Newb T61 ssd music glitch stutter!?

Hi all, new here but been reading the posts on this forum for 6 months or so, I recently replaced hdd with ssd, amazing difference and machine boots in 15 seconds, however when playing music from YouTube or direct from the ssd in BALANCED power mode there is an occasional glitch, say once or twice a minute, just a quick glitch in the music which is rather annoying, glitch lasts around half a second at most but enough to be noticeable and annoying!! Same in HIGH PERFORMANCE setting via power manager but not in POWER SAVER mode?? Why is this? Any ideas?? In power saving mode the problem does not exist. Very strange. Could it be to do with when CPU stepping is taking place in the other 2 mode's as in power saver the CPU sits at 798mhz, look forward to some ideas, thanks.
Cheers Paul :-)
T61,T9300,4gb,SSD,DVDRW,3G,Sata2,14.1-(4:3),IntelX3100,x2usb3 express,Win8.1
Go to Solution.

I don't use SSD, but I really wanted one for my T61. I researched quite a lot and concluded that T61 is just fine with HDD (and not SSD ) though some believe that SSD would go well with T61.
Lenovo's T61 Bios is not designed to use high speed SATAII devices. If you believe you can mod your bios with this NON LENOVO BIOS - you can achieve SATAII speeds. 
Beware that some brands of SSD do not go well with T61!
you can go through this link , would be helpful-
best of luck 
do let me know your results

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    F Shippey
    Message was edited by: SDMacuser

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    Hi Dave,
    I do appreciate the urgency of your situation. Having said that, I would ask you to be patient till your query is resolved. I have forwarded your query to the concerned people at Adobe, and someone should get in touch with you very soon. Meanwhile, I would much appreciate it if you could refrain from commenting on experts who spend precious time trying to help other users. Many users have benefited from their expertise, and Adobe holds them in high esteem.

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    As I am the only one here old enough to remember Max Headroom, I'd say that in addition to what Jeff recommended, you might want to cut our a frame here and there in you Video, and also do similar in the Audio, but also cut in a few words/syllables being repreated. It will be more hand-work in the Audio, but coming form DAW, you'll not have an issue. I'd also go for a bit of jerkiness (maybe Razor the Clips a bit first and apply Time Remapping at different rates). For the ultimate, add in a few still frames, with slightly different sizes (Export Still, then re-size these) and add some "static," or a horizontal scan line. Since you are basically doing animation, it will not be quick, and some Effects and treatments might not make it into your final, but you can create this, just as you envision it.
    Good luck,
    PS Jeff's father told him about Max Headroom. He just made a lucky guess...
    PPS you might want to take a very few frames and actually reverse the motion - keep this very short.
    Message was edited by: the_wine_snob added PPS

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     Boot on safe mode and report back

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    I have experienced similar issues with skipping and silent playback on my 3GS. It is not specific to iOS4 and, in my case, has nothing to do with iTunes version or Windows.
    What I have noticed is that if the device is busy checking mail or doing something in the background, I will get periods of silence as the audio continues to run. I always listen to music over my bluetooth headset, so it may not affect those with wired headsets.
    As for a firewall or anti-virus program causing issues with skipping, that's just silly. There is no way the firewall or anti-virus program on your computer could cause skipping on you iPhone.
    Curious, does this skipping issue occur EVERY time you play the affected song? Or is it random through your playlist?
    My thought are:
    If it occurs every time with a specific song/mp3/podcast, it's an issue with that piece of media.
    If it randomly occurs through your audio library, it would indicate the device is over taxing itself at that specific time.

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    Hi, noticed your thread, I have same issue !! see my post, cheers, Paul
    Cheers Paul :-)
    T61,T9300,4gb,SSD,DVDRW,3G,Sata2,14.1-(4:3),IntelX3100,x2usb3 express,Win8.1

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    Hi, noticed your thread, I have same issue !! see my post, cheers, Paul
    Cheers Paul :-)
    T61,T9300,4gb,SSD,DVDRW,3G,Sata2,14.1-(4:3),IntelX3100,x2usb3 express,Win8.1

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