Need some Help ( formating strings vs formatting input files)

I have a program that reads in a text file and stores each line as a string. The input file has no delimiters and varying amounts of white space. The problem is, I am trying to display each line of the file the same way. Here is an example of what the string looks like when I read it in and then output the strings.
(I am using the underline to represent white space just in this message post.)
1.Fred Smith____GA_____23_______42______23.5_____3____5
2.Jon Doe____SC___42_______3_______39.2_____6_____12
Now here is is how I would like the output to look like.
1.Fred Smith_______GA_______23_____42_____23.5_____3_____5
2.Jon Doe__________SC_______42_____33_____39.2_____6_____12
Any thoughts or insight on how to achieve this would be great. Thanks for the time.

Hi, before I'd do anything more complicated, I'd replace some spaces with tabs and see if that does the trick.
Cheers, HJK

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    hi, i'm doing my java homework and i need help on a simple problem.
    i need to convert celsius to fahrenheit and vice versa. the user need to type in either C or F to begin. and Q to quit
    this is what i got so far
    import java.text.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class convert
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Char Input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter C or F to begin Celsius or Fahrenheit Convert");
                   if (Input == 'C')
                             String Input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a value to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit");
                             int c = Integer.parseInt(Input);
                             double f = ((c * 9)/5 + 32);
                             System.out.print("Celsius to Fahrenheit" + " " + f);
    how do you validate what user input C or F and print error message if they did otherwise.
    thank you

    you already did the first part of validating. You have already found out, if it was a "C" the user typed in. Now do the test on "F" and if it was neither "C" nor "F" print an error message.
    Continue like this:
    if (Input == 'C')
      //conversion from celsius to fahrenheit and output
    else if (Input == 'F')
      //conversion from fahrenheit to celsius and output
      //print error message

  • Need some help over sql query format

    Input :
    TABLE 1 ppl
    id name
    1 ravi
    2 andy
    3 john
    TABLE 2 fa_ppl
    id attr_name attr_value
    1 watch Guess
    1 laptop Sony
    2 fashion casual
    2 laptop Dell
    3 watch fossil
    3 fashion formal
    OUTPUT Required:(3 rows)
    name watch laptop fashion
    ravi guess sony NULL
    andy NULL dell casual
    john fossil NULL formal
    SQL Statements that may help in schema objects:
    create table ppl(id number,name varchar2(50));
    create table fa_ppl(id number,attr_name varchar2(20), attr_value varchar2(20));
    insert into ppl values(1,'ravi');
    insert into ppl values(2,'andy');
    insert into ppl values(3,'john');
    insert into fa_ppl values(1,'laptop','sony');
    insert into fa_ppl values(1,'watch','guess');
    insert into fa_ppl values(2,'laptop','dell');
    insert into fa_ppl values(2,'fashion','casual');
    insert into fa_ppl values(3,'fashion','formal');
    insert into fa_ppl values(3,'watch','fossil');
    I tried in the below way:
    case when attr_name='fashion' then attr_value end as fashion ,
    case when attr_name='laptop' then attr_value end as laptop,
    case when attr_name='watch' then attr_value end as watch,
    from ppl P join fa_ppl F on ( and F.attr_name in ('fashion','laptop','watch'))
    Getting separate rows(6 rows in my case) for each attribute_value.
    Thanks a lot.....

    What you are trying is a pivot. There is a [url]thread in the FAQ linking to various methods.
    You are actually pretty close, if you just do a group by on your select:
    max(case when attr_name='fashion' then attr_value end) as fashion ,
    max(case when attr_name='laptop' then attr_value end) as laptop,
    max(case when attr_name='watch' then attr_value end) as watch
    from ppl P join fa_ppl F on ( and F.attr_name in ('fashion','laptop','watch'))
    group by
    p.nameBut if you have several people with same name, you probably want to do this:
    Select, /*you may omit this column if you do not need it*/
    max( as name,
    max(case when attr_name='fashion' then attr_value end) as fashion ,
    max(case when attr_name='laptop' then attr_value end) as laptop,
    max(case when attr_name='watch' then attr_value end) as watch
    from ppl P join fa_ppl F on ( and F.attr_name in ('fashion','laptop','watch'))
    group by
    p.idSimilar can be done in 11G with the PIVOT statement. See the links in the FAQ thread.

  • Guys I need some help. String token of a wired message

    well this is my code.
    import java.*;import java.util.StringTokenizer;import*; class stringtoken {         public static void main(String[] args) {         Runnable daemonRunner = new Runnable()        {                public void run()                        {                         while (true)                                {                    String red, green, blue, yellow, brown, v6, v7;                                        int ali=42;                                         String origtext = "accaa*b*dzddsf*,.sfsdf,a.a/.d,asd.,fa.a/.,/.**asdasdaadf";                                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(origtext,"*");                                        try {                                        red = (String)("a" + st.nextToken());                                         green = (String)(st.nextToken());                                        blue = (String)(st.nextToken());                                        yellow = (String)(st.nextToken());                                        brown = (String)(st.nextToken());                                         System.out.println("Red : " + red);                                        System.out.println("Green : "+ green);                                        System.out.println("Red : " + blue);                                        System.out.println("Green : "+ yellow);                                        System.out.println("Blue : " + brown);                                        /////////////////////////////////[shaded section]/////////////////// String red1,red2;int ie=41; String aChar1 = new Character((char)ie).toString(); System.out.println("From above : Red" + red + " *** Will token -> " + aChar1); StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(red, ")"); try {                                                red1 = (String)("After splitting 1 :" + st.nextToken());                                                red2 = (String)("After splitting 2 :" + st.nextToken());                                                System.out.println("Output : " + red1 + "&" + red2 );                                                        } catch (Exception ignored) { // (ERROR STATE) could not parse it                                                        } ////////////////////////////////[end of shaded section]/////////////////// int a = 0x41;int i=65; String aChar = new Character((char)i).toString(); System.out.println("Ending : " + aChar); } catch (Exception ignored) { // (ERROR STATE) could not parse it                                        } try {                                                Thread.sleep(1500);                                        } catch (InterruptedException ignored ) {                                        } } } }; Thread daemonThread = new Thread(daemonRunner); daemonThread.setDaemon(false); daemonThread.start(); try {                Thread.sleep(1000);                } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {                } } }
    let me explain a lil. The program is actually a daemon. It works fine. In the body run, that's the thingy which did string token. It works fine. But
    i am creating something that will split (1a) into 2 piece, and another will spilt the other piece.
    The senario, the daemon will receive a string, like "*abcde,1,2,3,hello%"
    where * = STX (ASCII 02) and % ETX (ASCII 03)
    the first loop will eliminate the STX, then seggregate the text to a loop, for example a=abcde, b=1, c=3, d=hello%.
    *what i managed to do is only string token the normal characters, not the ASCII characters 
    then the final loop will grab strtoken the % char.
    i have been trying tht for 1 whole days.. n e ideas guys ?
    thanks in advance.
    you could also post the edited text to [email protected]

    I have solve the problem. Thanks guys!
    import java.*;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    class stringtoken1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         Runnable daemonRunner = new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                        while (true) {
                        int STX=2, ETX=3, comma=44;
                        String stx = new Character((char)STX).toString();
                        String etx = new Character((char)ETX).toString();
                        String flag= null;
                        String ID= null;
                        String date= null;
                        String location= null;
                        String mobile= null;
                        String outtouser= null;
                        String message1=null;
                        String message2=null;
                        String origtext = stx+"1,001,17062005 16:16:16,Rawang, Telekom, Please stand by "+etx;
                                            String throwstx = new Character((char)STX).toString();
                                            StringTokenizer stxthrow1 = new StringTokenizer(origtext, throwstx);
                                            try {
                                                  message1 = (String)(stxthrow1.nextToken());
                                            catch (Exception ignoredthrowstx) {System.out.println(ignoredthrowstx);}
                                            String throwetx = new Character((char)ETX).toString();
                                            StringTokenizer etxthrow = new StringTokenizer(message1, throwetx);
                                            try {
                                                       message2 = (String)(etxthrow.nextToken());
                                            catch (Exception ignoredthrowstx) {System.out.println(ignoredthrowstx);}
                                            String chomma = new Character((char)comma).toString();
                                            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(message2,chomma);
                                            try {
                                                      flag = (String)(st.nextToken());
                                                      ID = (String)(st.nextToken());
                                                      date = (String)(st.nextToken());
                                                      location = (String)(st.nextToken());
                                                      mobile = (String)(st.nextToken());
                                                      outtouser = (String)(st.nextToken());
                                            catch (Exception ignoredcomma) {System.out.println(ignoredcomma);}
                                            System.out.println("Original Message : " + origtext);
                                            System.out.println("After STX : " + message1);
                                            System.out.println("After ETX : " + message2);
                                            System.out.println("flag : " + flag);
                                            System.out.println("id : "+ ID);
                                            System.out.println("date : " + date);
                                            System.out.println("location : "+ location);
                                            System.out.println("mobile : " + mobile);
                                            System.out.println("message : " + outtouser);
                             try {
                              catch (InterruptedException ignored ) { }
    Thread daemonThread = new Thread(daemonRunner); daemonThread.setDaemon(false);
    try { Thread.sleep(1000);}
    catch (InterruptedException ignored){ }
    }for others guys as well :)

  • Please I need some help with a table

    Hi All
    I need some help with a table.
    My table needs to hold prices that the user can update.
    Also has a total of the column.
    my question is if the user adds in a new price how can i pick up the value they have just entered and then add it to the total which will be the last row in the table?
    I have a loop that gets all the values of the column, so I can get the total but it is when the user adds in a new value that I need some help with.
    I have tried using but as I need to set the toal with something like total
        totalTable.setValueAt(total, totalTable.getRowCount()-1,1); I end up with an infinite loop.
    Can any one please advise on some way I can get this to work ?
    Thanks for reading

    Hi there camickr
    thanks for the help the other day
    this is my full code....
    package printing;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.print.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class tablePanel
        extends JDialog  implements Printable {
      BorderLayout borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout();
      private boolean printing = false;
      private Dialog1 dialog;
      JPanel jPanel = new JPanel();
      JTable table;
      JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane();
      DefaultTableModel model;
      private String[] columnNames = {
      private Object[][] data;
      private String selectTotal;
      private double total;
      public tablePanel(Dialog1 dp) {
        dp = dialog;
        try {
        catch (Exception exception) {
      public tablePanel() {
        try {
        catch (Exception exception) {
      private void jbInit() throws Exception {
        scrollPane1.setBounds(new Rectangle(260, 168, 0, 0));
        jPanel.add(scrollPane1, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      tablePanel tablePanel = new  tablePanel();
    public void setTotal() {
      total = 0;
      int i = table.getRowCount();
      for (i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) {
        String name = (String) table.getValueAt(i, 1);
        if (!"".equals(name)) {
          if (i != table.getRowCount() - 1) {
            double dt = Double.parseDouble(name);
            total = total + dt;
      String str = Double.toString(total);
      table.setValueAt(str, table.getRowCount() - 1, 1);
      public void newTable() {
        model = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames) {
        table = new JTable() {
          public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer,
                                           int row, int col) {
            Component c = super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, col);
            if (printing) {
            else {
              if (row % 2 == 1 && !isCellSelected(row, col)) {
              else {
                c.setBackground(new Color(227, 239, 250));
              if (isCellSelected(row, col)) {
                c.setBackground(new Color(190, 220, 250));
            return c;
        table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
          public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
            if (e.getClickCount() == 2) {
            if (e.getClickCount() == 1) {
              if (table.getSelectedColumn() == 1) {
        table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setCellRenderer(new TableRenderDollar());
      public void addToModel() {
        Object[] data = {
            "Price", "5800"};
      public void addRows() {
        int rows = 20;
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
          Object[] data = {
      public void printOut() {
        PrinterJob pj = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
        try {
        catch (Exception PrintException) {}
      public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) throws PrinterException {
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
        int fontHeight = g2.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
        int fontDesent = g2.getFontMetrics().getDescent();
        //leave room for page number
        double pageHeight = pageFormat.getImageableHeight() - fontHeight;
        double pageWidth =  pageFormat.getImageableWidth();
        double tableWidth = (double) table.getColumnModel().getTotalColumnWidth();
        double scale = 1;
        if (tableWidth >= pageWidth) {
          scale = pageWidth / tableWidth;
        double headerHeightOnPage = 16.0;
        //double headerHeightOnPage = table.getTableHeader().getHeight() * scale;
        //System.out.println("this is the hedder heigth   " + headerHeightOnPage);
        double tableWidthOnPage = tableWidth * scale;
        double oneRowHeight = (table.getRowHeight() +  table.getRowMargin()) * scale;
        int numRowsOnAPage = (int) ( (pageHeight - headerHeightOnPage) / oneRowHeight);
        double pageHeightForTable = oneRowHeight *numRowsOnAPage;
        int totalNumPages = (int) Math.ceil( ( (double) table.getRowCount()) / numRowsOnAPage);
        if (pageIndex >= totalNumPages) {
          return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
        g2.translate(pageFormat.getImageableX(), pageFormat.getImageableY());
    //bottom center
        g2.drawString("Page: " + (pageIndex + 1 + " of " + totalNumPages),  (int) pageWidth / 2 - 35, (int) (pageHeight + fontHeight - fontDesent));
        g2.translate(0f, headerHeightOnPage);
        g2.translate(0f, -pageIndex * pageHeightForTable);
        //If this piece of the table is smaller
        //than the size available,
        //clip to the appropriate bounds.
        if (pageIndex + 1 == totalNumPages) {
          int lastRowPrinted =
              numRowsOnAPage * pageIndex;
          int numRowsLeft =
              - lastRowPrinted;
                     (int) (pageHeightForTable * pageIndex),
                     (int) Math.ceil(tableWidthOnPage),
                     (int) Math.ceil(oneRowHeight *
        //else clip to the entire area available.
        else {
                     (int) (pageHeightForTable * pageIndex),
                     (int) Math.ceil(tableWidthOnPage),
                     (int) Math.ceil(pageHeightForTable));
        g2.scale(scale, scale);
        printing = true;
        try {
        finally {
          printing = false;
        g2.scale(1 / scale, 1 / scale);
        g2.translate(0f, pageIndex * pageHeightForTable);
        g2.translate(0f, -headerHeightOnPage);
        g2.setClip(0, 0,
                   (int) Math.ceil(tableWidthOnPage),
                   (int) Math.ceil(headerHeightOnPage));
        g2.scale(scale, scale);
        //paint header at top
        return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
    class TableRenderDollar extends DefaultTableCellRenderer{
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
          JTable table,
          Object value,
          boolean isSelected,
          boolean isFocused,
          int row, int column) {
          Component component = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(
            if( value == null || value .equals("")){
              ( (JLabel) component).setText("");
              double number = 0.0;
              number = new Double(value.toString()).doubleValue();
              DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(",##0.00");
              ( (JLabel) component).setText(df.format(number));
          return component;

  • Need some Help configuring sip

    Hi all ! ,
    Im kind off new to sip calling and cisco telephony , but here goes ,: i have a 2821 router with CME installed
    Sofware version : 15.1(4)M4 / CME 8.6
    Attached to GE0/0 is a CISCO 3750 switch
    GEO - consisfts of 3 VLANS  , the native
    172.22.100.X VOICE
    172.22.101.X DATA
    my tftpserver =
    i need some help configuring a sip trunk , i have 10 testing phonenumbers from vodafone , but i do not know where to start to get this working
    i have tried
    but im getting stuck with what to fill in where .. is there anyone form NL whom has the same setup ? or similar ? or can give me some guidance on how to make the test calls

    ok.. here goes
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 9721 bytes
    ! Last configuration change at 15:26:14 CET Thu Jan 2 2014
    ! NVRAM config last updated at 15:26:14 CET Thu Jan 2 2014
    ! NVRAM config last updated at 15:26:14 CET Thu Jan 2 2014
    version 15.1
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname Router
    no aaa new-model
    clock timezone CET 1 0
    network-clock-participate wic 0
    network-clock-participate wic 1
    network-clock-select 1 E1 0/0/0
    network-clock-select 2 E1 0/0/1
    dot11 syslog
    ip source-route
    ip cef
    ip dhcp pool VOICE
    option 150 ip
    ip dhcp pool DATA
    no ip domain lookup
    no ipv6 cef
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    isdn switch-type primary-net5
    voice service voip
    ip address trusted list
    allow-connections h323 to h323
    allow-connections h323 to sip
    allow-connections sip to h323
    allow-connections sip to sip
    no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
    no supplementary-service sip refer
      registrar server expires max 3600 min 3600
    voice class codec 1
    codec preference 1 g711ulaw
    codec preference 2 g711alaw
    codec preference 3 g729r8
    codec preference 4 g729br8
    voice register global
    voice translation-rule 1
    rule 1 /5123781291/ /601/
    rule 2 /5123781290/ /600/
    voice translation-rule 2
    rule 1 /^112$/ /112/
    voice translation-rule 3
    rule 1 /^.*/ /0262610290/
    voice translation-rule 4
    rule 2 /600/ /5123788000/
    rule 3 /601/ /5123788001/
    rule 4 /^2(..)$/ /51237812\1/
    voice translation-profile CUE_Voicemail/AutoAttendant
    translate called 1
    voice translation-profile PSTN_CallForwarding
    translate redirect-target 4
    translate redirect-called 4
    voice translation-profile PSTN_Outgoing
    translate calling 3
    translate called 2
    translate redirect-target 4
    translate redirect-called 4
    voice-card 0
    crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
    controller E1 0/0/0
    framing NO-CRC4
    pri-group timeslots 1-31
    controller E1 0/0/1
    framing NO-CRC4
    pri-group timeslots 1-31
    ip ftp username cisco
    ip ftp password cisco123
    ip tftp source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.1
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    no keepalive
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0.1
    encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
    ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0.20
    encapsulation dot1Q 20
    ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0.100
    encapsulation dot1Q 100
    ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    no ip address
    duplex full
    speed 100
    interface Serial0/0/0:15
    no ip address
    encapsulation hdlc
    isdn switch-type primary-net5
    isdn incoming-voice voice
    no cdp enable
    interface Serial0/0/1:15
    no ip address
    encapsulation hdlc
    isdn switch-type primary-net5
    isdn incoming-voice voice
    no cdp enable
    interface BRI0/1/0
    no ip address
    isdn switch-type basic-net3
    isdn point-to-point-setup
    interface BRI0/1/1
    no ip address
    isdn switch-type basic-net3
    isdn point-to-point-setup
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip http server
    ip http authentication local
    no ip http secure-server
    ip http max-connections 16
    ip http path flash:gui
    ip route
    tftp-server flash:7941/apps41.8-4-1-23.sbn alias apps41.8-4-1-23.sbn
    tftp-server flash:7941/cnu41.8-4-1-23.sbn alias cnu41.8-4-1-23.sbn
    tftp-server flash:7941/dsp41.8-4-1-23.sbn alias dsp41.8-4-1-23.sbn
    tftp-server flash:7941/jar41sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn alias jar41sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
    tftp-server flash:7941/cvm41sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn alias cvm41sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
    tftp-server flash:7941/SCCP41.8-4-2S.loads alias SCCP41.8-4-2S.loads
    tftp-server flash:7941/term41.default.loads alias term41.default.loads
    tftp-server debug
    voice-port 0/0/0:15
    voice-port 0/1/0
    voice-port 0/1/1
    voice-port 0/0/1:15
    voice-port 2/0/0
    voice-port 2/0/1
    voice-port 2/0/2
    voice-port 2/0/3
    voice-port 2/0/4
    voice-port 2/0/5
    voice-port 2/0/6
    voice-port 2/0/7
    voice-port 2/0/8
    voice-port 2/0/9
    voice-port 2/0/10
    voice-port 2/0/11
    voice-port 2/0/12
    voice-port 2/0/13
    voice-port 2/0/14
    voice-port 2/0/15
    voice-port 2/0/16
    voice-port 2/0/17
    voice-port 2/0/18
    voice-port 2/0/19
    voice-port 2/0/20
    voice-port 2/0/21
    voice-port 2/0/22
    voice-port 2/0/23
    mgcp profile default
    dial-peer voice 1 voip
    description **Incomming Call from SIP Trunk**
    translation-profile incoming CUE_Voicemail/AutoAttendant
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    incoming called-number .%
    voice-class codec 1
    voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 2 voip
    description **Outgoing Call to SIP Trunk**
    translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing
    destination-pattern 9........
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    voice-class codec 1
    voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 3 voip
    description **Outgoing Call to SIP Trunk **
    translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing
    destination-pattern 9[2-9]..[2-9]......
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    voice-class codec 1
    voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 4 voip
    description **Outgoing Call to SIP Trunk**
    translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing
    destination-pattern 9[0-1][2-9]..[2-9]......
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    voice-class codec 1
    voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 5 voip
    description **911 Outgoing Call to SIP trunk**
    translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing
    destination-pattern 911
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    voice-class codec 1
    voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 6 voip
    description **Emergency Outgoing Call to SIP Trunk**
    translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing
    destination-pattern 9911
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    voice-class codec 1
    voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 7 voip
    description **911/411 Outgoing Call to SIP Trunk**
    translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing
    destination-pattern 9[2-9]11
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    voice-class codec 1
    voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 8 voip
    description **International Outgoing Call to SIP Trunk**
    translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing
    destination-pattern 9011T
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    voice-class codec 1
    voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 9 voip
    description **Star Code to SIP Trunk**
    destination-pattern *..
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    voice-class codec 1
    voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 10 voip
    description **CUE Voicemail**
    translation-profile outgoing PSTN_CallForwarding
    destination-pattern 600
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay sip-notify
    codec g711ulaw
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 11 voip
    description **CUE Auto Attendant**
    translation-profile outgoing PSTN_CallForwarding
    destination-pattern 601
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay sip-notify
    codec g711ulaw
    no vad
    authentication username 0262610290 password 7 15020A1F173D24362C realm 62.140.1
    authentication username 0262610290 password 7 021605481811003348
    no remote-party-id
    retry invite 2
    retry register 10
    timers connect 100
    registrar ipv4: expires 3600
    sip-server ipv4:
    max-ephones 58
    max-dn 192
    ip source-address port 2000
    calling-number initiator
    system message testing
    cnf-file location TFTP tftp://
    load 7960-7940 P00307020200.loads
    load 7941 SCCP41.8-4-2S.loads
    load 7941GE SCCP41.8-4-2S
    time-format 24
    dialplan-pattern 1 26261029.. extension-length 3 extension-pattern 9..
    voicemail 600
    max-conferences 12 gain -6
    call-forward pattern 9.T
    web admin system name admin password password
    transfer-system full-consult
    secondary-dialtone 9
    directory entry 1 101 name 101
    create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jan 02 2014 08:40:49
    ephone-dn  1
    number 290 secondary 0262610290
    name Phone 1
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  2
    number 291 secondary 0262610291
    name phone 2
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  3
    number 292 secondary 0262610292
    name Phone 3
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  4
    number 293 secondary 0262610293
    name Phone 4
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  5
    number 294 secondary 0262610294
    label Phone 5
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone  1
    mac-address 0019.E88F.3BDD
    button  1:1
    ephone  2
    mac-address 001E.4A92.0A27
    type 7961
    button  1:2
    ephone  3
    mac-address 0012.43F5.03AF
    button  1:3
    ephone  4
    mac-address 000F.F7AC.502A
    button  1:4
    ephone  5
    mac-address 0019.E851.090A
    button  1:5
    line con 0
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
    transport input all
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000
    ntp master

  • Need some help in creating Search Help for standard screen/field

    I need some help in adding a search-help to a standard screen-field.
    Transaction Code - PP01,
    Plan Version - Current Plan (PLVAR = '01'),
    Object Type - Position ( OTYPE = 'S'),
    Click on Infotype Name - Object ( Infotype 1000) and Create.
    I need to add search help to fields Object Abbr (P1000-SHORT) / Object Name (P1000-STEXT).
    I want to create one custom table with fields, Position Abb, Position Name, Job. Position Abb should be Primary Key. And when object type is Position (S), I should be able to press F4 for Object Abb/Object Name fields and should return Position Abbr and Position Name.
    I specify again, I have to add a new search help to standard screen/field and not to enhance it.
    This is HR specific transaction. If someone has done similar thing with some other transation, please let me know.
    There is no existing search help for these fields. If sm1 ever tried or has an idea how to add new search help to a standard screen/field.
    It's urgent.
    Thanks in advace. Suitable answers will be rewarded

    Hi Pradeep,
    Please have a look into the below site which might be useful
    Enhancing a Standard Search Help
    A search help exit is a function module for making the input help process described by the search help more flexible than possible with the standard version.
    This function module must have the same interface as function module F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE. The search help exit may also have further optional parameters (in particular any EXPORTING parameters).
    A search help exit is called at certain timepoints in the input help process.
    Note: The source text and long documentation of the above-specified function module (including the long documentation about the parameters) contain information about using search help exits.
    Function modules are provided in the function library for operations that are frequently executed in search help exits. The names of these function modules begin with the prefix F4UT_. These function modules can either be used directly as search help exits or used within other search help exits. You can find precise instructions for use in the long documentation for the corresponding function module.
    During the input help process, a number of timepoints are defined that each define the beginning of an important operation of the input help process.
    If the input help process is defined with a search help having a search help exit, this search help exit is called at each of these timepoints. If required, the search help exit can also influence the process and even determine that the process should be continued at a different timepoint.
    The following timepoints are defined:
    1. SELONE
    Call before selecting an elementary search help. The possible elementary search helps are already in SHLP_TAB. This timepoint can be used in a search help exit of a collective search help to restrict the selection possibilities for the elementary search helps.
    Entries that are deleted from SHLP_TAB in this step are not offered in the elementary search help selection. If there is only one entry remaining in SHLP_TAB, the dialog box for selecting elementary search helps is skipped. You may not change the next timepoint.
    The timepoint is not accessed again if another elementary search help is to be selected during the dialog.
    2. PRESEL1
    After selecting an elementary search help. Table INTERFACE has not yet been copied to table SELOPT at this timepoint in the definition of the search help (type SHLP_DESCR_T). This means that you can still influence the attachment of the search help to the screen here. (Table INTERFACE contains the information about how the search help parameters are related to the screen fields).
    3. PRESEL
    Before sending the dialog box for restricting values. This timepoint is suitable for predefining the value restriction or for completely suppressing or copying the dialog.
    4. SELECT
    Before selecting the values. If you do not want the default selection, you should copy this timepoint with a search help exit. DISP should be set as the next timepoint.
    5. DISP
    Before displaying the hit list. This timepoint is suitable for restricting the values to be displayed, e.g. depending on authorizations.
    6. RETURN (usually as return value for the next timepoint)
    The RETURN timepoint should be returned as the next step if a single hit was selected in a search help exit.
    It can make sense to change the F4 flow at this timepoint if control of the process sequence of the Transaction should depend on the selected value (typical example: setting SET/GET parameters). However, you should note that the process will then depend on whether a value was entered manually or with an input help.
    7. RETTOP
    You only go to this timepoint if the input help is controlled by a collective search help. It directly follows the timepoint RETURN. The search help exit of the collective search help, however, is called at timepoint RETTOP.
    8. EXIT (only for return as next timepoint)
    The EXIT timepoint should be returned as the next step if the user had the opportunity to terminate the dialog within the search help exit.
    9. CREATE
    The CREATE timepoint is only accessed if the user selects the function "Create new values". This function is only available if field CUSTTAB of the control string CALLCONTROL was given a value not equal to SPACE earlier on.
    The name of the (customizing) table to be maintained is normally entered there. The next step returned after CREATE should be SELECT so that the newly entered value can be selected and then displayed.
    10. APP1, APP2, APP3
    If further pushbuttons are introduced in the hit list with function module F4UT_LIST_EXIT, these timepoints are introduced. They are accessed when the user presses the corresponding pushbutton.
    Note: If the F4 help is controlled by a collective search help, the search help exit of the collective search help is called at timepoints SELONE and RETTOP. (RETTOP only if the user selects a value.) At all other timepoints the search help exit of the selected elementary search help is called.
    If the F4 help is controlled by an elementary search help, timepoint RETTOP is not executed. The search help exit of the elementary search help is called at timepoint SELONE (at the
    This module has been created as an example for the interface and design of Search help exits in Search help.
    All the interface parameters defined here are mandatory for a function module to be used as a search help exit, because the calling program does not know which parameters are actually used internally.
    A search help exit is called repeatedly in connection with several
    events during the F4 process. The relevant step of the process is passed on in the CALLCONTROL step. If the module is intended to perform only a few modifications before the step, CALLCONTROL-STEP should remain unchanged.
    However, if the step is performed completely by the module, the following step must be returned in CALLCONTROL-STEP.
    The module must react with an immediate EXIT to all steps that it does not know or does not want to handle.
    Hope this info will help you.
    ***Reward points if found useful

  • Need some need of a different way.

    Hi, I'm new to Java and need some help. I have 2 questions that are similar in nature.
    1st Question:
    In a program that I'm writting I have a do-while loop which at the end brings up a dialog box that asks the user to enter '1' for 'Yes' or '2' for 'No' to continue.
    I would rather have the option of having the user enter 'y' or 'Y' for Yes and 'n' or 'N' for No.
    Here is what I have currently:
    int x;
    String data;
    //Blah blah code
    data = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter 1 for Yes or 2 for No");
    x = Integer.parseInt(data);
    }while(x == 1);
    2nd Question:
    In another part of my program I have a Case statement that asks the user to enter a number or a letter from a list of choices. They can enter '2' , 't', or 'T'.
    I would rather have all of this in an if-else chain. Is this possibe? if so, how would I do it.

    I would rather have the option of having the user enter 'y' or 'Y' for Yes and 'n' or
    'N' for No. You can test the first letter of whatever the user inputs like this:String response = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter (Y)es or (N)o");
    response = response.toLowerCase();
    if(response.startsWith("y")) {
        // the user entered something starting with y
    } else if(response.startsWith("n")) {
        // the user entered something starting with n
    } else {
        // what are you going to do?
    }JOptionPane also has versions that would allow yes/no buttons. Eg, see:

  • Need some help with a remove function

    Design and code a program that will maintain a list of product names. Use a String type to represent the product name and an array of strings to implement the list. Your program must implement the following methods:
    Add a product to the list
    Remove a product from the list
    Display then entire list
    Find out if a particular product is on the list.
    You need to create a command command loop with a menu() function. The program must continue asking for input until the user stops.
    This is the assignment and this is what I have so far. I need some help writing the remove function.
    * Title:
    * Description: this example will show a reasonably efficient and
    * simple algorithm for rearranging the value in an array
    * in ascending order.
    public class SimpleSearchableList {
         private static String[] List = new String[25]; //These variables (field variables)
         private static int Size; //are common to the entire class, but unavailable
         //except to the methods of the class...
         public static void main(String[] args)
              String Cmd;
              for(;;) {
                   System.out.print("Command: ");
                   Cmd = SimpleIO.inputString();
                   else if(Cmd.equals("Fill"))
                   else if(Cmd.equals("Search"))
                   else if(Cmd.equals("Show"))
                   else if(Cmd.equals("Remove"))
         //Tells you what you can do...
         public static void Menu()
              System.out.println("\tFill to Enter Product");
              System.out.println("\tShow to Show Products");
              System.out.println("\tSearch to Search for Product");
              System.out.println("\tRemove a Product");
         //This method will allow the user to fill an array with values...
         public static void FillList()
              int Count;
              System.out.println("Type Stop to Stop");
              for(Count = 0 ; Count < List.length ; Count++)
                   System.out.print("Enter Product: ");
                   List[Count] = SimpleIO.inputString();
              Size = Count;
         //This method will rearrange the values in the array so that
         // go from smallest to largest (ascending) order...
         public static void SearchList()
              String KeyValue;
              boolean NotFoundFlag;
              int Z;
              System.out.println("Enter Product Names Below, Stop To Quit");
                   System.out.print("Enter: ");
                   KeyValue = SimpleIO.inputString();
                   if(KeyValue.equals("Stop")) //Note the use of a method for testing
                        break; // for equality...
                   NotFoundFlag = true; //We'll assume the negative
                   for(Z = 0 ; Z < Size ; Z++)
                        if(List[Z].equals(KeyValue)) {
                             NotFoundFlag = false; //If we fine the name, we'll reset the flag
              System.out.println(List[Z] + " was found");
                        System.out.println(KeyValue + " was not found");     
         //This method will display the contents of the array...
         public static void ShowList()
              int Z;
              for(Z = 0 ; Z < Size ; Z++)
                   System.out.println("Product " + (Z+1) + " = " + List[Z]);
         public static void Remove()

    I need help removing a product from the arrayYes. So what's your problem?
    "Doctor, I need help."
    "What's wrong?"
    "I need help!"
    By the way, you can't remove anything from an array. You'll have to copy the remaining stuff into a new one, or maybe maintain a list of "empty" slots. Or null the slots and handle that. The first way will be the easiest though.

  • I need some help. im getting error -69 when trying to sync my ipod. i dont kno what to do. ive tried googling as much info as i can on this but i cant seem to find a answer to get me off to a good starting point. i back all my music up on a hard drive.

    i need some help. im getting error -69 when trying to sync my ipod. i dont kno what to do. ive tried googling as much info as i can on this subject but i cant seem to find a answer to get me off to a good starting point. i back all my music up on a external hard drive.

    If the file was not originally from iTunes, you'll need to redownload it from it's original source or rerip it from the CD.  Files can sometimes go bad and become corrupted.  As to how or why that happens, there are a number of ways.
    What format are the problematic tracks in? Have you tried converting them to another format in iTunes?
    iTunes: How to convert a song to a different file format

  • Need some help with threads...

    Hello all,
    I am working on a project at work, and I am not the best programmer in the world. I have been trying to get my head around this for a couple of days and just cannot get it to work.
    I am writing an instrumentation control program that will have three threads. One is the GUI, one will receive control information and set up the hardware, and one will check the hardware status and report it to the GUI periodically. I plan on using the invokeLater() method to communicate the status to the GUI and change the status display in the GUI. Communication from the GUI to the controller thread and from the status thread to the controller thread I had planned on being piped input/output stream as appropriate. I have a control class and a status class that need to be communicated over these piped streams. In some trial code I have been unable to wrap the piped input/output streams with object input/output streams. I really need some help with this. Here is the main thread code:
    package playingwiththreads1;
    *public class PlayingWithThreads1 {*
    public static void main(String[] args) {*
    * PipedOutputStream outputPipe = new PipedOutputStream();*
    * ObjectOutputStream oos = null;*
    * ReceiverThread rt = new ReceiverThread(outputPipe);*
    // Start the thread -- First try*
    * Thread t = new Thread(rt);*
    // Wrap the output pipe with an ObjectOutputStream*
    oos = new ObjectOutputStream(outputPipe);*
    catch (IOException e)*
    // Start the thread -- Second try*
    //Thread t = new Thread(rt);*
    /** Send an object over the pipe. In reality this object will be a
    class that contains control or status information */
    if (!oos.equals(null))
    oos.writeObject(new String ("Test"));
    catch (IOException e)
    catch (InterruptedException e)
    I read somewhere that it matters where you start the thread relative to where you wrap piped streams with the object streams. So, I tried the two places I felt were obvious to start the thread. These are noted in the comments. Here is the code for the thread.
    package playingwiththreads1;
    public class ReceiverThread implements Runnable {
    private PipedInputStream inputPipe = new PipedInputStream();
    private ObjectInputStream inputObject;
    ReceiverThread (PipedOutputStream outputPipe)
    System.out.println("Thread initialization - start");
    inputObject = new ObjectInputStream(inputPipe);
    catch (IOException e)
    System.out.println("Thread initialization - complete");
    public void run()
    System.out.println("Thread started");
    if (inputObject.available() > 0)
    catch (IOException e)
    Through testing I have determined that no matter where I start the thread, the thread never gets past the "inputObject = new ObjectInputStream(inputPipe);" assignment.
    Could someone please help me with this? There are other ways for me to write this program, but this is the one that I would like to make work.
    Many thanks in advance,
    Rob Hix
    Edited by: RobertHix on Oct 6, 2009 3:54 AM

    Thanks for the help, but that did not work. I tried flushing the ObjectOutputStream and it is still hanging when initializing the thread.
    Here is a better look at the code since I was helped to figure out how to insert it:
    The main method:
    package playingwiththreads1;
    public class PlayingWithThreads1 {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            PipedOutputStream outputPipe = new PipedOutputStream();
            ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
            ReceiverThread rt = new ReceiverThread(outputPipe);
            // Start the thread -- First try
            //Thread t = new Thread(rt);
            // Wrap the output pipe with an ObjectOutputStream
                oos = new ObjectOutputStream(outputPipe);
            catch (IOException e)
            // Start the thread -- Second try
            Thread t = new Thread(rt);
            /* Send an object over the pipe.  In reality this object will be a
             * class that contains control or status information */
                if (!oos.equals(null))
                    oos.writeObject(new String ("Test"));
            catch (IOException e)
            catch (InterruptedException e)
    }The thread code:
    package playingwiththreads1;
    public class ReceiverThread implements Runnable {
        private PipedInputStream inputPipe = new PipedInputStream();
        private ObjectInputStream inputObject;
        ReceiverThread (PipedOutputStream outputPipe)
            System.out.println("Thread initialization - start");
                inputObject = new ObjectInputStream(inputPipe);
            catch (IOException e)
            System.out.println("Thread initialization - complete");
        public void run()
            System.out.println("Thread started");
                if (inputObject.available() > 0)
            catch (IOException e)
    }Does anyone else have and ideas?

  • Complete Java n00b...need some help

    I'm very new to Java and I need some help writing a basic program.
    I need to write a program that lets the user add up an infinite amount of floating point numbers. The program should compute the sum of all the numbers entered thus far. So for example if the user enters 2 and 3, it should give a number of 5. If the user then enters 4, I should give me 9 etc.
    I'm not really sure how to get started on writing that. I can add up two numbers but I don't know how to tell the program to keep adding additional numbers to that sum. Can someone please help me out? thanks

    It's ok... it can be hard to understand even the simplest concepts with only text and no help.
    There needs to be an int variable outside (before) the loop initialized to 0.
    float num = 0;Next, you need to have an infinite loop that requests floats to add onto the number.
    Scanner input = new Scanner(;
    while (true) {
        float toAdd = input.nextFloat();
        num += toAdd;
        System.out.println("Current sum " + num);
    }Putting all this together and putting it into a main method will work, but we have a bit of an issue. The program won't stop! For that reason, we need to specify a number which can exit the program. I like to use 0 for this purpose.
    Scanner input = new Scanner(;
    while (true) {
        float toAdd = input.nextFloat();
        if (toAdd == 0) {    //test if toAdd is 0 so the program can break;
        num += toAdd;
        System.out.println("Current sum " + num);
    }So, this code will work:
    import java.util.Scanner;
    class AddNumbers {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            float num = 0;
            Scanner input = new Scanner(;
            while (true) {
                float toAdd = input.nextFloat();
                if (toAdd == 0) {    //test if toAdd is 0 so the program can break;
                num += toAdd;
                System.out.println("Current sum: " + num);
    }Edited by: Arricherekk on May 18, 2008 3:19 PM

  • Stupidly partition hdd on window7 in IMAC A1311, and now I can not use the IMAC...... Need some help

    Just bought a used IMAC A1311 core 2 duo, and there are something called Bootcamp and Window7 on it, and i log in to Window7 and stupidly partition hdd on it, and i think it has formatted everything. now the window7 is error and I do hold (alt) key when I start up the machines , it show only the window7 hdd  and i don't see any Recoery HDD........what should i do? Really need some helps right now.........

    There are several models that use A1311. So I don't know exactly what model you have. If you received installer discs with the computer, then you will need to boot from Disc 1, erase the drive, and install Snow Leopard. Some models in the A1311 line can use Internet Recovery:
    Install Mavericks, Lion/Mountain Lion Using Internet Recovery
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Internet Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND-OPTION- R keys until a globe appears on the screen. Wait patiently - 15-20 minutes - until the Recovery main menu appears.
    Partition and Format the hard drive:
    Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
    After DU loads select your newly installed hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion. Mavericks: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion, Mavericks and click on the Install button. Be sure to select the correct drive to use if you have more than one.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.
    This should restore the version of OS X originally pre-installed on the computer.

  • Hi, can anyone help me out with this, I need some help on designing GUI for e-learning coursewares. Some tutorials or some helpful sites will do.

    I need some help with the GUI design.

    Have you tried the line inputs on the back of your FirePod? If you update its firmware (not sure if you will need to or not), I seem to remember hearing that the FirePod can run without FW connection, i.e. stand alone. In this mode with the outs from your mixer into line ins 1-2 (2nd from left on the back) it should work fine. I say should because I have never tried. However, these are used for returns from an external effects unit. I assume here, and the important word is assume, that there are two so that they can be used as a stereo send or as a mono send. Worth a try! Let us know how it goes.
    Best, Fred

  • Need some help with putting a folder in users directory

    I'm not sure how to do this, but what I want to do is put this file in C:/My Documents, but I need to be able to verify that C://My Documents exists, if not put it in C:/Program Files.
    Can any one help me out?
    try {
                        String[] contactArray = parseDatFile(fc.getSelectedFile());
                        Document document = createXMLDocument(contactArray);
                        new File(
                        "C:/Program Files/xxx/",// looks for directory for list
                    } catch (Exception exc) {
                        File f = new File("C:/Program Files/xxx/");// setting directory for list if not there
                        boolean yes = true;
                        yes = f.mkdir();// creating directory
                        try {
                            String[] contactArray = parseDatFile(fc.getSelectedFile());
                            Document document = createXMLDocument(contactArray);
                            new File(
                            "C:/Program Files/xxx/",// used only if the directory didn't exist

    Need some help with putting a folder in users directoryI recomend using System.getProperty( "user.home" ) not a hard-coded value.
    This will use the users home folder ( C:\My Documents ) on Win9X (I guess), C:\Documents and Settings\<current user> on Win2K +, and ~ on Unix-a-likes.

Maybe you are looking for

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