New Forums will have no Newsreader access

And what do we all think of this moronic decision?

I like it. I hate those News Reader posts. They're always quoting the entire message, and they have a hard wrap at like 72 characters or something, instead of the preferred HTML resizing.
Best to come here on the web to read and post, I say.

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    Hi Ruthannw,
    I think you are talking about the [[Bookmarks Toolbar]]. That article will show you how to add sites to the toolbar and even how to display the toolbar if it is hidden in your new Firefox install.
    Hopefully this helps!

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    About the only other way I can think of is to have a computer with you or use one there, if you can put iTunes on it and download all your new stuff to the computer, then sync your iPad to that computer.
    In switching computers you will lose previous content, but, as I understand it anyway, downloaded content will be the same as long as the same apple ID is used.

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    Sorry if it's over 14 days apple does not refund the device, just sit tight and keep on asking for a device that doesn't rattle, be firm but polite about your position on the matter.
    Politeness works wonders

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    Hello there, NapaJohn.
    The following Knowledge Base article provides some great steps and information that should prove useful on troubleshooting personal hotspot:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Personal Hotspot
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.
    Pedro D.

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    Use the trackpad to scroll, thats what it was designed for. The scroll bars automatically disappear when not being used and will appear if you scroll up or down using the trackpad.
    This is a user-to-user forum and most people will post on here if they have problems. You very rarely get people posting to say there update went smooth. The fact is the vast majority of Mountain Lion users will not be experiencing any major problems with the OS, or maybe with apps which are not compatible, but thats hardly Apple's fault if developers don't update their apps.

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    I doubt if Firefox is blocking access. More than likely, that website is made to use ActiveX, or other proprietary Microsoft code, that only Internet Explorer can handle.
    If you post the address of that "Post Office" website, maybe one of us support helpers can figure out the exact reason for that.

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    Hi Kevin,
    Have you authorized the Computer to your Apple ID?
    If not, sign on to iTunes.
    Then got to the Store menu option at the top of the screen (CTL+B if it is not showing), and click on it to display the dropdown, and select Authorize this computer.
    If that doesn't work, then sign on your Dad's iTunes ID and repeat the Authorization process.

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    First of all you should really post this in Itunes forums cause you might get more hits on it.. Anyway.. You can only authorize up to 5 comps on one itunes account.. This does not include iOS devices. Those you can have 10.
    So to fix this issue, open itunes, hit store on the left side, click log in (or your e-mail address if you are already logged in) in the top right hard corner of the page. One you log into your account you will see a a little area where it says you authorized 5 out of 5 comps. Below it should be a button to clear all those out.  Itunes will de-authorize all computers on the account then you need to go back Store tab in the menu bar and select authorize this computer.
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    You have to be in a country to use its store - you will need to be in the US and have a US billing address on your account to be able to use the US store (that applies to buying and redownloading).
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    Hey Bob, Thanks...I have already repeated that multiple times yesterday and today but to no avail. I tried to get into the Linksys router control panel but unfortunately we can't remember the username and password (the router is not mine). The make things even more complicated, the router is actually part of the internet package provided by the ISP and they use a PPPoE to log in. Theoretically, we could do a hard reset but the problem is the ISP will not release the PPPoE information unless we sign a long and complicated form saying we want to bypass their Linksys router. We can do that but this process will take days and weeks... Our ISP confirmed that the Linksys router is set to max out at 5 DHCP but we can only connect 3 machines at a time. They are coming out to take a look tomorrow but in the meantime I have reset the Airport Extreme to "Distribute a Public IP Address" mode which will allow access to all computers/devices. What's even more weird is that if I did the Bridge mode, it messes up the Linksys router's own network as well. We can't even just sign into that network... Any ideas why?

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    Aside form the limitation of LTE to the 700MHz and 2.1GHz bands (which rules out LTE in Europe I gather, at least as it stands now) the new iPad should let you use a GSM 3g/2g/edge network anywhere.  The CDMA Verizon model will only be able to use it's native CDMA radio band in the USA (that radio will be locked to Verizon), but it's international GSM radio is the same as the AT&T model.
    Keep in mind though that by far the cheapest option when abroad is to take advantage of free wifi as much as possible (well, that is always the cheapest option, since it is free).  I know several people who have taken their wifi-only iPads and iPad2s to Europe and said they did not find the lack of 3G really inconvenient at all as most towns had plenty of free or cheap wifi access all over the place.
    And in 3 years, your iPad will be at least 2-3 generations behind, LTE will have already been replaced by 5G or whatever the next new generation of cellular ends up being named (and the "young" kids will be wondering what the heck 3G even means or meant - dang that stuff was from the olden days!), and you can pitch that ancient piece of technology and start things all over again 

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    - You can't create subaccounts.
    - You can create new account(s). The media on the iPod is still usable. It does create more work when updating apps since yo have to sign into the account that purchased them to update them. If you have apps purchased from more than one account that need update you have to update them one at a time until the remaining apps were purchased with one account.
    - To change accounts for purchasing go to Settings> Store (or Settings.iTunes and App store depending upon the iOS) and sign out and sign in with different account.

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