New video blog on using icons on toolbar buttons on IC

Hello Everyone,
Here is a short video showing how to add toolbar icons to the communication toolbar in the Interaction Center in CRM 7.0.
Best regards,

Thanks for sharing.
BTW, cool icon you choosed.

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  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12025: Switching out the old video component for the new video component that uses OSMF .

    Revision: 12025
    Revision: 12025
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-19 17:48:04 -0800 (Thu, 19 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
    Switching out the old video component for the new video component that uses OSMF.  Also fixing RSL issue with OSMF because a change in flex-config.xml accidentally got overwritten.  Also fixing a bug caught during the last code review where you would set the volume on the VideoPlayer, but the volumeBar wouldn't be made aware of that change.
    Switching out the video component results in many API changes.  The changes are highlighted below:
    Class name changes:
    - spark.primitives.VideoElement is being renamed to spark.components.VideoDisplay
    - spark.components.mediaClasses.StreamingVideoSource is renamed to park.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoSource
    - spark.components.mediaClasses.StreamItem is renamed to park.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoItem
    VideoDisplay/VideoPlayer event changes:
    The new video component's events are:
    - bytesLoadedChange :
    - currentTimeChange :
    - durationChange :
    - mediaPlayerStateChange :
    The old video component's events were:
    - close : (removed)
    - complete : (replaced with mediaPlayerStateChange)
    - metaDataReceived : (replaced with mediaPlayerStateChange)
    - playheadUpdate : (replaced with currentTimeChange)
    - progress : (replaced with bytesLoadedChange)
    - ready : (replaced with mediaPlayerStateChange)
    VideoDisplay/VideoPlayer property changes:
    - maintainAspectRatio:Boolean has been renamed to scaleMode:String and rather than true/false, it now access 4 values: none, zoom, letterbox, and stretch.  See the enum class org.osmf.display.ScaleMode.
    - playheadTime:Number has been renamed to currentTime:Number
    - playWhenHidden has been renamed to pauseWhenHidden, and it's "tense" has been reversed.  So playWhenHidden = true correlates to pauseWhenHidden = false.  Also, before we would only pause when the video component was explcitly set to visible=false, but now we detect if the video components or any of it's ancestors have been hidden.
    - totalTime:Number has been renamed to duration:Number
    New properties:
    - bytesLoaded:Number This is a new property not available on the old video component
    - bytesTotal:Number This is a new property not available on the old video component
    - loop: Boolean this was a property added a while ago on the old video component but not in the original video player spec
    - mediaPlayerState: this is a new property that details the state of the video component.  See for all the possible values.
    - seekToFirstFrame:Boolean (pending PARB approval) - This is a new property available on VideoDisplay/VideoPlayer.  When autoPlay = false, if seekToFirstFrame is set to true, then we will connect to the server to start downloading the video, figure out the size of the video and resize appropriately, and show the first frame of the video.  If seekToFirstFrame is false, then no connection to the server is made, there's no implicit size for this video, and the first frame will not be show automatically.  By default the value of this property is true.  In the old video component, when autoPlay = false, we always has the same behavior as seekToFirstFrame = true.  Now it is controllable through this property.  Eventually, (not for Flex 4.0), we will most-likely have support for a thumbnail source or a splash screen so the video's preview will show up without making an unneeded connection to the server.  The property name may change depending on PARB.
    Other changes:
    - autoRewind: The default of autoRewind is now true instead of false
    - enabled: before we paused the video when the video component was explicitly set to enabled = false.  Now we pause the video when the video component or any of it's ancestors have been disabled.
    VideoPlayer-only changes:
    - property is now a new property on VideoPlayer.  It was previously only on VideoDisplay.
    - The skin states for the old VideoPlayer were: connectionError, disabled, disconnected, loading, playing, stopped, connectionErrorAndFullScreen, disabledAndFullScreen, disconnectedAndFullScreen, loadingAndFullScreen, playingAndFullScreen, stoppedAndFullScreen.  The new skin states are: uninitialized, loading, ready, playing, paused, buffering, playbackError, disabled, uninitializedAndFullScreen, loadingAndFullScreen, readyAndFullScreen, playingAndFullScreen, pausedAndFullScreen, bufferingAndFullScreen, playbackErrorAndFullScreen, disabledAndFullScreen
    DynamicStreamingVideoItem property changes:
    - bitRate:Number renamed to bitrate:Number
    DynamicStreamingVideoSource property changes:
    - initialIndex has been added to DynamicSteramingVideoSource
    - live:Boolean has changed to streamType:String which accepts values: live, recorded, any.  See the enum class for more info.
    - serverURI:String renamed to host:Object
    - streamItems:Array has changed types to streamItems:Vector.
    - bufferedStart will be removed
    - bufferedEnd will be renamed to loadedRangeEnd.  This property name still may change depending on PARB.
    - bufferedArea skin part needs to be renamed.  Probably will be renamed to loadedArea.  PARB still deciding.
    QE notes: -
    Doc notes: -
    Bugs: -
    Reviewer: Kevin
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: Yes
    Modified Paths:
        flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/wireframe/src/spark/skins/wireframe/ ml
    Added Paths:
    Removed Paths:

    I've got that same problem: iPod Touch 2nd Gen, Apple Component Cables, and an HD TV.
    The funny thing is, the cable works fine with an iPod Classic (160 GB) but not for the iPod Touch. Can anyone explain why that is?

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      Start up in Safe Mode.
    Giving away / Selling your Mac / Resetting  the computer to the factory condition

  • How to use icons on a button

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    You have to store the icons in the icon directory in the wwwroot of the virtual directory
    then use the icon in the development time
    If you are developing the forms on the another machine then use the path and icon name as in the server

  • New video blog: Address Validation and Duplicate Check in IC

    Hello Everyone,
    Here is a short video discussing "Address Validation and Duplicate Check in the Interaction Center" for CRM 7.0 from Renee Wilhelm of SAP product management.
    Best regards,
    P.S. Please share your thoughts, ideas, or concerns!  Thank you.

    in the video, you say that the user (logged into the system as IC Agent), can choose to merge the BPs once identified that a duplication exists.
    By the way, into SAP OSS note "1565230 - dump after merging of BPs in IC webclient" it is written that it is not supported to integrate Business partner merge functionality to IC webclient.
    Here below, an extract from the Note:
    Reason and Prerequisites:
    It is not supported to integrate Business partner merge functionality to IC webclient. Technically after the merging of Businss partners, the buffers of business transaction will be initalized at API layer directly, instead of by Genil layer. It is not possible to synchronize the buffer to BOL layer. Once you access to the business transaction which has been initialized during the merging of Business partners, the dump will occur.
    It is required to move the functionality to the business roles for
    backoffice scenario, for example, SALESPRO etc.
    What do you think about? Am I missing something?
    Thanks in advance and Best Regards,

  • Saveasname not working with adobe toolbar buttons

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    - Tom

    I tried adding the cfheader but it
    didn't work, probably because I'm using cfdocument
    format="pdf" for the page content.
    Are you using it correctly? Save the cfdocument content to variable , then use cfheader + cfcontent to display it.
    (Example stolen from Raymond Camden's blog) rks
    <cfcontent type="application/pdf" variable="#toBinary(mypdf)#"

  • Enable Hotkeys in ALV Toolbar buttons

    Hello all..
    As you know we can use Hotkeys for Toolbar buttons as described in the below link:
    I am not able to see any option in class for ALV Button in the Toolbar. So I just want to know that is there a work-around for enabling Hot-Keys for ALV-Buttons?
    Sanket Sethi

    Even in Netweaver 7.4, the hot key support for ALV buttons were not provided and I don't think it will be added in coming future.
    One work around could be, creating a button out side view container( with no text) and assigning the hotkey for that button and call the functionality of ALV on action of that button( which may not be possible for all cases).

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    When you move or copy the compound clips with their events into an external drive all the events should be there. Not clear on why you want to move them into a single event. You can drag and drop from one event to another.
    Why are you using compound clips? You can simply copy the project from each machine with used media onto the external drive and that should do it.

  • How to use icon instead of bitmap for image on button in toolbar?

    I am trying to use an image that has a transparent background on one of the buttons on our custom toolbar in Adobe Acrobat.
    In the past we have been using the following code with Bitmaps to display the image and it has worked perfectly:
    toolButton = AVToolButtonNew(ASAtomFromString("IMGR:Options"), icon, true, false);
    Background info on the other objects:
    V0200_DATA* dataPtr = (V0200_DATA*) windowsData;
    gHINSTANCE = dataPtr->hInstance;
    Resource File:
    IDB__OPTIONS_LARGE BITMAP "Resources\\ImageOptions_Large.bmp"
    IDI_ICON1 ICON "Resources\\Image_Icon.ico"
    Unfortunately, these bitmaps are not transparent and end up showing the white background instead of the transparent one.
    I have tried using Icons and PNGs as my image but I have been unable to get anything to show up. Here is the code I am using to get the AVIcon:
    However, no image appears on the toolbar. I am able to use LoadImage with the bitmap, but I am unable to make it transparent, even when using the LR_LOADTRANSPARENT flag.
    If anyone can point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it!

    I got it worked with PNG file. I got transparent backgrounds in toolbar and menus.
    below is my code,
    if( resource == NULL )
         //Unable to load resource
    DWORD resourceSize = SizeofResource(gHINSTANCE, resource);
    HGLOBAL glob = LoadResource(gHINSTANCE, resource);
    LPVOID resouceArray = LockResource(glob);
    ASUns8  *data = (ASUns8*)ASmalloc(resourceSize + 1);
    memcpy(data, resouceArray, resourceSize);
    AVIconDataRec  iconData;
    iconData.dataStm  =  ASMemStmRdOpen(( char  *)data, resourceSize);
    iconData.eColorFormat  =  kAVIconColor;
    void * iconBundle = AVAppCreateIconBundle6(kAVIconPNG, &iconData, 1); 
    AVToolButtonNew (ASAtomFromString("PFXDOC:Pfx_DocumentToolSave"),
                                            iconBundle, true, false);
    Thanks & Regards

  • After years of owning all things Mac, I am finally trying to use iChat, and can't get it to work. I see my buddy, but all I can do is send a message--the video and audio chat icons are gray, as is inviting to a video chat under Buddies.

    After years of owning all things Mac, I am finally trying to use iChat, and can't get it to work. I am using gmail, and I see my buddy (no camera icon next to her name), but all I can do is send a message--the video and audio chat icons are gray, as is inviting to a video chat under Buddies. My buddy has the same problem as I.  We are able to do video chat through gmail, but I had hoped to use iChat.  I am using OS 10.6.8, iChat v. 5.0.3.  What am I missing?

    iChat will Video chat to another iChat in a Jabber Buddy List (Google run a Jabber server for GoogleTalk)
    However it will not Video to the Web Page login to iGoogle or the Web Mail Page login.  (where people can Google Chat as it were in a  Web Browser).
    Nor does it video to the Google Talk Stand alone app for PCs or any other Jabber apps on any platform.
    iChat uses a connection Process called SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) which is also used by other VoIP devices.
    Jabber/XMPP invited the Jingle Protocol for Jabber Applications.
    Google have included this in their Standalone app and the Plug-in for Web Browsers on both PCs and Mac (you can get this as a Standalone Plug-in or as part of Chrome)
    More on this here  This article has been changed several time in the recent months.  It now claims a greater involvement by Google in writing the Jingle Library (Although now Google's version does not work with the others)
    This tends to mean that using the web Login to Google to Chat also cannot video chat to other Jabber apps that are using Jingle.
    If your Buddy is using iChat then check the Video Menu has two items to Enable Camera/Video chat and Microphone/Audio chats are ticked.
    In the View Menu the Show Status Items should be ticked (Selecting them toggles the tick and the function On or Off)
    It could be Internet speed but at this stage I would doubt this at this stage.
    10:27 PM      Saturday; January 21, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • I do video productions for a small local TV station. I use Final Cut Express to edit. I need a new video camera but am at a loss as to what to buy. I know I will get a digital camera but do not know the difference between just digital and digital HD.

    I do video productions for a small local TV station. I use Final Cut Express to edit. I need a new video camera but am at a loss as to what to buy. I know I will get a digital camera but do not know the difference between just digital and digital HD. Also, I can not afford an expensive camera and need some advice on which of the available cameras would be best and also work well with a Mac. One last issue, I currently use a Panasonic #CCD camera that takes a tape. When I load video to Final Cut the audio and video are out of sinc. Go figure. Can anyone help with these questions. Karen

    Hello Karen,
    If you are using Final Cut Express, then look for camcorders that are AVCHD camcorders.  Look especially for the AVCHD logo and specific mention of AVCHD in the specs.  Most of the major manufacturers produce good quality camdcorders - Canon, Sony, etc.
    Also, be aware that there are a lot of "not quite AVCHD" camcorders on the market (sometimes they say they record video as MPEG4-H.264/AVC) - buyer beware!
    Most everything you are going to find on the market today is HD, which stands for "high-def".
    Regarding your question about the Panasonic camcorder, it's best if you post that as a separate question, and please identify the specific model camcorder and the Easy Setup you are using in FCE.

  • When NOT using icons on the toolbar, side-bar drop-down for additional toolbar items has disappeared with Firefox 4 and accessing these items requires clicking 'Bookmarks', then 'Show all bookmarks' then 'Toolbar'--ugh, what a pain.

    On older versions of Firefox, Toolbar links ran across the top of my screen, with a drop-down to the far right which would show additional Toolbar items for which there was not room on the screen.
    With Firefox 4, if I'm not using icons (text only), the dedicated Toolbar drop-down is gone and I have to first click 'Bookmarks' to the right of the Toolbar ribbon, then 'Show All Bookmarks', then 'Toolbar' in order to access my additional Toolbar links. Could anyone have made it any harder?
    Why doesn't someone just restore the drop-down at the far right of the Toolbar so that all of my Toolbar items (which I prefer to keep separately from the regular Bookmark items, else I would have just plain bookmarked those items in the first place) are readily accessible?

    You see the orange (on Linux gray) Firefox button if the Menu Bar is hidden (View > Toolbars > Customize or right-click a toolbar).<br />
    If you need to access the hidden Menu bar then press F10 or hold down the Alt key to make the Menu Bar appear temporarily.<br />
    You only see the Bookmarks menu button if the Menu bar is hidden.

  • My CS4 PS no longer recognised the iPhoto library since a new video card was installes a few days ago. How do i fix this? I can drag and drop but then I can't use camera raw feature.Tks

    My CS4 PS no longer recognised the iPhoto library since a new video card was installes a few days ago. How do i fix this? I can drag and drop but then I can't use camera raw feature.Tks

    When I use find file (which does tend to find files that "Finder" can't), it's not coming up with any other itunes library files that have been modified in the past week, which I know it would have been - unfortunately, I don't have a very recent backup of the hard drive.  It would be a few months old so it wouldn't have the complete library on it....any ideas?  I'm wondering if restarting the computer might help but have been afraid to do so in case it would make it harder to recover anything...I was looking at this thread in the hopes that it might have a helpful suggestion but it's definitely a different scenario.

  • Quicktime - New Video Recording using Canon HV30 - Codec?

    I'm using Quicktime Pro 7.4.1 with a Canon HV30 connected via firewire. In Quicktime preferences pane, the HV30 is the video source with "Device Native" as the Quality setting. Though, I can't see a preview in the Quicktime window while recording, it does appear to record footage. When I stop the recording, it says that I don't have the codec to view the footage and sends me to the Quicktime plug-in page on this site, but I have no idea what I need.
    Considering some of the codecs (if not all of them) cost money, I'd rather not buy something that won't fix my problem. Anyone have any ideas?
    EDIT: Oh yeah, the camera is set to HDV 1080i60 video standard. When I switch the camera to SDV, the Quicktime preview returns and everything works as expected.
    Message was edited by: Robbie Schneider

    a2043 wrote:
    When I try to start a new video recording I receive the following error:
    The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -536870206.)
    I am using Quicktime Pro on an iMac running Mac OS X 10.6.5. Quicktime will work with iSight but not with my PS3 eye (usb webcam). I am able to choose the PS3 eye from Quicktime preferences and the video screen will show up with video from the PS3 eye (so I know that Quicktime recognizes the cam). But the error dialogue box appears immediately.
    Other information - I am using macam.component for Quicktime and the PS3 eye works perfectly with Macam.
    Welcome to Discussions, a2043
    Has anyone received this error before?
    I have not, but I do not use PS3 eye. If it is a "UVC" (usb video class) device, it should work with any Mac running Mac OS X 10.4.9 or later _without additional software drivers_. Some unnecessary drivers can conflict with your Mac's software.
    If desired, you can remove the file macam.component from /Library/QuickTime and restart Mac to see if the PS3 eye can work with QuickTime without the additional driver.
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz Mac OS X (10.6.5); MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.5)
    LED Cinema Display; G4 PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11); iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9); External iSight; iPod4touch4.2.1

  • Using the New Video Features in Photoshop CS6 | Photoshop CS6 Feature Tour | Adobe TV

    Adobe Digital Imaging Evangelist Julieanne Kost shows how to use the new video features in Photoshop CS6.

    I am removing a dust spot from video clips taken during an aerial shoot. I have discovered that the only effective way to remove these spots effectively is to use PS6 and go frame by frame using the paint brush, clone stamp, and spot healing brush. It is very time consuming and mind numbing but the only thing that works with all tha movement of the aircraft and the ground below.
    My question:
    Right now to advance the clip one frame at a time - I must magnify the time line so to see the frame by frame lables. To advance to the next frame I must remove my cursor from the work area and go down to the time line and click on the next frame.
    How can I advance to the next frame with a keyboard stroke and not move my cursor out of the work area?
    Thank you in advance for any help.

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