Need xml to xml mapper applet

Hi All,
Here is the requirement. The users will load xml document1 on left hand side text area and document2 on right hand side text area. Then they should be able to map the fields from document1 to fields of document2 by doing drag and drop lines. Also this mapping needs to be persisted so that if they open the map later on,it will display the graphical view of the mapping which was already done.
Is there any applet that can fulfil this requirement? Other suggestions are welcomed.

Only solution is to code and create a version of your own.

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    with person_h as
       (select 1 id, 'M' gender, 'W' race, '170' weight from dual union all
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                       where id = 1
                         and gender is not null) pg),
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                from (select distinct weight
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    </Person>Note: Previously posted on the XML DB forum at A better way to generate the needed XML? but still looking for other solutions so putting in front of more eyes here. I have considered using a WITH statement to do the initial query on person_h but haven't tested that yet to see what Oracle really will do as just getting back around to this lower priority task of mine.

    I'm using the WITH statement to simulate a table and DUAL/UNION ALL to create data in that "table". I've seen it used plenty of times in this forum so not sure why a problem for this example. The actual SQL/XML statement hits that "base table" three times, so I didn't include all eight columns because three columns is sufficient to show the problem in the way I coded the SQL. Following the SQL is the sample OUTPUT that SQL statement generates and that is the output I created and need. I'm just looking for other options to achieve the listed output.

  • Problem in transforming the xml in applet

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    Output method is xml could not load (check CLASSPATH)
    org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException: Output method is xml could not load (check CLASSPATH)
         at org.apache.xalan.templates.OutputProperties.getDefaultMethodProperties(
         at org.apache.xalan.templates.OutputProperties.<init>(
         at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerIdentityImpl.<init>(
         at org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformer(
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    TransformerFactory xformFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    Transformer idTransform = xformFactory.newTransformer();
    //create the Source object from document object
    Source input = new DOMSource(doc);
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    Result output = new StreamResult(writer);
    idTransform.transform(input, output);
    xmlString = writer.toString();
    Hope some one get a solution

    I am using the parsers & transformers that came with JDK 1.4.
    i.e class org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImp
    Thank you.
    I solved that problem my making my applet signed.
    Now it is working fine.

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    like XML:
    <name> java</name>
    flat files:
    contact name:java age:25
    i feel flat file is small and easy .....why we didn't use it.........?

    PS - Jos, how's the weather in your garden today?
    (Rainy and cool here.) Well picture this: both of my parrots are trying to
    sleep in their own hollow
    coconut, slightly disturbed by some silly squeaky
    bird at the other side
    of the barn. The fish in the pond are sort of
    sunbathing between the
    floating leafs, my wife seems to be in a catatonic
    state sleeping all the
    time and then there's me in front of my little laptop
    (protected by a silly
    little green umbrella like thingy, the laptop that is
    ;-)A nice image indeed.
    It's been one wet spring here. It's very cool and overcast, threatening more rain. I'm sitting in my office working away on getting my head around Spring. I've been going through Rob Harrop's "Pro Spring" slowly and carefully, making all the code work and taking little side trips to set it into my head. Rod Johnson's team is doing a great job, in my opinion.
    I still feel that the Spring framework, the web part
    of it, is as some sort
    of a corset, a hindrance. I feel like I'm all
    dressed up but nowere to go
    because Spring or something else I don't know about
    forbids me ... I
    know that I have it wrong alltogether but I can't get
    a grip on it. Not sure what the impediment is, but then I don't understand all the nuances of Spring yet. Maybe their newer web flow stuff might help. It models a UI as a state machine, so you can do more complex flows from page to page. The finite automata underneath will appeal to your inner mathematician. 8)
    btw. it's in
    the lower thirties here (celcius); that makes it in
    the lower nineties (fahrenheit).
    btw, YoGee helped me a lot yesterday.No surprise there. YoGee sure is smart. While I was reading the thread I wished that I had seen it first. You've been so helpful to me so often that I would have enjoyed reducing the trade deficit I have with you. I know that particular problem with Tomcat and JSTL well.
    Yep, I'm working on a large ('Dutch-wise' speaking
    that is) optic fibre
    network. Technically this network works great.
    Managerially speaking
    ahem there's nothing yet: no services, no control
    of services, no
    network checking stuff, no customer (crm) stuff, no
    nothing. Those folks
    want me to do it all. Sounds like a great problem. Could be an engagement to carry you through the summer.
    Yes, that particular part gave me blood behind my
    eyes: I did everyhing
    according to the book and that crap simply refused to
    work. It turned out
    that I was trying to develop something against wrong
    versions of several
    components. In a certain way I'm a believer, i.e.
    when I finally do understand
    what it's all about I "walk this way" when the
    documentation tells me to
    "walk this way". When that turns out not to work at
    all I want my pink
    inflatable axe again (or worse ;-)I like Tomcat, but I think the docs are sketchy. This seems to be a common problem.
    No, I feel reluctant to introduce yet another
    technology while I'm still
    struggling with the ones I found necessary to use.Me, too. I'm overwhelmed by all that I don't know. That's why I'm taking the time to get all the way through Spring once. I've been reading and dabbling, but I haven't given it enough concentrated attention to have it under my fingers. I've got three personal projects lined up once I get through "Pro Spring" that should set it into my head nicely.
    By the way, I decided to buy a copy of IntelliJ. I've never paid for an IDE, but since I've gotten used to it at work I don't want to be without it. I've never championed an environment as much as I do this one. I used Eclipse for several years and was glad to have it, but I'd still find myself slipping out and using a text editor to do quick things. IntelliJ doesn't get in my way. It's completely eliminated any temptation to use a text editor. A terrific product that's only getting better with time.
    <disclaimer>I'm not related to anyone who works for or affiliated with JetBrains in any way. Just a happy customer.
    I'm not a GUI guy myself, far from that and I'd like
    to stay away from it as
    far as possible. As I wrote above I feel "all dressed
    up but nowhere to go".
    I've got my beans all ready, my DataSources are all
    solid and sound; I
    can see that everything works (from the logs), but
    that darn web stuff
    keeps on pestering me ...I think the UI is always the hardest part. Everything from the service layer back can almost be generated from the beans and tables: Hibernate mappings, DAOs, service layer, JUnit tests for the whole thing. A few nice annotations and you've got the whole thing. Just the UI beast left to tame...
    I think I'll take another Grolsch and chase that
    silly squeaky bird away.
    Enjoy your weekend!
    kind regards,
    JosYou too! Go enjoy some World Cup football!

  • I need help with the Quote applet.

    Hey all,
    I need help with the Quote applet. I downloaded it and encoded it in the following html code:
    <title>Part 2</title>
    <applet      codebase="/demo/quote/classes" code="/demo/quote/JavaQuote.class"
    width="300" height="125" >
    <param      name="bgcolor"      value="ffffff">
    <param      name="bheight"      value="10">
    <param      name="bwidth"      value="10">
    <param      name="delay"      value="1000">
    <param      name="fontname"      value="TimesRoman">
    <param      name="fontsize"      value="14">
    <param      name="link"      value="">
    <param      name="number"      value="3">
    <param      name="quote0"      value="Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.|- Pierre Elliot Trudeau|000000|ffffff|7">
    <param      name="quote1"      value="Simplicity is key. Our customers need no special technology to enjoy our services. Because of Java, just about the entire world can come to PlayStar.|- PlayStar Corporation|000000|ffffff|7">
    <param      name="quote2"      value="The ubiquity of the Internet is virtually wasted without a platform which allows applications to utilize the reach of Internet to write ubiquitous applications! That's where Java comes into the picture for us.|- NetAccent|000000|ffffff|7">
    <param      name="space"      value="20">
    </html>When I previewed it in Netscape Navigator, a box with a red X appeared, and this appeared in the console when I opened it:
    load: class /demo/quote/JavaQuote.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: .demo.quote.JavaQuote.class
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: \demo\quote\JavaQuote\class.class (The system cannot find the path specified)
         at Method)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 10 more
    Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletException(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletStatus(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)What went wrong? and how can I make it run correct?
    Nathan Pinno

    JavaQuote.class is not where your HTML says it is. That is at the relative URL "/demo/quote/".

  • Do I need to use a Signed Applet ?

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  • XML in Applets

    Hi all,
    Sorry for such a basic question but I've already searched and searched and somehow can't find a concise answer so please help.
    I need to do some simple XML parsing in an Unsigned Applet. Where do I get parser.jar or any other jar which is limited to SAXParser requirements and will permit creation of a SAXParserFactory...I guess using:
    new SaxParserFactoryImpl(), (which doesn't seem to be described in the j2ee docs).
    I've seen numerous references to parser.jar but can't find out where to download it and what it contains.
    I've also thought about chopping out what I need from j2ee.jar but it seems there must be a better way.
    Please help,

    Thanks, I already found what I need and got hip to crimson and all.
    What I wound up using is TinyParser by Tom Gibara.
    It's only about 17K...but is of course somewhat limited and is non-validating.
    Never the less, it does everything I need a the moment.
    Thanks again,

  • Read XML from applet

    Hi there,
    I would like to read XML data from Applet,
    first of all is it possible?
    If yes then how and will I require any extra pugin other than Java Plug-in?

    Sure you can, as long as the applet has permissions to read the xml file. If it is in the same directory as the applet it should be ok.
    There is no need for an extra plugin. Here's a starting point:
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(<some stream>);
    Element data = doc.getDocumentElement();
    NodeList dbChildren = db.getChildNodes();

  • Cannot parse xml from applet

    I really hope that somebody can help me with this.....
    I'm trying to simply parse an xml document into an applet so that the info can be used later on. I just need the tag, attribute and value.
    So far, all that I can do is get the "access denied" java.util.propertypermission user.dir read error that I see tons of people complaining about. here's my code:
    public StageInfo getNextStage() throws Exception
            handler = new GameXMLHandler(m_imageGiver, m_codeBase);
            spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            parser = spf.newSAXParser();
            parser.parse("Loader.xml", handler);
            return handler.getStageInfo();
        }is there a way to parse an xml file in an applet? everywhere I look, somebody is saying that it can be done, but never have they done it. I'm starting to think that there is something beyond my control that is stopping this from working. Please help!!!!

    If I read your post correctly, your applet is trying to read xml file from the user's local drive? This must be done with a signed (trusted) applet. Otherwise normal run-of-the-mill applets can't access drives. Java security feature. You can use Frame, it can access local drives.

  • Can't parse xml from applet using dom on linux on Netscape 7 using jre 1.4.

    I can't seem to parse xml from an applet on linux on Netscape 7 using the JRE 1.4.
    My code looks like the following:
    StringBufferInputStream is = new StringBufferInputStream("<foo></foo>");
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder = null;
      builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
      domDocument = builder.parse(is); // this line creates an exception
    catch (Exception e)
    This code works fine from an applet on windows. On linux, the error message is: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission entityExpansionLimit read)
    I've tried both JRE 1.4.0_04 and 1.4.1_03

    There's another posting about this same problem (platform unspecified), but the same error message. I was also having this problem (Windows 1.4.03) and swithced back to 1.4.01 and the problem went away. In the future, I may sign my applets to get a more generous security policy. But, I'm sure it'll be a lot of work (vs. a line of code somewhere).

  • Help Needed: XML Attributes based style mapping!

    Hello all, I am new in this Group. I've reviewed the contents which posted earlier. It is pretty good.
    I need a help from this script forum regarding on mapping the attribute based style mapping.
    like: <emphasis style="italic">Text</emphasis> to be mapped as Italic character style
          <emphasis style="bold">Text</emphasis> to be mapped as Bold character style
    Any one example of VBS / JS is enough, Your highly response / help will be appreciated.

    Hi gunasekarant
    here I am giving you the sample XML and XSLT files this works fine
      xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:aid="" xmlns:aid5="">
    <xsl:template match="root">
    <xsl:template match="emphasis[@style='bold']">
    <xsl:template match="emphasis[@style='italic']">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <emphasis style="italic">Text</emphasis>
          <emphasis style="bold">Text</emphasis>
    I have no idea about XSLT for Docbook for downloading you can develop

  • Help Needed XML query

    I have troubles with my XML query. It returns to many results and double results.
    My code
    select xmlelement("test", XMLAgg(xmlelement("Customer", XmlAttributes(a.CUSTOMER_ID "cid"))),
    XMLAgg(xmlelement("Account", xmlagg(xmlelement("Account", b.ACCOUNT_ID) ))),
    XMLAgg(xmlelement("ServicePoint", xmlagg(xmlelement("sp", c.SPID) ))) ).extract('*').getstringval() xml
    group by a.CUSTOMER_ID
    i have 1 customer id in the table dm_customer, 2 account_id 's that are linked to customer_id with a FK. DM_Servicepoint contains 6 rows that are linked to dm_customer with a FK.
    My result is 1 result for customer, thats correct but account shows 12 results, where i expect 2 results
    and Service point shows also 12 records where i expect 6 records.
    There is no direct link between account and service point but both are linked to customer. Each customer can have 1 or 2 account And each customer can have 1 or many servicepoints.
    Can you help me?
    Message was edited by:

    Now to see whether we can get this to work with XML....Turns out it's a lot easier than I thought it would be:
    SQL> select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select
      2         , cursor(select a.acctno,
      3                  from my_accounts a
      4                  where a.cust_id = ) as accounts
      5         , cursor(select s.sp_ref
      6                  from my_service_points s
      7                  where s.cust_id = ) as srv_points
      8  from   my_customers c
      9  ') from dual
    10  /
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <NAME>No1 a/c</NAME>
    SQL> Obviously you'll need to do some smartening up of the tag names.
    Cheers, APC
    Blog :

  • Need Xml Extraction help...not very urgent but only 6 Hrs left...

         I have an xml in a blob column and I need to extract the xml resultset into the (specified below) row/column format. So that i created a custom blob_to_clob function for this conversion and extracted below specified xml. Now I am executing the below specified queries for this xml to extract PanelSet, PanelId, Link values & attributes. but the problem is, I am not been able to relate the parent and child nodes or may be not able to identify, who belongs to who (parent--child). for e.g if I extract all link i.e status1, status2 etc of a particular Panel then i am not been able to access its (parent) Panel identification.please suggest me any solution.
    --query using
    --to extract PanelSet
      extractValue(value(t),'/PanelSet/@name') panelset_name
        (Select blob_to_clob(grp_menu) blobval
        from OUG
        WHERE user_group_seqno =9) c,
    table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype.createxml(c.blobval),'/Menus/PanelSet'))) t
    --to extract PanelID
      extractValue(value(t),'/PanelID/text()') panelid
        (Select blob_to_clob(grp_menu) blobval
        from oug
        WHERE user_group_seqno =9) c,
    table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype.createxml(c.blobval),'/Menus/PanelSet/PanelID'))) t
    --to extract Panel
      extractValue(value(t),'/Panel/@id') Panel_id,
      extractValue(value(t),'/Panel/@name') Panelname
        (Select blob_to_clob(grp_menu) blobval
        from oug
        WHERE user_group_seqno =9) c,
    table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype.createxml(c.blobval),'/Menus/Panel'))) t
    --to extract link
      extractValue(value(t),'/Link/@name') link_name,
      extractValue(value(t),'/Link/@type') link_type,
      extractValue(value(t),'/Link/text()') link_value 
        (Select blob_to_clob(grp_menu) blobval
        from oug
        WHERE user_group_seqno =9) c,
    table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype.createxml(c.blobval),'/Menus/Panel/Link'))) t
        <PanelSet name="0_Data center_A">
       <PanelSet name="1_Data center_B">
       <PanelSet name="2_Data center_C">
          <Panel id="1-1" name="Sts">
            <Link name="status 1" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
            <Link name="status 2" type="Module">/forbidden</Link>
            <Link name="status 3" type="Module">/forbidden</Link>
            <Link name="status 4" type="Module">/forbidden</Link>
            <Link name="status 5" type="Module">/forbidden</Link>
          <Panel id="1-2" name="Adm">
             <Link name="View 1" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
             <Link name="View 2" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
             <Link name="View 3" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
             <Link name="View 4" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
             <Link name="View 5" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
             <Link name="View 6" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
             <Link name="View 7" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
          <Panel id="2-4" name="Position">
             <Link name="viewer 1" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
             <Link name="viewer 2" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
          <Panel id="3-2" name="Administration">
             <Link name="inquiry 1" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
          <Panel id="3-4" name="Reconciliation">
            <Link name="reconciliation 1" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
            <Link name="reconciliation 2" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
            <Link name="reconciliation 3" type="Module">forbidden</Link>
                                       -----Link abc
                                      -     Link abd
                                  -      Link abe
                -----Panel ID 1-1-                
                  -     Panel ID 1-2--------link a--z (more than one)
    --------    -      Panel ID 1-3--------link N...
    |PanelSet 0|-
                  ------PanelID 2-1--------link N...
               -     PanelID 2-2--------link N...
    --------     -      PanelID 2-3--------link N...
    |PanelSet 1|-      
                  ------PanelID 3-1--------link N...
    --------     -      PanelID 3-2--------link N...
    |PanelSet 2|-       PanelID 3-1--------link N...
    --resultset required
    Panel_set         Panel_id          link
    0_Data center_A    1-1               Status1
    0_Data center_A    1-1               Status2
    0_Data center_A    1-1               Status3
    0_Data center_A    1-1               Status4
    0_Data center_A    1-1               Status5
    0_Data center_A    1-2               View 1
    0_Data center_A    1-2               View 2
    0_Data center_A    1-2               View 3
    0_Data center_A    1-2               View 4
    0_Data center_A    1-2               View 1
    1_Data center_B    2-4              viewer 1
    1_Data center_B    2-4              viewer 2Message was edited by:

    with t as
    (select xmltype(
    '... your xml here ...
    ') as xml from dual),
    panel_sets as ( select extractvalue(t2.column_value, '//*/@name') as panel_set,
                           extractvalue(t3.column_value, '//*'      ) as panel_id
                      from t, table(xmlsequence(extract(t.xml,           '//Menus/PanelSet'))) t2,
                              table(xmlsequence(extract(t2.column_value, '//*/PanelID'     ))) t3
        panels as ( select extractvalue(t2.column_value, '//*/@id'  ) as panel_id,
                           extractvalue(t3.column_value, '//*/@name') as link
                      from t, table(xmlsequence(extract(t.xml,           '//Menus/Panel'))) t2,
                              table(xmlsequence(extract(t2.column_value, '//*/Link'     ))) t3
    select s.panel_set, s.panel_id,
      from panel_sets s, panels p
      where p.panel_id = s.panel_id
    PANEL_SET            PANEL_ID LINK
    0_Data center_A      1-1      status 1
    0_Data center_A      1-1      status 2
    0_Data center_A      1-1      status 3
    0_Data center_A      1-1      status 4
    0_Data center_A      1-1      status 5
    0_Data center_A      1-2      View 1
    0_Data center_A      1-2      View 2
    0_Data center_A      1-2      View 3
    0_Data center_A      1-2      View 4
    0_Data center_A      1-2      View 5
    0_Data center_A      1-2      View 6
    0_Data center_A      1-2      View 7
    1_Data center_B      2-4      viewer 1
    1_Data center_B      2-4      viewer 2
    2_Data center_C      3-2      inquiry 1
    2_Data center_C      3-4      reconciliation 1
    2_Data center_C      3-4      reconciliation 2
    2_Data center_C      3-4      reconciliation 3
    18 rows selected.

  • Need XML table data out of Oracle Tables

    I have an application running using Java/XML technology. My database source is completely HOST and I communicate with HOST to get the data or to save/update the data through XML only. Here I have a situaion, I have my information in metadata (xml tables fromat) and I need to get some of the information from other application which is in Oralce. So I need to get the daily based updated information from Oracle database and that inturn should update my xml tables ( When I say update xml tables, whenver there is change in the Oracle database data my xml tables should also have that changed data).
    Can any one help me how to get this done.
    Sriram Peri
    Work: 919-382-5672
    Home: 919-402-0207
    [email protected]

    Which version of the database...

  • XML in applet

    hi all
    i wanna parse XML in an applet, the XML file in the same folder
    it worked when i use eclipse to run it
    but it didn't when i used the browser
    what is the problem ?????
    waiting ur reply
    thanks alot

    Well, what does the java console say?

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