New web compression techniques?

Years back I bought Sorenson Squeeze v3. I used it to make .movs and .swfs in multiple sizes. It immediately bought the quality of my online presentations much higher.
About 2 years ago, I purchased FInal Cut Studio and began using h.264 in Compressor instead of .mov's with Squeeze.
I just updated all my applications. FCS2, Flash CS3, etc. I'm wondering now if I can also update my compression techniques.
I looked at On2 VP6 about a year ago, and liked it, but wasnt affected enough to buy.
What's the latest and greatest out there? What are the big boys using now? Is there anything on the horizon that I should be waiting for with Flash CS3 freshly released?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Steven Galvano
Colors Studios

I think the choices are between Flash, and QT H.264... Flash because it's on every computer in the world and is a lot better than the MS solutions, and H.264, because I think it looks the best of all at any given data rate.

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  • Compression Technique

     Hello I have a query regarding Compression technique in C# and its security....can u plz go thru this url nad suggeste whetherr its good or there any alternative solutions....?
    Best Regards
    Latheesh K
    Latheesh K Contact No:+91-9747369936

    Try something like this:
    public static byte[] Compress(string s)
    var enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
    var ms = new MemoryStream();
    using (var cs = new GZipStream(ms, CompressionLevel.Optimal))
    var bytes = enc.GetBytes(s);
    cs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
    return ms.ToArray();
    public static string Decompress(byte[] bytes)
    var enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
    var ms = new MemoryStream(bytes);
    using (var cs = new GZipStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress))
    var tms = new MemoryStream();
    return enc.GetString(tms.ToArray());
    static void Main(string[] args)
    var s = "Hello I have a query regarding Compression technique in C# and its security....can u plz go thru this url nad suggeste whetherr its good or there any alternative solutions....? ";
    var cs = Compress(s);
    var s2 = Decompress(cs);
    Console.WriteLine("passed {0}, string size {1}, compressed size {2}", s == s2, s.Length * 2, cs.Length);

  • Getting error while creating a new web app saying "The password supplied with the username domainname\username was not correct. Verify that it was entered correctly and try again"

    Hi ,
    I am trying to create a new web app using Central Administration in Sharepoint 2010 and getting an error "The password supplied with the username  was not correct. Verify that it was entered correctly and try again".
    I tried running this command also "stsadm -o updatefarmcredentials -userlogin <domain\username> -password <newpassword>" but when it got executed it showed me "Access Denied".
    What should i do ??
    Thanks in advance.
    Regards, Anurag

    right click on command icon and click run as administrator then use above stsadm commend to update credential. If still you face same issue then try with powershell as mention in below link: (make sure that you open sharepoint powershell as run as administrator)
    let us know your result
    Hemendra: "Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see"
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  • New Web Application not creating correctly

    I'm having an odd occurrence happen about 50% of the time right now when creating new web applications during my migration from SP2010 to SP2013.
    During creating a web application in Central Admin, I can get through the first setup page, then get to the "This shouldn't take long" page and will sit there for 30+ minutes. I end up closing the window and will see that the Web application is there in
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    when it's finally deleted. During this time I am not able to create any other web applications. It's usually at this time that I can successfully create a new web applications but even that is unreliable.
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    verify if creating a web application through PowerShell gives me the same headache but at the moment I'm currently waiting for a web application to delete.

    Finally got this resolved after an 8 hour call with Microsoft. After finally getting the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application service to restart (took 4 hours) We found that changing the Shutdown time in the Web Application Pool for the Central
    Admin pool to 400 allowed for the Web Application to complete successfully.
    I'm still confused to why everything is taking so long now to complete so i'll have to look into that next.
    Folks, this is a minor problem that seems to be creeping up more and more. I personally have performed over 8 installs in various environments. I have seen this issue in 6 out of the 8 environments I have created. All servers I have tried a variation of
    software. In MOST of my tests, this seems to be a problem. Not sure why they decide to recycle the App Pool just before they perform an "Virtual Directory Copy." Here are the results of my tests. I was very methodical in my testing and made sure these were
    clean downloads every time. As you will see, I tried variations of hardware increases, physical to virtual, database versions and patch levels...etc.
    Test #
    Server Type
    Install Type
    Problems Creating Web Apps
    Work Around
    HP   Proliant DL360 G6, 16gb memory, 146gb - C, 146gb D (Pagefile), 146gb E, 2   Quad Procs
    Windows   2008R2 (All Patches), SQL 2012 w/SP1, SharePoint 2013 Server
    Clean Install and downloads
    Copy Contents of Central Admin   Virtual Directory to new Web Application
    Increase Shutdown time to 400
    Host Server = Dell R900 256gb Mem, 146gb   C, 300gb D (Pagefile), 2tb E, 4 Quad Procs; Virtual Guest = 
    100gb - C, 2 Logical Procs, 8gb memory
    Windows 2008R2 (All Patches), SQL 2012,   SharePoint 2013 Server
    Clean Install and downloads
    Copy   Contents of Central Admin Virtual Directory to new Web Application
    Increase   Shutdown time to 400
    Host   Server = Dell R900 256gb Mem, 146gb C, 300gb D (Pagefile), 2tb E, 4 Quad   Procs; Virtual Guest = 
    100gb - C, 2   Logical Procs, 8gb memory
    Windows   2008R2 (All Patches), SQL 2012 w/SP1, SharePoint 2013 Server
    Clean   Install and downloads
    Host Server = Dell R900 256gb Mem, 146gb   C, 300gb D (Pagefile), 2tb E, 4 Quad Procs; Virtual Guest = 
    100gb - C, 2 Logical Procs, 8gb memory
    Windows 2008R2 (All Patches), SQL 2012   w/SP1, SharePoint 2013 Server
    Clean Install and downloads
    Copy   Contents of Central Admin Virtual Directory to new Web Application
    Increase   Shutdown time to 400
    Host   Server = Dell R900 256gb Mem, 146gb C, 300gb D (Pagefile), 2tb E, 4 Quad   Procs; Virtual Guest = 
    100gb - C, 4   Logical Procs, 16gb memory
    Windows   2008R2 (All Patches), SQL 2008 R2 w/SP1, SharePoint 2013 Server
    Clean   Install and downloads
    Copy Contents of Central Admin   Virtual Directory to new Web Application
    Increase Shutdown time to 400
    Host Server = Dell R900 256gb Mem, 146gb   C, 300gb D (Pagefile), 2tb E, 4 Quad Procs; Virtual Guest = 
    100gb - C, 4 Logical Procs, 16gb memory
    Windows 2008R2 (All Patches), SQL 2008 R2   w/SP2, SharePoint 2013 Server
    Clean Install and downloads
    Host   Server = Dell R900 256gb Mem, 146gb C, 300gb D (Pagefile), 2tb E, 4 Quad   Procs; Virtual Guest = 
    100gb - C, 4   Logical Procs, 16gb memory
    Windows   2008R2 (All Patches), SQL 2008 R2 w/SP2, SharePoint 2013 Server
    Clean   Install and downloads
    Copy Contents of Central Admin   Virtual Directory to new Web Application
    Increase Shutdown time to 400
    Host   Server = Dell R900 256gb Mem, 146gb C, 300gb D (Pagefile), 2tb E, 4 Quad   Procs; Virtual Guest = 
    100gb - C, 4   Logical Procs, 32gb memory
    Windows   2008R2 (All Patches), SQL 2008 R2 w/SP2, SharePoint 2013 Server
    Clean   Install and downloads
    Copy   Contents of Central Admin Virtual Directory to new Web Application
    Increase   Shutdown time to 400

  • Create a new web application, how shall I update the file server.xml

    I will create a new web application, i.e named newApp. Then I create a file structure as follows:
    - <server-root>/newApp
    - <server-root>/newApp/WEB-INF
    - <server-root>/newApp/WEB-INF/classes
    Then I must tell the server that I have created a new web application. Then I must update my file server.xml, How shall I do this and where in the file shall I type in the new information?
    I use windows XP Pro, and Tomcat 4.1.27.
    My server.xml file looks like below:
    <!-- Example Server Configuration File -->
    <!-- Note that component elements are nested corresponding to their
    parent-child relationships with each other -->
    <!-- A "Server" is a singleton element that represents the entire JVM,
    which may contain one or more "Service" instances. The Server
    listens for a shutdown command on the indicated port.
    Note: A "Server" is not itself a "Container", so you may not
    define subcomponents such as "Valves" or "Loggers" at this level.
    <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug="0">
    <!-- Comment these entries out to disable JMX MBeans support -->
    <!-- You may also configure custom components (e.g. Valves/Realms) by
    including your own mbean-descriptor file(s), and setting the
    "descriptors" attribute to point to a ';' seperated list of paths
    (in the ClassLoader sense) of files to add to the default list.
    e.g. descriptors="/com/myfirm/mypackage/mbean-descriptor.xml"
    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener"
    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener"
    <!-- Global JNDI resources -->
    <!-- Test entry for demonstration purposes -->
    <Environment name="simpleValue" type="java.lang.Integer" value="30"/>
    <!-- Editable user database that can also be used by
    UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users -->
    <Resource name="UserDatabase" auth="Container"
    description="User database that can be updated and saved">
    <ResourceParams name="UserDatabase">
    <!-- A "Service" is a collection of one or more "Connectors" that share
    a single "Container" (and therefore the web applications visible
    within that Container). Normally, that Container is an "Engine",
    but this is not required.
    Note: A "Service" is not itself a "Container", so you may not
    define subcomponents such as "Valves" or "Loggers" at this level.
    <!-- Define the Tomcat Stand-Alone Service -->
    <Service name="Tomcat-Standalone">
    <!-- A "Connector" represents an endpoint by which requests are received
    and responses are returned. Each Connector passes requests on to the
    associated "Container" (normally an Engine) for processing.
    By default, a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector is established on port 8080.
    You can also enable an SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 by
    following the instructions below and uncommenting the second Connector
    entry. SSL support requires the following steps (see the SSL Config
    HOWTO in the Tomcat 4.0 documentation bundle for more detailed
    * Download and install JSSE 1.0.2 or later, and put the JAR files
    into "$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext".
    * Execute:
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA (Windows)
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA (Unix)
    with a password value of "changeit" for both the certificate and
    the keystore itself.
    By default, DNS lookups are enabled when a web application calls
    request.getRemoteHost(). This can have an adverse impact on
    performance, so you can disable it by setting the
    "enableLookups" attribute to "false". When DNS lookups are disabled,
    request.getRemoteHost() will return the String version of the
    IP address of the remote client.
    <!-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
    port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
    enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
    acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
    useURIValidationHack="false" disableUploadTimeout="true" />
    <!-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout value
    to -1 -->
    <!-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
    port="8443" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
    acceptCount="100" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true"
    useURIValidationHack="false" disableUploadTimeout="true">
    <Factory className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory"
    clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS" />
    <!-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
    port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
    enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
    acceptCount="10" debug="0" connectionTimeout="0"
    <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
    port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
    acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>
    <!-- Define a Proxied HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8082 -->
    <!-- See proxy documentation for more information about using this. -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
    port="8082" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
    acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
    proxyPort="80" useURIValidationHack="false"
    disableUploadTimeout="true" />
    <!-- Define a non-SSL legacy HTTP/1.1 Test Connector on port 8083 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector"
    port="8083" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
    enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
    acceptCount="10" debug="0" />
    <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.0 Test Connector on port 8084 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http10.HttpConnector"
    port="8084" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
    enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
    acceptCount="10" debug="0" />
    <!-- An Engine represents the entry point (within Catalina) that processes
    every request. The Engine implementation for Tomcat stand alone
    analyzes the HTTP headers included with the request, and passes them
    on to the appropriate Host (virtual host). -->
    <!-- You should set jvmRoute to support load-balancing via JK/JK2 ie :
    <Engine name="Standalone" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0" jmvRoute="jvm1">
    <!-- Define the top level container in our container hierarchy -->
    <Engine name="Standalone" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0">
    <!-- The request dumper valve dumps useful debugging information about
    the request headers and cookies that were received, and the response
    headers and cookies that were sent, for all requests received by
    this instance of Tomcat. If you care only about requests to a
    particular virtual host, or a particular application, nest this
    element inside the corresponding <Host> or <Context> entry instead.
    For a similar mechanism that is portable to all Servlet 2.3
    containers, check out the "RequestDumperFilter" Filter in the
    example application (the source for this filter may be found in
    Request dumping is disabled by default. Uncomment the following
    element to enable it. -->
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RequestDumperValve"/>
    <!-- Global logger unless overridden at lower levels -->
    <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
    prefix="catalina_log." suffix=".txt"
    <!-- Because this Realm is here, an instance will be shared globally -->
    <!-- This Realm uses the UserDatabase configured in the global JNDI
    resources under the key "UserDatabase". Any edits
    that are performed against this UserDatabase are immediately
    available for use by the Realm. -->
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"
    debug="0" resourceName="UserDatabase"/>
    <!-- Comment out the old realm but leave here for now in case we
    need to go back quickly -->
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />
    <!-- Replace the above Realm with one of the following to get a Realm
    stored in a database and accessed via JDBC -->
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
    connectionName="test" connectionPassword="test"
    userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
    userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" />
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
    connectionName="scott" connectionPassword="tiger"
    userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
    userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" />
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
    userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
    userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" />
    <!-- Define the default virtual host -->
    <Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="webapps"
    unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
    <!-- Normally, users must authenticate themselves to each web app
    individually. Uncomment the following entry if you would like
    a user to be authenticated the first time they encounter a
    resource protected by a security constraint, and then have that
    user identity maintained across all web applications contained
    in this virtual host. -->
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn"
    <!-- Access log processes all requests for this virtual host. By
    default, log files are created in the "logs" directory relative to
    $CATALINA_HOME. If you wish, you can specify a different
    directory with the "directory" attribute. Specify either a relative
    (to $CATALINA_HOME) or absolute path to the desired directory.
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
    directory="logs" prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"
    pattern="common" resolveHosts="false"/>
    <!-- Logger shared by all Contexts related to this virtual host. By
    default (when using FileLogger), log files are created in the "logs"
    directory relative to $CATALINA_HOME. If you wish, you can specify
    a different directory with the "directory" attribute. Specify either a
    relative (to $CATALINA_HOME) or absolute path to the desired
    <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
    directory="logs" prefix="localhost_log." suffix=".txt"
    <!-- Define properties for each web application. This is only needed
    if you want to set non-default properties, or have web application
    document roots in places other than the virtual host's appBase
    directory. -->
         <DefaultContext reloadable="true"/>
    <!-- Tomcat Root Context -->
    <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0"/>
    <!-- Tomcat Examples Context -->
    <Context path="/examples" docBase="examples" debug="0"
    reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
    <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
    prefix="localhost_examples_log." suffix=".txt"
    <Ejb name="ejb/EmplRecord" type="Entity"
    <!-- If you wanted the examples app to be able to edit the
    user database, you would uncomment the following entry.
    Of course, you would want to enable security on the
    application as well, so this is not done by default!
    The database object could be accessed like this:
    Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
    Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
    UserDatabase database =
    (UserDatabase) envCtx.lookup("userDatabase");
    <ResourceLink name="userDatabase" global="UserDatabase"
    <!-- PersistentManager: Uncomment the section below to test Persistent
    saveOnRestart: If true, all active sessions will be saved
    to the Store when Catalina is shutdown, regardless of
    other settings. All Sessions found in the Store will be
    loaded on startup. Sessions past their expiration are
    ignored in both cases.
    maxActiveSessions: If 0 or greater, having too many active
    sessions will result in some being swapped out. minIdleSwap
    limits this. -1 or 0 means unlimited sessions are allowed.
    If it is not possible to swap sessions new sessions will
    be rejected.
    This avoids thrashing when the site is highly active.
    minIdleSwap: Sessions must be idle for at least this long
    (in seconds) before they will be swapped out due to
    0 means sessions will almost always be swapped out after
    use - this will be noticeably slow for your users.
    maxIdleSwap: Sessions will be swapped out if idle for this
    long (in seconds). If minIdleSwap is higher, then it will
    override this. This isn't exact: it is checked periodically.
    -1 means sessions won't be swapped out for this reason,
    although they may be swapped out for maxActiveSessions.
    If set to >= 0, guarantees that all sessions found in the
    Store will be loaded on startup.
    maxIdleBackup: Sessions will be backed up (saved to the Store,
    but left in active memory) if idle for this long (in seconds),
    and all sessions found in the Store will be loaded on startup.
    If set to -1 sessions will not be backed up, 0 means they
    should be backed up shortly after being used.
    To clear sessions from the Store, set maxActiveSessions, maxIdleSwap,
    and minIdleBackup all to -1, saveOnRestart to false, then restart
    <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager"
    <Store className="org.apache.catalina.session.FileStore"/>
    <Environment name="maxExemptions" type="java.lang.Integer"
    <Parameter name="" value="context.param.value"
    <Resource name="jdbc/EmployeeAppDb" auth="SERVLET"
    <ResourceParams name="jdbc/EmployeeAppDb">
    <Resource name="mail/Session" auth="Container"
    <ResourceParams name="mail/Session">
    <ResourceLink name="linkToGlobalResource"

    To use servlets u have indeed to update your web.xml...Well I'm not sure this is relevant to your case anyway.
    You have to add a <servlet> element to this file.
    Something like this:
    Now this may not solve your problem. Make sure you refer to your servlets using their full qualified names.btw, just to be sure, what is your definition of "servlet"? (i mean: any java class or only javax.servlet.Servlet)


    We've upgraded to Release 12.0.5. Whenever we click on functions that open new web pages, the new web page opens in the minimized position.
    This is very troublesome for our user community because they often do not notice the new page blinking and they keep clicking the link many times.

    Try to disable hardware acceleration in Firefox.
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"
    You can also try to set the pref to false or if this didn't help disable Direct2D by setting the gfx.direct2d.disabled pref to true on the about:config page and leave hardware acceleration otherwise enabled.
    *[[/questions/942265]] Font is messed up on Firefox 17.0

  • LDAP is not working on new Web Server

    Hi, I configured LDAP authentication and it was working fine. After this I installed a new web server. I copied the security certificate etc ( copied everything from other web server) onto new webserver. When I try to login into Infoview or CMC then I get error message "Security plugin error: Failed to set parameters on plugin" from the new web server. Its working fine from the old web servers.
    Not sure what else I have to do now as I have done the same thing on old servers in the past.
    We are on BOXI R2 SP3 with web server on IIS 6.0. We have three web servers  and 3 processing servers ( with all services) in cluster env.

    I am sorry I got confused with Pure Enterise authentication. I should have referred to my notes. I apologize for this. Web application server is involved in communicating to LDAP. Below is the process
    1) User logs into the application
    2) Web application server security plugin sends credential to LDAP directory
    3) LDAP directory authenticate users.
    4) Web application server's security plugin sends users credential to LDAP
    5) CMS requests user and group info from LDAP
    6) The LDAP returns this information to CMS Security plugin
    7) CMS will grant access if users is member of mapped group
    8) If access is granted then both CMS and WAS plugin create a session
    9) The WAS sends an enterprise session token to user's browser
    I was referring to login into Infoview using LDAP.

  • HT202225 I keep getting pop ups on my iMac for the first time in 6 years after one of my kids tried to watch football through crichd tv. safari now opens with smart search engine rather than google every time i try to open a new web page.

    Ever since one of my kids tried to watch football on a website called crichd tv I keep getting pop us come up like Mackeeper and every time i try to open a web page it comes up with Smartsearch rather than google which is my preferred search engine in preferences. I have blocked extensions and changed homepage to google but this Smartsearch keeps overriding. Also a thing called MacKeeper keeps popping up I have followed the instructions to uninstall but the file it says to move to trash from the Applications folder but it simply isn't there or anywhere else. The file to uninstall Smartsearch is also not where they say it is in Library>frameworks>
    Very frustrating from going from a perfectly working system to a now very frustrating and annoying pop ups coming uo after every time i open a new web page.
    Any help or assistance in this matter would be very much appreciated.

    You (or your kids) inadvertently installed adware. You do not need to download or install anything to fix it.
    Any tips on how to stop it from happening?
    Yes. To learn how to avoid it in the future read How to install adware.
    If you require them, Apple's removal instructions are linked in the Recovery Procedure near the end of that document. Read and follow them carefully. Pay particular attention to the easily overlooked passages directing you to restart your Mac when required.

  • How to create a portlet for a new web page?

    I create a web page "A" in the remote server and have another page "B" which have a button in it. And when push the button in page "B", I want to use PRC to add a new portlet object linking to page "A" to portal. How should I do this?
    I know it's possible to add a new portlet template using IRemoteSession.GetPortletTemplateManager().CreatePortletTemplate(intparentFolderID, intwebServiceID), but how should I get the webServiceID while it haven't been created for the page "A". Must I create the web service in the portal server by hand? Is there any programmatic method to create a new web service by PRC? Or if there are some other methods to create a portlet for a new page without creating webservice, that would be a prefer.

    Hi Prateek,
    I Did the Things Which is Presented By Michal in This Blog.
    But When I Executed RZ70 With My Gateway Service as "sapgw01" And the Gateway Host As "Server Host Name".
    I Got the Error When I Click on "<b>start Data Collection"</b> After Execution of the Program As Follows
    <b>"Used RFC destination :SLD_NUC"</b>
    <b>"RFC call failed : Error opening an RFC connection"</b>
    <b>"Batch job not scheduled"</b>
    All Other Are Success Like Data Collection ......
    Please let me Know What to Do Now...

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    When I click on a hyperlink it automatically opens it up in a PDF or Adobe Acrobat. How do I change my settings so that when I click on a link it opens it up in a new web page like it is supposed to?

    Install this Add-on:

  • How to make Safari browser always open a new web page in a new Safari browser window which was clicked from a PDF document URL

    I have a web application which would enable users to see a list of PDF document on the web page and when the user select the PDF document, it will be open by a adobe PDF view
    Within the content of the PDF document, it will contact URL links to some other portal web pages which we would like these other web pages to be open in a new browser window, but our testing shows that the new web pages may not always open in a new browser window.
    Could you help to advise how I can enforce that new web pages that are clicked from the PDF document can always be open in a new Safari browser window ?
    Thanks in advance.
    Sen Lee 

    In order to change the default reader for PDF files (to not open PDF files with Firefox's internal PDF reader), follow these steps:
    #Go to ''Tools'' > ''Options'' (or ''Firefox'' > ''Options'').
    #In the Options window, select the ''Applications'' tab.
    #In the ''Search'' field, type ''PDF''. You should find ''Portable Document Format (PDF)''.
    #On the right handside you should find an ''Action'' column. Use that to select your favorite PDF reader. In order to view PDF files in Firefox, choose ''Preview in Firefox''.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

  • I'm looking for an add on that opens a new web page. In prior versions it looked similar to a "+" sign. It is not the "Open a new Window Button" Thank you.

    The add on opens a blank new web page. For example, when on a web page, you can open a new page, with all bookmarks on the sidebar.

    The add on opens a blank new web page. For example, when on a web page, you can open a new page, with all bookmarks on the sidebar.

  • Looking for new web hosting

    I'm currently hosting my site through GoDaddy. Plain and simple, I am looking to switch from them because of the way they choose to advertise their product. I'm looking for a new web hosting company to host my site and need some help finding a good one.
    As for price, I'm looking for something in the same price range as GoDaddy. After a little research, these are the few that I've found:
    InMotion Hosting
    I'm pretty confident in my ability to choose a good one, but I just want to be sure there's nothing I'm missing about web hosting that would make it smart for me to avoid any of the above. Just a few notes about what I'm working with:
    My site was made in DreamWeaver. The entire site is 17 html pages. It just contains mostly text, some spry and some embedded video, so not a lot needed for data usage.
    If there is any other information needed for you to help me, let me know. Thanks!

    If I were you I would go check out reviews on .  Very reliable forum for reviews and sometimes hosts like those post specials over there so you don't start off paying full price.

  • When exporting files to web pages Aperture keeping losing files, so for instance, if I choose to export 600 images to a new web page, it might do 524 images but not the full 600. I've tried resetting Aperture, it's the latest version etc etc. Help please!

    If anyone can help me with this I would be seriously grateful.
    When exporting mutliple files to web pages Aperture keeping losing files, so for instance, if I choose to export 600 images to a new web page, it might make 524 pages but not the full 600. I've tried resetting Aperture and its persmission and am using the latest version of 3.
    I have 3600 images which I need to upload as sublfolders, each with their own URL and at the moment Aperture is dropping of anything from 1 to 90 images.
    This is critical as people need to see each and every on of these images online. So if a file has 600 photos in it, Aperture should make a URL with 600 full image pages. And this is what it's not doing. On small files, say 30 or so it seems to work well, it's when it gets to more than that the problem starts.
    I've used Aperture in the past under previous versions and not had this problem.
    Any help would be great.

    Hi Jack,
    Thanks for responding (as it seems as though no one else has been able to provide any insight as of yet)! Not sure if you saw my recent post, but the version of Aperture on the 2008 MacBook has been upgraded to 3.1.2 (not sure how; I bought it in 2009, but only have OS X 10.5.8... which apparently can't house 3.1.2 of Aperture, but hey, like many other anomalies i'm encountering, I'm no longer surprised!). I am unable to upgrade it any further, as it warns me that my OS X does not fit the requirements. I exported the projects as libraries; however, like I posted before, apparently these are from too old of a version for the new Aperture (3.3.1) to handle and import.
    It's getting to the point where I'd almost pay to upgrade the OS X on my previous MacBook (10.5.8) to something newer in order to THEN update Aperture to a newer version; however, my previous MacBook simply cannot handle this (the specs are awful -- hence my decision to save up and upgrade to the newest MBP with Retina).
    I've spent hours upon hours transferring files, libraries as projects, previews, versions, even masters (though, apparently some of them aren't accessible?) with no luck. I've rebuilt the library and reprocessed everything. And this is all after having to return one MBP already since Aperture 3.3.1 is glitch-y as it is, and froze everything for having a "managed library". So, now that I know that I have to deal with a referenced library in Aperture... I just need to actually transfer my previous library to my new one (hopefully WITH adjustments since these are years worth of photos and work).
    Again, any help is appreciated. I've lost enough sleep, time, and vision health over this at this point.
    Also, I know Migration Assistant is an option, I was told that it wouldn't work properly anyway because of the different operating systems, and the potential for problems.

  • For a new web application project - Struts OR JSF ?

    Hi ,
    We are starting a new web application project and want to decide whetehr to us Struts or JSF ?
    Currently, mots of the other development teams are using Struts .
    We need to know pros and cons of each to decide one way or the other.
    Any help is appreciated .

    Those are the articles and presentation about this topic:
    Sergey :

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