New iPhoto user: Can it do what I want it to do?

I have just discovered iPhoto on my iMac. I want to create a slideshow, with several songs, and with a caption for each photo, or even on each photo. The photos will be in a particular order to tell a story. Then I want to save it in some format and send it electronically to a friend who only has a PC with Windows.
I have figured out how to create a slideshow, but not how to add captions (except by Photoshopping). Nor have I figured out a way for anyone who does not have iLife or a .Mac account to see my fabulous creation.
How do others do this?

but not how to add captions (except by Photoshopping)
Can't be done in iPhoto, you'll need the photoshopping. You can set Photoshop as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically.
Nor have I figured out a way for anyone who does not have iLife or a .Mac account to see my fabulous creation.
Select the Slideshow and go File -> Export and export it as a quicktime movie. You can email, upload to the web, burn to a disk... using the Share -> Send to iDVD command, you can make a DVD that will play on any DVD player.

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    Is it possible to get rid of Mavericks and go back to my original iphoto 08 using the time machine backup? If so, should I then use the upgrader before installing Mavericks and the new iphoto?
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    Please help save my sanity. Please.
    Thank you.

    The problem is the library has been damaged from sitting on the Network Drive, and frankly, returning to the old OS won't change anything, nor will downgrading iPhoto. You're going to have this issue once you try and move the Library, or update it in any way, and - even if you stick with the old version of iPhoto, you're going to start having issues just saving edits, sharing and so on.
    So, you're between a rock and a hard place.
    I've no idea if TM backs up material on a NAS, but I do know that it can be set to back up externald rives. I'm somewhat surprised that you don't know, as this is your back up system that you created and the easiest route out of this situation. NOw there's only one way to find out.
    So, my first effort would be to try restore the Library from TM to the correctly formatted drive:
    will help with that.
    If that doesn't work or is not possible, your next effort is to try rebuild the Library to the correctly formatted drive:
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In early versions of Library Manager it's the File -> Rebuild command. In later versions it's under the Library menu.)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.
    If that doesn't work, then you're recovering the masters from the Library and starting over from scratch.

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    Welcome James!
    For no cost, you can try the open-source productivy suite LibreOffice. I don't have any AW files here to test but there are reliable reports that LibreOffice can open at least some AW files:
    Please turn off your caps lock key. All-caps text is harder for us to read and is considered "shouting" or "anger" by most internet text conventions. Thanks!

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    Cap'Pixie xox

    Just be sure it's fixed low enough to be aimed upwards. That way it won't prevent the hot air escaping from the upper exhaust by blowing it back in. It will be blowing dust around too, so keep the area as dust free as possible. Whether I need to run this fan depends on the intenal temps and how hot the back feels. But can aid considerably in cooling. Get iStat Pro.

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    Can replaceAll be used to do what I want?
    Some examples would be appreciated.

    The first argument to replaceAll() is a regular expression, which means you can do a lot more than just match case-insensitively, but here's how you would do that:  String str2 = str1.replaceAll("(?i)my", "<font>$0</font>");You might find these links useful:

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    - gave the test user access to the network folder created
    On the Macbook Air i used for testing I registered the network account server (getting a green light afterwards), put the hook at "allow network users to sign on" (I even coot see the test users name there).
    But after switching to the login I only got normal users on the MacBook Air. Switching the "allow network users to sign on" sometimes resulted in a third user "other" where I could enter the Username and password - but : no result - just as explained several times in this thread ... :-( :-(
    The last three days I tried several setups, switch and renamed, issued certificates, tried out the profile manager and registered the MBA, set up the user folder via AFP and SMB, ...
    But : no access to the network user granted ...
    Just read the last lines of the Protokoll after my last attempts and could read "connection invalid" and "connection denied" several times in it ... does anyone have an idea what`s going wrong here ?!?!??!
    I really need to set up this server a.s.a. possible and am really frustrated about this really not Apple like behaviour of this software *eyesroll* ...
    Any help appreciated !

    sorry, but frustration continues ... here`s what I did :
    - complete did the forth reinstall of the MacMini, new Maverick, all updates. Then installed the
    - delete all network connections except the Ethernet, gave it a static IP
    - started the server app, renamed the computername and the hostname
    Result :
    - This automatically started the DNS server - i just checked this and found a server.dizwo.private entry pointing at the According to your proposal I entered a second entry with "dizwo.private" pointing at the same IP (named "server") - as you didn´t respond to my request above the entries are only guesses
    - on the AirportExtreme I opened the ports for all necessary services
    - I created a public user folder with all necessary access types (using SMB for the user folder)
    - created network user pointing at this folder
    - checked whether it has access to all services (was already  preset) and gave him access read/write to the user folder
    - last but not least i started the OpenDirectory server showing availibility of the OD server at server.dizwo.private
    ... and then ?
    On the MacBook Air and on another iMac I first had a look whether I get access to the user folder on the server. I could see it in the finder windows and got access, okay - fine.
    Then I want to set up the OD server in the user settings on the clients - but in contrary to my earlier tries I didn`t got the OD server name, but simply a "server.local".
    Trying to enter the "server.dizwo.private" simply resulted in a "host not found" ??!?!
    You can imagine how frustrated I`m now about all this stuff - I`m Apple user since more than 20 years and haven`t seen such weird behaviour of an Apple software before - not user friendly in any matter ... .
    This server software is advertised and looking like to be an easy to use front end to create a server, even the "manuals" (not that I would tell them so ...) do so. But it looks like it`s really more a trial and error thing when you do the installation ...
    So : what I did I do wrong now ? Is there anything that I missed ? Is it a certificate thing (I didn`t set up a custom one but used the intermediate one preinstalled) ? Or another network issue ? The DNS server ? The OD server ? The naming of the server ?
    I really urgently need help - need to set up this server the next 2 weeks !!
    any help appreciated !!

  • New Mac user can't get dial-up to authenticate

    I just acquired an older iBook (version=2.2), OS X 10.2.8(6R73). I've never used a Mac before and am currently learning how to use the system and hardware.
    Being stuck with dial-up I set up the internal 56K modem for my ISP (PeoplePC).
    It's pretty simple (I thought)--using TCP/IP PPP--account name, password and phone number. The modem dials, connects, and after several seconds disconnects (Failed to authenticate).
    I then tried to use the terminal window and after connecting command line says--Account name//login/login/:--I enter my account name.
    Then the next command line--Password:--the cursor is one space away from the colon and blinking and doesn't move when I enter my password (normal or not?).
    The next line says--**Bad password-- and goes back to the (enter) Account name.
    I can do this about three times before my modem times out and hangs up.
    The PPC people are useless (We don't know anything about Macs- you need to get Mac help). Of course when I had any problems in the past with what always turned out to be THEIR software the first thing they do is tell you that it's YOUR computer, system, browser, Microsoft, phone company, etc.
    So I can't get anyone there that's smart enough to at least tell me if there's any particular entries to be made in logging in (scripting or HTML or handshake protocol or whatever). I can set up a manual dialup connection on my Windows PC without their software, no problem.
    Incidentally, I love the way this iBook automatically gets itself right into my Windows network and on-line with ICS through an ethernet crossover cable. I'm on right now with it but I don't want to have two computers next to each other online (especially through a single phone connection). Talk about multi-tasking! I've got about 4 tabs open in IE8 on the win PC and a couple more here (Mac) on Firefox. So I never have to wait for a page to load (SLOW); by the time I'm done with one several others have already loaded.
    I'm really starting to like this Mac. I don't know whether it's the machine or the Firefox browser (never used anything other than IE) or both but the same pages load really quick and errorlessly compared to my other box, which is sharing the connection.
    Well, after making a short story long, does anyone have a clue on helping me get my new (to me) iBook on-line on it's own?
    Message was edited by: wired4action

    Hi, Q Lazarus. Thanks for the reply. That link you included led me to what I needed.
    Since I couldn't directly download the Dialguard 1.8.7 zipfile (unless, I guess, I set up an account at the Linux forum site) I decided to just Google and get it off the web.
    I found that it was pretty hard to find but in lookong around I found other Linux forum references regarding PeoplePC's dial-up problems.
    Rather than using DialGuard others solved the problem by simply adding "" to their account name.
    So that was the only thing I changed and--HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! My modem dialed right in and connected. And much quicker than PPC's software (dialer) on my Win PC.
    After screwing around for several days and pulling my hair out in frustration trying to get my Mac on-line I was done in a few minutes, thanks to your input.
    I will mark this thread "Solved" and get on with learning to use my "new" iBook system.
    Again, many thanks for the most helpful reply.

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    First thing to do is get the CC off your system.  Then try the direct download option linked below...
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