Need help with assignment for class. its for my high school project :(

i really need help, my problem is that with my code i cannot get the "previous", "done" and "next" buttons to work.they cannot seem to find the items from each other. so could someone look at those buttons in the code and tell me how to fix please? the code is as follows:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class GradeCalculator extends JFrame {
     private JTextField gradeA = new JTextField(3);
     private JTextField gradeB = new JTextField(3);
     private JTextField gradeC = new JTextField(3);
     private JTextField gradeD = new JTextField(3);
     private JTextField gradeE = new JTextField(3);
     private JTextField studentsName = new JTextField(15);
     private JTextField assignmentOne = new JTextField(5);
     private JTextField assignmentTwo = new JTextField(5);
     private JTextField assignmentThree = new JTextField(5);
     private JTextField examOne = new JTextField(5);
     private JTextField examTwo = new JTextField(5);
     private JTextArea textOutput;
     private JPanel buttonJPanel;
     public GradeCalculator(){
          JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
          JMenuItem aboutItem = new JMenuItem( "About" );
fileMenu.add( aboutItem );
new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( GradeCalculator.this,
"Grade Calculator Version 1.00. \nMade by Carlson Smith.\nSchool: Pre-University\nSubject: Cape Computer Science.",
"About", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
          JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem( "Exit" );
fileMenu.add( exitItem );
new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
System.exit( 0 );
          JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
          JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
          buttonJPanel = new JPanel();
          buttonJPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
          JButton ok = new JButton("OK");
          ok.addActionListener(new OkBtnListener());
          JButton edit = new JButton("EDIT");
          edit.addActionListener(new EditBtnListener());
          /**JButton previous = new JButton("PREVIOUS");
          previous.addActionListener(new PreviousBtnListener());
          JButton done = new JButton("DONE");
          done.addActionListener(new DoneBtnListener());
          JButton next = new JButton("NEXT");
          next.addActionListener(new NextBtnListener());
          JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
          contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
          contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade A")/**,BorderLayout.NORTH*/);
          contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade B")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
          contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade C")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
          contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade D")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
          contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade E")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
          tabbedPane.addTab("Grade Entry Tab", null, contentPane, "Grade Tab");
          contentPane.add(buttonJPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
          JPanel content = new JPanel();
          content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
          content.add(new JLabel("Student's Name")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 3 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(new JLabel("Exam 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(new JLabel("Exam 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
          String output = "test";
          String outputTwo = output;
          textOutput = new JTextArea(outputTwo,10,30);
          box.add(new JScrollPane(textOutput));
          tabbedPane.addTab("Calculator Tab", null, content, "Calculation & Output Tab");
          setTitle("Grade Calculator");
          class OkBtnListener implements ActionListener{
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                    String gradeAA = gradeA.getText();
                    double gradA = Double.parseDouble(gradeAA);
                    gradeA.setText(" "+gradA);
                    String gradeBB = gradeB.getText();
                    double gradB = Double.parseDouble(gradeBB);
                    gradeB.setText(" "+gradB);
                    String gradeCC = gradeC.getText();
                    double gradC = Double.parseDouble(gradeCC);
                    gradeC.setText(" "+gradC);
                    String gradeDD = gradeD.getText();
                    double gradD = Double.parseDouble(gradeDD);
                    gradeD.setText(" "+gradD);
                    String gradeEE = gradeE.getText();
                    double gradE = Double.parseDouble(gradeEE);
                    gradeE.setText(" "+gradE);
          class EditBtnListener implements ActionListener{
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
          /**class PreviousBtnListener implements ActionListener{
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                    if (i <= 0){
                         i = 0;
                    }else if(i > 0){
                         i = i-1;
          class DoneBtnListener implements ActionListener{
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                    output = "Results \n";
                    output+= studentName[i]+" Assignment Average = "+averageO[i]+" Exam Average = "+averageT[i]+" Overall average = ";
                    output+= tAverage[i]+" Letter Grade = "+letterGrade;
          class NextBtnListener implements ActionListener{
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                    String [] studentName = new String [40];
                    double [] assignOne = new double [40];
                    double [] assignTwo = new double [40];
                    double [] assignThree = new double [40];
                    double [] gradeOne = new double [40];
                    double [] gradeTwo = new double [40];
                    double [] averageO = new double [40];
                    double [] averageT = new double [40];
                    double [] tAverage = new double [40];
                    char [] letterGrade = new char [40];
                    double max = 0;
                    double min = 100;
                    int i = 0;
                    while(i < studentName.length){
                         studentName[i] = studentsName.getText();
                         String aOne = assignmentOne.getText();
                         assignOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(aOne);
                         String aTwo = assignmentTwo.getText();
                         assignTwo[i] = Double.parseDouble(aTwo);
                         String aThree = assignmentThree.getText();
                         assignThree[i] = Double.parseDouble(aThree);
                         String gOne = examOne.getText();
                         gradeOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(gOne);
                         String gTwo = examTwo.getText();
                         gradeTwo = Double.parseDouble(gTwo);
                         averageO[i] = (assignOne[i]+assignTwo[i]+assignThree[i])/3;
                         averageT[i] = (gradeOne[i]+gradeTwo[i])/2;
                         tAverage[i] = (averageO[i]+averageT[i])/2;
                         if (tAverage[i] >= gradeA){
                              letterGrade[i] = 'A';
                         }else if(tAverage[i] >= gradeB){
                              letterGrade[i] = 'B';
                         }else if(tAverage[i] >= gradeC){
                              letterGrade[i] = 'C';
                         }else if(tAverage[i] >= gradeD){
                              letterGrade[i] = 'D';
                         }else if(tAverage[i] <= gradeE){
                              letterGrade[i] = 'E';
          public static void main(String[]args){
               GradeCalculator calWindow = new GradeCalculator();

i have to apologize to jittei for the misunderstand i do not know which defination of terms is for which line of code but i know what they do, to solve the problem i have actually made another class in the workspace file called students and now all the bottons work, all i have to do now is properly arrange and put in some additional lines of code and it will be completed. teacher gave me the idea of putting in a new class to help in calling codes from other subclasses in the main program. ah well guess non of you could think of that thanks for the help-ish and hope yall will atleast try to be nice to new people that come in the room. the new coding is:
of course all the commented out lines are not being used in the program anymore but just there till i have the program working with everything in it runs and performs the actions required now though ^_^
*Group CAPE Computer Science 2007/8
*@author Carlson Smith
*@version 3.01          07/02/2008
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class GradeCalculator extends JFrame {
     private JTextField gradeA = new JTextField(3);
     private JTextField gradeB = new JTextField(3);
     private JTextField gradeC = new JTextField(3);
     private JTextField gradeD = new JTextField(3);
     private JTextField gradeE = new JTextField(3);
     private JTextField studentsName = new JTextField(15);
     private JTextField assignmentOne = new JTextField(5);
     private JTextField assignmentTwo = new JTextField(5);
     private JTextField assignmentThree = new JTextField(5);
     private JTextField examOne = new JTextField(5);
     private JTextField examTwo = new JTextField(5);
     private JTextArea  textOutput;
     private JPanel buttonJPanel;
     private JPanel buttonJPanelTwo;
     private Student [] students = new Student[40];
     private int current = 0;
     private String output;
     public GradeCalculator(){
          JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
          JMenuItem aboutItem = new JMenuItem( "About" );
          for (int i=0;i<40;i++){
               students[i] = new Student("");
        fileMenu.add( aboutItem );
           new ActionListener()
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( GradeCalculator.this,
                    "Grade Calculator Version 1.00. \nMade by Carlson Smith.\nSchool: Pre-University\nSubject: Cape Computer Science.",
                    "About", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
          JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem( "Exit" ); 
        fileMenu.add( exitItem );
           new ActionListener()
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                 System.exit( 0 );
          JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
          JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
          buttonJPanel = new JPanel();
          buttonJPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
          JButton ok = new JButton("OK");
          ok.addActionListener(new OkBtnListener());
          JButton edit = new JButton("EDIT");
          edit.addActionListener(new EditBtnListener());
          buttonJPanelTwo = new JPanel();
          buttonJPanelTwo.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));
          JButton previous = new JButton("PREVIOUS");
          previous.addActionListener(new PreviousBtnListener());
          JButton done = new JButton("DONE");
          done.addActionListener(new DoneBtnListener());
          JButton next = new JButton("NEXT");
          next.addActionListener(new NextBtnListener());
          JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
          contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
          contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade A")/**,BorderLayout.NORTH*/);
          contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade B")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
          contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade C")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
          contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade D")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
          contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade E")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
          tabbedPane.addTab("Grade Entry Tab", null, contentPane, "Grade Tab");
          contentPane.add(buttonJPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
          JPanel content = new JPanel();
          content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
          content.add(new JLabel("Student's Name")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 3 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(new JLabel("Exam 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(new JLabel("Exam 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
          content.add(buttonJPanelTwo, BorderLayout.EAST);
          Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
          //String outputTwo = output;
          textOutput = new JTextArea(output,10,30);
          box.add(new JScrollPane(textOutput));
          tabbedPane.addTab("Calculator Tab", null, content, "Calculation & Output Tab");
          setTitle("Grade Calculator");
          class OkBtnListener implements ActionListener{
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                    String gradeAA = gradeA.getText();
                    double gradA = Double.parseDouble(gradeAA);
                    gradeA.setText(" "+gradA);
                    String gradeBB = gradeB.getText();
                    double gradB = Double.parseDouble(gradeBB);
                    gradeB.setText(" "+gradB);
                    String gradeCC = gradeC.getText();
                    double gradC = Double.parseDouble(gradeCC);
                    gradeC.setText(" "+gradC);
                    String gradeDD = gradeD.getText();
                    double gradD = Double.parseDouble(gradeDD);
                    gradeD.setText(" "+gradD);
                    String gradeEE = gradeE.getText();
                    double gradE = Double.parseDouble(gradeEE);
                    gradeE.setText(" "+gradE);
          class EditBtnListener implements ActionListener{
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
          class PreviousBtnListener implements ActionListener{
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                    Student currentStudent = students[current];
                    currentStudent = students[current];
                    if (current <= 0){
                         current = 0;
                    }else if(current > 0){
                         current = current-1;
          class DoneBtnListener implements ActionListener{
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                    Student currentStudent = students[current];
                    //output = "Result \n";
                    output = currentStudent.getStudentName()+". Assignment Average = "+currentStudent.getAverage()+". Exam Average = "+currentStudent.getExamAverage()+". Overall average = ";
                    output+= currentStudent.getTotalAverage()/**+" Letter Grade = "+letterGrade[current]*/;
                    currentStudent = students[current];
          class NextBtnListener implements ActionListener{
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
//                    String [] studentName = new String [40];
//                    double [] assignOne = new double [40];
//                    double [] assignTwo = new double [40];
//                    double [] assignThree = new double [40];
//                    double [] gradeOne = new double [40];
//                    double [] gradeTwo = new double [40];
//                    double [] averageO = new double [40];
//                    double [] averageT = new double [40];
//                    double [] tAverage = new double [40];
//                    char [] letterGrade = new char [40];
                    //double max = 0;
                    //double min = 100;
                    Student currentStudent = students[current];
//                    currentStudent = students[current];
/**                    while(i < studentName.length){
                         String aOne = assignmentOne.getText();
                         assignOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(aOne);
                         assignmentOne.setText(" "+assignOne);
                         String aTwo = assignmentTwo.getText();
                         assignTwo[i] = Double.parseDouble(aTwo);
                         assignmentTwo.setText(" "+assignTwo[i]);
                         String aThree = assignmentThree.getText();
                         assignThree[i] = Double.parseDouble(aThree);
                         assignmentThree.setText(" "+assignThree[i]);
                         String gOne = examOne.getText();
                         gradeOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(gOne);
                         examOne.setText(" "+gradeOne[i]);
                         String gTwo = examTwo.getText();
                         gradeTwo[i] = Double.parseDouble(gTwo);
                         examTwo.setText(" "+gradeTwo[i]);
                         averageO[i] = (assignOne[i]+assignTwo[i]+assignThree[i])/3;
                         averageT[i] = (gradeOne[i]+gradeTwo[i])/2;
                         tAverage[i] = (averageO[i]+averageT[i])/2;
                         if (tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeA.getText())){
                              letterGrade[i] = 'A';
                         }else if(tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeB.getText())){
                              letterGrade[i] = 'B';
                         }else if(tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeC.getText())){
                              letterGrade[i] = 'C';
                         }else if(tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeD.getText())){
                              letterGrade[i] = 'D';
                         }else if(tAverage[i] <= Double.parseDouble(gradeE.getText())){
                              letterGrade[i] = 'E';
          public void refresh(){
               Student currentStudent = students[current];
          public static void main(String[]args){
               GradeCalculator calWindow = new GradeCalculator();
Second class implemented./**
*Group CAPE Computer Science 2007/8
*@author Carlson Smith
*@version 3.01          07/02/2008
public class Student {
     private String studentName;
     private double assignOne;
     private double assignTwo;
     private double assignThree;
     private double examOneGrade;
     private double examTwoGrade;
     public Student(String sName){
          studentName = sName;     
     public String getStudentName(){
          return studentName;
     public double getAssignOne(){
          return assignOne;
     public double getAssignTwo(){
          return assignTwo;
     public double getAssignThree(){
          return assignThree;
     public double getExamOneGrade(){
          return examOneGrade;
     public double getExamTwoGrade(){
          return examTwoGrade;
     public void setStudentName(String sName){
          studentName = sName;
     public void setAssignOne(double assignOne){
          this.assignOne = assignOne;
     public void setAssignTwo(double assignTwo){
          this.assignTwo = assignTwo;
     public void setAssignThree(double assignThree){
          this.assignThree = assignThree;
     public void setExamOneGrade(double examOneGrade){
          this.examOneGrade = examOneGrade;
     public void setExamTwoGrade(double examTwoGrade){
          this.examTwoGrade = examTwoGrade;
     public double getAverage(){
          return (assignOne + assignTwo + assignThree)/3;
     public double getExamAverage(){
          return (examOneGrade + examTwoGrade)/2;
     public double getTotalAverage(){
          return (getAverage() + getExamAverage())/2;
this thread can be closed now. l8rz :P
Edited by: Jacal on Feb 10, 2008 7:28 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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    CR 65..74
    PS 50..64
    FL 0..49
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    5 Change the exam mark of this student to 50 and print their exam mark and grade.
    6 Change the examination mark of this studnet to 256 and print their exam mark and grade.
    Can someone please help

    Sorry, I have sent you the wrong version. Try this,
    public class Student {
         private String name;
         private double examMark;
         public Student() {
              name = "unknown";
              examMark = 0.0;
         public Student(String n, double em) {
              name = n;
              if(em >0 && em < 100) {
                   examMark = em;
              } else {
                   examMark = 0.0;
         public String getName() {
              return name;
         public void setName(String n) {
              name = n;
         public double getExamMark() {
              return examMark;
         public void setExamMark(double em) {
              if(em >0 && em < 100) {
                   examMark = em;
              } else {
                   examMark = 0.0;
         public String getGrade() {
              if ( examMark > 84) return "HD";
              else if(examMark > 74) return "DI";
              else if(examMark > 64) return "CR";
              else if(examMark > 49) return "PS";
              else return "FL";
    } and
    class TestStudent {
         public static void main(String a[]) {
              Student st = new Student();
              System.out.println("Student Name is : "+st.getName());
              System.out.println("Student Marks is : "+st.getExamMark());
              Student st1 = new Student("XXXX",78);
              System.out.println("Student Name is : "+st1.getName());
              System.out.println("Student Marks is : "+st1.getExamMark());
              System.out.println("Student Marks is : "+st1.getExamMark());
              System.out.println("Student Grade is : "+st1.getGrade());
              System.out.println("Student Marks is : "+st1.getExamMark());
              System.out.println("Student Grade is : "+st1.getGrade());
    }Hope this helps.

  • I need help with the https class please.

    Hello, i need add an authentication field in my GET request using HTTPS to authenticate users. I put the authentication field using the setRequestProperty method, but it doesn't appear when i print all properties using the getRequestProperties method. I wrote the following code:
    URL url = new URL ("https://my_url..");
    URLConnection conexion;
    conexion = url.openConnection();
    HttpsURLConnection httpsConexion = (HttpsURLConnection) conexion;
    System.out.println("All properties\r\n: " + httpsConexion.getRequestProperties());
    }catch ....
    when i run the program it show the following text:
    All properties: {Host=[my_loginServer]}
    Only the Host field is added to my HttpsURLConnection. The authentication field doesnt appear in standar output. How can i add to my HttpsURLConnection an Authentication field?

    I have moved this to the main Dreamweaver forum, as the other forum is intended to deal with the Getting Started video tutorial.
    The best way to get help with layout problems is to upload the files to a website and post the URL in the forum. Someone can then look at the code, and identify the problem. Judging from your description, it sounds as though the Document window is narrow, which would result in the final menu tab dropping down to the next row. Try turning on Live view or previewing the page in a browser. Design view gives only an approximate idea of the final layout. Live view renders the page as it should look in a browser.

  • Need Help with Oracleasm - a kernel module for the ASM library

    I am a beginner, trying to install Oracle RAC. I have a system with SuSE Linx 11 (64 bit) loaded. I need to get the correct ASMLib packages needed for installing ASM. I think I got the following packages that are needed for installing ASM
    1) oracleasmlib- the ASM libraries (oracleasmlib-2.0.4-1.SLE11.x86_64.rpm)
    2) oracleasm-support- utilities needed to administer ASMLib (oracleasm-support-2.1.3-1.SLE11.x86_64.rpm)
    I am unable to find the third package.
    3) Oracleasm - a kernel module for the ASM library
    I looked at my kernel version it says "". I am not sure where I can get the above third package. If you have an answer/know ase share your thoughts.
    Thank You

    Don't use ASMLib, it will be no longer available, it will only came in Oracle Unbreakable Kernel for Linux 6.
    The easly way to set the permissions on your devices is with a /etc/init.d script that do the job.
    Here is an example:
    #! /bin/bash
    # chkconfig: 2345 25 19
    # description: Set ASM Permissions on to devices at boot.
    case "$1" in
    /bin/chown oracle:oinstall /dev/sdb1
    /bin/chmod 0660 /dev/sdb1
    #do nothing
    ls -l /dev/sdb1
    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status}"
    exit 1
    exit o
    You need to replace the /dev/sdb1 for your acctual partitions.
    Please check the Docs to be sure that you meet all pre-reqs.
    Hope it's helps.
    Best Regards,

  • Need help with setting the entry point for application

    Hi there,
    I am kinda new to creating JAR files for application. I checked out the tutorials for creating the jar files, and I understood most of the concepts. There is one part in the tutorial which I still don't understand
    it says:
    We want to execute the main method in the class MyClass in the package MyPackage when we run the JAR file.
    We first create a text file named Manifest.txt with the following contents:
    Main-Class: MyPackage.MyClass
    I am not exactly sure what the package is. Is it the name of the jar file, which I wish to create? Your detailed explanation would certainly be helpful. Thank you in advance.

    Hi there,
    I am kinda new to creating JAR files for
    for application. I checked out the tutorials for
    creating the jar files, and I understood most of the
    concepts. There is one part in the tutorial which I
    still don't understand
    it says:
    We want to execute the main method in the class
    s MyClass in the package MyPackage when we run the
    JAR file.
    We first create a text file named Manifest.txt with
    the following contents:
    Main-Class: MyPackage.MyClass
    I am not exactly sure what the package is. Is it
    it the name of the jar file, which I wish to create?
    Your detailed explanation would certainly be helpful.
    Thank you in advance.
    YoungIts just the package name in your code hierarchy.

  • Need help with BB Internet Server/Upgrades for 8530

    Looking for APPS&Software to download BBInternet Server,RIM BBSLA for the latest version of UPGRADES! My BB8530 Lost my original BBEnterprise Server when I did the upgrades , Now have no INTERNET BROWSER!!!! HELP PLEASE!Need my WEB BROWSER BACK! Everything was working GREAT before I did the UPGRADES SPRINT&BLACKBERRY kept texting & emailing me to do!! Wish I had not done them,now! How do I go back to original?Can't tell anything got better,just messed up my Browser!!!!HELP !

    Firstly, this is a self-help forum for ordinary BB owners to find and provide answers. We aint paid AND WE DONT EXPECT TO BE SHOUTED AT
    As with all forums, you cant expect everyone to be logged-in all the time. Some have more time than others and the majority only visit because they have a problem.
    That said, I'll have a look see if I can help.
    Blackberry Best Advice - Back-up weekly
    If I have helped you please check the "Kudos" star on the right >>>>

  • Need help with updating Name Server update for home webserver

    I set up a webserver at home to run my own domain/website. I am able to type my IP address into Safari/IE and get to my website fine. I now need to update the NameServer with the previous domain hosting service, but I have no idea how to find out the NameServer (Compast is my ISP) to put into the UPDATE NAME SERVERS form for the previous hosting company. I need to obviosly do this before people who type in my web address can be directed to my home server instead of the old hsoting company. The previous hosting server is ns.teammediaonline and Do I use something like or something? I already have the IP address and know it works fine. Comcast does notchange the IP's too often and I will not have much traffic to my site, so I should not have any issues with them. I am sure this is a very simple issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    You definitely do not want to contact Comcast. Servers are forbidden to their residential customers. If you contacted them, not only would they refuse to help, that might put you on a list to watch in case you do set one up. Now, if you're careful, don't server out a lot of traffic, and aren't a general nuisance to the people on your node, they most likely won't notice if you don't contact them.
    However, you'll need to look into a different DNS solution. Do a search for "Dynamic DNS" and you'll find a number of services that will be able to help you out. This one, DynDNS, has some reading material that might help to explain what you need to do...

  • Need help with Adobe Premiere Elements 9 for the Windows XP PC

    Just got it today, so I could make my own video and audio files from pre-existing ones.  I first used a version of Adobe Premiere back in school in the '90s, and seemed to easily make them there, while not working on school work.  There was a row for inserted video, and a row below that for inserted audio.  I'm out of college currently, and just bought Elements 9, as said, but am struggling with it.  Could someone please tutor me to get me started?  Perhaps even talk over the phone?  I'm trying to combine different video and audio tracks into a new singular video/audio file.
    Thanks in advance.
    Welcome to the forum, but unfortunately, you have posted to the Premiere Pro, CS 4 and Earlier forum.
    Instead, you should post to the PrElements Forum, as few here will know anything about PrE 9.
    Now, the starting secret of PrE is your Source Files. Can you tell us the full details of those?
    Next, matching those to the correct Project Preset, is the next step. Can you tell us what you chose at New Project?
    For a list of some of the resources for learning PrE, see this ARTICLE.
    Good luck,
    What are Source Files?  You mean the videos I'm using?  The main one is here:
    Two to four additions to it will be used with video parts from here:
    And my first project is a .prel file.  Is that what you meant?
    Is it possible I could get assistance over the phone?

    I created a more precise list of what I wish to combine to make one new video program:
    Transformers_S2.mpg (0:00 - 0:33) (All)
    Transformers_S2.mpg (0:00 - 0:08)
    Fade to
    Transformers_S2.mpg (0:31 - 0:33)
    Fade to
    Rodimus.mpg (0:00- 0:08) (Note: Should start after grey jet passes by on top of screen (less than a second in), and stop after blue robot tramples over the other two robots, cutting off the part where he's shot at from the sky, and all that afterward.)
    (1:34 - 1:38) (Note: Should start as soon as video beings, and end when the four side robots are shooting their laser guns, and the one in the middle shoots his shoulder-cannons, cutting off the part with the bridge and missiles, and everything else afterward.)
    trypt.mpg (0:15 - 0:16) (Note: Only shows the brief second or two where the five robots quickly transform to one big robot.)
    (5:22 - 5:25) (Note: Should start with all 5 robots appearing onscreen, and end with them, in a combined robot, firing at the screen, cutting off the white laser-shooting base/battle-station and everything else afterward.)
    Transformers_S2.mpg (0:23 - 0:33) (Note: Should start with lava-flowing ending, and lined-walkway appears, and goes to the end.)
    Not sure if I can get all of these videos in, in the 33 second time limit. I'm willing to cut either the trypt.mpg clip, and/or the youtube link-clip below it.
    I have a youtube downloader program, so no worries there. Also need to know how to cut video so I can make these clips that are from youtube and tfarchive.
    I also want the video to contain the same quality as shown from each file here, and all fit the size of the largest file (the youtube one, I think it is).
    Please LMK how to do this, and if any of this is unclear. Things like this are all I really want to use APE9 for, so I won't be asking much else here.

  • Need help with IPhone 4S and upgrade for IOS 7

    I upgraded my phone last night to IOS 7.0.2 and this morning I went through all the initial set up questions and my phone was working.   Once I walked away and it turned off, it is asking me for a passcode to get back into my phone.   I did NOT have a passcode before I upgraded do not know what passcode it would be asking me to enter.   I have tried a couple different passcodes and nothing is working now my phones says it is "DISABLED".   Can anyone help?

    The upgrade to iOS 7.0 automatically turns on Passcode Lock....whether you want it or not. You probably don't remember the passcode you entered when prompted, but regardless, one was setup on the phone. To fix, & remove the passcode, follow the directions here to force the phone into recovery mode & restore it:
    This will remove the passcode.

  • Need help with re-prompting the user for input .

    I am trying to wright a code the re prompts the user for input if they enter anything but an integer but I keep getting a "char cannot be dereferenced" error when I try to compile.
    Here's what I have got:
    import java.util.Scanner; // imports Scanner methods
    public class SandBox
      public static void main(String[] args)
          // re-prompting test
          Scanner in = new Scanner(;
          System.out.println("Please enter an integer: ");
          String i = in.nextLine();
          for(int a=0; a<i.length(); a++)
              if( (i.charAt(a).isDigit()) ) {
                  System.out.println("Thank you!");
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Please try again");
          int b = Interger.parseInt(i);
      }// end of class
    }//end of main method

    Sorry for double posting but it won't let edit my last post.
    I would prefer to go through it without using try catch because it takes longer though I will use it if I cannot get the other way working. I currently have two versions of the code both using try catch and the other way but both say that they "cannot find symbol" when I try to parse. here are both versions of the code:
    import java.util.Scanner; // imports Scanner methods
    public class SandBox
      public static void main(String[] args)
          // try catch test
          boolean inputIsFaulty = true;
          int inputInt = 0;
          Scanner in = new Scanner(;
          do {
             System.out.println("Please enter an integer: ");
             String i = in.nextLine();
             for(int a=0; a<i.length(); a++)
                if (Character.isDigit(i.charAt(a))) {
                  System.out.println("Thank you!");
                  inputIsFaulty = false;
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Please try again");
            while (inputIsFaulty);
          inputInt = Integer.parseInt(i);
      }//end of class
    }//end of main method
    import java.util.Scanner; // imports Scanner methods
    public class SandBox2
      public static void main(String[] args)
          // try catch test
          boolean inputNotOK = true;
          int inputInt = 0;
          Scanner in = new Scanner(;
          do {
             System.out.print("Please enter an integer: ");
             String inputStr = in.nextLine();
             try {
                inputInt = Integer.parseInt(inputStr);
                // this line is only reached if the parse works
                inputNotOK = false;
             catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                System.out.println("You didn't enter a proper number.  Please Try again.");
          while (inputNotOK);
          inputInt = Integer.parseInt(imputStr);
      }//end of class
    }//end of main method

  • Helpdesk Agent Needs help with JAVA applet not loading for HTTPS site

    Sorry....I am posting here as I do not know where to start.
    JAVA Console Message. The applet runs via HTTP URL but will not load via HTTPS. Any idea would be much appreciated.
    load: class not found.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 10 more
    Exception in thread "Thread-7" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletException(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletStatus(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Exception in thread "thread" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletException(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    load: class not found.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 10 more
    Exception in thread "Thread-6" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletException(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletStatus(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Exception in thread "thread" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletException(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)

    I am repeating the question that RHM submitted...has anyone found a solution to this issue...Applet com.pogo.client.jvmtest.applet started. I was not having a problem and then out of no where on Sept. 13 my game rooms failed to load and this message started appearing. I have done everything asked of me to clear files both Internet and Java, to uninstall, re-install, etc...nothing works. Does anyone have an answer for a very non technical user?

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