Need help with Soundfont file issue

I purchased and downloiaded several soundfonts from Jayzen. One of them is an acoustic bass soundfont2 file. I installed them all in the sampler instrument folder. The EXS24 converted them all to the.exs format and all of them play properly EXCEPT the acoustic bass one.
I have tried to no avail to get that one to play correctly. It seems to only play the C1 note no matter what note on the keyboard is played. I tried all the other soundfont files on the same track and they all play fine so I have ruled out any inadvertant processing or midi filtering
The odd thing is that the acoustic bass soundfont plays correctly in GarageBand!!??
I have contacted Jayzen and they are as puzzled as I am and are trying their best to solve the issue. I have re-downloaded the file several times but the problem persists.
Can anyone offer some insight or suggestions...please??

Hi Clem,
The first thing that comes to mind is to open the EXS editor (from the converted Soundfont) and see how the samples are mapped, and how the parameters are set. Key Tracking appears to be off, for starters, and one sample seems to be allocated to multiple keys, from what you write.
I have only glanced at Garageband, so I don't know: does it convert .sf2 or does it directly play them? If GB plays them directly, it is obvious something has gone wrong during conversion in EXS, something must be wrong in the original parameters somewhere. ultimately for Jayzen to find and correct it (or refund you).
regards, Erik

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                        System.out.print (" \n ");                                            //
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    By "connect", do you just mean you want to put the names into an array?
    array[0] = "jim"
    array[1] = "laruie"
    and so on?
    That shouldn't be difficult at all, provided you know how to open a file for reading, and how to read a line of text from it. You can just read the line of text, put it in the array position you want, until the file is exhausted. Then open a file for writing, loop through the array, and write a line.
    What part of all that do you need help with?

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        <vendor>Applied Solutions, Inc.</vendor>
        <homepage href="index.html"/>
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    Assuming you are using the database is SQL Server:
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    ,[Unit Price]
    ,[Contract Price]
    ,[Total] = CASE WHEN [On Contract] = 'Yes' THEN [Quantity] * [Contract Price]
    WHEN [On Contract] = 'No' THEN [Quantity] * [Unit Price] END
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    Modify the SQL to suit your need.
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    The other day I backed up all my music and data before rebuilding my machine due to hardware upgrades.
    okay. you may have ended up with multiple authorisations on that PC due to the system changes. if so the following documents should be of some help with techniques for freeing up authorisations:
    One computer using multiple iTunes Music Store authorizations
    About iTunes Store authorization and deauthorization

  • Need help with an innerjoin issue

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    More> Next>
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    going to page 2 and the numbered nav, it is doing what it is
    supposed to. BUT the select function is working off the where
    clause and not working independantly from what the numbered nav and
    body is supposed to be doing. There is also a spot I added to this
    page that kind of works like the select function, it puts the name
    of the category your viewing on the page.
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    function is lets say there are 5 project records tied to the
    category you selected, then the select function gets 5 names of the
    same category in it and so does the category name function.
    (Follow this?)
    Let me post the code for page 1 and page 2. also will add
    what the tables are in the db.
    DB tables:
    Table1: Categories
    Name (this is the actual category name), MYFile(the file that
    give an image of the category), Description(a description of this
    category), CategoryID (this is added to the projects table for each
    project that is connected to each category)
    Table 2: Projects
    ProjectID (this is the ID of the projects), Name (this is the
    name of the project) Body (thi sis the description and picture of
    the project), CategoryID (this is the id of what category the
    project falls under, also assigned to tproject from the categories
    There is a lot of code that goes in this, so I am going to
    post the code that is pertinent to this question, 90% of it is
    working at this time, just not the select function and category
    name on page 2.
    Page1 Code:
    <CFQUERY name="GetRecord"
    select Name, MYFile, Description, CategoryID
    FROM Categories
    <cfloop query="GetRecord" startRow="#URL.startRow#"
    <img src="../img/cat/#MYFile#" width="50" height="50">
    <!--- there is a numbered nav on this page, it works nice
    so I didn't add the code, that is why I am using a cfloop --->
    Page2 code:
    <CFQUERY name="getProjects"
    SELECT Projects.ProjectID, Projects.Name, Projects.Body,
    Categories.CategoryID AS catID, Categories.Name AS cat_name
    FROM Projects
    INNER JOIN Categories
    ON Categories.CategoryID = Projects.CategoryID
    WHERE Projects.CategoryID = #categoryID#
    ORDER BY ProjectID
    <cfif getProjects.recordCount is 0>
    No projects in this category.
    <!--- this script is for the select function so when you
    make a selection, it goes to the next category without having to
    hit a submit button --->
    <script language="Javascript">
    function changeRecord(){
    <!--- here are the Category name and select functions that
    aren't working properly yet --->
    <form Name="category" method="post"
    <select name="CategoryID" size="1"
    <option value=""> --Select a Category--
    <CFOUTPUT query= "getProjects">
    <option value="#CategoryID#">#cat_name#</option>
    <!--- this part is working properly, it also has a
    numbered nav, like google that is working properly at this point
    <cfoutput query="GetProjects" startRow="#startRow#"
    <!--- next is the cfmodule for the nav, the nav is a lot
    of code, a whole page on it's own so I am not posting it --->
    The main part that is not working properly is the select, and
    category name. How to I get those to work independantly from my
    where clause? (I need the where clause for the numbered nav and
    cycling through the projects tied to the category you called up
    from page 1.
    Can someone help me tweek my code from this point? I am
    stumped, I looked at the cf docs and I can't find a solution. I am
    using CF 8.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

    I fixed a lot of this since I posted it this morning. Now all
    that isn't working properly is the select, it isn't passing the
    proper variable to make the query work.
    This is what I have now:
    Page 2:
    <CFQUERY name="getProjects"
    SELECT Projects.ProjectID, Projects.Name, Projects.Body,
    Categories.CategoryID AS catID, Categories.Name AS cat_name
    FROM Projects
    INNER JOIN Categories
    ON Categories.CategoryID = Projects.CategoryID
    WHERE Projects.CategoryID = #categoryID#
    ORDER BY ProjectID
    <!--- I will add the <cfqueryparam> in a bit --->
    <cfif getProjects.recordCount is 0>
    No projects in this category.
    <!--- This query populates the select nav --->
    <CFQUERY name="cata"
    select Name, MYFile, Description, CategoryID
    FROM Categories
    <script language="Javascript">
    function changeRecord(){
    <!--- this output works well now, gives me what I need and
    changes when you select a category from page 1 --->
    <cfoutput query="getProjects"
    <!-- the select isn't passing the CategoryID properly, it
    is now throwing an error --->
    <form Name="category" method="post"
    <select name="CategoryID" size="1"
    <option value=""> --Select a Category--
    <CFOUTPUT query= "cata">
    <option value="#CategoryID#">#Name#</option>
    <!-- the rest of the code goes after this, it ias all
    working --->
    The error I get when using the select is this:
    Error Executing Database Query.
    [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC
    Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error
    (missing operator) in query expression 'Projects.CategoryID ='.
    The error occurred in C:\Websites\folio\portfolio-detail.cfm:
    line 12
    10 : INNER JOIN Categories
    11 : ON Categories.CategoryID = Projects.CategoryID
    12 : WHERE Projects.CategoryID = #categoryID#
    13 : ORDER BY ProjectID
    14 : </CFQUERY>
    I also tried doing it this way:
    <form Name="category" method="post"
    This way didn't work at all, it only made the numbered nav on
    the page cycle through all the projects in all the categories.
    What do I need to change to pass the proper variable from the
    select nav to the innerjoin query and my where statement?

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    4). If I am ever successful in getting all my many years worth of data from AOL on a PC to a Mac, I am really intent of changing ISP's - what are the best ones for Mac that offer good Mac support, good deals and no charges for telephone support?
    5). I was initially happy with Tiger as again, AOL assured me they supported it but not Leopard (even their website says so) and as I stupidly thought that it must be true (we are talking AOL here!). Now I know that they don't support anything Mac, I am contemplating moving to Leopard - I am a little cautious as I heard there were/are many bugs and unhappy leopard experiences - have the majority of these been solved yet and is it advisable to change to Leopard or should I wait until an updated version comes out?
    6). My MBP was originally bought in the US but is registered to my name in the UK. it has 6 months Apple warranty left and I wish to buy Applecare. Apple says it 'recommends' buying Applecare in the country at which the item is registered (not bought, as I understand it). Does that mean, if I buy Applecare in the USA, Apple UK will still accept it and service my MBP as they would do any other or will I have to have the hassle of sending the thing to the USA if it needs attention? Applecare USA T&C's state only for the 50 States & Canada and Applecare UK state only for the UK & EU. Both however state international servicing?! I am a bit confused on this one. I travel a lot and need to know, that any Applecare I buy will not then be limited to just the places they state in the T&C's. As It reads to me, Applecare purchased in the USA/Canada will not cover the UK/Europe/ROTW and vice versa. Is this true or am I missing something or just plain thick?
    5). I really wish to upgrade the 120GB HDD. My understanding is that it must be done by either Apple (who charge really silly money) or if correct, at an "Authorized Apple Service Provider" who of course will be much cheaper. If true, does this mean at ANY authorized apple service provider on the planet or just ones in which the item is registered? If I do the upgrade with a service provider, will Apple then also service the new HDD if something goes wrong as per normal anywhere in the world or will they then say, sorry, will not service the new HDD and you have to go back to the place where you had it installed, even though it was one of their authorized service centers? (that would really suck)!
    6). The spelling and dictionary (and a few other things) are set to US English - how can I set to UK English? I have tried but to no avail so far.
    7) What and how should I set the Firewall settings so I will not get attacks by any form of malware? (I do not know much about this area and what the implications mean)!
    Well, that's it so far - please bear my ignorance, I am so new to Mac's and hope this to be one of the smarter decisions I have made in life! Already I have strange sensation that I never had with all those years of Microsoft & PC's - I kinda feel reassured, safe, that if I have problems, they will get sorted, My life will now be easier and not having to worry so much about crashes, viruses, trojans etc, gives me a sense of liberation and contentment almost - very strange feeling but a **** good one! (if only the women in my life were like that)!
    Thank You All From A PC to Mac Switcher (and NO! I do not feel guilty or scared anymore)!

    I can help you with your questions about AppleCare, and can also reassure you that both the macbook pro and Leopard will be worth your investment and the time you are putting into figuring out how to get your data across. I switched from windows when I bought my macbook a year and a half ago and would not use any other system now. The other day I completed the transition by erasing parallels and Windows from my system entirely.
    As for AppleCare, you can get warranty care anywhere in the world, no matter where you buy your AppleCare. Mine was bought and is registered in the US, I live in Slovakia, and have had it serviced several times in Austria and Slovakia under the warranty without any problems at all. There are differences, however, in exactly what the warranty covers from place to place, in accordance with the law in each place that AppleCare is issued. Even though I live in the EU, my agreement with Apple is an American one, and the American guarantees hold. If EU law would demand that Apple fix more things, for instance, than American law does, I could not get those things repaired under my agreement, and vice versa.
    Basically, though, I understand my agreement with AppleCare to be that they will fix all problems/damage that are not my fault free of charge for two years after my initial one-year warranty runs out, and that is good enough for me.

  • Need help with startup Sync issue with Photoshop Elements 8.0

    When starting up Photoshop Elements 8.0 a brief dialog appears about sync space being filled up with options for Cancel or Proceed. This is then quickly covered up by the frame showing Survey/Show What's New/etc... cannot get back to dialog about sync space. Only way to get into the program is to click on the right arrows in the Welcome to Elements frame, start a tour, click right arrow until Go box is presented and then click on Go. Major PITA to do this. If we are quick, we can click on the initial dialog and click on Cancel or Proceed and get into the program without the covered up frame. We are running PSE8 on Windows 7.
    I have shut off sync and still this problem remains.I have been a loyal Adobe product user but this Automatic Sync stuff is really starting to get VERY irritating.
    Thanks for any help that can be provided.

    A lot of people are finding the same frustrations. Apparently PSE8 does not let you select start up with the Editor but forces the welcome screen on users. This is a classic case of Adobe not knowing what customers want and giving us what they think we want. It ignores the fact that the majority of users will have upgraded from earlier versions.
    You can make quick short cuts. If using windows right click on the desktop, select new short cut then browse to program files, Adobe Photoshop elements and scroll right down the list and click on Editor; then finish.
    You can do the same for the organizer and then launch each one independently.
    You need to think carefully whether you need to keep everything in sync with Several users have found problems when they have quickly used up their free storage capacity and then have to pay Adobe an upgrade fee just to continue using the program, otherwise they are locked out.

  • I need help with a mapping issue.

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    Local Directory: D:\sites\website1\index.cfm  or D:\sites\website2\index.cfm
    URL: would show a different website than
    ISAPI ReWrite code:
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^(?:.*\.)?website1\.preview\.domain\.com|^(?:.*\.)?website1\.new\.preview\.domain\.com|^( ?:.*\.)?website1\.office\.preview\.domain\.com$
    RewriteRule (.*) /website1$1 [NC,L]
    and the same with website2, only it has website 2 instead of website1.
    However, when I use CFFileUpload it creates the parameter as: ''
    I have tried to replace the code when processing the template and the page content, but it does not replace it.  It must happen last, even after I do a <cfsavecontent>
    I need it to show up as
    Can anyone help me with either an idea to use in the ISAPI/ReWrite or some other change I can make?

    The issue comes down to the fact that in the Coldfusion Administrator I set the Settings > Default ScriptSrc Directory :, because does not exist.
    This works for cfchart, but when I look at the source for any flash stuff, it still puts just "/CFIDE/...", which is trying to pull from, which doesn't exist, and it shows (which does not exist) instead of like it should.  Everything else works on the website, all coldfusion stuff (although, I do convert some of the links and things in my page so that they work properly).  However, I can't find a place to replace links when I use a cffileupload, it puts that in very last, so my links are messed up.
    The nicest thing would be a setting that I could set the cffileupload to know what the path is.  If that is not available, then I need to write a ISAPI/ReWrite line to redirect it.

  • Need help with .mov files that won't open

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    I have 2 dvdr's with 4 .mov files on them. when i try to copy them to my desktop it tells me that
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    Putting aside copyright issues in (naive?) belief you have a legitimate use of the material, your problem lies in the file or disk. One of them is either corrupt or not compatible with the drive you are trying to read it on. Try it on another computer (even a PC) and if you can read it on that computer make a new copy of the file on a new disk or a firewire drive (or USB stick if it fits).

Maybe you are looking for