Need quick and probably easy help!

how do you mix down, or combine audio channels? I have something on the left channel and want to mix it to mono. Why can't I, or can I, do this in the mixer?

From the INDEX of the PDF version
Fill Left and Fill Right effects 346
From Page 346
Fill Left, Fill Right effects
The Fill Left effect duplicates the left channel information of the audio clip and places it in the right channel, discarding the original clips right channel information. The Fill Right effect duplicates the right channel information and places it in the left channel, discarding the existing left channel information. Apply to stereo audio clips only.

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    . As suggested, line-in is the best option if possible. Note that some cassette adapters are better than others, and some work better in certain car stereos (Sony and Creative's adapter are typically good). FM transmitters are probably the worst quality of all, so I'm not sure you'll see a great improvement if you get one. More on car connectivity here in the Zen FAQ at
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    You are not alone Spook. I have the same problem. Auto Quicktime Update has hosed iTunes. I have found no solution nor any interest from Apple to provide one, other than uninstall it all and try again, which doesn't work. This is an Apple problem, not a Windows problem. And the direct effect is to prevent me from accessing iTunes and spending money there.

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    You need to download the newest Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SETM) software. A release of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition version 1.4 software for Windows, Linux, and Solaris is now available to the Java community!
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    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   2Ghz Duo Core 2 / 2GB Ram / Logic Pro 7.2

    Ashermusic SAID -- " In your Audio Hardware and
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    computerilliterate52 wrote:
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    Also, learning to properly use punctuation (particularly periods) might not be a bad idea. As it is, your post was very hard to read.
    Good luck!

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    You need to access your router to check if the DHCP is on.  To access the router open your browser and type in into the address field and hit enter.  That should open the routers log on screen and by default the user is left blank (some routers it is admin) and the password is abmin.  If you changed your routers password as you should for security reasons then use that password.  That will bring you to your routers user interface and on the main set up page should be your DHCP.
    Richard Aichner (Ikester)

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    Genieo definitely doesn't help with your router. It's just adware, and has no benefit to you at all. They scammed you so that they could display their ads on your computer.
    To remove it, see:
    Do not use the Genieo uninstaller!

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    Some of my quicktime files play ok but others prompt me to download quicktime version 7. Why do I need to do this ?
    Because your system thinks you are missing specific codecs required for the playback of certain compression formats. In some cases this may be an installation problem in which the codec was "lost" or "orphaned" during the update process. In others it may be a need to update the component to work properly under the dual QT X/7 framework installed under the Snow Leopard OS. You need to check the Inspector/Finder Info or similar window to determine what specific codec is causing the problem and then re-install or update that specific codec/component/package.
    (There seem to be a lot of problems with this looking at the forums).
    Most of the problems are "self-inflicted" by individuals who, rather than studying the problem symptoms, analyzing them to determine their cause, and then fixing the problems, elect to immediately delete and re-install software -- often attempting to mix components from different operating systems and/or update versions of the software in their haste.
    All the files play on the old mac. Why isn't Quicktime forward compatible or why is there no import facility so that you can make your old files compatible?
    I am running both Leopard and Snow Leopard variations of QT v7.6.6 and all of my "old" files have remained compatible -- to include MPEG-2 video and a limited number of third-party supported compression formats. Since my configurations continue to work properly, my first guess is that you have an unresolved configuration problem or inability for your QT X 64-bit routines to communicate/switch properly with the 32-bit routines as required for your content.
    Why do I need Quick time 7 and Quicktime 10?
    Technically, you probably don't. However, as an old QT 7 Pro user who likes many of the QT 7 Player controls/options/features better than QT X's new but more basic features, I maintain both in active service and tend to use QT 7 as the default player of most of my work flows. Still, this is up to the individual. I am in no hurry to rush the changeover from an older but still more reliable QT technology to a more modern, but as yet, less mature and well tested "new" QT technology. In short, I feel it best to make the most of both dispensations during the development of this "new" version of QT.

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    My friend wants a header similar to this:
    I would like to know how to create these types of images.  I know my way around PS and FW but I'm new to the tiling, etc. that is necessary to make quick loading web pages.  Any help would be great.  After I create what I need to imagewise, I can then ask how to put it into the site (unless someone is a php wiz and wants to help me here )

    Good day, AlieneGirl!
    Sorry for offtopic, but I want to ask you: why does your friend prefer WordPress CMS for this site? I see, that you are doing site for restaurant, by the way, good idea! But, WordPress, in my opinion, better for blogs, communication and simple sites. Why dont you take Joomla, for example? Imagine: you open site of restaurant, looking for best dishes, than order them - add to a cart and courier brings it to you:) You stay at home and have good dishes! But WP is not good varuant for such site, I see that you have no "add to a cart" function. It's better to use Joomla CMS for this purpose. So, you may look at this variant and see, that there is this funtion. Think that site will get more clients) And you can find a lot of templates for Joomla and correct them with PhotoShop

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    My parents were trying to setup their E1200 router. We had to do a reset (using the button) since we couldn't access the router admin menu (someone had hacked/changed the password). I'm doing this remotely over the phone.
    Now, when they open Internet Explorer, they are getting a"Linksys Quick and Easy Setup" screen no matter what web site they try to get to. They don't have access to the original CD to install Linksys Connect. Mom says that when she clicks on "No CD? Download the software" link, nothing happens. Looks like she's got internet, though, as there's a link to the Linksys forums, and she's seeing updates from the forums."
    I don't know what this screen looks like, but isn't there some way to get past this splash screen? The computer is plugged into the router via a cable, so I'm not sure why they can't access the internet manually. Is there a way to just "disable" the "Quick and Very So Not Easy Setup" and skip right to using the internet?

    Hi dapupster. I suggest that you let your parents do another reset. Tell them to make sure that they press down the reset button that's underneath the device ( please check the  picture). Let them press it down for 30 seconds while the device is powered on.  Once done, let them unplug the unit, plug it back in and try to access the setup page manually through
    If the challenge remains the same, let them unplug the router from the modem and have them access the page with only the computer that's connected to the router.  Hope the suggestions help.

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    Depends on your style.
    Reminds me of a story a contractor to an IT department I worked in once told me.
    He used to work in Silicon Valley in the '70s and told a story of a company that
    hired a particular programmer who was brilliant but unstable. They used to set
    up a room with a VT100 and a bottle of Tequila. The programmer would arrive
    and set to work. As the Tequila emptied it was replaced. At some point over
    the following days or weeks a scream would be heard from the room, followed
    by a crash as the VT100 went through the window and the programmer disappeared.
    They would replace the window, the VT100, the Tequila and wait till he came back
    from "walkabout".
    "Extreme Programming" '70s tyle!
    OH&S would never allow this nowadays! That, plus Prozac means these sorts
    of programmers are probably very rare!

  • Quick and easy way to encode video files?

    With out using another application.

    An easy and simple way you can do this is by using Finder. It might not be the best option, depending on what you need but try it out.
    Control+Click on the file and select > Encode Selected Video Files
    You can choose from 480p, 720p, 1080p, Audio Only, or  Apple ProRes under the Settings drop down menu.
    Then choose whether you want to Encode for higher quality or greater compatability.
    When you have selected your settings the window will tell you the Format, Resolution, Date rate and what it compatible with. The 480p, 720p and 1080p will use H.264 compression which is highly compressed and probably what you want to choose to compress your file.
    After you have selected your settings select the destionation and if you want to delete the source file and click continue.
    Done. Easy and simple, done right in finder.

Maybe you are looking for

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