Netbeans5.5: attempt to compile a single file causes package compilation

i have two different (Java Class Library) projects- say A and B. None of them is finished. However, i want to run a test on A ( I have instructed project A to include B.jar (Right Click-> Propertied, etc), since includes files from project B.
Trying to compile/run the, i get compilation errors from a bunch of packages NOT included (imported) in the
Is there a way not to include the whole project B, the whole jar-since this probably causes the problem?

If you don't need that stuff to compile to run your tests, you can as well ignore the compilation error (assuming Netbeans still creates the JAR - why don't you ask the Netbeans User Support Mailing List?).
The question is rather: why do you have non-compiling code? Non-fully implemented, okay, but non-compiling?

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    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP\SecureLogin\TokenType = Kerberos
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    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\slctoken\
    String: Version"
    Value: "1"
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\slctoken
    String: StubPath
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    Yea I confirmed NwEngine.SetRegValue is NOT writing the subkey, it just doesn't run if the subkey isn't in place. Windows command "reg add" will write the subkey for a value if its no there.
    Also, im not writing to HKCU, im writing to a special place in HKLM. The key im writing will make the keys in HKCU during logon of the user. So I can run this as system, or local admin.
    I allready have a LANDesk SAP installer, useing a VBScript that runs the sap installer, along with out OpenText installer
    Here is my VB that is used with LANDesk or SCCM.
    ' Install SAP
    Function Install_SAP()
      If OSArch = "x64" Then
      If objFSO.FileExists(strProgramFiles64 + "\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui\saplogon.exe") Then
      strCurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, (InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\") -1))
      application = chr(34) + strCurrentDir + "\sapgui\sapgui730.exe" + chr(34) + " /NoDlg /Package=" + chr(34) + "Esri" + chr(34)
      End If
      If objFSO.FileExists(strProgramFiles + "\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui\saplogon.exe") Then
      strCurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, (InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\") -1))
      application = chr(34) + strCurrentDir + "\sapgui\sapgui730.exe" + chr(34) + " /NoDlg /Package=" + chr(34) + "Esri" + chr(34)
      End If
      End If
    End Function

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    I have converted the above class file in to a java file using a decompiler.Now i would like to recompile the java file to get the byte code.This class file imports many class files from jar files which is placed in the below mentioned path.
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    symbol : variable Logger
    location: class
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    According to [], "As a special convenience, a class path element containing a basename of * is considered equivalent to specifying a list of all the files in the directory with the extension .jar or .JAR. I have never tried using this feature.
    So if all of your dependent classes are in in jar files that are in D:\FSCM9DMO\webserv\Cybersource, a command like the following should work.
    javac -cp D:\FSCM9DMO\webserv\Cybersource\*
    Note that setting your operating system path variable has no impact on where Javac looks for dependent classes.

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    FileChannel fc2 = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw").getChannel();"
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    import java.util.regex.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
    class Writing {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
              FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("ServerResult.xls"); //my output file
              int counter = 1;
              File dir = new File("C:/Perform/ServerLogs");
              String[] children = dir.list();
              if( children == null)
                   System.out.println("The Directory mentioned does not exist");
              else {
                   for (int fileNo = 0; fileNo < children.length; fileNo++ ) {        //Files iteration starts
                        String filename = children[fileNo];
              File logFile = new File(filename);
    FileReader logFileReader = new FileReader(logFile);
    BufferedReader logReader = new BufferedReader(logFileReader);
    StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(5000);
              HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();          
              HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
              HSSFRow rowTitle;
              HSSFRow rowReq;
              HSSFRow rowRes;
    String aLine = null;
    boolean skip = false;
    boolean readed = false;
    boolean initReq = false;
              boolean flag = false;
    long requestTime = 0;
    long responseTime = 0;
    long recdTime = 0;
    long sentTime = 0;
              long hasTime = 0;
              long presentTime = 0;
              int hasCalls = 0;
    Pattern startMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern requestMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"RequestMsg.\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*<ActName>(.*)</ActName>.*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern requestMessage1 = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"RequestMsg.\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*<Svc id=\"(.*)\">.*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern responseMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"ResponseMsg\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern initMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"HostConnInit\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern initResMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"ResponseMsg\".*ID=\"null\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern initResIDMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"ResponseMsg\".*ID=\"null\".*<IATA>"+args[0]+"</IATA>.*", Pattern.DOTALL);
              Pattern sentMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"DCMsgSentInfo\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
              Pattern rcvdMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"DCMsgRcvdInfo\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
    DecimalFormat dcf = new DecimalFormat("########.##");
    String actName = "";
              if (fileNo ==0)
              rowTitle = sheet.createRow((short)0);
              rowTitle.createCell((short)2).setCellValue("Server Time(in ms)");
              rowTitle.createCell((short)3).setCellValue("Request Vs Response Time in Server(in ms)");
              rowTitle.createCell((short)4).setCellValue("Time Taken By HAS/HOST(in ms)");
              rowTitle.createCell((short)5).setCellValue("No. of HAS calls");
              rowTitle.createCell((short)6).setCellValue("Data Size");
    while((aLine=logReader.readLine()) != null) {
    if(aLine.startsWith("<MESSAGE TYPE=\"EVENT\"")) {
    Matcher m = startMessage.matcher(aLine);
    if(m.find()) {
    skip = false;
    initReq = false;
    m = initMessage.matcher(aLine);
    if(m.find()) {
    initReq = true;
    } else {
    if(initReq) {
    m = initResMessage.matcher(aLine);
    if(m.find()) {
    skip = false;
    } else if(aLine.startsWith("</MESSAGE>")) {
    if(!skip) {
    readed = true;
    } else if(!skip){
    if(!skip && readed) {
    String tempStr = sBuf.toString();
    if(tempStr.length() > 0) {
    boolean reqMatched = false;
    Matcher m = null;
    if(initReq) {
    m = initMessage.matcher(tempStr);
    actName = "Intialization";
    } else {
    m = requestMessage.matcher(tempStr);
    String time = "";
    if(m.find()) {
    reqMatched = true;
    for (int i=1; i<=m.groupCount(); i++) {
    String groupStr =;
    if(i == 1) {
    time = groupStr;
    } else if(i == 2) {
    actName = groupStr;
    } else if(!initReq){
    m = requestMessage1.matcher(tempStr);
    if(m.find()) {
    reqMatched = true;
    for (int i=1; i<=m.groupCount(); i++) {
    String groupStr =;
    if(i == 1) {
    time = groupStr;
    } else if(i == 2) {
    actName = groupStr;
    if(time.length() > 0 ) {
    requestTime = sdf.parse(time).getTime();
    }catch(Exception ex){}
                                  String reqDataSize = dcf.format(((double)time.length()/1024.0))+"K" ;
                                  rowReq = sheet.createRow((short)counter);
                                       counter = counter +1;
                                       System.out.println("counter is "+counter);
                             Matcher l = sentMessage.matcher(tempStr);
                             Matcher k = rcvdMessage.matcher(tempStr);
                   if(l.find()) {
                                            for (int i=1; i<=l.groupCount(); i++) {
         String groupStr2 =;
    sentTime = sdf.parse(groupStr2).getTime();
    }catch(Exception ex){}
                                                 for(int j=1;j<=k.groupCount(); j++) {
                                                 String groupStr1 =;
    recdTime = sdf.parse(groupStr1).getTime();
    }catch(Exception ex){}
                                                 presentTime = (recdTime - sentTime);
                                                 hasTime = hasTime + presentTime;
                                                 hasCalls = hasCalls +1;
    if(!reqMatched) {
    if(initReq) {
    } else {
    if(m.find()) {
    for (int i=1; i<=m.groupCount(); i++) {
    String groupStr =;
    responseTime = sdf.parse(groupStr).getTime();
    }catch(Exception ex){}
                                                 String resDataSize = dcf.format(((double)tempStr.length()/1024.0))+"K" ;
                                                 rowRes = sheet.createRow((short)(counter));
                                                 rowRes.createCell((short)3).setCellValue((responseTime - requestTime));
                                                 hasTime = 0;
                                                 hasCalls = 0;
                                                 counter = counter + 1 ;
    readed = false;
              } // End of for (int fileNo = 0; fileNo < children.length; fileNo++ )
    }     //End of else
    } //End of public static void main
    } // End of Class

    First of all, use [code]-tags to make your code readable, please.
    I didn't do a complete inspection of your code (because it's too much and unreadable as it is) and I don't know POI, but creating a new HSSFWorkbook for each input file sounds fishy to me ... try re-using the workbook and just creating a new sheet in each iteration.

  • I am getting a "java.lang.RuntimeException: Error loading file:....NULL content-length." message when attempting to load a jnlp file

    I am the applications administrator for an instance of Galaxy server. In Galaxy there is an option / plugin to opne a BAM file via the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) created at the Broad Institute. When invoked it downloads a jnlp file and launches IGV and then is supposed to open the BAM file in the viewer. However, when it attempts to open the BAM file I get the following error:
    "An Error occurred while loading: http://galaxy/display_application/52cef830ad5766ca/igv_bam/web/29212308ff643a94/data/galaxy_52cef830ad5766ca.bam
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Error loading file: http://galaxy/display_application/52cef830ad5766ca/igv_bam/web/29212308ff643a94/data/galaxy_52cef830ad5766ca.bam NULL content-length."

    Compiling from command line I found out that the class definition for oracle.oats.scripting.modules.basic.api.IteratingVUserScript is missing. Do you know what .jar file contains this class?

  • .lrplugin as a single file?

    Hi All,
    I noticed that some of the plugins shipped with LR are actually single file of semi-binary structure (not just compiled lua files) - examples are Flick & Facebook publishing services.
    What is this format? How one can build plugin into this format - just no to ship archive with dozen .lua files?

    As John has mentioned the approach to building these is undocumented. I suspect if you look at them using a resource editor they will be some kind of resource bundle.
    Whatever they are, they are Windows specific and a way of mimicing the way a .lrplugin appears on a Mac. As far as I can tell there is no real advantage to publishing a plugin this way (only a cosmetic benefit) but there is a definite downside because you must separately publish and manage your Windows and Mac plugin variants. This is the main reason I haven't bothered looking into this any further.

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    When I upload a single file into a production in FCS, I can access all the fields in a metadata set.  When I upload a batch of files into the same production in FCS, I can all access part of the fields in the metadata set.  Does anyone know why this happens?

    Great answer, and it led me to where to solve the problem.  In the field definition screen there is a category drop down list.  If you choose something other than none from the category drop down list then that field won't appear in the list of fields when you attempt to batch import a group of files.

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    When I try to start the Apps listener, I get an error ..:TNS-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist"
    Any help please!!!

    Thank you all for your response.
    Both the database and the applications run on a single node (HP Unix 11.0) system. I did add the IP address and the to the host file under /etc/hosts file but now I can't even start the database listener.
    I am sure it is the DNS server change that messed something. It was working fine until then.
    I get this error when I try to start the database listener.
    Error Message
    TNSLSNR for HPUX: Version - Production
    System parameter file is /d01/fintest/product/9i/network/admin/FINTEST_hp4/listener.ora
    Log messages written to /d01/fintest/product/9i/network/admin/fintest.log
    Error listening on: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=hp4)(Port=1521))
    TNS-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00515: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

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    problem is this when job is done edge animate created multiple files to including Scripts, images and HTML files, which becomes very difficult to upload on a server when we need to uplaod thousands of edge files on our site.
    is their any way that all the files are compiled into one file? so it will become really easy to uplaod thousands of flash card.
    secondly, is their any way to encrypt all stuff?

    As far as I know edge is always going to create that whole set of files. that's just the way it works. You had said that your problem stemmed from the fact that you had a lot of these animations or what you called "flashcards" and you didn't want to have to upload a whole set of project files for each card.  right?? My suggestion was just a way to package all your "flashcard" animations into a single edge project so you only have to upload a single set of files for all your "flashcards" . that said, not knowing what your application is or the way the user interacts with the cards this approach might not work for you at all. But I don't think there is a single file (like a swf) solution for edge projects.
    Joel H

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    i would like to have my java program that i made into an executable single file,
    i currently have my project compressed into a JAR file,
    and its working fine when i go click on it in the file that its in, it works fine but it has to be in that file to work... :(, i was wondering is there a way that i can have that file on its own to work, so that i can send it to someone and they just have to have that one file.
    thanks for the help

    If you want a jar file to behave the same way no matter what directory it is in (or is run from) then you have to make sure that all resources it uses are included in the jar. Such resources could include images and sounds that the application uses. Or files that it references.
    For instance thisFile foo = new File("foo.txt");is going to name a file that it is in the current directory (the directory the jarred or unjarred application was run from). If you move the jar, but don't move foo.txt then it won't be able to find the file.
    Any of your code that directly or indirectly uses files will have to change to use resources within the jar archive instead.
    If you get stuck, post some code. Something brief, compilable, runnable which shows what you mean by saying that it doesn't work.

  • Recover a single file in Content Services

    I've been asked to document how we would go about recovering a single file in Content Services. The Trash/Archive angle I'm clear on, but what about an extreme case. Lets say that someone created a file, trashed it, emptied the trash, and then it expired from the Archive before the user realized that they needed the file.
    Is it possible, and if so how would one go about getting the file back assuming that there is a full db backup once a day?
    Would enabling BFILE aging help? If so, how?
    On a related note: If archive is set to expire content after 1 month, but BFILE aging is turned off, when does deleted content get purged from the Archive? It's not 1 month, as I have deleted files in the Archive going back to January.

    Archive expiration and BFile aging are orthogonal. BFile pushes the LOBs of documents that are in the archive to bfile. Archive expiration deletes files from the archive after the configured time. If this is not the behaviour you are seeing please file a TAR and they can help check whether your system is configured correctly or if you are running into a bug.

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    When I attempt to open a PDF file I saved from a website using Safari, I get the message "There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired." When I save the same PDF file using FireFox it opens up immediately. Is there any way to correct this problem with Safari?

    Back up all data.
    Triple-click the line of text below to select it, the copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C):
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-G. Paste into the text box that opens (command-V), then press return.
    From the folder that opens, remove any items that have the letters “PDF” in the name. You may be prompted for your login password. Then quit and relaunch Safari, and test.
    The "Silverlight" web plugin distributed by Microsoft can also interfere with PDF display in Safari, so you may need to remove it as well, if it's present.
    If you still have the issue, repeat with this line:
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins
    If you don’t like the results of this procedure, restore the items from the backup you made before you started. Relaunch Safari again.

  • Scanning multiple pages to single file

    I have the HP Officejet Pro 8600.  I use to be able to scan multiple pages to one file.  For some reason now it separates the pages into single files.  Under advanced settings it looks like the option "create a separate file for each scanned page" is checked, however, it is not highlighted so I can't change it or uncheck it. 

    Welcome to the HP Forum.
    Assuming a recent Windows Operating System and that you install the Full Feature Software (printer software), then you may use the Printer Assistant shortcut to access Scan Document or Photo.
    From there, you may be able to use / create a Scan Template to combine files to output to a final, single file.
    The following Dragon Document may help:
    Note the hint about creating your own Shortcut / Template in the instructions.
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to show you appreciate the help and time from our Experts.
    Although I strive to reflect HP's best practices, I do not work for HP. 
    Click Accept as Solution when the Answer is a good Fix or Workaround!
    Kind Regards,

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    Can you "securely delete" just 1 item?

    A dangerous and incorrect shell command has been posted in this thread.
    NEVER empty the Trash in the shell (Terminal.) NEVER put anything in the Trash unless you intend to delete it immediately. If you do put something in the Trash and change your mind about deleting it, move it out or use the Put Back contextual menu item. Then empty the remaining items in the Trash as usual.

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