New website

I want to make my own website, I have the knowledge of EJB, Struts, JSP, Hibernate and Spring. Which Technology should I use to make a basic website so that millions of people can access it. Website will also contain the discussion forum.

I want to make my own website, I have the knowledge
of EJB, Struts, JSP, Hibernate and Spring. Which
Technology should I use to make a basic website If it's a basic Website, you won't need any of those technologies, since they'll be overkill.
Website will
also contain the discussion forum.There are a number of free java open-source forum software already available:

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    Move the domain.sites file from one computer to the other.
    The file is located under User/Library/Application Support/iWeb/domain.sites.  Move this file to the same location on the other computer and double click and iWeb will open it.  Remember, it is your User Library that you want and not your System Library, as you will not find iWeb there.
    Just create a new site on the same domain file and it will appear below the other site.  If you want them side by side then duplicate your domain file and have one site per a domain file and they can then be side by side.

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    I can tell you what's up with that. If this is the website you are trying to access, it works fine for me.
    Check this Settings>Safari>Accept Cookies>From visited. Make sure that it checked.
    If it is and you still can't access the site - clear Safari.
    Go to Settings>Safari>Clear History, Cookies and Cache. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.

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    You can click on the link or bookmark using Ctrl+click or Ctrl+Shift+click.
    One of them will open in the foreground in a new tab the other in the background into a new tab. Depends on your options settings.
    Some items you might want to set in '''about:config''', see Firefox configuration variables relating to clicking on a link or on a bookmark. (#newtab)<br>
    You might want to try these settings in your about:config as described in the above link.
    :'''''' user set '''true'''
    :browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInBackground default false (***)
    :browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground default false
    :browser.tabs.loadFolderAndReplace user set false
    :browser.tabs.loadInBackground user set false (***)
    (***) you want these two to have the same setting so opening from a link will be the same as opening from a bookmark or opening from history.
    Google Search results > upper right corner gear/settings:
    Results Window: [x] Open search results in a new browser window.
    <br><small>Please mark "Solved" one answer that will best help others with a similar problem -- hope this was it.</small>

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    By MMe I'm referring to a MobileMe account thru Apple. As I recall that's normal for iWeb 2 when you have multiple sites in one domain file. If you're running the latest iWeb 2, 2.0.4, you can split the sites into two domain files. That way you can open, edit and publish only the site you want.
    I use iWebSites to manage over 75 individual sites. It lets me create multiple sites and multiple domain files.
    If you have multiple sites in one domain file here's the workflow I used to split them into individual site files with iWebSites. Be sure to make a backup copy of your original Domain.sites files before starting the splitting process and move it to another location on your HD until you're satisfied the separation process is completed and what you want.
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    Is the backup you have iWeb's +*Domain file*+ or the folders of published HTML & media files? ...Because only iWeb's Domain file can be opened in iWeb. See this Apple doc on How to back up MobileMe data. It says:
    Any websites you have published with iWeb should still be available within iWeb. iWeb stores everything in a Domain file, normally located in the ~/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder (although it can be moved). If you no longer have this file, you can view your currently published pages and manually recreate them within iWeb, but there is no way to import published pages back into iWeb. You can manually back up the Domain file, or use Backup to back it up.
    IWeb's Domain file name ends with an invisible ".sites2" — so you can search for that in Spotlight and if a Domain file comes up in the list of hits, you can open it in iWeb by double-clicking that Domain file.
    But as Spotlight does not look in all areas of the hard drive, download and run Find File to search for ".sites2".
    If you can't find the Domain file, paragraph 2.3 of this FAQ page gives some tips on how to use published files, graphics, photos, etc., to help rebuild the site from scratch:

  • When entering a new website it overrides the previous site, how can i get it to open a new tab instead


    The setting in Tools > Options > Tabs: "New pages should be opened in": "a new tab/window" is for links that specify a target window to open the link.
    That option allows to divert such links to a new tab instead of a new window.
    For links that do not specify a target use a middle-click or hold down Ctrl and left-click the link or use the right-click context menu to open the link in a new tab or window.<br />
    Left-click a JavaScript link to avoid getting a blank tab.

  • Open website and open new website not working in VS 2008

    Sir i was using VS 2008 and made lot of work on it. but one day i tried to open my existing web . it didn't open . i repaied the VS 2008 with DVD and still it is not able to open existing web , new web
    I am a System Administrator at Vadodara

    This thread addresses the same issue:
    Try the suggestions in the answer.

  • Urgent help!!! My new website shows blank in Explorer

    Hi Anyone
    My new website,,
    doesn't show up if you view it in Internet Explorer. It look all
    fine in Safari and Fireworks but it doesn't show anything with
    Can anyone help???? Please, it's very urgent as I've been
    telling people to visit it to see my new work and they can see
    Thank you all.

    > Any suggestions?
    Yeah - dump IE/Mac. It's a dead duck and should stay dead.
    Use Firefox or
    > To thank you accordingly, if you ever go to BoraBora
    I've already emailed
    > instructions to my good friends the natives to treat you
    as their new God
    > and
    > present you with any virgins on your arrival and for the
    duration of your
    > stay,.....
    > Tama'a vahine! Manuia!
    Excellent. I have plans to go there soon. After my last visit
    to the Cook
    Islands, Bora Bora looks like a piece-o-cake, and with
    virgins in the offing
    on my arrival, well, gosh, thanks!
    Just give us a link to the page that you changed - surely you
    did something
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Zorrrro" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g79tas$qsi$[email protected]..
    > It seems I'm definitely keeping you amused...;-) ;-)
    > WOOTAH! We have found the last surviving user of IE5.2
    on earth!
    > I'm using a Mac Intel Core duo and can't find any other
    version of
    > Internet
    > Explorer newer than the one I have. Any suggestions?
    > At the moment I'm trying to download Darwine to open
    ieox from
    > Needless to say, I'm very grateful for all your
    excellent advice.
    > To thank you accordingly, if you ever go to BoraBora
    I've already emailed
    > instructions to my good friends the natives to treat you
    as their new God
    > and
    > present you with any virgins on your arrival and for the
    duration of your
    > stay,.....
    > Tama'a vahine! Manuia!

  • I made several websites in iweb. since upgrading to  10.8.. NONE of them work. they all show up with 'start a new website' upon launching iweb! HELP!!! x

    i made several websites in iweb. since upgrading to 10.8. NONE of them work. they all show up with 'start a new website' upon launching iweb! HELP!!! i have copied all domain files along with the folders to new macbook pro... nada!! i'm kinds freaking out... any advise would be greatly appreciated! thank you ...x

    See this page for using iWeb with Mountain Lion...

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