Need help inserting recursively

I am writing a binary search tree, the tree nodes are basically string objects encapsulated by the TreeNode class. I have trouble writng the insert(Comparable item) which insert item to my BST. I have:
public void insert ( Comparable item ) throws BST_Exception{
        if(root == null)
            root = new TreeNode(item);
                insertItem(root, item);
            }catch(BST_Exception e){
    }And a helper method:
private TreeNode insertItem (TreeNode t, Comparable item)
        throws BST_Exception{
        System.out.println("t = " + t + " item = " + item);
        //System.out.println("result = " + result);                                                                         
        if(t == null){
            t = new TreeNode(item);
            System.out.println("New Node: " + t);
        }else if(t.compareTo(new TreeNode(item)) < 0){
            t.setLeft(insertItem(t.getLeft(), item));
        }else if(t.compareTo(new TreeNode(item)) > 0){
            t.setRight(insertItem(t.getRight(), item));
            throw new BST_Exception("Duplicate nodes! " + item);
        return t;
    }in this case item is of type String and TreeNode implements the Comparable interface just compare two string values.
I wrote a driver program executing the insertion methods above. But it didn't work out the way i want it to be:
t = 16 item = 13
t = null item = 13
New Node: 13
t = 16 item = 2
t = null item = 2
New Node: 2
t = 16 item = 11
t = 13 item = 11
t = null item = 11 //t should be 2
New Node: 11
t = 16 item = 15
t = 13 item = 15
t = null item = 15 //
New Node: 15
t = 16 item = 6
t = 2 item = 6
t = null item = 6 //
New Node: 6
t = 16 item = 10
t = 13 item = 10
t = 11 item = 10
t = null item = 10 //
New Node: 10
t = 16 item = 16
My input file is:
Any idea what i am doing wrong in insertItem()? Thanks!

Try the following code and you will see that the result will be -1, which means that in Java 16 is "less" than 2.
public class TestString
     public static void main(String[] args)
}You need to compare your Strings as integers whenever you have integers.
Hope this helps

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    Nobody's just straight-up going to do this for can go to some rentacoder site if you want that. Give it a start and when you encounter problems post the recursive algorithm you are struggling with.
    Also, if you are posting code:
    (a) please use tags so it is readable
    (b) please either describe what is going on in it or put some comments in the code.  comments are not a bad thing.
    *Also*, what do you need changed to recursive?  I would presume both of the base conversion functions...
    Edited by: practissum on Nov 6, 2007 1:28 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    Change your program to use a PreparedStatement to do this insert. You only need to create a PreparedStatement once, so in your constructor or initializer do this:PreparedStatement insert = connection.PrepareStatement("INSERT INTO DATE5 (stuff, date) VALUES (?, ?)");Then the code to write a record is this:Timestamp timeStamp = new Timestamp(date.getTime());
    insert.setString(1, "hello");
    insert.setTimeStamp(2, timeStamp);
    insert.executeUpdate();That's all. You never need to mess about with formatting timestamps in the way your database needs them, the PreparedStatement takes care of all that for you.

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    Below is the code for the JQuery menu with sub and secondary sub menus:
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    Ok, I managed to place the menu within the site, but I still don't have a horizontal menu. All I can see is the unordered list. 
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  • Need Help - Inserting articulate engage swf in a published Presenter presentaiton.

    Hello.  I am having tremendous difficulty publishing articulate engage swf's in my adobe presenter presentation.  I have done this before but for some reason i am having trouble now.  When i publish my presentation locally, the output from presenter changes the name of my swf files to embedded_flash_... with a number at the end.  My question is how can i tell what presenter has renamed the indidual swf files. I have to change the name of the content folder from engage to match so i need to know which slide has which swf.  I have several swf files in the presentation and keeping track of them is quite difficult.
    Is there a way to click on slide with a swf on it to determine what presenter has renamed it? Swf  Properties or View shockwave object or something else?????
    Thanks Mike

    Hi Mike!
    I actually ran into a problem similar to what you've written about here.
    Here's a suggestion to try; you may experience weird / unexpected results, but it may be worth a try....and who knows, it could help!
    Here goes:
    Rather than using one quiz container for your content / course, what I'd like you to do is break up "non-contiguous" question slides into totally separate quiz containers.  I think what you need to avoid is having any kind of flash interactions from Engage running between a set of question slides stemming from one quiz container.
    So instead of having a question on slide 5, an Engage interaction on slide 6 and another question on slide 7.....I want you to try breaking that up so that it looks like this:
    Question on slide 5 [from quiz container 1], Engage interaction, question on slide 7 [from quiz container 2]...and so on.
    Here's the deal: I've personally seen instances where adding custom Flash animations between question slides have caused some interference with the functionality of question slides.  Even though you're using a totally different product, Engage still employs code parameters that can cause some breakdowns as soon as you publish your Adobe Presenter content, and I think that's what's happening here.  To be brutally honest, I don't have Engage, but I'd be willing to bet it's causing the same problems that I've encountered with Flash animations that I've tried to incorporate into my Presenter content.
    So again, try breaking up the question slides into separate, independant quiz containers and see if that resolves the problem....I'd be curious to know if that works!

  • Complete newbie needs help inserting flv file into DW

    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
    Content-Type: text/plain;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    I'm having a challenge today. A client sent me two flv files.
    When I =
    installed CS4 I installed Flash for the first time so I'm
    thinking, no =
    problem. But I'd never opened it before (never needed it
    until now). The =
    app won't open. I just spent a ton of time uninstalling and
    reinstalling =
    and rebooting over and over and nothing...
    So MAYBE, for now, I don't need it to work. I've also never
    insterted =
    Flash into DW. But it looks easy enough. In my html page I
    choose =
    insert/media/flv. So far so good. I've ftp'd the flv file so
    I'm able to =
    complete the dialog box with the path and size etc. I've
    uploaded the =
    progressiveplayer.swf and the chosen skin swf. I've saved the
    html file =
    it's embedded in and uploaded it. Shouldn't I now be able to
    see this =
    flv file displayed on the page? What did I miss? Here's the
    link to my =
    little test...
    The flv file is mm_susan_thanks.flv=20
    Thanks for any insight/guidance.
    Content-Type: text/html;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
    <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.6001.18183"
    <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I'm having a
    challenge today. A client =
    sent me two=20
    flv files. When I installed CS4 I installed Flash for the
    first =
    time so I'm=20
    thinking, no problem. But I'd never opened it before (never
    needed it =
    now). The app won't open. I just spent a
    ton of time =
    uninstalling and=20
    reinstalling and rebooting over and over and
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>So MAYBE, for
    now, I don't need it to =
    work. I've=20
    also never insterted Flash into DW. But it looks easy enough.
    In my html =
    page I=20
    choose insert/media/flv. So far so good. I've ftp'd the flv
    file so I'm =
    able to=20
    complete the dialog box with the path and size etc. I've
    uploaded the=20
    progressiveplayer.swf and the chosen skin swf. I've saved the
    html file =
    embedded in and uploaded it. Shouldn't I now be able to see
    this flv =
    displayed on the page? What did I miss? Here's the link to my
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The flv file is
    mm_susan_thanks.flv =
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Thanks for any =
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Sheila=20
    </FONT> </DIV></FONT></DIV></DIV></BODY></HTML>

    From my little knwledge, it is not possible to insert FLV
    file in the HTML page directly.For this you have to made a player
    with flash which plays the FLV.And this swf can emdded in the HTML
    You can also download free flash videoplayers like JW Player.

  • Need help inserting flash movie into article...

    I inserted video into flash movie. I loaded the .swf & .fla files onto a server and went into the properties in the flash movie and pointed to the server to pull the .fla file & the movie controls .swf file.  I can preview the movie in flash with no problem.
    I am wanting to use the object code that was created as part of the .html file that was generated by flash and insert this into an article to display the video.  I path the .swf file in the object code to point to where it resides on the server but the video will not play using just the object code. Is there a way to do this using just a object or embed code without the need for scripts?
    (I am using CS4 version)

    If the swf file does not reside in the same folder as the html page that loads it, then if the video is dynamically loaded into the Flash file, chances are the targeting in the swf needs to be adjusted.  If the swf files just targets the video by its filename alone, try putting the video file in the same folder as the html file and see if it gets loaded.

  • Newbie task. Need help inserting CD track marks evenly across a file!

    Im trying to insert CD track marks evenly across recorded conference sessions. Each session will be burned to a CD, and they run about 1 hour each.
    I need to do this to supply the listener with track marks so they can skip parts of a session/start back where they left off.  I would like to set the track marks about every 2-3 minutes or so.
    Can anyone spell out the process for me? I would really appreciate it!
    Thank you

    I'm not sure what kind of response you will get in this forum. Maybe you could also post this question in one of the Solaris forums located here Perhaps the kernel forum.

  • Need help solving recursion in workflow

    Here is the workflow, which kicks off automatically when a list item is changed. ULS logs report recursion occurring. I don't see where. I assume because oldmodifiedtime field is being updated, but I would think the Stop workflow action would prevent
    Step 1
    If Current Item:Case Status equals Closed
      Stop the workflow and log Workflow stopped because case status is closed
    Else if Current Item:OldModifiedTime is less than Current Item:Modified
    and Current Item:Modified By equals Current Item:Requester
    and Current Item:EMailed Assigned equals Yes
      Email AAC IT Distribution
      then Set OldModifiedTime to Current Item:Modified
      then Stop the workflow and log Requester updated case
    Else if Current Item:OldModifiedTime is less than Current Item:Modified
    and Current Item:Assigned To contains Current Item:Modified By
    and Current Item:EMailed Assigned equals Yes
      Email Current Item:Reguester
      then Set OldModifiedTime to Current Item:Modified
      then Stop the workflow and log IT updated case
    (Note: the last line Stop workflow goes with last Else clause, it just pasted here spaced down and I can't seem to get rid of the extra line spacing.)
    Can anyone help with a resolution?

    Two errors:
    AutoStart Workflow: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Recursive workflows are not permitted.     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowAutostartEventReceiver.<>c__DisplayClass1.<AutoStartWorkflow>b__0(SPSite superUserSite,
    SPWeb superUserWeb)
    WinWF Internal Error, terminating workflow Id# 8c200992-8b03-4533-8cc1-e66f4472794a
    The Id# matches with the history list. Also spot checked other times, different list items. Same errors, matching with history list.
    No errors in UI. No one who updates an item (user or IT) reports error. When I tried to run Cancellation & Error report in UI, I get Error, report contains no data. Return to site.

  • Need help inserting 2 rollover images in a footer

    I used two separate rollover images to put in a footer of a
    page. When seeing in a browser I only see one rollover, the footer
    is big enough I don't understand. Yet if I delete the second
    rollover and copy the first underneath I see it in the browser but
    after giving the image another name and swapping for the correct
    images I disappears. I have no problem using the add hyperlink
    which works fine. but the client insists I use the rollover images.
    any help?

    To add to the advice from Ann, if you visit the Creative Cow website there are a mass of After Effects video tutorials where you will find one that is specifically for your task.

  • Need help inserting video in MX

    I know how to insert the media (video clip), but I cannot get
    it to play. Can Someone please give me some step by step
    instructions? What are common problems? Thanks in advance

    what i think your asking is how to put video onto webpage....
    1.put video file into your site foler
    2.drad and drop to page or insert>media>plugin and the
    url of the video
    make sure your video is on your server or you will never see

  • Need help inserting spry correctly

    ok im trying to build a website about video games which will include things like cheats, tips, guides, etc. for thousands of games so im gonna have a lot of pages so using a template is my only choice. Wehn making the template i created an editable region in the middle of the page. When i go to create a page from the template and try to insert a spry tabbed panel inside this editable region it tells me that its locked by the template blah blah blah. If it's an editable region i do not understand why it won't let me insert the spry menu. Also i have inserted a spry vertical menu as a navigation bar in the template that i want to repeat on all pages of the site and update on all pages when i update the template. Keep in mind that i am a novice and im sure this is my own fault.

    I recommend doing some experiments with Spry menus and templates on pages that don't involve your actual project. Then when you have the techniques sorted out, you can proceed to apply them to your pages. A very minor typo can wreak havoc on a page, template, Spry, or otherwise, so tread carefully.
    If you have not investigated tutorials for both Spry Menus and Templates (not together...), you will find many right here on the Adobe site.
    Here are a few links for you to pursue:
    This is the LiveDocs detailed description of the MenuBar widget:
    This is Mark Fletcher's basic template tutorial:

  • Need Help inserting metatags into IWEB website.

    How do I insert HTML metatag code (description and keywords) into my IWEB website hosted by GoDaddy?

    As far as SEO is concerned, the title tag is the most important. The meta tag, or keywword tag, is not given much importance by Google anymore due to overuse and abuse but may be worth including for other search engines.
    The title tag can be added in iWeb but, since it is mostly useless without a meta description, its better to use the freeware iWeb SEO Tool to add this stuff...
    SEO Tool was updated recently. Get the latest version HERE.
    "I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link."

  • Urgently need help inserting nodes into TreeTable

    Hi, I've got the following problem -
    I use the model that retrieves data from Oracle Database, and it works ok, but when I try to insert new node dynamically, I get very strange reaction of TreeTable and I've been looking where the problem for several hours and I can't find it.
    When I insert the new node I see that the new node is inserted BUT the information in the table doesn't match to the one I've inserted - the node's name is empty and the information in the table just the same as the previous element has.
    I use TreeTable built on the exmple from Sun.
    To notify the TreeTable about changes I use
      public void nodesChanged(){
            TreePath path = treeTableProcess.getTree().getPathForRow(1);
            Object newChild[]= processMonitorModel.newNode();
            int[] ind = new int[newChild.length];
            for (int i=0;i<newChild.length;i++) {
                ind[i] = i;
        }I know that TreePath is ok, I checked it out, my node object contains information, the method fireTableDataChanged() get called but the node that I see doesn't contain the information of the node I inserted.
    Thank you in advance!
    Yuri, Germany

    This is the error I get
    Error starting at line 1 in command:
    (1, 100, '06/15/2009', '12/15/2009', 175.00)
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-01843: not a valid month
    01843. 00000 - "not a valid month"

  • Need help inserting ActiveX Control

    We provide an ActiveX control to talk to an instrument. We sell very few of these but nonetheless I've been asked to upgrade the LabVIEW sample (even though it only accounts for 10% of our few sales). I did make a sample a long time ago for labiew 5.1 but was going to make a new one for labview 2011 (as its too difficult to import the sample from 5.1).
    For testing (and that I'm not releasing any proprietary stuff) I wrote a simple ActiveX control that contains some of the features of the instrument control. This includes going to a particular position, scanning between two positions and receiving events (data, message and status). I was very easily able to write a quick demo in VB6 and C#2010 but I've forgotten everything about labview (except I remember it was relatively complicated for a non-graphical programmer like myself to use an activex control back in the 5.1 days).
    I would like to make a simple demo (like the one for C#)
    On a button press it starts a collect, first taking the two values from the appropriate inputs as the range (sets the StartPos and StopPos properties) then calls BeginRun.
    On another button press it "goes to" a position (calls GoToPos with a parameter from another numeric input).
    Receives OnStateChanged events and displays the enumerated type in a string indicator. This event is fired when the state is changed (eg. by calling BeginRun).
    Receives OnData events and displayes the position and value from the event in an indicator. This event is fired during a run for each sample.
    Receives OnMessage events and displays the message string in an indicator. This event can occur any time - in this sample I'm firing it randomly about once per second and its just sending the time as a string.
    Events are asynchronous - calling BeginRun returns immediately but events will follow later.
    Can anyone help me build this simple example - I've forgotten all the (little) labview I did back in 2003. I've attached the ActiveX control (XTestControl.ocx) a very simple VB6 sample, a better compiled C#2010 sample and my fiddling, far-from-complete LabVIEW 2011 sample. Everything is 32-bit (although I'm running on 64-bit Win7).
    There's a lot I don't understand about LabVIEW and the time I've already spent on this so far probably means several years ROI for the small company I work for because of the low volumes.
    Attachments: ‏277 KB

    Thanks for your reply nathand and taking the time to look at my sample.
    Yes, it is a very ligh VI because it doesn't have to do much. I want to numeric inputs that set the StartPos and StopPos properties of the ActiveX control and then call the BeginRun method (ie. 3 controls). Data is returned in the OnData event asynchronously and displayed (ie. 1 numeric display). I'me used to programming with the likes of VB and C# where events are a matter of course and you just select the event you want to code for and write the code so all this talk of "separate VIs" and "User Parameter List" is all confusing to me. The VB and C# samples I provided literally took me 15 minutes to write both and I won't tell you how embarrassingly long I spent playing with labview. From memory in (HP) VEE it was relatively easy to make a basic demo using our ActiveX control but we won't be supplying a demo for that this time (or possibly the old demo still works). This is supposed to be such a basic labview sample being provided by the vendor (our small company) as you suggested.
    I downloaded the 30-day LabVIEW 2011 trial, which I was assuming had proper "event structure" but its counter-intuitive to use.
    I've modified the attached control slightly (put a Run button on and a CallBack VI thingy) but I don't know how to wire up the run button to do something when clicked nor the event output to the (string) display.
    Attachments: ‏15 KB

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