Need help with data from databases

I need to search several columns in a table, for ex. the Id column and the Headline column. Of cource the id must be connected to the right headline when I want to do something to the data.
Now I get a Resultset and I have tried out different ways to get the data out from the Resultset but the result doesn't seems to be right. Can anyone help me, please.

You can iterate on your ResultSet if it contains several
Let's imagine you have defined a class Element containing
the values you want to use.
List l = new ArrayList();
// Calling put the cursor on the next row
// and return false if there is no more row
while ( {
Element e = new Element(rs.getString(1), rs.getInt(2));

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  • Need Help with Dates

    I am printing a calendar and certain events will be helds on certain dates.
    One can edit the event if it has not passed the date. Events in the past can be viewed but not edited.
    When I query the database the date must be formatted dd-MMM-yy
    I am able to get today's date by doing this:
    java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date();
    String formatString = "dd-MMM-yy";
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString);
    String today_str = sdf.format(today);
    My code for printing the calendar: I left out some of the table formatting in the JSP page.
    GregorianCalendar d = new GregorianCalendar();
    int today = d.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    int month = d.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    int weekday = d.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    for(int i = Calendar.SUNDAY; i < weekday; i++)
    out.print("<td> </td>");
    do {
    int day = d.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    out.print("<td>" + day + "</td>");
    String formatString = "dd-MMM-yy";
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString);
    //if(event exists on this day
    // Get results
    // print link for viewing
    // if (after today) print link for edit
    if(weekday == Calendar.SATURDAY)
    out.println("</tr><tr valign=top>");
    weekday = d.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    } while(d.get(Calendar.MONTH) == month);
    if(weekday != Calendar.SUNDAY)
    The part I need help on is this:
    //if(event exists on this day
    // Get results
    // print link for viewing
    // if (after today) print link for edit
    I'm looping through each day of the month to print the days. I have the month, day, year as integers. How can I create a date object out of that and compare it to today's date to test if it's before or after today???
    All the function in the Date class that I think would do this have been deprecated.

    Need Help with Dates
    Here is some information about dates:
    There are many edible palm fruits, and one of the most widespread and favored of these is the data (Phoenix dactylifera). Dates were cultivated in ancient land from Mesopotamia to prehistoric Egypt, possibly as early as 6000 B.C. Then--as now--dates were a staple for the natives of those dry regions. Much later, Arabs spread dates around northern Africa, and dates were introduced into California by the Spaniards in 1765, around Mission San Ignacio.
    The date prefers dry, hot climates, because date fruits are injured at temperatures of 20 degrees F, and the damp climate of the California coast was not favorable for fruit production. In the mid-1800s, the date industry developed in California's hot interior valleys and in Arizona. Now the date industry in the United States is localized mostly in the Coachella Valley, where the sandy soils permit the plants to be deeply irrigated. Today the new varieties, mostly introduced in this century, produce about 40 million pounds of dates per annum, or over 60% of the dates consumed in this country. The rest are imported mainly from Persia. According to one survey, about one million people are engaged entirely in date palm cultivation worldwide.
    Hope that helps.

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  • How to populate Adobe LiveCycle Designer generated  PDF Forms with data from Database in Windows app

    I have a PDF template designed in Adobe LiveCycle Designer. This template has form fields which needs to be filled with data programmatically. I am using windows application in C#.Net 2005 in which I want to retrieve data from database and merge this data into PDF form in respective fields.
    How this can be achieved?
    I searched a lot & I found that we can process the XDP file generated from PDF to acheive this. I created the XDP file out of the PDF template created in designer. But I don't know how to merge data from database into that XDP file in respective fields and again convert this XDP file back to PDF programmatically. Can anybody help me ? This is urgent.
    Thanks in advance.

    Please ignore the above code.<br />The following one is correct one.<br />using System;<br />using System.Data;<br />using System.Configuration;<br />using System.Web;<br />using System.Web.Security;<br />using System.Web.UI;<br />using System.Web.UI.WebControls;<br />using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;<br />using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;<br />using System.Text;<br />public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page <br />{<br />    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)<br />    {<br />        Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml";<br />        StringBuilder responseString = new StringBuilder();<br />        responseString.Append("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>");<br />        responseString.Append("<?xfa generator='AdobeLiveCycleDesigner_V8.0' APIVersion='2.5.6290.0'?>");<br />        responseString.Append("<xdp:xdp xmlns:xdp=''>");<br />        responseString.Append("<xfa:datasets xmlns:xfa=''>");<br />        responseString.Append("<xfa:data>");<br /><br />        responseString.Append("<form1>");<br />        responseString.Append("<TextField1>Homer</TextField1>");<br />        responseString.Append("<TextField2>Simpson</TextField2>");<br />        responseString.Append("<field name ='DropDownList1'>");<br />        responseString.Append("<items save='1'>");<br />        responseString.Append("<text>1</text>");<br />        responseString.Append("<text>2</text>");<br />        responseString.Append("<text>3</text>");<br />        responseString.Append("</items>");<br />        responseString.Append("</field>");<br /><br />        responseString.Append("</form1>");<br /><br />        responseString.Append("</xfa:data>");<br />        responseString.Append("</xfa:datasets>");<br />        responseString.Append("<pdf  href='C:\\Test.pdf' xmlns='' />");<br />        responseString.Append("</xdp:xdp>");<br /><br />        Response.Write(responseString);<br />        Response.Flush();<br />        Response.End();<br />    }<br />}

  • Need Help with data type conversion

    Hello People,
    I am new to java, i need some help with data type conversion:
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    Class InetAddress has a method
    byte[]      getAddress() You can create an instance using the static method getByName() providing the IP address string as argument.

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         $query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE newsletter_id = '$newsletter_id'" ;
         mysql_select_db($database) ;
         $result = mysql_query($query, $connect);
         $numRows = mysql_num_rows($result);
         $dbnewsletter_title = mysql_result($result,$i,'newsletter_title');
              <td width="140"><p class="admin">Newsletter title</p></td>
              <td><input name="newsletter_title" type="text" <? print "value=$dbnewsletter_title";}?> /></td>
    However, when I view the page, the string shows in the text feild, but seems to be split at the point of the first space. So basically only the first word of the string shows in the text field. If I try to print '$dbnewsletter_title' outside of the table, the string is shown in full as it should be.
    Does anyone know what is causing this problem?
    Many Thanks

    Put the value in quotes:
    <?php print "value='$dbnewsletter_title'"; ?>

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    This is the iPod touch forum and you are not providing any information to help you.

  • Constructing Jtree with data from Database

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    It will be of great help if anyone can provide me with some lead or some source code.
    Thanking u in advance

    Yes,using LiveCycle you could accomplish this easily.Once you have your invoice form ready based on predefined XSD, you can easily update the form data by fetching the values from database using JDBC operation.Also you could email this updated form using Email service.

  • Need help with data grid...

    I have setup a profile card which displays information about individuals by pulling data from an XML database.
    I have multiple text fields and couple movie clips that display images but i need a datagrid to display stats for each individual.
    The stat information is set as attributes on a array of XML nodes each node is a year.
    Example XML
              <name>Wayne Gretzky</name>
              <dob>Jan 26, 1961</dob>
              <history>"important information"</history>
                        <medal standing ="Silver" Event =" 1981 Canada Cup" sport="Ice Hockey"/>
                        <medal standing ="Gold" Event =" 1984 Canada Cup" sport="Ice Hockey"/>
                        <medal standing ="Gold" Event =" 1987 Canada Cup" sport="Ice Hockey"/>
                        <medal standing ="Gold" Event =" 1991 Canada Cup" sport="Ice Hockey"/>
                        <medal standing ="Silver" Event =" 1996 World Cup of Hockey" sport="Ice Hockey"/>
              <name>Wayne Gretzky2</name>
              <dob>Jan 26, 1962</dob>
              <position>Right Wing</position>
              <history>"important information"</history>
                        <medal standing ="Gold" Event =" 1981 Canada Cup" sport="Ice Hockey"/>
                        <medal standing ="Bronze" Event =" 1984 Canada Cup" sport="Ice Hockey"/>
                        <medal standing ="Silver" Event =" 1987 Canada Cup" sport="Ice Hockey"/>
                        <medal standing ="Silver" Event =" 1991 Canada Cup" sport="Ice Hockey"/>
                        <medal standing ="Gold" Event =" 1996 World Cup of Hockey" sport="Ice Hockey"/>
    The red information is what i need to get displayed by the Data Grid for each profile.
    1981 Canada Cup
    Ice Hockey
    1984 Canada Cup
    Ice Hockey
    The swf has buttons to cycle through the profiles which loads the new information from the XML.
    If you have a good understanding of how the dataGRIDs work please let me know if you can help as this is the last problem holding me from finishing this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Update... I got the data pulling in but it doesnt change as the profile changes with the rest of the data.

  • Need help - select data from NCLOB column problem

    Im having problem retrieving data from NCLOB columns via ODBC. After SQLExecdirect on my SELECT statement call to SQLFetch gives me following error:
    ORA-24806 LOB form mismatch
    I tried following two ways of data retrieval:
    Both times call to SQLFetch gives me ORA-24806 LOB form mismatch error.
    INSERT and UPDATE for this table works just fine.
    If I change NCLOB type to CLOB works just fine, but I will be storing Unicode data, so using CLOB cant be a solution
    Any ideas appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Oracle 9.2 database on Windows 2000 Server
    Unicode C++ application, connects via Oracle 9.2 ODBC driver on Windows XP
    CREATE TABLE my_nclob_table (
         id number (10,0) NOT NULL ,
         name nvarchar2 (255) NOT NULL ,
         description nvarchar2 (255) NULL ,
         definition nclob NOT NULL ,
         creation date NOT NULL ,
         lastmodified date NOT NULL ,
         CONSTRAINT PK_cat_pricelist PRIMARY KEY
    #define     nil NULL
    #define     null NULL
    #define     SQL_ERR(__sqlerr__)     (((__sqlerr__) != SQL_SUCCESS) && ((__sqlerr__) != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
    #define     STOP_IF_SQL_ERR(__sqlerr__)                                                                 \
                                                      do                                                       \
                                                           if (SQL_ERR(__sqlerr__)) goto stop_;     \
                                                      } while (false)                                                  
    void eqTestOracleLOBSelect(void)
         SQLHENV henv     = null;
         SQLHDBC hdbc     = null;
         SQLHSTMT hstmt     = null;
         SQLRETURN retcode     = SQL_SUCCESS;
         TCHAR          szSQLStatement[]     = T("select id, name, definition from mynclob_table");
         int               iFetchedRows = 0;
         TCHAR          szMsg[512];
         TCHAR          chBuffer[2049];
         SQLLEN          iDataLen = 0;
              retcode = eqOpenConnectionODBC(_T("myTestDsn"),_T("user"),_T("pwd"),henv,hdbc);
              retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt);
              retcode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(SQLTCHAR*)szSQLStatement,SQL_NTS);
              retcode = SQLBindCol(hstmt,3,SQL_C_TCHAR,chBuffer,sizeof(chBuffer),&iDataLen);
                   while (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
                        retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt);
                        if (retcode == SQL_NO_DATA)
                             retcode = SQL_SUCCESS;
                   //     retcode = SQLGetData(hstmt,3,SQL_C_TCHAR,chBuffer,sizeof(chBuffer),&iDataLen);
                   //     STOP_IF_SQL_ERR(retcode);
              if (SQL_ERR(retcode))
                   MessageBox(null,_T("SQL statement execution error."),_T("Error"),MB_OK);
              } else     {
                             _stprintf(szMsg,_T("SQL execution success. Fetched rows: %ld"),iFetchedRows);
              MessageBox(null,_T("Unknown exception in eqTestOracleLOBSelect"),_T("Unknown exception"),MB_OK);
         if (hstmt != null)
              SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
              hstmt = null;
         if (hdbc != nil)
              SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
              hdbc = nil;
         if (henv != nil)
              SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);
              henv = nil;
    SQLRETURN eqOpenConnectionODBC(TCHAR          *szDSN,
                                       TCHAR          *szUser,
                                       TCHAR          *szPassword,
                                       SQLHENV     &henv,
                                       SQLHDBC &hdbc)
         SQLRETURN retcode;
         henv = nil;
         hdbc = nil;
         //Allocate environment handle
         retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv);
         //Set the ODBC version environment attribute
         retcode = SQLSetEnvAttr(henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void*)SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
         // Allocate connection handle
         retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);
         // Set login timeout to 5 seconds.
         SQLSetConnectAttr(hdbc, SQL_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, (void*)5, 0);
         retcode = SQLConnect(hdbc, (SQLTCHAR*)szDSN, SQL_NTS,
                                            (SQLTCHAR*)szUser, SQL_NTS,
                                            (SQLTCHAR*)szPassword, SQL_NTS);
              if (SQL_ERR(retcode))
                   MessageBox(null,_T("Connection Error."),_T("Error"),MB_OK);
                   if (hdbc != nil)
                        eqShowStatementError(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc,retcode);
                        SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
                        hdbc = nil;
                   if (henv != nil)
                        eqShowStatementError(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv,retcode);
                        SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);
                        henv = nil;
              } else MessageBox(null,_T("Connected."),_T("Success"),MB_OK);
         return retcode;
    void eqShowStatementError(SQLSMALLINT chHandleType, SQLHANDLE hHandle,long lErrOrig)
         SQLRETURN          nErr          = SQL_SUCCESS;
         int                    nRecNum = 1;
         SQLTCHAR          szSqlState[6];
         SQLTCHAR          szMsg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
         SQLSMALLINT          nMsgLen;
         SQLINTEGER          nNativeError;
         while ((nErr = SQLGetDiagRec(chHandleType,hHandle,nRecNum,
                                            szSqlState, &nNativeError,
                                            szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), &nMsgLen)) != SQL_NO_DATA)
              szSqlState[5] = 0;
              MessageBox(NULL,(const TCHAR *)szMsg,_T("ODBC Error"),MB_OK);

    Yes, the driver can be downloaded from OTN. I don't believe it will solve your particular problem, but it will help in general. If you don't grab the latest version, you'll probably have to chack the "Force SQL_WCHAR Support" option in the DSN configuration.
    From the help file
    "The C data type, SQL_C_WCHAR, was added to the ODBC interface to allow applications to specify that an input parameter is encoded as Unicode or to request column data returned as Unicode. The macro SQL_C_TCHAR is useful for applications that need to be built as both Unicode and ANSI. The SQL_C_TCHAR macro compiles as SQL_C_WCHAR for Unicode applications and as SQL_C_CHAR for ANSI applications."
    My first thought would be that your application is not being compiled as Unicode. If you substitute SQL_C_WCHAR for SQL_C_TCHAR when you're dealing with NCLOB columns, I suspect you'll have better luck.
    More help file
    "The SQL data types, SQL_WCHAR, SQL_WVARCHAR, and SQL_WLONGVARCHAR, were added to the ODBC interface to represent columns defined in a table as Unicode. These values are potentially returned from calls to SQLDescribeCol, SQLColAttribute, SQLColumns, and SQLProcedureColumns. In Oracle release or, the Oracle database does not support encoding columns as Unicode. These values would not be returned from the ODBC Drivers for Oracle release or for Oracle databases.
    In Oracle release, Unicode encoding was supported for SQL column types NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB. In addition, Unicode encoding was also supported for SQL column types CHAR and VARCHAR2 if the character semantics were specified in the column definition.
    Starting with release, the ODBC Driver supports these SQL column types and maps NCHAR to the SQL data type SQL_WCHAR, NVARCHAR2 is mapped to SQL_WVARCHAR, and NCLOB is mapped to SQL_WLONGVARCHAR. The SQL CHAR column is mapped to SQL_WCHAR and the VARCHAR2 column is mapped to SQL_WVARCHAR if the character semantics are specified for the column. While the Force SQL_WCHAR Support option is still available in the ODBC Driver, it is no longer required for Unicode support."

  • Need help with date range searches for Table Sources in SES

    Hi all,
    I need help, please. I am trying to satisfy a Level 1 client requirement for the ability to search for records in crawled table sources by a date and/or date range. I have performed the following steps, and did not get accurate results from Advanced searching for date. Please help me understand what I am doing wrong, and/or if there is a way to define a date search attribute without creating a LOV for a date column. (My tables have 500,00 rows.)
    I am using SES on Windows 32.
    My Oracle 10g Spatial Table is called REPORTS and this table has the following columns:
    TRACKNUM Varchar2
    TITLE Varchar2
    SYMBOLCODE Varchar2
    Timestamp Date
    OBSDATE Date
    I set up the REPORTS table source in SES, using TRACKNUM as the Primary Key (unique and not null), and SUMMARY as the CONTENT Column. In the Table Column Mappings I defined TITLE as String and TITLE.
    Under Global Settings > Search Attributes I defined a new Search Attribute (type Date) called DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY).
    Went back to REPORTS source previously defined and added a new Table Column Mapping - mapping OBSDATE to the newly defined DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY) search attribute.
    I then modified the Schedule for the REPORTS source Crawler Policy to “Process All Documents”.
    Schedule crawls and indexes entire REPORTS table.
    In SES Advanced Search page, I enter my search keyword, select Specific Source Group as REPORTS, select All Match, and used the pick list to select the DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY) Attribute Name, operator of Greater than equal, and entered the Value 01-JAN-07. Then the second attribute name of DATE_OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY), less than equals, 10-JAN-07.
    Search results gave me 38,000 documents, and the first 25 I looked at had dates NOT within the 01-JAN-07 / 10-JAN-07 range. (e.g. OBSDATE= 10-MAR-07, 22-SEP-07, 02-FEB-08, etc.)
    And, none of the results I opened had ANY dates within the SUMMARY CLOB…in case that’s what was being found in the search.
    Can someone help me figure out how to allow my client to search for specific dated records in a db table using a single column for the date? This is a major requirement and they are anxiously awaiting my solution.
    Thanks very much, in advance….

    Thanks very much for your reply. However, from what I've read in the SES Admin Document is that (I think) the date format DD/MM/YYYY pertains only to searches on "file system" sources (e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, etc.). We have 3 file system sources among our 25 total sources. The remaining 22 sources are all TABLE or DATABASE sources. The DBA here has done a great job getting the data standardized using the typical/default Oracle DATE type format in our TABLE sources (DD-MON-YY). Our tables have anywhere from 1500 rows to 2 million rows.
    I tested your theory that the dates we are entering are being changed to Strings behind the scenes and on the Advanced Page, searched for results using OBSDATE equals 01/02/2007 in an attempt to find data that I know for certain to be in the mapped OBSDATE table column as 01-FEB-07. My result set contained data that had an OBSDATE of 03-MAR-07 and none containing 01-FEB-07.
    Here is the big order for my client to fulfill his primary mission, one of the top 5 requirements is that he/she be able to find specific table rows that are contain a specific date or range of dates.
    thanks very much!

  • Load interactive pdf with data from database

    I am trying to understand our options for loading database data into an interactive pdf..?   Some of the data is not stored in the database and needs to be manually entered by the user in the interactive pdf.
    Here is the interactive pdf I'm working with:
    As I understand it, there are 2 options:
    1.  Create an xml file from the database data.   Users can manually import this xml file into this existing interactive pdf and then manually add the additional data, and save the interactive pdf.
    Would users need to use Adobe acrobat Standard or Pro edition to import the xml data?
    2.  Create a XFA PDF form that's made with LiveCycle Designer.   Can this method create an interactive pdf so that users can enter additional data later and save the pdf?  
       What adobe products are required to use this method?
    thanks for any assistance..

    Yes,using LiveCycle you could accomplish this easily.Once you have your invoice form ready based on predefined XSD, you can easily update the form data by fetching the values from database using JDBC operation.Also you could email this updated form using Email service.

  • Programmatically generate password for pdf with data from database

    Good day everyone,
      I would like to know is it possible to programmatically generate passwords for pdf??
    The main idea is to enable an automated process of pdf acquiring individualised password from a database (Excel, Access, you name it) and finally sending the pdf to individual recipient. Can I use javascript for this? And if yes, how?? If not, pls do advice me on the appropriate steps.
    Background (for clarity's sake): 
      Currently I am working on developing an automated process for the sending customised, password encrypted payslip to about 80 staff. The entire procedure is pretty much summarized as below:
    mail merg (UBS output in) excel to words -> convert words to pdf -> programmatically password encrypt the pdf -> email to individual recipients.
    Well my current status is - I am quite done with the batch mail merge and convertion part. And batch proccessing of password encryption is not a problem, but the idea is to allow acrobat to retrieve password automatically from a database and not key-in each and every password manually. The batch email for now is another problem but for now I have to work stepwise. (Any ideas on how to do it would equally be valued though! =D)
    System and software using:
    Windows  XP and 7 Professional
    Microsoft Office Proffesional 2010
    Adobe Acrobat X Pro
    I would be really grateful for any relevant replies to my question and any additional thoughts or ideas are welcome!!
    I would to thank any potential saviour in advance!
    Thank you for helping!

    Basically I need to automate the password generation from database extract
    e.g. Excel database with StaffID, StaffName, PayMonth, etc. Then when the pdf is created, its password would be <StaffID>_<PayMonth> which is extracted from excel.
    Is it possible for this to happen?? I dont mine using Javascript, I'll just have to learn it.
    Or how about recommending a program which does that??
    Whichever is fine as long there's a solution!

  • I need help restoring data from my time machine.

    1)  On the time machine, where do I find the TRASH file that is located on the dock in my desktop?  I'd like to restore that to a prior date but can't find it.
    2)   I DID A VERY BAD THING & need help to get back to where I was before.   I wanted to delete files that were taking up lots of space.  My OTHER section  was using 160G.  I downloaded OmniDiskSweep and found that 120G was being used by my virtual machine (I run Quicken in Windows, through VMware).  I started to delete files that were called Snapshots assuming these were the snapshots that the program regularly takes of my files. Apparently they were not. I also deleted the program Windows XP Professional because that was never used.  When I try to open VM or quicken program, it says it is missing a particular snapshot, i.e. Snapshot 11104.  I deleted about 20 of these. I left all the other files that said Windows XP Home Edition.  But now it shows that I only have the Professional Edition, even though that's what I deleted.  I'm trying to restore from Time Machine and it looks like the information is not there - I've tried various different backups and nothing seems to have the information I need.  The earliest back up I have is from 5/7 when I started time machine on a new external 1TB HD.  Would that have the information I need since it's the very first back up?  Please Help.

    I am assuming it's real data because it's taking up storage on my HD.  It falls in the category "other" and the total of this section is 160G. Here is a snapshot of the virtual machine.
    I also took a shot of the VM snapshots & it tells how much space is being taken up by the snapshots.
    I've now changed the number of snapshots taken down to 12 (didn't know I had this option) & I can delete alot of the 21 snapshots that have already been saved.  I have no idea how much of the HD was set aside for the VM because someone else installed it for me 5 years ago.  I've had enough problems with it over the years that I've wanted to switch to Quicken for Mac or find another financial program to use. I've upgraded the VM 2x over the years, but didn't want to spend $100 for Version 5.   I understand the concept of a VM but that's about all.
    I did do the disk cleanup in Windows on the C drive.  I deleted 700 MB of temporary files and then compressed 4G of data down to 2G.  While the cleanup was progressing it said that the C drive was 30.99G and 78% of it was free.  That just doesn't make sense to me.  It recommended a defrag, so I did that also.
    I'm pretty sure it's real data because I recently had to switch from a 320G external HD for TM, to a 1T HD.  One TM backup was over 300G which I found to be excessive because I basically use my computer for mail, some word processing, and my financial data.
    Thanks again for all your help. I really appreciate it.

  • Need Help:Reading Data from RU payroll cluster for table GRREC

    I need help on how to read data from RU cluster table for table GRREC for the employee & run date and get the value from structure PC292 .
    Please let me know about the includes and the import and export statements to be used.
    Thanks in advance,

    Here goes pseudocode
    include: rpppxd00    ,
                rpppxd10     ,
                rpc2cd09     , 
                rpc2rx02_ce , "if ldb pnp_ce is used else use the same include with out _ce
                rpc2rx29      ,  
                rpc2rx39      ,
                rpppxm00    ,
                rpc2ruu0_ce ,
    DATA : i_rgdir   LIKE pc261        OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE     ,
               i_result  TYPE pay99_result OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE ,
               i_grrec   LIKE  pc292           OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE .
    GET pernr.
    Get the RGDIR VALUE for the current PERNR & selected Molga
    get rgdir data TABLES i_rgdir
                          USING pernr-pernr
                                     p_molga " parameter
    i_rgdir [] = rgdir[].
      LOOP AT i_rgdir WHERE fpbeg  LE  pn-endda
                        AND fpend  GE  pn-begda
                        AND srtza  EQ 'A'
                        AND void   NE   'V'.
      get_result_tabs   TABLES i_result
                                   USING 'RU'    "  US cluster
      i_grrec[] = i_result-inter-grrec[].
      LOOP AT i_grrec.
      case i_grrec.
      use wage types required here and pass the data to output table.

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