***Need Regex for a pattern

I need a pattern for the following use cases: I am using Java
1. var so = nokia.device.load('abc','abc');
2. var so = nokia.device.load("abc","abc");
3. var so = nokia.device.load("abc");
4. var so = nokia.device.load('abc');
// 5. var so = nokia.device.load('abc'); (Line is commentted)+
function init()
if (window.menu) {
// set tab-navigation mode and hide softkeys
var so = nokia.device.load("abc");(Line is commentted)+
I need a regex pattern which will be give me only the function statments which are listed in bold and NOT italic format function statements as those statements are commented.
Basically, the pattern should give me the statments which are not commented.
Please help me, its urgent.
Edited by: arjun2010 on Apr 26, 2010 9:36 PM

I'll let the fact that the requirement is very dodgy slide for a moment. It seems that a pattern might not be the solution here; why not do something like the following:
- scan through the code one character at a time, looking for comment blocks and comment lines.
- remove all comment blocks from the code (or rather, copy all parts that are not comments to a new buffer)
now you have code cleaned of all comments
- scan for 'noka.device.load' and extract those pieces of code with some clever string comparisons.
Of course I don't know the why behind this requirement, but if I had to implement such a crude requirement I'd do it as simple as possible in stead of as clean as possible.

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    Encephalopathic wrote:
    You may want to skip regex and look into using a Java csv parser which I heard exist in the public domain. I don't have any links but sourceforge and/or google can help.http://ostermiller.org/utils/CSV.html

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    There is no built in way to do this. You'll end up having to enumerate all keys and values in the entire registry and comparing each one for a pattern using Regex or similar.  This is going to be really slow but there isn't much else you can do about
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    My application will get the UTF-8 encoded string and
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    The code you post works accidentally. It does not work in the general case. Just do what I said in my previous post.
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                         .asCharBuffer().toString().matches("\\p{L}+"));It will print "true" because the resulting charbuffer does match the pattern even though the original string does not. To understand why this happens I recommend reading the API documentation of the relevant classes.

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    You need to use the non-greedy star:Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<item>(.*?)</item>");Also, I think you want to use find() instead of matches().

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           :search_string search_string,
      from (select column_name,
                   'ora:view("' || table_name || '")/ROW/' || column_name || '[ora:contains(text(),"%' || :search_string || '%") > 0]' str
              from cols
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    When you use something dynamically within a function or procedure, roles do not apply and privileges must be granted directly.  So, you need to grant select on dba_tab_cols directly.  If you want to do pattern matching then you should use regular expressions.  The following example grants the proper privileges and uses regexp_instr to find all values containing the pattern xxx-xxxx-xxxx, where /S is used for any non-space character.  I limited the tables in order to save time and output for the test, but you can eliminate that where clause.
      2  /
    User created.
      2  /
    User altered.
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
    SYS@orcl> GRANT SELECT ON dba_tab_cols TO test
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
    SYS@orcl> CONNECT test/test
    TEST@orcl> SET LINESIZE 90
    TEST@orcl> CREATE TABLE table1
      2    (tab1_col1  VARCHAR2(60))
      3  /
    Table created.
      2  INTO table1 (tab1_col1) VALUES ('xxx-xxxx-xxxx')
      3  INTO table1 (tab1_col1) VALUES ('matching abc-defg-hijk data')
      4  INTO table1 (tab1_col1) VALUES ('other data')
      6  /
    3 rows created.
    TEST@orcl> CREATE TABLE table2
      2    (tab2_col2  VARCHAR2(30))
      3  /
    Table created.
      2  INTO table2 (tab2_col2) VALUES ('this BCD-EFGH-IJKL too')
      3  INTO table2 (tab2_col2) VALUES ('something else')
      5  /
    2 rows created.
    TEST@orcl> VAR search_string VARCHAR2(24)
    TEST@orcl> EXEC :search_string := '\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    TEST@orcl> COLUMN "Searchword"     FORMAT A24
    TEST@orcl> COLUMN "Table"     FORMAT A6
    TEST@orcl> COLUMN "Column/Value" FORMAT A50
    TEST@orcl> SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR (:search_string, 1, 24) "Searchword",
      2               SUBSTR (table_name, 1, 14) "Table",
      3               SUBSTR (t.column_value.getstringval (), 1, 50) "Column/Value"
      4  FROM   dba_tab_cols,
      5          TABLE
      6            (XMLSEQUENCE
      7           (DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXMLTYPE
      8              ( 'SELECT ' || column_name ||
      9               ' FROM ' || table_name ||
    10               ' WHERE REGEXP_INSTR
    11                     (UPPER (' || column_name || '),''' ||
    12                  UPPER (:search_string) || ''') > 0'
    13              ).extract ('ROWSET/ROW/*'))) t
    14  WHERE  table_name IN ('TABLE1', 'TABLE2')
    15  ORDER  BY "Table"
    16  /
    Searchword               Table  Column/Value
    \S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S TABLE1 <TAB1_COL1>matching abc-defg-hijk data</TAB1_COL1>
    \S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S TABLE1 <TAB1_COL1>xxx-xxxx-xxxx</TAB1_COL1>
    \S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S TABLE2 <TAB2_COL2>this BCD-EFGH-IJKL too</TAB2_COL2>
    3 rows selected.

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    I would start with a not so restrictiv expression.
    something like
    SQL> with testdata as (select '/myserver.domain.com:7779/mapviewer/mcserver?format=PNG&mapcache=mvdemo.demo_map&mx=198&my=247&request=gettile&zoomlevel=3' urlstring from dual union all
      2                    select '/myserver.domain.com:7779/mapviewer/mcserver?format=PNG&mapcache=mvdemo.demo_map&mx=200&my=300&request=gettile&zoomlevel=180' urlstring from dual union all
      3                    select '/myserver.domain.com:7779/mapviewer/mcserver?format=PNG&mapcache=mvdemo.demo_map&my=300&mx=200&request=gettile&zoomlevel=0' urlstring from dual union all
      4                    select '/myserver.domain.com:7779/mapviewer/mcserver?format=PNG&mapcache=mvdemo.demo_map&mx=100&my=200&request=gettile' urlstring from dual union all
      5                    select 'somethingelse' urlstring from dual)
      6  select urlstring
      7  from testdata
      8  where regexp_like(urlstring,'^/myserver.domain.com:7779/mapviewer/mcserver[?]format=[PNG|SVG].+[mapcache=mvdemo.demo_map].+[request=gettile]');
    SQL> In this example the url needs to include the mapcache, format and request parameter.
    Edited by: Sven W. on Oct 29, 2008 7:23 PM

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    Edited by: chhasx on Sep 1, 2009 2:42 PM

    You don't need the square brackets in this case. You shouldn't have + at the end of the second \w; there can be one or none, so it should be ?. Also it shouldn't be \w because it can only be "s". Also you're not covering the case "Travis's". Actually according to Strunk and White that's acceptable (preferred, IIRC) so maybe that's OK.
    You're not checking for "his", "her", "hers", or "its".
    This isn't internationalized either.

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    Thank you
    Md. Mainul Hasan

    If you would like to take a look at http://www.exactfutures.com/index01.htm and http://www.exactfutures.com/index02.htm and http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/activity.asp then these pages and links may well be useful to you. It may not be exactly what you are looking for, but it does point to some examples with source for video analytics, and at the very least they illustrate how to capture & handle the data including a fast movement detection algorithm. If you want to find a specific shape then search the internet for information on chamfer distance transforms - one can use JMF or extend these simple examples to apply those techniques.

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    here i have changed the regex as suggested by you but
    it returns true even for http://com.com@
    which is invalid.
    So it did not worked :-(It did not work, because you did not use it correct:
    public class Foo {
        private static boolean isValidUrl(String url) {
            return url.matches("(https?|ftp)://www\\.\\w+\\.\\w+");
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String[] urls = {
            for(String url : urls) {
                System.out.println(url+" valid? "+isValidUrl(url));

  • Regex for URL Expression

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    As you can see, I would like to cache all the PNG map tiles, but I don't know how to come up with Regular Expression (regex) for the above URL.

    are you talking about xml schema restriction?
    <xs:element name="url">
       <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:pattern value="(https?://)?[-\w.]+(:\d{2,5})?(/([\w/_.]*)?)?" />

  • Need help in finding patterns and there counts

    Hi All,
    I need help in finding patterns as well as number of occurrences of those patterns in a table's column's data.
    Consider sample data - one row's column from a table:
    My requirement is:
    I should get all the patterns that are followed by 'S'.
    Example: for the above given data the patterns and counts are
    SS - count is 3
    SP - count is 2
    SB - count is 1
    SS - count is 1
    There is one more condition for the above requirement:
    If 'S' is followed by 'A', then 'SA' should not be considered as a pattern. The pattern should stretch until a non 'A' character is found.
    Consider sample data for the above case:
    for the above given data the patterns and counts are
    SS - count is 2
    SP - count is 1
    SAS - count is 1
    SAAC - count is 1
    The data column is stored as VARCHAR2 type.
    I have Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    Thanks in advance,
    Girish G

    Hi, Girish,
    Girish G wrote:
    Hi All,
    I need help in finding patterns as well as number of occurrences of those patterns in a table's column's data.
    Consider sample data - one row's column from a table:
    My requirement is:
    I should get all the patterns that are followed by 'S'.Do you mean "I should get all patterns that *start with* 'S'"?
    Example: for the above given data the patterns and counts are
    SS - count is 3
    SP - count is 2
    SB - count is 1
    SS - count is 1Why are there two rows of output for 'SS'? What does the second one, with count=1, mean?
    There is one more condition for the above requirement:
    If 'S' is followed by 'A', then 'SA' should not be considered as a pattern. The pattern should stretch until a non 'A' character is found.
    Consider sample data for the above case:
    for the above given data the patterns and counts are
    SS - count is 2
    SP - count is 1
    SAS - count is 1
    SAAC - count is 1
    The data column is stored as VARCHAR2 type.
    I have Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionThanks; the version information is very helpful.
    Thanks in advance,
    Girish GWhenever you have a question, please post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) and the results you want from that data.
    For example, your sample data might be:
    CREATE TABLE     table_x
    (       x_id     NUMBER     PRIMARY KEY
    ,     txt     VARCHAR2 (30)
    INSERT INTO table_x (x_id, txt) VALUES (1, 'S-S-S-P-S-B-S-S-C-S-P');
    INSERT INTO table_x (x_id, txt) VALUES (2, 'S-S-A-S-S-A-A-C-S-P-S-A');and the results you want from that data might be:
    X_ID TXT                       PATTERN                          CNT
       1 S-S-S-P-S-B-S-S-C-S-P     SB                                 1
       1 S-S-S-P-S-B-S-S-C-S-P     SC                                 1
       1 S-S-S-P-S-B-S-S-C-S-P     SP                                 2
       1 S-S-S-P-S-B-S-S-C-S-P     SS                                 3
       2 S-S-A-S-S-A-A-C-S-P-S-A   SAAC                               1
       2 S-S-A-S-S-A-A-C-S-P-S-A   SAS                                1
       2 S-S-A-S-S-A-A-C-S-P-S-A   SP                                 1
       2 S-S-A-S-S-A-A-C-S-P-S-A   SS                                 2(This corresponds to what you posted, except that there is only one output row for 'SS' when x_id=1.)
    One way to get those results in Oracle 11 is:
    WITH   got_s_cnt    AS
         SELECT     x_id, txt
         ,     REGEXP_COUNT (txt, 'S')     AS s_cnt
         FROM     table_x
    ,     cntr          AS
         SELECT     LEVEL     AS n
         FROM     dual
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL <= (
                                   SELECT  MAX (s_cnt)
                             FROM    got_s_cnt
    ,     got_pattern     AS
         SELECT     s.x_id
         ,     s.txt
         ,     c.n
         ,     REGEXP_SUBSTR ( REPLACE ( SUBSTR ( txt
                                                 , INSTR (s.txt, 'S', 1, c.n)
                         , 'SA*[^A]'
                            )       AS pattern
         FROM    got_s_cnt  s
         JOIN     cntr        c  ON  c.n  <= s.s_cnt
    SELECT       x_id
    ,       txt
    ,       pattern
    ,       COUNT (*)     AS cnt
    FROM       got_pattern
    WHERE       pattern     IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY  x_id
    ,            txt
    ,       pattern
    ORDER BY  x_id
    ,            pattern
    ;At the heart of this query is the call to REGEXP_SUBSTR:
               , 'SA*[^A]'
               )which is looking for:
    S     = the letter S
    A*     = the letter A, repeated 0 or more times
    [^A]     = anything except the letter A

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    I am a complete adobe novice.

    Hi kimtreasure,
    For designing you can use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
    For more info:
    Photoshop : Adobe Photoshop CC new features | Buy Photoshop CC
    Illustrator : Adobe Illustrator CC new features | Buy Illustrator CC
    Download trial version.
    Creative Cloud Help | Install, update, or uninstall apps
    Atul Saini

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