Need to Understand the Packet Flow

Dear Friend,
I need to understand the packet flow of the below diagram.
I have configured MPLS on R2,R3 and R4. And IBGP is configured on R2 and R4. Now I am able to reach from R1 to R5's Loopback address. I need to understand the packect flow from R1 to R5 like If I ping from R1's Loopback  to R5's Loopback address then Source IP is and destination IP is What will be the packet structure at R2, R3,R4...??????????
Please explain in details......Me really confused as R4 has not route about also it forwards the packets??????

So R2 and R4 are PE devices and R3 is a P device ? And you are not doing MPLS VPNs, just normal MPLS ?
If so R4 must have a route to Did you mean R3 does not have a route ?
With MPLS any P device only knows how to get to other P devices and PE devices. It does not know about any networks outside the MPLS network. The PE devices have routes to any external networks connected to them and know how to get to P and other PE devices.
Note that in terms of PE/P reachability the routing/LDP information has already been exchanged and an MPLS forwarding table built. So for reachability between PE/P routers (ie. not outside the MPLS network) route lookup do not need to be performed, it is simply a matter of removing and adding labels.
So assuming you are not using MPLS VPNs and that MPLS labels have been exchanged between all P and PE routers -
R1 pings
1) R1 does a route lookup for and sends it to R2.
2) R2 is a PE device. It does a route lookup for and sees R4 as the next hop (this route has been exchanged via MP-BGP).
3) R2 then need to send the packet to R4. To do this it looks in it's MPLS forwarding table to see how to get to R4. The MPLS forwarding table tells it which label to attach to the packet. It adds this label and sends the packet out of it's interface to R3.
3) R3 is a P device. It does not need to do a route lookup for It simply looks at the incoming MPLS label and consults it's MPLS forwarding table. It will have an entry in it's table saying that an incoming packet with an MPLS label of x should be sent out with an MPLS label of y. It changes the label and sends it out to R4.
4) R4 receives the packet, removes the label, does an IP lookup for and sends it to R5.
Note that actually R3 might not add a label as there is something called Penultimate Hop Popping where if the net hop from the P router is a PE router it sends the packet without a label to save extra processing on the PE router. If you had multiple P routers only the last P router before the PE router would do PHP.
The key thing to understand is that the P devices don't do route lookups when forwarding data. They simply switch labels. Whereas the PE devices do need to do route lookups for destinations outside the MPLS network. 

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    As soon as, oaapplicationmodule.getTransaction().commit();
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    - Rani
    ****************************Here is the full code of class for your reference****************************
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "SelectedResourceLink has been pressed", 3);
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately("OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_SELECTED_RESOURCES_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275", true, "RP");
    String s = (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("AssignmentType");
    super.processFormRequest(oapagecontext, oawebbean);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "in processFormRequest()", 3);
    OAApplicationModule oaapplicationmodule = oapagecontext.getRootApplicationModule();
    String s1 = oapagecontext.getParameter("event");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** User Selected a value from LOV ***", 3);
    String s3 = oapagecontext.getParameter("source");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** lovInputSourceId = " + s3 + " ***", 3);
    if("ProjectNumber".equals(s3) && "Project".equals(s))
    Hashtable hashtable = oapagecontext.getLovResultsFromSession(s3);
    String s10 = (String)hashtable.get("ProjectId");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** ProjectId ***" + s10, 3);
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("paProjectId", s10);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Setting default value for Delivery assignment ***", 3);
    Hashtable hashtable1 = oapagecontext.getLovResultsFromSession(s3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** RoleName Hashtable Contents ***" + hashtable1.toString(), 3);
    String s11 = (String)hashtable1.get("RoleId");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** RoleId ***" + s11, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** AssignmentType = " + s + "***", 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Calling defaultJobAttrs for Open Assignment***", 3);
    Serializable aserializable[] = {
    oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("defaultJobAttrs", aserializable);
    if("Template".equals(s) || "Open".equals(s))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Defaulting Competencies ***" + s11, 3);
    OAViewObject oaviewobject = (OAViewObject)oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean).findViewObject("RoleCompetenciesVO");
    oaviewobject.setWhereClauseParam(0, s11);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** End LOV event ***", 3);
    String s4 = "";
    String s8 = "";
    OASubTabLayoutBean oasubtablayoutbean1 = (OASubTabLayoutBean)oawebbean.findIndexedChildRecursive("AddAssignmentSubTabLayout");
    if("Project".equals(s) && !oasubtablayoutbean1.isSubTabClicked(oapagecontext))
    OAViewObject oaviewobject1 = (OAViewObject)oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean).findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentVO");
    s4 = (String)oaviewobject1.first().getAttribute("ProjectId");
    s8 = (String)oaviewobject1.first().getAttribute("ProjectNumber");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** lProjectId = " + s4, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** lProjectNumber = " + s8, 3);
    if("Project".equals(s) && !oasubtablayoutbean1.isSubTabClicked(oapagecontext) && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(s8))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Delivery Assignment, Project Number is there but no Project Id", 3);
    if(s4 == null || s4.equals(""))
    ViewObject viewobject = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean).findViewObject("ObtainProjectId");
    if(viewobject == null)
    String s14 = "SELECT project_id FROM PA_PROJECTS_ALL WHERE segment1 =:1";
    viewobject = oaapplicationmodule.createViewObjectFromQueryStmt("ObtainProjectId", s14);
    viewobject.setWhereClauseParam(0, s8);
    int j = viewobject.getRowCount();
    if(j != 1)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Error : Project Number is Invalid or not unique", 3);
    OAException oaexception4 = null;
    oaexception4 = new OAException("PA", "PA_PROJECT_NUMBER_INVALID");
    throw oaexception4;
    oracle.jbo.Row row = viewobject.last();
    if(row != null)
    Object obj2 = row.getAttribute(0);
    if(obj2 != null)
    s4 = obj2.toString();
    if(s4 != null)
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("paProjectId", s4);
    if(oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentsVO") != null)
    oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentVO").first().setAttribute("ProjectId", s4);
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Error : No rows returned in Project Number query", 3);
    OAException oaexception5 = null;
    oaexception5 = new OAException("PA", "PA_PROJECT_NUMBER_INVALID");
    throw oaexception5;
    String s12 = "F";
    if(s4 != null && !s4.equals(""))
    String s13 = Security.checkUserPrivilege("PA_ASN_CR_AND_DL", "PA_PROJECTS", s4, oapagecontext, false);
    OAException oaexception3 = null;
    oaexception3 = new OAException("PA", "PA_ADD_DELIVERY_ASMT_SECURITY");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "ERROR:" + oaexception3.getMessage(), 3);
    throw oaexception3;
    OAViewObject oaviewobject2 = (OAViewObject)oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean).findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentVO");
    Object obj = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("BillRateOverride");
    Object obj1 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("BillRateCurrOverride");
    Object obj3 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("MarkupPercentOverride");
    Object obj4 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("DiscountPercentOverride");
    Object obj5 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("TpRateOverride");
    Object obj6 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("TpCurrencyOverride");
    Object obj7 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("TpCalcBaseCodeOverride");
    Object obj8 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("TpPercentAppliedOverride");
    Object obj9 = null;
    Object obj10 = null;
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "in AddAssignmentsTopCO processFcstInfoRg(): getting the implementation options", 3);
    Object obj11 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("BrRateDiscReasonCode");
    Object obj12 = oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("rateDiscReasonFlag");
    Object obj13 = oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("brOverrideFlag");
    Object obj14 = oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("brDiscountOverrideFlag");
    String s22 = oapagecontext.getParameter("BillRateRadioGroup");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "BRCurrencyRadioButton chosen", 3);
    if(obj == null || obj1 == null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error", 3);
    OAException oaexception6 = new OAException("PA", "PA_CURR_BILL_RATE_REQUIRED");
    throw oaexception6;
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "BRMarkup%RadioButton chosen", 3);
    if(obj3 == null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error", 3);
    OAException oaexception7 = new OAException("PA", "PA_MARKUP_PERCENT_REQUIRED");
    throw oaexception7;
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "BRDiscount%RadioButton chosen", 3);
    if(obj4 == null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error", 3);
    OAException oaexception8 = new OAException(oapagecontext.getMessage("PA", "PA_DISCOUNT_PERCENT_REQUIRED", null));
    throw oaexception8;
    if("Y".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paMass")) || "Admin".equals(s) || "Template".equals(s))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Need not have this check for team templates ", 3);
    } else
    if(obj13 != null && obj13.equals("Y") && obj12 != null && obj12.equals("Y") && "BRCurrencyRadioButton".equals(s22) && StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty((String)obj11))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error 1", 3);
    OAException oaexception9 = new OAException("PA", "PA_RATE_DISC_REASON_REQUIRED");
    throw oaexception9;
    if(obj14 != null && obj14.equals("Y") && obj12 != null && obj12.equals("Y") && "BRDiscountRadioButton".equals(s22) && StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty((String)obj11))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error 2", 3);
    OAException oaexception10 = new OAException("PA", "PA_RATE_DISC_REASON_REQUIRED");
    throw oaexception10;
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Selected transfer price radio shr = " + s22, 3);
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("BROGroupSelected", s22);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** 1 :Selected bill rate radio = " + s22, 3);
    if(s22 != null)
    oapagecontext.putSessionValue("BROGroupSelected", s22);
    s22 = oapagecontext.getParameter("TransferPriceRadioGroup");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Selected transfer price radio = " + s22, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "***TPCurrencyRadioButton chosen", 3);
    if(obj5 == null || obj6 == null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error", 3);
    OAException oaexception11 = new OAException("PA", "PA_CURR_RATE_REQUIRED");
    throw oaexception11;
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "***TPBasisRadioButton chosen", 3);
    if(obj7 == null || obj8 == null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error", 3);
    OAException oaexception12 = new OAException("PA", "PA_BASIS_APPLY_PERCENT_REQD");
    throw oaexception12;
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("TPORadioGroupSelected", s22);
    if(oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentVO").first().getAttribute("RoleId") != null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Role Id is + " + oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentVO").first().getAttribute("RoleId"), 3);
    if(oapagecontext.getParameter("SearchCompetencies") != null)
    String s2 = "OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_COMP_SEARCH_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paCallingPage=AddAssignment";
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately(s2, true, "RP");
    OASubTabLayoutBean oasubtablayoutbean = (OASubTabLayoutBean)oawebbean.findIndexedChildRecursive("AddAssignmentSubTabLayout");
    if(s.equals("Project") && oasubtablayoutbean.isSubTabClicked(oapagecontext) && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty((String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId")))
    String s5 = "PA_ASN_FCST_INFO_ED";
    String s9 = "F";
    s9 = Security.checkUserPrivilege(s5, "PA_PROJECTS", (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId"), oapagecontext, false);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Error : PA_ASN_FCST_INFO_ED previelge not found", 3);
    OAException oaexception2 = null;
    oaexception2 = new OAException("PA", "PA_NO_SEC_FIN_INFO");
    throw oaexception2;
    if(oapagecontext.getParameter("GoBtn") != null)
    if("Y".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paMass")) && "0".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paNumSelectedResources")))
    OAException oaexception = new OAException("PA", "PA_NO_RESOURCE_SELECTED");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "ERROR:" + oaexception.getMessage(), 3);
    throw oaexception;
    String s6 = "T";
    if(s.equals("Admin") && "Y".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paMass")) && "1".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paNumSelectedResources")))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "resource id[19] is " + (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paResourceId"), 3);
    if(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("AdminSecurityChecked") == null)
    String s7 = Security.checkPrivilegeOnResource("-999", (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paResourceId"), SessionUtils.getResourceName((String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paResourceId"), oapagecontext), "PA_ADM_ASN_CR_AND_DL", null, oapagecontext, false);
    OAException oaexception1 = new OAException("PA", "PA_ADD_ADMIN_ASMT_SECURITY");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "ERROR:" + oaexception1.getMessage(), 3);
    throw oaexception1;
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("Save", "N");
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("Save", "Y");
    String as[] = oaapplicationmodule.getApplicationModuleNames();
    String as1[] = oaapplicationmodule.getViewObjectNames();
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "no of app module: " + as.length, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "no of view: " + as1.length, 3);
    for(int i = 0; i < as.length; i++)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "app module: " + as, 3);
    for(int k = 0; k < as1.length; k++)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "app module: " + as1[k], 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** assignmentType = " + s, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** projectId = " + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId"), 3);
    if("Project".equals(s) && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty((String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId")) && !"Y".equals(oapagecontext.getParameter("paMass")))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Setting default staffing owner for add delivery assignment -- projectId = " + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId"), 3);
    OAViewObject oaviewobject3 = (OAViewObject)oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("RoleCompetenciesVO");
    oracle.jbo.Row arow[] = oaviewobject3.getAllRowsInRange();
    for(int l = 0; l < arow.length; l++)
    RoleCompetenciesVORowImpl rolecompetenciesvorowimpl = (RoleCompetenciesVORowImpl)oaviewobject3.getRowAtRangeIndex(l);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "roleCompetenciesVORowImpl" + rolecompetenciesvorowimpl, 3);
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("AddAssignmentInsertRowFlag", "N");
    if("Y".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paMass")) && !"1".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paNumSelectedResources")))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Save, Mass, NumSelectedResources>1", 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "work flow has been launched", 3);
    OADialogPage oadialogpage = new OADialogPage((byte)3, new OAException("PA", "PA_MASS_ASSIGNMENT_CONFIRM"), null, "OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_RESOURCE_LIST_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&addBreadCrumb=N", null);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "SaveAndSubmit, Mass, NumSelectedResources>1", 3);
    int i1 = 0;
    int j1 = 0;
    String s21 = "SelectedResourceId";
    int l1 = Integer.parseInt(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paNumSelectedResources").toString());
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "size of resourceArray = " + l1, 3);
    String as2[] = new String[l1];
    for(; !"END".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue(s21.concat(Integer.toString(i1)))); i1++)
    if(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue(s21.concat(Integer.toString(i1))) != null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "resource id = " + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue(s21.concat(Integer.toString(i1))).toString(), 3);
    as2[j1] = oapagecontext.getTransactionValue(s21.concat(Integer.toString(i1))).toString();
    SessionUtils.putMultipleParameters("paResourceId", as2, oapagecontext);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "redirect to Mass Submit for Approval page", 3);
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately("OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_MASS_SUBMIT_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paCallingPage=MassAdd&paProjectId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("p_project_id"), false, "RP");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Return to Option Selected ", 3);
    String s15 = (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("PrevPageUrl");
    int k1 = s15.indexOf("OA.jsp?");
    s15 = s15.substring(k1);
    Debug.write(oapagecontext, this, "*** RETURN_TO URL: " + s15, 3);
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Add Another Option Selected", 3);
    if(oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("RoleCompetenciesVO") != null)
    String s16;
    if(!s.equals("Project") && !s.equals("Admin"))
    s16 = "OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_ADD_ASSIGNMENTS_PAGE_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paProjectId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId") + "&paAssignmentType=" + s + "&OA_SubTabIdx=0";
    s16 = "OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_ADD_ASSIGNMENTS_PAGE_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paResourceId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paResourceId") + "&paAssignmentType=" + s + "&OA_SubTabIdx=0";
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "nextUrl " + s16, 3);
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately(s16, true, "S");
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately(s16, false, "S");
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Update Details Selected ", 3);
    String s17 = "";
    s17 = "ProjStaffedAsmt";
    s17 = "AdminAsmt";
    s17 = "PersonStaffedAsmt";
    s17 = "OpenAsmt";
    s17 = "TemplateAsmt";
    String s19 = "OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_ASMT_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paProjectId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId") + "&paAssignmentId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("wfOutAssignmentId") + "&paCalledPage=" + s17 + "&addBreadCrumb=RP";
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "UPDATE_DETAILS: URL: " + s19, 3);
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately(s19, false, "RP");
    if(s.equals("Staffed") || s.equals("Admin") || s.equals("Project"))
    String s18 = (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("wfOutResourceId");
    String s20 = (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("wfOutAssignmentId");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "outResourceId " + s18, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "outAssignmentId " + s20, 3);
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately("OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_SUBMIT_ASMT_APR_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paAsgmtId=" + s20 + "&paResourceId=" + s18 + "&paProjectId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId") + "&paAsgmtAprStatus=ASGMT_APPRVL_WORKING&paAssignmentType=" + s + "&paCallingPage=AddAssignment", false, "RP");
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately("OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_SUBMIT_ASMT_APR_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paAsgmtId=" + s20 + "&paResourceId=" + s18 + "&paAsgmtAprStatus=ASGMT_APPRVL_WORKING&paAssignmentType=" + s + "&paCallingPage=AddAssignment", false, "RP");

    Hi Rani,
    As soon as the transaction is commited the methods in the VORowImpl Class are called.
    You can check in the VORowImpl class and search for the log messages.

  • Help needed in understanding the concept of hierarchical queries

    I really need help in this matter. I have a flafile containing about 4000 rows. It is from my supplier, it's structure is as follows:
    create table Flatfile
    (Pgroup varchar2(30),
    Pclass varchar2(30),
    Manufacturer varchar2(30),
    Article varchar2(30),
    Price Number(6,2));
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Application Software','Database Software','Oracle','Oracle 10G',115);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Application Software','Database Software','Microsoft','MS SQL Server 2000',200);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Application Software','Spreadsheet Software','Microsoft','Excel',100);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Monitor','15"','Acer','Acer 15"" TFT superscreen',199);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Monitor','15"','Sony','Sony R1500 flat',225);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Monitor','17"','Philips','Philips Flatscreen',250);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Monitor','19"','Viewsonic','Viewsonic PLasma Monitor',275);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Processor','Intel','Intel','P4 3 GHZ',399);
    My goal is to make a hierarchical query with the start with and connect by clauses. From what I have read is that I need to normalize the data of the flatfile.
    How do I achieve a table which I can query so that the query will represent the hierarchy that exists. Namely
    Application Software
    ++Database Software
    ++Spreadsheet Software
    So a 2-level hierarchy. I'd like to understand this simple concept first. I built on the knowledge that I gain. So the questions are:
    1.What do I need to do to make the table so that I can use a hierarchical query on it?
    2. How should the query syntax be?
    3. Is it also possible to get the data in the hierarchical query sorted asec?
    I would only like to use the simple structures of the start with and connect by clauses first. I've read there are some new additions to 10G. The problem with the examples used by the tutorials is that the tables are already made so that they are suitable for hierarchical queries. I hope to understand it by this example. And take it a step further.

    Primarily hierarchy query serves to process tree-like structures which RDBMS simulates using through parent-child relation, often in a single table (see famoust
    EMP table where employee can have the manager who is an employee at the same time).
    In your case it could look like:
    SQL> select pgroup, pclass from flatfile;
    PGROUP                         PCLASS
    Application Software           Database Software
    Application Software           Database Software
    Application Software           Spreadsheet Software
    Monitor                        15"
    Monitor                        15"
    Monitor                        17"
    Monitor                        19"
    Processor                      AMD
    Processor                      Intel
                                   Application Software
    12 rows selected.
    SQL> select decode(level,1,pclass,'  ' || pclass), Manufacturer from flatfile
      2  start with pgroup is null
      3  connect by prior pclass = pgroup
      4  /
    Application Software
      Database Software              Oracle
      Database Software              Microsoft
      Spreadsheet Software           Microsoft
      15"                            Acer
      15"                            Sony
      17"                            Philips
      19"                            Viewsonic
      AMD                            AMD
      Intel                          Intel
    12 rows selected.The hierarchy syntax is described completely in the documentation including
    LEVEL and PRIOR keywords.
    As for the ordering question you can use siblings ordering:
    SQL> select decode(level,1,pclass,'  ' || pclass), Manufacturer from flatfile
      2  start with pgroup is null
      3  connect by prior pclass = pgroup
      4  order siblings by 1 desc
      5  /
      Intel                          Intel
      AMD                            AMD
      19"                            Viewsonic
      17"                            Philips
      15"                            Acer
      15"                            Sony
    Application Software
      Spreadsheet Software           Microsoft
      Database Software              Oracle
      Database Software              Microsoft
    12 rows selected.Rgds.

  • Need help for  the message flow in sap xi system?

    Hello All,
    My requirement is some wat the existing production system the message flow is 3500 per hour......... now we want to develop new scenario and the message flow will be 8500 message per hour.
    Client is not giving me the system details network details and i need to say that can we send 8500 messages in the existing system with out changing the process speed or data base.
    also please advice the best ways to increase the performance in the sap xi system when the message flow is huge.
    thanks in advace.
    Thanks and Regards,

    chinnasapxi wrote:
    > Hello All,
    > My requirement is some wat the existing production system the message flow is 3500 per hour......... now we want to develop new scenario and the message flow will be 8500 message per hour.
    > chinna
    3500 to 8500 is not a message count tht needs to be worried about
    but to be on the safer side what is the average size of a single message?
    if the size is not a significant one u can go ahead

  • Sql Query need to extract the Work Flow information from Hyperion Planning

    Can Any one give me the sql query to extract the Work flow from Hyperion Planning in
    I can extract from the Hyperion Planning but it is not in required format again I need to do lot of formating. I need the information as per the flow structure is showing linke in one perticular planning unit in all coloumn format. Hence only sql query will help me to extract this kind of information. could any one provide the sql query to extract this kind of request.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Edited by: 987185 on Feb 9, 2013 10:57 PM

    If you have a look at the data models in -
    There is the structure of the planning application tables, have a look at the HSP_PM_* tables
    Alternatively you can look at extracting the information using LCM.

  • I need To Understand the "Type Cast Function"

    I need To Understand How the "Type Cast Function" Work, and if you can Give me an Example it will be Apperciated

    In its simplest explanation Type Cast allows you to reinterpret a series of bytes. The numeric conversion functions convert from one data type to another and essentially do the same thing that Type Cast does, albeit with just numbers. Type Cast allows you to extend this to convert one data type to another, beyond just numbers. Thus, you could convert an array of 2 U8 values into a single U16 number by using Type Cast like this:
    or you could reinterpret an array of lots of U8 values into an array of U16 values like this:
    How you use it is entirely up to you, but it is an extremely powerful function. What are you trying to do?
    Example_VI.png ‏6 KB
    Example2_VI.png ‏11 KB

  • Help needed in understanding the Java code.

    Hi All,
    I have recently started learning the Java language. I came across this example and had a problem in understanding the output of the program. I could follow that if the continue statement is present in the below program the output is "Found 9 p's in the string" . But if the continue statement is removed I could not understand why the output would be "Found 35 p's in the string" .Is it because of the spaces and characters other than p... (eter ier icked a eck of ickled eers)
    The continue statement skips the current iteration of a for, while , or do-while loop. The unlabeled form skips to the end of the innermost loop's body and evaluates the boolean expression that controls the loop. The following program, ContinueDemo , steps through a String, counting the occurences of the letter "p". If the current character is not a p, the continue statement skips the rest of the loop and proceeds to the next character. If it is a "p", the program increments the letter count.
    class ContinueDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String searchMe
    = "peter piper picked a " +
    "peck of pickled peppers";
    int max = searchMe.length();
    int numPs = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
    // interested only in p's
    if (searchMe.charAt(i) != 'p')
    // process p's
    System.out.println("Found " +
    numPs + " p's in the string.");
    Here is the output of this program:
    Found 9 p's in the string.
    To see this effect more clearly, try removing the continue statement and recompiling. When you run the program again, the count will be wrong, saying that it found 35 p's instead of 9.

    The answer is already in your example - "The unlabeled form skips to the end of the innermost loop's body and evaluates the boolean expression that controls the loop."
    It unloads the current loop iteration when condition is matching. Loop is again starting from boolean expression inside loop declaration.
    Java Programming - java forum

  • I need help understanding the concept of Java...

    Hello, this is my first post. I'm new to Java as well as programming, and I;m really having problems understanding the whole concept of classes, methods, arguments, parameters, constructors and so forth....can someone please explain this in baby a class is a big box and a method is something inside the box, or out!!!

    It looks you know nothing about programming. :)
    Java is a very nice and easy programming language.
    The best for you is to start programming to read a book
    "Thinking in Java", Bruce Eckel. You can find it on the internet or download it from, or find it on This book will give you everything about Java. And then take any book what you like and go ahead. Practice, Practice and Practice!
    Good luck!

  • Need to understand the relation between ManualResetEvent and thread

    please help me to understand the below code
    what is resetEvent.Set() and WaitOne() ? what it does ?
    var resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    arg =>
    again help me to understand the below code
    var events = new List<ManualResetEvent>();
    foreach(var job in jobs)
    var resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    arg =>
    why this line WaitHandle.WaitAll(events.ToArray()); is required ?
    why adding ManualResetEvent instance to list ?
    looking for discussion. thanks

    WaitOne() will cause the current (main) thread to wait until the thread pool thread has called the Set() method. If you don't call the WaitOne() method, the code line below ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(...) will get executed before the delegate that you
    pass do the ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem method has actually finished its execution because the threads are being executed simultaneously:
    var resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    arg =>
    //this will be executed simultaneously on thread B
    //tell thread A to continue
    //thread A waits here until thread B calls the Set() method...
    string s = "abc"; //this line won't get executed until thread B has called the Set() method provided that the WaitOne() method is called by thread A above.
    >>why this line WaitHandle.WaitAll(events.ToArray()); is required ?
    It causes the main thread to wait until the Set method of all ManualResetEvent objects in the events list has been called. Othwerwise the execution of the main thread would continue immediately after the foreach loop has been executed. By this time the DoWork
    method of all jobs has not yet been completed because they are being executed on another thread.
    string s = "abc"; //this line won't get executed until all the Set() method of all ManualResetEvent objects in events has been called
    >>why adding ManualResetEvent instance to list ?
    Because you (appearantly) want to wait for all objects in the list, i.e. you want to wait for the DoWork method to complete for all jobs before you continue the execution of the main thread (and go on to assign the string s to the value "abc"
    in the above example).
    Hope that helps.
    Please remember to close your threads by marking helpful posts as answer then start a new thread if you have a new question. Please don't ask several questions in the same thread.

  • Need help understanding the device association

    So I've been trying to understand the logic for the device association for iTunes in the Cloud, but I just don't get it, and hope someone here can shed some light on it for me. Just to clarify, I'm not talking about the computer authorization (5 computers pr account), but the max 10 devices associated pr account for automatic download and previous purchases.
    I have two Apple IDs, two computers and two iOS devices. I've tured OFF automatic download on all devices since I don't want all apps to be downloaded to all devices and I want to manage that myself, but I've been downloading previous purchases on all the devices from iCloud. When I view my account overview I see that one accout is assosicated with one of my computers, but nothing else. The other account is associated with my iPad but nothing else. The "problem" is that I can download previous purchases from both accounts from both the iPad and the computer i mentioned. If I understand the device association description correctly, this should not have been possible(?) I should only be able to download previously purchased apps from the account the device is associated with right? I've also downloaded previously purchased apps from my other computer and iPhone as well without them being associated with any of the accounts.
    Don't get me wrong - I'm glad I can do this, but I'm just trying to understand how the devices get associated? I don't want any of my devices to end up in a 90 day quarantine, so it would be nice to know how to avoid this.

    Probably not of any help but my understanding was the same as yours i.e. if you turn on automatic downloads, use iTunes match or re-download past purchases then that computer or device becomes associated with that account for 90 days :
    But I've seen other people post the same experience as you have, so it's not clear to me when it does or doesn't start an association. When people ask how to get content that their partner/spouse has bought onto their device I usually suggest that they copy it from computer to computer (e.g. via a flash drive) and add it to their iTunes and sync it as opposed to re-downloading it due to the potential 90 day association.

  • From where i can understand the control flow and architecture of JVM?

    i want to know control flow and architecture of JVM?
    Where i can know from?
    if some one wish to explain you can here also.

    makpandian wrote:
    No it s not broken.
    As per your experience,tell me some links.Per my experience I don't need links. I could build the VM both from the general level and the specific levels by referring only to the VM spec.
    And I read the book I suggested, first edition, years ago. Although with many other books.
    Conversely if I wanted to find a link now then I would use google.

  • Help needed in understanding the compiled format of actionscripts

    Hi all,
    I need to inject an actionscript to an existing .SWF file. So
    can anyone help me out in explaining the process involved in the
    compilation of the action script into binary form which has to be
    injected into the existing SWF file. I need to do this
    programmatically using Java. So pls dont suggest me any Third party
    softwares which does that.
    Please help me out..
    Thanks in advance.
    Prabakaran Srinivasan.

    Hi all,
    I need to inject an actionscript to an existing .SWF file. So
    can anyone help me out in explaining the process involved in the
    compilation of the action script into binary form which has to be
    injected into the existing SWF file. I need to do this
    programmatically using Java. So pls dont suggest me any Third party
    softwares which does that.
    Please help me out..
    Thanks in advance.
    Prabakaran Srinivasan.

  • Need to understand the nat with access-list

    Please let me know what it means as it is configured on our ASA
    global (mtaas) 5
    nat (outside) 5 access-list EXIDE-MTAAS-PAT
    access-list EXIDE-MTAAS-PAT extended permit ip host host
    access-list EXIDE-MTAAS-PAT extended permit ip host
    access-list EXIDE-MTAAS-PAT extended permit ip host host
    access-list EXIDE-MTAAS-PAT extended permit ip host

    The configuration you mention in your post does the following:
    Its a Policy PAT for traffic entering from networks behind "outside" to networks behind "mtaas"
    Traffic that matches the access-list will get PAT translated (Port Address Translation) to the IP address of
    The access-list tells what traffic needs to be translatedIn this case ANY IP traffic coming from source networks and will get translated WHEN they try to connect to the hosts and
    This Policy PAT configuration looks like a configuration for some VPN connection you have on the firewall. Its made so that the connections taken from the VPN connection get PATed to an IP address thats part of the destination network.
    - Jouni

  • Need help understanding the local caching of jnlp when creating it via jsp

    I'm trying to deploy an app via Web Start. I have occasions when I need to pass arguments, so I'm using JSP to create the JNLP and optionally write arguments.
    I need some help in figuring out how to cover my different use cases with as few different jnlps as possible and am confused about the local cacheing logic.
    Use 1
    Initial install: I pass an init=yes url param which writes a preferences file <argument> to be passed to my app. I don't want this argument cached in my jnlp, as this will overwrite the user's preferences on subsequent launches.
    Use 2
    Subsequent offline launches: no url params passed.
    Use 3
    Launch via html link (in a CMS): passes a file=<filename> url param which creates a file <argument> for my app to open. Again, I don't want this argument cached, otherwise launching from, say, the desktop shortcut will reopen this file.
    Can anyone explain how best to cover these three use cases?

    Did you solve this cache problem? I have a similar issue where I don't want it to use the arguments over again...

Maybe you are looking for

  • For Testers:  Testing And Web Pages

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  • SRM 7.0 - Configure Field Control for Shopping Cart Item Overview

    Hi, I am able to hide fields in the shopping item details using the "Configure Control for Fields on Item Level" node in the IMG.  However, this same configuration does not seem to work for fields that are in the item overview of the shopping cart. 

  • Af:inputFile - wat am i doing wrong?

    Hello, i am trying to use <af:inputFile> with ADF11 / BC (JDeveloper 11 TP3) like in the examples to upload a File (to the server and later on to a BLOB and/or CLOB), but it does not work :-( Neiter the setUploadedFile1() is ever called (it is null w

  • RH10 Missing TOC when viewed using IE11

    I have generated webhelp using RH10.  The webhelp works fine with both Firefox and Chrome but when I display the webhelp from my local machine using IE11 the TOC is missing. Here is a screenshot. I also notice that the index is missing as well.