New to macs: .Mac account/ using mail

This is going to sound quite ignorant, and very broad, but I'm a beginer when it comes to macs. I do not have a .mac account (don't know how), and I want to be able to check multiple email adresses from "mail". How do I do this?

You do not need a .Mac account to access electronic mail in OS X using the Mail application. Should you wish to learn more about .Mac or create an account to which you subscribe annually, follow this link:
New accounts—POP3, IMAP or .Mac—are created by opening the Preferences… dialog and selecting the Accounts pane. The process is explained in detail in the Mail Help file, launched when you select Mail Help from the Help menu in Mail.

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    When I orginally set up my primary Mail account on my laptop it was ".Mac", rather than IMAP or POP. I'm finding I can't fully take advantage of the Alias features. Another posting here explains that if I delete the existing ".Mac" account and build a new one as IMAP, I'd then be able to create alias email addresses. In the present configuration I can "create them", but they don't appear as available in the pull down menu when I send mail. I'm a bit reluctant to delete my present .Mac account in Mail because I get a warning that all my mail will go away if I delete that account. To complicate matters, I sometimes work on my iMac at home, and that one's set up just the same as a ".Mac" account. Presumably I'd have to change that one too? Or is there some way I can make setting up the alias addresses work while keeping my primary account as a .Mac account? Obviously I'm not relating conceptually to what's going on here!
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Also have iMac dual core

    I access my .Mac account as a .Mac type account with Tiger Mail and I use/access a single .Mac alias address at a time. I have no problems with the alias address being available as an address to choose from via the Accounts selection when composing a message.
    Do you access more than one alias address at a time?
    Does it make any difference when selecting Edit Email Aliases under the Email Address field available under the Account Information tab for the account preferences?
    Since a .Mac account is really an IMAP type account and behaves in the same way, when deleting the account in Mail, no messages available at the server in the account's Inbox or any other server stored messages will be affected when deleting the account and re-creating it as an IMAP type account.
    What you do lose when deleting an account in Mail are any locally stored mailboxes/messages for the account such as Drafts, Sent, Trash and Junk if these messages are not stored on the server.
    If you don't store Sent messages on the server, before deleting the account you need to do the following:
    Create/utilize an "On My Mac" location mailbox which is stored on the hard drive and not associated with any account. Transfer the account's Sent messages from the locally stored Sent mailbox for the account to the user created "On My Mac" location mailbox.
    Delete and re-create the account in Mail as an IMAP type account. All server stored messages in the account's Inbox mailbox will be available again in the account's Inbox mailbox and after sending a message with the newly created IMAP account which will create a new Sent mailbox for the account, you can transfer the old sent messages from the "On My Mac" location mailbox to the new Sent mailbox for the account so no messages will be lost.

  • Problem with .mac account and mail 2.05 (os x 10.4.4)

    i am not able to add a .mac account in mail 2.05. system is os x 10.4.4.
    .mac settings in system preference work fine, on my cube with os 10.3.9 i can add the .mac account without problems.
    in mail under 10.4.4 i can´t even select accounts besides IMAP, POP and EXCHANGE. if i delete mails plist and even the mail file and achieving a "virginal mail" i just can select these 3 accounts (POP,IMAP,EXCHANGE). strange because if i setup .mac settings in system preferences before setting up a POP mail account (i have 3 POP accounts besides .mac), the .mac account is automatically set up in mail. but even than i can´t set up manually (another) .mac account (can´t be selected in account pulldown menue) as well as soon as i delete it it can´t be resetup.
    no way with new user, same procedure. i reinstalled mail from tiger-dvd as well as reinstalling 10.4.4 combo update and repair disc permissions. no way to get .mac to work the normal way.
    has anyone any idea?
    thanks so long,

    the empty folder ~/Library/Mail/ at root level seemed to be the problem of not being able to activating the .Mac account in mail. after copying this folder onto harddisk again (i have a new "20 iMac at work with 10.4.4) the problem was solved. no idea how to get this folder again besides installing a blank 10.4.x install onto external firewire hdd or having a second system...
    thanks so long.
    i guess i made a mistake when migrating my old mail prefs from 10.3.x to 10.4.x blank install when moving the folders to 10.4.x maybe i have first choosen the ~/Library/Mail/ folder at root level and when recognizing that mail is not working with new user, i´m sure i might have deleted the whole mail prefs and mail folder on root level and copied the whole stuff again into USER/Library/Mail/. Therefore the folder ~/Library/Mail/ at root level became empty. i purchased .Mac just a few days ago so i recognized this failure just now...

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    Other may post it is some type of change with your ISP but the simple fact is this happen with Apple Mac Mail all the time.
    IMHO Mac Mail is one of, if not the, worst mail program ever written.
    Do yourself a big favor and start using some other mail program, any other Mail program.

  • .Mac e-mail account using Mail

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    If you have set up .Mac to use IMAP on all devices, each mail should arrive on each device.
    There are two situation, where the effect you describe may happen:
    You use POP3 and have enabled to delete the mail after retrieving it. That way the mail arrives only on the first device checking your .Mac account.
    You use IMAP, but delete or move a mail on one device. IMAP stores all information server side. That way, if you delete a mail, it gets deleted on the server so it won't get delivered to any other device.
    When using IMAP, no device does get any copy - with IMAP you get displayed the server side information. All modifications are made directly on the server.

  • .mac account in won't download mail - it freezes

    I just screenshared my mother for about 4 hours (there is about a 20 second lag time between every click i enter and the response on her end, maddening!! but that's another story).
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    Weirder still, I went on her screen, composed an email to myself, and sent it. The Mail Activity showed that it was sending at speeds like 5 kbps... for 10 minutes, until I force quitted. However, I got the email in my account seconds after I sent it. So SOMEHOW the outgoing email is working, even though it froze her own in a perpetual "Sending" progress circle.
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    WHAT could possibly be making Mail screw up the .mac account, but not an AOL IMAP account?
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

    I went to settings > mail, contacts, calendars and did not find a notifications setting.  But that's not the issue.  When I open the mail app and force an update, new email is not downloaded, even though I can see new email on my computer. 

  • Unable to open new trial .mac account

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    Help I'm ready to throw myself in the lake.

    Hi CGK.
    Verify/repair the startup disk (not just permissions), as described here:
    The Repair functions of Disk Utility: what's it all about?
    Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network, choose Network Port Configurations from the Show popup menu, and make sure that the configuration used to connect to Internet appears at the top of the list. Try also turning OFF all the network port configurations except the one needed to connect to Internet and see whether that makes a difference — if it doesn’t, turn ON again the ones you want enabled.
    Finally, try launching Mail under the following conditions (you may need to force quit it first if it’s running) and post back with your observations:
    1. Holding the Shift key down until the main window appears. This tells Mail to not select any mailboxes or load any messages upon start up.
    2. With no Internet connection.

  • Changing reply to address in .mac account on Mail

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    Hope I've expressed the problem clearly, with many thanks
    Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    I have a similar problem.
    I purchased a domain name (we shall call it and the service includes e-mail forwarding. So, anything sent to [email protected], will in fact fo to [email protected]
    What I would like to do is to reply and for the reciever to actually see [email protected], instead of [email protected]
    To me, the solution was very simple as to go to account information in Mail and change the e-mail address to [email protected] As it turns out, it is not as simple as I thought. Everytime I try to reply to a message with this settings, I get an error message asking me to choose an SMTP server from the list, and even after choosing the right one, the mail wont be sent.
    Now, the weirdest part of all this is that with my previous ISP I used to be able to send e-mails with [email protected] with no problems at all! It worked like a charm and never had the SMTP issue.
    I changed ISPs because the Cable service was getting too expensive and the tech support is horrible. Now I use DSL and everything seems to work nice, except for this little bump.
    So, do you think this had something to do with Mail or is my new ISP's deal?
    Thanks for your time guys!
    PowerMac G4 Quicksilver/733 Mhz/896 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   40Gb iPod Photo, Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-109, Epson CX3200

  • Can I dump a .Mac account from Mail on  1 computer and not lose the data on

    I have 3 Macs: eMac, intel iMac, Macbook; all are using Mac Mail. 2 users look at our single .mac IMAP account daily; my son never uses it on his machine. Consequently he's accumulated thousands of messages, attachments, etc. on his machine that he'll never use. I want to dump the .mac account from his machine but I know If I delete messages on one machine it will dump them from the server. Can I first delete the account on the intel iMac, then go to the appropriate mail folder on his machine & empty it of files to reduce the clutter without affecting what's on the .Mac server and subsequently the messages on the other 2 machines?
    Thanks for your help

    If the messages are on the server then there are no messages on his machine. Thus, if you dump the account all the messages on the server will be permanently lost. An IMAP account leaves all messages on the server.

  • Can't send from my .mac account through mail 2.11

    All of a sudden, the server rejects mail sendt through my .mac account although all other mail works fine in Mail 2.11

    It happens no matter where I am, whether at home or somewhere else. Incoming mail is just fine
    The spinning circle in the 'sending' folder continues to spin. Now if I have the wrong password in there, I will get an immediate notice that I have the wrong password.
    the error message says:
    Cannot send mail using mail server
    some authentication is: mds challenge response or password. both work
    Outgoing server[email protected]

  • .Mac Account in mail not sending outgoing mail

    It is receiving but not sending out. It worked fine in the UK, but I am now in Canada....would this make a difference ?
    Any help appreciated.

    If the internet service provider you are using in Canada is different from the internet service provider used in the UK, yes.
    Go to Mail > Preferences > Accounts and under the Account Information tab for your .Mac account preferences at the SMTP server selection, select the Server Settings below for the .Mac SMTP server.
    Enter 587 in place of 25 in the Server Port field and when finished, select OK to save the changed setting.
    If you are already using 587 for the Server Port and/or this doesn't work, have you relocated to Canada or are you just traveling there?

  • 2 websites, 2 .Mac accounts, using Multisite

    OK, so I've searched and searched and I get that you can't have multiple websites using CNAME with only 1 .Mac account. Well, I DO have 2 .Mac accounts (personal and business). I've separated my websites using Multisite, which works great, but they both are pointing to my personal site. I want to change that so the business site points to the business .Mac account. How do I change the domain location of the one site? I've looked for files with .domain in them, but they are non existent on my computer. Any input would be helpful.

    Multisites is probably not capable of properly separating sites in a single Domain.sites2 file in the sense that you will be given two "clean" and totally separate Domain files. iWeb08 makes extensive use of UUID's which the simple utility cannot handle. The end result may be that you are getting the same index.html file for both sites published to both .Mac accounts, and this is the reason both urls wind up at the same place.
    Check the index.html files for both sites, in both .Mac accounts, found in your Sites folder on your iDisk(s). They should read differently, after the wording, content="0;url=. They probably read the same, as they are probably the same index.html file. If this is the case, simply open the index.html file on the iDisk with your and modify it to point to the correct site by changing the title of the Site and the First Page in the file. It will be obvious when you view the file what needs to be changed.
    You could also publish each site separately to your Desktop, and then compare the respective index.html files published next to the Site folders. They should be different in the sense that they will contain their respective Site/Page names in their content url.
    If this is so, just drop the correct index.html file (that was published to the Desktop) into the Sites folder in the proper .Mac account, replacing the one that is there now. This should fix the problem.
    While you are checking files on the iDisk(s), make sure that the two separate and distinct sites are indeed uploaded to their respective .Mac accounts, by looking at the actual Site files:
    Using Finder:
    If the two sites are properly in place on the .Mac server in separate .Mac accounts, then the index.html files for the sites are definitely the problem.
    P.S. BTW, Cyclosaurus figured out a long time ago how to properly separate iWeb08 Domain files...he has the right stuff over Multisites.

  • I'm trying to publish a web site through my .Mac account using a UK2 domain

    I've registered a domain through UK2 and am trying to publish this through my .Mac account. I've created a CNAME entry to redirect the domain to apple but the site is still not live! Can anyone help please?

    I've created a CNAME entry to redirect the domain to apple but the site is still not live! Can anyone help please?
    Did you also do what is required in the .Mac account settings?
    Could you provide your urls?

  • Unable to create new email from Gmail account in Mail

    I just installed gmail to retrieve messages within Mail: I can receive gmail messages and reply to gmail from Mail. However, I cannot create and send a new message in Mail using my gmail account; when I do I get the following error message:
    Enter Password for Account[account name]
    The SMTP server "" rejected the password for user "xxx[account name]"
    Please re-enter your password, or cancel.
    No matter how many times I add it correctly and click OK, the same message returns.

    Google provides instructions for setting up a Gmail
    account in Mail here:
    Make sure you’ve set up the account as described
    That is what I used to set up my gmail account in Apples Mail App before your post. Those instructions say that when you click on the Advanced Tab that the port will switch to 995 - which it did for me. I do have a minor problem though. Is there any way to prevent emails sent from Mail via gmail from showing up in gmails web page? I don't really like web mail whatsoever!
    24" iMac 2.16 Intel 2G Memory   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   Parallels Desktop w/Windows Vista Ultimate
    24" iMac 2.16 Intel 2G Memory   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   Parallels Desktop w/Windows Vista Ultimate

  • Can you only check one Exchange account using Mail?

    I use Mail to check multiple e-mail accounts - one IMAP, three POP, and one Exchange. All work great.
    I have an additional Exchange account that I would like to check and when I go to setup the account in Mail, it only lists POP or IMAP as the choices, whereas when I set up the last Exchange account, that was an option on the list. What happened to that choice? Does Mail only allow you to set up one Exchange account? I could not find any notes to this effect in the help, so I'm really confused.
    Thanks in advance for any clarification you might have.

    Spent a lot of frustrated time with my IT guys on this one. There are two equally frustrating solutions available.
    First solution is to access one of the Exchange accounts via IMAP, but the Exchange admins need to configure the server to allow that on their side and may not want to for security reasons.
    Second solution is to create a second user account for the second exchange account. Not elegant by any means.
    Barring that, you can always access the additional account vie webmail, or by installing Entourage.

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