28943 3086739136 XML-240304 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM <database_type>Oracle</database_type><br />28943 3086739136 XML-240304 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM <db_alias_name1>ODS_OWNER</db_alias_name1><br />28943 3086739136 XML-240304 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM <db_ali>, file <>.<br />28943 3086739136 XML-240307 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM |SessionNew_Job1<br />28943 3086739136 XML-240307 3/7/07 7:13:23 PM XML parser failed: See previously displayed error message.</p><p>Any help would be greatly appreciated.  It&#39;s something to do with my datasource and possibly the codepage but I&#39;m really not sure.</p><p>-m<br /></p>

    please export your datastore as ATL and send it to support. Somehow the internal language around configurations got corrupted - never seen before.

  • Help - Inserting an XML document into a Oracle 8i Column (CLOB Type)

    Hi JavaGurus,
    I am looking for a simple java code which will take my XML document as input and insert the same into a Oracle 8i database's column which is of type CLOB.
    Insert statement won't work and I can not use SQL Loader.
    Any one?

    Maybe you can adapt some of the code in Oracle's "LOB Datatype" example, which is a complete working program that stores and retrieves BLOBs and CLOBs.

  • Need help with Berkeley XML DB Performance

    We need help with maximizing performance of our use of Berkeley XML DB. I am filling most of the 29 part question as listed by Oracle's BDB team.
    Berkeley DB XML Performance Questionnaire
    1. Describe the Performance area that you are measuring? What is the
    current performance? What are your performance goals you hope to
    We are measuring the performance while loading a document during
    web application startup. It is currently taking 10-12 seconds when
    only one user is on the system. We are trying to do some testing to
    get the load time when several users are on the system.
    We would like the load time to be 5 seconds or less.
    2. What Berkeley DB XML Version? Any optional configuration flags
    specified? Are you running with any special patches? Please specify?
    dbxml 2.4.13. No special patches.
    3. What Berkeley DB Version? Any optional configuration flags
    specified? Are you running with any special patches? Please Specify.
    bdb 4.6.21. No special patches.
    4. Processor name, speed and chipset?
    Intel Xeon CPU 5150 2.66GHz
    5. Operating System and Version?
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Relase 4 Update 6
    6. Disk Drive Type and speed?
    Don't have that information
    7. File System Type? (such as EXT2, NTFS, Reiser)
    8. Physical Memory Available?
    9. Are you using Replication (HA) with Berkeley DB XML? If so, please
    describe the network you are using, and the number of Replica’s.
    10. Are you using a Remote Filesystem (NFS) ? If so, for which
    Berkeley DB XML/DB files?
    11. What type of mutexes do you have configured? Did you specify
    –with-mutex=? Specify what you find inn your config.log, search
    for db_cv_mutex?
    None. Did not specify -with-mutex during bdb compilation
    12. Which API are you using (C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, other) ?
    Which compiler and version?
    Java 1.5
    13. If you are using an Application Server or Web Server, please
    provide the name and version?
    Oracle Appication Server
    14. Please provide your exact Environment Configuration Flags (include
    anything specified in you DB_CONFIG file)
    15. Please provide your Container Configuration Flags?
    final EnvironmentConfig envConf = new EnvironmentConfig();
    envConf.setAllowCreate(true); // If the environment does not
    // exist, create it.
    envConf.setInitializeCache(true); // Turn on the shared memory
    // region.
    envConf.setInitializeLocking(true); // Turn on the locking subsystem.
    envConf.setInitializeLogging(true); // Turn on the logging subsystem.
    envConf.setTransactional(true); // Turn on the transactional
    // subsystem.
    16. How many XML Containers do you have? For each one please specify:
    1. The Container Configuration Flags
              XmlContainerConfig xmlContainerConfig = new XmlContainerConfig();
    2. How many documents?
    Everytime the user logs in, the current xml document is loaded from
    a oracle database table and put it in the Berkeley XML DB.
    The documents get deleted from XML DB when the Oracle application
    server container is stopped.
    The number of documents should start with zero initially and it
    will grow with every login.
    3. What type (node or wholedoc)?
    4. Please indicate the minimum, maximum and average size of
    The minimum is about 2MB and the maximum could 20MB. The average
    mostly about 5MB.
    5. Are you using document data? If so please describe how?
    We are using document data only to save changes made
    to the application data in a web application. The final save goes
    to the relational database. Berkeley XML DB is just used to store
    temporary data since going to the relational database for each change
    will cause severe performance issues.
    17. Please describe the shape of one of your typical documents? Please
    do this by sending us a skeleton XML document.
    Due to the sensitive nature of the data, I can provide XML schema instead.
    18. What is the rate of document insertion/update required or
    expected? Are you doing partial node updates (via XmlModify) or
    replacing the document?
    The document is inserted during user login. Any change made to the application
    data grid or other data components gets saved in Berkeley DB. We also have
    an automatic save every two minutes. The final save from the application
    gets saved in a relational database.
    19. What is the query rate required/expected?
    Users will not be entering data rapidly. There will be lot of think time
    before the users enter/modify data in the web application. This is a pilot
    project but when we go live with this application, we will expect 25 users
    at the same time.
    20. XQuery -- supply some sample queries
    1. Please provide the Query Plan
    2. Are you using DBXML_INDEX_NODES?
    3. Display the indices you have defined for the specific query.
         XmlIndexSpecification spec = container.getIndexSpecification();
         // ids
         spec.addIndex("", "id", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         spec.addIndex("", "idref", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // index to cover AttributeValue/Description
         spec.addIndex("", "Description", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_EDGE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ELEMENT | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_SUBSTRING, XmlValue.STRING);
         // cover AttributeValue/@value
         spec.addIndex("", "value", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_EDGE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // item attribute values
         spec.addIndex("", "type", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_EDGE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // default index
         spec.addDefaultIndex(XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ELEMENT | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         spec.addDefaultIndex(XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // save the spec to the container
         XmlUpdateContext uc = xmlManager.createUpdateContext();
         container.setIndexSpecification(spec, uc);
    4. If this is a large query, please consider sending a smaller
    query (and query plan) that demonstrates the problem.
    21. Are you running with Transactions? If so please provide any
    transactions flags you specify with any API calls.
    Yes. READ_UNCOMMITED in some and READ_COMMITTED in other transactions.
    22. If your application is transactional, are your log files stored on
    the same disk as your containers/databases?
    23. Do you use AUTO_COMMIT?
    24. Please list any non-transactional operations performed?
    25. How many threads of control are running? How many threads in read
    only mode? How many threads are updating?
    We use Berkeley XML DB within the context of a struts web application.
    Each user logged into the web application will be running a bdb transactoin
    within the context of a struts action thread.
    26. Please include a paragraph describing the performance measurements
    you have made. Please specifically list any Berkeley DB operations
    where the performance is currently insufficient.
    We are clocking 10-12 seconds of loading a document from dbd when
    five users are on the system.
    27. What performance level do you hope to achieve?
    We would like to get less than 5 seconds when 25 users are on the system.
    28. Please send us the output of the following db_stat utility commands
    after your application has been running under "normal" load for some
    period of time:
    % db_stat -h database environment -c
    % db_stat -h database environment -l
    % db_stat -h database environment -m
    % db_stat -h database environment -r
    % db_stat -h database environment -t
    (These commands require the db_stat utility access a shared database
    environment. If your application has a private environment, please
    remove the DB_PRIVATE flag used when the environment is created, so
    you can obtain these measurements. If removing the DB_PRIVATE flag
    is not possible, let us know and we can discuss alternatives with
    If your application has periods of "good" and "bad" performance,
    please run the above list of commands several times, during both
    good and bad periods, and additionally specify the -Z flags (so
    the output of each command isn't cumulative).
    When possible, please run basic system performance reporting tools
    during the time you are measuring the application's performance.
    For example, on UNIX systems, the vmstat and iostat utilities are
    good choices.
    Will give this information soon.
    29. Are there any other significant applications running on this
    system? Are you using Berkeley DB outside of Berkeley DB XML?
    Please describe the application?
    No to the first two questions.
    The web application is an online review of test questions. The users
    login and then review the items one by one. The relational database
    holds the data in xml. During application load, the application
    retrieves the xml and then saves it to bdb. While the user
    is making changes to the data in the application, it writes those
    changes to bdb. Finally when the user hits the SAVE button, the data
    gets saved to the relational database. We also have an automatic save
    every two minues, which saves bdb xml data and saves it to relational
    [email protected]

    Could it be that you simply do not have set up indexes to support your query? If so, you could do some basic testing using the dbxml shell:
    milu@colinux:~/xpg > dbxml -h ~/dbenv
    Joined existing environment
    dbxml> setverbose 7 2
    dbxml> open tv.dbxml
    dbxml> listIndexes
    dbxml> query     { collection()[//@date-tip]/*[@chID = ('ard','zdf')] (: example :) }
    dbxml> queryplan { collection()[//@date-tip]/*[@chID = ('ard','zdf')] (: example :) }Verbosity will make the engine display some (rather cryptic) information on index usage. I can't remember where the output is explained; my feeling is that "V(...)" means the index is being used (which is good), but that observation may not be accurate. Note that some details in the setVerbose command could differ, as I'm using 2.4.16 while you're using 2.4.13.
    Also, take a look at the query plan. You can post it here and some people will be able to diagnose it.
    Michael Ludwig

  • How to parse XML document returned by webservices

    I have a form (version which has to display the credit card types using webservices. I created the webstub and jar file through jdeveloper and then after adding the jar files in the respective classpaths, I import it in the forms. I write the code in when-button-pressed and it gives the result in xml document like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><WSAnswerTO><error>false</error><errorMessage></errorMessage><
    EXPRESS</type><numLength>15</numLength><cvvLength>4</cvvLength><comments>1 800-639-0002</comments></CardTypeTO><CardTypeTO><carTypId>4</carTypId><type>DISCOVER</type><numLength>16</numLength><cvvLength>3</cvvLength><comments>1 800-347-2683</comments></CardTypeTO><CardTypeTO><carTypId>1</carTypId><type>MASTERCARD</type><numLength>16</numLength><cvvLength>3</cvvLength><comments>1 800-633-7367</comments></CardTypeTO><CardTypeTO><carTypId>2</carTypId><type>VISA</type><numLength>16</numLength><cvvLength>3</cvvLength><comments>1 800-945-2000</comments></CardTypeTO></results></WSAnswerTO>
    From the above xml document, I only need to display the type (such as AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, ETC) in my forms. Can somebody please tell me how to do it. Do I need to store the values in a table first and then retrieve it. Please advise. I have already read a otn document in xml parsing but I didnt understand anything from it.
    Please help. Thanks in advance.

    It probably exists a database package/function to parse this kind of stuff.
    If you want to keep the process into the Forms, here is a PL/SQL package you can use:
      --  Types  --
      -- table of strings --
      --  Methodes   --
      -- function that return all contents for a given XML tag --
      FUNCTION Get_Xml_Tag
         PC$XmlContent  IN VARCHAR2,                 -- XML string
         PC$Tag         IN VARCHAR2,                 -- searched tag
         PC$NewLine     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT CHR(10)  -- defaull NL character
    END Pkg_Tools;
      -- fonction de retour du contenu d'une balise XML  --
      FUNCTION Get_Xml_Tag
         PC$XmlContent  IN VARCHAR2,                 -- contenu XML
         PC$Tag         IN VARCHAR2,                 -- tag recherche
         PC$NewLine     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT CHR(10)  -- defaull NL character
       TC$Table      TYP_TAB_CHAR ;
       LC$Ligne      VARCHAR2(32000) ;
       LC$Xml        VARCHAR2(32000) ;
       LN$INDEX      PLS_INTEGER := 0 ;
       LN$TagDeb     PLS_INTEGER ;
       LN$TagFin     PLS_INTEGER ;
       LN$TagLength  PLS_INTEGER ;
       LN$LigLength  PLS_INTEGER ;
       LN$Occur      PLS_INTEGER := 1 ;
        IF ( PC$XmlContent IS NOT NULL AND PC$Tag IS NOT NULL ) THEN
          LC$Xml := REPLACE( PC$XmlContent, CHR(13), '' ) ;
          LN$TagLength := LENGTH( PC$Tag ) ;
          LN$TagDeb := INSTR( LC$Xml, PC$Tag, 1, LN$Occur ) ;
          LN$TagFin := INSTR( LC$Xml, '</' || SUBSTR(PC$Tag,2, 256), 1, LN$Occur ) ;
          LN$LigLength := (LN$TagFin - ( LN$TagDeb + LN$TagLength ) ) ;
          IF (LN$TagDeb > 0 AND LN$TagFin > 0 ) THEN
             LN$Occur := LN$Occur + 1 ;
             LC$Ligne := SUBSTR( LC$Xml, LN$TagDeb + LN$TagLength, LN$LigLength ) ;
               LN$INDEX := LN$INDEX + 1 ;
               LN$TagDeb := INSTR( LC$Ligne, PC$NewLine ) ;
               IF LN$TagDeb > 0 THEN
                 IF Trim( SUBSTR( LC$Ligne, 1, LN$TagDeb - 1 )) IS NOT NULL THEN
                   TC$Table(LN$INDEX) := SUBSTR( LC$Ligne, 1, LN$TagDeb - 1 ) ;
                   LN$INDEX := LN$INDEX - 1 ;
                 END IF ;
                 LC$Ligne := SUBSTR( LC$Ligne, LN$Tagdeb + LENGTH( PC$NewLine ), 30000 ) ;
                 IF Trim(LC$Ligne) IS NOT NULL THEN
                    TC$Table(LN$INDEX) := LC$Ligne ;
                 END IF ;
                 EXIT ;
               END IF ;
             END LOOP ;
              EXIT ;
          END IF ;
           END LOOP ;
        END IF ;
        RETURN TC$Table ;
      END Get_Xml_Tag ;
    END Pkg_Tools;
    /Then the call:
       LC$t  VARCHAR2(2000);
       LT$Table Pkg_Tools.TYP_TAB_CHAR ;
       lc$t := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><WSAnswerTO><error>false</error><errorMessage></errorMessage><results>'
    ||'<CardTypeTO><carTypId>3</carTypId><TYPE>AMERICAN EXPRESS</TYPE><numLength>15</numLength><cvvLength>4</cvvLength>'
    ||'<comments>1 800-639-0002</comments></CardTypeTO><CardTypeTO><carTypId>4</carTypId><TYPE>DISCOVER</TYPE>'
    ||'<numLength>16</numLength><cvvLength>3</cvvLength><comments>1 800-347-2683</comments></CardTypeTO>'
    ||'<comments>1 800-633-7367</comments></CardTypeTO><CardTypeTO><carTypId>2</carTypId><TYPE>VISA</TYPE>'
    ||'<numLength>16</numLength><cvvLength>3</cvvLength><comments>1 800-945-2000</comments></CardTypeTO></results></WSAnswerTO>' ;
       LT$Table := Pkg_Tools.Get_Xml_Tag(LC$T,'<TYPE>') ; 
       IF LT$Table.COUNT > 0 THEN
         FOR i IN LT$Table.First .. LT$Table.Last LOOP
            dbms_output.put_line( 'Table(' || i || ')=' || LT$Table(i) ) ;
         END LOOP ;
         dbms_output.put_line( 'tag xml not found' ) ;
       END IF ;

  • Urgetnt:Generate XML Document from Oracle Tables.

    Environment is :9i Release 2
    Requirement : Generate XML document from the data which is vailable in Oracle tables at client location.
    Could some body help me on how to get ahead on this.
    Thanks in advance,

    Implimentation in PowerBuilder7(Source is experimental.. need optimization):
    kml_store = create datastore
    selectblob kml into :kml_result from (select get_kml(:querry_type,:tmp_querry_value,1) as kml from dual) using sqlca;
    if sqlca.sqlcode=100 then
    MessageBox("INFO","No data found");
    return false;
    end if
    if sqlca.sqlcode = -1 then
         MessageBox("INFO","Error in generating KMl file");
         return false
    end if
    li_FileNum = FileOpen("test.kml",StreamMode!, Write!, LockWrite!, Replace!);
    /*inserting in file :)*/
    DO WHILE b_pos<=b_len
         ret = FileWrite(li_FileNum,s_pipe);
    Message was edited by:

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