Need help with outer join filter.

Need a little help filtering a resultset and I cant seem to find a proper way to do this.
create table invoice( farinvc_invh_code varchar2(100),
                              farinvc_item varchar2(100),
                              farinvc_po varchar2(100)
   create table po(
        supplier_number varchar2(60),
        supplier_invoice_no varchar2(60),
        po_number varchar2(60),
        run_date varchar2(60),
        PO_LINE_NUMBER varchar2(60) );
INSERT INTO "PO" (SUPPLIER_NUMBER, SUPPLIER_INVOICE_NO, PO_NUMBER, RUN_DATE, PO_LINE_NUMBER) VALUES ('914100122', '145679', 'P0142246', '22-NOV-12', '2');query im executing.
SELECT  farinvc_invh_code,
                farinvc_po ,
"FARINVC_INVH_CODE"           "SUPPLIER_NUMBER"             "SUPPLIER_INVOICE_NO"         "FARINVC_ITEM"                "FARINVC_PO"                  "PO_NUMBER"                   "RUN_DATE"                    "PO_LINE_NUMBER"             
"I0554165"                    "914100122"                   "145678"                      "1"                           "P0142246"                    "P0142246"                    "22-NOV-12"                   "1"                          
"I0554165"                    "914100122"                   "145679"                      "2"                           "P0142246"                    "P0142246"                    "22-NOV-12"                   "2"                          
"I0554164"                    "914100121"                   "529132260"                   "1"                           "P0142245"                    "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "1"                          
"I0554164"                    "914100121"                   "529137831"                   "3"                           "P0142245"                    "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "3"                          
""                            "914100121"                   "529137831"                   ""                            ""                            "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "2"                           this is a much larger table and I took an excerpt in order to keep things clear and understanding. I would like to filter this result set to only show the lines that have have the po numbers are the same and line are the same but there is an extra item. in other words like such.
"FARINVC_INVH_CODE"           "SUPPLIER_NUMBER"             "SUPPLIER_INVOICE_NO"         "FARINVC_ITEM"                "FARINVC_PO"                  "PO_NUMBER"                   "RUN_DATE"                    "PO_LINE_NUMBER"             
"I0554164"                    "914100121"                   "529132260"                   "1"                           "P0142245"                    "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "1"                          
"I0554164"                    "914100121"                   "529137831"                   "3"                           "P0142245"                    "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "3"                          
""                            "914100121"                   "529137831"                   ""                            ""                            "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "2"                          

fair enough frank lets add some extra data to the tables.
for example.
INSERT INTO "PO" (SUPPLIER_NUMBER, SUPPLIER_INVOICE_NO, PO_NUMBER, RUN_DATE, PO_LINE_NUMBER) VALUES ('914100123', 'INV3', 'P0142247', '25-NOV-12', '3')if we run the query above we get
"FARINVC_INVH_CODE"           "SUPPLIER_NUMBER"             "SUPPLIER_INVOICE_NO"         "FARINVC_ITEM"                "FARINVC_PO"                  "PO_NUMBER"                   "RUN_DATE"                    "PO_LINE_NUMBER"             
"I0554164"                    "914100121"                   "529132260"                   "1"                           "P0142245"                    "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "1"                          
"I0554164"                    "914100121"                   "529137831"                   "3"                           "P0142245"                    "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "3"                          
""                            "914100121"                   "529137831"                   ""                            ""                            "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "2"                          
""                            "914100123"                   "INV2"                        ""                            ""                            "P0142247"                    "25-NOV-12"                   "2"                          
""                            "914100123"                   "INV1"                        ""                            ""                            "P0142247"                    "25-NOV-12"                   "1"                          
""                            "914100123"                   "INV3"                        ""                            ""                            "P0142247"                    "25-NOV-12"                   "3"                           where really what im trying to target is pos and lines that have a match in both tables and there is additional items from the po table that do not have have a match from the invoice table. Furthermore i would only like to see the items that are repeating invoice numbers, in other words my result here should still only be, because "SUPPLIER_INVOICE_NO" is repeating and it does find a match for the po in the invoice table but yet there is an item with the same invoice and po in the po table that does not have a match in the invoice table.
"FARINVC_INVH_CODE"           "SUPPLIER_NUMBER"             "SUPPLIER_INVOICE_NO"         "FARINVC_ITEM"                "FARINVC_PO"                  "PO_NUMBER"                   "RUN_DATE"                    "PO_LINE_NUMBER"             
"I0554164"                    "914100121"                   "529132260"                   "1"                           "P0142245"                    "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "1"                          
"I0554164"                    "914100121"                   "529137831"                   "3"                           "P0142245"                    "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "3"                          
""                            "914100121"                   "529137831"                   ""                            ""                            "P0142245"                    "21-NOV-12"                   "2"                           hope that makes sense, and thanks for working with me on this.
Edited by: mlov83 on Dec 12, 2012 5:53 AM

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    Hi, Tejas,
    You might have been doing the outer join correctly.
    There's another problem here: joining table_1 to two other tables with which it has a one-to-many relationship.
    If you were joining table_1 to just one other table, you could say:
    ,       COUNT (     AS count_pid
    FROM              table_1     t1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  table_2     t2     ON     =
    ORDER BY;You could have done the exact same thing with table_3 instead of table_2.
    But you can't do the same thing with both table_2 and table_3 at the same time: that would be like cross-joining table_2 and table_3. Instead of showing id=1 having count_pid=4 and count_parid=2, you would get cout_pid=8 and count_parid=8 (since 8 = 4 * 2).
    You can do a separate GROUP BY on (at least) one of the tables.
    This gets the right results. In the main query, there is only one one-to-many relationship.
    WITH  t3_summary     AS
         SELECT    id
         ,       COUNT (parid)     AS count_parid
         FROM       table_3
         GROUP BY  id
    ,       COUNT (     AS count_pid
    ,       MAX (t3.count_parid)     AS count_parid
    FROM              table_1     t1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  table_2     t2     ON     =
    LEFT OUTER JOIN      t3_summary     t3     ON     =

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    I am not one of the leading SQL brains here...but I'm taking a stab, nonetheless.
    Here's my best guess - and it seems to me that it should work as there are not two outer joins between any two tables. I hope I decoded your joins correctly - quite a mess that Access syntax!
    SELECT a.*, b.position_cd, c.skill_cd, d.team_name, d.team_country,, e.structure_name
    WHERE a.roster_id = b.roster_id(+)
    AND b.roster_id = c.roster_id(+)
    AND a.team_cd = d.team_cd(+)
    AND a.team_structure = e.team_structure(+);Third,
    As an architect-dude, it seems to me that you have a serious
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    Good Luck
    (I'm certain you'll get better SQL from the others),
    Michael O'Neill
    Publisher of the PigiWiki

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    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('28-APR-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),13);
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    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('29-MAY-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),6);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('29-MAY-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),3);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('29-MAY-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-JUN-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),13);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-JUN-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),10);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-JUN-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),6);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-JUN-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),3);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-JUN-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('28-JUL-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),14);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('28-JUL-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),9);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('28-JUL-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),13);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('28-JUL-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),10);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('28-JUL-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),6);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('28-JUL-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),3);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('28-JUL-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-AUG-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),14);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-AUG-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),9);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-AUG-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),13);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-AUG-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),10);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-AUG-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),6);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-AUG-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),3);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-AUG-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),14);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),9);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),13);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),10);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),6);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),3);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-OCT-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),14);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-OCT-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),9);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-OCT-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),13);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-OCT-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),10);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-OCT-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),6);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-OCT-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),3);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('26-OCT-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('24-NOV-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),14);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('24-NOV-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),9);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('24-NOV-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),13);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('24-NOV-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),10);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('24-NOV-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),6);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('24-NOV-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),3);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('24-NOV-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-DEC-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),9);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-DEC-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),13);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-DEC-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),10);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-DEC-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),6);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-DEC-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),3);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-DEC-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1);
    Insert into PS (DATE_TIME,ENTITY_ID) values (to_timestamp('25-DEC-09','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),14);
    Insert into ENTITY (ENTITY_ID,ENTITY_ADDRESS) values (1,'AAA');
    Insert into ENTITY (ENTITY_ID,ENTITY_ADDRESS) values (3,'CCC');
    Insert into ENTITY (ENTITY_ID,ENTITY_ADDRESS) values (6,'DDD');
    Insert into ENTITY (ENTITY_ID,ENTITY_ADDRESS) values (9,'EEE');
    Insert into ENTITY (ENTITY_ID,ENTITY_ADDRESS) values (10,'FFF');
    Insert into ENTITY (ENTITY_ID,ENTITY_ADDRESS) values (13,'GGG');
    Insert into ENTITY (ENTITY_ID,ENTITY_ADDRESS) values (14,'HHH');
    I want to display data for each entity available in entity table
    What is wrong with this query??
    Select ps.date_time,ps.entity_id,et.entity_id from entity et left outer join PS ps on (et.entity_id = ps.entity_id)
    This query gives me result like
    26-DEC-08     1     1
    26-DEC-08     3     3
    26-DEC-08     6     6
    26-DEC-08     10     10
    26-DEC-08     13     13
    27-JAN-09     13     13
    27-JAN-09     10     10
    27-JAN-09     6     6
    27-JAN-09     3     3
    27-JAN-09     1     1...
    But for 26-Dec-08, i want to display
    26-DEC-08     1     1
    26-DEC-08     3     3
    26-DEC-08     6     6
    26-DEC-08     10     10
    26-DEC-08     13     13
    26-DEC-08 NULL 9
    26-DEC-09 NULL 14
    27-JAN-09     13     13
    27-JAN-09     10     10
    27-JAN-09     6     6
    27-JAN-09     3     3
    27-JAN-09     1     1
    But the unmatching ids are not displaying when i am using the outer join..please help me..

    Almost there.
    In this case you need a partitioned outer join, partitioning by date_time:
    SQL> Select ps.date_time
      2       , ps.entity_id
      3       , et.entity_id
      4    from ps partition by (ps.date_time)
      5         right outer join entity et on (et.entity_id = ps.entity_id)
      6  /
    DATE_TIME                                 ENTITY_ID  ENTITY_ID
    26-12-08 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    26-12-08 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    26-12-08 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    26-12-08 00:00:00,000000                                     9
    26-12-08 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    26-12-08 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    26-12-08 00:00:00,000000                                    14
    27-01-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    27-01-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    27-01-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    27-01-09 00:00:00,000000                                     9
    27-01-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    27-01-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    27-01-09 00:00:00,000000                                    14
    26-02-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    26-02-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    26-02-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    26-02-09 00:00:00,000000                                     9
    26-02-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    26-02-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    26-02-09 00:00:00,000000                                    14
    30-03-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    30-03-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    30-03-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    30-03-09 00:00:00,000000                                     9
    30-03-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    30-03-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    30-03-09 00:00:00,000000                                    14
    28-04-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    28-04-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    28-04-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    28-04-09 00:00:00,000000                                     9
    28-04-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    28-04-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    28-04-09 00:00:00,000000                                    14
    29-05-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    29-05-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    29-05-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    29-05-09 00:00:00,000000                          9          9
    29-05-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    29-05-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    29-05-09 00:00:00,000000                         14         14
    26-06-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    26-06-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    26-06-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    26-06-09 00:00:00,000000                                     9
    26-06-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    26-06-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    26-06-09 00:00:00,000000                                    14
    28-07-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    28-07-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    28-07-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    28-07-09 00:00:00,000000                          9          9
    28-07-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    28-07-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    28-07-09 00:00:00,000000                         14         14
    26-08-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    26-08-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    26-08-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    26-08-09 00:00:00,000000                          9          9
    26-08-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    26-08-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    26-08-09 00:00:00,000000                         14         14
    25-09-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    25-09-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    25-09-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    25-09-09 00:00:00,000000                          9          9
    25-09-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    25-09-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    25-09-09 00:00:00,000000                         14         14
    26-10-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    26-10-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    26-10-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    26-10-09 00:00:00,000000                          9          9
    26-10-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    26-10-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    26-10-09 00:00:00,000000                         14         14
    24-11-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    24-11-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    24-11-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    24-11-09 00:00:00,000000                          9          9
    24-11-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    24-11-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    24-11-09 00:00:00,000000                         14         14
    25-12-09 00:00:00,000000                          1          1
    25-12-09 00:00:00,000000                          3          3
    25-12-09 00:00:00,000000                          6          6
    25-12-09 00:00:00,000000                          9          9
    25-12-09 00:00:00,000000                         10         10
    25-12-09 00:00:00,000000                         13         13
    25-12-09 00:00:00,000000                         14         14
    91 rijen zijn geselecteerd.Partitioned outer join became available somewhere during version 10. They are described here:

  • Need help with Color Matrix Filter.

    need help. still can't find the answer. thanks in advance!

    Darin.K wrote:
    Yes there are two bugs, I found the other one first but figured if you fixed the result the other would be obvious.  This is homework so only a hint:
    look at what happens (and does not happen) to pixel. 
    the first bug was that i had to use the 'result[][]' array instead of the 'image[][]' array in my last loop, right?
    the 2nd bug I really can't find :s been lookin at it for almost an hour now and trying new stuff but nothing works, 
    first i thought i had to put this line " result[x][y] = min(max(int((factor2 * pixel) + bias2), 0), 255);"  inside the for loop above but that didn't fix my problem,
    maybe the problem is in my 'imageX' and 'imageY' variable, i don't know? any more tips?
    I'm sorry for being such a newb but programming isn't my strongest quality.
    cedhoc wrote:
    Just one more advice:
    Look at the format of the "image" array. The way how to use the values from this array depends on the "image depth" parameter. 
    In your case, because the image is 8bit, you need to use the "colors" array containing the real RGB value.
    Look at the Help for the "Read BMP File VI", you should be able to properly handle your pixels from there.
     thanks for pointing that out for me, so I connect the 'totalpix' array with the 'colors' array from the image data instead of the 'image' array, that's correct right?

  • RVS4000: Need help with out-of-the-box device

    The router is performing very badly.
    1. Router's "INTERNET" is connected to ADSL cable modem, providing automatically an IP address.
    2. The device is getting "freezed"/"stoned" very often. The longest time record for up-time was just over 1 hour. The shortest up-time was somewhere over 2 minutes.
    3. When "freezed" the router:
        a. Still can perform as a switch
        b. No access to WAN
        c. No ping to the router
        d. Green indication lamps.
        e. No access to the web-interface
    4. Same behavior with, and firmwares
    5. Sometimes after "Restore to factory defaults" DIAG-RED led is lit, and does not go off.
    6. To get device back helps to power-off it for an hour or two.
    Is it possible to get any information from the router, when it is "freezed"

    Pavel Kopylov,
    It look like we got out of sync. I see you just sent another reply about opening the box Friday.
    With it only being Friday, I would take it back to the store I bought it from and get another. The same or better.
    If you want to use this as a learning experiance and figure out this problem yourself, then the following maybe for you:
    In all of your communications. I hear you saying your RVS-4000 freezes and will not communicate. No in or out of data. Is that correct?
    You are also saying, these freezes occur at various times. Correct?
    Which I hope this means is that it is working until it stops working...
    If that is correct. Then you need to figure out if the problem is coming in over your WAN connection or it's the hardware of the Router itself.
    If you think it's the hardware of the Router. Then do things like measure the temperatures of the Router. (Carefully) Try to heat it or cool it to see if this makes it fail, quicker... Check the Voltage to this Router and make sure it's correct and you are not getting Black outs or brownouts, etc... Also check for lose data connectors. (Watch the lights on the front panel)
    However, If you think this is from a TCP/UDP attack on your Router. Then you can place a HUB between your Router and the Cable/DSL Modem and the Router. Next plug in a PC into the same HUB and run Network Software Monitoring on this PC in Continues Record mode. Until a failure. Then go thru the Data and see what you find.
    There are a few free Network Software Monitoring Tools you can find and download. Even Microsoft has a nice one for free. Microsoft Network Monitor 3.x
    You can also buy another Router. The same or better and if you have the same kind of problems. Then it just might be coming in over your connection. And the new Router can then be returned as its still new.
    You can call Cisco and or your local ISP and work with them on this problem.
    These are just a few Ideas... I'm sure others will have even more.

  • Need help with self join query

    I have table A with the following data
    oid parent_oid
    10 4
    4 2
    2 2
    12 6
    6 6
    parent_oid is the parent of oid. I'd like a query that shows the final parent of the oid. The result should show the following
    oid final parent
    10 2
    4 2
    2 2
    12 6
    6 6
    I'm using Oracle 10g. I'm familiar with self joins, but that alone will not do the job. Thanks!

    arizona9952 wrote:
    ... I'm familiar with self joins, but that alone will not do the job.You're absolutely right!
    A 2-way self join would work for rows have no parent, or rows that are directly connected to their final ancestor (such as oid=4), but not for anything farther away.
    A 3-way self-join would work for one more level away from the final row, but no more. That would be enough for the small set of sample data that you posted, but it would not work if you added a new row with parent_id=10.
    An N-way self-join would work for up to N+1 levels, but no more.
    You need something that can go any number of levels, such as CONNECT BY:
    SELECT     CONNECT_BY_ROOT oid     AS oid
    ,     parent_oid          AS final_parent
    FROM     a
    CONNECT BY     oid     = PRIOR parent_oid
         AND     oid     != parent_oid
    ;Edited by: Frank Kulash on Feb 22, 2010 7:09 PM
    Upon sober reflection, I think that a Top-Down query, like the one below, would be more efficient than a Bottom-Up query, like the one above:
    SELECT     oid
    ,     CONNECT_BY_ROOT     parent_oid     AS final_parent
    FROM     a
    START WITH     parent_oid     = oid
    CONNECT BY     parent_oid     = PRIOR oid
         AND     oid          != PRIOR oid

  • Need help with my image filter

    hi guys,
    so i'm making this image filter for school in Labview but can't get it to work properly, to do the filtering i'm using a formula node, which in my eyes is easier then with only labview functions.
    for the C code i'm following this website:
    i don't copy exact every line, i'm only copying the lines i need. note that i don't use the "ColorRGB" class because it doesn't exist in a formula node, i do the filtering on a black and white image so don't really need it.
    I adjusted to code so that it would work in my formula node.
    if i run the vi and select the attached image file (can't attach .bmp files so i included a link for the img file) for input then it just returns the original image, which is good and also bad, good because the code works in some way but bad because it doesn't do any filtering or such.
    Could anyone please look into this and give me some tips or tell me what i'm doing wrong?
    and if anyone knows how to do this in RGB you are always welcome to give me tips.  
    used image file:  (can't attach bmp files so i uploaded it quickly)
    (btw i know there is this toolkit called vision which has many functions that could help me, but the teacher already said we can't use that)
    i hope somebody can assist me in this and willing to give me some help.
    Grtz Stino
    Attachments: ‏22 KB

    Darin.K wrote:
    Yes there are two bugs, I found the other one first but figured if you fixed the result the other would be obvious.  This is homework so only a hint:
    look at what happens (and does not happen) to pixel. 
    the first bug was that i had to use the 'result[][]' array instead of the 'image[][]' array in my last loop, right?
    the 2nd bug I really can't find :s been lookin at it for almost an hour now and trying new stuff but nothing works, 
    first i thought i had to put this line " result[x][y] = min(max(int((factor2 * pixel) + bias2), 0), 255);"  inside the for loop above but that didn't fix my problem,
    maybe the problem is in my 'imageX' and 'imageY' variable, i don't know? any more tips?
    I'm sorry for being such a newb but programming isn't my strongest quality.
    cedhoc wrote:
    Just one more advice:
    Look at the format of the "image" array. The way how to use the values from this array depends on the "image depth" parameter. 
    In your case, because the image is 8bit, you need to use the "colors" array containing the real RGB value.
    Look at the Help for the "Read BMP File VI", you should be able to properly handle your pixels from there.
     thanks for pointing that out for me, so I connect the 'totalpix' array with the 'colors' array from the image data instead of the 'image' array, that's correct right?

  • Need help with query joining several tables into a single return line

    what i have:
    puid, task
    id0, task0
    id1, task1
    id2, task2
    puid, seq, state
    id0, 0, foo
    id0, 1, bar
    id0, 2, me
    id1, 0, foo
    id2, 0, foo
    id2, 1, bar
    puid, seq, date
    id0, 0, 12/21
    id0, 1, 12/22
    id0, 2, 12/22
    id1, 0, 12/23
    id2, 0, 12/22
    id2, 1, 12/23
    what i'd like to return:
    id0, task0, 12/21, 12/22, 12/22
    id1, task1, 12/23, N/A, N/A
    id2, task2, 12/22, 12/23, N/A
    N/A doesn't mean return the string "N/A"... it just means there was no value, so we don't need anything in this column (null?)
    i can get output like below through several joins, however i was hoping to condense each "id" into a single line...
    id0, task0, 12/21
    id0, task0, 12/22
    id0, task0, 12/23
    id1, task1, 12/23
    is this possible fairly easily?
    Edited by: user9979830 on Mar 29, 2011 10:53 AM
    Edited by: user9979830 on Mar 29, 2011 10:58 AM

    Welcome to the forum!
    user9979830 wrote:
    what i have:...Thanks for posting that so clearly!
    Whenever you have a question, it's even better if you post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for your sample data, like this:
    CREATE TABLE     tablea
    (       puid     VARCHAR2 (5)
    ,     task     VARCHAR2 (5)
    INSERT INTO tablea (puid, task) VALUES ('id0',  'task0');
    INSERT INTO tablea (puid, task) VALUES ('id1',  'task1');
    INSERT INTO tablea (puid, task) VALUES ('id2',  'task2');
    CREATE TABLE     tablec
    (       puid     VARCHAR2 (5)
    ,     seq     NUMBER (3)
    ,     dt     DATE          -- DATE is not a good column name
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id0',  0,  DATE '2010-12-21');
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id0',  1,  DATE '2010-12-22');
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id0',  2,  DATE '2010-12-22');
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id1',  0,  DATE '2010-12-23');
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id2',  0,  DATE '2010-12-22');
    INSERT INTO tablec (puid, seq, dt) VALUES ('id2',  1,  DATE '2010-12-23');This way, people can re-create the problem and test their ideas.
    It doesn't look like tableb plays any role in this problem, so I didn't post it.
    Explain how you get the results from that data. For example, why do you want this row in the results:
    PUID  TASK  DT1        DT2        DT3
    id0   task0 12/21/2010 12/22/2010 12/22/2010rather than, say
    PUID  TASK  DT1        DT2        DT3
    id0   task0 12/22/2010 12/21/2010 12/22/2010? Does 12/21 have to go in the first column because it is the earliest date, or is it because 12/21 is related to the lowest seq value? Or do you even care about the order, just as long as all 3 dates are shown?
    Always say what version of Oracle you're uisng. The query below will work in Oracle 9 (and up), but starting in Oracle 11, the SELECT ... PIVOT feature could help you.
    i can get output like below through several joins, however i was hoping to condense each "id" into a single line... Condensing the output, so that there's only one line for each puid, sounds like a job for "GROUP BY puid":
    WITH     got_r_num     AS
         SELECT     puid
         ,     dt
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  puid
                                   ORDER BY          seq          -- and/or dt
                           )         AS r_num
         FROM    tablec
    --     WHERE     ...     -- If you need any filtering, put it here
    SELECT       a.puid
    ,       a.task
    ,       MIN (CASE WHEN r.r_num = 1 THEN r.dt END)     AS dt1
    ,       MIN (CASE WHEN r.r_num = 2 THEN r.dt END)     AS dt2
    ,       MIN (CASE WHEN r.r_num = 3 THEN r.dt END)     AS dt3
    ,       MIN (CASE WHEN r.r_num = 4 THEN r.dt END)     AS dt4
    FROM       tablea    a
    JOIN       got_r_num r  ON   a.puid  = r.puid
    GROUP BY  a.puid
    ,            a.task
    ORDER BY  a.puid
    ;I'm guessing that you want the dates arranged by seq; that is, for each puid, the date related to the lowest seq comes first, regardless of whther that date is the earliest date for that puid or not. If that's not what you need, then change the analytic ORDER BY clause.
    This does not assume that the seq values are always consecutive integers (0, 1, 2, ...) for each puid. You can skip, or even duplicate values. However, if the values are always consecutive integers, starting from 0, then you could simplify this. You won't need a sub-query at all; just use seq instead of r_num in the main query.
    Here's the output I got from the query above:
    PUID  TASK  DT1        DT2        DT3        DT4
    id0   task0 12/21/2010 12/22/2010 12/22/2010
    id1   task1 12/23/2010
    id2   task2 12/22/2010 12/23/2010As posted, the query will display the first 4 dts for each puid.
    If there are fewer than 4 dts for a puid, the query will still work. It will leave some columns NULL at the end.
    If there are more than 4 dts for a puid, the query will still work. It will display the first 4, and ignore the others.
    There's nothing special about the number 4; you could make it 3, or 5, or 35, but whatever number you choose, you have to hard-code that many columns into the query, and always get that many columns of output.
    For various ways to deal with a variable number of pivoted coolumns, see the following thread:
    This question actually doesn't have anything to do with SQL*Plus; it's strictly a SQL question, and SQL questions are best posted on the "SQL and PL/SQL" forum:
    If you're not sure whether a question is more of a SQL question or a SQL*Plus question, then post it on the SQL forum. Many more people pay attention to that forum than to this one.

  • Urgent - Need help with Lighting Effects Filter

    I need urgent help on something regarding the Lighting Effects filter in Adobe Photoshop CS5. I need lighting effect urgently to complete a project.
    I am using Photoshop CS5 on a Windows Vista computer in 64-bit mode.
    On the net it is given that you can run photoshop CS5 in 32-bit mode to use the lighting effects filter - both on Mac and PC.
    My Problem:
    While on the net it is given how to change from 64-bit to 32-bit and vice-versa, I have my Photoshop CS5 installed on 'E - Drive' and not on 'C - Drive' due to lack of space. I have followed all the instructions on how to open it in 32-bit mode on the net, but I still cannot use the lighting effects plugin.
    What I need is if someone could give simple and clear instructions on how to open Photoshop CS5 32-bit version instead of opening the default 64-bit version on Windows Vista - that would be great.
    Looking forward to answers.

    That advice about running the 32 bit version of cs5 for the Render> Lighting Effects filter
    only pertains to the mac version of photoshop cs5.
    The lighting effects filter does work in the 64 bit version of photoshop cs5 on windows, your
    document just has to be 8 bits/channel and in the RGB Color mode (Image>Mode) same
    for using the lighting effects filter in the 32 bit version of cs5.
    Added: In general it's frowned upon installing photoshop on drives other than C drive.
    Message was edited by: MTSTUNER

  • Need help with Update Join Query

    Hello, I am trying to update PID of #child table with PID of #parent table if "lastname & firstname are matches in both table" but my update query is giving some error. Please help and correct the update query. I am also trying to remove any
    blank space from starting and ending.
    drop table #parent,#child
    create table #parent (PID varchar(10), lastname varchar(50), firstname varchar(50))
    insert into #parent values ('100','Josheph','Sumali')
    insert into #parent values ('400','Karen','Hunsa')
    insert into #parent values ('600','Mursan  ','  Terry')
    create table #child (PID varchar(10), lastname varchar(50), firstname varchar(50))
    insert into #child values ('2','Josheph ','Sumali   ')
    insert into #child values ('5','Karen','Kunsi')
    insert into #child values ('6','Mursan ','Terry ')
    Update #child
    set PID = p.PID
    from #child C Join
    #parent p ON c.LTRIM(RTRIM(lastname) = p.LTRIM(RTRIM(lastname)
    AND c.LTRIM(RTRIM(firstname) = p.LTRIM(RTRIM(firstname)
    /* Requested Output */
    PID        lastname      firstname
    100        Josheph       Sumali
    600        Mursan        Terry

    create table #parent (PID varchar(10), lastname varchar(50), firstname varchar(50))
    insert into #parent values ('100','Josheph','Sumali')
    insert into #parent values ('400','Karen','Hunsa')
    insert into #parent values ('600','Mursan ',' Terry')
    create table #child (PID varchar(10), lastname varchar(50), firstname varchar(50))
    insert into #child values ('2','Josheph ','Sumali ')
    insert into #child values ('5','Karen','Kunsi')
    insert into #child values ('6','Mursan ','Terry ')
    Merge #child as t
    Using #parent as p ON (LTRIM(RTRIM(t.lastname)) = LTRIM(RTRIM(p.lastname))
    AND LTRIM(RTRIM(t.firstname)) = LTRIM(RTRIM(p.firstname)) )
    When Matched Then
    set PID = p.PID;
    update #child
    Set lastname=LTRIM(RTRIM(lastname)), firstname= LTRIM(RTRIM(firstname));
    update #parent
    Set lastname=LTRIM(RTRIM(lastname)), firstname = LTRIM(RTRIM(firstname));
    select * from #child
    select * from #parent
    drop table #parent,#child

  • Need help with a JOIN query

    I am looking for the following result:
         1     FP                 EM     100     9     20
         1     FP                 SP     300     15     0
         1     INFUS                 EM     100     3     20
         1     INFUS                 EM     200     6     15The base tables are provided below in the with clause. What I am trying to do is, where "code" matches show the fee from t1 else show 0.
    I tried a few variotions but just can't seem to get it right.
    with t1 as
    select 1 as provider_id, 100 as code, 20 as fee, 10 as default_multiplier from dual union all
    select 1 as provider_id, 200 as code, 15 as fee, 30 as default_multiplier from dual
    , t2 as
    select 100 as code, 'INFUS' AS specialty, 'EM' AS bucket, 3 as rating from dual union all
    select 200 as code, 'INFUS' AS specialty, 'EM' AS bucket, 6 as rating from dual union all
    select 100 as code, 'FP' AS specialty, 'EM' AS bucket, 9 as rating from dual union all
    select 300 as code, 'FP' AS specialty, 'SP' AS bucket, 15 as rating from dual
    SELECT   t1.provider_id
           , t2.specialty
           , t2.bucket
           , t2.code
           , t2.rating
           , t1.fee
    FROM     t1, t2
    ORDER BY 1, 2, 3Any help will be appreciated.

    Could I possibly add one more twist to this.
    The current result:
              1 FP    EM        100          9         20
              1 FP    SP        300         15          0
              1 INFUS EM        100          3         20
              1 INFUS EM        200          6         75
              2 FP    EM        100          9         40
              2 FP    SP        300         15          0
              2 INFUS EM        100          3         40
              2 INFUS EM        200          6          0
              3 FP    EM        100          9          0
              3 FP    SP        300         15          0
              3 INFUS EM        100          3          0
              3 INFUS EM        200          6         60The current code:
    with t1 as
    select 1 as provider_id, 100 as code, 20 as fee, 10 as default_multiplier from dual union all
    select 1 as provider_id, 200 as code, 75 as fee, 10 as default_multiplier from dual union all
    select 1 as provider_id, 500 as code, 75 as fee, 10 as default_multiplier from dual union all
    select 2 as provider_id, 100 as code, 40 as fee, 20 as default_multiplier from dual union all
    select 3 as provider_id, 200 as code, 60 as fee, 30 as default_multiplier from dual
    , t2 as
    select 100 as code, 'INFUS' AS specialty, 'EM' AS bucket, 3 as rating from dual union all
    select 200 as code, 'INFUS' AS specialty, 'EM' AS bucket, 6 as rating from dual union all
    select 100 as code, 'FP' AS specialty, 'EM' AS bucket, 9 as rating from dual union all
    select 300 as code, 'FP' AS specialty, 'SP' AS bucket, 15 as rating from dual
    , t3 as
    SELECT   t1.provider_id
           , t2.specialty
           , t2.bucket
           , t2.code
           , t2.rating
           , CASE t1.code
                WHEN t2.code
                   THEN t1.fee
                ELSE 0
             END AS fee
           , RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY t1.provider_id, t2.specialty, t2.bucket, t2.code ORDER BY CASE t1.code
                 WHEN t2.code
                    THEN t1.fee
                 ELSE 0
              END DESC) AS the_rank
        FROM t1
           , t2
    SELECT DISTINCT provider_id
                  , specialty
                  , bucket
                  , code
                  , rating
                  , fee
               FROM t3
              WHERE the_rank = 1
           ORDER BY 1
                  , 2
                  , 3
                  , 4I added the code 500 to t1. Howevere, I don't want this code to show up in the result becuase it is does not exist in t2.
    I also added code 200 to t1, to see if that shows properly.
    I had to do the rank, becuase I need the proper count of rows.
    In reality the row counts are:
    t1: 20 Million
    t2: 10 Thousand.
    So, I would like to avoid doing DISTINCT and ANALYTIC functions on this large set, so any better way of achiving the same result, with a better statement.

  • Need help with inner join and distinct rows

    Hey Guys,
    i have
    1) BaseEnv Table 
    2) Link Table
    3) BaseData Table
    Link table has three columns Id,BaseEnvId,BaseDataId 
    the BaseEnvID is unique in the table where as BaseDataId can be repeated i.e multile rows of BaseEnv Table can point to same BaseData  table row
    Now i want to do  BaseEnvTable inner join Link Table inner join BaseData Table and select 5 columsn ; Name,SyncName,Version,PPO,DOM  from the BaseData table.. the problem is that after i do the inner join I get duplciate records..
    i want to eliminate the duplicate records , can any one help me here

    Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys, constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, data types, etc. in your schema are. Learn how to follow ISO-11179 data element naming conventions and formatting rules. Temporal data should
    use ISO-8601 formats. Code should be in Standard SQL as much as possible and not local dialect. 
    This is minimal polite behavior on SQL forums. Now we have to guess and type, guess and type, etc. because of your bad manners. 
    (base_env_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    Think about the name Base_Data; do you have lots of tables without data? Silly, unh? 
    CREATE TABLE Base_Data
    (base_data_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    Your Links table is wrong in concept and implementation. The term “link” refers to a pointer chain structure used in network databases and makes no sense in RDBMS. There is no generic, magic, universal “id” in RDBMS! People that do this are called “id-iots”
    in SQL slang. 
    We can model a particular relationship in a table by referencing the keys in other tables. But we need to know if the relationship is 1:1, 1:m, or n:m. This is the membership of the relationship. Your narrative implies this: 
    (base_env_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL UNIQUE
       REFERENCES Base_Env (base_env_id),
     base_data_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL
       REFERENCES Base_Data (base_data_id));
    >> The base_env_id is unique in the table where as base_data_id can be repeated I.e multiple rows of Base_Env Table can point [sic] to same Base_Data table row. <<
    Again, RDBMS has no pointers! We have referenced an referencing tables. This is a fundamental concept. 
    That narrative you posted has no ON clauses! And the narrative is also wrong. There is no generic “name”, etc. What tables were used in your non-query? Replace the ?? in this skeleton: 
    SELECT ??.something_name, ??.sync_name, ??.something_version, 
           ??.ppo, ??.dom
    FROM Base_Env AS E, Links AS L, Base_Data AS D
    WHERE ?????????;
    >> I want to eliminate the duplicate records [sic], can any one help me here?<<
    Where is the sample data? Where is the results? Please read a book on RDBMS so you can post correct SQL and try again. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • Need Help with Formual in Filter

    Hello Experts,
    As part of requirement, I need to create several formulas and use them in filters.
    But, stragely, some formulas are listed in the CRE Filter list whereas some are not. I'm not understanding why this is happening.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    Formulae containing variables and summaries can not be used in record selection.
    They can be used in Group selection but these just suppress data and do not exclude it from report.

  • Need help with conditional join....

    Table 1 - Student
    ID# Name
    1 # A
    2 # B
    3 # C
    4 # D
    Table2 - Marks
    ID Marks Display
    1 # 10 # Y
    1 # 20 # Y
    1 # 14 # N
    2 # 12 # N
    2 # 13 # N
    3 # 12 # Y
    Result...Need query to do this?..
    Want to join above two tables and display marks as X when there is no ID in table marks or there is ID but all marked with display as 'N'...if there is one or more
    marked with Y then display with marks..
    I am using oracle 11i.
    ID NAme      Marks
    1 # A     #     10
    1 # A     #     20
    2 # B # X
    3 # C # 12
    4 # D # X

    Or, using ANSI join syntax:
    with Table1 as (
                    select 1 id,'A' name from dual union all
                    select 2,'B' from dual union all
                    select 3,'C' from dual union all
                    select 4,'D' from dual
         Table2 as (
                    select 1 id,10 marks,'Y' display from dual union all
                    select 1,20,'Y' from dual union all
                    select 1,14,'N' from dual union all
                    select 2,12,'N' from dual union all
                    select 2,13,'N' from dual union all
                    select 3,12,'Y' from dual
    -- end of on-the-fly data sample
            nvl(to_char(marks),'X') marks
      from      Table1 t1
            left join
                Table2 t2
              on (
                      display = 'Y'
      order by id
            ID NAME                                                    MARKS
             1 A                                                       10
             1 A                                                       20
             2 B                                                       X
             3 C                                                       12
             4 D                                                       X
    SQL> SY.

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