Need help with audio editing

I have an mp3 file which I converted from flv (YouTube) using ffmpeg.
The quality of the flv was good but its volume was relatively low.
Even if I play the mp3 file at maximum volume, it's not as loud as I would like.
I've found that playing the mp3 file through Audacious using its graphic equalizer with some altered settings really helps immensely.
Is there any way I can re-record the mp3 at these enhanced equalizer levels as I would like to include the (enhanced) track in a playlist of 40+ songs and I don't want to fiddle with the equalizer just for this one song when it plays?

Easiest would probably be to use Audacity to modify it.

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    Drag the mouse to select the video frames that you want to mute. A yellow border should be around them.
    Then, EDIT//SPLIT CLIP (or right-click/Split Clip).
    On this split clip, open the Audio Inspector and set the volume to zero.

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    Message edited by moderator: maybe don't publicly post your serial?
    Quite! Never a good idea, even with really old software...
    jackm36094786 wrote:
    Steve: What I have is a Serial # (?) xxx ID # 105368761 and a case # 3009176.I also have the program on my Gateway computer but I don't know how to use it.  Is this of any assistance?
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    Got SoundTrack Pro? It will perform miracles with getting rid of unwanted sound. It's a matter of isolalating a few frames of the sound where no one is talking, and then using a simple command to remove that sound by itself from the entire audio track.
    There is a possibilty that the Hum remover in FCP 4.5 might help...

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    Got SoundTrack Pro? It will perform miracles with getting rid of unwanted sound. It's a matter of isolalating a few frames of the sound where no one is talking, and then using a simple command to remove that sound by itself from the entire audio track.
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    OK, assuming that the gameplay audio with the song is on audio track one and the voiceover is on audio track two.
    All you have to do is to keyframe track one to lower the volume while you are talking and raise it bak to normal when you finish speaking. It is pretty simple.
    Check out some of the Audio related tutorials here:

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    You could try this technique.
    Or borrow a friend's Mac that supports FCP X and download the trial.
    Good luck.

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    Message was edited by: macmaster99

    The xspf player will autostart and autoresume...
    You can hide it in each page using the method described here....
    ... by hiding it behind a screenshot of your page background.
    See the bottom of this page for make up a compilation using the freeware Audacity......
    ..... or any other audio editor that will import your audio file type and export it as MP3..
    Make up the player with no photo and only one track so that you can reduce its size to a minimum.
    If this is as clear as mud, click the Feedback button at the bottom of this page ....
    ... to contact the idiot that built this site.
    Don't expect a reply to soon as its 1.45 am in California and he's off to bed.

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    private void initMicrophone()
    // i think the problem is with this line below, where it searches
    // for a device that does LINEAR encoding with the specified
    // SampleRate and SizeinBits in MONO format!!
    AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat("LINEAR", 8000, 8, 1);
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    di = (CaptureDeviceInfo)devices.elementAt(0);
    System.out.println("No devices found");
    lc = di.getLocator();
    would also provide the code of the full application ...if you can help me regarding that! thanx!
    i think the code of the whole application is running just fine ...the problem is as specified in the code sample provided!! ...if u still think that u need to have a look at my code ...please let me know! ..thanx so much!!

    sorry about posting this message twice!

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    Hi jMoose and welcome to the forums!
    My bet is that the audio tracks that won't transfer to iDVD are purchased tracks in iTunes rather than from your own CDs?
    If so what you are up against is DRM copy protection. The workaround is to burn a CD in iTunes of those tracks you need, then re-import them from that CD into iTunes and save them as AIFF files.
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    In turn. pin each audio clip to the video clip and not the background. Set its in and pout points for the segment of audio you want and then slide the clip segment in the exact position/location you want it.
    I also tried Garageband, but I have absolutely no knowledge in using Garageband... I know I'm wrong, but I couldn't even get any iTunes songs to open in Garageband for trimming...
    With GarageBand, simply drag and drop each clip to the main window to add each as an individual track. Select the audio track you wish to work on and move the "playhead" to find the "in" or 'out" point you wish to set. When in position, select the "Split" option in the Edit menu to split the selected audio track. Remove the unwanted segments and slide the content you wish to keep to the position/location you want it to play in relation to the video track. Select and repeat this same process for each of your other audio tracks.

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    MY FAILED SOLUTION:  I tried to move the audio file and assign it via properties under hit. Thus have to have someone click on the sound.  Yet the same outcome happend where the wave form appeared not just under hit but it showed on over, down and hit. The same thing happened when I tried assigning to "down".
    Is this caused by the sound file being too big?  I tried a small audio beed and it would assign directly under the part I assigned but not with the bigger 4MB audio file.
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    If it is not the size, could some one please tell me how to fix this glitch.  I would be satisfied with the button working on either over or hit.  If you wish to see what the button is doing, you can see it online at

    Hi Erika,
    That might just be what I need ... but I am confused as to where do put the action code.  Can you help me with the following questions:
    1. Did you put it inside the button via actionscript or did you select the button just and ad it there ...  or somewhere else? Since I have several buttons doing the same thing on different pages, I am not sure where to put it.
    2. What was the exact code you used  ie  on (release)  {....   StopAllSounds(); }  .... did you even use "release" or some other mouse event.
    Please include the action script code I might try since I am very new to scripting. THANK YOU>

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    private void initMicrophone()
    // i think the problem is with this line below, where it searches
    // for a device that does LINEAR encoding with the specified
    // SampleRate and SizeinBits in MONO format!!
    AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat("LINEAR", 8000, 8, 1);
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    CaptureDeviceInfo di = null;
    if(devices.size() > 0)
    di = (CaptureDeviceInfo)devices.elementAt(0);
    System.out.println("No devices found");
    lc = di.getLocator();
    would also provide the code of the full application ...if you can help me regarding that! thanx!

    i think the code of the whole application is running just fine ...the problem is as specified in the code sample provided!! ...if u still think that u need to have a look at my code ...please let me know! ..thanx so much!!

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    Make sure that the layers palette is open in Editor, expert mode.
    This is a 2 step process:
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