New Duron MOD ???!!!!

Hi ,
 Is this true that it is possible to unlock extra second level cache on new Durons by connecting proper bridges ???? (so Duron works as Athlon XP)
 I saw such information somewhere on the net , but is this true ???

I'm only interested in method itself .
Somewhere I also read that Athlon XP with  Thorton core can be in the same why moded to Barton - is it possible that AMD left full 2nd level cache on chip ???
Thanks for links )
BTW. My Athlon XP 1700+ @ 10*166= 2000+ is enough for me now ))

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    Hello Christian
    At first glance Max' answer does not look like a <i>stroke of genius</i> yet where in the SAP system have you observed the behaviour of modes (or sessions) you are describing? I am not aware of any place (which does not exclude the possibility that there is one).
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    ip unnumbered Loopback0
    encapsulation ppp
    async mode interactive ! watch for framed and exec connections
    peer default ip address pool dialin_pool
    no keepalive
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    line x/x 1/x
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    authorization succeeds. The AS5350 will execute the ppp negotiate command,
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    The PC and AS5350 will then proceed with PPP.
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    Please use CHAP as PAP does not work for interactive authentication.
    Do rate helpful posts

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    Then iPhoto has lost the connection between the thumbnails and the original files.
    Back up your iPhoto Library and rebuild it, see Old Toad's post here:
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    It's rare, but it does happen. You could try a restore & see if that fixes the problem.
    Disable auto sync when an ipod/iphone is connected under preferences in itunes.
    Connect your phone, right click it in the device pane and choose backup.
    When completed, right click the phone again and choose restore from the backup you just made. Disconnect your phone and see if the problem goes away. If not, it might be a hardware problem since you've stated you did a reset.
    Reset: Press the sleep/wake button and home button at same time, keep pressing until the apple logo appears and then release.

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    release dates.
    Rock on,
    V-Moda Customer Service"
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    I'm looking for advice on how to correctly enable permissions here.
    udev rule? Simply changing permissions to full ugo +rx on the usb device does not enable chrome access to the device while running as a normal user
    groups? (i've tried the basics such as adding my user to storage, uucp groups but no results)
    I suspect there is a polkit method of doing this but I'm not sure.
    Thanks for any insight.
    Last edited by altercation (2014-10-24 18:03:51)

    Update: I have it working right now but I'm not convinced that this is the best method.
    1. Created the "plugdev" group (is this current best practice? Is it outdated? Added my user to that group.
    2. Added the udev rule as listed on github here: … -u2f.rules

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