Need help- my folder is blank when I import it to Imovie

Hi, I just bought the imovie app for my iphone 4s. I have some videos (taken on my iphone but already transferred to my pc) which I am trying to import on itunes. I just want to get the videos on there so I can trim and rotate them. When I sync the folder, the folder name shows up in imovie, but the content is blank. I need to finish this project this weekend but am totally stuck.... Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Hi amrfromi,
You may just have to wait a bit. It appears as though the activation servers are tied up right now, so until the traffic dies down, you are not going to be able to get in. Try later.

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    From what you describe, you probably held your iPad vertically rather than horizontaly when you shot your movie.
    The picture in iMoive is a rectangle oriented horizontally, so it's showing your vertical movie as large as it can.
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    You have to make the backup yourself. That's your only protection against file loss whether accidental or catastrophic. In fact you should have at least two of them - each done differently and on separate drives.
    If your files truly were "erased" then you can see if they can be recovered:
    General File Recovery
    If you stop using the drive it's possible to recover deleted files that have not been overwritten by using recovery software such as MAC Data Recovery, Data Rescue II, File Salvage or TechTool Pro.  Each of the preceding come on bootable CDs to enable usage without risk of writing more data to the hard drive.  Two free alternatives are Disk Drill and TestDisk.  Look for them and demos at MacUpdate or CNET Downloads. Recovery software usually provide trial versions that enable you to determine if the software would help before actually paying for it. Beyond this or if the drive has completely failed, then you would need to send the drive to a recovery service which is very expensive.
    The longer the hard drive remains in use and data are written to it, the greater the risk your deleted files will be overwritten.
    Also visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on Data Recovery.
    Basic Backup
    For some people Time Machine will be more than adequate. Time Machine is part of OS X. There are two components:
    1. A Time Machine preferences panel as part of System Preferences;
    2. A Time Machine application located in the Applications folder. It is
         used to manage backups and to restore backups. Time Machine
         requires a backup drive that is at least twice the capacity of the
         drive being backed up.
    3. Time Machine requires a backup drive that is at least double the
         capacity of the drive(s) it backs up.
    Alternatively, get an external drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software. My personal recommendations are (order is not significant):
      1. Carbon Copy Cloner
      2. Get Backup
      3. Deja Vu
      4. SuperDuper!
      5. Synk Pro
      6. Tri-Backup
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on backup and restore.  Also read How to Back Up and Restore Your Files. For help with using Time Machine visit Pondini's Time Machine FAQ for help with all things Time Machine.
    Although you can buy a complete external drive system, you can also put one together if you are so inclined.  It's relatively easy and only requires a Phillips head screwdriver (typically.)  You can purchase hard drives separately.  This gives you an opportunity to shop for the best prices on a hard drive of your choice.  Reliable brands include Seagate, Hitachi, Western Digital, Toshiba, and Fujitsu.  You can find reviews and benchmarks on many drives at Storage Review.
    Enclosures for FireWire and USB are readily available.  You can find only FireWire enclosures, only USB enclosures, and enclosures that feature multiple ports.  I would stress getting enclosures that use the Oxford chipsets especially for Firewire drives (911, 921, 922, for example.)  You can find enclosures at places such as;
      1. Cool Drives
      2. OWC
      3. WiebeTech
      4. Firewire Direct
      5. California Drives
      6. NewEgg
    All you need do is remove a case cover, mount the hard drive in the enclosure and connect the cables, then re-attach the case cover.  Usually the only tool required is a small or medium Phillips screwdriver.

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    End users will fill out the form using adobe viwer X.
    Instead of putting the code that I have tried, modified, and tried again and again. I would like to ask for a fresh start and then see if I can locate my error after. I need to know what to put in my folder level script, line for line.
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    Any and all help will be greatly appreciated, I am about to go crazy!!!

    Didn't let me do it, invalid. So, here is what I have now changed my button code to:
    //get field value
    var fv1 = getField("Technician:").value;
    var fv2 = getField("Date Received:").value;
    var fv3 = getField("Unit Number:").value;
    // Split Path into an array so it is easy to work with
    var aMyPath = this.path.split("/");
    // Remove old file name
    var NewFileName = "Support Call Log" + "_" + fv1 + "_" + fv2 + "_" + fv3 + ".pdf";
    NewFileName = NewFileName.replace(/[\s\!\?\<\>\'\"\*\/\\\=\?\^\`\{\}\|\~]+/g, "_");
    Im still getting the error dialogue box, and nothing shows in my javascript debugger window when I click the button. Seems to be something goofy with my Folder level script:
    var mySaveAs = app.trustedFunction(
         function(oDoc, cPath, cFlName)
              cPath = cPath.replace(/([^/})$/, "$1/");
                   oDoc.saveas(cPath + cFlName);
                                  app.alert("Error During Save");

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    stop() forcibly kills a thread. You shouldn't use this method because if the thread is in a critical section of code, you can cause data corruption or deadlock.
    Instead, if you need to stop execution from another thread, invoke the interrupt() method.
    Good luck.

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    Thanks for the help.
    PS - I posted this on the 10.5 section by mistake.

    In Tiger server you setup sharing of folders/files using he WorkGroup Manager, WGM, in Server Admin you configure the AFP and/or SMB Windows filesharing server(s) and turn them on/off.
    I don't think you can leave the password empty for SMB server access for a non guest user.
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    Invoices<30 Invoices<60 Invoices<90 Invoices>90
    $100 $250 $500 $1000
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    Thanks everybody!

    Hi Newbie
    You can do this right inside Discoverer using a couple of calculations.
    Calc 1:
    Calculate the invoice date variance, let's say you will use TRUNC(SYSDATE) - TRUNC(INVOICE DATE). This gives you a number and let's call this new calculation VARIANCE.
    Calc 2:
    This second calculation created the buckets themself. Let's do it using a CASE statement and we'll call the calculation TIME BUCKET.
    WHEN VARIANCE <= 30 THEN "0 to 30"
    WHEN VARIANCE <= 60 THEN "30 to 60"
    WHEN VARIANCE <= 90 THEN "60 to 90"
    ELSE "More than 90"
    You now display only TIME BUCKET in your workbook. The other calculation, VARIANCE, will be used but not displayed on screen in the final answer.
    If you don't like CASE, here's the same answer using DECODE:
    LEAST(VARIANCE,30), "0 to 30",
    LEAST(VARIANCE,60), "30 to 60",
    LEAST(VARIANCE,90), "60 to 90","More than 90")
    By the way, when you do this you will find that Discoverer runs your report very fast. This is because it can handle these types of queries exceptionally well.
    I hope this helps

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    See these links:
    iPod Folder with Exclamation Point After Disconnected From Computer
    iPod Folder with Exclamation Point After Turned On
    Good Thread About iPod Sad icon/Folder with Exclamation Point
    I hope this helps!

  • Need help running a Python script when DVD inserted

    We had an intern that created a custom Python script to rip our old event recording DVDs back to a digital format. The script creates a JSON description file and asks a set of questions to create the metadata in the JSON file (e.g. Date of event).
    The way the intern set this up was that you'd click on the Python script which would open a terminal window where you fill in the metadata. It then asks if the DVD is in the computer. At this point you place the DVD in. A few seconds later, the Python script notices the DVD and proceeds to rip the DVD at our specific file size requirements along with the inputted metadata.
    We then upgraded the Mac from Mountain Lion to Lion and the script stopped working. Our intern has since left. I have now moved the Python script onto my Mountain Lion Mac. The intern's last message to me was that he had written an AppleScript that ran when the DVD was inserted which then referred to the Python script. The intern has since stopped replying to emails.
    This is a very important project that I would like to continue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    well, oddly, that should never have worked. 
    Try this:  open the applescript editor, copy in the following line:
    tell application "Terminal"
              do script "python /Users/medialab/dvddrip rename"
    end tell
    Save it, making sure that the 'File Format' pull down says Script (the new file will have a '.scpt' extension). You'll be able to select that file in the cd/dvd preferences.
    I assumed that you wanted this to open in terminal so that you can enter options on the command line. If that's not correct, let me know.

  • Need help with optimizing text appearance when exporting video

    Here's what I'm trying to do:
    1. Convert a Powerpoint presentation to an MP4 (AVC) file, frame rate 30 (actually defaults to 29.97) and video bit rate of 1200kbps,using Wondershare PPT2VideoPro.  (There are no actual video clips contained in the original PPT file).
    2. Import the newly created MP4 video into a new project in Premeire Elements.
    3. Add audio files (WAV) created by Audacity.
    4. Export the final product as a video.
    Here's the problem:
    The text quality in the final exported film is very poor, and the screen occasionally seems to sublty flicker once and a while.  I've tried multiple different settings, but all with the same result.
    Can anyone offer suggestions on optimal settings for exporting the final product such that the text is as clear as possible?  (The text in the MP4 file created by Wondershare looks great.)
    - Ernest

    One option would be to create the Text Images in Photoshop, and Save_As a PSD.
    For large sets of Titles, I do the text portion in Word/WordPerfect, so I can use Spell-Check. Then in PS, I just Copy/Paste the text into an Image, where I apply all of the PS Styles that I need. Because I use PrPro for most of my NLE work, I will often do the Titles with Layered Text, and Import those as a Sequence, so that the Layers are not Flattened. This allows me to independently animate each Layer, as I need. Unfortunately, PrE does not allow one to Import the Layered PSD's, Unflattened, as it does not have Sequences.
    Also note that PrE's Titler's Styles are just a starting point. Once applied, one can alter most aspects, and when they are satisfied with the changes, they can then Save the new Style and re-use it over and over. Do not forget the ability to modify those Styles.
    From PowerPoint, and this depends on the version, the best that one can usually do is to Export each "slide" as a TIFF, and Import those into the NLE program.
    Good luck,

  • Need help with white spaces/halos when creating PNG

    I'm using Illustrator CS6 on Windows 7. I'm trying to create some pushpins that will go on an online map. I've created the graphic in Illustrator and everything looks nice and sharp. My problem is when I try to convert this .ai file to png. The ai file is set up on 8.5 x 11 artboard with the graphic taking up the whole artboard; the final size of the png needs to be 20x34 pixels at 72 dpi.
    I've tried both Save for Web and Export but no matter what I do, when I open the png in Photoshop, there is a white space between the grey pushpin and the black stroke as well as around the outside of the S. No matter what I've tried, I can't get rid of these unwanted white spaces/halos. Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere? The large image below is how it looks in Illustrator; the small image is the png opened in Photoshop. How can I get the small png to be as crisp as the large ai file? Thanks.

    Are you sure the artwork is contained within whole pixels on the Artboard?
    One way to obtain that is to move the artwork so that the Transform panel tells you that the X and Y values of the lower left corner (or centre or something else) are whole pixels/points; another way is to tick Align to Pixel grid  in the Transform panel, but I am afraid that may distort the artwork when used at this stage.

  • I need help understanding an alignment panic when calling mutex_init

    I am looking for help with a STREAM module that compiles and run under Solaris 10 on 32-bit and 64-bit Intel kernels but panics on a 64-bit Sarc kernel.
    I have isolated the panic to a data alignment issue when my init routine calls either the rwinit and mutux_init routines with a pointer to a krwlock_t or kmutex_t structure that is not 8 byte aligned.
    I am using "gcc version 3.4.3 (csl-sol210-3_4-branch+sol_rpath)" from the Solaris 10 install CD's with the following options:
    gcc -Wall -fno-builtin -ffreestanding -nodefaultlibs -fpcc-struct-return -D_KERNEL -mno-app-regs -g -m64 -mcpu=v9 -D_SYSCALL32 -D_SYSCALL32_IMPL -D_ELF64 -D__sparcv9cpu -DSYSACCT -DC2_AUDIT
    (I know some of these are redundant)
    I have 4 locks along with a variety of other members defined in a structure used to by my driver code. If I manually arrange the structure to keep the lock variables on 8 byte boundries the module loads without a panic. However, if I let gcc handle the alignment or specifiy "__attribute__ ((aligned (8)))" on the lock variable definition the module panics on entry to the kernel rw_init or mutex_init routine with a BAD TRAP type 34 alignment error.
    At this point I am lost. I'm guessing this is a gcc/sparcv9 issue but I have no idea how to code this properly. I'm hoping someone can help shed some light on the problem.

    I found the problem. A shared header had a "#pragma pack(1)" with no matching "#pragma pack()". This was causing gcc to pack everything after the include.
    I'm still a little unclear why my "__attribute__ ((aligned (8)))" on the actual variable did not override the pragma ??? but at least I found the culprit.

  • Need Help on Folder Form

    Hi All,
    I developed Folder Form which displays emp details in the tabular form.
    I placed Scrollbar on the Content Canvas and Fileds on the stacked canvas.
    But in the output it's showing gap between last field and the scrollbar.I have decreased the width of the viewport width also.How can i remove the gap?
    Can you please provide me any solution.
    Thanks in advance,

    Didn't let me do it, invalid. So, here is what I have now changed my button code to:
    //get field value
    var fv1 = getField("Technician:").value;
    var fv2 = getField("Date Received:").value;
    var fv3 = getField("Unit Number:").value;
    // Split Path into an array so it is easy to work with
    var aMyPath = this.path.split("/");
    // Remove old file name
    var NewFileName = "Support Call Log" + "_" + fv1 + "_" + fv2 + "_" + fv3 + ".pdf";
    NewFileName = NewFileName.replace(/[\s\!\?\<\>\'\"\*\/\\\=\?\^\`\{\}\|\~]+/g, "_");
    Im still getting the error dialogue box, and nothing shows in my javascript debugger window when I click the button. Seems to be something goofy with my Folder level script:
    var mySaveAs = app.trustedFunction(
         function(oDoc, cPath, cFlName)
              cPath = cPath.replace(/([^/})$/, "$1/");
                   oDoc.saveas(cPath + cFlName);
                                  app.alert("Error During Save");

  • Newbie needs help! Checkerboard pops up when using cookie cutter?

    When I'm using the cookie cutter why does my image disappear and shows a white & gray checkerboard grid instead? Am I missing a step or something?

    The checkerboard pattern denotes transparency.
    When you drag out a shape with the cookie cutter tool, the shape embracing what you wish to retain should be there after you commit.
    Try this:
    Open picture file, drag out the heart shape (it is the first one, solid black, in the default library) and commit.
    Now try this:
    Open picture file, duplicate background layer, work on background copy layer. Shut off the visibility of the background layer by clicking on its eye icon on the left in the layers palette.
    Drag out the heart shape and commit.
    Place a blank layer between the background and background copy layers, and fill the blank layer with a color (use Paintbucket tool or go to Edit>fill layer>foreground color.) The color should show through the area of transparency (checkerboard).
    Please post back with your progress.

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