Need ODS Consolidation help

Hi guys
We are using two data sources from ECC...2lis_11_v_itm & 2lis_11_vakon....
From here are consolidating the data in a single ODS. for the 1st data flow which is 2lis_11_v_itm , we dont have a start routine but the other data flow has a start routine (delete data package when the condition types are not PP02 & ZEL2  also we are calling a function module to append a new record for the exchange company code)...Everything is working fine...But we are bit confused when we created a process chain on this...We created a start and then loading the V_ITM infopack and then updating the PSA in to ODS then updating the VAKON PSA in to ODS then activating the ODS (VAKON infopackage is loading in a diff chain).
We are getting some wrong results ...can an one explain the logic to create this kind of process chain,

Actually my flow is not only to the ODS from there am pushing the data in to another ODS and then in to a Cube...
Now , I just got some issue with some orders from users saying that some of the orders are not showing up at all..when I see that in the Cube and then ODS2 and then ODS1 am not able to see the correct values for it...where as am getting the 0 values for the key I have delted the data all the way and just have reconstructed to see whether it works properly and then its fine...i can see the correct values for the orders that I had the issues I confirmed that there is something wrong with Process chain...If I want to do load this from tomrow i have to create a process chain and run it twice a day...

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    Genieo definitely doesn't help with your router. It's just adware, and has no benefit to you at all. They scammed you so that they could display their ads on your computer.
    To remove it, see:
    Do not use the Genieo uninstaller!

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    You have to go to the iPod's icon on your computer (or the flash drive's icon), select it and eject it there before removing it. Otherwise, data can be corrupted and/or lost. Repeatedly removing it without ejecting it from the desktop can cause it not to be recognized any longer.
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    Hi olivias,
    It sounds like there may be some confusion on your system about what application should be associated with PDF files. You can reset filename associations by following the steps in these articles (depending on your operating system):
    How to change the default application for a file type | Macworld
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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

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    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Need some quick help - fairly urgent!
        Re: Need some quick help - fairly urgent!
        created by Peter Spier in InDesign - View the full discussion
    There certainly are viable "quick fix" solutions proposed here, and if the dealine is looming and this file never needs to be touched again I might be tempted, but they are only postponing the pain for a file that needs periodic updates, and I wouldn't waste effort on them, myself, when that time can be put toward a proper rebuild now if that's the ultimate goal.
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    org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader validateJarFile
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    You need to locate the Project file. Which will be somewhere in your colleague's User space.
    In the Finder, press command and F to activate the Find function.
    Make sure the following parameters are set:
    Search *This Mac* and Contents
    Kind is Documents
    Type the project name.
    The icon looks like this:
    Double click it to launch Final Cut Pro with the project.
    To locate the text overlay, click on the Timeline to make it active. Use the down arrow on your keyboard to jump from one cut to the next. The text overlay will look similar to this:
    Double click on the Text clip. This will place it in the Viewer (the left "monitor").
    Click the "Controls" tab above the Viewer and make your changes. Press Return.
    Clicking anywhere in the Timeline once more will update it.
    Make sure that no clips are selected and the Timeline is the active window.
    Go to the menu bar: File > Export > Using QuickTime Conversion.
    In the window that opens, make sure that Format is set to QuickTime Movie.
    Click the Options button. Look at the top of the next window.
    Does it say Compression Setting: H264? If it does, great.
    If not, click the settings button and choose H264 from the *Compression Type* button.
    At bottom left, drag the Quality slider to Best. Click OK.
    This brings you back to the previous window.
    Click on Size if you need to change something -there are a number of presets, but you can choose a custom size if you wish. Click OK.
    That window is dismissed and returns you to the Save dialog.
    Type a name and choose a destination for your file.
    Message was edited by: Nick Holmes

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    Here is a hint, google:
    ipad video playlists
    This discusses some options.
    iOS 7 took away the ability to play videos continuously.
    Two stand-alone apps.
    There was a hint of relabeling your videos to music video so you can use the itunes video playlists.
    I have not tried this.

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    Thank you very much for sharing your file with us!  Now that we are able to reproduce the problem at our end, you may stop sharing the file on
    Do you know when this problem (for not being able to add new highlight/strikeout/underline) has started?  Did you update your iOS from 7.x to 8.0 recently?
    We will continue investigating the problem and let you know what we find.
    Thank you again for your help.

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    Many Westell modems are actually "modem-routers" and they use the same  address space as your WRT54G.  This is the root of your problems.
    Try the settings at this URL.
    Note that the "WAN" port on the BEFSR41 in the example is the same as the "Internet" port on your WRT54G.
    Please let me know whether or not this worked for you.

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    I can't, look at this image

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