Need help understanding NEW keyword

I can create a string array a couple of different ways.
Method one:
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim sarr1(4) As String
      For i = 0 To sarr1.Length - 1
         sarr1(i) = "12345"
Method two:     
     Dim sarr2 = New String() {"12345", "12345", "12345", "12345", "12345"}
Are these two methods equivalent?
If I try to declare the arrays by either of the following methods, I get errors.
Method three:
       Dim sarr3 As New String(4)
       error: Value of type 'Integer' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of Char'.
Method four:
        Dim sarr4(4) As New String()
        error: Arrays cannot be declared with 'New'.
Why isn't method four equivalent to method two except for the initialization?     
Regards, Mike

Method 1 and 2 are basically the same. We didn't always have array initializers in the language (method2). That has only been around the past couple of years. Prior to that you had to do some sort of loop to initialize the array like your method 1. Method
2 was added just to make it easier from a syntax point of view. It certainly looks cleaner and you can read one line of code and know what the array is and what its contents are.
The reason method 2 and method 4 are different is because in method 2, you are performing an assignment. It is using type inference so it might not be as clear, but method 2 could be fully written out as
Dim sarr2() As String = New String() {"12345", "12345", "12345", "12345", "12345"}
In which case you can see that it isn't really using the new keyword for the declaration, but for the right side instantiation of a string array, which is then assigned to the declared array variable.
Matt Kleinwaks - MSMVP MSDN Forums Moderator -

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    I think you are making this way too complicated. Why are you turning iMessage off? If you are at your office connect to the WiFi there and send your wife messages that way (unless your office is blocking the port iMessage uses). When possible the two phones will use iMessage but will revert to SMS is iMessage is not available if that option is set that way.
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    You'll find there are a lot of good ones. Godaddy is one that I used to use. I am very happy with great prices and excellent service
    Produce | Shoot | Edit
    Take Two Visual Media

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    Any 2.5" diameter, 9.5mm thick SATA drive will be compatible.  Currently they come up to 1.5 TB in capacity.  I have a 1 TB Seagate SSHD (hybrid) drive installed in my primary MBP.  The cost is a modest premium over a conventional HDD of the same capacity.  Boot and shutdown times are significantly faster when compared to a conventional HDD,  I can recommend this as an option.
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    DDR Memory Freq: 100.0 MHz
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    HT Freq: 800 MHz
    Dynamic overclocking: Disable
    Adjust CPU Ratio: Auto
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    HT Voltage: Auto
    Mem voltage: Auto
    CPU voltage: Auto
    AGP Voltage: Auto
    Spread sectrum: Disable
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    CAS Latency: SPD
    Burst Length: 8 Beat
    Bank Interleaving: Auto
    Active to CMD (Trcd): SPD
    Active to precharge (Tras): SPD
    Precharge to active (Tvp): SPD
    DRAM IT Timing: Disable
    AGP Mode: Auto (this is "greyed out")
    AGP Fast write: Enabled
    AGP Aperture size: 128
    VLink 8X supported: Enabled
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    Anyway, I got it all hooked up and got the standard 4 red LEDs. Not knowing what to do, I took it back to Tiger Direct and the tech played around with it until he stuck an el-cheapo stick (Corsair VS512MB400) in there and it worked. But it only works in slot 2. So here I am.
    I started to run memtest86, but it took too long to run and I aborted it for now. For what it's worth, it said the RAM CAS value is 2.5-2-2-5. I don't know what the hell that means, but I know it's important.
    My questions:
    1. I assume I need manually to set my memory clock value to DDR400?
    2. Now that I can get the thing to post, is there any chance I could get the "good" Corsair memory to work by setting the correct latency/CAS values? Again, I don't know what I'm talking about, so forgive my ignorance. What I'm wondering is if I can set everything to what Corsair recommends while I have the cheap memory in there and then replace it with the good stuff?
    3. With this board, am I better off with double-sided or single-sided sticks? As I said, I went into the store intending to buy the Neo 754-pin board, but they were out of the Athlon 3400+ in 754 and only had the 939 pin.
    4. Anything else in my bios settings that stand out and need to be addressed? I want to make sure everything is optimized.
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    If I don't get my CoD fix soon I'm gonna reinstall that Geforce3.
    Thanks much and sorry again for such a long post.

    Thanks everyone for the recent replies, but I started this thread almost a month ago (March 3rd), and much has changed since then.
    New PSU (see sig).
    Replaced the PNY Geforce6600GT with a eVGA 6800
    Added another stick of the Corsair Value Select 512 RAM. I didn't even bother trying to get the "primo" CMX stick to work. I just returned it.
    Went from Windows 98SE to XP Home.
    The PSU did nothing for me at all, but I suppose it's better to have some headroom in the amperage.
    The biggest performance booster was the additional 512MB of RAM. It wouldn't have done me any good in 98SE, but I was shocked at how much it helps XP. Quitting a game is almost instant now, where before it would take a good two minutes or so for XP to recover itself.
    As for games running slow, the 6800 fixed it right up. CoD absolutely screams now, as does everything else I've thrown at it (HL2, Doom 3, Far Cry). I think the 6600GT was just bad or there is a serious driver problem with the 6600GT's. Went from 3DMark03 score of around 5000 (when it didn't crash) to above 9000 now. And this was all before adding the additional RAM.
    Oh yeah, I bought a 74GB Raptor. No RAID for now though. So far I'm not real impressed with the performance. I'm running off of the VIA controller, since my board doesn't have the Promise controller. I don't see much improvement in loading times as compared to the 40GB 7200rpm Maxtor I have running on IDE1. The only time it beats the pants off the Maxtor is defragging. But there's only so much entertainment value in that.  The Sandra "file system benchmark" gave me 57 MB/s, which seems pathetic, but I've read some posts here where others are getting an identical rate.
    And I'm not too happy to discover, too late, that my overclocking capabilities are severely limited while using SATA.
    I do have one more question for now:
    When I installed the second 512MB stick, I originally had both sticks in slot 1 and 2. I ran Sandra's memory bandwidth benchmark and got a much lower score than with the single stick (around 3500 MB/s). WHen I had the sticks in 1 and 3, it jumped up to close to 6000 MB/s. Why is that? Just curious.

  • Need help understanding syntax

    I need some help to understand the following syntax .
    PPRAMImpl am = (PPRAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean); What is this PPARAMImpl?
    I know "am " is a variable . And with pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean) we are trying to get the AM name for that page, then why do we need to add (PPARAMImpl) before pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean) ?
    For example in plsql , apps.testpkg.mainproc(param1,param2)
    So can you explain "PPRAMImpl am = (PPRAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean)" in that manner?
    What is this ?
    What are the possible values for EVENT_PARAM ? And by the way , I need help on setting a default value for one of my search parameters in a search region .
    Correct me If I am wrong, this is what I thought
    1. EOImpl has setters and getters for that attribute. So call the setter method in controller and set the value , if this is right then I don't know how to right the code ,can you give me some sample code ?
    2. get the view object name and then set the value for that . like viewobject.setattribute('att name',att value'),if this is right then I don't know how to right the code ,can you give me some sample code ?

    No. These are not equal.
    pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean) return AM of type OAApplicationModule.
    It would be fine if your variable am, is of type OAApplicationModule:
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean) // this would be fine.
    But as you are using of type PPRAMImpl, you must have to type-cast that externally using:
    PPRAMImpl am = (PPRAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    If you are still not clear, then refer any java book or google for internal & external type-casting in java.

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    I need help trouble shooting a website. The site is Nav buttons on Mac they display correctly
    which is aligned at top and bottom of content to left on Home page.
    However, when viewed on PC, the buttons spread to fill the
    distance of the "Patients" Page. All the pages spread to this
    length also, but are not suppose to.
    Nav buttons have padding of 10 on bottom, except last one.
    Please help if you can

    First guess would be that there doesn't seem to be a fixed
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