Need help with Payment Terms

Good Morning SAP Gurus-
I need help with an request.  My client wishes to create a new Payment term with the following:
Due date should fall on the 1st day of the month after the due period of 60 days end of month. So for example; an invoice with document date of March 8th should have a due date of June 1st 2012.
How would I configure that in OBB8?

Base line date as "Document dat"
Fixed day    01
Additional months   2
try this,

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    hello everyone,
                im currently workin on smartform for purchase order so transaction code is me23n in dat 1st tab delivery/invoice can u see payment terms field its technical field name is ZTERM in dat if u click on f4 ull find tht value along with description say eg 0001 payable immediately due net lik dis it comes so i need to display ths text i.e payable imm... lik dis in my smartforms field im unable to retrieve tht text element i gt 1 function module also ie Fi_F4_ZTERM here im gettin whole record i wnt only 1st record i.e 0001 payable if u click on f4 thr r many whn u go to me23n ie for display u shd hav value tht is alrdy stored lik dis u check ulll understand..  thnx in advance fr ur help...

    The text of payment terms is stored in table T052U.
    You can get the payment terms of a PO in table EKKO and field ZTERM.
    Pass the value of this field i.e. EKKO-ZTERM to T052U-ZTERM  and T052U-SPRAS as SY-LANGU .
    You will get the description of the payment terms maintained in the PO.

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    I really doubt that you have read about these events carefully enough since the Performance Tuning guide goes a good job in explaining them.It would be too long to write an elaboration of all of the mentioned wait events here , given the fact that you haven't even told us that you have understood something, nothing , anything about them or not! Suggest you that you read the performance tuning guide again. In addition to it, also buy this book,

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    It appears that Java just doesn't work, but it's actually waiting for you to click "Yes". You can check this by hitting alt-tab and seeing if the Java coffee cup icon is one of the options.
    - K

  • Need to default payment terms with 'A000'  in VA02 transaction.

    Hi gurus,
    In my requirement i need to default payment terms (VBKD-ZTERM) with 'A000' when the order types(VBAK-AUART) are 'ZBRE' and 'ZBC2' in VA02 transaction .
    I found the user exit which is getting trigerred - ' exit_sapmv45a_004'.
    But in that exit the tables which we are importing having neither payment terms nor order type.
    So,can you please help me out .
    Thanking you in advance.

    My requirement has been changed from va02 transaction to va01 .
    Now, i need to default payment terms (VBKD-ZTERM) with 'A000' when the order types(VBAK-AUART) are 'ZBRE' and 'ZBC2' in VA01 transaction .
    can anyone suggest how can we solve this..
    Thanks in advance.

  • Need help with JTextArea and Scrolling

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class MORT_RETRY extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JPanel keypad;
    private JPanel buttons;
    private JTextField lcdLoanAmt;
    private JTextField lcdInterestRate;
    private JTextField lcdTerm;
    private JTextField lcdMonthlyPmt;
    private JTextArea displayArea;
    private JButton CalculateBtn;
    private JButton ClrBtn;
    private JButton CloseBtn;
    private JButton Amortize;
    private JScrollPane scroll;
    private DecimalFormat calcPattern = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.00");
    private String[] rateTerm = {"", "7years @ 5.35%", "15years @ 5.5%", "30years @ 5.75%"};
    private JComboBox rateTermList;
    double interest[] = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75};
    int term[] = {7, 15, 30};
    double balance, interestAmt, monthlyInterest, monthlyPayment, monPmtInt, monPmtPrin;
    int termInMonths, month, termLoop, monthLoop;
    public MORT_RETRY()
    Container pane = getContentPane();
    lcdLoanAmt = new JTextField();
    lcdMonthlyPmt = new JTextField();
    displayArea = new JTextArea();//DEFINE COMBOBOX AND SCROLL
    rateTermList = new JComboBox(rateTerm);
    scroll = new JScrollPane(displayArea);
    scroll.setLocation(150,270);//DEFINE BUTTONS
    CalculateBtn = new JButton("Calculate");
    ClrBtn = new JButton("Clear Fields");
    CloseBtn = new JButton("Close");
    Amortize = new JButton("Amortize");//DEFINE PANEL(S)
    keypad = new JPanel();
    buttons = new JPanel();//DEFINE KEYPAD PANEL LAYOUT
    keypad.setLayout(new GridLayout( 4, 2, 5, 5));//SET CONTROLS ON KEYPAD PANEL
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Loan Amount$ : "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Term of loan and Interest Rate: "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Monthly Payment : "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Amortize Table:"));
    displayArea.setEditable(false);//DEFINE BUTTONS PANEL LAYOUT
    buttons.setLayout(new GridLayout( 1, 3, 5, 5));//SET CONTROLS ON BUTTONS PANEL
    buttons.add(CloseBtn);//ADD ACTION LISTENER
    rateTermList.addActionListener(this);//ADD PANELS
    pane.add(keypad, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    pane.add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    pane.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String arg = lcdLoanAmt.getText();
    int combined = Integer.parseInt(arg);
    if (e.getSource() == CalculateBtn)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Got try here", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    catch(NumberFormatException ev)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Got here", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (arg != null))
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 1))
    monthlyInterest = interest[0] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[0] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 2))
    monthlyInterest = interest[1] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[1] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 3))
    monthlyInterest = interest[2] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[2] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    catch(NumberFormatException ev)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Entry!\nPlease Try Again", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    }                    //IF STATEMENTS FOR AMORTIZATION
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 1))
    loopy(7, 5.35);
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 2))
    loopy(15, 5.5);
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 3))
    loopy(30, 5.75);
    if (e.getSource() == ClrBtn)
    if (e.getSource() == CloseBtn)
    private void loopy(int lTerm,double lInterest)
    double total, monthly, monthlyrate, monthint, monthprin, balance, lastint, paid;
    int amount, months, termloop, monthloop;
    String lcd2 = lcdLoanAmt.getText();
    amount = Integer.parseInt(lcd2);
    termloop = 1;
    paid = 0.00;
    monthlyrate = lInterest / (12 * 100);
    months = lTerm * 12;
    monthly = amount *(monthlyrate/(1-Math.pow(1+monthlyrate,-months)));
    total = months * monthly;
    balance = amount;
    while (termloop <= lTerm)
    displayArea.append("Year " + termloop + " of " + lTerm + ": payments\n");
    monthloop = 1;
    while (monthloop <= 12)
    monthint = balance * monthlyrate;
    monthprin = monthly - monthint;
    balance -= monthprin;
    paid += monthly;
    displayArea.append(monthloop + "\t" + calcPattern.format(monthly) + "\t" + calcPattern.format(monthprin) + "\t");
    displayArea.append(calcPattern.format(monthint) + "\t" + calcPattern.format(balance) + "\n");
    monthloop ++;
    termloop ++;
    public static void main(String args[])
    MORT_RETRY f = new MORT_RETRY();
    f.setBounds(600, 600, 500, 500);
    }need help with displaying the textarea correctly and the scroll bar please.
    Message was edited by:

    What's the problem you're having ???

  • Need help with interface development

    Hi i need help with requirement below with developing interface between or online order system and sap plz lemme know what is bapi i use for creating customer, update and assigining partner id to costumer.
    SAP Development
    1.     Using standards SAP functional module (with BAPI), create interface that will create/change Ordering party customer in SAP. Following fields are mandatory for customer creation:
    •     MANDT     Client
    •     VKORG     Sales organization
    •     VTWEG     Distribution Channel
    •     SPART     Division
    •     KDGRP     Customer Group (= “ZORP)
    •     KUNNR     Customer number
    •     NAME1     Name 1
    •     NAME 2     Name 2 (if required)
    •     SORTL     Search term (short description)
    •     ZZALTKN     Search term 2 (old customer number)
    •     LAND1     Country
    •     ORT01     City
    •     PSTLZ      Zip Code
    •     REGIO      Region (state in USA)
    •     STRAS     Street
    •     TELF1     Primary telephone number
    •     TELFX     Primary Fax number
    •     ZZPRPLANS     Payment Plan
    •     CCINS     Payment card: Card type
    •     CCNUM     Payment cards: Card number
    •     CCDEF     Payment Card: Default Card Indicator
    •     ZBDGID     Customer Budget ID
    •     ZHOLD     Budget Hold indicator
    •     ZZCOSTCENT     Cost Center
    2.     Upon successful customer creation system will issues “S” (success) message that customer has been created.
    3.     New ordering party customer created in step ½, will have to be assigned as new partner to its belonging Sold-to/Ship-to customer. Use standard SAP customer functional module in order to perform this partner ID assignment. Partner ID for ordering party should be “ZO”.
    1.7     Enhancement Functionality
    Apart from creating a new interface to do the required functionality, the Order Create Interface also has to be changed to accommodate a field to pass the Ordering Party Number on the Order. The technicalities of how we are going to implement the interface will be laid out in the Tech Specs.
    in advance

    You have double posted, please mark this one as "solved on my own" and refer to this thread
    need help with interface development
    Rich Heilman

  • AR Invoice with payment term with multiple payments

    Hi -
    I need some help on this.
    We create invoices with payment terms that will have more than one payment schedules.
    For example, customer can pay $100 in 3 terms such as 33 (immediately), 33 (after 1 month), 34 (after 2 months).
    Now, this is all well. My question is, when we take the order, customer gives Credit Card number, we put that on the order and effectively it goes to the transaction screen.
    Let's say at the time of second payment (After 1 month), customer credit card is expired, our CC validation will fail (CC validation program) and we will not be able to get the payment.
    Now let's say I have new CC # for that customer (received from CC company), how do I update that on the transaction? I know I can do this from the front end but how do I update that using an API?
    Also, why receivables (11.5.10) does not have option to have payment method at payment schedule level instead of invoice level?
    I mean customer may have different method of paying for the subsequent installments.

    I found out the missing GL account that is under Admin> Setup> Financials> GL acct Determination
    Now, I need GL account in tab Sales - "Payment Advances".  I think this is should be the Liability account instead AR account if I have to choose an account but what will be the offset account?  Why I need GL account for AR Down Payment Invoice since no transaction really will be generated?  Just to calculate how much will be expected from customer on the first installment and balance due.
    When I receive the incoming payment will Dr. Checking or Saving and Cr. AR.

  • Need help with a currently "in-use" form we want to switch to Adobes hosting service

    Hi, I am in desperate need of help with some issues concerning several forms which we currently use a paid third party (not Adobe) to host and "re-distribute through email"...Somehow I got charged $14.95 for YOUR service, (signed up for a trial, but never used it)..and now I am paying for a year of use of the similar service which Adobe is in control of.  I might want to port my form distribution through Adobe in the hopes of reducing the errors, problems and hassles my customers are experiencing when some of them push our  "submit button". (and I guess I am familiar with these somewhat from reading what IS available in here, and I also know that, Adobe is working to alleviate some of these " submit"  issues, so let's don't start by going backwards, here) I need solutions now for my issues or I can leave it as is, If Adobe's solution will be no better for my end users...
    We used FormsCentral to code these forms and it works for the most part (if the end-user can co-operate, and thats iffy, sometimes), but I need help with how to make it go through your servers (and not the third party folks we use now), Not being cruel or racist here, but your over the phone "support techs" are about horrible & I cannot understand them or work with any of them, so I would definitely need someone who speaks English and can understand the nuances of programming these forms, to please contact me back. (Sorry, but both those attributes will be required to be able to help me, so, no "newbie-interns" or first week trainees are gonna cut it).... If you have anyone who fits the bill on those items and would be willing to help us, please contact me back at your earliest convenience. If we have to communicate here, I will do that & I can submit whatever we need to & to whoever we need to.
    I need to get this right and working for the majority of my users and on any platform and OS.
    You may certainly call me to talk about this, and I have given my number numerous times to your (expletive deleted) time wasting - recording message thingy. So, If it's not available look it up under [email protected]
    (and you will probably get right to me, unlike my and I'm sure most other folks',  "Adobe phone-in experiences")
    Thank You,
    Michael Corman
    Phenix City, Alabama  36869

    Well, thanks for writing back...just so you know...I started using Adobe products in 1987, ...yeah...back Illustrator 1 & 9" B&W Macs ...John Warnock's Helvetica's....stuff like that...8.5 x 11 LaserWriters...all that good stuff...I still have some of it working on a mac...much of it was stuff I bought. some stuff I did not...I'm not a big fan of this "cloud" thing Adobe has foisted upon the creatives of the world...which I'm sure you can tell...but the functionality and usefulness of your software can not be disputed, so feel free to do whatever we will continue to pay for, ...I am very impressed with CC PS on the 64 bit PC and perhaps I will end up paying you the stipend that you demand for the other services.
    So  I guess that brings us to our problem.. a few years back and at the height of the recession and near bankruptcy myself,  I was damn lucky and hit on something and began a small arts and crafts supply service to sell my products online to a very "niche market" ...I had a unique product and still sell that product (plus others) online...My website is Yes...but there is a market it seems, for everything now, and this is the market I service...Catagorically, these are 99%+ women that use these "adhesive, sticky backed vinyl products"  to make different "craft items" that are just way too various and numerous to go into... generally older women, women who are computer illiterate for the most part...and all this is irrelevant to my problem, but I want you to have every bit of background on this and especially the demographic we are dealing with, so we can get right to the meat of the problem.
    OK...So about two years ago, I decided to offer a "plain sheet" product of a plain colored "stick back" vinyl... it is available in multiple quantities of packs ( like 5 pieces, 10 pieces, 15 pieces, in a packi  & so on)...and if you are still on my site.. go to any  "GO RIGHT TO OUR ORDER PAGE"  button, scroll down a little...and then to the "PLAIN VINYL" will see the Weebly website order process.) You can back out from here, I think,..but, anyway this product is available in 63 colors + or - a few. So then the problem is,  how do they select their individual colors within that (whatever) pack?... .
    So my initial idea was to enable a "selection form" for these "colors" that would be transmitted to me via email as 'part" of the "order process".. We tried getting our customers to submit a  " a list" ( something my competitiors still do, lol, poor bastards)......but just unbelievable..I can't even begin to tell you what a freakin' nightmare that was...these people cannot even count to 10, much less any higher... figuring out what colors to list and send me... well, lets just say, it wasn't working......I had to figure out a better way...Something had to be done.
    So after thinking this all out,  and yeah...due to my total ignorance, i figured that we could make a form with Live Cycle Designer (Now Forms Central)...(back then something that was bundled with Adobe Acrobat Pro), I believe, and thats what this thing was authored in... and it would be all good...LOL!
    Well not so you well know, Adobe Acrobat would NOT LET YOU EMAIL anything from just wouldn't work (and I know why, and all that hooey), but not being one to take NO for answer,.I started looking for a way to make my little gizmo work.. So I found this company that said they can "hijack" (re-direct actually) the request to email, bypass the wah-wah, and re-transmit it to the proper parties.....for less than $100 a year,  I think...its called
    A nice gentleman named Joseph Silva helped us program the thing to go to his servers and back out. Please dont hassle them...I need them...for basically does work...try should get back a copy of the form that you filled out...good luck however,  if you're on MAC OSX or similar...
    I have included a copy of both of our forms (and feel free to fill it out and play with it)...just put test somewhere on it...(and you must include YOUR email or it will balk)..they are supposed to be mostly identical, except one seems to be twice as large....generating a 1.7 meg file upon submission, while the other one only generates a 600K file or so...thats another issue for another day or maybe you can advise on that also...
    OK so far so good......In our shop, once Grandma buys a 10 pack (or whatever), Only then she gets to the link on her receipt page ro the relevant "selection form" ,(this prevents "Filling and Sending"  with "no order" and "no payment", another early problem we had)... which they can click on and it will usually download and open up on their device if all goes well...Then our little form is supposed to be fillable and is supposed to ADD UP all the quantities, so grandma knows how many she is buying and so forth right on the fly,  and even while she changes her mind..., and IT'S LARGE so grandma can see it, and then it TOTALS it all up for them, ( cause remember, they can NOT add)..,  except there is a programming bug (mouse-click should be a mouse-up probably or something..) which makes you click in the blank spaces to get to a correct TOTAL...about 70-80% of our customers can enable all these features and usually the process completes without problems for them especially on PC's running Windows OS and Acrobat Reader X or least for most... Unfortunately it is still not the "seamless process" I would like or had envisioned for the other folks out there that do have trouble using our form....  Many folks report to us the following issues that we know of.  First of all it takes too much time to load up...We know its there anyway that you can see, to streamline this thing? I would love for it to be more compact...this really helps on the phones and pads as I'm sure you well know.
    Some just tell us,"it WON'T work"....I believe this is because they are totally out of it and dont even have Adobe Reader on their machine, & don't know how to get it ( yes, we provide the links).....or it's some ancient one can stop this one...
    It almost always generates some kind ( at least one time)  of "error message" which we do warn them about..., telling one,  basically that "Acrobat doesnt even like this happening at all, and it could be detrimental to ones computer files", blah-blah...(this freaks grandma out really bad)...& usually they end up not even trying to send it...  and then I get calls that even you wouldn't believe...& If they DO nut up and push the Red "Submit Form" button, it will usually send the thing to us (and also back to them at the "required email address" they furnished on the form, thats what the folks at the "fillable forms place" do) so, if it's performing it's functions, why it is having to complain?. What are we doing wrong?....and how can I fix it?...Will re-compiling it or saving it as a newer version of "FormsCentral" correct any of these problems ?
    Ok, so that should keep you busy for a minute and we can start out with those problems...but the next thing is, how can I take advantage of YOUR re-direct & hosting services?, And will it get rid of the error messages, and the slowness, and the iOS incompatibilities ? (amazingly,  the last iOS Reader version worked almost OK.. but the newest version doesnt seem to work with my form on my iphone4)  If it will enable any version of the iOS to send my form correctly and more transparently, then it might be worth the money...$14.95 a MONTH you say. hmmmmm...Better be good.
    Another problem is, that I really don't need 5000 forms a month submitted. I think its like 70-100 or less....Got any plans for that?  Maybe I'm just not BIG ENOUGH to use Adobe's services, however in this case, I really don't care whose I do use as long as the product works most correctly for my customers as well as us. Like I said, If I'm doing the best I can, I won't change anything, and still use the other third party, If Adobe has a better solution, then i'm all for that as well. In the meantime, Thanks for any help you can provide on this...
    Michael Corman
    (706) 326-7911

  • Report inculdes PO with Payment term

    Hi ..
    I need to have report includes my purchase orders with payment term column , which transaction can provide that ?

    PO wise payment term u can get in ME2n report..
    Vendor wise from LFM1 or LFA1 table
    Check MKVZ report

  • Need Help With File Matching Records

    I need help with my file matching program.
    Here is how it suppose to work: FileMatch class should contain methods to read oldmast.txt and trans.txt. When a match occurs (i.e., records with the same account number appear in both the master file and the transaction file), add the dollar amount in the transaction record to the current balance in the master record, and write the "newmast.txt" record. (Assume that purchases are indicated by positive amounts in the transaction file and payments by negative amounts.)
    When there is a master record for a particular account, but no corresponding transaction record, merely write the master record to "newmast.txt". When there is a transaction record, but no corresponding master record, print to a log file the message "Unmatched transaction record for account number ..." (fill in the account number from the transaction record). The log file should be a text file named "log.txt".
    Here is my following program code:
    // Exercise 14.8:
    // creates a text file
    import java.lang.SecurityException;
    import java.util.Formatter;
    import java.util.FormatterClosedException;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import org.egan.AccountRecord;
    import org.egan.TransactionRecord;
    public class CreateTextFile
      private Formatter output1;  // object used to output text to file
      private Formatter output2;  // object used to output text to file
      // enable user to open file
      public void openTransFile()
          output1 = new Formatter("trans.txt");
        catch (SecurityException securityException)
          System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
        } // end catch
        catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error creating file.");
      } // end method openTransFile
      // enable user to open file
      public void openOldMastFile()
          output2 = new Formatter("oldmast.txt");
        catch (SecurityException securityException)
          System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
        } // end catch
        catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error creating file.");
      } // end method openOldMastFile
      // add transaction records to file
      public void addTransactionRecords()
        // object to be written to file
        TransactionRecord record1 = new TransactionRecord();
        Scanner input1 = new Scanner(;
          "To terminate input, type the end-of-file indicator",   
          "when you are prompted to enter input.",
          "On UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X type <ctrl> d then press Enter",
          "On Windows type <ctrl> z then press Enter");
           "Enter account number (> 0) and amount.","? ");
        while (input1.hasNext())  // loop until end-of-file indicator
          try // output values to file
            // retrieve data to be output
            record1.setAccount(input1.nextInt());    // read account number
            record1.setAmount(input1.nextDouble());  // read amount
            if (record1.getAccount() > 0)
              // write new record
              output1.format("%d %.2f\n", record1.getAccount(), record1.getAmount());
            } // end if
              System.out.println("Account number must be greater than 0.");
            } // end else
          } // end try
          catch (FormatterClosedException formatterClosedException)
            System.err.println("Error writing to file.");
          } // end catch
          catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
            System.err.println("Invalid input. Please try again.");
            input1.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
          } // end catch
          System.out.printf("%s %s\n%s", "Enter account number (> 0) ",
            "and amount.","? ");
        } // end while
      } // end method addTransactionRecords
      // add account records to file
      public void addAccountRecords()
        // object to be written to file
        AccountRecord record2 = new AccountRecord();
        Scanner input2 = new Scanner(;
          "To terminate input, type the end-of-file indicator",   
          "when you are prompted to enter input.",
          "On UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X type <ctrl> d then press Enter",
          "On Windows type <ctrl> z then press Enter");
           "Enter account number (> 0), first name, last name and balance.","? ");
        while (input2.hasNext())  // loop until end-of-file indicator
          try // output values to file
            // retrieve data to be output
            record2.setAccount(input2.nextInt());    // read account number
            record2.setFirstName(;      // read first name
            record2.setLastName(;       // read last name
            record2.setBalance(input2.nextDouble());  // read balance
            if (record2.getAccount() > 0)
              // write new record
              output2.format("%d %s %s %.2f\n", record2.getAccount(), record2.getFirstName(),
                record2.getLastName(), record2.getBalance());
            } // end if
              System.out.println("Account number must be greater than 0.");
            } // end else
          } // end try
          catch (FormatterClosedException formatterClosedException)
            System.err.println("Error writing to file.");
          } // end catch
          catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
            System.err.println("Invalid input. Please try again.");
            input2.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
          } // end catch
          System.out.printf("%s %s\n%s", "Enter account number (> 0),",
            "first name, last name and balance.","? ");
        } // end while
      } // end method addAccountRecords
      // close file
      public void closeTransFile()
        if (output1 != null)
      } // end method closeTransFile
      // close file
      public void closeOldMastFile()
        if (output2 != null)
      } // end method closeOldMastFile
    } // end class CreateTextFile--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exercise 14.8:
    // Testing class CreateTextFile
    public class CreateTextFileTest
       // main method begins program execution
       public static void main( String args[] )
         CreateTextFile application = new CreateTextFile();
       } // end main
    } // end class CreateTextFileTest-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exercise 14.8:
    // A class that represents on record of information
    package org.egan; // packaged for reuse
    public class TransactionRecord
      private int account;
      private double amount;
      // no-argument constructor calls other constructor with default values
      public TransactionRecord()
        this(0,0.0); // call two-argument constructor
      } // end no-argument AccountRecord constructor
      // initialize a record
      public TransactionRecord(int acct, double amt)
      } // end two-argument TransactionRecord constructor
      // set account number
      public void setAccount(int acct)
        account = acct;
      } // end method setAccount
      // get account number
      public int getAccount()
        return account;
      } // end method getAccount
      // set amount
      public void setAmount(double amt)
        amount = amt;
      } // end method setAmount
      // get amount
      public double getAmount()
        return amount;
      } // end method getAmount
    } // end class TransactionRecord -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exercise 14.8:
    // A class that represents on record of information
    package org.egan; // packaged for reuse
    import org.egan.TransactionRecord;
    public class AccountRecord
      private int account;
      private String firstName;
      private String lastName;
      private double balance;
      // no-argument constructor calls other constructor with default values
      public AccountRecord()
        this(0,"","",0.0); // call four-argument constructor
      } // end no-argument AccountRecord constructor
      // initialize a record
      public AccountRecord(int acct, String first, String last, double bal)
      } // end four-argument AccountRecord constructor
      // set account number
      public void setAccount(int acct)
        account = acct;
      } // end method setAccount
      // get account number
      public int getAccount()
        return account;
      } // end method getAccount
      // set first name
      public void setFirstName(String first)
        firstName = first;
      } // end method setFirstName
      // get first name
      public String getFirstName()
        return firstName;
      } // end method getFirstName
      // set last name
      public void setLastName(String last)
        lastName = last;
      } // end method setLastName
      // get last name
      public String getLastName()
        return lastName;
      } // end method getLastName
      // set balance
      public void setBalance(double bal)
        balance = bal;
      } // end method setBalance
      // get balance
      public double getBalance()
        return balance;
      } // end method getBalance
      // combine balance and amount
      public void combine(TransactionRecord record)
        balance = (getBalance() + record.getAmount()); 
      } // end method combine
    } // end class AccountRecord -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exercise 14.8:
    import java.lang.IllegalStateException;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.Formatter;
    import java.util.FormatterClosedException;
    import org.egan.AccountRecord;
    import org.egan.TransactionRecord;
    public class FileMatch
      private Scanner inTransaction;
      private Scanner inOldMaster;
      private Formatter outNewMaster;
      private Formatter theLog;
      // enable user to open file
      public void openTransFile()
          inTransaction = new Scanner(new File("trans.txt"));
        } // end try
        catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error opening file.");
        } // end catch
      } // end method openTransFile
      // enable user to open file
      public void openOldMastFile()
          inOldMaster = new Scanner(new File("oldmast.txt"));
        } // end try
        catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error opening file.");
        } // end catch
      } // end method openOldMastFile
      // enable user to open file
      public void openNewMastFile()
          outNewMaster = new Formatter("newmast.txt");
        catch (SecurityException securityException)
          System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
        } // end catch
        catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error creating file.");
      } // end method openNewMastFile
      // enable user to open file
      public void openLogFile()
          theLog = new Formatter("log.txt");
        catch (SecurityException securityException)
          System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
        } // end catch
        catch (FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException)
          System.err.println("Error creating file.");
      } // end method openLogFile
      // update records
      public void updateRecords()
        TransactionRecord transaction = new TransactionRecord();
        AccountRecord account = new AccountRecord();
        try // read records from file using Scanner object
          System.out.println("Start file matching.");
          while (inTransaction.hasNext() && inOldMaster.hasNext())
            transaction.setAccount(inTransaction.nextInt());     // read account number
            transaction.setAmount(inTransaction.nextDouble());   // read amount
            account.setAccount(inOldMaster.nextInt());     // read account number
            account.setFirstName(;      // read first name 
            account.setLastName(;       // read last name
            account.setBalance(inOldMaster.nextDouble());  // read balance
            if (transaction.getAccount() == account.getAccount())
              while (inTransaction.hasNext() && transaction.getAccount() == account.getAccount())
                outNewMaster.format("%d %s %s %.2f\n",
                account.getAccount(), account.getFirstName(), account.getLastName(),
                transaction.setAccount(inTransaction.nextInt());     // read account number
                transaction.setAmount(inTransaction.nextDouble());   // read amount
            else if (transaction.getAccount() != account.getAccount())
              outNewMaster.format("%d %s %s %.2f\n",
              account.getAccount(), account.getFirstName(), account.getLastName(),
              theLog.format("%s%d","Unmatched transaction record for account number ",transaction.getAccount());
          } // end while
          System.out.println("Finish file matching.");
        } // end try
        catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
          System.err.println("File improperly formed.");
        } // end catch
        catch (IllegalStateException stateException)
          System.err.println("Error reading from file.");
        } // end catch   
      } // end method updateRecords
      // close file and terminate application
      public void closeTransFile()
        if (inTransaction != null)
      } // end method closeTransFile
      // close file and terminate application
      public void closeOldMastFile()
        if (inOldMaster != null)
      } // end method closeOldMastFile
      // close file
      public void closeNewMastFile()
        if (outNewMaster != null)
      } // end method closeNewMastFile
      // close file
      public void closeLogFile()
        if (theLog != null)
      } // end method closeLogFile
    } // end class FileMatch-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Exercise 14.8:
    // Testing class FileMatch
    public class FileMatchTest
       // main method begins program execution
       public static void main( String args[] )
         FileMatch application = new FileMatch();
       } // end main
    } // end class FileMatchTest-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Sample data for master file:
    Master file                         
    Account Number            Name                     Balance
    100                            Alan Jones                   348.17
    300                            Mary Smith                    27.19
    500                            Sam Sharp                   0.00
    700                            Suzy Green                   -14.22Sample data for transaction file:
    Transaction file                    Transaction
    Account Number                  Amount
    100                                         27.14
    300                                         62.11
    300                                         83.89
    400                                         100.56
    700                                         80.78
    700                                         1.53
    900                                         82.17  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    My FileMatch class program above has bugs in it.
    The correct results for the newmast.txt:
    100  Alan  Jones  375.31
    300  Mary  Smith  173.19
    500  Sam  Sharp  0.00
    700  Suzy Green  68.09The correct results for the log.txt:
    Unmatched transaction record for account number 400Unmatched transaction record for account number 900------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    My results for the newmast.txt:
    100 Alan Jones 375.31
    300 Mary Smith 111.08
    500 Sam Sharp 0.00
    700 Suzy Green -12.69My results for the log.txt
    Unmatched transaction record for account number 700-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I am not sure what is wrong with my code above to make my results different from the correct results.
    Much help is appreciated. Please help.

    From the output, it looks like one problem is just formatting -- apparently you're including a newline in log entries and not using tabs for the newmast output file.
    As to why the numbers are off -- just from glancing over it, it appears that the problem is when you add multiple transaction values. Since account.combine() is so simple, I suspect that you're either adding creating transaction objects incorrectly or not creating them when you should be.
    Create test input data that isolates a single case of this (e.g., just the Mary Smith case), and then running your program in a debugger or adding debugging code to the add/combine method, so you can see what's happening in detail.
    Also I'd recommend reconsidering your design. It's a red flag if a class has a name with "Create" in it. Classes represent bundles of independant state and transformations on that state, not things to do.

  • Need help with almost completed plugin engine project

    Hi all,
    For a while now I have been working on a plugin engine. After a few iterations, the engine is similar to the Eclipse engine, in that plugins use extension points and extensions to allow contributions. Unlike the eclipse engine I have added the ability for plugins to fire events through the engine and other plugins can add listeners, all through the plugin.xml manifest. Dependencies are mostly handled automatically at plugin load time (when extensions get resolved to extension points, and listeners get resolved to events). For the case where a plugin needs to use classes from another plugin, dependencies are also allowed to be declared. Like the eclipse engine, activation of plugins occurs the first time a class is used within the plugin's classpath, OR a plugin can be activated after it is loaded.
    What I need help with is testing, working on examples to provide with the engine project, and feedback/suggestions before we release the M1 build. I am asking for those that are interested in this type of work to volunteer to help where applicable and possible. I want to provide a solid plugin engine to the java community, one that is easy to use, works well, and is pretty effecient in terms of resource usage and performance.
    Of particular interest to me right at the moment is dealing with multiple versions. As I see it, the engine will be used within an application and as such plugins would be distributed with a specific application version. The plugin version itself is more of a notification as to what version a plugin is, although I imagine it will help when updating at runtime as well.
    Just a few other details of the engine. It handles (or will soon) dynamic load, unload and reload of plugins at runtime. Plugins can be distributed in an archive file format, we call .par (Plugin ARchive), with additional plugin filename extensions configurable at runtime. The plugins can be developed and deployed in an expanded directory format as they are in Eclipse as well, or in the archive format. In the archive format they do not need to be unzipped when deployed, and they can contain embeded jar/zip libraries. The engine handles finding and creating classes directly out of the .par file at runtime.
    Multiple locations to find plugins are configurable before the engine starts, and even after it starts more could be added to allow additional locations to find plugins. URLs are supported, and soon the HTTP protocol will be supported so that plugins can be downloaded and installed at runtime.
    The project can be found at If you would like to get involved and help out, please sign up on the dev mail list and send an email to introduce yourself to the rest of the members on the list.
    I'll also add that I am working on a Swing UI Framework built entirely from plugins. It provides a ready-to-launce UI application that developers can simply add their plugins to, extending various extension points of the framework to have menu items, toolbar buttons, status bar access, help and preferences dialog additions, file i/o choosers, tons of open-source components ready to use (or extend to add on to), and like Eclipse, hopefully... draggable window frames that can be dropped on any other frame to form a tabbed frame of windows. Some of this is a ways off, some is getting there now. Presently you can add menu items that do allow plugin activation when first clicked, so plugins can be loaded but not activated until needed. The Preference dialog works but is not completed, and a plugin that adds a plugin control panel to view all loaded plugins, activate them, load/unload/reload, view extension points, extensions, dependencies, etc is partially completed. The point is, to allow a ready to run UI framework in Swing with an easy path for developers to quickly build applications with. If you are interested in this, when you join the mail list and introduce yourself, indicate that you are interested in this as well, as we need help with plugin development for it and would appreciate more help here too.
    Look forward to some replies.

    Might I suggest setting up a project at a known project-site? I've seen your progress and questions posted here from time to time, but one of the drawbacks is that you have to fill each post with the entirity of your vision to explain what you're doing. That's a lot of text to read - and most folks will skip right over it.
    On the other hand, a well-crafted, good-looking project web-site, with appropriate links and docs and vision statements, diagrams, etc. will have more likelyhood of attracting volunteers. and are likely spots to set up shop. In addition, you get CVS and bug-tracking systems, which can be quite valuable in such a large-scale project where there are lots of pieces.

  • Need help with my ipod

    I need help with my ipod. It alll started when I used TechTool Pro to wipeout data for my ipod and after finishing the wipeout, I restart my computer and after the restart I was ask by my computer whether to ignore, erase or eject the HD and I choose eject and what happen next is that I have a apple logo on my ipod and my computer now cannot recognises my ipod, and the apple logo just stay there. I am using a 3rd gen ipod.
    with regards and thank you
    PowerMac G4 Cube   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    PowerMac G4 Cube   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    The iPod and iTunes are not compatible with Windows ME and the minimum requirements are Windows 2000 with SP4 or XP with SP2 (although I use several iPods and don't have SP2).
    If you can't upgrade to one of these, then you can use the iPod with ME if you are prepared to fiddle around a little. However, you won't be able to use iTunes.
    See this.
    Guide to iPod and Windows ME
    You can use iPods purchased in the USA here in the UK. Our family uses 3 such iPods.
    You can also use the iPod on any number of computers as this document explains.
    Using iPod with multiple computers
    Whoever gave you you all this wrong info deserves to be shot!
    Just one more thing Andrew. Please start your own topic in future instead of jumping in an interrupting someone else's with an unrelated query. It's know here as "threadjacking" and is against the discussions Terms of Use.
    Good luck with ME!

  • No support for pse4, need help with help and everything else.What's a layer? How can I get help PDF from CD? I don't have a clue how to use this. I have a Macbook pro.

    Need help with help pse4 not supported by adobe. how to do topics not available and I have never used any thing like this. Help says there is a download but have not been able to get it. What's a rookie to do ? Is there somewhere I can go to find out how to use PSE4?

    The internet is overflowing with tutorials on PSE. Just google what you want and include Photoshop Elements 4 as part of your search term, or  go to the library and they may have several different books on PSE 4. For PSE 4, you won't find a mac specific book, but that doesn't matter because the editor is the same on either program. Just substitute Command for Ctrl and Option for Alt in the keystrokes, and ignore anything about the organizer.
    Some popular sites for learning elements:
    youtube has a lot of video tutorials, too.

  • HT5622 I need help with my MasterCard it won't work

    Need help with my MasterCard it won't work

    If it's a debit card then I don't think that they are still accepted as a valid payment method - they are not listed on this page and there have been a number of posts recently about them being declined
    If it is a credit card then is it registered to exactly the same name and address (including format and spacing etc) that you have on your iTunes account, it was issued by a bank in your country and you are currently in that country ? If it is then you could check with the card issuer to see if it's them that are declining it, and if not then try contacting iTunes support and see if they know why it's being declined : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page

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