Network Analyzer labview program

I have a network analyzer E5071C agilent. I'm writing a program that will measure the magnitude and frequency. Right now if you check my attachement you can see what I have accomplished. I'm trying to adjust this program so it can just measure the magnitude and phase vs. frequency at a ceratin location and so it takes one measurement at a time. If someone can point me in the right direction i would appreciate it.
Thank You
Hopefully it will ‏26 KB
Block Diagram1.JPG ‏60 KB
Front panel1.JPG ‏27 KB

arthur51189 wrote:
The grid is what we are going to build and attach to the network analyzer. Basically, it goes to a ceratin location on that grid and reads the magnitude and phase vs. frequency. i don't think it's the fullset of points I think we just want one point at each of those locations.
If you're just taking one reading at a specific point in some grid then why would you use a network analyzer? You also said "I don't think", which to me seems to imply that you're not quite sure what it is that you're trying to measure.
I don't really understand what modularity is. Also, am I going to have to make many changes to my existing program to accomplish the task?
Would you possibly be able to point me in the right direction because I am having a hard time starting
You've already seen modularity in the driver you downloaded. The individual VIs are the modular code. You can use them in more than one place. That's a fundamental programming concept. To learn more about LabVIEW it is recommended that you go through the tutorial(s) and look over the material in the NI Developer Zone's Learning Center which provides links to other materials and other tutorials. You can also take the online courses for free.

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    Thank you for your help!
    Attachments: ‏49 KB ‏27 KB ‏29 KB

    Now I was able to get the program working, but while it was running yesterday, it stopped in the middle of an experiment, and I have not been able to get it to work again.
    The error that I am receiving is the following:
    VISA: The connection for the given session has been lost.
    Previously, when I received this error, I would try a combination of restarting the computer and re-calibrating the VNA, and this would fix it. Now, however, it has been almost two days that I have not been able to get this to work. I have tried using NI MAX to detect the instrument, and sometimes it does detect it, but when it does, I still get the same error. There are other times when NI MAX does not detect the GPIB controller, but there does not seem to be a consistent reason as to why the GPIB device is or is not detected by NI MAX.
    What could have gone wrong? The code remained the same, and has not changed since it worked.
    Thank you.

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    Thank You

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    Here is an example.  It represents some of my early work, but it is functional.  With this one, you can get specific readings, or the whole sweep.
    4194A ‏191 KB

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    Thank you.
    LabVIEW_VI.gif ‏4 KB

    There are several things to check. First make sure that you are using the correct GPIB or VISA resource name. If you are using GPIB the name that you use should be something similar to:
    GPIB0::2::INSTR where 2 is the primary address and 0 is the device number.
    Then you need also to check which commands are accepted by your device. It is a good idea to start in MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer) by right clicking in the device.
    Another thing you might want to try is to download the driver the instrument driver for this HP8753D that you have.
    You can find it in the following address:
    hp8753D Instrument Driver
    ope this helps
    Ricardo S.
    National Instruments
    Message Edited by Support on 12-08-2006 01:36 PM

  • How long does it take to write data from network analyzer

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    Agilent E3631 Output 2 DC Volts_for ‏22 KB
    Agilent PNA Series Config And Read Data_test(4).vi ‏32 KB
    Main(2).vi ‏30 KB

    Hello yll,
    -So you mean I should delete some of the controls
    in the front panel  and make them a fixed value or default in the block
    diagram to reduce the front panel controls
    What Dennis is saying is that your front panel controls are only read once by your program.  The are read at the beginning and the value is passed into the while loop.  This is the value that will be used, even if you change the front panel.  You can verify this by using highlight execution. 
    -What does it mean that I am
    resetting the instrument each time?
    Everytime you call the initialize VI, you send a command for the instrument to reset.  This is not necessary, since you want your settings to remain for the entire program.  You can reset it when you "first" start using it, but as your program keeps going, you do not need to reset it.
    -Do I need the initialize VI and
    close VI in every iteration or I should have them out of the loops so
    all the instrument are initialized and closed only once throughout the
    entire process?
    That is exactly what you should do.
    -For the network analyzer, when you said I only need the
    VIs from to read (the second one from the end),
    do you mean that I can delete the and why does it make the
    program faster?
    You should probably add the close outside the loop, as good practise.  I would still put the initialize outside the loop.
    I hope this helps.
    O. Proulx
    National Instruments

  • Desperate user need help. My GPIB instrument get stuck with my labview program frequently

    Hello to all labview users,
    i am a beginner in using labview. I am currently writting a labview program to automatically control a digital control rotator HD201e and a network analyzer 8720a to work with the anechoic chamber. The program receives an initial position, amount of increment and # of steps. My program will then ask the controller to rotate to the initial position and at the meantime, the program will monitor the position of the rotator to ensure the requested position is reached. After that, at the position, the program will ask the NA to perform a reading of the measurement. Once the reading is done, the program will ask the controller to rotate to the next position and does a reading of the measurement and so on.
    My program seems to be able to perform the tasks; however, the dig.controller part seems to get stuck around 50% of the time when running the program. Sometimes, even the controller receives the requested position (can be seen from the lcd screen of the controller), the rotator just simply would not rotate; also, sometimes, the controller just simply does not respond when sending the command of moving a position, as in the debug mode (the one with a lightbulb), i see that i got "ok" on all the blocks in the writing portion ofthe program, but the controller just doesnt seem to receive the position (as seen no new position received from the lcd screen) and the cursor on the lcd screen blinks weirdly, due to that problem, my program will then get stuck in an infinite loop.....
    Usually, that problem occurs after few positions have been reached.....
    so, when that happens, i have to stop my program and re-run it. that means the program will have to re-do the measurement that were read previously....
    sometimes i have to stop and re-run my program several times to get all the measurement of all the positions bug renders that program to be an unefficient program.
    I have been trying to resolve that bug for weeks...but no success....i have tried to put some wait time between each block....result is not much different...
    I have also tried putting "clear" block before and after the "write" block.....same problem.....
    I have heard that the serial GPIB "flush" block may help...but i tried..but it seems the controller doesnt recognize/accept flush....
    i have also tried using the "Visa open" and "Visa close" block to see if ithat reduces the stucking thing....but seems that the controller can still get stuck....
    i have also even tried using "lock asyn" and "unlock asyn" block...but didnt seem to work....
    Has anyone experienced such problem.? Is it a known problem with some gpib instrument?
    Is there any discrepancy or bugs in my program that i am unaware of that causes this problem?
    Any advice and or opinion would be greatly appreciated....
    PS: i attached the controller part of my program and the overall program
    desperate happyguy......
    Happy guy
    ~ currently final year undergraduate in Electrical Engr. Graduating soon! Yes!
    ~ currently looking for jobs : any position related to engineering, labview, programming, tech support would be great.
    ~ humber learner of LabVIEW lvl: beginner-intermediate
    HD201_Controld.jpg ‏231 KB
    AChamber_Measurements_v1d.jpg ‏857 KB
    AChamber_Measurements_v1d3.jpg ‏463 KB

    hi xseadog
    i got what you meant about the gpib reference
    actually, that final frame works because the gpib reference is already done inside that subvi.
    but my problem doesnt arise from that. most of the time ive seen, it arises between the writing frame and the while loop frame. as i mentionned, sometimes. the controller just simply doesnt rotate even i can see the requested position display on the controller lcd screen; also sometimes, just the controller is stuck without acknowledging the write position command. but in labview...while in debug mode. it is shown ok on the block.
    Happy guy
    ~ currently final year undergraduate in Electrical Engr. Graduating soon! Yes!
    ~ currently looking for jobs : any position related to engineering, labview, programming, tech support would be great.
    ~ humber learner of LabVIEW lvl: beginner-intermediate
    HD-201 RPosd.jpg ‏39 KB

  • Extracting .s2p files from 8722A Network Analyzer?

    I wish to extract .s2p files from my HP 8722A Network Analyzer.
    I could not find a driver for it. It is connected to my computer over GPIB.
    I am quite new to this, so if anyone could explain the overall process to extract .s2p files from a network Analyzer, that would be much appreciated.
    I imagine that one takes a measurement, stores it under a certain filename, then a command retrieves it and sends it to the computer?
    Thank you so much,
    Go to Solution.

    Instead of extracting the .s2p files, which because of the age of the device (manual I found said 1991), could be very difficult, I think we would be better served communicating with the device directly and not using the files it creates. Instead of the process you described, we could set it to take a measurement, send the measurement to the computer, and have the computer do any manipulation/saving it may need.
    This manual discusses the basics of communication over GPIB with that device in chapter 12:​90135.pdf 
    GPIB communication is typically pretty simple. The computer will just send the device in question the command or series of commands then wait for the response back, much like the GPIB examples in labview (Example finder>>Hardware IO>>GPIB).
    Unfortunately for us, the Agilent website here:​c=US&lc=eng&ckey=8722A:epsgro&nid=-536900197.53690...
    only has the operating and service manuals, and not the programming reference manual.  You may want to contact agilent to get the programming reference manual, as that will list all of the commands you need to send the device.
    Kyle Mozdzyn
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments
    Kyle M.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • Download .jpg image from Network Analyzer 8722es to PC

    I Have an Agilent 8722ES network Analyzer and I need to get the image, to save it with the test report.
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    the Network Analyzer is capable to save the image as .jpg using the integrated 3.5' disk drive, but I need to save in real time the result and the picture.
    Do any body has an aplication than can help me with this? I tried to find something over net and in the Programming manual , but I can't find any.
    Thank you for your help guys...

    I took a look at the manual for the 8722ES and as you stated the only way to get a jpeg file is to save it to floppy.
    From here I can see two options
    1. Call Agilent support and see if there is a VISA command to save the image. If there is a VISA command we can call it from LabVIEW.
    2. Use the Instrument Driver to import the raw data and create your own display in LabVIEW that looks like you want. You can then you can take a screenshot and do whatever you want with it.

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    My internet keeps 'tripping' at or around the same period time each day.  We have already replaced our modem from our internet provider and we bought a new airport extreme router. We do not believe these were the cause, although we have now ruled them out as a cause.  Everytime the internet fails, our internet provider company tells us that there is still plenty of signal coming into our house. There is something going on inside we believe, and a technician set up our Network Utility to run a continuous ping test to capture information about when it 'trips' againn.  Yesterday, it happened again, and when he checked the data out, he said he is sure there is something 'running in the background' on my IMac.  He advised me to download a free Network Analyzer so he could further investigate what is was that was causing the problem, so I need a free network analyzer software for my Mac. The issue has been going on for a long time, so it is not the new operating system, Lion. This morning, we changed the radio channel from 'auto' to 'manual' and set a new channel, hoping that might help. We are trying to find out what program may be running (even a tiny one in the background) which is causing our internet to fail, although the internet is still coming into our modem. What is free downloadable product is recommended?

    Will Activity Monitor and/or Network Utility, both already in the Utilities folder on your Mac, help in trying to diagnose the problem.
    If you are connecting via wifi what encryption are you using? If you're using the Exteme I doubt that you are using WEP, but worth checking as it seems Macs don't like it and work better using WPA.

  • LabVIEW program crashes after running for few hours

    I am doing some experiments at the moment which are supposed to last for 18 hours.
    Basically, I use a LabVIEW program to control a power supply through a LabJack U6 DAQ. I am currently using LabVIEW 8.5 on Windows 7.
    In order to do that, I use a laptop where everything has been disabled such as power management settings, network access is off, windows updates are also off...
    As far as I know, the computer can't turn into sleep mode or just shut down (I'm a 100% sure of that actually).
    But last night, I started an 18 hours experiment at 5 pm, and when I came in this morning, the program shutted down by itself. Fortunately, the power supply is still providing the voltage I want, but I can't figure out why the program crashes.
    When I start the experiment, it also automatically starting saving data in a spreadsheet file (I guess the size of the file should be 36 MB), so it might be a problem of memory access or something.
    I really don't know what could have cause this crash, does someone have an idea?
    I saw some other threads similar to my problem but I am not running an executable, I am running the front panel directly from the editing mode.

    thank all of you for your quick answers!
    @Josborne : I do not have an error handling in my program. Actually you can look at my program in the attachment file. This is my first LabVIEW program so I've never dealt with error in and error out function... Moreover, what is a log file exactly?
    @Johnsold : Yes, I am building an array continously growing over time. Actually, my program stops saving data when you hit the "STOP" button, it doesn't write into a spreadsheet file through a period of time, that is something I eventually need to correct.
    @LabJackSupport : I can try to reduce my time step, so far it's 100 ms. I have a problem with disconnecting the USB cable from the computer though : for no reason, if I just unplug the connection between the LabJack U6 and the computer, my power supply will just go providing 157 Volts! And for my experiment, this is something we don't want to have so we just leave it as it is now. Disabling some part of the program is a good idea, I can try it
    Thank you for your answers
    Control ‏511 KB

  • Instrument driver for Agilent E5061A network analyzer

    Is there a instrument driver for the Agilent E5061A network analyzer ? I couldn't find one neither on NIs Instrument Driver Network nor on Agilents site.
    We are using Labwindows/CVI as development system.

    Yes we are talking about the same driver, but i dont know why hp871x.c file was removed. However, hp871x.h and hp871x.fp are included.
    Anyhow, look this comment into hp871x.cpp file:
    In addition, if WIN32 is defined, _CVI_ may also be defined to indicate that the program is being compiled under LabWindows CVI.....
    I guess it is not so hard to modify this source code (from hp871x.cpp to hp871x.c). Sorry for disturb you!!!
    "Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living..." - Albert Einstein

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    Hi, I'm using Network Analyzer Rohde Schwarz ZVB 8 (untill 8GHz) and I have to do same manipulation on Modulus and Phase of S parameters. I control the Network Analyzer by PC and if I'm in front of the Network it is really easy to do operations by looking real instrument display.
    Is there some EASY way to show the real monitor on the PC desktop in order to do the operations in an other room?
    < The Quiter You Become, The More You Are Able To Hear >

    SweetLuana wrote:
    Thanks juergenstraub,
    but I was searching the way to have a "copy" of real display in the LabVIEW Panel.
    Thanks for the advice, but is not was I'm asking.
    No easy way I can think of.  The main problem is real time screen updates.  If you didn't care about that, you could make a virtual button for each real button you are likely to use, then do manually triggered sweeps.
    Personally, I don't usually like the idea of remotely controlling a test setup because you aren't there in front of it.
    What if the unit shorts out and by the time you get there, it's just a slag heap?  A several thousand dollar slag heap?  (Worst case, the only way you might know it became a slag heap is because you suddenly have no gain and some runs into the room complaining that your unit is smoking.)
    What happens if you need to switch cables in and out all the time (i.e., have to check several ports for S22)?
    (Mid-Level minion.)
    My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
    Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.

  • Controling wheelchair by speech command using Neuron Network in labview

    Hi all,
    I'm doing project about "controling wheelchair  by speech command using neuron network in labview". I found some informations about controling whelchair combine with function microsoft speech recognition in window or something like that but this was not my point. So, I have some question about that:
    1) How do I store the command "Left-Right-Back-Go-Stop" in labview. After that, analyzing to find the differences of characteristic of these command.
    2) Based on these characteristic above, using neuron network to find exactly command.
    Are there anyone do like this before? I need all help from you.
    Thank you so much.

    First, it is most excellent that you have gotten to where you can compare the words being said to the sample.
    If I understand correctly, you are interested in continuously acquiring sound, saving it and then comparing it with the sample? That is not as straightforward as it sounds simply because it would be difficult to realize when there is sound in the first place and when that sound is relevant. 
    I would probably start by figuring out whether there is or not sound by comparing the microphone input to a certain threshold, saving if there is sound, and then halting the recording when the sound stops. It would be then that you would compare with your samples via the algorithm that you have made.
    In order to check for volume, I came across the following example:
    It was mentioned in the following discussion:
    Simon P.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • Anybody experience difference in Labview program execution time on Asian Windows O/S?

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    "RMK at Netopia" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > I have written a Labview Program that uses GPIB to control an Agilent
    > Spectrum Analyzer and Power Meter. It communicates with and controls
    > the D.U.T. via Telnet. It was debugged here in Massachusetts under
    > Windows 2000. Here the test takes ~ 43 seconds. In Thailand on an
    > equivalent computer running Windows 2000 (Thai) the same test takes ~
    > 66 seconds. Time is measured by capturing start time and stop time
    > from the O/S. Any clues to account for the difference? The time
    > differential is the same in the development environment and the
    > distribution environment.
    Suggest you break the test down to its individual steps to see which part o
    the test is changed. You may even find that it is the test equipment that
    is taking longer.

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