Netbeans linux problem

hi i have a problem about netbeans
i have a project which i wrote in netbeans under windows and i take the same project and compiled,run it in netbeans under linux but i get this error
what should i do?
    Name: HorScrollBar
    Class: XmScrollBar
    The specified scrollbar value is greater than the maximum
    scrollbar value minus the scrollbar slider size.does anyone know anything about it?

Have googled it? It seems to be a bug/error inMotif
(which is what AWT is based on Unix). Does the
warning have any other negative effect on your
application?my applet doesnt working i dont expect any more
negative effectsAre you sure this "doesnt working" is caused by the warning?
I use JDK 5 release 4 on Redhat 9 (not up to date) and also on Fedora Core 3 (up to date) with Netbeans 4.1 . I don't get a warning and both Netbeans and Applets work OK for me. I can run Applets from within Netbeans and from within Firefox.
Have you tried writing some simple test programs. Start with HelloWorld not using X and then create and AWT HelloWorld and then create an Applet HelloWorld.

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    Here's something Linux people should relate to: Use what works!
    what works?
    NT works! NT works great with 8i AND OAS.
    No hassles at all!
    Up and running within one day!!!!
    U don't see a NT forum here with people having ridiculous install problems like Linux people?
    Perhaps Oracle should moderate this newsgroup and even give an authorative answer or two?

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    I tried your code, but for me work ok in Firefox and IE.
    What browser do you use? Can you give us a live url where to
    see the problem?

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    Anyone can enlight me on how to get the java server to work?
    Best wishes

    What version of the JDK are you using, and which linux kernel?
    From the Java Bug Database:
    Synopsis        nio does not seem to work with Linux kernel 2.6.4 (and probably above)
    Category      java:classes_nio
    Reported Against      1.4.2_04
    Release Fixed      1.5(tiger-rc)� {�                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Php curl connection & mysql connection from netbeans (jdbc) problem

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    this doesn't: mysql -u  root -p -h                                                                     
    > ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) 
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    # /etc/hosts.allow                                                                                         
    mysqld: ALL : allow                                                                                                                           
    ALL: : allow                                                                                                                         
    httpd: ALL : allow                                                                                                                             
    ALL : ALL : allow
    #/etc/hosts               localhost       localhost.localdomain   lt-tom-arch                                                                   
    Any idea what I'm missing? What can I use to debug the issue further
    engine = On
    short_open_tag = Off
    asp_tags = Off
    precision = 14
    y2k_compliance = On
    output_buffering = 4096
    zlib.output_compression = Off
    implicit_flush = Off
    unserialize_callback_func =
    serialize_precision = 100
    allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off
    safe_mode = Off
    safe_mode_gid = Off
    safe_mode_include_dir =
    safe_mode_exec_dir =
    safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_
    safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    disable_functions =
    disable_classes =
    expose_php = On
    max_execution_time = 300
    max_input_time = 60
    memory_limit = 128M
    error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
    display_errors = Off
    display_startup_errors = Off
    log_errors = On
    log_errors_max_len = 1024
    ignore_repeated_errors = Off
    ignore_repeated_source = Off
    report_memleaks = On
    track_errors = Off
    html_errors = Off
    error_log = /var/log/php.log
    variables_order = "GPCS"
    request_order = "GP"
    register_globals = Off
    register_long_arrays = Off
    register_argc_argv = Off
    auto_globals_jit = On
    post_max_size = 8M
    magic_quotes_gpc = Off
    magic_quotes_runtime = Off
    magic_quotes_sybase = Off
    auto_prepend_file =
    auto_append_file =
    default_mimetype = "text/html"
    include_path = ".:/usr/share/pear"
    doc_root =
    user_dir =
    extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/modules/"
    enable_dl = Off
    file_uploads = On
    upload_max_filesize = 12M
    max_file_uploads = 20
    allow_url_fopen = On
    allow_url_include = On
    default_socket_timeout = 60
    date.timezone = America/Montreal
    pdo_mysql.cache_size = 2000
    define_syslog_variables = Off
    [mail function]
    SMTP = localhost
    smtp_port = 25
    mail.add_x_header = On
    sql.safe_mode = Off
    odbc.allow_persistent = On
    odbc.check_persistent = On
    odbc.max_persistent = -1
    odbc.max_links = -1
    odbc.defaultlrl = 4096
    odbc.defaultbinmode = 1
    ibase.allow_persistent = 1
    ibase.max_persistent = -1
    ibase.max_links = -1
    ibase.timestampformat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
    ibase.dateformat = "%Y-%m-%d"
    ibase.timeformat = "%H:%M:%S"
    mysql.allow_local_infile = On
    mysql.allow_persistent = On
    mysql.cache_size = 2000
    mysql.max_persistent = -1
    mysql.max_links = -1
    mysql.default_port =
    mysql.default_socket =
    mysql.default_host =
    mysql.default_user =
    mysql.default_password =
    mysql.connect_timeout = 60
    mysql.trace_mode = Off
    mysqli.max_persistent = -1
    mysqli.allow_persistent = On
    mysqli.max_links = -1
    mysqli.cache_size = 2000
    mysqli.default_port = 3306
    mysqli.default_socket =
    mysqli.default_host =
    mysqli.default_user =
    mysqli.default_pw =
    mysqli.reconnect = Off
    mysqlnd.collect_statistics = On
    mysqlnd.collect_memory_statistics = Off
    session.save_handler = files
    session.use_cookies = 1
    session.use_only_cookies = 1 = PHPSESSID
    session.auto_start = 0
    session.cookie_lifetime = 0
    session.cookie_path = /
    session.cookie_domain =
    session.cookie_httponly =
    session.serialize_handler = php
    session.gc_probability = 1
    session.gc_divisor = 1000
    session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
    session.bug_compat_42 = Off
    session.bug_compat_warn = Off
    session.referer_check =
    session.entropy_length = 0
    session.entropy_file =
    session.cache_limiter = nocache
    session.cache_expire = 180
    session.use_trans_sid = 0
    session.hash_function = 0
    session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
    url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"
    mssql.allow_persistent = On
    mssql.max_persistent = -1
    mssql.max_links = -1
    mssql.min_error_severity = 10
    mssql.min_message_severity = 10
    mssql.compatability_mode = Off
    mssql.secure_connection = Off
    tidy.clean_output = Off
    soap.wsdl_cache_limit = 5
    ldap.max_links = -1
    port = 3306
    socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    port = 3306
    socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    datadir = /var/lib/mysql
    key_buffer = 16M
    max_allowed_packet = 1M
    table_cache = 64
    sort_buffer_size = 512K
    net_buffer_length = 16K
    myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
    server-id = 1
    max_allowed_packet = 16M
    key_buffer = 20M
    sort_buffer_size = 20M
    read_buffer = 2M
    write_buffer = 2M
    key_buffer = 20M
    sort_buffer_size = 20M
    read_buffer = 2M
    write_buffer = 2M

    Regarding Curl/fopen I'm one step further. PHP cannot resolve hostnames and can connect only if an IP is specified. I resolved the domain I needed manually in the hosts file and it works. it appears it cannot use the systems DNS or the system doesn't allow it to use DNS. I have other ubuntu servers in the network who can resolve just fine.
    any idea what could be causing this?
    Could it have something to do with my nsswitch.conf? Should there be another dns somewhere?
    # Begin /etc/nsswitch.conf
    passwd: files
    group: files
    shadow: files
    publickey: files
    hosts: files dns
    networks: files
    protocols: files
    services: files
    ethers: files
    rpc: files
    netgroup: files
    # End /etc/nsswitch.conf

  • Sun Studio Compilers for Linux: Problems with undefined variables using CC

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    root@ubuntu:/home/jc/cs225/Machine Problems/cs225/mp1/cs225_mp1# make
    CC -c -g string.cpp
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/iosfwd", line 74: Error: mbstate_t is not defined.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/iosfwd", line 75: Error: mbstate_t is not defined.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 191: Error: "," expected instead of "state_type".
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 194: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 261: Error: "," expected instead of "get_state".
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 265: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 299: Error: "," expected instead of "state_type".
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 302: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 410: Error: "," expected instead of "get_state".
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 414: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 506: Error: The function "strstr" must have a prototype.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 523: Error: The function "strcspn" must have a prototype.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 529: Error: The function "strspn" must have a prototype.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/rwlocale", line 125: Error: mbstate_t is not defined.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/rwlocale", line 125: Error: Template parameter std::stateT requires a type argument.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/rwlocale", line 130: Error: mbstate_t is not defined.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/rwlocale", line 130: Error: Template parameter std::stateT requires a type argument.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/limits", line 214: Error: Template declarations cannot have extern "C" linkage.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/limits", line 221: Error: Template declarations cannot have extern "C" linkage.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/limits", line 277: Error: Template declarations cannot have extern "C" linkage.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/limits", line 335: Error: Template declarations cannot have extern "C" linkage.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/limits", line 392: Error: Template declarations cannot have extern "C" linkage.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/limits", line 443: Error: Template declarations cannot have extern "C" linkage.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/limits", line 504: Error: Template declarations cannot have extern "C" linkage.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/limits", line 558: Error: Template declarations cannot have extern "C" linkage.
    Compilation aborted, too many Error messages.
    make: *** [string.o] Error 1
    Except on ubuntu, it has one more error
    "/usr/include/wctype.h", line 47: Error: A declaration was expected instead of "}".
    and what is on line 47 is below
    When I comment this line out, that particular error does not show up but still the other errors above still show up.
    From the testing I did, it appears to have these problems for most of the C++ programs I have written, especially the ones that involve object oriented programming. All programs that I wrote do not have these problems with g++ or Sun CC for Solaris. It does however work fine only for small fraction of the programs I have written. I dont quite understand why it works in some cases and others it doesnt, but I know for sure, that it should be working for all cases when Sun CC from Sun Studio 10 on Solaris 10 for X86 has no problems compiling the same programs.

    I tried workaround number 2 from the 3 choices that were listed by horsh. That fixes the mathcalls.h problem but still I have the following errors.
    jcurran2@ubuntu:~/cs225/Machine Problems/cs225/mp1/cs225_mp1$ make
    CC -c -g string.cpp
    "/usr/include/wctype.h", line 47: Error: A declaration was expected instead of "}".
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/iosfwd", line 74: Error: mbstate_t is not defined.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/iosfwd", line 75: Error: mbstate_t is not defined.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 191: Error: "," expected instead of "state_type".
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 194: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 261: Error: "," expected instead of "get_state".
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 265: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 299: Error: "," expected instead of "state_type".
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 302: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 410: Error: "," expected instead of "get_state".
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 414: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 506: Error: The function "strstr" must have a prototype.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 523: Error: The function "strcspn" must have a prototype.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 529: Error: The function "strspn" must have a prototype.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/rwlocale", line 125: Error: mbstate_t is not defined.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/rwlocale", line 125: Error: Template parameter std::stateT requires a type argument.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/rwlocale", line 130: Error: mbstate_t is not defined.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/rwlocale", line 130: Error: Template parameter std::stateT requires a type argument.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/codecvt", line 55: Error: mbstate_t is not defined.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/codecvt", line 55: Error: Template parameter std::stateT requires a type argument.
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/codecvt", line 61: Error: "," expected instead of "state_type".
    "/opt/sun/LinuxCompilers/sunstudiomars/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/codecvt", line 63: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    Error: Cannot continue processing because of prior errors.
    Compilation aborted.
    make: *** [string.o] Error 1
    jcurran2@ubuntu:~/cs225/Machine Problems/cs225/mp1/cs225_mp1$
    Can someone please respond? There is more to the problem. Perhaps
    there are more glibc headers that have problems. In addition, if Sun wants to port the Sun Studio Compilers for linux to be stable on all linux distributions I suggest using VM ware and installing several linux distrobutions as virtual machines and testing this software on each virtual machine to see the problems that occur on each distribution. That way you might be able to uncover more problems to find a solution that will work best for portability on all linux distributions.

  • Please Help.  NetBeans IDE Problem + rt.jar.  Trouble compiling MIDlets.

    Hi all. For the past few weeks I have undertaken learning Java for mobile devices. I am having a slight problem with NetBeans 5.5 which I would appreciate help in fixing.
    Currently installed on my system:-
    - Wireless Toolkit 2.5
    - NetBeans IDE 5.5 + Mobility Pack
    - j2sdk1.4.2_13
    - jdk1.6.0
    - jre1.6.0
    - javaee sdk5_02
    (So pretty much every Java application!)
    Now the problem. Basically, if I import the following at the beginning for my MIDlet...
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;... the java.sql has red line underneath saying "package does not exist". Now, what I found is that I need to import .jar files into the Library section. I managed to fix the javax.servlet package and some others, by importing the correct .jar files, but I found that to remove the red line for java.sql I need rt.jar.
    However, this is located under one of my jre folders and not the j2me / jdk folders I have. Even though it removes the red line, when I compile the project I keep receiving "PREVERIFY" errors and "CONSTANT POOL" errors.
    Yet, if I remove the rt.jar file, these go away, but it won't compile then because it says the package is missing (back to square one!).
    So, any ideas please??? I have spent days and days just adding random .jar files to try and fix the problem but to no avail. An example of current imported .jar files in NetBeans:-
    - rt.jar
    - jdbc.jar
    - servlet.jar
    - runtime12.jar
    - classes12.jar
    - ojdbc.jar
    Try not to be too technical, I've only just started out. Lol. Thanks in advance!!

    well... J2ME world is quite diffirent from usual Java. Actually you will not be able to use much of the staff, that you have imported, including* (it will be only available in CDC), java.servlet.*, java.servlet.http.*, java.sql.*
    So don't even try to find where are those packages are located....
    Try from simple tutorial like:
    Or from documentation on

  • SAP EP Java vmware trial on Linux problem

    This is my first post in the community so kindly inform me if there are some rules that i need to follow. Now getting to my problem.
    I downloaded SAP Java trial vmware on suse linux. I extracted every this in one folder and ie all java trial rar and suse linux rars. When i start the virtual machine it starts and i press alt+f2 to see back ground processes.
    After starting central instance and SCS it just keeps on showing various processes screen with port number 4076 in the last. And after sometime a blank screen with a underscore is present without any data on the screen.
    But when i tried ABAP + Java trial version it started and worked fine. But i want only EP to practice.
    My laptop  is AMD core 2 duo with 2 gb ram.
    If i have provided less info or you want to know some other details kindly post. Any kind of guidance is very valuable to me.

    Hi Raghu,
    Actually i am not even getting the login screen of Linux where i have to login using root. So i am unable to check anything.
    Basically all instances gets started when i see the details using alt+f2 but after that it just shows several processes in list format and others and does not move forward.
    I would post screen shot if possible.
    Thanks for the suggestion and please continue your help.

  • Oracle Application Server On Linux Problem

    Our client's application server has been live for 6 months now and currently there is an issue.
    This server is a Dell 6850 running Red Hat Linux ES 3.4 (Taroon Update 5) and kernel 2.4.21-32 with 2 CPUs and 8Gb of ram. Our J2EE web application runs in Oracle Application Server and currently 5 OC4Js are up and running.
    The issue we are facing is the server has frequently gone to a hang state. When this happened, we won't be able to telnet into the server but there are ping responses. So the only thing to do then would be to reboot the server.
    Now I have setup nmon for linux to run 24 hours in the server taking snap shots of the server's performance every 10 minutes. From the nmon output, I could see free memory is always around 20Mb - 50 Mb and sometimes would shoot up to 1Gb and then in 3 hours back down to 20Mb - 50Mb. Is this a normal pattern for a linux server?
    From the Oracle console under memory usage, I saw that around 1.5Gb is being used by the Application Server, 36Mb free and 6.5Gb used by other processes. Now, I am curious as what this other processes are and why are they using 6.5Gb.
    I am not sure if this is caused by a faulty hardware, OS/kernel bug, or our web application.
    What I have done:
    i) monitor /var/log/messages but no suspicious error being logged not even before or during the server hang.
    ii) monitor Oracle Application Sever log files but no suspicious errors logged.
    iii) monitor nmon output daily
    iv) searched for similar cases using Google and Oracle's Metalink but found nothing.

    As a followup ---
    We believe that we have found the culprit finally based on two lucky catches during lockups. Last seven days we have been testing various combinations of centennial agent and enterprise agent running and have successfully tracked issue down to these two products not wanting to run together.
    We have 32 machines with centennial running and no emctl and there has been no issues for last 18 months. The machines we have had problem with are the ones that use enterprise agent also. We disabled centennial agent on 8 machines and left it running on 6 machines that had emctl agent. We were still experiencing failures on the 6 machines but no failures on 8 machines.
    We turned off centennial software on the remaining 6 and have had no lockups since. Based on this we are concluding that "emctl agent" and "centennial agent" dont play well together and so plan to discontinue using both of these together on any machines.
    Did not reseach exactly why these two were causing a system panic but since these are production and vital we will live with workaround.

  • OCCI ResultSet- getString Linux problem

    On forum I found how the solve problem for OCCI programm witch using MSVC++. May be anybody known how to correct compile and linking OCCI demo on Linux? The demos crashed at ResultSet->getString().

    It is my fault. I use Fedore Core 4 and gcc4.0. By default it linking with, but when I linkint direct with it OK.
    Thank you for support!

  • Loading icons from jar - linux problem

    I use the folowing code to load an iconImage from a jar file to be used on JButtons:
    private ImageIcon getImageIcon(String iconName){ //gets icon from a file
    ImageIcon icon = null;
    ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); imageURL = cl.getResource("/ExcelInterface/rsrc/"+iconName);
    if (debug) System.out.println(imageURL.toString());
    if (imageURL != null) {
    icon = new ImageIcon(imageURL);
    }catch (Exception e){
    return icon;
    } // end of getImageIcon(String iconName)
    this works fine on windows.
    On linux everything looks fine (i.e. there are no exceptions, the URL looks fine...) BUT the Icons are not displayed on the buttons.
    Anyone have an idea why?

    I do something similar and although I've never had any problems on Linux only the server side stuff runs there so I've never tried exactly what you are doing. Anyway, my code doesn't have the leading "/" on the URL and the URL is the full path name from the class root, literally "com/inqwell/any/client/arrowup.gif" in my case. Try that and see if it works.

  • 64-bit anyconnect on linux - problems with libraries

    we in the process of setting up Cisco Anyconenct for Linux 64-bit machines and are noticing some problems which seams to be related to the client not finding all libraries it expects. For example we got the issue that when connecting for the first time(no profile, ie no <ServerCertificateThumbprint>) the client find the Server Certificate no valid(which it is). We found out that the reson for that beeing Anyconnect was not properly using the nss-certstore for all operations. That was because the client cold not locate which was solved by:
    ln -s /usr/lib64/ /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/smhi.default/
    Is there any other common librarie problems we should be aware of?
    We are running Redhat 6 desktop.
    Best regards

    I will reply on my own posting.
    Other lib we have found it nessecary to link is:
    ln -s /opt/cisco/anyconnect/lib/ /opt/cisco/anyconnect/lib/
    Also, if running a 32-bit Anyconnect client on a 64-bit OS (which currently would be nessecary if you would like to run host-scan/securedesktop/posture) is:
    Create /usr/local/firefox with links
         [a001375@c14446 firefox]$ ls -la
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 Oct 31 18:37 .
    drwxr-xr-x. 14 root root 4096 Oct 31 18:35 ..
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   18 Oct 31 17:06 -> /lib/
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   16 Oct 31 17:00 -> /lib/
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   19 Oct 31 16:58 -> /usr/lib/
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   22 Oct 31 16:59 -> /usr/lib/
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   15 Oct 31 17:00 -> /lib/
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   21 Oct 31 17:00 -> /usr/lib/
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   23 Oct 31 17:00 -> /usr/lib/
    I can also share that I recieved an e-mail the other day from a nice fellow that would let us know they had produced a .SPEC-file for buliding AnyConnect RPMs.
    Very usefull, thanks a lot Philip.
    You will find information on that here:

  • OpenSPARC T2 package 1.2, linux: problem with simv linking

    Dear all,
    I'm experiencing a problem with the package OpenSPARC T2 v. 1.2. When running the sims and regressions everything seems to goes fine, but the simv is not created and the regression tests not executed.
    I'm getting error when link is searching for libstdc++. I mean, I'm compiling all the stuff on a 64 bit machine, so I have 64 bit stdc++ library, but within the Makefile in csrc of the simv model there's the flag -m32.
    Have I to install a 64 bit VCS?
    Following is the last part of compile.log:
    /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.0.2/ \
    when searching for -lstdc++
    /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.0.2/libstdc++.a \
    when searching for -lstdc++
    /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.0.2/ \
    when searching for -lstdc++
    /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.0.2/libstdc++.a \
    when searching for -lstdc++
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [product_timestamp] Error 1Any help will be very appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hello Joseph!
    Is your problem still an issue or is it solved?
    Ashwani S.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments Sweden

  • Netbeans installation problem

    I have installed this j2sdk-1_4_2_11-nb-5_0-win.exe This states that NetBeans 5 is bundled with the installed jdk.
    However after completing the install, I found that Netbeans 6.0 was installed and not 5.0 I initially had NB6, but it kept freezing on me (application not responding).
    Further on starting NetBeans I received these messages:
    1 Warning - could not install some modules:
         OpenSource PC - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd/1 was needed and not found.
         OpenSource PC - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2eeapis/1 was needed and not found.
         OpenSource PC - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2eeserver/4 was needed and not found.
         Sun Java System Portal Server 7.x - The module named org.netbeans.api.web.webmodule was needed and not found.
         Sun Java System Portal Server 7.x - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd/1 was needed and not found.
         Sun Java System Portal Server 7.x - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2eeapis/1 was needed and not found.
         Sun Java System Portal Server 7.x - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2eeserver/4 was needed and not found.
         PHP Editor - The module named org.netbeans.api.gsf/1 was needed and not found.
         PHP Editor - The module named org.netbeans.api.gsfpath/1 was needed and not found.
         PHP Editor - The module named org.netbeans.modules.gsf/1 was needed and not found.
         Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd/1 was needed and not found.
         Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.appsrv/1 was needed and not found.
         Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.dd/1 was needed and not found.
         Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ddui/1 was needed and not found.
         Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2eeapis/1 was needed and not found.
         Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2eeserver/4 was needed and not found.
         Generic Portlets - The module named org.netbeans.api.web.webmodule was needed and not found.
         Generic Portlets - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd/1 was needed and not found.
         Generic Portlets - The module named org.netbeans.modules.web.project was needed and not found.
         JavaFX Editor - The module named org.netbeans.api.gsf/1 was needed and not found.
         JavaFX Editor - The module named org.netbeans.api.gsfpath/1 was needed and not found.
         JavaFX Editor - The module named org.netbeans.modules.gsf/1 was needed and not found.
         jMaki Ajax support - The module named org.netbeans.api.web.webmodule was needed and not found.
         jMaki Ajax support - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd/1 was needed and not found.
         jMaki Ajax support - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2eeserver/4 was needed and not found.
         Base PSFramework - The module named org.netbeans.api.web.webmodule was needed and not found.
         Base PSFramework - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd/1 was needed and not found.
         Base PSFramework - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2eeapis/1 was needed and not found.
         Base PSFramework - The module named org.netbeans.modules.j2eeserver/4 was needed and not found.
         6 further modules could not be installed due to the above problems.
    2 Warning - could not install module JPDA Debugger API
         JPDA Debugger API - This module requires JDKHOME/lib/tools.jar to be accessible.
    This file was not found. Usually this means you are trying to run the IDE with the JRE instead of the full JDK.
    If so, please use the --jdkhome command line option to specify a JDK installation.
    3 Warning - could not install some modules:
         Java Debugger - None of the modules providing the capability org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.JPDADebuggerEngineImpl could be installed.
         JPDA Debugger API - This module requires JDKHOME/lib/tools.jar to be accessible.
    This file was not found. Usually this means you are trying to run the IDE with the JRE instead of the full JDK.
    If so, please use the --jdkhome command line option to specify a JDK installation.
         21 further modules could not be installed due to the above problems.
    I have jre6 installed separately. Can anyone advise me on the above messages?

    try to install it with " -silent". Wait some time for the installation to be complete (it's silent, so when the netbeans process in memory quits, the installation is complete).
    Edit the file: netbeans_folder\etc\netbeans.conf
    In my instalation the netbeans_folder is "C:\Program Files\netbeans-5.0rc2\"
    change the value of "netbeans_jdkhome=" (probably is null) to your JDK folder
    It worked for me...
    good luck

  • Netbeans VWP: problem with getSelectedRowKeys() + immediate

    I'm developing a form following this tutorial:
    The difference is that I marked the fields as required.
    When I click the Add, Delete or Update button I want that the action is executed without processing validations, so I checked the immediate property of the buttons. The problem is when using immediate any table row gets selected, so the method getSelectedRowKeys() from the TableRowGroup returns empty.
    Any ideas?

    The immediate attribute is pointless here.
    You can make the required attribute action dependent. E.g.<h:inputText required="#{!empty param['formId:buttonId']}" />where 'formId:buttonId' is the client ID of the desired button for which you want to validate the requireness. Also see this article for detailed explanation and code sample:

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi, We've got sap bw 3.5 installed. We are using API RSPC_API_CHAIN_START to start executing process chains. IF we are using param I_SYNCHRONOUS = 'X'  then if we have parallel processes in chains they are executing one by one. IF we are setting para