Need Upgrade Recommendations / Opinions

I just acquired an older iBook clamshell from my sister. Her are the specs:
iBook "Graphite" 466mhz PowerPC G3 with 128MB Ram (Special Edition) with OS X Panther 10.3.9 installed. I believe the HD is 15GB?
Anyway, I just ordered a stick of 512RAM pc100 from Other World Computing to bump up the memory to 576 max (I believe there's 64 mb of RAM built into the motherboard already) which will bring it up to 576 max that it can take advantage of. Is that correct?
Is it possible to upgrade the HD to something bigger? The current HD is pretty loud! Need recommendations on specific models and size for upgrade.
Is there anything else I can upgrade like the graphics card or other firmware to speed it up? Also, can I install OS X Tiger on this?
I'm sure I'll see a performance boost with the RAM. I'll be using it as a spare laptop around the house to browse the internet and possibly run an accounting program via our local LAN.

...which will bring it up to 576 max that it can take advantage of. Is that correct?
Is it possible to upgrade the HD to something bigger?
Yes. All you need is a 2.5" IDE/ATA laptop drive. You can not use SATA (serial ATA) drives.
Is there anything else I can upgrade like the graphics card or other firmware to speed it up?
No and no
Also, can I install OS X Tiger on this?

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    Welcome to the Forums!
    +--Upgrading to 4GB RAM (I can do it for almost half of what Apple charges)+
    Definitely worth doing. Yes, most savvy users buy RAM from Crucial or a similar vendor and install is easy.
    +--Upgrading to the 7200 RPM 200GB drive+
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    You are on Windows 2000, you do not have a "Firefox" button, and should consider yourself to be fortunate in that you still have menus and don't have to do anything to get the menus back instead of the "Firefox" button. (The same applies to Windows XP users).
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    If you want the "Firefox" button you can get it with View -> toolbars -> (uncheck) Menu Bar. The menu bar and the "Firefox" button were supposed to be mutually exclusive (which is impossible in some cases without being incompatible).
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    Use the "Alt" key to view the menu bar (temporarily) containing File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, and Help. On Windows 7 and Vista, the menu bar was hidden by default in Firefox 4 and above. These menu items are more or less available under the "Firefox" button which has the most used of the built-in Firefox menu items available in a different format.
    To get back to having menus again. "Firefox" button -> Options (second column) -> (check) Menu Bar
    You can make '''Firefox 7.0.1''' look like Firefox 3.6.*, see numbered '''items 1-10''' in the following topic [ Fix Firefox 4.0 toolbar user interface, problems (Make Firefox 4.0 thru 8.0, look like 3.6)]. ''Whether or not you make changes, you should be aware of what has changed and what you have to do to use changed or missing features.''

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    Hi Juan,
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    Choose About this Mac from the Apple menu and check the processor.
    If it's a Core Duo Mac, click here, install the DVD, and run Software Update.
    If it's a Core 2 Duo or better Mac, upgrade it as if it was a Core Duo Mac, and once done, if desired, go to the online Apple Store and order a download code for Lion 10.7.
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    Aperture is no longer sold at the App Store since the release of Photos , so you will not find it, when you search the main page.
    But you should be seeing Aperture on the Purchased tab of the App Store, if you bought Aperture from the App Store or on the Updates page.
    If you do not see Aperture, even if you bought it from the AppStore, unhide your Purchases.
    Go to Store > View My Account, and go to Manage  Hidden Purchases.
    If you have the boxed retail version and did not buy from the App Store, your Aperture version is not associated with your AppleID and will not show on the updates page. It should show however on the Purchases tab with an "Accept" button. In some cases it was necessary to switch the Language&Region settings to English U.S. for the "Accept" to show.
    But we cannot really be sure, what still will work, after Apple removed Aperture from the AppStore.
    If all fails, contact Apple Support again and ask for a redeem code and download link, so you can download Aperture 3.6 for free:
    You will need to provide a proof op purchase of Aperture and insist to talk to the manager.
    Use this link:
    Apple sent redeem codes for Aperture 3.6 to several users who had bought the version on disks, if they could provide a serial number, so they could download the update for free.  See for example this discussion: (The post marked as the solution)
    Re: Aperture update not possible after update to Yosemite
    If all fails, reinstall the system that worked with Aperture and restore from your Time Machine backup, until The AppStore is showing the update again.  See:     OS X Mavericks: Revert to a previous OS X version

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    #'''Using Firefox''', go to the following direct download link and SAVE the download to your desktop so you can find it later:
    #When the download is finished, close Firefox (File > Exit '''''OR''''' Firefox button > Exit)
    #Click or double-click on the file you just saved to your desktop
    #*In the installation window that appears, click the box to the left of "I have read and...." to place a check mark in the box
    #*The "Install" button in the lower right corner will now be highlighted, click it.
    #*The installation is quick.
    #Start Firefox and test your installation here:
    #Direct link ActiveX version for IE '''''only''''':
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''

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    152 GB FREE
    run OS X 10.5.8
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacBookPro4,1
      Processor Name:          Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:          2.4 GHz
      Number Of Processors:          1
      Total Number Of Cores:          2
      L2 Cache:          3 MB
      Memory:          2 GB
      Bus Speed:          800 MHz
      Boot ROM Version:          MBP41.00C1.B00
      SMC Version (system):          1.27f3
      Serial Number (system):          W88110KXYJX
      Hardware UUID:          6CAA2D99-7A26-59B1-8038-EC15BE7CA804
      Sudden Motion Sensor:
      State:          Enabled
    I NEED UPGRADE AND I already know that I should start buying snow leopard from apple , but after that how far can I go with these specifications??? I mean can I run maverick?

    juliomaxter wrote:
    I mean can I run maverick?
    You also can install up to 6 GB RAM which would be helpful running Mavericks.  The RAM specifications for you MBP are 200-pin PC2-5300 (667MHz) DDR2 SO-DIMM.  The most reliable sources of Mac compatible RAM are OWC and Crucial.
    As you know, Snow Leopard 10.6.8 is required for ant OSX upgrade.

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