New functionality tracking

Hi All,
I am very confusing how to cover a certain business process in SAP B1 like rebate tracking. This info that I do not understand to to perform it in SAP B1:
The customer and vendor rebate tracking application maintains a real-time database to ensure the timely crediting of customer rebates allowances based upon sales history. Vendor
rebates can also be tracked and posted as a credit allowance to Accounts Payable or as a bill back, which creates an accounts receivable transaction to the vendor account.
The application offers the following
features to support customer rebates:
• Post general ledger entries for accrued customer rebates.
• Establish a single rebate program that covers multiple customers or individual programs.
• Use entry programs to match allowed rebates by customer, reducing the current accrual and creating an accounts receivable
credit memo.
what forms or documents support the above or can be used to perform the above steps ? Thanks a lot

Hello Rajh,
• Post general ledger entries for accrued customer rebates.
An equivalent transaction for this in SBO would be a Credit Memo
• Establish a single rebate program that covers multiple customers or individual programs.
You will need some kind of a Custom AddOn for this.
• Use entry programs to match allowed rebates by customer, reducing the current accrual and creating an accounts receivable
credit memo.
Again this too would need an AddOn

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    Hi All,
    We recently installed  GRC Access Control 5.2.At the backend we are using SAP R/3 4.7.The system has been installed and I am currently trying to configure it.I am trying to create a new function.After chosing a function ID and description when I try to insert an action,it comes up blank for my production server and even if I choose the option "All".
    Any assistance in the matter would be greatly appreciated.

    Helo Neo,
    For making the functions, risks etc, you need to have some standard procedures being followed and up in place. Uploading transactions,, authorization objects and text are one of these.
    Thus before you start actually using/implementing the GRC the system, I would like to advice you to go through the documentation for the same, which suggests the step by step procedure for accomplishing the same.
    The problem that you have encountered is a bit easy to track as it suggests the Auth objects and texts might not probably be uploaded. But there might be something you have missed while going the procedural way, which may cause a lot of problems while troubleshooting.
    Kindly upload the files in the config tab, under "Upload Objects" and let us know if there is still an issue.

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    Thanks in advance.
    Points will be awarded for all relevant and helpful answers.

    I did this on CRM ISA 4.0...  I used the dev and extension guide as a basis - I think the ISA 5.0 guide has the examples and tutorials in a separate document that can also be downloaded from
    Here’s some info on how to do it although I can't guarantee this is the full solution or that it will work the same for ISA 5.0, and I will probably forget a lot of stuff as its been a few years since I did it!  I also can’t guarantee it is the correct way to do it – but it worked!  Basically, we built a link into the order overview page to display url’s to order tracking websites using an RFC on the backend CRM system.  Hope it helps anyway.
    1. Create RFC enabled function module in backend.
    2. Edit file backendobject-config.xml in folder project_root\b2b_z\WEB-INF\xcm\customer\modification:-
    [code] <backendobject
              <!-- customer changes in backendobject-config should be done here by extending/overwriting the base configuration-->
    Template for backend object in customer projects
    Concrete implementation of a backend object
    This implemenation demonstrates how a backend object
    is used to communicate with the CRM system
    Interface used to communicate with a backend object
    The purpose of this interface is to hide backend implementation details
    from the business objects
    Returns a vector of Z_OrderDeliverTracking objects containing data to link
    to external delivery tracking websites
    @param orderNo The sales order document number
    @return A vector of order tracking objects
    @param string
    @param string
    @param string
    @param string
    @param string
              <!-- This is an example customer extension. A new Backend Object is registered in the framework using XCM extension mechanism. -->
              <!-- If you write customer extensions you should register your backend objects in the same way. -->
              <!-- Please make sure that you use the correct base configuration (e.g. crmdefault for CRM or r3default, r3pidefault for R/3) -->
    File looks like this :-
    [code] package;
    //jco imports
    import java.util.Vector;
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.eai.BackendException;
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.eai.sp.jco.BackendBusinessObjectBaseSAP;
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.logging.IsaLocation;
    public class Z_AOFuncCRM
         extends BackendBusinessObjectBaseSAP
         implements Z_AOFuncBackend
         // initialize logging
         private static IsaLocation log =
         /* (non-Javadoc)
         public Vector getOrderDeliveryTrackingData(String orderNo)
              Vector urlData = new Vector();
                   // get Java representation of function module
                   JCO.Function func =
                   // provide export parameters
                   ParameterList params = func.getImportParameterList();
                   params.setValue(orderNo, "ORDER_NO");
                   // execute function
                   // get result table
                   JCO.Table table =
                   int numRows = table.getNumRows();
                   for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
                        // get row
                        // create a new Z_orderdeliverytracking object
                        Z_OrderDeliveryTrackingItem trackItem =
                             new Z_OrderDeliveryTrackingItem(
                        trackItem = new Z_OrderDeliveryTrackingItem();
                   return urlData;
              catch (BackendException bex)
                   // The following key has to be added to WEB-INF/classes/
                   // in order to see the exception correctly
                   log.config("ao.b2b.order.error.getOrderTrackingURLs", bex);
              return null;
    And file looks like this:-
    [code] package;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.eai.sp.jco.JCoConnectionEventListener;
    public interface Z_AOFuncBackend
         public Vector getOrderDeliveryTrackingData(String orderNo);
    Whilst file looks like this:-
    // Referenced classes of package com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.order:
    //            PaymentType
    public class Z_OrderDeliveryTrackingItem // extends SalesDocument implements OrderData
         private String deliveryDocNo;
         private String goodsIssuedDate;
         private String consignmentNo;
         private String status;
         private String url;
         public Z_OrderDeliveryTrackingItem()
         public Z_OrderDeliveryTrackingItem(
              String delDocNo,
              String GIDate,
              String consNo,
              String status,
              String url)
         public String getConsignmentNo()
              return consignmentNo;
         public String getDeliveryDocNo()
              return deliveryDocNo;
         public String getGoodsIssuedDate()
              return goodsIssuedDate;
         public String getStatus()
              return status;
         public String getUrl()
              return url;
         public void setConsignmentNo(String string)
              consignmentNo = string;
         public void setDeliveryDocNo(String string)
              deliveryDocNo = string;
         public void setGoodsIssuedDate(String string)
              goodsIssuedDate = string;
         public void setStatus(String string)
              status = string;
         public void setUrl(String string)
              url = string;
    3. Edit file bom-config.xml in folder project_root\b2b_z\WEB-INF\xcm\customer\modification :-
    [code] <BusinessObjectManagers
         <!-- customer changes in bom-config should be done here by extending/overwriting the base configuration-->
         <!-- This is an example Business Object Manager. It can act as template for customer written Business Object Managers -->
    File looks like this:-
    [code] package;
    // Internet Sales imports
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.businessobject.BackendAware;
    Template for a custom BusinessObjectManager in customer projects
    public class Z_AOBusinessObjectManager
         extends DefaultBusinessObjectManager
         implements BOManager, BackendAware {
         // key used for the backend object in customer version of backendobject-config.xml
         public static final String CUSTOM_BOM = "Z_AO-BOM";
         // reference to backend object
         private Z_AOFunc mCustomBasket;
         public Z_AOBusinessObjectManager() {
    Method is called by the framework before the session is invalidated.
    The implemenation of this method should free any allocated resources
         public void release() {
    Returns custom business object
         public Z_AOFunc getCustomBasket() {
              if (mCustomBasket == null) {
                   mCustomBasket = new Z_AOFunc();
              return mCustomBasket;
    And uses file which looks like this:-
    // Internet Sales imports
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.businessobject.BOBase;
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.businessobject.BackendAware;
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.eai.BackendObjectManager;
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.eai.BackendException;
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.logging.IsaLocation;
    // custom imports
    import java.util.Vector;
    Template for business object in customer projects
    public class Z_AOFunc extends BOBase implements BackendAware
         // initialize logging
         private static IsaLocation log =
         private BackendObjectManager bem;
         private Z_AOFuncBackend backendAOBasket;
    Returns a reference to the backend object. The backend object
    is instantiated by the framework.
    @return a reference to the backend object
         private Z_AOFuncBackend getCustomBasketBackend()
              if (backendAOBasket == null)
                   //create new backend object
                        backendAOBasket =
                             (Z_AOFuncBackend) bem.createBackendBusinessObject(
                        // the backend object is registered in customer version
                        // of backendobject-config.xml using the 'Z_AO_Custom' type
                   catch (BackendException bex)
                        // The following key has to be added to WEB-INF/classes/
                        // in order to see the exception correctly
                        log.config("ao.b2b.order.error.getOrderTrackingURLs", bex);
              return backendAOBasket;
    This method is needed when a business object has a corresponding
    backend object.
         public void setBackendObjectManager(BackendObjectManager bem)
              this.bem = bem;
    Returns a vector of url links for tracking
    @return vector of urls
         public Vector getOrderDeliveryTrackingData(String orderNo)
              // the call is delegated to the CRM aware backend object
              return getCustomBasketBackend().getOrderDeliveryTrackingData(orderNo);
    4. Edit file config.xml in folder project_root\b2b_z\WEB-INF to add custom actions (the section below is just the custom stuff added at the end of the file – the Z_orderTracking is the relevant one) :-
    [code] <!-- Begin of custom AO action definitions -->
         <action path="/b2b/Z_orderTracking" type="">
              <forward name="success" path="/b2b/order/Z_orderTracking.jsp"/>
         <action path="/catalog/Z_displaySVGPage" type="">
              <forward name="success" path="/catalog/Z_SVG_fs.jsp"/>
         </action> [/code]
    Which points at Java file which looks like this :-
    [code] package;
    // internet sales imports
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.BaseAction;
    import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.UserSessionData;
    // struts imports
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    // servlet imports
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    // Internet Sales imports
    import java.util.Vector;
    This action acts as a template for customer extensions
    public class Z_OrderTrackingAction extends BaseAction
    This method is called by the ISA Framework when the
    action is executed
         public ActionForward doPerform(
              ActionMapping mapping,
              ActionForm form,
              HttpServletRequest request,
              HttpServletResponse response)
              throws ServletException
              // get user session data object
              UserSessionData userSessionData =
              // gettting custom BOM
              Z_AOBusinessObjectManager myBOM =
                   (Z_AOBusinessObjectManager) userSessionData.getBOM(
              // get the order number being processed
              String orderDocNumber = request.getParameter("orderNo");
              // pass the order number back to the page
              request.setAttribute("orderNo", orderDocNumber);
              if (orderDocNumber != null)
                   // Get a vector of delivery tracking objects from lower layers (Business Object layer =>
                   // Business Logic Service Layer)
                   Vector trackingTable =
                   String error = "";
                   if (trackingTable != null)
                        if (trackingTable.size() == 0)
                             error = "true";
                             error = "false";
                        error = "true";
                   request.setAttribute("errorMessage", error);
                   request.setAttribute("trackingTable", trackingTable);
              return mapping.findForward("success");
    5. I added the call to the function module for page orderstatusdetail.jsp in folder project_root\b2b_z\b2b\order to display a custom page Z_orderTracking.jsp in the same folder.  To do this I added a link into the HTML to call a JavaScript function that passed the current order number to the /b2b/ actionhandler mapped in the config.xml file.
    So, in summary!  Create an RFC; define business managers for it in the XML files; create a new Strut action and supporting Java class; create all the Java class’ for the managers.
    I hope this makes some sense!

  • Can't create a new real track...

    Ok I've encountered another problem, and this one prohibits me from doing basically anything. The last problem in the post I made with the title "Mysterious crackling/buzzing" seems to have worked itself out (yes!!!). First I'll tell you my setup. I have a guitar (with active electronics if that helps at all which i doubt...) plugged into a Line 6 POD XT Live which connects to my compter via USB and I play through GB on tracks with no effects in Channel 2 (Mono) with the monitor usually on. Well, that is, until now. The only way I can hear my guitar or have any signal through GB is if I'm in a previously saved project which already has tracks on it that are available for recording/playing. I can record and play fine through these tracks, but when I try and create a new track (Real) absolutely nothing happens. I go to track/new track/real/create but bsaically all that happens is...well...nothing. If I have selected a track (which works fine if I created it before the problem started) and I try and create a new one, it just does nothing and hs no effect on the elready existing track I'm on. More annoyingly, if I try to make a track on a brand new project, I can only make a software track, but the exact same thign happens when I try to create a Real track. Nothing. Plus, when I'm in a previously created project, and I use a track that I made before the problem both of the boxes that are supposed to show if you want a guitar/vocal/bass all of that stuff on the left, and the box on the right have nothing in them. Completely blank. I belive this may be a similar problem to the one I had in my previous post titled "How do I create new real instrument track?" Here's the link:
    In this problem I was using GarageBand 2 and I was playing through an M-Audio FastTrack USB, but the only difference I believe in the two problems was that I could create a new real track, but there were the words "no track selected" in gray (unable to be clicked) in the left box, whereas its impossible to create a track in the first place with the problem i have now. Also, no one could help me on the last problem, and I had to delete GarageBand (but I had to buy iLife '05 again since we lost the install DVD) after I called the support team from Apple, and talked to one of the head guys who was completely baffled. So that's basically all i can describe with my limited knowledge of technology, oh and I deleted the .plist and.cs files and repaired permissions (again) if that helps.

    'tis all good right now, just checked on another post dealing with the smae problem, unfortunatley i was forced to downgrade to GB 2.0 but hey, it's only until i can find the iLife '06 DVD.

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    I know how to do the face blurring, but just wondering if there is a way to put a red circle around someone or something and track it using the new mask tracking on Premiere Pro CC?
    Many thanks in advance!

    Yes this is the fix.  I was getting frustrated over this issue.  I use Dreamweaver across two minitors and the palette locations were resetting back to the main monitior where the app was.  This unchecking and a quick log out and back in fixes the issue.  Thank you!

  • Convert Regions to New Sampler Track - new bug in 9.1?

    I've tried creating new EXS instruments using the Audio>Convert Regions to New Sampler Track command and all I get is empty audio files, or files containing bursts of white noise.
    Same thing happens in both 64 and 32-bit versions of 9.1.
    The same regions create a working sampler instrument when the operation is tried in v9.02.
    Can anybody confirm this apparent bug?

    Bee Jay wrote:
    Ok, I set my audio format to CAF, bounced some audio to a CAF, then did the convert to sampler instrument on that CAF, and it still worked fine for me.
    The created slices in the EXS editor were all CAF format too.
    This is at 44KHz, 24-bit. What is your sample rate etc set to?
    The same - 44.1/24
    Oh well, I'll report it anyway. Maybe it's hardware specific.
    Thanks for your time, Bee Jay.

  • How to create a new function module?

    I was doing the tutorial to create a SAP data widget and the tutorial was using BAPI_FLIGHT_GETLIST to display the data. However, in my system, theres no data in the table SFLIGHT2 and i couldnt populate any data in it.
    So i am trying to create my own function module. Can anyone tell me how should i go about doing it?

    Hi Low Soon ,
    please check the below links for creating a new function module.
    SAP Help :
    Step by Sterp approach to create a Functional Module:
    Jaideep Srinivasan

  • How to do ALV Popup in a new Function module

    Hi experts,
    This is the Client Requirement.
    " Flow Diagram/Pseudo Code:
    Attach a data flow diagram. Write brief pseudo code in plain English.  Be sure to include all access data plans.
    -     FM interface:
    -     Import: company code/ vendor#.
    -     Export: default_line,  type y4ap_t11
    -     Exception: NO_DATA or CANCELED
    In the FM code, past current z_venddefault code, except for write statements. After internal table is generated, show it in ALV popup. On ALV, add a OK/Cancel button. On OK, ensure that one line is selected (otherwise throw warning), and then fill export structure with that line’s G/L account, cost Center, and internal order# fields. Then close the ALV and end FM. For Cancel, just close the ALV end the FM.
    For an example of how to build such popup ALVs, take a look at FM Y4AP_SELECT_APPROVER.
    Unit Test Plan:
    Just use co.code 3000/vend# 1000 to test this FM."
    here i need to do is there is a simple report program by displaying in list.
    But now i need to do is , i have to put that code in a new function module and there i need to display it in alv grid.
    How to do this can anybody help me.
    It's a urgent i need to submit today to client.
    Thank you

    Check this.
    select several rows in alv
    It will be helpful.

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    ok, so I transferred my 3S info to my 4S by restoring from an old phone backup.  But SIRI is gone and god knows what else??  Can I get my old stuff into the new phone and keep the 4S new functionality?

    I suspect unless he had some items in iCloud backup then they are gone.  Connecting an iPhone to a different library from that to which it was previously connected will result in the device asking if you want to erase it.

  • New functionality in ECC 6.0 with Enhancement Package 3

    Hi Experts,
    Can any one tell me what new functionality is added in Enhancement package 3 (ECC 6.0)?
    Thanks & Regards,

    There no new functionality in ECC 6.0 for auto clearing of bank clearing account. Still you need to depend on Manual / Electronic bank statement to clear them.

  • New functionality in ECC 6.0 and problems during sap implementation

    Dear Gurus,
    may i know the details of the New functionality in ECC 6.0 on (MM,SD,PP,QM,PS,HR,PM,FI/CO,BI,XI,DMS ) or what is the problems coming at the time of implementation of ECC 6.0.

    Question is bit confusing
    may i know the details of the New functionality in ECC 6.0 on (MM,SD,PP,QM,PS,HR,PM,FI/CO,BI,XI,DMS )
    That means you are going to upgarde from some earlier version .what is that version ?
    Then you might find some specific information at -
    >Upgrade Dependency Analyzer
    what is the problems coming at the time of *implementation* of ECC 6.0.
    If its a new implemenation you will  not face problem , but you need to configure everything accordingly.
    Problem depends upon what all you are using from standard and customizing.
    Above provided link will help you.
    Just add up

  • How can i add a new function to the Basic IVI class vi's?

    I need to use the IVI vi's to control some instruments, let's say a DC Power Supply.
    Since there's a DC Power supplyclass, i can used those VI's but waht if one of the VI's does not contains all the functions that i need?. How can i add more functions to the IVI classes?. What do i need to do to add a new function to the iviFGen class?

    If you would like to try developing your own instrument driver (or modify the existing one), we have documentation, model instrument drivers, and driver templates to help at :
    We also have a syndicate of third party vendors that specialize in National Instruments' products and services. Some of the vendors specialize in driver development. I would suggest contacting one of the Alliance members at:

  • When i try to open piano roll it is stuck on the same track regardless of whether another track is selected. I cannot elect a new synt track and pull up in piano roll

    When i try to use piano roll it always goes back to a single track. Even if I select another track or adda new blank track it will not open.
    Also if I add notes to the track that opens I cannot hear them when i place them on piano roll

    There's a little icon in the top left corner of the piano roll window that looks like a pair of chain links. If that is selected (goes yellow) then the piano roll editor is linked to the arrange page region selection(s). Sounds like what you want.
    It's really useful sometimes to be able to unlink, so that you can keep one piano roll open (to watch the timing of the notes, for example) and not haver it change each time you do something in the arrange page.
    Also, next to it is a little man running icon. If that is selected, the piano roll will chase the cursor. If not selected, it won't. Also useful sometimes.
    Hope that helps

  • Can't add a new audio track without any settings

    Can anyone tell me were faced with the same problem. Doing audio post production in Logic Pro X, the latest version, the project is big, At some stage the work I was faced with the fact that you can't add a new audio track without any settings, no matter what inserts I track with duplicate settings of one of the tracks and it begins to sound with this track. I don't add a new audio track with duplicate settings. I add a new one, and I still opens the track with some sort of settings. What is it? This is a glitch or I'm somewhere that we have not considered? Duplicates the configuration of one of the tracks collected in group 1, which I did for editing convenience. Duplicates and also automation and if the new track am I doing something then this machine is transferred to the existing track from this group.

    Everything works in full 'Logic Pro X' mode. It's just a glitch in my project. The problem while you decide this: I insert a new track and it reset and set the output.

  • Development of new functionality

    We have a requirement where we need to create a new functionality called 'Purchase Proposal' . This will be created with reference to either a shopping cart, a Bid or Live auction and will be referred while creating a PO in SRM.
    I am using the following approach for this.
    1) Create a transaction in GUI . This will involve creation of Z tables, writing an ABAP code for the logic, creating a number range object etc.
    2) After testing this transaction successfully in GUI, Create a web service & publish it on ITS by which this transaction can be accessed through webgui.
    3) Create a business object for workflow
    4) Create a workflow template for the business object.
    5) Modify the standard functionality of PO processing so that Purchase Proposal can be entered while creating a PO and the data from it will flow into the PO
    Is this approach correct or anything is missing?

    This approach is correct.
    Please pay attention on point 5 because you will be modify the standard functionality.
    Marcin Gajewski

Maybe you are looking for